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A Confrontation

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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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A Confrontation

((Those that are interested, may now confront Contessa about her actions in her attempt to recover Rotten's Orb! Here we go! :) ))

Night quickly approached that evening, as within a undisclosed warehouse settled within the grime ridden district of Ironport, screams like cutting steel pierced the air, as the Duchess of Darkness kicked aside the newly made corpse of yet another Black Rose scoundrel, striding towards her prey calmly, like malicious velvet, bullets sent flying her way simply being redirected by pools of shadow into their firers, as Contessa Nocturne and the dully terrified subject less former leader of the small cadre of slain mafiasos quivered, as she spoke with the warmth of a glacier...

"Ahh, Dimitri...did you honestly think I wouldn't notice my artifact switched with a decoy..?" She cooed, before the man in an instant, running black fingernails over whimpering cheeks...

"No..?" She answers for him, before speaking once more, offering the terrified man a cruel smile...

"Now, do please hand over the Dagger of Artemis, I would hate to have to end your existence like those of your foolish friends..." The man reaches for the stowed dagger in his coat, raising it to both their lines of vision, before locking eyes with the Contessa, handing it to the woman without a word, as she muses...

"Thank You" She whispers like a black serpent, as she caresses the man's cheek, before suddenly clenching her free hand around the man's throat with unexpected speed, lifting him off the ground with hidden strength, as the vagabond gasps once, shadow clogging his very veins, stopping his heart, as she drops his now dead body unceremoniously, sneering...

"Your disservice was NOT appreciated..." With that, she turns around to inspect her work; a grand total of 16 mafiosos dead, either bisected, scalded, drained, or sent screaming into a shadowplane, her personal favorite as she mutters, quietly to herself...

"Gettysburg was much more eventful..." With that, she tosses the dagger to a nearby shadow, which soundlessly quivers into nothing, her servant teleporting it to her base of operations, as she begins to ready herself to depart the decrepit building...


Gideon Cross
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A lone figure watched on from

A lone figure watched on from the shadows while using his ghostly abilities to stay invisible. The part of him that was once Sin wanted another crack at her now that he and his counterpart were fused back together and at full power. He continued to watch as the events unfolded. His abilities made him invisible even to creatures of supernatural origin that could normally sense ghosts. It was what made him the perfect hunter. He was created to hunt those creatures that stalked the night. Lucifer himself feared the Ghostwalker. He continued to watch on as the convo continued. The moment that the mobster was about to hand the dagger to her. Shepherd created a spectral hand made of blue spiritual light energy that reached out for the blade.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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The dagger would be already

The dagger would be already gone before Shepard's grasping attempt reached it, but the damage had been done. Swiveling towards the direction of the failed interception with uncanny speed, the Contessa would chillingly muse to the intruder...

"Is that the aura of a lost Shepard I sense?" Shadows around the Ghostwalker would suddenly pulse and hum, before becoming a restricting mass of solid chains of darkness, restraining and crushing the man if he did not move fast enough!


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd smirked when he saw

Shepherd smirked when he saw the chains as sudden flash of lightning appeared as he teleported behind her.

"Figured you would probably be able to sense me. Not alot of creatures could unless they were of a very high rank and their magic was powerful enough."

Shepherd had left Ron a message to let him know he was going after the Contessa in case he was interested after the lives she took that night when Sin was helping him retrieve the orb.

"You have to pay for your crimes and I am gonna take you in. Normally I would just slay you, but that isn't how things are done in this world so taking you to the proper authorities will have to do."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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As soon as he teleports

As soon as he teleports behind her, he would see her form dissipate into black, sulfurous, choking smoke that instantly moves to wrap itself around him like a murderous curtain, as bone chilling, echoing laughter reverberates all around Shepard, her voice projecting across the entire warehouse...

"Poor delusional Ghostwalker, it's cute how hard you try! Do you know how many men have said those EXACT same words to me with nothing but 'heroic conviction' in their hearts?!" She waits for that to settle in before adding..."And the slaughter at the Pier was simply a preview my dear Shepard..."

Mocks cruelly, as the obfuscating smoke finally dissipates, revealing the Contessa standing several feet before him with a pair of Hellhounds the size of small sedans at her side, who bark at him once, the building's windows rattling due to the sheer volume of the sound, before they charge him, massive claws extended as they race towards their prey, death in their eyes....


Gideon Cross
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Just as the Hellhounds attack

Just as the Hellhounds attack a silvery white streak could be seen as what looked like a bipedal wolf dressed like shepherd with matching silvery white fur and glowing blue eyes appeared with a katana drawn

"I know full well what you are capable of. I have dealt with others like you in the past myself. During my time away, I decided to bring my furry friend with me. Figured your dogs would wanna meet mine if you decided to bring them with you."

Shepherd's dog Samson growled at the hellhounds as he held on to his sword. ready to strike.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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Not fazed in the slightest,

Not fazed in the slightest, the two massive Hellhounds would charge, one racing towards Sampson, the other towards leaping after Shepard, as the Contessa speaks again...

"I figured as much, but a bipedal canine is an unexpected will be fun to puppeteer it's corpse later..." As she speaks, five shadow cloaked figures would appear on either side of her, their hoods obscuring everything but chilling, permanently etched grins, slowly striding towards Shepard and Sampson each, swinging bloodied scythes with inhuman grace and finesse as they approach their targets, Contessa musing...

"Meet MY backup Ghostwalker, and by extension, your Darkborne"


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd had left the base

Shepherd had left the base with Samson without saying anything to Isis and the others since they were to stay there and wait for his best friend and love of his life Luna to come from his reality but he wasn't without a plan which is why he sent Ron a message and told him to bring Jeremy Along if he so chose to. Shepherd and his buddy Samson stood back to back as the Ghostwalker smiled at Contessa. Shepherd telepathically gave Samson the signal he needed as the bipedal dog let out an earth shattering howl that shattered all the windows and shook the building by the force of his sonic attack. Both Shepherd and his partner went for the attack with their sword in hand surrounded by lightning

"Did you actually think I would come here unprepared? You are sorely mistaken."

The 2 charged the creatures that surrounded them

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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The forces before them would

The forces before them would not waste time, as their respective hellhounds attempt to pounce on both Shepard and Samson each, razor fangs aimed for their necks as the scythemen suddenly rushes forward, their bloody sickles aimed at any exposed flesh or a hole in their defense, as the Contessa simply watches with a cruel, taunting smile...


RottenLuck's picture
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And that when the shadows

And that when the shadows shifted pooling together in the air forming one of the shadow portals through the neatherworld and sure enough Rotten comes charging out. "A surprised party? And here I didn't think you cared. Lets open up my presents from Hel shall we." The portal closed if someone came through behind him it was their choice. As he charged his fists bursts into the dark neatherworld energy and he slammed into the Hellhound with a right hook. Around him the darkness seemed to grow flowing from his body like a cloak.

There was something else something even Rotten failed to notice. The air got colder as a figure dressed in a black suit walked through the door.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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The hellhound Rotten slugged

The hellhound Rotten slugged was sent sprawling into a nearby wall with a yelp, but rose quickly, shaking it's head as both hounds suddenly fade away, shimmering into invisibility with dual snarls that can only be registered as feral grins, as the pounding of their paws towards cloaking shadows, her human scythebearers doing the same, the smiling Contessa the only visible opponent, who slowclaps towards the pair of heroes, mocking...

"Ah, Mr. Bolten, it's a pleasure to see you again, how is Hel, dear...?" Baits with a grin, the growling of unseen, now a seemingly pack of hellhounds and the grating of bloody scythes against the concrete floor the only sounds in the building...


RottenLuck's picture
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"She's doing fine. Heck she

"She's doing fine. Heck she sends her regards and an invitation she has a nice room for ya." With that he growled matching the unseen beasts. "Ya afraid that we beat your pets? Hiding them like this a cowards move and somewhat ineffective."

He let out a yell and drew on the neatherworld powers reaching out the dark essence grab hold of any thing around him he didn't recognize as a friend and drew on and adding to his power. Sometimes the move was called soul drain. "Lunch time! Come get me ya rejects from a B horror move!"

"Tis tis Mr. Bolton you were always a bit of a mannered brute." came the voice of Jutan Frost from the corner he went to. "My Dear Contessa, don't let me intrude I'm just here to watch the show. That is if you don't mind a little company." The look on Rotten's face hearing that voice was something odd for anyone that knew the man, it was fear.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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The shrill screams of of four

The shrill screams of of four Darkbone scythe wielders pierced the air at Rotten's soul drain, their now visible forms thumping to the ground lifelessly, as the Contessa simply chuckles at Rotten, smiling as she turns to Frost, before steeling her gaze onto the heroes before her, and whipping off her open trench coat, revealing a impossibly beautiful body within a black leather slitted corset, bone fragments embedded in the seams, a belt of identical ivory, coursing with dark violet, forbidden runes, black leather pants with similar ornamentation, and bone laced thigh high boots, as she muses...

"I suppose a direct confrontation is in order than, gentlemen?" Her eyes suddenly pulse with sickly, pulsing shadow, as the ares around them darkens and wanes, her oppressive and corrosive presence driving pure terror into their beings, as she smiles, outstretching her palms, black hellfire pulling around them in the form of a large infernal pentagram, herself and Jutan in the far right and left points, Rotten and Shepard in the center, as she shouts with a chilling echo...

"Please, by all means, humor me now Ghostwalker!! Cadaver!!" Her minions are then revealed, poised in a neat circle just outside the hellish shape, not daring to touch the edge, as they grin insidiously towards the heroes, simply waiting...


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It was at that moment that a

It was at that moment that a dark form dropped from the rafters, gleaming broadsword drawn. The armored form landed atop one of the hellhounds shoulders and the rune-enscribed blade was driven neatly between two of the vertebrae in its neck, severing its spinal cord with one precision strike. As the hound whimpered once and collapsed to the ground bonelessly, the attacker's other hand drew a SIG Sauer P226 etched in holy runes from a quick-draw holster on her gunbelt. She emptied the 15-round magazine into the brain pan of the other hellhound, the .357 SIG bullets turning its head into unrecognizable mush.

The armored female yanked the sword from the neck of the hellhound and gracefully flipped off its back to land in front of its recliner-sized head. She slid the sword into its back scabbard and smoothly reloaded her pistol, before sliding it back into its holster. The skull-like mask looked over at the Contessa, then she depressed a button on her left gauntlet. With a quick beep, an M181 Claymore mine attached to the rafters above the Contessa's head detonated, filling a sixty-degree arc beneath it with 700 steel ball bearings traveling at nearly 4000 feet per second. "How's that for direct?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd smiled at the new

Shepherd smiled at the new arrivals as he and Samson went and slashed 2 of the men weilding the scythes and created tendrils made of the glowing blue spiritual light energy that wrapped around the others.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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The Contessa simply erected a

The Contessa simply erected a shadowy vortex over her head, catching the ball bearings without fail, before opening the portal just before the heroes, launching their own projectiles back at them as the black pentagram the are standing within begins to flare and project roaring waves of obsidian flames race towards her enemies, all while four scthewieders rush towards them, their unholy nature accented by their constant, toothful grins, the only thing visible under their hoods as they advance...

The Contessa's voice would echo around them all the while, chillingly, like a Serpent's...

"I hope you don't mind the accommodations to your request!"


RottenLuck's picture
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Still charged up by the soul

Still charged up by the soul drain he charges the nearest scythes and delivers a set of punches with rapid speed sending it to the ground. Just then he spotted the portal trick Contessa used and smirked as he opened his own portal beneath his, Shepherd, and the armored woman's feet and delivered them behind Contessa. "Two can play the portal trick witch."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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Suddenly, the Contessa's form

Suddenly, the Contessa's form would dissipate one more into asphyxiating, sulfurous black smoke, before reappearing at the center of the obsidian pentagram, fires highlighting the sinister grins of her minions, as she snaps her fingers, a echoing sound rippling across the warehouse, as two wickedly edged longswords reach her grasp, runes along the blades radiating unholy power, glowing with a sickly purple hue as she twirls them with inhuman grace, as she speaks again calmly...

"Ever here of the blades Clarent and Galatine from the 'fables' of King Arthur?" Smiles a bit, twirling her swords all the while, a horrendous wailing of tormented souls emitted as she does so, before chuckling at Rotten, allowing her true power to surface for a brief, terrifying moment as a choking emotional darkness washes over all gathered, her very presence weighing down hopes and confidence as she speaks coldly...

"I am not just another witch, Mr. Bolten" They would suddenly sense that she is MUCH older and more skilled then her appearance displays...


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd and Samson began to

Shepherd and Samson began to fight that feeling as an internal struggle began. they began to think back to the life they had when Shepherd was a mortal and Samson wa a regular dog. The happy times living with Luna when she was also human..

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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Okay time for those rare

Okay time for those rare moments when Ron has to use his brains. Power wise the Contessa was indeed stronger, but she was also arrogant. "If you were half as powerful as your ego thinks you are. You wouldn't be fighting in a warehouse and trying to make us think your all that. Your right your not a witch what's the word... Oh Diva maybe witch with a B more to the point."

Anger the first weapon you give to your opponent now Ron just hopes that he could use it. He slams down his fist channeling the neatherworld energy and sending a blast along the ground opening a portal to the neatherworld and summoning dark tendrils to grip at the Contessa.

Frost smiled under the mask "So that's where you hid it this time." Now he knew where the power of the orb was he turned "When your done playing with them Contessa look me up I have a business offer for you." Then he mildly strolled out of the building.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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After a few minutes Shepherd

After a few minutes Shepherd and Samson went attacking their opponents full force. As Shepherd's eye began to glow intensely and blue heavenly flames begain to surround his hands. The Ghostwalker slammed one of the men with sythes in the chest with an open palm causing the creature to scream out in pain. Shepherd's sword soon was engulfed in the flames as well.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Ignoring her subject's cries

Ignoring her subject's cries of pain as they begin to engage both Shepard and Samson as she simply chuckles to Rotten, before offering Jutan a confirming nod, then addressing both Ron and Nightstrike.

"Goud me? How cute...and if you both were any wiser, you'd realize my words have already served their purpose..." Suddenly, the thundering of what sounds like at least a dozen hellhounds is heard from a previously hidden portal of shadow, as that exact number begins to exit from the gateway, 6 circling Rotten and Nightstrike each, fangs barred, bloodred eyes full of malice as the Contessa speaks again...

"It's not simple power, simply well placed misdirection...ATTACK!" With that her hellhounds and scythemen attack with inhuman vigor, the Contessa herself slowly striding forward into the fray, swords twirling dangerously as she advances...


RottenLuck's picture
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"Okay guess I better call

"Okay guess I better call backup. ANNE I need a little help here!" He gets tackled by a Hellhound then sends a good few punches to it's rib cage. "What is okay so you really needed help." Anne said when she appeared.

The banshee let loose a sonic blast at 4 of the attackers. "If any of you have multiple target attacks now a good time to use them."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd agreed as he

Shepherd agreed as he telepathically told Samson to hit them with his sonic howl. Shepherd's companion then began howling again knocking away the attackers as Shepherd smiled at Contessa and launched a dozen crossblades made of unstable spiritual energy that would explode as they hit their targets.

"Contessa you should never underestimate an opponent, but you are not a warrior so I wouldn't expect you to know that. All this time I was just biding my time until the others came since there were a few that wanted a piece of you."

The Ghostwalker smirked

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Four scythemen would be sent

Four scythemen would be sent sprawling away into a nearby wall with sickening cracks, their bodies contorted into harrowing angles, as they appear defeated, the Contessa simply chuckling once more as she suddenly sheathes her blades in a pocket of shadow, her minions backing up suddenly, ceasing their attacks as they leap back into waiting hidden portals, as the Duchess of Darkness speaks...

"Well played Mr. Bolten..." Smirks, eyeing Anne with nothing but utter contempt as she snaps her fingers once more, this time a green column of fire manifesting before them, a woman cloaked in revealing robes of bone laced brown leather, with a pale complexion, a loose braid of silvery blonde ringlets trailing behind her back, as a verdant amulet matching similarly blazing, verdant eyes is seen, as the Contessa speaks cooly, suddenly gone from their view, her voice heard around them all the while...

"Meet my finest acolyte, Strife" The said woman's palms would be encircled by rings of corrosive, green hellfire, arcing over her arms as waves of flame begin to race toward them, offering her opponents no reprieve! If touched by the fire, one would feel like their very essence and soul is burning away, unimaginable pain..


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd had suddenly

Shepherd had suddenly teleported in front of the blast as he summoned his shield of faith and a forcefield surrounded his allies but got hit with the blast himself trying to protect the others as Samson went charging after the acolyte and managed to slash her across the chest. While Shepherd sat there regenerating in intense pain.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Strife would cry out as the

Strife would cry out as the blade cuts her, not in pain, but in blinding anger, as she uses the opportunity to breath a column of scalding verdant hellfire into the direction of her opponents without any margin of mercy...


Gideon Cross
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Eventhough shepherd was in

Eventhough shepherd was in pain as his regenerative abilities tried to keep up with the damage the hellfire was doing he knew he had to do something fast as he started muttering in aramaic as runes began to appear around the acolyte and portals began to appear around her with chains. he rarely ever used the chains of damnation but he needed to send this creature back to hell before anymore damage could be done as they began to wrap themselves around her. He had hoped it would send her back and keep her there.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Strife would writhe in pain

Strife would writhe in pain as the chains begin to coil around her, but manages to shout with a weighted tone, somehow resisting the portal's pull as, laughing as she speaks....

"Fool! I am no demon, the courts of Hell have no sway over me, but their fires bend to my will!" Suddenly, a chilling roar of flame would begin to echo from the gateways Shepard erected, climbing towards the opening faster and faster as she continues to cackle...if he doesn't close those portals, they will meet a fate worse then death...


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd smirked as he was

Shepherd smirked as he was fully healed.

"Just as the flames of hell bend to your will the heavenly flames of the ether bend to mine."

That was when he sent a fireball made of blue heavenly flame towards her direction as the portals began to close. She was still an infernal creature and just like the rest of her kind she was suseptable to the heavenly flames or anything of heavenly nature like the swords he and Samson weilded. She had two choices. let the chains drag her back in or be consumed in heavenly fire.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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She was human, a infernal

She was human, a infernal witch, but regardless neither impending option was pleasant, so she made her own. Just as his heavenly fire reaches her, she allows her form to dissipate into verdant embers, disappearing, her chaotic work done, as the entire warehouse would begin to be consumed by her flames, the Contessa's dark runes blocking the building's exits as the Contessa appears just above them on a catwalk just beneath the rafters, shouting...

"What was it you said about burning, Shepard?!"


RottenLuck's picture
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He looked up cracking his

He looked up cracking his knuckles. "Fire fire burning bright. Making music in the night hmm? You forget there more then one Hell and the one I serve have given me a few abilities as well." With that he sent a torrnet of negative energy at a wall aiming to both blow out the infernal flames in the way and blow out the wall. "Oh one more thing... ever read a ghost rider comic? Remember his stare..." He then gazes at Contessa a blast of netherworld magic going up to paralyze her.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Staring into Ron's eyes she

Staring into Ron's eyes she would quiver and fall to the floor of the catwalk in agony, the pain she caused her past victims hitting her like a freight train, two centuries of terrible choices, taking countless lives, and cruel deception hitting her as she somehow manages to teleport roughly onto the ground before them, attempting to crawl away from Ron, simply then curling into a shivering ball as she cries out in pain, pleading...

"H-help me...I-I a-am forced t-o serve a d-duke of H-hell, Murmur! H-e demands my service, I w-want freedom!" She implores, genuine tears falling from her pained eyes!


RottenLuck's picture
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"There is always a catch isn

"There is always a catch isn't there. Never realized the price you pay when you trade ya soul." He looks to Anne "Think she can trade one Hell of another?" "Ron! You know the rules." He laughed "Rules darling naw I never learned the rules."

He looked to Shepherd "What ya think Spook I can't free her not really. But I am a channel to another realm of the dead and I bet a Norse Goddess trumps a duke of the infernal. Even Odin couldn't bully Hel."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Suddenly, the Contessa begins

Suddenly, the Contessa begins to laugh amidst her sobs, a cold, mocking, and cruel chuckle that echoes across the entire warehouse, as hidden black, incredibly powerful restraining pentagrams form under each of their feet, as she stands completely unhurt, wiping crocodile tears from insidious eyes. It was a ruse!

"Please Ron, remorse?! Penance for my crimes?! I serve NO ONE, I owe my power to no authority!" She lets that sink in.."You just don't get it do you?! This ENTIRE debacle has been a trap from the beginning, and you bring your friends? Makes this all the more sweeter..." As she speaks, more sections of the building begin to cave in due to the forces of fire and the various abilities of both the Contessa and her enemies, dangerous fires raging all around them, inching closer as they remain trapped...

"And now I must be off, lives to ruin, misery to spread! Enjoy the tidings of the Shadowplane!" At that, she disappears with a chuckle into black smoke, already gone, as a sweeping darkness begins to inch toward them like a corrosive curtain, absorbing everything organic it contacts, as the spells that bind them begin to waver, rubble crashing around them!

They would feel a sense that if they are drowned within that wave, they will NOT return...


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at Ron and

Shepherd looked at Ron and shrugged.

"Only one way to go and that's down"

With said he threw some crossblades on he floor the exploded causing them to fall into the underground tunnels.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Anne rolled her eyes "Told

Anne rolled her eyes "Told you... but no mister I'm a Channel knows what he's doing." She assisted Shepherd by sonic blasting the floor and then clearing the rubble. Rotten jumps down "What can I say I may be ugly, but I'm still a hero if I didn't have remorse I wouldn't be who I was."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
A flaming body would fall

A flaming body would fall through the hole behind them, hitting the ground hard and rolling across it until the flames were out. As she stood up and chucked her mask, Nightstrike's face was revealed, or at least the burned, bloody ruin of her face. But as the group watched, her eyes reformed, her muscle and skin regenerated, and her hair grew back out.

Nightstrike began coughing hard and bent over, vomiting ashy sludge and mucus. Once finished, she stood back up and slugged some water from a canteen, gargling and spitting it back out while looking up at the flaming hole. "Bitch, please. Fire, even magical fire, is a trifling annoyance. I lived through the Black Death... twice."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd looked at

Shepherd looked at Nightstrike.

"It was good of you to come. Of course last time we met I was split into to seperate beings and you dealt with the part of me known as Sin Reaper.."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
He looked up through the hole

He looked up through the hole in the floor. "Hmm a lot of trouble to set up that trap. What was the gain?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd looked back at Ron

Shepherd looked back at Ron

"I dunno but she knew I would come and bring you guys as back up. May have something to do with the orb."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Or more direct me. They

"Or more direct me. They wouldn't need me alive to harness the power that now within me. I know Frost would need me or at least my skull so he can perform the rituals to destroy them all." He shakes his head "Fraid we need to step up our game and be more careful of traps like these."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
"Next time, I'll use five to

"Next time, I'll use five to ten mines, a mix of claymores and incendiaries set at different angles, and exploding in intervals. I think that may be the trick to hurting her. Overwhelming her ability to generate defense portals." Nightstrike said grimly. She picked up her helmet, washed out the interior with some more water from the canteen, then fitted it back over her head.

"Where to next?" she asked.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd looked at

Shepherd looked at Nightstrike.

"My base. We should be able to reach it through these tunnels. It's secret enough that only close friends know where it is and since it's a church with an undrground bunker beneath it, It is holy ground."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"What scares me most was

"What scares me most was Frost was there. He wasn't taking part in it and from what I guess from his comments... he's recruiting." He looked up and down the tunnel "well it's your secret bunker spook so lead the way."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd started walking down

Shepherd started walking down the tunnels. His base was near by since this was the part of town with the abandoned buildings which made having his base here perfect. Part of town left abandoned after hurricane Atlas.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"I know I'm technically

"I know I'm technically supernatural and all. But I hate fighting magic types give me a good old thug and robbery any-day to this hocus pocus."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP