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Villian/Hero only Zones? Or Open World Zones?

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 18:42
Villian/Hero only Zones? Or Open World Zones?

I was wondering if anyone knew the direction the devs were going on this, would there be seperate zones for villians than heroes, like in CoH, or might there just be open world zones where Heroes and Villians alike would play.

I think a lot of fun mechanics could be possible in an open world scenario, plus likely easier to produce. And hey, even more realistic, bad guys and good guys can be found in the same city in RL, not like all the bad guys live in Boston and the good guys live in Buffalo.

just wondering

Pengy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 11/09/2013 - 10:40
Go Sox.

Go Sox.

I think they said a single city for all characters.

Skaargoroth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Joined: 12/22/2013 - 12:48
That's an interesting

That's an interesting question. Although, IF we give Superheroes and Villains their own phasing zones (not exactly saying they should, just had a thought) - what happens to those who play Anti-Heroes and Anti-Villains? Will they have their own grey zone, or each separately? Either way, I'm sure the team will figure something out and we will be happy with the results.

Twitter: [url=]@Franzseska[/url] // Tumblr: [url=]Haus of Zapatera[/url]

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2013 - 14:53
If they do that, then I

If they do that, then I really hope they put a similar mechanic in the game as what was in Ulimate Spiderman. Whenever the player chose to use Venom - the villian - in the game, Venom would rampage around the city causing havoc until the cops caught up with him. The more cops he hurt, the more that would show up. Things would keep escalating until SHIELD would show up and lay the smack down on the lethal web slinger.

I like this idea for one reason: Villians always have the edge of not having to worry about the harm they cause others - reference this from every form of superhero media ever made ever - as such, if villain and hero players will be meeting on the streets they will both need a respective edge. Heroes will have the law on their side, villians will have ruthlessness. But what if you don't want to be a mass murdering world beater on the run from the cops? Be a rogue, the cops won't mess with you unless you mess with them. What if you don't want to have the world on your shoulders? Say "Cool story, Uncle Ben", and be a vigilante: come and go as you please.

I don't get mad, I restructure the laws of quantum physics and resolve the situation with temporal engineering.

GH's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/13/2013 - 08:49
If the alignment system works

If the alignment system works, being a villain will be a lifestyle choice and everything will be an instance.
Ditto being a hero.

If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.

Zombie Man
Zombie Man's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/26/2013 - 19:23
Defining hero-only or villain

Defining hero-only or villain-only zones has not been set yet. The leaning of the Devs at this point (which can change!) is to have all zones open to all 'alignments'. Zones that are more lawful/heroic would have NPCs openly hostile to 'villains'. Zones that are more chaotic/villainous would have NPCs openly hostile to 'heroes.' We're also looking into a 'reputation' system (i.e., your rep with regard to particular factions) such that if you have a good enough rep with a faction, they won't attack you on sight... unless you attack them (sort of like the 'yellow conning' factions of Praetoria). Also, your ability to wander freely in a zone could possibly (remember, nothing set in stone yet) rely on a civilian or secret identity and be compromised when you attacked an NPC in the open... or a player flagged for PvP (which might send you into an instanced PvP phase/zone).

Note that is is for open zones. There is likely to be instanced missions that are flagged for only those of a certain alignment.

Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator


Skaargoroth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Joined: 12/22/2013 - 12:48
Zombie Man wrote:
Zombie Man wrote:

Defining hero-only or villain-only zones has not been set yet. The leaning of the Devs at this point (which can change!) is to have all zones open to all 'alignments'. Zones that are more lawful/heroic would have NPCs openly hostile to 'villains'. Zones that are more chaotic/villainous would have NPCs openly hostile to 'heroes.' We're also looking into a 'reputation' system (i.e., your rep with regard to particular factions) such that if you have a good enough rep with a faction, they won't attack you on sight... unless you attack them (sort of like the 'yellow conning' factions of Praetoria). Also, your ability to wander freely in a zone could possibly (remember, nothing set in stone yet) rely on a civilian or secret identity and be compromised when you attacked an NPC in the open... or a player flagged for PvP (which might send you into an instanced PvP phase/zone).
Note that is is for open zones. There is likely to be instanced missions that are flagged for only those of a certain alignment.

Oh! Having Instanced Missions that are flagged for a certain alignment is a pretty good idea! ... Then again, I'm looking forward for players to go "LFG Stealing soney from an orpange!" on the Looking for Group-tab. ;)

Twitter: [url=]@Franzseska[/url] // Tumblr: [url=]Haus of Zapatera[/url]