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Sandys hearing meant she could pretty much be anywhere in the tower and pick up normal speech. She blinked and was in front of Technosis again. "I have to think very hard to stay in your moments. For you this exact moment in time is important. Seeing you here is important to me, but this hairless moment in itself is not." Sandy was very young but still very old at the same time.... "My memories are not one memory for each day. My head could not contain all of it. I remember as layers... like a tower to a bird in flight. The higher the tower, the more real it is to the bird. The less layers, the less real, the less important. One event rarely affects a Rab tot he point of importance." Sandy watched the man thong the metal. "i have very little memories of you hairless ones. If I do not stay around you for many of your moments the memory will not be strong enough to last one of my own and i will forget all but a ghost of you. It will take me almost 16,000 of your planet cycles to create an image of a hairless that you couldn't see through. My images are all things I spent visible Rab time with... many of your generations. I did not focus on remembering their details so i learned their images slower than I can when I try.... but I had no need to learn them quicker." Sandy watched Technosis... Having to build something was nothing new for Sandy.... but the idea of repairing it instead of just turning it was quaint.
Sandy sat and watched.
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Technosis blinked and sighed, hanging upside down from one of the rods that went around the room to various gears. He looked offended, and thoughtful at the same time, after a few moments of thinking and squinting he pulled his goggles up to his forehead.
"Okay, well, to us, a single moment seems very important, maybe you could try narrowing your focus, while many moments happening simultaneously make up this moment and are important, what we do, makes a difference... As far as this, I want to fix the clock myself, could you rewind the building to the day it was built?" He smiled and raised his eyebrows, hopefully. He didn't want to have to deal with structural design for weeks, he'd rather move in his equipment and work on his warrior robot race... "Oooh, though, you could rewind it to the day it was built, but before they finished the clock, leave the current stuff though? Am I asking too much?" He sighed, hoping he could figure out how this weird rabbit girl thought...
Turbulence wandered around the tower. It was nice, much bigger than he was used to. He heard the others discuss cleaning and decorating, neither of which excited him. He was used to a very small apartment that had very little to do when it came to interior design. He was a simple man, a bachelor to the core. He had a mattress, boxes with clothes in it, and a small table for a tv. His living room had 2 lumpy beanbag chairs, and there was a small kitchen table and a chair, that was it. His cleaning usually entailed creating a self powered wind vacuum and it took all of 5 minutes; maximum, to clean the entire place, and it was only ever done if things started turning sour. You wouldn't know any of this by looking at him, Turbulence kept himself very neat and clean. It was just that he was hardly ever home; being a wind runner like he was, and felt that cleaning house was; more or less, a waste of time.
However; Turbulence did like the idea of helping in another aspect of getting their new home up and running. He was excited about the tech. He didn't know what Technosis had in mind, but new he would have to do some 'shopping'; which in turn would get Turbulence outside, where he liked it.
He made his way back to the main area, and saw Technosis hanging upside down rambling to Sandy about time warping the tower. Turbulence shook his head, wondering how any non-super could ever manage life. "Hey Tech, I was thinking. You're gonna need some things to build the security system and whatnot, and we may need some furniture. How about you and me go to the junkyard and see what we can find? If the furniture there is too bad off, my aunt and uncle own an antique furniture store just outside the city limits. The place is massive. And if we need a truck I think I got that covered too."
Sandy twitched her ears semi lazily to the side. 'If that's what you want."
Sandy was gone. She was on the bottom floor. "Always start with the root dad says." Sandy sat and looked at the walls around her. They had an age that made sense... their life as walls was not very long, but at least Sandy didn't have to think as hard to narrow her moment, she could think on her speed.
Sandy sat there... just looking at the wall for the next six hours.
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Technosis frowned, he hoped he hadn't offended her by his request. "Thank you!" He shouted, sincerely, after her. "I think she'll need time for that perhaps? I think the junkyard's a great idea Turbulence. We need some large sheet metal to weld to the door, I think we'll have to order a 3D printing machine, those things are amazing, one of those would shorten the work by a tonne! We could put it in the basement, of that big side room with the big doors on the left." Technosis grinned and pulled his goggles down over his eyes and re-engaged the spheres on his feet and rolled up the wall.
"Lets go!" He started rolling off, slowly though. "Sorry, I'm on power save mode, collects static electricity from the ground while I roll..." He starts skating a bit faster as he moves his feet properly... "You know any good junk yards? I've been to a few, but never had an open bill. Do you think they'd let us open up a tab?" Technosis grinned broadly, his whole suit looked to be comprised of scrap, though he'd done a lot of work to it to make it effective and useful.
"I'm gonna start shopping for 3D printers... How big is that grant?" He grinned, he knew the fundementals of the grant, it was like a scholar ship, specifically for training young heroes, which included extra money for education and equipment where needed. Facilities weren't even a part of the grant, especially since they were using confiscated property... "Oh! Police impound!" Technosis turned around as he rolled towards the stairs. "We should go see what we can get pro bono from the impound..." His mouth wide open.
Smiling, Cerebella would teleport in front of Technosis, and briefly interject....
"I'm going to obtain my grant, and then I'll consult some superarchitects, security experts, seasoned superheroes, so we can apply their knowledge to the renovation of the Tower....sound like a plan?"
"I agree with Cerebella. Let her use the grant to make renovations, cause it will probably be the most expensive thing in the front end. As far as the junk yard. The one I know of is in Iron Port, don't know the name of it." Turbulence paused as he stared off into space. His own internal monologue. How much would all this end up costing, and how would they pay for it? He wasn't exactly rollin in the dough and they had only caught one bad guy and they weren't getting paid for it. "But whatever we do, we definitely need to start thinking about the money situation. We go and get some necessities first, no doubt, but let's try and keep it simple to start."
Two hours into her vigil Sandy twitched one ear. her hands went from her lap to the floor as she continued to stare at the wall. She said something in a language no human had ever heard. Technosis might vaguely pick up her fingers twitching at such speed as to sound much like computational code work.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Technosis nods quietly at their suggestions...
"I still say a 3D printer is useful. It'll let us make anything we need right here! Just need plans and the know how to put it together! And materials to print the objects..." He shrugged... He didn't mind the idea of consulting the Archetects. "Yeah, we should get some consultation... Might give us some references too..." He shrugged zipped backwards down the steps, then tripped as his skates tried to cling. He tripped down a couple steps then stopped the skates. "We should put ramps in." Technosis nodded.
He glanced over at Sandy as she was twiddling her fingers around the walls or something...
"She seems to be making progress though..." He glanced around as they got to the bottom floor. "So, Did Gold-Fire get distracted? I thought he was suposed to help plan here..."
"Right here." Terry grinned and waved, he was dressed in a completely new costume, not a single piece of the old one remained... "Sorry, kinda got a major gear upgrade." He stepped aside, since Technosis and Turbulence seemed to be on their way out. He stretched and looked around, the first floor was still a mess, even though they had all just walked through the building.
"Don't you have a robot for this stuff?" Terry looked at Technosis, hopefully... He sighed and went to move more boxes. "This suit's really comfortable... That wetsuit was terrible..." He sighed and pushed some boxes across the room.
Cerebella would smile at her own suit...
"It did inspire this one Terry, it wasn't too shabby...and a robot would be helpful, maybe an overseeing AI....?"
"Ha! Well, it was shabby, but the design was nice, so I kept that. It's nice to be protected though."
Terry moved a few more boxes then glanced over at the group when they mentioned an overseeing AI.
"Sounds like a good idea to me. He already has a server to handle the recruitment line, which is still up... " Terry wiped his face and grinned. "We could sync our HUDs up to the mission computer too..." Terry nodded and sighed, lifting a few boxes up to the balcony with a collumn of energy.
He nods quietly for a moment then shrugs.
"Yeah, an overseer would be great... I think I'll call him CITADEL Central Intelligence Tracking Algorithm Defense Entity and Logists." Technosis grinned, he sighed. He helped Gold-Fire for a bit, then sighed, he'd only moved three boxes....
"Well, if you're going to get those super architects in, lets hurry, I was really looking forward to junk diving, besides, there are ALWAYS things to find in the junkyards around here, might stumble onto mutant trash monster invasions from a dark god from under the sea... Or something..." He glances around quietly...
"C'mon Turbulence, we should go to the impound lot, like I said, bet they'll let us take some evidence or confiscated goods from a conviction case..."
Throughout the rest of the day, Cerebella would bring in a plethora of superhuman and ordinary architects, ranging from those who have built impressive municipal buildings like City Hall, to a consultant who assisted in the building of the super sanctum of Anthem, and her Paragons. At each of their entries, Cerebella would be working side by side with them, creating mini mental structures of energy to simulate restoration opportunities, possible add-ons, and support and defense systems for the tower. As the last one leaves, she would smiles, numerous diagrams and sketches within her hands as she addresses the team...
"Now that we know what is possible, we can begin gathering materials and begin building when desired....but one step at a should the hub include a sort of waroom, and Technosis, would a cerebro like device be possible if we needed to locate someone using my abilities...?"
The 6th hour:
Sandy finally moved. "I have found you. When you were most perfect, but you are so big." Sandy was talking to the wall. It was good to talk to the things where you live. "I will return you to this time every few centuries, until the White Queen comes."
Sandy stopped moving again. She had computed how to de-age anything currently standing in the tower, without shifting the entire tower and all its occupants.... which would have been easier.
Sandy seemed to flicker. She phased in and out of existence. Each flicker the walls seemed cleaner, newer. On Sandys last flicker the walls and supporting structure were like new, but nothing that had collapsed and deattached from the tower had moved or shifted in age. Anything that had only slightly collapsed or caved in was back to its pristine and original position.
The only problem was... Sandy was gone.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
Turbulence looked up from a couple boxes he had been distracted by. Most of the stuff in them were bit of tech he didn't understand, but at the bottom something he hadn't expected to see. He was about to reach for it when a noise in the other room startled him, causing him to create a burst of wind, knocking up all kinds of dust. Through a coughing fit he created a strong wind funnel and sucked up a bunch of dust and debris spitting it out the window. He shook his head as he realized how late it had gotten. He turned and gathered the boxes before putting them in one of the storage closets. He peeked outside and smiled as he saw a truck sitting in the side alley.
"hey Tech! Our ride is here." He had called his brother; Less, and asked to borrow the truck, though he new his brother would never come in to chat. Less didn't care much for other supers, Turbulence being an exception because they were family. It would be perfect for the task at hand. The bed in back had no sides, the floor boards were extended to allow for maximum carrying room. A few empty totes were strapped to the bed for holding smaller nick-knacks that Tech may find. "We better get going, it's getting late. We're gonna run out of daylight."
He waved to the others as he exited. Hoping into the cab and firing up the engine. The truck roared to life. As he sat in the truck listening to the engine and waiting for Tech to arrive, something was tickling the back of his mind. He had forgotten something, but couldn't put his finger on it. (The object in the box.)
Examining a number of blueprints, Cerebella would blink at Sandy's flickering, then rush forward at the last phasing, where Sandy disappears. Not wasting time, she would telepathically call out...
*Everyone, I think we have a problem....Sandy restored the walls and supporting structures, but she vanished, and we need to find her, wherever she may have ended up"
She would then calm herself, before beginning to access her abilities, hopefully tracking down Sandy's psyche, searching among throngs of nearby minds, for their lost friend...
Turbulence thought for a moment, as he had been waiting for Tech, when he heard the alert. Sandy had gone missing, but for some reason he wasn't too concerned. A powerful time 'mage' had disappeared. Even though she was young, Turbulence had no reason to doubt her capabilities. If she had disappeared there may be no way to find her. He slipped out of the truck and went to find Cerebella. He then explained the same thing to her he had just decided in his head. He didn't want to sound heartless, he just figured she would return when she was well and able. He trusted in her and had faith that she was fine.
Sensing Turbulence's thoughts, she would nod....
"Fine...I understand...and I suppose she is fine for now..."
She would smile at him...
"Go on, they're waiting for you in the truck, let me know if you find anything intresting there...."
"Junkyard time!? YES!" Technosis jumped up, and skated out of the building, fully ready for their junk yard excursion. He'd done very little to help them move around, and now as they paused at the truck to hear Cerebella's worry about Sandy disappear he frowned.
"We'll have to get some temporal analyzers... I've got an idea, that maybe we could hook a dousing rod to a clock's timing crystal and use it to feel where there's a temporal eddy! Remind me to pick up a clock while we're there!" It was hard to tell when Technosis being was serious and when he wasn't...
Technosis strapped himself to the bed of the truck with some of his own straps and smiled. "Already!" He handed Turbulance a few bungy cords, incase he wanted to ride in the back and look crazy like him.
He'd ended up taking off the gauntlets and make for his costume while he worked on the building few the next two hours with the super architects, he smiled when he saw Sandy, but the flickering then her sudden disappearance startled him, much like the others...
"She might have lost track of this... er... now?" Terry sighed and rubbed his forehead quietly. He'd been moving boxes this whole time, so far they'd found only a few useful pieces of equipment, along with a few discarded 'meals' of the crows. "I suspect we'll have a lot of issues..." He sighed and looked at the walls and rubble, a few parts here and there, brand new, that went to the clock mechanisms for the tower.
Terry put his mask and gloves back on and started looking around with his goggles on a scanner function. "I'll see if I can pick up a trace of her..." He paced around the first floor a few times, then went out the front door to look outside. "Lets hope she didn't send us back to the roaring 20's..."
Everything was fine and normal outside.
Sandy was not within Cerebella's mental touch. Which would be odd since Sandy 'sounded' like a dull roar at all times to telepaths.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
Turbulence looked at Technosis strapped to the bed of the car. He raised an eyebrow, "Really?" He shook his head and hopped in the cab of the truck. As he pulled out, heading to Iron Port. The entire time waiting for Technosis yell at him to stop.
Technosis is grinning ear to ear as he sits cross legged, strapped to the bed of the truck. His goggles are shielding his eyes, but the rest of him is being buffetted by wind.
"I love this!! This is why I like my roller skates!" He leans back a bit and relaxes as they speed up and head towards the dockside area. He didn't mind looking crazy, in fact, he loved it! "I think I was a dog in a past life!" He called into the truck cab, while they rounded a corner...
It only took a short while to arrive at the junk yard. Turbulence quickly ran in to the office. The actual junk yard was surrounded by a very tall fence and gate with barbed wire at the top. Turbulence wasn't sure why, this city had so many powered villains he didn't think barbed wire would stop them, but he moved on. He came out a moment later as the gate began to open. He jumped back in the cab of the truck yelling to Technosis as he did, "the guy says because we're heroes he gives a discount, but it's based off what we pick up. We rummage through everything, then on the way out he checks to see what we got." He pulled through the gate driving past piles of stuff looking for a place to start. "Lemme know if you see something, and we can start there."
Technosis hops out off the bed of the trunk and does a circle around a small island of stuff that was collected together...
"Oooh man, What's his specialty?" He glanced around and almost cackled... "Heh... Sorry, Hey, you can call me Laurn by the way, short for Laurence." He smiled and offered his hand to shake. "I think we should get some hmm..." He strokes his chin and glances around. "Generators, I think we should find a back up generator for the base..." He nodded quietly... He chuckled at the barbed wire. "Think they should put up a big metal scar crow." He joked. "Would be about as effective." He thumbed at the wire as he started rummaging through some computer hardware in a row of bins... "Oh man, the server could get some serious upgrades, Oh! We need to set up clean rooms..." He muttered, rolling slowly beside Turbulence. Technosis was obviously hyper. He already had effectively two whole computers in his arms.
**in the junkyard**
A lumbering sound could be heard. A mixture of clanking gears, grinding metals, and a handful of screws thrown in a garbage disposal.
The metal monstrosity pushed through a large pile of standing metal and looked at the two humans who were in junkyard after hours. It had to weigh over a thousand pounds. It's arms were the size of people, its skin a series of plates in various stages of rust. It began to walk towards the two junior heroes.
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Turbulence had slowed down to a crawl, after nearly having a heart-attack when Technosis suddenly jumped ship. The owner who had been outside to open and close the gate, came up to them as they were looking. "It's mostly from the waste of 'Motorheads' and 'ePunks' that I get my supply." Answering Tech about his specialty. He chuckled, more to himself, "when you heroes dish out the punishment I get spare parts. Which is why I offer the discount. You guys keep me in business."
"So than, computer type stuff equals discount?" Turbulence asked. He had stopped the truck to help Technosis start loading things onto the truck, surprised at how fast Tech was piling it on.
"More or less," the man replied. "Anything that's more on the mechanical side will run you more, cause I don't get a lot of it. Ya know, gears and the like." The man pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat of his brow and neck. "well like I said, see me when you're done and we'll figure out a price. I don't do tabs by the way. If you need help finding anything, look for Boris. Big, tall, beastly guy. Can't miss him." And with that he walked back to the office.
After a couple of hours looking around; Turbulence heard something. Grinding somewhere off behind piles of junk. It kept getting louder, and louder. "Uh Tech? I think there's something coming." And that's when he saw the biggest machine he had ever seen, and it did not look friendly.
"Noooice!" Technosis grinned, picking up some armor and holding it up in the light, scrubbing off some dirt. "Yeah, this place is gonna be a great use!" He glanced over at the metal monstrosity and tilted his head. "Is... that boris?" Technosis grinnned and went back to picking, assuming the monster was normal, even with it pushing over stacks of stuff. "I've been wanting to work on some robotics... Good thing I've already got some R/D grants." Technosis grinned, thumbing his nose. "It's how I bought this, granted, it's a work in progress..." He picked up a Motorhead body, some insectoid looking carcass of a robot...
"These thing would have to be heavily dismantled and cleaned..." He turned it over, chucking a couple in the bin, keeping track in his head... "He pulled up his bank account and showed the several thousand dollar monthly research stipend, it could ONLY be spent on these sort of things... "I'm still working on the profit section of this whole thing... " He whispered, refering to his research and developement grant. It was only about as large as a college pell grant.
In the junkyard:
The metal monster walked past the heroes. and tot he truck. Lifting the back end several small arms came out of the golem and removed the wheel.
The golem took the wheel back into the depths of the junkyard.
Near the front entrance you see a smaller (but still large) robot made of junk, "Boris" spray painted on its frame.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
Shaking her head wearily, as she does not detect Sandy, she would turn to Terry...
"I hope she is alright....she is powerful but unrefined...untrained....she could do some serious damage with her powers if she isn't careful..."
Upon seeing the Crow's meals in one of the boxes, she would make a disgusted face...
"Really didn't need to see all..."
"Whoa!" Technosis jumped back and glanced at the large robot attacking the truck, then at the guy. "Think we could get a bigger discount for taking out the stuff that's animated itself?" Technosis zipped behind Turbulence and grabbed a few traps from his belt pouch. They were shock mines, he still didn't know if the robot belonged to the junkyard or not, but since Boris was by the door...
"Yeah... She also doesn't see the world the same way we do... She said you guys wouldn't believe me, er, the older version of she, her?" He sighed... "But when I asked her to recharge me, I got sent through several hundred years of time looping in a desert..." He stroked his chin, still remembering a few memories with a beard...
Gold-Fire winced as Cerebella looked in the box full of Crows dinner parts. "Aww man... I think I saw a missing poster for that dog last week too..." Gold-fire coughed and held his nose, taking the box he dumped it in a trash bag and shook his head. "I bet if he left his dinner, one of these metal crates contains his extra gear." Terry kicked a crate, then formed a katana from energy and sheered off the bolts holding the box shut. "Think we could repurpose some cybernetics into the security system?" Terry asked, taking on of the metal crates and moving it to a side room. He was basically letting Technosis have the room that lead to the basement, since he needed space for Research and Development.
She'd nod, still grimacing at the thought of going near the Crow's other possible dinner parts....
"But Gold, when I read his mind....all I saw was intense thoughts of pain and despair....every beat of those wings hurt him physically....what drove him to self multilate himself like that....and do you think we have our first real enemy as a group?"
He paused after the question and sighed... He nodded quietly, he had mostly just cleaned up thugs and a few weakly powered individuals here and there in his first few months, but his father had taught him a lot before that, considering the situation he nods again.
"I do, I don't know what drove him to that... Maybe he didn't have control, or perhaps he was forced into it?" He shrugged... "We can't figure out the why and how of his situation without more than one chance encounter, I'm sure we'll have more... We should try to find some clues in here, we've just been rearranging things, but if this is his hide out, we could find clues to his plans, maybe connections too." Terry stood up and touched his goggles a few times, then tapped buttons on his gauntlet.
"Oh I love upgrades...z" He grinned as his goggles did a 'detective mode' style scan of the area... "My dad can probably help us get evidence and other things processed too..." Terry said as he simply looked around the room with the goggles.
She would eye a box curiously, seeing a flash appearing through the openings, she would telekinetically retrieve the object in question. Revealing it to be a small, metal plate, a typical tracking device, or beacon...?
"Gold, what exactly is tha-"
Suddenly, the beacon would emit an earsplitting sonic pulse, reverberating across the tower, as Cerebella begins to collapse, her nose she hits the floor...
It's not a's a weapon...
"Does Boris look like he's guarding the door? And I don't mean to keep people out, but to keep us in?" With that 3 more smaller robots clattered into view. Gears and sensors whirring and buzzing. Simultaneously they stopped, their top halves swiveling on an axis to 'look' at the 2 junior heroes. After a second that seemed to stretch for hours; Turbulence didn't realize he had been holding his breath, the 3 robots jumped to life as their arms raised seeming to shift a bit allowing for some sort of gun system to be revealed. Then they opened fire.
At the junkyard:
the giant metal golem plodded along back into the Junkyard, tire in tow.
Sandy sat up. She saw four of everything.. 'well thats neat.' she said to herself, she had never experienced four of everything before... only four of some things that happened to be in sets of four... or four things she imagined into existence... but never four everything. Where whas she... ah yes a tangent.
Sandy shoot her head, her ears flopping a bit. She stood up and dusted off her dress. Her head was still very foggy, it was hard to see the time. Everywhere things seemed to be... stalled, or moving to fast, or too slow. Sandy was used to some of this, but this place was sheer madness. Sandy whimpered and her ears laid flat against her back. Her thoughts were of home, she tried to blink... nothing. She could not will herself to an unreachable location. Sandy had been thrown somewhere, during some time... but it had caused her to think at her pace... The events with the wanderers was still too small to remind her she could go there.... So Sandy started walking.
These time torn woods were dark. Sandy was not used to the dark. In fact Sandy didn't even have a concept of 'night' yet. The sun seemed very weak. (It was the moon)
A wolfs howl in the distance and running feet. A girl came around from a cropping of rocks. Her clothes more disheveled than the Rabs. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the rabbit like girl. "Oh no, no no no... no.... you can't be here." The girl bared her teeth. Small fangs extending as she hissed at the Rab. "Run fool!" Another howl, but closer. The young looking vampires eyes grew wide in fright. "It's too late... far too late."
Sandy was out of her mind with fear. She shrunk back against a tree, eyes wide in terror at the girl and the howls, she didn't know what to do. Then the most terrifying thing Sandy had ever seen entered the thicket the two girls were facing off in.
A giant wolf like creature, only not a wolf... its skin a swirling mass of red fluid stalked into the clearing. It snarled at the two. The vampire snarled back. "I will do what I can time traveler, but when I lose your hope for survival reaches zero... I suggest you escape once the real fight starts.
The wolf had a ghostly voice, "You'll always be mine, you will never get away. The full moon can never last long enough for you to be free." It was speaking to the vampire. The two faced off... circling slowly, looking for openings. The vampire struck out first. She was feral, wild, and completely outclassed........
The wolf brought its jaws down into the girls shoulder. She screamed out tearing at the wolf with her claw like nails. The wolf lifted her and bashed her on the ground. "I said run fool!" The girl looked at Sandy, panic and anguish in her face." Sandy was frozen in place... a silent observer to this battle of monsters.
The wolf lifted and bashed the girl against the ground again. The girls body went limp. Then the wolf started to shrink? No... the liquid like skin was pouring into the girl. The wolf was being absorbed into the girl through the bite wounds.
Once the entirety of the wolf was absorbed the girl sat up. Sandy smiled at her... some power this other girl had let her win! The vampire smiled back, it was so very fake, like a smile painted ona doll. The girls head bent to the side at a strange angle as she looked at Sandy. "Why hello poppet, your bloodline is interesting. I want it." The strange vamp-ling stood... as if lifted by marionette strings. A red mist forming around her in the shape of a wolf.... Thats when Sandy realized the girl had not won the fight. This had to be a red queen minion, it was terrible in every way.
The feral girl broke into a sprint directly towards Sandy. So fast... if you didn't control time, but this forest, time did not behave. Sandy tried to slow the time, nothing, to speed up her own... nothing, finally she thought about where she first woke up in this dimension. The wolf enshrouded girl lept at Sandy
Sandy landed on a coffee table....
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
Technosis couldn't really expect this, junkyard owner turning out to be a trap.
"Damn, our luck is plain awful today!" Technosis bantered as he tossed the three electric mines on the ground. They were tethered to each other and his belt, so as he tossed the flat palm sized electric mines under the little junk-bots feet, nothing happened. When he speed out of the way, attempting to grab Turbulence as he went to make sure his teammate didn't get caught in the blasts, the tether would snap and start the chain reaction of electric mines.
Technosis tripped though as he tried to speed a good distance away, he wasn't very strong, and he was going way too fast, so they'd take a tumble into the dirt, unless Turbulence did something.
Gold-Fire had looked when she called his attention to it, and was equally unprepared for the sonic onslaught that assaulted their ears. His HUD had no capability to identify the object, so he had no idea it would do that. He clutched his ears while the device emitted the high-pitched whining, trying to concentrate enough to create a blast. His aura flickered around him as he tried focusing, and an orb of pure gold kinetic energy formed in his palms, but it too flickered from his disrupted focus.
Terry chucked the blast at the device, trying to stop the sound, but his aim was probably off as well, what with one eye shut from wincing. The blast would just explode in a burst of heatless outward force, Terry was knocked into the wall by the blast, anything or anyone else near it would be as well.
IT was a good thing Technosis acted fast, the laser blasts would have probably been painful. As they tumbled away Turbulence swooshed around so that he was he and Techosis ended right side up. The mines Technosis had set off blasted bits of the robots about.
"NO!" the cries of the owner could be head through the cloud of smoke. "My precious creations! You destroyed them!" as he came into view his face went from a mock frown, to a dastardly grin. He had added to his simple jump suit he had been wearing. He actually looked similar to Technosis. "That's ok. There's more where they came from." The sound of mini jet engines could be heard from above as five more minibots came into view.
Turbulence gulped. "Tech? You might want to break out the big guns."
In the junkyard:
The giant shambling golem walked through the mess of chaos that was starting. It had a different.. newer.. tire in its hands. A mini-bot attempted to attack the golem. Without looking the giant machine simply swatted it away as a horse smacking a fly with its tail.
It lurched over to the truck and lifted it again. Placing the new tire in its place several small arms came out again. New nuts were spun into place. With a mild look that bordered on satisfaction the golem walked out the junkyard. It had fixed a flat tire.....
On the way out the golem called Arch was attacked by the bot named Boris. With a slow and mechanical approach Arch ripped the limbs off the sentry bot. Arch continued walking down the road, it could use these pieces of metal to fix the playground a neighborhood over.......
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At the coffee shop:
The barista hid under the counter... Most of the customers had fled. A panic stricken Sandy was blinking all over the room. Random images of creatures and things from her home dimension being conjured and unconjured int eh blink of an eye.
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Tech lets out and audible gulping sound... He activated his Taser Prongs and pulled a few more things out... He zapped one of the bots, but the tazer was not very effective... He dashed behind something, blinking as the Golem obliviously repaired the tire... Technosis shook his head as he took cover behind something...
"Huh... Well... bad news is, I don't really HAVE any bigger guns... good news is, we can probably still win..." Technosis tossed a few of his mines over. "He's probably got them centrally controlled, hopefully, if we take him out they won't have orders... Just need you to juggle his bots and obscure his view while we work... Think you can kick up enough dust to hide us?"
(Also! Gold-Fire's post above is fixed, missed an end marker for a tag and it hid everything -.-)
Crouching by Technosis, Turbulence snickered. "Can I kick up enough dust?" He poked his head out from cover, focusing on the area under the minibots he began to make a circular motion with his hand. As he did, dust would begin to lift as the wind picked up, becoming stronger and stronger till a decent sized whirlwind spun around them. Turbulence grabbed on to his current shield with his other hand as he strained to keep the whirlwind up. The Whirlwind wouldn't necessarily toss the minibots around, but the debris and dust would offer good cover for the heroes as well as cause some minor damage to their circuits.
Meanwhile: Boris; who was now missing two arms, seemed to be rebooting. Gears began to turn, pistons fired, and steam and sparks burst forth from various joints. Boris shifted his stance so that his mechanical head pointed skyward and his chest opened up and unfolded to reveal a new set of arms; these were his melee arms. His chest closed and his new hands which were actually saw discs kicked to life. Boris began his descent on the heroes.
"It's lucky we both have cool goggles." Technosis nodded. "If you could make a few more, or one really big one, I think we've got some options!" Technosis took the lead and zoomed out from behind cover, taking no sheild, instead he laid down several strings of electric mines behind him and circled the Junkyard Owner, only able to make a half circle before his two teathers break and start the reaction. Their flash and explosion would be weaker this time, a distraction really, while he zipped behind him, turns up the juice on his taser prongs, electricity arcing through the gauntlet and up the prongs before he lunges at the most important looking piece he could find on the man's suit. He was attacking on the move, so he could probably miss, but he'd be out of attack range and behind a different piece of cover moments later.
Gold-Fire (Repost due to editting still not working, apparently?)
Gold-Fire had looked when she called his attention to it, and was equally unprepared for the sonic onslaught that assaulted their ears. His HUD had no capability to identify the object, so he had no idea it would do that. He clutched his ears while the device emitted the high-pitched whining, trying to concentrate enough to create a blast. His aura flickered around him as he tried focusing, and an orb of pure gold kinetic energy formed in his palms, but it too flickered from his disrupted focus.
Terry chucked the blast at the device, trying to stop the sound, but his aim was probably off as well, what with one eye shut from wincing. The blast would just explode in a burst of heatless outward force, Terry was knocked into the wall by the blast, anything or anyone else near it
Getting up slowly, after being thrown back towards Gold by the force of the sonic waves, she would barely manage to erect a shield of mental energy over both herself and Terry, shouting over the cascading sound waves...
"It looks like one of the Crow's spare sonic emitters, try to hit it again once you catch your breath, I can only keep this up so long!"
Even then, the telekinetic barrier would begin to show fractures, they don't have much time, and the force of the sonic bombardment is only growing...
Sandy started to calm down. The coffee shop was a disaster. She sat panting on a counter. She looked around, this place she had seen before. She had met people here... Such light memories.
Sandy tried to read the light memories. She looked at her hand and the table she had landed on..... Ah the meeting in the now but earlier now. There was a hairless who took her somewhere...
sandy blinked and was at the top of the tower. "Oh pretty, I changed time here. This needs more balloons!"
The tower filled with semi corporeal balloons.
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Turbulence stood from behind his cover and brought his other to join the first. Pulling his hands apart causing the whirlwind to separate, grabbing each of the minibots. Pulling his hands down reversing the vortexes pulling the minibots down. Some pulled themselves free, while others burned out. The three that escapes went looking in different directions.
Technosis would miss the man entirely, passing through the hologram. The man's laughter could be heard through a speaker someways off. "You know what the difference between me and you? You attack head-on, but i use trickery. And some very strong friends.". The hologram gestured to show Boris lumbering toward Technosis. Boris let out a metallic bellow, and the sound of electricity and some kind of energy source surging to life. Blue electricity erupted around the giant robots body. His buzzsaws revving up for the kill.
Gold-Fire groaned and readjusted his goggles. He snorted and righted himself, the failed blast had caused more damage to him than the sonic emitter...
"Alright..." Terry charged up a blast, two hands this time, then chucked it through the barrier, to be buffeted by sonic pulses. The orb was large, and so the explosion that resulted was fairly massive, even if it did detonate a bit early. Terry hurried to toss up his own barrier. "Ugh..." Terry groaned and grumbled... "We need some weapon detection software on my HUD..."
Technosis made a quick turn around and growled, while he was flipping his visor to detect signals for the hologram and robots, he inadvertantly headed towards the swinging bladed Boris.
"SHIT!" He tried to correct but in the spin and ground slide, his bicep and suit sliced open jaggedly from the spinning blades. "AGH!" Technosis almost flew head long into the other group of robots before he corrected and spun. His suit switched to power save mode, he had used more energy than he could produce from motion...
"Damn! Turbulance!" Technosis skated slowly into one of the tornados, barely making it into the eye. "Super charge this one!" He was spinning, eve through the arcing broken leafs of his cut arm, both tasers worked, and Technosis had disabled the limiters, an EMP was their only hope. Technosis didn't even know if this would work, as he touched the two tasers together and the suit started emitting intense arcing in a small orb around Technosis... who was spinning very slowly right now.
The sonic emitter would be blasted to bits by Terry's explosion, ending it's threat just as her barrier shatters, not a second too soon. Stumbling forward, Cerebella would wipe away a stream of blood exiting her nose, presumably gained from the intense effort of shielding them both while withstanding the sonic waves. Turning to him, she would utter in a pained voice...
"Sorry to....inconvineance you like this..."
With that, she would soundly collapse on the floor before him, exhausted and unconcious...
Turbulence was confused by Technosis' request, but he obliged. Releasing the other twisters, putting all his focus into the one surrounding Technosis. "I hope you know what you're doing!" he yelled over the howling winds.
Sandy had been on the roof filling the upper floors of the tower with illusions of balloons. The obnoxious noise downstairs finally stopped. She wasn;t about to investigate while it was on.
She blinked
Sandy was standing next to Cerebella. The woman seemed worse for wear. "Oh I remember you, you are this time, but a much faster yet shorter this time!" Sandy concentrated for a moment. Her mind adjusting to the speed it needed to process a bit better within the dimension.
Sandy looked at Cerebella... really looked, the way a surgeon looks at a patient just before making the first cut. Sandy touched the young womans face. "So Ugly..." She concentrated. She didn't want to change anything important like memories, only speed up the repair of the damaged areas. She returned some to a younger state.. the ones that would die sooner, and aged the ones that would live longer. She did this to help maintain an exact natural lifespan. She vaguely remembered this ugly one did not want to live to 20,000 years old.
Within a few moments Cerebella would be able to wake up naturally no worse for wear.
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Inside the forest with no name:
The girl known as Mihaela Ragar and the entity that possessed her known simply as "The Red Beast" sniffed the air. Her poppet had escaped to somewhere. A new natural blood ability was inside the alien. It smelled of time. Not something The Red Beast could control, but had battled before in another body. This body was far more suited to its needs. It had no blood and was thus subject to total domination once possessed. It also had several heightened abilities that made it wonderful for absorbing new blood abilities. Why hadn't it possessed a vampire sooner? Well it's last body had been quite good, but Mihaela had destroyed it. Ahhhhh there the scent was. 'I can track you anywhere in the world rabbit'... and this scent was very far away.
The red beast commanded Mihaela to run. Once they entered lands with names Mihaela would grow stronger, the beast would be more prone to bouts of insanity brought on by the vampire mind constantly at war with him. This was the only downfall... his last few bodies might have aged and had less power, but their minds had been easily erased to nothing. This vampire could fight.. and never seemed to tire. Oh well, a few days of the month spent languishing in an internal war was worth it.
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Groaning a bit as she awakens, she would peer curiously at Sandy as she stands, briefly intercepting her thoughts of 'ugly and hairless' before scoffing, shaking her head as she turns to both Sandy and Gold-fire, muttering...
"Thank you for least I am assuming that's your work, and what happened while you were gone?....Gold, I think it is safe to say that repurposing the Crow's spare equipment into nonlethal security defenses isn't exactly a bad idea..."
Gold-fire skid to the floor beside Cerebella wen she collapsed. His ears still ringing, a trail of blood from under his mask, his ears had bled a bit from the intense sonic assault. He looked around trying to think if they even had a first aid kit here.
"Yo-" He glanced over and sighed, Sandy was there to mix it all up again. "So, would there be any point in asking you what happened?" He asked as he stood, and brushed himself off, he went to side of the room and took off his mask as he went up the stairs to the walkway around the room.... "I think once Technosis and Turbulence get back, we should lock up call it quits for the night. We need to get some weapon detection devices, make sure everything in here is safe..."
After disappearing up the staircase to the second floor, the sound of gold-fire tripping over boxes and other things in a cloud of balloons sandy let floating around echoed down stairs. An explosion followed and Terry wandered down stairs, exhaling and inhaling slowly and carefully...
"Please, don't put balloon illusions in places where people could trip?" Terry smiled and sent a thought at Cerebella. 'Is there an interdimensional foster care system? Or would they just send her back to us?'
Terry stroked the bridge of his nose and looked around. "Yeah, I think I'm done with weird for the night. I hope, wonder what's taking Tech and Turbulence so long..."
"I-i-i-i Thii-i-i-ink soooo." Technosis actually tried to stay perfectly still and compact while holding the violently arcing prongs of his tasers together, the orb of electricity surrounding him expanded as he went faster, the electric sparks that surrounded the metal balls of his skates turned into a ring around his feet, soon the whole tornado was lit up with electricity. "I... Don't know what to do now...." Technosis' voice couldn't even be heard now over the arcing of electicity. "I- Think I'm gonna hurl!" He couldn't take the spinning any longer, and from the inside, spinning rapidly, he had no idea how powerful the lightning tornado was.
Technosis finally lost balance and is flung across the ground, while the electricity his suit was emitting spun in the tornado, without Technosis' suit to cycle the charge around it became unbalanced and released in a shockwave of lightning. Technosis groaned as he lay crumpled against the fence... "Think it worked?" He muttered.
Turbulence was knocked back by burst of electricity. As he sat up, he looked over at Boris who appeared to be having a robotic seizure. Boris powered down, though he didn't really look any worse for wear(Ware?). Turbulence scrambled over to Technosis, which is all it took for Boris to recover. The sound of him turning back got turbulence moving faster. "tech! I think It's time to get out of here.". We would grab hold of Technosis before swooshing over to the truck to make sure things were tied down. He hopped into the cab, and revved the engine.
Smiling, Cerebella would respond quickly to Terry's message, afterwards addressing Sandy verbally...
*I don't believe so, and I do not think I would actually want to if there were, she just needs time to adjust to the temporal regulations of this dimension, so to speak...and if you plan to leave, care to take a girl for a bite after we make sure Turbulence and Tech are bird though, please?*
"And share when your ready about what you saw while away Sandy, I can tell it's haunting you..."
Technosis wobbled a bit as he got up and shook his head. "ooh jeez, really?" Technosis grabbed onto Turbulance as he helped him up, once Turbulence was in the truck Technosis laid down in the back as they were ready to drive away, frantically using the tools and parts he'd gathered there to try and rig himself some kind of ranged attack...
"Ha!" Technosis put his arm forward, a coat hangar and a few other things attached to the gauntlet and his taser prongs, he fired a small bolt of electricity and Boris' Head. "Come on! Come on!" Technosis urged the driver... "This coat-hangar won't last another 4 shots!"
Terry grinned and nodded quietly at Cerebella's request.
'yeah! And you know I was joking right?' Terry grinned and smiled at Sandy as well. "You'd let us know if something was wrong, right? I don't want this Red Queen getting ahold of you, or us, and I'm sure, especially in Titan City, somebody follows that nut." Terry sighed, stretching his arms. His face was tired of wearing the mask.
Sandy looked confused. There was some ghost of a memory of a very bad moment, but it was so small it wasnt worth thinking about.
Sandy was glad these hairless understood the perils of the red queen. "She is very dangerous, she does not like good things. This dimension is if not a red dimension, one she would very much like to have. We are taught she is not like the white queen. The white queen rules because the people wish it. We are all very happy. I do not think the red queen or white would have much interest in me. I am not a traveler, I don't sit in court, I have not earned my white. A queen has no practical use for a Rab who cannot travel yet. Anyway, she would never let a child travel alone. My being here is a very large accident."
Sandy looked at the tower, boxes everywhere, some of her illusions floating about. This was as good a place as any to wait for a traveler to find her in a century or two when it was noticed she was gone.
"Where is an interesting place?"
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Nodding, Cerebella would think briefly before replying to Sandy, then telepathically to Gold-fire
"If you so desire, you may stay here as you wait....and we will stand with you against this Red Queen..if you will have us as"
*Or after everyone arrives, we could order takeout and have a meal together...provided we are not attacked again?*
Hitting reverse, Turbulence sent the truck zooming, and not a moment too soon. Boris had finished his reboot and turned in time to barely nick the trucks front end. After a bit of distance Turbulence turned the steering wheel, spinning the truck around. He switched to drive and floored it. The sound of Boris running could be heard behind. As they blow through the gate breaking it off off it's hinges, The truck spinning around to head towards the tower.
"Yeah." Terry nodded, putting his mask back on. "If you can keep your attention on us and this city long enough, I'm sure you'll find it's more than interesting enough for you to stick around." He grins, and he was right, even as they talked the world around her was far more active with new and different experiences. "Hey! I just thought of something, you could be our bridge bunny?" Terry grinned, he waited a second and then explained.
"You're great at multi-tasking, once we get the war room set up, you can watch the monitors of the city and let us know when anything goes down, your powers could direct us there if we needed, too, though my goggles has a map app." He pointed to them, he'd take them off and show her the map of the city that displayed over the left eye. 3d hud could be seen beyond that pointing at Gold-Fire and Cere. He thought a confirmation at Cerebella while he tried to teach Sandy about maps. "Lemme see if it has a projection mod..." Terry put them back on and tapped buttons on the controls on his gloves... "Dad really went all out with the bells and whistles.." Terry muttered, the goggles finally showed a map projected in front of him, a few more button taps and it would flip properly, so they could read it too.
"He's still chasing!!!" Technosis shouted, "Slow it down, I'm gonna try to rope him with my flash mines!" Technosis shot another bolt of lightning, the coat hanger visibly redder, the prongs of his taser as well. Technosis was already looping his tethered mines together and trying to swing them towards Boris. "Boris, go back to bugging bullwinkle!" Technosis grumbled in his head, that was a terrible one liner! He was thinking frantically as he finally tossed the long loop of taser mines at the giant golem.
Technosis had used up his whole length of mine tethers with that move, they had to take out the golem with that! Technosis sat back in the bed and kept the hot coat-hangar and taser arm mcguyver job pointed behind them for cover...
Sandy looked more confused than ever at Terry... This hairless had gone completely mad, he was talking total nonsense.
"I understood the word 'city'.. and 'bridge'... but my memories are not old enough to make bridges for many people. If I concentrated very hard maybe two fill grown rabs could stand on a bridge I made." Sandy did her best to guess that Terry needed some sort of bridge into the 'city' but all the other words made very little sense.
Sandy smiled kindly at the very ugly young woman. "It is very unlikely you will be alive when either queen comes. Unless one is here already, but then Rab travelers would be far more frequent here and I seem to be the only one. Maybe when you start to get to the end of your natural life you will wish to de-age. I can most likely turn you back almost an entire rab moment." Sandy liked the idea of keeping her hairless companions around for much longer than their race seemed to want to stay alive.
"You two are a breeding pair, and it is very hard for me to understand what your race considers attractive... but doesn't your group need two more of the female variety hairless? Or are the other two so ugly no female will have them?"
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Nodding as she receives Gold's thoughts, she would outright grimace at Sandy's suggestion that she and Terry were a 'breeding pair', and that no others would want Technosis and Turbulence...
"No Sandy, Terry and I are not a 'breeding pair' as you call it, humans or 'hairless ones' as you call us often take years to find a suitable partner...though not always..."
She would take a moment before continuing, her face slightly red from almost embarrassment...
"And Turbulence and Technosis are both wonderful, but there are simply no other human females on the team...yet anyway...I hope others follow..."
Terry chuckled quietly when she misunderstood his idea about bridge bunnies, then promptly went silent and red in the face. He looked away and probably couldn't speak from embarassment until Cere had finished explaining it to her... He sighed quietly and rubbed his forehead.
"No, bridge bunny was just a joke, I was just meaning that you could play a non-combat role, by staying at the base often and monitoring the systems. you'd look at maps like I showed you, tell us what they say, some other stuff too." He turned off projection mode and sighed. "I'm beginning to think the time loop in the base would be a good idea, that way Sandy would learn faster because we'd have more time to teach her... But after your last time working, might not be a good idea to stress you out."
The mines lit Boris ablaze. He kept running each consecutive explosion slowed him down bit by bit. The truck began further and further ahead. Turbulence glanced in the rear-view mirror as Boris grew smaller in the distance. Turbulence let out a joyous "YES!" When they finally got to the tower Boris was nowhere to been. Turbulence jumped out of the truck calling for the others. "lets get this stuff unloaded and go celebrate a good days worth of work."
"Hell yes!" Technosis shouted, Boris may not be gone for good, but that was a success for sure! "I've definitely gotta make a better prototype of that design..." Technosis said as they haulted in front of the tower. He tore the coat hangar off of his gauntlet and then tore the smoking hot gauntlet off. "Damn... Gonna have to move my fabrication equipment in too..." He sighed, picking up his smoking gauntlet and helping unload the truck full of computer parts and robotics, atleast they had picked out a lot of choice equipment before they were attacked. "Maybe get this arm checked out too..." He chuckled, sarcastically. The arm was pretty jaggedly gashed, but the suit was pretty thick.
Technosis got the door, since he was down an arm for lifting and carrying. He had a crate of motherboards he planned to daisychain together, by the end of the week he wanted there to be a super computer in the base, barring interruptions.
"So your race doesn't have a life mate chosen at adulthood?" Sandy seemed to ponder this insane notion of going through all of time alone.
"I am not allowed to change my own time Terry." Sandy chuckled at the absurdity of a child aging itself, it was against the rules!
"Your mental image was very interesting, and a very good image for someone so young, but it was a bit boring." Sandy changed all the decorations in the entire castle to be orange and green looking flowers that seemed to flow in an invisible breeze. "Someday if you practice enough it will be like mine... and someday mine could cover an entire planet just like an adult Rab!"
Sandy made the sea of flowers blink on and off like some of the dots on the 'map' she had been shown. "I think I am still having some difficulties with your language. I don't know what a 'system' is... or why I would watch it. My now is much larger than yours, I learn at an equal pace to yours. The difference is until something happens long enough, or enough times the memory is not very strong throughout an entire rab moment. Red dimensions change much more during moments than white dimensions, thats one of the reasons only adults are supposed to travel. They can rely on their deep memories not their thin memories. "
Sandy had a nagging feeling she did not like this subject but for the life of her did not know why.
"I think its tea time!" Sandy blinked.
Her mental truck noise could be heard in the area the buildings leading from the coffee shop to the tower.
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Shaking her head and smiling, Cerebella would silently mentally direct both Turbulence and Technosis to their area, as she retrieves a cell phone from a belt pouch, calling out to the team before doing so...
"I'm placing an order, Phoenix Burger to be exact...anyone intrested?"
"Uhhh... Yeah, we need to get you thesaurus and a dictionary." He shrugged, he couldn't think how to describe a system properly, it was a fairly broad term...
"Sounds great!" Terry said aloud, his internal voice was grumbling a bit, swearing next time it'd just be them. "Make sure there's bacon supreme burgers in there." Terry grinned, stroking his chin again to think about his choice of food. He sat down and waited.
Smirking, she would turn to both Technosis and Turbulence, smiling as she asks sweetly...
"What do you both's on me don't arguments.."
Laurence had taken off the top of his suit and was wearing a shirt, carrying the rubber top around with him his mask still on, a bandage around his right bicep with a thick line of blood soaking through.
"Oh, man red meat? Yes! Uhh, I want some of those zesty fried, a huge Mountain Dew, and I want guacamole and salsa on my burger... Wait, Salsa on the side, jalepenos on top, and those fried onion thingies..." Technosis grinned broadly, "So bad news, we ran into a horde of robots at the junk yard." Tech glanced at the stairs, waiting for Turbulence. "Good news is, we have another case to look into later, and we got free parts, next time we can get more!" He gave a thumbs up then went to working on his suit again, his gauntlets finger tips flipped out tools to fix the damage with.
Somehow managing to absorb Technosis's plethora of an order, she would patiently wait on Turbulence to place his order as she offers Laurence a look of disbelief....
"You plan to go BACK to the same junkyard?...At the very least we are going back there as a team, and Terry, any idea on possible security plans in the future...and care to fill Laurence in on our little sonic discovery earlier?"
Turbulence strolls through the door with an armful of stuff for Technosis to go through. "Thanks Cerebella. I'll take anything deep fried, with a plain cheeseburger!" Then dropping the stuff he was carrying on a table, "You should have seen this guy," mostioning to Technosis, "put together a lightning blaster in a matter of seconds! It was sick! And the idea he had to create an emp storm against this big bot named Boris was awesome!" He shook his head still grinning. He looked at Technosis finally realizing he was bleeding. "I might be able to help with that, if you want. I can't out right heal it, but it should mend it a bit."
Terry pulled his goggles up grinned.
'Thanks, so... can I buy you dinner next time?' Terry thought at Cere, he bit his lip as he projected the thought, then turned his attention towards Technosis and Turbulence.
"Whoa! Dude, you okay? that looks painful!" Terry walked over and pulled up his sleeve and bandage then winced... "I'm glad you guys made it out okay. You couldn't call for back up?" Terry frowned. "Seriously, you know you're not 'super powered' your suit barely acts as a taser at the moment!" Terry raised his eyebrow, expecting a silly and snarky response from his oldest friend. He glanced at Cere. "She's right, we'll go back as a team and take out the guy, you better check that stuff for bugs." Terry pointed.
"Bull! I figured that out! I can project it with a simple coat hangar!"
Technosis grinned and highfived Turbulance, then promptly winced at the pain in his arm... "Whoops... should've used my off hand."
"It's cool, we made a good team, and I agree, Cere, me and Turbulence are a bit too... squishy? Yeah... I just don't have the power or range, yet." He grinned at the group and then at Turbulence... "Oh, yeah sure, it'd be easier than explaining the cut to my mom and dad." He held out his arm to him. "Thank you." He smiled and then looked at Cerebella again. "You too."
Technosis rolled his eyes at Terry's warnings. "Dude, I'm a frakin' genius, we made it out alive because of this guy and some quick thinking and action." He grinned, offering a fist bump to Turbulence with his uninjured arm.
Turbulence held out his hand over Technosis' cut arm, a cool breeze begins to fill the room. Everyone would begin to feel more awake and refreshed despite the time of night. A stronger breeze enriched with oxygen would extend from Turbulence's hand, cleaning the wound, and cause it to slightly heal over. "There you go man. Not sure how it works, I think it's part magic or something. There's a lot of magic in my family." Turning to Gold-Fire, "The mastermind behind Boris was using a hologram, so not sure how to find him. Maybe if we do find a bug that might be helpful." He shrugs and turns the pile of scrap on the table to start organizing.
Placing the orders efficiently, Cerebella would send a telepathic message back to Terry as she hangs up, before addressing the group verbally...
*Sounds great, feel free to fill me in on the details later...?*
"Sounds like a plan then...for now we rest and recover while we set up the tower, investigate when we are ready...sound good?"
Technosis watched as the wound clotted over quickly. He moved his arm a bit, but carefully.
"That is cool, it's like the wind some how speeds up clotting." He paused for a second then nodded at Cerebella. "Yeah, we were basically ambushed this time, I've got some modifications to do to my suit in the meantime anyway..." Technosis smiles and glances over at Sandy as he starts to help Turbulence sift through their haul for a device that could be a bug or a part of one of his bots to trace back to his signal....
"You hungry at all Sandy?" Technosis asked.
"We will definitely scope this place out from a far, and set up this place." Terry walked over to the table and started moving things around.
Terry nods at Cerebella, he grinned and sifted through along side Technosis. He didn't know what to look for, but mostly he checked for flashing lights, humming, things like that. He smiled and sighed, he knew enough about comptuters to pick out all the parts meant for their super computer project. He was going to have fun with that as much as Technosis was. He was a laymen though in comparison.
Sandy shook her head no. "I eat once every....4 months your time."
Sandy conjured the image of what looked like a chess board wrapped around a sphere. Various pieces all over it. A near perfect copy of Sandy materialized opposite her.
The two versions of Sandy started moving pieces. After the first 10 moves they started moving pieces much slower. After 20 moves it was nearly an hour between each piece movement.
Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.
Turbulence opened his eyes to the sound of metal trashcans being overturned. "Ugh!" he sighed and sat up in bed. Leaning to the window he peaked through the blinds, seeing a couple of rough necks kicking trashcans as they skated and biked down the street. Turbulence breathed in, then let it out in a rush, and a burst of wind kicked up and knocked one of the roughnecks into the other knocking them both to the ground. As they scrambled to get back up, Turbulence chuckled to himself.
He sighed and laid back. He thought about the day before. A lot had happened in one day. The fight with the Crow, and the mechanic, Boris and the minibots. Made a few new friends, and he had always thought himself a loner, but these few seemed to fit.
He stood up and headed to the bathroom... A few minutes later; dressed and sipping on some OJ, he stopped when there was a knock at the door. He put down his and glass and walked to the door. "who is it?" he called. "You know who, Idiot!" was the reply. Turbulence smiled as he unlocked the door, opened it and threw his arms around the young woman on the other side. "How ya doin' Sis'?"
Hovering, overlooking the Earth from space, eyes zooming in on the situation.
In an instant, appearing in the room with an extending open hand.
We are Makhapzel-Nerurast-Ssenuroh-Osmaet-Namatoerhan-Atnois-Laceh, it has occurred to us from millenniums worth of observations of your universe from afar that in your own personal concepts, that you humans prefer shortened versions of true names.
You may call us or I, Seraph 7.
I am One. We are One.
Technosis had stayed in the base for the most part, leaving only to grab his cleaning drones from home, his previous 'secret' lair. His three robots, one for lifting, one for sweeting and one for cutting, were moving around deftly handling trash, until Technosis had to stop and break up a fight between the lifter and the cutter. The Cutter got turned off, the cutter was really more for their battle bot team challenges... They didn't work well together...
Technosis in the meantime was upstairs putting the computer parts together, along with generator, mechanical parts and lots of coils, into a new motor and timing system for the clock, as well as generator for the computers. His mother was happy he was moving all of the 'junk' out of his room and garage, he didn't use much of it for his suit, so it just laid around his house.
Technosis had dressed in Civies after waking up early, passed out in the functional war room. Sleeping at six and waking up at noon was great.... He loved being a senior... Class... did he have class today? He started trying to call Turbulences phone, he needed help testing the coms.
Walking in the tower with a black lace blouse, black jeans, with a brown leather jacket complimenting her caramel waves of hair, and buckled heeled tan boots, Sabrina Barelli would appear like model material as she steps inside, the door telekinetically shutting itself behind her as she makes her way upstairs, sending a quick mental chime to Technosis announcing her arrival. Arriving into the monitor room, she would calmly yet quietly teleport behind Laurence, before teasing....
"I am definitely impressed with the layout of the waroom Laurence....but the real question is, will I ever get a cerebro-like machine...?"
Turbulence's sister stiffened as she was embraced. An uncomfortable smile on her face, she slowly pushed him away. "Nice to see you too, Brother. You know... I never cared for your lightheartedness."
Turbulence's smile faded a bit, "What do you want Natalie?"
Natalie smirked, "Aren't you gonna invite me in? offer me something to drink?"
Turbulence frowned and crossed his arms, "Wouldn't want to appear to lighthearted."
Natalie sighed and pushed passed and Turbulence closed the door behind her, crossed the room to the fridge, and pulled out a can of soda and handed it to her. Natalie took the soda, but didn't seem interested. Instead she set it down before saying, "I've been trying to get a hold of you since last night. In fact, so have most of our family. Don't you pay your cell bill?"
Turbulence reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, upon examination he saw a large 'X' on the screen that he only assumed meant he no longer had coverage, his phone bill had finally lapsed.
Natalie continued as she sighed,"Well, grandpa is back, and he's asking for you?"
Turbulence blinked, a look of shock on his face. "Isn't he dead?"
Natalie shook her head. "It would appear not. Now, get your stuff, we're leaving."
Turbulence frowned again, he didn't much like being told what to do, especially in this manner. But if his grandpa was back then it must be important. Grandpa Iscer(Izer) was a shaman, a powerful one at that, and he had gone on a 'spiritual walk' some years ago saying that it was his time. Many of his family thought he may have left to die in peace, but apparently that wasn't the case. "Fine," he finally said, "but I have to make a quick stop first."
Terry had not slept all night, he and Technosis has been setting up the computer and other equipment. They'd retrofitted the clock tower and everything, he still didn't understand what the big spinny thing was for... He missed Sabrina as she entered, instead he found himself standing in front of Seraph 7 after it randomly manifested itself there...
"Whoa... Well... Nice to meet you Seraph? Millenium? That... I think you'll fit in here..." Terry ran his fingers through his hair, he'd taken off his costume as well, it was getting uncomfortable after wearing it all night. Now he was just wearing a baseball T-shirt with yellow sleeves, a pair of blue jeans and boots. He extended his hand to shake with Seraph 7. "What made you decide to come introduce yourself-ves? To us?" Terry asked. He was walking to the war room, pondering how much more weird his life could get...
Technosis groaned as the out of service message beeped at him... "Bah! Turbulence didn't keep his civy line open..." He turned and looked at Sabrina. "Daaamm..." He grinned broadly then shook his head. "Well, I can work on it, but that's part of what I want to do today. I've got some ideas, based on my energy observation studies with Terry. I'll have to find your specific quantum wave function, then build the machine." He pointed at the turbine looking device that was simultaneously running the clock and multiple other things...
"I'll have to work on unifying your wave function with an electronic extrapolation and amplification device..." Laurence sighed and walked around the war room, the screens he'd set up in two half circles around his spinny clock device, would shift and show something new as he walked by. "I haven't gotten security authorization for surveillance, but our private com and cell phone server is up." He grinned... He paused, realizing he'd changed subjects several times...
"Alright..." He picked up a tray of stuff and then walked back to her. "Put this on." He handed her a techy looking head band. "And think at Turbulence, Terry's energy field will disrupt the readings picking up your natural psychic wave form..." While he waited for her to do that he was pulling up a program that looked like a radar, but showed a huge hazy cloud surrounding the tower.
Nodding in both greeting to Seraph and to Laurence's words, she would place the band upon her head, and allow her abilities to manifest; a circlet of mental energy appearing as she begins to psionically locate Turbulence, simultaneously calling out verbally to both Terry and Seraph...
"It's a pleasure to meet you Seraph, welcome to the tower...and Terry, should I run out for lunch treat"
Pondering for a moment, she would mentally message Terry...
*And hopefully we can possibly catch dinner later...if your free?*
"Well, upon being teleported here in this Universe, I find myself significantly underpowered then I did in my back in the Seventh Realm. I also find myself, curiously perplexed at the reason why I cannot make contact. My cognitive analytic processors read that there are an extremely vast multitude of extra-dimensional beings and sentient energy residing in this Universe. My underlying mission is to explore this realm and archive as much information as I can, which at this point I can't calculate if there is a limit or not. As I was explaining, I do no recognize the presence signature of my realm, that in turn give me incomprehensible powers that upon manifesting would obliterate this Universe. Power level, diminishing. I find this Universe extremely fascinating, so many life forms, whereas my universe is limited to one form which are split up into seven realms with different tasks, missions, duties, what have you. Not one of the realms' is more important than the last. We are all equal."
Nodding towards Technosis, Cerabella and Gold-Fire. "I trust that inhabitants of your universe has had experiences with disembodied voices, which I am now displaying. My intelligence of your concepts are being processed within so that I'm able to "converse" with you, inhabitants. Therefore, I forth acknowledge you that with my diminishing residual power from the Seventh Realm my powers may be limited. I trust that this will not be a problem."
"I cannot help but feel the presence of at least 2-3 inter-dimensional beings, yes?"
I am One. We are One.
Laurence glanced at Seraph and tilted his head, then went back to looking at the computer, waving absently...
"Alright..." Technosis grinned... "Ha, oh... crud... Wait..." Technosis switched from looking at one screen to another, then blinks... "Well... I've got your waveform... Also got Terry's...." He frowned, isolating the two quantum waves... "Weird... Hey, think uhhh through? the device? I picked up an anomoly...." Laurence turned, his fingers clattering across a keyboard while the data-cloud radar kept pinging the cloud. The monitor started picking up large chunks of green in the haze of tiny pixels on the screen...
Technosis glanced at Seraph, or rather the direction from which the disembodied voice of seraph was talking. Terry was talking to a disembodied voice that was talking back to all of them.... Laurence shook his head and went back to fixing what he understood, networks, but that wasn't working either... "Hmm... Terry! You can see Seraph 7?" Technosis raises his eyebrows. "So, like, he's an energy being, you're kind of both? Maybe you can see the odd energy anomolies I'm picking up."
*Yeah! lunch sounds great, though, it seems the weird has started early today. Tonight should be free, barring any issues with the junk yard or other unforeseen circumstance.* Terry thought at Sabrina, he'd seen Technosis read peoples energy with his computers before, though never a psychic as powerful as her.
Terry blinked and rubbed his eyes. He hadn't noticed at first, but he could "See" Seraph seven, though it was more that he knew where the extra-dimensional entity was from the energy it put off, which he felt.
"Okay, so you want me to try and see if I have energy vision, because you think I can see energy?" Terry looked over, Laurence was nodding emphatically which made him nervous... "Okay..." Terry sighed and closed his eyes, a blue and gold glow appearing around his eyes... "Okay... uh That's just glow- Oh... Cere's got a nice aura..." He tilted his head and looked around. "Well, there are rings of pixels, and there's a..." he paused, not sure if he should describe Seraph 7, or even if he could really see it or just 'sense' it...
"Well... Could you absorb energy? I could energize you, if you're capable of using other sources of energy... You're right Seraph 7, we have a couple interdimensional travellers, and I'm not sure whether I qualify as inter-dimensional or not." Terry glanced at the sky
"My readings describe that you have the potential, Gold-Fire, but unless you can't absorb inter-dimensional energy, you can't become inter-dimensional. This varies among lifeforms."
"I am actually sentient energy or light from another universe, I assume a mechanical humanoid form, or commonly known in your realm as anthropomorphic robot. I have a voice but oddly it is not coming from this material body, thus encompassing the room. I cannot explain what I look like as energy form for I have never seen my own true form. Oneness within the Seventh Realm disables me from seeing this. It seems as though I obtain a trait, what others call, "Chaotic Form", my true form may also have "Eldritch Physiology", which is why you seemingly see me as a robot or android."
I am One. We are One.
Raising her hand at Seraph's words, she would call out to her as she still searches for Turbulence, offering him a mental pull to their location as she addresses their guest....
"I entered this dimension 2 years ago, from one that faced impending doom....regardless, I enjoy where I am now and have no desire of leaving, whether through death or any other means..."
She would ponder for a moment, adding...
"What exactly are your capabilities as they stand...and would you be interested in joining this team...?"
"My capabilities in this Universe that I have discovered so far are light-based energy powers, cosmic teleportation, telepathy, and a high tech exoskeleton."
"I feel as though I am a wanderer, being new to this Universe. I have also taken an interest in the one you call "Sandy"."
I am One. We are One.
Terry raised his eyebrows, surprised by the thought that he could be that powerful. Currently he had trouble effecting a small area! He was really not sure how the whole time thing was working... He was actually enjoying the strange way things looked while he was using what was apparently natural energy-'vision.' He glanced around, then at Cerebella and Technosis.
"There are still a lot of those pixel rings, can't you see them? they seem pretty bright..." Terry pointed, but there was mostly just a ring-shaped distortion in the air.
He glanced back at Seraph and nodded in agreement. "It sounds to me like you probably do belong with the wanderers." Terry glanced around, he hadn't seen her today, which made him worry she might be doing something like visiting tomorrow, or watching a tree grow over and over... "Sandy should be around here somewhere..."
Technosis frowned and glanced, staring at the area Terry pointed at, then put on his goggles... He rolled his chair away and soldered some pieces together a few wires as well...
"That's new..." He muttered... he started analyzing the bits, Cerebella's device would hum a bit. "I'm going to calibrate that device you're wearing to try something," He took thing he just made and attached it to the head band she was wearing. "Okay... very carefully about uhhh collecting pixels." Technosis pointed and went over to a work bench on the other side of the room, he'd started putting a few things together... "I'm gonna make something to trap that stuff... Cause I'm getting weird signals from it, like new wireless transmission devices, they're creating chaos..."
Nodding, she would allow her mind to expand like a net, hopefully 'gathering pixels' as she goes, her circlet beginning to pulse and drum akin to her heartbeat, a steady rhythm building as she continues, turning to the rest of the group as she does so. Those who could perceive energy auras would note that her's is a pulsing magenta figure, atop her head a magnificent crown of mental energy, her entirety mirroring her criclet's pulses. It could be felt that while Sabrina was not a master telepath, she carried an intense aura of power, in stark contrast to her youth.....curious.
Concentrating for several moments, she would address the team as she continues...
"Laurence, what are you receiving now...and Terry, what exactly do you see?"
"Strange. I do indeed find these "signals" quite peculiar indeed. Back home, every now and then a signal would come and go in a flash. We've never had any problems."
I am One. We are One.