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Crossing the Line

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RottenLuck's picture
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He nods to Nightstrike and

He nods to Nightstrike and moves to circle around the Jester. "Alright shows over just hand over the Orb and no one will get hurt."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Lord Nightmare
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The juggling mage doesn't

The juggling mage doesn't respond to the demands of the gathered and continues his cryptic speech, all the chainsaws taking on a similar glow now.

"The Lightbearer shall find darkness and The Weaver shall find pain. The Elemental finds temptation that the Masked One fights in vain. The Rotting gets a blessing, the Golem stays the same, but as for the Gatekeeper.. his power finds the Lame. There is none worse off, though, than the messenger of Light. For when all is said and done, he perishes in the Fight. There are cards yet to be played and pawns still out of place. The future that I speak of might not be the one you face. Through courage and luck, another can be made. If you heed my tale then events can be swayed."

He looks to Rotten, gazing at the undead.

"You say none will be hurt? You say it will be fine? I call bollocks on you, sir, and keep the orb as mine. It was taken before from you, Ghoulish one, this you already know. So how can you tell it won't be again? Prove to me and I'll go."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Ariana tossed and turned. She

Ariana tossed and turned. She sat up so fast she got dizzy and fell out of her bed. With the lightest of a thump she was sprawled out on her floor. A half second later a series of small white wards flared. Instantly the gravity in the room quadrupled. The only spot left unaffected was where Ms. King laid gripping her head. Justin tore into the room. The same white ward seemed almost tattooed to his face. Looking around he quickly realized their was no enemy. With a silent word the ward vanished from his face and the rest of the room deactivated. "Ms. King... Ms. King who is it? WHAT is it?"
"My braces Justin, get my braces...." Ariana rolled on her back. The pendant at her neck rising and falling at the same quick succession of breaths.
"Miss it wasn't but fifteen minutes ago you scryed and it was inconclusive."
"My braces Justin, unless you want her here without them."
Justin opened a large walk in closet. He withdrew a series of joint braces, first knees, than elbows, wrists, ankles, spine, and finally neck. Each was crafted of the purest silver. Each etched with a long series of runes. The braces had to weigh the same amount as the girl herself. Gently carrying them over to Ariana he tried one last desperate plea. "Can't we wait to see who wins it? What if we alert ... them? What if we both go and you only use the rune magic?" Ariana shook her head no and reached weakly for the first brace. Knowing she would not be deterred Justin undressed the heiress. As Ariana spoke a strange language the runes on the braces glowed a faint white. Gingerly Justin undid the clasps and locked them into place around Ariana. The smell of burnt flesh, one Justin knew he would never get used to, greeted his nose as he locked each one. Ariana would not yell out, but she would stop breathing for a second as each brace bore into her.

When it was done Ariana stood. It looked like an exoskeleton geiger would have designed. Ariana tested the rune magics. Her movements quick, precise, STRONG. This gear had allowed Ariana to combat the dark arts. Something she would never be able to do without it. This suit in her teenage years had won her the maiden.

"It's time Justin. Bring it."

Justin being a gravity mage had its advantages. He wished this wasn't one. A rune activated over his left eye. As if being dragged by an invisible person a coffin shaped box entered the room. The front of the coffin had a womans face etched into it. The expression that of pure agony. Once the coffin was standing in the center of the room Ariana walked up to it and placed a loving hand on the etching. "Hello my beautiful." Pulling the front of the coffin open a char black skeleton hung suspended by magic. Instead of a skull a helmet with the same agonized face. It was a black metal forged for this purpose only. Ariana turned and faced Justin. She smiled weakly at him, her eyes rimmed with tears from what she had just gone through. She stepped backwards into the coffin pulling the lid shut. Justin could swear he saw the skeleton move to embrace her each time this happened.

After what to Justin seemed like an eternity of Ariana screaming from inside the coffin....Again something Justin would never get used to.... it was silent.

The coffin door opened. Ariana stepped out. Anywhere the silver braces were not a black metal now resided. Her arms now looked like they belonged to a giant mech. Ariana flexed her hands, the fingers each tipped with scythe like blades. Her legs had monster like feet. Ariana flexed her 'toes' they carved the marble floor like butter.

The worst part was the mask thought Justin. The face no longer a woman in agony, it was serene, calm, at peace. Justin knew it was because all the pain was being transferred to Ariana herself. The maiden was exacting its cost. "I'm going Justin. I can't waste Silver standing here." Ariana turned. The white runes shining bright. "Accelerate" One rune on her spine flared and began to glow black. "Miss, already?" "Yes Justin, I must make it in time."

Ariana was out the window and across the court before Justin could even think of a reply. She wasn't as fast as a speeders, but she was far more mobile. Justin watched as she hurdled traffic, bouncing from one object to another. She was headed straight for the orbs location. The Maiden was on the move.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
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Swiping away the images

Swiping away the images within the scrying bowl, of the street Mage and mercenaries surrounding him, with evident annoyance, Contessa Nocturne would slowly breath in the fumes of death and decay permeating her ritual room, calming herself as she swiftly moves across the dark chamber, paying no mind or care to the trio of bound would be thieves held against a stone wall, nor their cries of agony as cloaked sadists move toward them, swinging blood-stained scythes before them as they approach their victims. Reaching the center of the room, the Countess would stand in the focal point of a candle-accented Pentagram, her dark aura would pulse around her like a steady heartbeat, as a portal of shadow forms itself in front of her.

Not wasting time, she would blow a quick kiss to a soon bisected victim behind her, before stepping through the portal, appearing before the street mage in a plume of black fire, similar ambient small visages forming in her palms, shouting at the juggler, her voice carrying an echo though the crowd...

"I hope you are wise enough to hand over the orb...I would hate for your show to become a rather public execution!"

Smiling, the howls of creatures long thought to have existed in mankind's nightmares cut through the silence that follows, the baying of hellhounds reverberating over the crowd...

She's brought 'friends' and they're only getting closer...


Talon would suddenly fade from view, her stealth generator activating, as she hurriedly whispers into the comm....

"Looks like we'll have company soon, we need to grab the orb and protect the civilians gathered until heroes arrive!"

((Talon's going to take a backseat for a bit, so Nocturne can play...oh and the Contessa cannot be indentified as Cordelia Bennet, and vice versa...magic obfuscates her identity...:) ))


RottenLuck's picture
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"nothing can be proven. The

"nothing can be proven. The future is unknown however I wouldn't be hiding it in a bank any longer. Thought face it only someone crazy and powerful would have attack a bank so near the most hero populated area. Just my luck he found such a group. You took it from the wreckage and asks me for proof I would protect it? What proof do you have that you will not misuse it?"

He looks to the new voice "And that one person I know will misuse it." Letting out a growl at Contessa Nocturne.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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"Shit, we've got another

"Shit, we've got another player on the field. We need to get control of this situation and quick. Moving position."

Nightstrike took off like a sprinter, running across the rooftops, easily hurdling chimneys, pipes, skylights, and gaps, until she'd reached a position ninety degrees from her previous orientation. Setting up again, she tapped her mic.

"Unlucky, can this orb of yours be harmed by bullets?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gideon Cross
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Sin looked at Contessa then

Sin looked at Contessa then back at the juggler. He would have the orb and was willing to do what he needed to get it.

"I really had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but you forced my hand. This was meant to be a cash and grab for me Get the cash keep the orb. not that I need the cash

Sin had closed his eyes a the mask disappeared from his face as he gave Isis the order through their telepathic link as his girlfriend appeared wielding two psychic blades along with Raiden who wielded a katana with lightning surrounding the blade Ricochet then appeared wielding dual pistols with runes similar to Sin but with fire and lightning swirling around his arms. Baston had showed up soon after with his fists pulsing with energy. Then the final 2 members appeared. Ghost wearing powered armor that wa adorned with runes and Stitch, hands glowing ready to heal who ever got injured in his crew. Sin turned to Stitch.

"Stitch, be ready to heal any mortal civilians that get caught in the crossfire.

Stitch noded. Sin wasn't all bad. He cared for the mortals much like Shepherd did. He had just grown up in a different environment.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Xselcier's picture
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"Sin, you son of a bitch.

"Sin, you son of a bitch. That's your play? Alright then." Nightstrike muttered to herself. She dropped her rifle and reached down, pulling a flashbang and a concussion grenade from her vest and lobbing them into the center of Sin's little formation.

"Unlucky, get the orb! Talon, start hustling those civilians out of here!"

She snatched her rifle up again, swiveled and opened fire on Contessa Nocturne, her finger smoothly stroking the trigger to loose three-round bursts.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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The Contessa sneered at Sin's

The Witch sneered at Sin's summons, and would smile as the first wave of hellhounds quite literally tear into the crowd, screams ringing out as sections of the pier run with blood. The unoccupied hounds would rush towards Sin and his allies, followed by men hidden in cloaks of shadow, running forward with their scythes swinging wildly, not caring who got caught in their wake.

The Contessa herself would exude balls of black fire from her palms, volleys of mystical landmines headed for both the Juggler, and Sin and his companions, their purpose clear as one consumes a fleeing civilian, screaming in agony as his body is left a charred and rotten husk.

The duchess of darkness would then offer a sly grin towards the carnage of her spells, as she turns to her enemies and offers two, chilling words...



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Talon would be ushering panicked civilians to safety, escorting them with fervor from the bloodied pier. Growling at Sin's little display, she would turn just as a hellhound manages to tackle her to the ground, managing to slice it's neck open as she goes down, swiftly rolling out from under it.

Running towards the epicenter of the combat, after making sure the remaining civilians escaped, she would launch a dazzling flashbang into Sin's companions, her katana flaring as she begins to engage both Raiden and Bastion with unrelenting and sudden strikes, her agility apparent as she continues to press the assault, leaving them exposed for others to attack...


Lord Nightmare
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"What proof, what proof..

"What proof, what proof.. what proof, indeed~. For all you know, I'm led by greed. I assure you, though, you should not fear. I have no use for this orb right here."

He watches the Contessa appear and gives a smirk behind the mask.

"And now the Witch of Old has come... and the players are assembling. Where is your Lord, M'lady? Does he not desire this ancient bling?"

The second weapons were drawn and shots fire, he turns the chainsaws all into replicas of the Orb (Save for the actual orb which just got turned back into it's true form). Eight were slung into the crowd, the mage running once his deed was done.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gideon Cross
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Sin stood in shock as he saw

Sin stood in shock as he saw the mortal perish the way they did

"Ricochet, Ghost, Take out those hell hounds. Bastion Raiden take out the men with the scythes! Stich start healing what ever mortals survive. Isis take that juggler out The Contessa is mine!!

His luetenants all got into position as Sin Reaper summoned tendrils made o9f shadow and chains that were made of the light blue spiritual energy. that was when the flashbang grenades were tossed. before they could react his luetenants were taken dow leaving him no choice but to quickly teleport to try and protect the mortals A he got near the mortals he had been disoriented causig one of the hellhounds to pounce on him.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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The Contessa would let out a

The Contessa would let out a dark, chilling chuckle, creating a portal of shadow before herself, consuming the volley of bullets sent towards her from Nightstrike, before allowing the said portal upon Sin's team and straggling civilians, the bullets redirected towards them, mowing down the latter mercilessly. Smiling at Sin's claim of taking her on, she would calmly running a civilian through with a spear of shadow, she would turn and shout to the Reaper, her voice now an inhuman and bone-chilling echo...

"Think you can best the duchess of darkness, hundreds have tried, all have think you with your pathetic allies will be able to accomplish that?!"

With that, she would begin to launch numerous volleys of serrating crescents of darkness towards her foes, laughing as she does so, screams heard among the sounds of combat, a chorus of death around them...


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Nightstrike would feel

Nightstrike would feel something... something behind her.
"Fire again mercenary only this time..... COVENS BLESSING" Three more silver runes turned black. Nightstrikes gun would have a dull silver pulse "The mages will have to dodge like real people now. Your bullets will tear into their very psyche if they block with magic.. I wouldn't want to feel like I was shot in the brain."
Like a streak of black and silver 'Maiden descended into the chaos hamstringing a hellhound as she passed. Stopping in front of the clown mage Maiden would do her best to look unthreatening ((well thats impossible)).
"You have a choice, it is neither red nor blue. Either the orb goes to those who will maintain its safety, or I will turn you into ribbon. ENHANCE!" Two more runes turned black. The clown could guess what Maiden just did.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gideon Cross
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Sin laid there disoriented as

Sin laid there disoriented as everything began to move in slow motion. He began to reminisce as a flashback played Before him stood an angelic made of light..

"My child, why have you strayed from the path?"

Sin looked at the being.

"No one has ever done anything for me. I've had to do everything on my own. This is the life I was dealt. That of a gangster. I don't deserve the power you have given me.

The being looked at him and smiled.

"The prodigal son always returns from whence he came.

Soon another flashback played. One with his twin brother Shepherd after they discovered each other's existance.

"Money isn't everything. What matters in this life is the lives you touched, the legacy you leave. What Legacy do you choose to leave?"

After that Flashback Sin began to snap out of it. He began to think about what Shepherd would do and it came to him. The one ability both he and his brother shared. The Redeemer's touch. He saw Contessa was busy with Night and he had to act now. The ability was always used as a last resort and this seemed like one of those situations If he could successfuly get it on her she would see her victims turn into her greatest fears and inflict damage on her. The Shadow Assassin teleported behind her and applied the touch. At that moment some of his soldiers began to arrive with his first stealth drone created by Ghost, based on what he learned from Mr Night's drone. The drone looked like a more streamlined version adorned with runes

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Xselcier's picture
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Nightstrike turned her head

Nightstrike turned her head away, unable to watch as her bullets were redirected into the civilians. She looked up suddenly and a fire ignited in her eyes as she heard the strange mech’s words and she felt her assault rifle pulse in her hands.

She flipped the selector switch to Full Auto and opened up on the murderous sorceress. At that moment, only one phrase came to mind.


[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Absorbing the throwing knives

Absorbing the throwing knives with a smaller portal, the Contessa would let out a growl as her left hamstring is sliced, before it is covered in excess shadow, the wound sealing a quickly as it is dealt. Crying out in anger as she is struck by Nightstrike's augmented bullets, courtesy of Maiden, she would erect a barrier of black flame, realizing her mistake as she is struck with tremors of intense mental pain, she would begin to roll and evade, the chaos of the combat raging around her serving as an effective cloak, for the moment.


Gladatoria's picture
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She would shudder at Sin's

She would shudder at Sin's touch, kicking him away in anger...but simply chuckles as she takes a quick reprieve from Nightstrike's assault, shouting to the Shadow Assassin as she continues to fight...

"I have walked through the fires of Hades and stared down the Reaper himself....I am beyond the reach of Nightmares!"


RottenLuck's picture
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Yup Chaos went up and all

Yup Chaos went up and all hell broke loose. His eyes look to follow the eight orbs the juggler tossed. "You think that an illusion would hinder me?" He shoved people aside as he went for the orbs. Then the Hell hounds he grabbed one and tosses it to the landmine area. He growled and slammed his fist down cracking the blacktop and ripped up a chunk then tossed it at The Contessa "Think Fast!"

He felt a tug and turned the real orb rolled to a drain and he raced for it as he pulled out a knife and stabbed himself in the abdomen. "Only one place I can think of where I know it be guarded. In me."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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Hitting the dirt as the

Hitting the dirt as the debris Rotten tossed sailed over her head, narrowly missing her as she turns to the group of enemies surrounding her, and has an epiphany: She has technically already won, with the future plans she has set in place, and now knowing the location of the orb in question, Rotten himself...she can cut her losses and retreat.

Suddenly, she would allow herself to repulse in black, decaying flame, hoping to incinerate or at least injure those in her they look back towards the center, the Contessa and her minions would be gone, her cloaked men disappearing in dark mist, and her hellhounds leaping and phasing into existing shadows.

As quickly as the assault began, it is over, leaving the mercenaries and their allies, among the heart-wrenching cries of the dying, and charred and mauled bodies of those who painfully departed.


Xselcier's picture
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Nightstrike dropped her rifle

Nightstrike dropped her rifle to her chest and and jumped off the roof, running to the downed civilians. As she approached, she heard sirens blaring, coming quickly to the scene of carnage and horror. She came to a halt, dropping into a skid next to the first person she saw. It was a young woman, maybe 21. Three of Nightstrike's bullets had ripped open her abdomen. She moaned quietly, so deep into shock that she barely even felt the wounds.

Internally, Nightstrike fought a battle with herself. She could save this girl, but it would mean cursing her with the same existence Nightstrike lived. Walking the planet as an immortal, seeing her loved ones die while she remained young. She looked up and saw one of Sin's troops kneeling over another person, his hands glowing with green energy. But there were several others that were severely injured between him and the girl. She'd be gone before then.

Nightstrike made up her mind. Taking a syringe from her back pocket, she uncapped it and stabbed the woman in the heart with it, flooding her body with adrenaline. The woman's eyes snapped open and she screamed once, flailing at her abdomen before Nightstrike stopped her. The adrenaline would give the woman a few moments of lucidity, which she needed to make a decision like this.

"Stop, stop! Listen, I can heal you. But you'll be altered. You will be immortal. Your loved ones will age and die but you'll remain forever the same. Can you live that cursed life?"

The woman stared at Nightstrike, but her eyes were slightly unfocused and the mercenary could tell she was thinking hard. After a few breaths, the woman's gaze sharpened and she locked eyes with Nightstrike.

"Yes, I can live with that. Please help me."

Nightstrike nodded and pulled one of her throwing knives. She stabbed it into her cephalic vein and slit the vessel open, turning the knife sideways to stop the flesh from closing on it's own.

"You must drink." she said, placing her wrist to the woman's lips. The woman raised her head and sealed her mouth over the flow, drinking deeply for several seconds until Nightstrike pulled her arm away and removed the knife, letting the flesh seal up. As Nightstrike watched, the bullet wounds began to heal at a vastly accelerated rate, even faster than her own normal healing factor. She remembered going through the same experience when she'd first gained her healing factor.

After a minute, the young woman sat up, her stomach completely healed. She began feeling her legs, raising them up and down joyously. It was at that moment that Nightstrike registered the wheelchair on its side next to the woman. The woman hugged her ferociously, crying and laughing and screaming for joy, all at once. After the woman had calmed down a bit and released Nightstrike, they both stood.

"Please, what's your name? Your real name." the young woman asked earnestly.

Nightstrike looked at her. "My name's Roxanne. What's yours?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Lord Nightmare
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The man looks to Maiden and

The man looks to Maiden and bows his head in prayer, a chain of beads wrapped around his hands.

"You do not need to harm me, childe of man. I come to save, not to kill. That orb is but a possibility amidst possibilities, a means to an end, if you will. The one who seeks it shall find a replacement in time. The dead one has it, so do not worry for I will take my leave now."

With that, he simply disappears. His voice, however, lingers on and is heard all around the area, barely above a whisper.

"And so begins this game of kings, play and see what it doth bring. But remember the point, from start to end, is not to let the Nightmare win. To help, I send a guardian, a man who is Light's champion. A few have met this one before, either in passing or magic war. He has no past, no ones to miss, only magic and incisive wits. Clad in red, Light's Favored Son.. I summon thee, SOLOMON!"

A blinding flash appears across the sky and all silences for but a moment. The juggler was gone, no trace or words. It was as if he never existed in the first place.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Ariana looked at the dead man

Ariana looked at the dead man. Her extremely altered physical state meant no one would ever recognize her unless they saw her cast the layered spell that caused her current appearance. She did however recognize the undead man. He had seemed pleasant enough, but not exactly a rocket scientist. He was also an associate of Mr. Night, at least loosely... and that man had a small aura of repressed ability. It was not a pleasant aura. 'I wasn't fast enough, I should have triple accelerated.' Ariana thought to herself. Cursing her restraint on using the Maiden she decided to approach the undead man..... until she saw the bots with the runes.

Those were not sanctioned magics. (Ariana was aware of the hypocrisy) "COMPLETE ASSAULT" Five runes went from silver to black. Ariana groaned as her massive arms shimmered and changed shape. From elbow to tip (roughly a few inches past her knees) each arm was a massive blade. A set of wings that looked more like tech rockets than anything had sprouted from her back. The face of her mask had gone from serene to a that of happiness. A happy Maiden meant Ariana would be in incredible pain. "ERASE" Two runes went dark. Every rune on her spine was now black (11). Her joints still pulsed silver, she had time.

A streak of silver and black descended into the rank of stealth bots. Every strike slicing and destroying. Those who had exceptional perception would notice that each strike hit a rune on the bot, with each rune hit any similar rune on any bot nearby would erase from the surface. The Maiden was eliminating the dangerous magic. Depending on exactly what the runes were meant to do (their application) the robots she didn't full out destroy may or may not function. White flared out of the wings launching The Maiden onto the face of the next bot. Her hands piercing through its neck decapitating it. 'Destroy these first, deal with the orb next'. Ariana twisted her neck around looking for the next bot to pounce on.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gideon Cross
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Sin stood there with his

Sin stood there with his leutenants and soldiers surrounding him not caring that his stealth drones were being destroyed. something more precious was lost as he looked at the dead mortals.

"Sorry your lives had to be lost. It wasn't supposed to end like this."

They stood there in a moment of silence amongst the carnage thinking about what to do next.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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He shoved the orbs into his

He shoved the orbs into his abdomen and took out a jerky and ate it. The wound healed up then he looked around. He takes out his phone and calls Ratz "Ratz get a hold of that Ian fellow we need a healer stat. Yes yes I know I pay the price." He sighs and hangs up the phone "Well there goes the last of my Life insurance payment."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02

"Ring ring banana phone!" Ian snagged his cell. "Well that sounds like a disaster.... Yeah yeah, no worries, half payment... no half of the original offer, I cut the poor guy a deal."
Ian threw his beer can at the tv as his horse lost. One of the group started to cheer and everyone threw stuff at her as she chuckled to collect the pot of money.
"I got a call, they decided to be retroactive so speed counts...." A brutish looking man stood. "It's my turn." Ian nodded and also stood.
Thirty seconds late the giant man was laying on the floor out cold. Ians arms were glowing and his friends were getting Ice for when the volunteer woke up. Sara kissed Ian on the back of the neck "Run fast, save them." Ian nodded and struck his legs.

Their was a visible after image this time, Ian wasn't fooling around. Within moments Ian was downtown. Undead guy eating jerky.... crew of weirdos looking perplexed and waiting for orders from the most perplexed... angel of death tearing up some weird robots... the hot mercenary women doing hot mercenary things.... Not as much carnage as expected, some looked like wolves had attacked, others peppered with bullets. Ian set to work.

Ian zipped from person to person... this is why he got paid what he got paid. Within three minutes a dozen people were stable. The worst of them would bear life long scars from Ians transfer strikes... but it would be life long, not life short. Yelling over to his contract owner Ian made sure to get clarification. "Hey Luckster! I assume its these poor chaps you want living? Anything else in the contract? Ratz was a bit hurried due to situation."

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"We had an uninvited guess to

"We had an uninvited guess to the party. She thew a fit might as well stick around till we clean up the after show." He charges then for one of the rune marked robots and started attacking with kicks and fists aiming for joints. "Sin showed his true colors wanted the Orb for himself. Think he's a bit shocked someone upstaged him and caused all this chaos."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Sin ordered Stitch to heal

Sin ordered Stitch to heal the surviving mortals That was when shepherd appeared and looked at Sin while Stitch healed the injured. Shepherd looked at Sin.

"remember the convo we had? Money isn't everything. What matters in this life is the lives you touched, the legacy you leave. What Legacy do you choose to leave?"

Sin looked at is brother as he began to raise those that were dead. Sin didn't know that Shepherd could do that. Shepherd then looked at Sin.

"You have the same abilities I do. Put your hands on one of the dead and concentrate."

Sin began to follow Shepherd's lead.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Talon would then appear from

Talon would then appear from stealth, the area behind her strewn with the corpses of a dozen cloaked men, her grisly handiwork no doubt, grins plastered on their faces, even in death, as they wheeze their final breaths. Stopping before a dying elderly man, she would take off her eyeline mask, allowing the him to gaze upon her face, a bloodstained hand stroking her cheek, rasping in a pained, yet calm whisper...


She would whisper back in a grief-stricken yet comforting tone...


He would nod, smiling despite his injuries...

"Katrina...such a pretty name...before I go....promise me something sweetheart?"

She would hold back tears, but nods...

"My name's Leonard...Leonard wife's name is Lydia...we live in Whitehold Apartments, #347....I went out to get her some flowers...Marigolds, her favorite...guess I won't be delivering them....please get her some, it's our anniversary..."

He would smile at the woman before her, before finally rasping...

"Let her down easy...and promise me something...don't cry over me"

With that, he would pass, Talon kissing his forehead gently as she closes his open eyes....simply shaking her head as she began to silently sobbed....

She has already broken her promise...


Gideon Cross
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Some of the dead were to far

Some of the dead were to far gone to be brought back, their souls already departing from their bodies. Shepherd and Sin did what they could to the best of their abilities. Stitc would heal what ever injured he would find Sin and his would leave through a rift while Shepherd took care of things. The Ghostwalker then looked at Rotten.

"You know I would have helped you out. Sin did not have to get involved"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Well damn, outta juice." Ian ki struck some woman in the abdomen, diverting the flow of blood in her body around the gut shot wound. With the second, and last sputtering strike the hole very slowly started to seal. Iam looked up. Dazed and confused was now talking to a less confused version of himself, they were busy making zombies or something... very unnatural. Hot mercenary lady 1 was making out with some cop, hot mercenary lady 2 was going all last rites on the other side of the combat zone. Undead Luckster and angel of death were finishing off the last few robots that were doing a rather poor job of defending themselves from the two freaks of nature.

Ian had patched up all but a few. "Hey Lucks, when you are done there you wanna fill me in on all this ...wha?"

'Well thats fortunate.' Ariana thought to herself. The undead was near her. Ariana pierced through the core of the robot Rotten was engaged with. "You have a choice, undead. Travel with me willingly and I will make sure that orb is secured in you permanently... or you can try to escape and I will take it from you."
Ariana withdrew her arm from the robot as her assault spell wore out. She groaned as her arms shifted back into actual hand shapes.

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Gideon Cross
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Stitch had stayed behind to

Stitch had stayed behind to heal the injured while the other had gone. it was the least he could do. Sin would have stayed but was shocked by what had happened and began doubting his choices.. there were so much carnage, so much death. Sin and Shepherd could only raise those that had just died when they noticed they still had a spiritual signature. that was how their abilities worked. Locate the soul strengthen it to bring them back. Shepherd Doubted Sin would continue on the path he was currently on but who knows. He'd hoped this experience would give him a change of heart..

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Yeah, Shepherd might still

"Yeah, Shepherd might still need some help. As for Sin I'm not in charge of him." Then he hears Ariana and looks to her "What do you mean? Look toots I know darn well I'm not a bright bulb. So tell me what ya got in mind."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"We dissipate the orb into your very bones. It will hurt, but the only way the magic could be used by anyone would be to quite literally grind you to meal and extract the essence. Some of the orbs abilities may transfer to you, but not all. It's either that or I gut you and destroy the orb. Since gutting you won't kill you.. again. I am not trying to be cruel, but that magic cannot be left as is."

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Nightstrike spoke with the

Nightstrike spoke with the woman she had helped for a few more minutes, then handed her something and sent her on her way. The woman took a long look at the wheelchair beside her, then turned and walked away, never looking back.

Nightstrike joined the group, casting a wary eye at both The Maiden and Shepherd.

"Job's done, then? The orb is back in the proper hands?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Standing swiftly, Talon would

Standing swiftly, Talon would return to the group, her face now an expressionless mask as she addresses them, her suddenly clean katana sheathed along her back...

"The TCPD are on their way, and I don't believe it is best for us to stick around...unless you admire the quality furniture of a squad car...I trust the orb is being dealt with?"


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"Yeah Jobs done. Hey Spook

"Yeah Jobs done. Hey Spook you heard Megamaid here she wants to fuse the orb into my body. Is that possible?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked ar rotten

Shepherd looked ar rotten when he asked a question

"It is possible but as she said, it will hurt like hell but on a good note you'll be one with the orb that made you. A walking talking artifact."

A teenage girl walked up to Shepherd. She was one of the dead who had not left her body yet and was brought back.

"Thank for saving me I saw a light, and a voice said it wasn't my time yet. The voice said to give someone named Marcus a message."

Shepherd smiled at hearing Sin Reapers adopted name.

"What was that message? Marcus was the one who saved you not me. He brought you back."

The girl smiled

"The message was the prodigal son always returns from whence he came."

With that she left, as Shepherd pondered. He would give him that message.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"If it helps any my magic is far more subtle... Most the ones here rely on power, I rely on precision. Make your choice dead man. That orb will be locked away one way or the other."
A rune on Arianas leg went black. Time ticking away was wearing at the rune wards protecting her from The Maidens influence. Ariana was not lying to the undead man.. her magic was not powerful, if she had to fight all these supers AND forcibly take the orb she very well might be making the final sacrifice to seal only a moderately dangerous magic away. "We haven't all day."

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He stood there thinking then

He stood there thinking then looked to Ariana "Alright I accept your offer. It would mean I will never be normal again but better that then having others die because of my arrogance."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"Before you begin..."

"Before you begin..."

Nightstrike extracted a folded slip of paper from one of her pockets and handed it to Rotten.

"I was not contacted by Ratz. I heard about this op through the grapevine. That has the account number for my payment and a means of contacting me in the future. Good luck in the future, all of you."

With that, she turned and walked into the night.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"I quite literally have no idea how it will affect you. It depends on your strength of will, affinity to the magic, and subconscious desires. " Ariana looked at the somewhat loosly assembling heroes. "I will have to expose my identity when I cast, and it will take several hours. PARTIAL RELEASE" One rune burned black. Arianas body visibly winced as the gigantic arm melted back to expose her real hand.

An extremely dainty hand moved forward. The pale nail polish glistening. "SEERS MARK" It must have been a low level magic as no change happened to Ariana. "In twenty minutes the mark I just placed in you will begin to direct you towards a location I have designated. I will not sacrifice my identity so come alone. Intruders will be... dealt with. MAIDEN" A rune flared black. Now three of the 5 around her throat and all of her spine was black. "FLIGHT" 1 silver rune left at Arianas throat. Ariana lept into the air and a rapidly retreated north.

"Well thats not in my contract. Good workin with you luckster, have a nice dinner date with lady death hands." Ian had walked up to the group to find out the plan. Being out of energy he turned and started to walk away like any normal person. .... That is until you noticed several inards from one of the stealth bots in a bag he was carrying. Waste not want not right?

**in 20 minutes rotten would feel like if he was going to travel... west would be the way to go.

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He takes the paper and puts

He takes the paper and puts it in his pocket "I make sure you get payed." He looks around "We better hurry I see the TCPD lights down the road."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Talon would offer Nightstrike

Talon would offer Nightstrike a smile as she leaves, before addressing Rotten, also handing him a similar card...

"Payment can be made to either of these accounts on the card, and it contains my contact info for future services...I hope to meet you all again in the future, it was a pleasure....farewell"

When they look back in Talon's general direction, she would be gone, empty air filling her place


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd grabbed on to Rotten

Shepherd grabbed on to Rotten and teleported out of there along with him. They appeared in an abandoned chrurch.

"This is my own private base that I been working on since I got here."

He pressed a button behind the alter as a secret passage way opened revealing an underground bunker.

"This bunker connects to a series of underground tunnels beneath the city You can use them to go where ever you need.?

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Ariana sat in a chair. She

Ariana sat in a chair. She had released The Maiden. All around and above her a veil obscured her appearance. A table with bindings in front of the veil. Her magical exo skeleton glowed brightly. Two of the black runes had turned white again... every ten minutes outside The Maiden would allow one of her protection runes to reset. 'The undead man should feel the pull by now, I hope he follows it.' Ariana mused to herself. She did not relish the idea of having to use The Maiden twice in a day. She rubbed her hands between her thighs to massage them. Several bones in each still broken by the dark magic. Her runes would mend them as they mended themselves, but it would be a few days before she could hold a utensil without wincing.

Somewhere in the small abandoned shop Justin waited. He was only a mid level mage at best, but given the time to prepare his control of a potential field of combat could be near unstoppable. Anyone besides Rotten who attempted to enter the building would find themselves in a gravity well. Teleporters would find themselves unable to fix a final location within the building and would end up in a random location in Titan City. Unlike Ariana Justin hoped the deadman would not show. He would prefer to simply destroy the orb and it's owner instead of having little miss put herself through the grueling agony hours of spell casting would exact. Even though her limbs would not hurt her body would take weeks to recover from the cost she paid for The Maidens many forms.

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Rotten walked to the pew and

Rotten walked to the pew and looked up at the cross "From time to time I thought about destroying the orb. I never could do it mainly because I hoped someone could figure out a way to undo the spell. If I go through with this I will never be alive again." He reached up and rubs his forehead "I think it's time. Shepherd mind coming along I would like someone watching my back all this magic stuff just over my head."

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at the

Shepherd looked at the creature he now saw as his friend wit a smile

"Yes I'll join you. Maybe I can help in some way."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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**When the two finally make

**When the two finally make it to the warehouse**

A decently built man dressed in a white tux would be standing outside the door. A full faced but blank mask also the same stark white over his face. While leaning on a white cane he would nod at the undead man and then peer at interloper (shepherd).
The man would speak, his voice warped by the gravity fields around him distorting the octaves both higher and lower at the same time. "You were told to come alone deadman. You may enter, but your friend will have to wait out here with me. This is non negotiable."

The man would withdraw a thin sword from the cane and weave it in the air. The rune The Maiden had placed into Rotten would float outside his chest and glow faintly... it was his key past the gravity fields. The man bowed politely swinging the door of the warehouse open.

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Gideon Cross
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The place seemed to be sacred

The place seemed to be sacred ground as Shepherd could feel the strong spiritual energy course through his body. He felt stronger here as he would in a church or a cemetary as he eyes glowed and pulsated intensely.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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He growls a bit "He's my

He growls a bit "He's my backup. I don't trust this magic stuff, but I trust him." Looking at Shepherd "Guess I have to do this alone." He grunts and headed into the warehouse "alright gives where to?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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The man chuckles lightly. "I

The man chuckles lightly. "I won't be coming, the magic you will see is above my ability level. Her ability is breathtaking. She does not have her Maiden armor active, so you could escape if you wished... escape from her at least." The man closed the door, shutting himself out of the warehouse and Rotten inside. He stood in front of the door looking at Shepherd. "If only I could tell what your aura was. Though if you were inherently evil she would have scryed it."


Rotten would see the place was brightly lit. A table with straps set up in front of a veiled partition. A silhouette of a young woman behind the veil. "Hello Mr. Deadman. I am glad you chose to come by your own free will." Everything was clean, prepared, but about as comfortable looking as an operating room. "I can destroy the orb Mr. Deadman, but you are linked to it, it might kill you.. for good. You can give me the orb, but that would be like putting your free will in my hands. Or I can seal the orb to your very core. It will become part of you. You might get stronger, you might gain abilities, or you might turn into a zombie whose mind is absorbed by the dark nature of the orb. The choice is yours. All three risk your life, so you should decide."

The womans voice was weak. Her words kind and sincere.

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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at the ma

Shepherd looked at the ma quizzically.

"So what is this place? there seems to be a very strong concentraton of energy as if it were sacred ground. It's amazing"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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The man chuckled. It was an

The man chuckled. It was an honest chuckle. "It's just an unused building she selected. What you are currently feeling as a strong energy is actually two very different magics. My own is the size you feel. I've trapped the entire building in case of intruders. The concentration is much harder to identify. That is her. It feels like a hummingbird wing brushing the skin." The man was clearly in awe of the woman he spoke of. Despite his own magics being considerably larger in scale hers was a scalpel, elegant and finely tuned. "Of course I can barely identify scope of magic that has been cast. She can see the vary aura of a mage." The man fell silent quickly, the last part was not meant to be said.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd noticed The man's

Shepherd noticed The man's reaction upon mentioning the reading of auras.

"It's ok I can also read auras and locate people by their spiritual signatures."

Shepherd smiled at the man to let him know it was ok..

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Believe me dying not

"Believe me dying not something I worry about. It's failing to die for good." He looks around "Ya right I don't trust putting my free will into the hands of another. About the same risks for me with the other two options. So what would be easier for you?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Ariana pondered for a moment.

Ariana pondered for a moment. "Sealing the orb to you has the greatest possibility to be used for good. Destroying it would negate any further affects on our world. An interesting choice. I believe two of the three fore-bearers would choose to seal it to you. Clearly I am bad at making the choice to destroy a dark magic that has the possibility of being used for great deeds..... We shall see what my original instinct leads us. We will seal it inside your bones. Please remove your shirt and lay face down on the table."

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"Well no rest for the wicked.

"Well no rest for the wicked." He undoes his shirt and tosses it aside and lays down on the table. "I don't like this I would rather have my man with me. This better not be a trick."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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"As would I Mr. Deadman, as

"As would I Mr. Deadman, as would I. LOCK." The straps wrapped around Rottens limbs, they were simple leather, Rotten could break them under effort, they both knew it. "They are to keep any trembles from disrupting the casting. This is to protect my identity. VEIL." The veil in front of the girl wrapped itself around rottens face. It was a breathable fabric, but it obscured the vision.

Rotten would feel two very delicate hands trace his bone structure. The girl muttering to herself. "Each rune will hurt, even you the undead. This will burn what the spiritual call 'the soul'." Ariana would begin whispering an unintelligible language. Rotten would feel the orb inside him heat and crack. "Light of the living, father of secrets, mother of knowledge, bearer of the past, foreteller of the future." With the first crack in the orb Arianas finger would sink into Rottens flesh. When the finger touched bone Rotten would feel the first jolt of pain. The rune being engraved to bone, absorbing the magic released from the first crack in the orb."

This process would be repeated 165 more times over the next three hours..................

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Sometime during the process

Sometime during the process the room seem to shift as if a well of magic had been opened. The two weren't alone in the room a third person stood there a woman with skin white as chalk or bone but her skin wasn't perfect there were lines of black and large areas were covered completely. Her face shifted from one of a young woman to an old hag. Her gown also matched the black and white design. She wasn't standing either she was sitting on a chair made of bone and her legs were mottled like a corpse. "Now dear child what are you doing with my Jewel?"

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Ariana had just finished the

Ariana had just finished the 65th rune. She wiped her forehead. She was a little over half way done. The orb inside the undead man would be half gone. the chips sealed within the runes on his ribs. Ariana looked up. Angry to be interrupted and scared since Justins wards ...should have.. sent this person far away. Teleporting into the building should have been impossible. "GRAVITYBLADE" She hoped Justin and the other man outside were not dead, that would be the only explination she knew of to how to enter the building.

"I am setting the Jewel, as any good Jeweler would." Arianas comment held barbs despite how weakly she spoke. "Sorry deadman" Ariana sunk all ten fingers in. Each finger touching bone at the same time carving a rune. Ariana fell to a knee from the power consumption as the door burst open.

Justin saw Ariana on a knee, an unknown hag in a throne of bone and Rotten tied down still smoking from 10 runes being applied at once. "SINGULARITY! A rune tattoo surfaced through the mask Justin wore. A massive singularity setting itself as a buffer between the interloper and his master. "retreat now witch... before I activate every gravitational rune I set in this building."

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Gideon Cross
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Shepherd knew something was

Shepherd knew something was wrong and wanted to help his friend Rotten

"Is something wrong?! I can help!!"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Lower your weapons if I

"Lower your weapons if I wanted to attack I would have. Unlike my father I don't play games." Her eyes move from Justin to Ariana "When one touches the powers of the mistress of death I bound to take notice. You are weak in body and will be in my reach in time no need to rush things."

Rotten Screams in pain as the runes were marked on his body feeling as if they dug right down to the bone. Hel's eyes drift to Rotten's "A brave soul standing on the line between Law and Greed, between Life and Death. Very well child I let you continue, but be warned that was just one of the five keys."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Ariana coughed. Some blood

Ariana coughed. Some blood specs hitting Rotten. "Well if you will allow me to continue than I kindly ask you to leave." Ariana had obscured her face with a minor spell before standing. "I have it in me to seal away as much dark magic as it takes for light to emerge victorious. After that it doesn't really matter."

Justin rushed to the younger mages side. He cradled her protectively. Ariana failed to push him away so instead made him help her stand.

"The 76th rune of light." Ariana gently patted the side of Rottens head, she whispered an encouraging word to the man and sunk another finger in.

Justin didn't release the singularity. He wasn't about to go by this womans words.

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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Death is not dark, death is

"Death is not dark, death is not light, death takes all, death comes to all. Death is the equalizer. You chose correctly if you tried to destroy the Orb it would have ended in both of yours deaths." With that Hel was gone.

"Would someone tell that woman to shut up already. I had it up to my eyeballs with death. Bad enough I'm sacrificing my slim hope of being human again for this AGHHHHHHH,.. damn that one stung.":

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
"Ah I am so sorry, my

"Ah I am so sorry, my concentration was a bit lacking on that one. .... Your acquaintance is a bit troubling. GravityBlade, if you can escort Mr. Deadmans friend out again I would like to work in peace." The frail woman supported herself on the table edge. All of her concentration going back into the task of sealing the orb shards inside Rottens bones.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"Don't sweet it doll. I

"Don't sweet it doll. I learned long ago pain is a good thing it reminds us to be careful. It reminds us we are still alive, er give or take. You did warn me this will hurt."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
When it was done Ariana was a

When it was done Ariana was a shell of a shell. Justin was holding her up. In an X-Ray Rotten would show carvings on his bones from pelvis across his ribs and spine all the way to the base of his skull.
"I have sealed the dark magics to you Mr. Deadman. Your final death would be required for anyone to take the magic from you. That which I etched cannot be un-etched. Unlike my fine friend here my runes are perfect." Ariana was not boasting, she was jsut being matter of fact. This was the only thing she herself was actually good at. Everything else she ever did came at a cost beyond simple fatigue.
"I will leave now Mr. Deadman. There are more orbs to find. I leave you this... Use it to contact me if you ever need. I will make the maiden serve those that put their trust in me."

Rotten saw a strange blank white card slipped onto the floor under where he was looking. Somehow this card could summon this frail white witch.

The taller mage uttered a few words and runes appeared under his feet. Within moments he had retreated carrying his prized master in his arms.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
He stood up once they were

He stood up once they were gone and removed his blind folds. "Well that was ... interesting." he reached down and picked up the card "I wonder if you can hear me if not who cares. Zombies use 100% of their senses this includes the scent of smell. I don't think I will use this unless I have no other choice Miss Ariana." He then put the card away and showing signs that the possess hindered him he limped out the door. "Shepherd? Call a cab I don't think I can walk to far."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd looked at Rotten

Shepherd looked at Rotten knowing he could just teleport him.

"Tell me where you need to go and we'll teleport there."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
"My place. Oh hell you said

"My place. Oh hell you said I could crash at your church right... Think I need too." With that Rotten collapses to the sidewalk like a dead man. However this wasn't him dropping dead his aura was blazing as his body was getting used to the power of the orb it basically overloading him.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd grabbed on to his

Shepherd grabbed on to his friend and teleported to the church where he was set on one of the benches. Since it was abandoned, no one would come bothering. The Ghostwalker wold pondr his next course of action. There was much that needed to be done.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
About an hour later he opens

About an hour later he opens his eyes and sits up. "Did someone get the name of the buss that ran me over? huh... that's odd." He looks down and pats his gut. "Okay I don't care what happens now I owe that woman a lot."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
