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Reputation System?

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Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Reputation System?

Has there been discussion about having one of these yet? If so, please point the way. If not, please let me know so I can post ideas.


I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Zombie Man
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No discussions about a

No discussions about a reputation system on these forums yet. Go for it!

Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator


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I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

WingofFreedom's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/24/2013 - 00:08
I remember playing EQ1 as a

I remember playing EQ1 as a high elven paladin. I could get into Freeport, but East, West, and South Freeport were virtually cut off. I had to take backways and tunnels in order to get to North Freeport. I had no faction with the other three areas as those areas were controlled by a corrupt sheriff. Of course, ambushing his corrupt agents didn't help with faction. Faction was a big element in that game.

May the wings of freedom never lose a feather!

HarvesterOfEyes's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/09/2013 - 08:19
There are merits to that

There are merits to that system.

However, when it degenerates in to having to give a dwarf 4 unstacked muffins 1500 times, something's gone terribly wrong.

Get yourself right; the world has enough problems.

WingofFreedom's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/24/2013 - 00:08
Waiter, there's a 'bug' in my

Waiter, there's a 'bug' in my soup. Sounds like a quest point that kept looping through it self. There was one I encountered in BBM near the docks that wouldn't quit. Don't remember if I ever finished that quest.

May the wings of freedom never lose a feather!

Darth Fez
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In certain cases, areas, or

In certain cases, areas, or for certain organizations it could be possible to bribe a certain official for them and their people to look the other way. In essence, you buy a reputation temporary power. It may even be presented by way of leaving it to the player to decide if they want to go in and beat up everyone in the base, or do a side mission or two to be able to bribe the guy so they can just walk in. Obviously, if you dawdle too long...

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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HarvesterOfEyes's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/09/2013 - 08:19
The worst were the factions

The worst were the factions you could never under any circumstances increase, but which you could easily ruin.

One example was an obsolete raid that you didn't dare do even once if you wanted to enter your home town afterwards.

As a basis for determining what side you're on it's fun mechanic, once management priorities changed it went wrong in a myriad of ways. Like a lot of things, it needs planning and maintenance.

The WoW and Rift implementations of reputation are pretty obnoxious. They force you in to long rep grinds just to keep your character current. Grinds have their place, but as the default mechanic for keeping the players occupied they are evil. I would hope a community-sourced game won't resort to blackmailing the players like that.

Get yourself right; the world has enough problems.

Blue Raptor
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 10:13
It holds great opportunities

It holds great opportunities when done right, and could even replace some or all of the good / evil.
Your character might be in good standing with the military and in bad standing with the cops, or vice versa, or be in good standing with all the "good" but also one or several "evil" organizations if you avoid missions where both are involved, or try to achieve a non-fatal outcome in most of those.

At any rate the system should please keep track of what you did affection each faction (Faction A: did X good, Y bad, 1 really great deed for them, 0 unforgivable acts) and modify those, then calculate your standing, not only keep the calculated result (Faction A: 26) and throw away how it came to be.


Redlynne's picture
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Cobbling together some ideas

Cobbling together some ideas from hither and yon, including CoH and WoW ... one thought I've had is, what if your Day Job is what gave you Reputation with particular groups, and that you could then "use" that Reputation through your Secret Identity.

Specifically ... let's say you Log Out in a area that is dominated by the Skulls. Well, while you're logged out you start gaining Reputation with the Skulls (because you're "in the neighborhood" a lot). During gameplay, once your Reputation has hit certain marks, the different ranks (Minion, Lieutenant, Boss) of Skulls switch from being Aggro On Sight to being merely Aggro If Attacked [i]while you're in your Secret Identity[/i]. This then gives you a "free pass" through areas these Mobs "control" or have a large presence in, allowing you to avoid fighting them if you don't want to. It's something that would give your Secret Identity a "meaningful purpose" in actual gameplay when it comes to navigating your way around the streets.

And just to be clear, these sorts of Reputation Gains for your Secret Identity with various Foe Groups wouldn't be "permanent" so in order to maintain them you'd need to "keep up your Day Job" when logging out if you want to stay on good terms with them. What I mean by that is that Reputation would "decay" if it isn't "refreshed" often enough through your Day Job while logged out.

Note that this sort of idea could potentially yield some very interesting alternatives for how to complete mission objectives, leading to an almost (but not quite) Stalker-ish way of bypassing direct battles on the way to reaching objectives, [i]both inside and outside of instances[/i] simply by using your Secret Identity. In effect, you would be "infiltrating" a particular group of NPCs Foes while logged out using your Secret Identity ... which would then (potentially) give you carte blanche to just [i]walk right into a Nemesis base[/i] and steal the super secret plans you need [i]and then walk right back out again[/i] without anyone realizing that you're a "mole" infiltrator simply because your "reputation" with Nemesis (the organization, not the guy) is just that good.

Your Day Job is to be an employee at Crey Industries. Walk in and steal the lab notes you need and walk right back out, because you've got "clearance" with Crey Industries to do that in your Secret Identity.

An interesting side effect of setting things up that way is that you'd NEVER be able to have "perfect" reputation with ALL of the NPC Foe groups at the same time, because you'd have to pick and choose. Another possibility is that every time an Aggro On Sight is "deferred" by your Reputation, that Reputation drops, because you're "spending" that Reputation to avoid aggro. That means that you can only pull this trick but so many times before these groups start getting "wise" to your "suspicious" behavior. You can then set things up such that Elite Bosses, Arch Villains and Giant Monsters are simply "never fooled" by this particular gambit, meaning you'll want to steer clear of them while in your Secret Identity.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Insatiable's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Some games turned faction

Some games turned faction into a game-ending apocalyptic failure. But, I know there is thought of a 3-axis alignment system that could be used as a map-driven faction system and bring an interesting mechanic to the game without the 15000 muffin issue. I mentioned this in the zone thread. I do, however, do not think this faction/morality feature should draw the agro of the high-level zone NPCs that would one-shot anything or limit a player's access to an area, just make it more... interesting.

"it's a long road to wisdom, but it's a short one to being ignored." The Lumineers

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 15:45
Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Cobbling together some ideas from hither and yon, including CoH and WoW ... one thought I've had is, what if your Day Job is what gave you Reputation with particular groups, and that you could then "use" that Reputation through your Secret Identity.
Specifically ... let's say you Log Out in a area that is dominated by the Skulls. Well, while you're logged out you start gaining Reputation with the Skulls (because you're "in the neighborhood" a lot). During gameplay, once your Reputation has hit certain marks, the different ranks (Minion, Lieutenant, Boss) of Skulls switch from being Aggro On Sight to being merely Aggro If Attacked while you're in your Secret Identity. This then gives you a "free pass" through areas these Mobs "control" or have a large presence in, allowing you to avoid fighting them if you don't want to. It's something that would give your Secret Identity a "meaningful purpose" in actual gameplay when it comes to navigating your way around the streets.
And just to be clear, these sorts of Reputation Gains for your Secret Identity with various Foe Groups wouldn't be "permanent" so in order to maintain them you'd need to "keep up your Day Job" when logging out if you want to stay on good terms with them. What I mean by that is that Reputation would "decay" if it isn't "refreshed" often enough through your Day Job while logged out.
Note that this sort of idea could potentially yield some very interesting alternatives for how to complete mission objectives, leading to an almost (but not quite) Stalker-ish way of bypassing direct battles on the way to reaching objectives, both inside and outside of instances simply by using your Secret Identity. In effect, you would be "infiltrating" a particular group of NPCs Foes while logged out using your Secret Identity ... which would then (potentially) give you carte blanche to just walk right into a Nemesis base and steal the super secret plans you need and then walk right back out again without anyone realizing that you're a "mole" infiltrator simply because your "reputation" with Nemesis (the organization, not the guy) is just that good.
Your Day Job is to be an employee at Crey Industries. Walk in and steal the lab notes you need and walk right back out, because you've got "clearance" with Crey Industries to do that in your Secret Identity.
An interesting side effect of setting things up that way is that you'd NEVER be able to have "perfect" reputation with ALL of the NPC Foe groups at the same time, because you'd have to pick and choose. Another possibility is that every time an Aggro On Sight is "deferred" by your Reputation, that Reputation drops, because you're "spending" that Reputation to avoid aggro. That means that you can only pull this trick but so many times before these groups start getting "wise" to your "suspicious" behavior. You can then set things up such that Elite Bosses, Arch Villains and Giant Monsters are simply "never fooled" by this particular gambit, meaning you'll want to steer clear of them while in your Secret Identity.

This idea intrigues me and I would like to subscribe to your news letter.

Yea I would like to see it play a larger part like this other then just getting faction and those factions go green to you. Would like to see the way missions play out change due to your own faction with them. Or because of faction with them, you'll see them come to your aid. And being an opposing side and getting faction would cause for some interesting infiltration and spying and double agents or under covers. Or even being same side and being able to lose faction. A hero being chased by cops. A villain getting aided by the cops. Hero working with Crey. A villain working with Longbow.

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Lin Chiao Feng
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Redlynne: In addition to

Redlynne: In addition to decay over time, there could be another source of reputation decay: time spent hanging out with the competition. This would make it harder for you to, say, get a free pass from [i]all[/i] the gangs; if you carefully manage things, you can get them all as "yellow" aggro (attack on being attacked) but if you hang out with one side only, then the other gangs might see you as "throwing in" with that gang, or even just giving them special treatment, and thus they could be [i]more[/i] aggressive to you...

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]