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The Phoenix Rising Initiative

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Brian Sichelle
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Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Hey all, just writing on here

Hey all, just writing on here to say "hi". You won't see me post more than this. I'm not much of a typist, and have no extra time in the day to keep up to date on the boards.

Fenikas's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 19:50
Hey everyone, i think i will

Hey everyone, i think i will start posting here more and more now that the KS will be ending soon. I also came here because someone was roasting there any left?

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 12:52
Plenty of meerkat to go

Plenty of meerkat to go around. Just avoid the ones that are still running around - I think someone re-animated them as fire-zombie-meerkats.

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

DJ Dee
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Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/01/2013 - 21:45
>.> *Sets fire to Meerkat

>.> *Sets fire to Meerkat supplies*

Check out ur new station !!!!!

I go live every Saturday night at 9pm EST! ^o^

For fast updates on the station and my show follow me on the Twitters @Namesakeradio and @Brokenredmage

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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@Bladebot, well my thought

@Bladebot, well my thought was more of that world having been destroyed, and from the ashes it was rebuilt into a new and even better world known as CoT, and there were two certain groups that spawned from it, The Phoenix Rising, and the "***" redside group. But I was just brainstorming, let's hear a counter opening :)

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Little_Unicorn's picture
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*hugs meerkat plushie*

*hugs meerkat plushie*

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Counter-opening: There is

Counter-opening: There is just Phoenix Rising. It's a meta-human organization, and an official neutral ground, that takes in anyone that helped rebuild the city after XYZ disaster (I'm not up to date on CoT lore, but wasn't there a major fire?). Hero, villain, Phoenix Rising doesn't care; if you helped, you've got membership.

Edit: replace "helped" with "went above and beyond the call of duty" or something like that. After all, lots of people merely helped; Phoenix Rising is just a bit more exclusive.

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 15:57
Welcome to all the new faces!

Welcome to all the new faces! Happy to have you aboard. :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Sailboat's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Is there some description of

Is there some description of this initiative somewhere? It's not really clear from the OP and, while I thought I read an explicit description somewhere (maybe the Kickstarter page), I haven't been able to find it again.

Captain of Phoenix Rising

BruceP's picture
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Sailboat wrote:
Sailboat wrote:

Is there some description of this initiative somewhere? It's not really clear from the OP and, while I thought I read an explicit description somewhere (maybe the Kickstarter page), I haven't been able to find it again.

Howdy, Sailboat!

Here's what I post on the Kickstarter comments:
"Welcome, new Heroes (and Villains)!
Show your continued support and join the Phoenix Rising Initiative! It's easy! Increase your pledge by $5 (it's like an add-on) and pick your name (edit your name in your profile). Then announce yourself in the comments. That's it! :)
We might have a building already! Visit the forum page about it and say Hi:"

I started it just as a way to try and help raise a bit more money for CoT, and also to build more of a community. It's turned into more than that, though. :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

cybermitheral's picture
Last seen: 10 months 18 hours ago
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Maybe also a Phoenix Rising

Maybe also a Phoenix Rising (Hero) and Rising Phoenix (Villain) Chat Channels :)
I used to moderate the Justice Server 'Australia' channel and would be willing to put my hand up for that as well here.
Having the single Server means all players should be able to be in the same Chat channels and with different time zones not even Kiyori can be awake 24/7/365 :)

The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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cybermitheral wrote:
cybermitheral wrote:

Maybe also a Phoenix Rising (Hero) and Rising Phoenix (Villain) Chat Channels :)
I used to moderate the Justice Server 'Australia' channel and would be willing to put my hand up for that as well here.
Having the single Server means all players should be able to be in the same Chat channels and with different time zones not even Kiyori can be awake 24/7/365 :)

Yeah, chat channels would be cool. :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

RottenLuck's picture
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Wyvern wrote:
Wyvern wrote:

Counter-opening: There is just Phoenix Rising. It's a meta-human organization, and an official neutral ground, that takes in anyone that helped rebuild the city after XYZ disaster (I'm not up to date on CoT lore, but wasn't there a major fire?). Hero, villain, Phoenix Rising doesn't care; if you helped, you've got membership.
Edit: replace "helped" with "went above and beyond the call of duty" or something like that. After all, lots of people merely helped; Phoenix Rising is just a bit more exclusive.

There was a fire but it was far later then the current heroes would be living. I think in the late 1800s but my lore knowledge is out of date.

However the most resent disaster the one that started the Phoenix rebuilding movement was the Atlas Hurricane disaster. Where 33 heroes lost their lives trying to A. stop the storm and B save as many lives as they can. Hence the Atlas 33 memorial park.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Nyx Nought Nothing
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The forums still work in

The forums still work in interesting ways here. (Makes note to start some "love" threads.)
Anyway, snuck in with days to spare to finally officially back this project with Earth moneys. Now to wait and see what comes of it.

In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.

On the CoH forums at the end i went by the name Schismatrix.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

RottenLuck's picture
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Okay I was wrong. The fire

Okay I was wrong. The fire was 1908 and the phoenix thing did come from that.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Scyntillah's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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((Also posted on the

((Also posted on the Kickstarter comments.))

Announcing: Scyntillah - Spark of Phoenix Rising

Thank you, MWM community, for sparking my hope in our new hero MMO home!
And thank you, Phoenix Rising, for inspiring my new name in that home! Was glad to up my pledge +$5 toward rebuilding our super home.

Hopeful global name: @Scyntillah
Kickstarter name: Scyntillah - Spark of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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cybermitheral wrote:
cybermitheral wrote:

Maybe also a Phoenix Rising (Hero) and Rising Phoenix (Villain) Chat Channels :)
I used to moderate the Justice Server 'Australia' channel and would be willing to put my hand up for that as well here.
Having the single Server means all players should be able to be in the same Chat channels and with different time zones not even Kiyori can be awake 24/7/365 :)

You don't know, I'm crazy like that ;)

RottenLuck wrote:

Okay I was wrong. The fire was 1908 and the phoenix thing did come from that.

My characters backstory fits perfectly with the fire of 1908, and I am just creating ideas for The Rising's backstory off of that, my grandfather brought my family to Alexandria after the fire and were killed by the Five Dragons, my father had no super powers and started to invent weapons to be a hero and protect the world in his own way. He became famous and a loved member of the community and became the founder of Takumi Industries. Which got tangled up with the Black Rose which then led to his/and the buildings demise.

I think that the Atlas fire could work perfectly for many backstories and also I was creating a reason for why it happened, but I guess it is really not my place to do something like that.

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
Last seen: 3 months 1 week ago
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Hello everyone in The Phoenix

Hello everyone in The Phoenix Rising, I plan to get the Registered Lethal Weapon, but as far as weapons are concerned I have no clue what to do. So if there are any creative artists/idea givers. I would be glad to make it a group effort - reward, where I will grant access to The Rising SG. So if you do not have the means to go with this perk but want it, then let's hear some ideas and I will try to implement the best options and we can vote for what we think the best choices are. I guess I will break it down into categories 1. Weapon type(sword, staff, gun, bow, etc..), 2. Weapon material (metal, wood, cloth etc) 3. Weapon element (none, fire, ice, plasma, etc) 4 Weapon effect(burn, chill, freeze, etc)

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Kiyori: I'd point out that

Kiyori: I'd point out that "weapon" is just one of the options there - it's weapon or prop. And animated / glowing props are also possible. So, for example, you could probably do something like a phoenix rising belt or chest emblem or fancy fantasy-style shoulderpiece, with an animated fiery glow.

Or you could use it to add a fiery bird tail. (Personally, I'm partial to archaeopteryx tails rather than mere conventional birds, but hey.)

Or you could use it to make a crown of flames.

Or... and so on and so forth. Yeah, I'm kinda focusing on fiery themes, but you did mention granting access to the Phoenix Rising group, and that just seems appropriate.

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Well, as I just learned on

Well, as I just learned on the main page it can be hair as well, I would want it to be something above and beyond, I was thinking before about like Phoenix Fiery wings, but then with the fairy wings from Quinn it kinda would look very similar to that. But I'm open to any and all Ideas, but being that the options are so extensive, I think we should go with something that's such an eye catcher,

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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I will just give my first

I will just give my first option that I think could be a cool weapon. 1.bow 2 spirit, 3 illusion 4 ?

I am thinking a weapon like in Bleach, the bow that Uryū Ishida has with the Quincy powers. That would be a pretty sweet looking weapon, BUT! Make it look sort-of like a phoenix when it creates.

So you have like a bracelet that has OUR logo on it, and when the bow forms, it looks like a phoenix rising out of the bracelet and turns into a bow, and when it disappears it turns into ash

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

tripthicket's picture
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Hrrm. This is my first idea:

Hrrm. This is my first idea:

1) Weapon Type: Bow -- perhaps a Ghost Bow, or Spirit Bow. Different colors could be justified by the bow (and arrows) using the spirit of the wielder in order to manifest. The bow itself, regardless of color, might have a soft glow to it. The arrows would likely be the same color as the bow, or at least the same as its primary color (arrows being only one color), but would appear/glow more brightly.

2) Weapon Material: Based off of above, the bow and its arrows are constructed from the wielder's spirit. Bow might look wooden, metallic, a combination of both, or something else, and have the slight glow mentioned above. Arrows might appear to be constructed of energy.

3) Weapon Element: As above, the bow would appear to be more-or-less solid, and slightly luminescent. The actual design of the bow could be a simple longbow, a modern bow, something otherworldly but still recognizable as a bow, or something else. The arrows I see, again, as appearing to be made of pure energy in the general shape of an arrow, not necessarily including an arrowhead or feathering. Because the arrows are the actual thing attacking, as opposed to the bow (which is the method of delivery of the attack), the arrows are more clearly insubstantial (can only be handled by the wielder of the bow) and, again, glow more strongly than the bow.

4) Weapon Effect: this could be any one of a few unusual choices. The arrows are composed of the spirit of the bow wielder. Thus, the arrows could attack the spirit of the target. This might manifest as a Mental or Darkness attack (attacking the spirit), but not using the special effects of a 'normal' Mental or Darkness attack. For non-living targets, the arrows could be said to be momentarily disrupting the target's attachment to reality (suggesting very slightly that all physical objects have some kind of attachment to existing because they are believed in -- see also Tinkerbell, mythological gods, etc. -- which is easy to say that it's taken for granted: we as humans are conditioned by all evidence that bullets will hurt and/or kill us -- who says there isn't a slight psychic element involved that pertains to our belief in the cause & effect?).

Anyhoo, this is my first shot, and by no means my only idea. Please feel free to use any or all of this, and combine elements of this with other ideas. :)

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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So I LOVE the idea @trip, and

So I LOVE the idea @trip, and with it forming as I had said, I think it would be perfect for the SG, now, as for the effect I am not sure how it works for that perk, do you get to create what the attacks are/looks like, Or is it just the look and that's it? And also, is this weapon going to be part of a power set, or an independent button so no matter what power set you are, you will have access to that attack/weapon?

And perhaps the bow could have a secondary effect as well, such as when you have the bow out you have a fiery crown on your head as well, what do you think about that idea??

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 15:57
Welcome to all the new people

Welcome to all the new people! Great to have you with us. :)

And I'm glad to see the ideas flowing for group-related things... So cool!

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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At least two years to go till

At least two years to go till something playable. Already Supergroups are forming and recruiting. Got to say that's kind of cool, no pressure on the DEVS!

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

tripthicket's picture
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Hmmm. Good point, @Kiyori.

Hmmm. Good point, @Kiyori. This weapon should be able to be used with any type of attack, now that I think of it -- we're just designing the weapon. Perhaps we can say that the weapon looks roughly the same in all cases (minus, say, color customization), but the actual attack effects differ (fire, dark, mental, lethal, etc.) based on the spirit of the wielder. One person wants to use a 'Ghost Bow,' and then that person is shooting 'arrows of spiritual fire,' doing fire damage even tho the general look of the arrow doesn't really change. Another person might be shooting 'arrows of spiritual force,' which translates to smashing damage. And so on. The user of the bow can define the power effect used, and customize colors, but the bow and its arrows look essentially the same. The same is true of any weapon that will be used in CoT, yes?

And what should the bow itself look like? And the arrows?

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Hm... Part of the reason I

Hm... Part of the reason I was leaning away from the weapon is, there are a lot of characters who'd just never use a weapon, and if we want something that's awesome and distinctive to the Phoenix Rising group... Maybe if we went with something like a staff that anyone could carry around even if they weren't planning on hitting things with it?

That's why my first suggestion was a fiery emblem of some sort - chest, or belt, or shoulders or whatever - it'd be something that anyone could use, rather than being limited to just characters that would wield that type of weapon.

If you want weapon suggestions, though, I'd go with:
1: Scythe - fantasy style, of course
2: Wooden haft, gold detail-work, and the head of the weapon shaped like a pheonix with one wing outstretched to form the blade.
3: Fire!
4: N/A - special effects would be determined by what power it was attached to, not the weapon itself.

As for phoenix fire wings... you could make that very distinct from the fire fairy wings just by adding a solid core of some sort - visible bone structure, or golden wires in complex celtic-knot-like patterns, or perhaps going with more of a molten lava effect rather than ephemeral flames.

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

tripthicket's picture
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Thinking further, @Kiyori,

Thinking further, @Kiyori, just using one of the bows sure to be available in the game, considering how the powers will be put together, will do the same thing I'm suggesting. We need something UNIQUE! Will think even further!

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Oh oh oh! @Wyvern & @Trip,

Oh oh oh! @Wyvern & @Trip, okay, so I'm going to go off of what both of you said, So reading what you both are saying I cannot stop thinking Green Lantern style, where you have a bracelet that has OUR logo on it, and it comes out in the form of a phoenix rising, and it turns into whatever weapon, or item, or anything, that is in the spirit of your character, what say you to that?? So if you were a mace tanker, it would come out in the form of a flaming mace, or if you had a sword it would come out in the form of a flaming scythe, fantasy style of course

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Considering not everyone

Considering not everyone would want/use a weapon, and figuring it'll be a stand-alone thing like the Nemesis Staff we had in CoH, and keeping to the Phoenix/Fire theme, what about a flaming glove that can throw fireballs (or project a ray of fire?), or something like that? Call it: The Phoenix Flame

That way it's a fashion accessory that doubles as a weapon if need be, and since it's always on fire (and emits fire), it fits the SG's theme.

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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And, if it wasn't tied into

And, if it wasn't tied into your powerset attacks, (where you could only use it once and it would recharge)(meaning if it weren't your actual weapon) it could give you some kind of boost/bonus(burn, better defense, etc..) and it would give you a fiery crown or phoenix wings, and it would go away when the boost wore off

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

vrghr's picture
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Kiyori, I would think that,

Kiyori, I would think that, for a projectile weapons of any sort, the firing animation effects would have to be available for modification as much as the shape of the weapon itself. Just as for a melee-style weapon, at least some of the attack animations would need to be customizable to fit the weapon form. You wouldn't use a spear-like weapon in the same way as a rapier form, or a battle axe. They might start with "stock" motions or effects, but you'd still need to "tweak" them to match the concept.

That being said, MWM has also said all of this is being built with "modular" as the key concept. So, it might be possible to take your concept of a Spirit Bow and gift not only the bow to the SG, but the animation module of it as well. So your SG friends might be able to fire a Phoenix Spirit Blast from their laser rifle, or their fingers, or conjure one from their spell book, depending on their character concept.

It would certainly offer another unifying element among group members to keep the Phoenix theme within the SG; make them more of a team and less a loose affiliation of folks under a banner.

It would still fit yours and @Trips weapon concept of channeling the Spirit Energy to the attack. Just the "vehicle" of that channel would differ to a wand, book, or body of the char, depending on their individual play styles.

We grow not old so long as we continue to chase our dreams.
Chef of Phoenix Rising

tripthicket's picture
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So, regardless of the attack

So, regardless of the attack TYPE, it would LOOK like (color-customized) fire, and always be emitted from the gloved hand? I wouldn't mind that.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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@vrghr, I definitely like

@vrghr, I definitely like that idea of unifying the theme to any sort of style to bring us closer as a super group, I love where the idea is heading and I will keep all ideas open and keep everyone informed as to when I get contacted about the creation of the idea and the progress of it

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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@Trip, exactly, so it would

@Trip, exactly, so it would be almost more of a SG attack, where it's able to be fully customizable by the individual player and it adapts to them, but it would be recognizable still as OUR weapon, a unified theme as @vrghr says

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

Avatar by lilshironeko

BruceP's picture
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tripthicket wrote:
tripthicket wrote:

So, regardless of the attack TYPE, it would LOOK like (color-customized) fire, and always be emitted from the gloved hand? I wouldn't mind that.

I'm not sure how modular/stand-alone MWM is thinking for the weapon in the RLW tier. If it's basically just like the Nemisis Staff, it's the same weapon and attack for everyone. Perhaps they're thinking it can be different for anyone who has it, but I'm not sure...

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

tripthicket's picture
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(scratches head) As I

(scratches head) As I understand it, and my understanding is I'm sure far from clear or complete, a given attack will be broken down into several modules: where the attack comes from on your body, the animation used to deliver the attack, the type of attack (fire, cold, lethal, etc.), and the customization of the attack (color, flame or beam or daggers). What RLW lets one do is design a weapon to be used in the 'where it comes from' part, yes? If that's true, then having the attack come from different parts of your body would constitute the construction of different weapons, which I think is beyond the scope of the RLW intentions. Am I close to the right of this?

BruceP's picture
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Joined: 10/10/2013 - 15:57
tripthicket wrote:
tripthicket wrote:

(scratches head) As I understand it, and my understanding is I'm sure far from clear or complete, a given attack will be broken down into several modules: where the attack comes from on your body, the animation used to deliver the attack, the type of attack (fire, cold, lethal, etc.), and the customization of the attack (color, flame or beam or daggers). What RLW lets one do is design a weapon to be used in the 'where it comes from' part, yes? If that's true, then having the attack come from different parts of your body would constitute the construction of different weapons, which I think is beyond the scope of the RLW intentions. Am I close to the right of this?

I was reading it like you get to design a weapon that does something, regardless of the powers you choose for your character. I was thinking along the lines of the stand-alone Nemesis Staff. Though perhaps MWM has grander ideas for it than that. And if so, that's cool. :) Hopefully we'll get conformation from them on all that...

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 15:57
Just posted my MWM on the KS

Just posted my MWM on the KS comments:

"@Kiyori - it is a prop which can contain an emanation socket. You can use it with existing animations where it would make sense. This means you can make it work with most powers. Imagine if you had your Nemesis Staff, and could shoot your fireballs from it. That kind of thing."

So it does sound like it works in conjunction with your powers. Cool. :) I sitll like the glove idea. ;)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 12:52
I like Vrghr's notion -

I like Vrghr's notion - instead of making the prop a literal bow (or glove, or whatever), make the prop be the attack effect: a spirit phoenix bolt. And that'd give us a great lore reason for the SG: It's people that said phoenix spirit has chosen to grant a fraction of its power to. Why? Well, our characters might have absolutely no idea. Which would also work well for having a single Super Group that accepted both heroes and villains, and gave them some reasons to work together... or at least tolerate each other's presence. (I'd imagine that, outside the base, heroic and villanous members might well clash - but it'd be a polite clash, where the losing side would stand down with no hard feelings.)

Hm... Maybe the phoenix spirit is working to prevent some future disaster? Reminds me a bit of how Incarnate stuff played out in CoH; hero or villain, both were expected to stand against the Coming Storm...

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doctor tyche
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BruceP wrote:
BruceP wrote:

tripthicket wrote:
So, regardless of the attack TYPE, it would LOOK like (color-customized) fire, and always be emitted from the gloved hand? I wouldn't mind that.

I'm not sure how modular/stand-alone MWM is thinking for the weapon in the RLW tier. If it's basically just like the Nemisis Staff, it's the same weapon and attack for everyone. Perhaps they're thinking it can be different for anyone who has it, but I'm not sure...

It would be different for everyone who has it. So, say you have a "Super-saw-glove" as your prop. One person may use it for a slash attack, someone else may be shooting flaming sawblades from it.

Technical Director

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It sounds, though, like the point of the RLW tier is to make a prop/weapon, rather than design a power...

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Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

BruceP wrote:
tripthicket wrote:
So, regardless of the attack TYPE, it would LOOK like (color-customized) fire, and always be emitted from the gloved hand? I wouldn't mind that.

I'm not sure how modular/stand-alone MWM is thinking for the weapon in the RLW tier. If it's basically just like the Nemisis Staff, it's the same weapon and attack for everyone. Perhaps they're thinking it can be different for anyone who has it, but I'm not sure...

It would be different for everyone who has it. So, say you have a "Super-saw-glove" as your prop. One person may use it for a slash attack, someone else may be shooting flaming sawblades from it.

Thanks, Doc!

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
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Yes, thank you for your input

Yes, thank you for your input Doc!!

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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@BruceP Yeah, but this wouldn

@[i][/i]BruceP Yeah, but this wouldn't be a power, just a visual effect for one - the prop would be the blast rather than the weapon. So one person might attach it to firing a bolt of fire from their hand; someone else might use it with a sniper rifle long-range kinetic attack; a third person might have a chainsaw that mostly shoots flaming sawblades but can also shoot a pheonix bolt; a fourth person might make something dragon-y and use the pheonix bolt as a breath weapon...

They've said the prop could be something like a boomerang that goes out and comes back; this notion would be more boom, less erang; it'd go out and explode.

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Kiyori Anoyui
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So it would seem from what

So it would seem from what Doc said, is that it will be one weapon/look, but it would be used differently, so I am not sure of how that would work for the spirit of the phoenix. Am i correct in saying that or no?

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

So it would seem from what Doc said, is that it will be one weapon/look, but it would be used differently, so I am not sure of how that would work for the spirit of the phoenix. Am i correct in saying that or no?

Sounds like it. So you'd design a prop/weapon that each person of the SG could have/use, and it would work in conjunction with their powers. A phoenix mask? A fiery glove? A glowing bow? A tiny, floating phoenix that hovers over their shoulder?

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Wyvern, so in essence. the

@Wyvern, so in essence. the "Spirit of the Phoenix" which I'm thinking the weapon could be named, could be a single weapon with a phoenix "bolt" we will call it, and you can either use the weapon itself, or apply the "bolt" to whatever weapon you are using currently, and by using that bolt it turns your weapon into a phoenix flaming weapon

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Kiyori Anoyui
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@Bruce, that is a good point,

@Bruce, that is a good point, it could be whatever we want it to be, as far as cosmetically. The weapon could actually be a prop, so if people don't want it to be a weapon as some have stated, it could just be a prop/cosmetic, but also have the power to turn your weapon into the spirit of the phoenix

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Kiyori Anoyui
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I have to run some errands, I

I have to run some errands, I might not be back til tomorrow morning :(

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"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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@Kiyori: Yeah, that sounds

@[i][/i]Kiyori: Yeah, that sounds about right. I'd probably go for something bracer-like - a wrist detail (even if it might add a fiery aura around the hand), rather than a glove per se; makes it more compatible with those of us that have claws. (Unless CoT will allow claws as an option for every glove style... which would be neat, but I'm not willing to bet on.)

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I know everyone's already

I know everyone's already talking about the "arrows" from a bow, but it would be SO cool if the arrow flew from the bow and transformed to a phoenix-shape before hitting the target with a burst of flame!

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Ebon_Justice wrote:
Ebon_Justice wrote:

I know everyone's already talking about the "arrows" from a bow, but it would be SO cool if the arrow flew from the bow and transformed to a phoenix-shape before hitting the target with a burst of flame!

That is exactly what I would want to happen, that would be amazing. I am definitely going to try to make that happen, as well as any other projectile weapon

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Just wanted to let you guys

Just wanted to let you guys know how much we enjoy the KS comments. My wife and I have more than doubled our original pledge but as we are both involved in the other SG "The Paragons", we did not feel right being involved with another group(especially since our two groups are Allies). Keep up the excellent work, and we hope to be able to visit your base and make many a new friend.

Kaxiya and Vaidyaila

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

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Bear in mind you can make an

Bear in mind you can make an alt for one SG and leave your other characters in your "home" SG.

Captain of Phoenix Rising

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Hola Gang!

Hola Gang!

Been on the KS comments for awhile now. Thought I'd bop in and say hey!


Kiyori Anoyui
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Hey Mr. U AND Kaxiya!! And

Hey Mr. U AND Kaxiya!! And you are so right sailboat :) So any new ideas or info about the RLW perk that we can make a awesome SG power that everyone will love?

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Howdy to the folks stopping

Howdy to the folks stopping by! :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

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I thought I'd put this out

I thought I'd put this out there in case anyone needs it... I made an email for people to reach me about SG/Coalition things if they need to. So people feel free to use:

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

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@BruceP: Phoenix Rising's

@BruceP: Phoenix Rising's first foray into it's own presence in cyberspace ^_^

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Winter's picture
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Dig the new sig, Ebon. And I

Dig the new sig, Ebon. And I have to agree: a [i]long[/i] 2 years... Though, it looks like we have plenty to look forward to, seeing how well we've done on those stretch goals.

[size=15][b][i]A cold front is heading toward Titan City[/i][/b][/size]
Ice Man of [url=]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url]

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@Winter: Thank you ^_^ And

@Winter: Thank you ^_^ And yes, we do. Plus, we'll have teasers, like the iOS and Android character creators (I HOPE They work on iOS 6 pods!!!) and the coninuing communication with MWM over the next two years to look forward to ...

... but until we step out into Titan City ...

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Ooh ... hadn't thought of

Ooh ... hadn't thought of linking to the PR thread ... need to do that ^_^

EDIT: Done, and it worked! Thanks for the idea @Winter!

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@BruceP: Had a thought (you

@BruceP: Had a thought (you probably saw the beginnings of it on the kickstarter) -- If our mysterious backer comes through, is there any chance that there could be an "Original Members" Plaque on the outside of the building, listing all of us who joined PR in the Kickstarter? I think that would be neat ^_^

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That would be cool, but I see an issue with knowing who all those Founding Members are. I suppose I could gather all the names of people who posted here in this thread and use those names. But I'm sure people would be left out that were in the KS comments, but not posting here. :(

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Ebon, That would be cool,

@Ebon, That would be cool, but like @Bruce says that would definitely leave people out =/ But then again there would most likely be a list of all the people in the SG just like CoH had so I think it's a possibility.

So to keep my RLW going, what is something that everyone would think they could incorporate into any one of their characters, meaning something that no matter what character you want to create, no matter what powerset, you could see yourself using this power/weapon?

Since the Phoenix Rising will most likely have a emblem that goes on the character somewhere, we could have it so no matter where they have the emblem located(as a chest emblem, bracelet, tattoo, etc..) that the phoenix will rise out of it and become a shoulder pet possibly, like we were talking about on the ks page. The options that we have for this SG weapon is limitless!

Or, even if it's not a weapon, what is a prop that would make sense with our theme? Such as a staff, crown, etc..

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Per Ignim
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Wow, you leave for a couple

Wow, you leave for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose. Hello everybody.

Not sure how much all of you are into Pen and Paper games, but I play a number of games through They did a major revamp of their back end code on Wednesday....and fried everybody's sites. Many people use a lot of custom CSS...and they went and changed the layout of all the pages. Needless to say a lot of problems that I've been helping fellow GMs fix, and my daughter's B-Day was on the 29th.

So, hopping into the convo:

If we're able to specify prop by attack, I'd love to have it as a weapon. I mean, what could be cooler than having each of us with at least one attack using our custom weapon? I could see us all pulling it out at the same time to fire a plethora of different attacks at the enemy...would be pretty cool.

If, however, it is an all or nothing thing, then how about something unique...a floating chest emblem. It wouldn't need to be animated, although that could be cool too. Basically, it would be in the chest emblem area, but it wouldn't be directly attacked to the character....meh, no, now that I think about it, it would likely look a little strange as you moved around. Now, if it floated around you...or flew. If it was a small phoenix that flew around you dropping embers as it moved. That could be cool.

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Per Ignim, what hell is

@Per Ignim, what hell is breaking loose?? lol

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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I have increased my pledge by

I have increased my pledge by $5, and volunteer my services are Vault-keeper. I have considerable experience in the protection or rare and valuable assets...

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So long as there isn't a

So long as there isn't a Gregor with ya. I heard he wasn't to good with vault duty.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Per Ignim
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@Kiyori I meant that there

@Kiyori I meant that there are hundreds of posts and things are going like gang busters in here.

...but you probably knew that and I'm just rambling so I'll go sit here in the corner and count molecules...or something.

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Per Ignim, well I guess you

@Per Ignim, well I guess you would be correct, but it's hell breaking loose in a good way :) Lots of goals are being met and various great things are happening!

But in response to your comment, I really am not sure the specifics on what the RLW is. So when I get more info I'll let you guys know, but at the moment I'm just trying to get a generic idea of what a perfect weapon/prop would be

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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BruceP's picture
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Welcome Azuria! :)

Welcome Azuria! :)

I like the idea of us all having some sort of shoulder pet that has an attack, or an emblem that comes to life and performs an attack, or perhaps some sort of phoenix-shaped aura that that when activated, rises up from behind our character an does an attack. Spirit of the Phoenix Attack, go! :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Bruce, I don't know if they

@Bruce, I don't know if they are going to have shoulder pet power sets available, if they do then I don't think our power with it being a phoenix would be so unique, but if they AREN'T having that power set, I think the shoulder pet power would be extremely unique!

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Hmmm. with the RLW, I could

Hmmm. with the RLW, I could essentially MAKE that a power set, cause I could make it the phoenix pet attack, but you could change out the pet. So in essence it would be saw blade on the hands or saw blades shooting out of your hand. Or no?

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Kiyori Anoyui wrote:
Kiyori Anoyui wrote:

@Bruce, I don't know if they are going to have shoulder pet power sets available, if they do then I don't think our power with it being a phoenix would be so unique, but if they AREN'T having that power set, I think the shoulder pet power would be extremely unique!

From what I understand of the RLW tier, you design/make the prop/weapon and then it works with whatever powers the person has. So you could make a shoulder phoenix and the character could have their power(s) emanate from that...

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
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It would be pretty funny if

It would be pretty funny if the character was a sword wielder, have the phoenix pet carry a sheathed sword xD

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Per Ignim
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From what I have seen, and Dr

From what I have seen, and Dr Tyche said above, there is a power slot in it that the attack emanates from. So you could have a 'pet' that would fire the attack. Now, I'm sure we'll find out more later, but it seems that any prop/weapon can be the source of a power, so they are divorcing the power set from the animation to a greater or lesser degree. So if we have a phoenix shoulder flyer it could be the source of some/all of our powers :)

Nyx Nought Nothing
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So, i will volunteer my

So, i will volunteer my services as gadfly, hanger-on, comic relief, and Eternal Sweeper for the SG base. (For the latter duty i would really appreciate an avatar that resembles a columnar mass of tentacles surmounted by single enormous eye. And of course a broom to sweep with.)

In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.

On the CoH forums at the end i went by the name Schismatrix.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

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And my suggestion was to turn

And my suggestion was to turn that around: instead of making a prop that's a source for powers, make a prop that's a power visual effect. So, a phoenix bolt - that can be fired from a bow, or a wrist blaster, or a flintlock musket, or whatever.

Get the art right, and you could even use that same phoenix bolt object as a shoulder pet, or a wrist blaster, or the like. One prop, multiple purposes.

Phoenix Rising Token Minidragon

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Wyvern, what I'm hoping is

@Wyvern, what I'm hoping is to see if they can make the pet AND the bolt, so you could choose the pet + power animation, or just the power animation alone to go with whatever weapon you so choose and make it part of the SG options perhaps?

Like in CoH where you could choose what SG effects you had toggled on or off, if that makes sense

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Nyx Nought Nothing
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Wyvern wrote:
Wyvern wrote:

And my suggestion was to turn that around: instead of making a prop that's a source for powers, make a prop that's a power visual effect. So, a phoenix bolt - that can be fired from a bow, or a wrist blaster, or a flintlock musket, or whatever.
Get the art right, and you could even use that same phoenix bolt object as a shoulder pet, or a wrist blaster, or the like. One prop, multiple purposes.

i like the idea of the prop being created as a power effect instead of a costume piece/weapon.

In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.

On the CoH forums at the end i went by the name Schismatrix.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Little_Unicorn's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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*ponders* If I give $10 of my

*ponders* If I give $10 of my add-on money can I give the gift of Phoenix Rising to my friend Cog Sprocket?

Kiyori Anoyui
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@Lil Uni, I would say.....

@Lil Uni, I would say..... Yes

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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*pops face in for a moment,

*pops face in for a moment, mews, then skitters away*

I've been watching this grow since it began, and am highly impressed. Things like this make me proud to be a part of this community. =)

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
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I just upped my pledge by $10

I just upped my pledge by $10 dollars ($11 actually, it was funnier that way) to get my Dynamic Duo and myself in.
*waits impatiently for TWO WHOLE YEARS!!!*

BruceP's picture
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Per Ignim wrote:
Per Ignim wrote:

From what I have seen, and Dr Tyche said above, there is a power slot in it that the attack emanates from. So you could have a 'pet' that would fire the attack. Now, I'm sure we'll find out more later, but it seems that any prop/weapon can be the source of a power, so they are divorcing the power set from the animation to a greater or lesser degree. So if we have a phoenix shoulder flyer it could be the source of some/all of our powers :)

Exactly what I was thinking :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

BruceP's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 15:57
Hi to the new folks, and

Hi to the new folks, and welcome! :)

@Uni, Like Kiyori said, Yes. :)

Founder of the [url=]Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url] Keep the flame burning!

Hopeful global name: FXguy
Name on Kickstarter: BruceP - Sheriff of Phoenix Rising

Lin Chiao Feng
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You have to be careful with

You have to be careful with the terminology, though. Something which looks like a separate object but is anchored to the player (e.g. pods that float above your shoulders) aren't strictly "pets" because they aren't really separate mobs to track and on't need an AI. Critters that run around on their own and do things (a "pet" in industry jargon) require a lot more work (not everything should use the same AI).

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
