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the 2024 End of the year development summary is live below. Watch the video and let us know on the comment page.
To purchase your copy of the City of Titans Launcher, visit our store at A purchase of $50 or more will give you a link to download the Launcher for Windows or Mac based machines.
Four days left...i hope we make it to $600,000+ plus, but it is looking like a hard row to hoe.
Hey now. Azuria lost nothing. :p It was the guy in Galaxy City who lost items, and only once :p
Well with 48 hours left we only need $28,750 to make it to $600k. I think it's still possible, but even if we don't quite make that it'll be pretty close.
It would be really sweet if we could make it to $640k (double the main funding goal) but we might need a couple of Saudi Princes or Montgomery Brewster to show up at the last second for that...
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Looks like mine was low as well. Really hope they make the $600k mark. They're at $571k as of this writing. More powers = goodness! :D
@Darth Fez
Unethical was probably the wrong word. I didn't know if there might be a contractual conflict whit Kickstarter.
Just to see what I'm talking about Shadowrun Online kept their kickstarter pledge levels open after the kickstarter ended.
I don't believe you can fund Shadowrun Online anymore because there's not a link to this on their page. This link is posted for reference only.
I so agree with you! In fact, I already have! [url=]Kickstarter Comment[/url]
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Yeah, I agree that they'd probably need to stop offering the KS pledge levels. Given that Shadowrun Online example, evidently 'need' (at least from a contractual standpoint) is too strong a word to use. It is arguably in poor taste to continue offering Kickstarter rewards after the Kickstarter ends. The cause for my confusion is that you mentioned the stretch goals, which are additional information (bookkeeping, if you will) rather than reward tiers.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!
They've said the stretch goals are just what they hope to have ready by launch. EVERYTHING on the stretch goal list is planned for CoT eventually.
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[color=#c95f02][b][size=15][font=Palatino Linotype]$612,873
[url=] What every Costume Creator needs...[/url] [url=]V2[/url] [url=]V3[/url]
I'm going to guess $635,000
So with 16 hours to go we are $606,421. My original guess of $620,000 is looking good. but passing the $600,000 line is the big win for our community. More powers!
I'm going to guess $678K+ ;-)
Night All
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A $70K push on that last day. Hell of an effort everybody!
Good night, and congratulations!
Cool chart. Over 1800 comments tonight ^_^
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Is it too late to guess at about, say, somewhere between $678,188 and $678,190?
By my mohawk shall ye know me
So, back there on October 4th when I predicted "under 50K, perhaps even under 40," you remember that? I was uh just lowballing it to get you guys working hard to top it. Yeah... <.< >.>
And it worked! Go subtle manipulation of the masses!
"What you say is rather profound, and probably erroneous." - Joseph Conrad
“The universe is made up of stories, not of atoms” - Muriel Rukeyser
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Uh huh. Sure. We believe you. 100%. <_<
Get back to work, pessimist.
(( ^_- ))
[i]* shuffles off, muttering, "O ye of so little ${DEITY}dam faith..."[/i]
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
I can't find posts to quote without putting in more work than I feel it warrants, but I've seen several references to the idea that some pledges will default for various reasons (such as not having enough money in the account) and that this may adjust the final number.
Will we find out an adjusted final number? (I recognize the answer may be "it would not be in MWM's interest to release the number if a significant amount of pledges did not clear.")
My [i]guess[/i] would be that this community will see a very low ratio of failed pledges, which (if indeed the case) might even be a strong point when they are trying to attract investors ("Look, these people are a reliable income stream!") but what do I know. :)
Captain of Phoenix Rising