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The Titan Legacy OOC

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NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
The Titan Legacy OOC

Hello Heroes! Hello Villains! Welcome to the OOC RP Topic for [b]The Titan Legacy[/b]!

Shadow Elusive and I will be moderating this thread, in which we will throw in larger events in different zones. And yes, this RP will take place over any/all zones from CoH/CoV (Excluding Praetoria)! There can be dozens of different stories taking place in different zones that may intersect or interfere with other ones. Everyone is welcome to partake in this RP, not just those in The Titan Legacy. However, this WILL be tied into our backstory in some way or another.

When posting a comment on this thread, just make sure to label which zone your character is actually in during that session, so as to not confuse everyone else – You are free to move between zones at any time, within reason. The actions in this RP will influence us and give us greater reference as to the characters in the story.

One final note, you do not have to wait for others to act upon things, nor do you ever have to interact with others in this RP! Is your hero a loner? Then be alone! Want to meet up with some of the others? Do so! Do what your character would do!

1) Do not powergame. This is acting in such a way that you are unbeatable regardless of the situation. Show some vulnerabilities, they make for great characters and thus great stories. This also means you cannot force others to do things. You must give them a chance to avoid or do something else.
2) Make sure to label what zone you are currently in. This is just for clarity purposes.
3) No more than 1,000 words per post, and no double-posts. Also, try not to go over 600 words – We have to read these, you know!
4) Enjoy :)

The RP Section can be found at:

I will guide you in the night.

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
For reference:

For reference:

Doc Simian, so named for his resemblance to the simian species, is relatively inexperienced for a hero.
He was not born in his current form; rather it was a result of a horrible twist of fate.

Hero Name:
Doc Simian

Secret Identity:
None (at this time) glasses don't cover up gorilla lips



375 #


Physical Disability/Illnesses
None – Regeneration prevents

Personality Type :

Highly intelligent, former geneticist

Hyper Strength
Hyper Leaping
Hyper Agility
Hyper Regeneration

Cigars - constantly chewing on if not smoking one


Chocolate cake
Highly insecure about looking like a huge gorilla...uses sarcasm as a coping mechanism

Doc is currently set up in an abandoned warehouse in Kings Row
The warehouse seems dilapidated but the basement is full of state of the art tech supplied by his benefactor, an elderly gentleman whose life he saved.

Law: Low
Doc Simian prides himself on being a hero. That being said, he is more concerned with Justice than Law. Due to his villainous past, he knows that laws are broken every second of the day and justice is not always served. Therefore, he uses his abilities to deliver true justice, being more concerned with what is right rather than what the Law is.

Violence: High
While not every instance requires violence, Doc is not above handing out some smashmouth justice when warranted. Since his goal is to achieve true justice, Doc will be appropriately violence in this pursuit. Being a huge ape-like being does not offer many opportunities for subtlety, so what violence Doc does is usually quite damaging and he will most likely leave quite an impression when he decides violence is needed.

Honor: High
As a changed man/beast, Doc has been given a second chance and he means to take advantage of it. He now values integrity and valor and has vowed to represent these things for the rest of his life.



Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Why not in CoT released zones

Why not in CoT released zones?

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
It's a Pre-CoT backstory set

It's a Pre-CoT backstory set in CoX. A prelude to the forming of the SG.



NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
Doc Simian wrote:
Doc Simian wrote:

It's a Pre-CoT backstory set in CoX. A prelude to the forming of the SG.


The Paragons pay homage to City of Heroes and Villains by stemming the formation to the games themselves, as we have creative freedom to do so (Unlike game companies). This RP occurs before our written portion, and was thought of in order to involve everyone and see who their characters really are :) No one is better at being them than themselves.

I will guide you in the night.

Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/07/2013 - 03:39
Name: Daedalus

Name: Daedalus

Gender: Male

Age: 35 (apparent)

Physical Appearance: Daedalus is a Caucasian male with dark, curly hair, dark eyes and roughly Mediterranean features. He speaks excellent English with a bit of a foreign accent that is difficult to place. As a hero he wears one of a variety of suits of powered armor, many with various forms of wings. He often carries a sword into battle as well as various gadgets. His armor is obviously hi-tech but with an ancient flair to it.

Personality: Daedalus is a very polite, well-mannered man under most circumstances. He likes women but is not a wolf, likes to have fun but is not a party animal. He loves technology and solving puzzles and problems. However in many things he does there is a hint of sadness, of longing. He often seeks the company of others and yet is often found alone. In battle he is calm, collected and good at thinking on his feet. The few times he has lost his temper have seen terrible results indeed.

Powers: All of Daedalus' powers are derived from the powered armor he wears and the various gadgets he carries. He is very intelligent and physically healthy but he is in no way super-human. His powers are usually derived from the manipulation of electricity in some way shape or form. He has carried weapons such as swords and shields into battle on occasion as well.

Notes: Daedalus is literally a man without a past. When asked he will artfully avoid the question or even come right out and say that he would rather not say. Government Registration has him listed as a former government employee, retired with no other details. He is a modest man who obviously has money but does not flash it around wantonly. He is known to possess one home in Titan City, a home in the country as well as property abroad somewhere. His primary residence is in a three-story brownstone building where he also keeps his main workshop for making and repairing his various gadgets.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Warpdrive's picture
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:08
Name: Warpdrive

Name: Warpdrive

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Physical Appearance: White male with a moderate level tan, dark blonde hair and blue eyes. Physical appearances are hard to determine due to his constant apparel of a mask that covers his face all except his nose and mouth area. His build would note that he does in fact lift and visit the gym on a semi-regular basis. Not necessarily buff or athletic, just toned and borderlined skinny. His tights look as if they were bought at a sporting goods store and modified for the hero game while his pants look like dyed motocross pants with pads over the knees. His shoes probably came in the same bundle as the pants but are worn underneath the tights. The color scheme is a light grey and a navy blue while some accents and his emblem are a golden brown color. His goggles were probably from the same store with a silver colored band with golden colored lenses.

Personality: Warpdrive constantly rambles and gets lost in his speech when around attractive women, regardless of if he is attracted to them. Somewhat of a psychological disorder that causes his brain to just speak its mind regardless of if it switches through multiple topics as if there was no barrier between his mind and his mouth. He is enthusiastic about being a hero and eager to help anyone in need, but it is very apparent that he holds back his abilities and uses them in lackluster and creative ways versus the typical opening up and letting loose on villains that he notices a lot of heroes do, this restraint could be a hint of knowledge regarding the destructive ability graviton manipulation can do if it goes uncontrolled.

Powers: Graviton Manipulation and Kinetic Adjustments. His abilities may or may not be due to his parents being gravitational physicists and has visited their lab from time to time, but he still isn't quite sure what was the cause, aside from a youthful traumatic incident which is the birth of many metahumans. His ability to seemingly control gravity is him manipulating how gravitons react to physical objects. This ability can make his targets either draw to the earth as if its gravity was significantly increased, or he can remove it completely, simulating zero-G. While some of the more creative applications can be making a wall or a ceiling the new gravitational pull, a tilting room feeling for the target while everyone else reacts normally. Wormholes are also a big ability for him when it comes to transportation or simply disorienting his targets as well. Now for the Kinetic Adjustments! Many of this ability comes in the form of accelerating his target's metabolism and relative hold of reality, increasing their speed and energy reserves. Or he can do the opposite, which is slow them down by increasing their density, making them harder to move. His ability over gravity can also help out with this ability by removing much of inertia's hold on his targets so g-forces won't be so detremental to them, while his graviton manipulation makes them jump higher and farther than normal.

Notes: He does hold a secret identity and tries his hardest to maintain that, but will let off certain hints about being in school and having an apartment. He is a student at TCU in the science department following his parents' area in gravitational physics, which in itself is kind of a giveaway, but he won't be so open about that part unless someone catches him doing his homework or something. He is willing to help out, even if it means he gets hurt. He knows the risks of being a hero and will gladly jump into the line of fire so someone else won't get hurt.

Wormholes are just silly. One moment you're here. The next you're stunned and over there. Ha. Gravity is silly.

NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
I'll be using Steamtank's

I'll be using Steamtank's well thought-out layout for character information. It's really well done :)

Character Name: John Hendrickson
Code (super) Name: NightLight
Classification: Vigilante
CoT alignment: Law: Med Violence: Med Honor: High
Defense: Emma Frosts diamond skin
Offense: Collosus
Support: Self only: Blob like immovability offense drops to 0
Movement: Collosus
Experience:Novice as NightLight, Medium as a Vigilante in general

Height: 5' 10" || Weight: 167 lbs || Gender: Male
Hair color: None || Eye color: Brown with Black 'bubbles' forming and vanishing periodically || Skin: Pitch Black
Origin Type: Mutation/Natural
Personality (3-5 sentences): NightLight is a very calm and quiet person who rarely speaks. He shows great concern for others but stays away from others due to his condition. He has great empathy for others due to his own ordeal and is willing to help those he does not even know, but can easily tell lies from truths.

Sample speech (3-5 sentences): "You never have to turn to a way of crime. Pain does not excuse more pain, and I know this well. Your pain cannot hold a candle to mine, and yet I stand here and you there. We who know pain must ensure that others do not have to."

Overall power ranking (not popularity =P ) : AA / A (Circumstantial)
AAA= Superman/Odin/Dr. Manhattan,
AA = Martian Man Hunter/Hulk/Thor,
A = Storm/Wolverine/Spiderman/Ironman,
B = Batman/Beast/Punisher,
C= Men in Black/ Robin/Rorschach,
D= KickAss/ Cypher of x-men

Characteristics (10 being peak human, 50+ being Superman level stat)
STR: 38 / DEX: 23 / CON: 9 / BODY: 10 / INT: 42 / EGO: 39 / PRE: / COM: 5

Defenses (1 being standard unprotected human, 20 being a real life tank, 50+ being Superman level stat)
Physical blunt: 22 / Physical bladed: 100 / Projectile: 60 / Spiritual/Magical: 1 / Elemental: 30 / Energy: 38
Defense List: Regenerating Diamond 'skin', Martial Arts, Chemical cooling/heating in skin

Offenses (1 being standard adult human, 20 being real life tank, 50+ being Superman level stat)
Melee O: 40 / Ranged O: 1 / AoE O: 1
Offense List: Regenerating Diamond skin, which can harden fists (into hammers or so) or fingers (into blades), Martial Arts

Support (10-20 points being Elixir of x-men power level, 50+ Dr. Strange power levels)
List and rating of power(s): No support

Description of powers: His pitch black skin swells and hardens into Diamonds when danger is present, which can be used offensively when attempting to smash a fist into an enemy. It will soon return to normal after a few seconds of danger-free environments to the part.

Other Skills/perks/talents: He is a whiz at anything technological, able to piece together things and break others down.

Disadvantages/Weaknesses: His diamond defense can only stop blunt-force if his entire body does so, which makes him completely stationary and unable to do a thing.

Time in Titan City: Recent Arrival
Public Knowledge of Character: Known as NightLight, but not much else is known

I will guide you in the night.

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
Hey Amerikatt!

Hey Amerikatt!
Thanks for dropping by!
Not sure how you got by the motion and heat sensors in the underground labs, but I'll let you explain that one.
I'll have Simian notice you but do nothing as he is curious how you got in and as you don't seem to want to do any harm, is curious about you and why you are watching him.
So if it's OK, I'll have you watching him watching you until he goes on a little excursion to fight...Gator(which may take a post or two, so we may interact before this. We'll see how it goes)!



Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Amerikatt simply followed

Amerikatt simply followed closely in your wake, figuring that you would have switched off any defensive measures so that you could pass through.

She is wondering why you haven't properly calibrated and modulated the Quantum Flux Capacitors and aligned the Duotronic Circuitry in tandem.

She is ... curious ... as to your motivations, and the holographic feed about the different crimes further piques that curiosity.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/07/2013 - 03:39
Daedalus may also get a call

Daedalus may also get a call regarding any supers running amok. He is a known figure in the about you two?

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Doc Simian
Doc Simian's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: 10/08/2013 - 21:13
Simian tends to keep a low

Simian tends to keep a low profile. Somewhat difficult being a 6'10" Gorilla.
He will soon, however, find it even more difficult as his next adventure takes him to a crowded area.
Doc Simian may soon be a household name after all.



NightLight's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/30/2013 - 16:25
Danger Scale: 0 = None at all

[b]Event Group 1[/b]
Danger Scale: 0 = None at all. 5 = Be vigilant. 10 = Almost certain death if alone.

[b]Galaxy City (1)[/b]
The Meteor Showers cease and the Shivan numbers start to dwindle. Reconstruction had begun and many heroes are dedicating themselves to eliminating the foreign threats of this zone and ensuring the safety of the many civilians. Any military presence has left, leaving the job to the heroes. The Arachnos have also left Galaxy City.

The meteors that crashed into the zone are being removed, salvaged, and studied. There is no better time to get a sample or to study them than now, when the threats are low and the specimens high. Some Hellions have started to return to the zone, but are being held back very well due to the heavy presence of superheroes in the area.

[b]Kings Row (5)[/b]
Over the past few weeks, many heroes have gone missing and later found with nothing more than husks for bodies. On top of that, there have been reports of large groups of the Circle of Thorns ambushing and decimating the local Skulls and Vahzilok, leaving them in similar conditions as the heroes. Crime has gone down due to the diminishing numbers of gang members, but the air of mystery has been growing tremendously with many heroes unable to decipher the intentions of the magical cult.

Now, three large groups of the Circle are attacking different locations in Kings Row seemingly without target. They are holding dozens of citizens hostage, executing members of the Skulls every minute, and are causing thousands, even millions, in damages to the surrounding areas. They are attacking anyone who ventures too close to them or looks like a hero.

[b]Skyway City (4)[/b]
Trolls have always been known to cause mayhem, especially in Skyway City. Those trolls that are hopped up on Superdine often find themselves grouped up, tensions thick, and a brawl waiting to happen. The past few weeks have seen an upswing in Superdine distribution and thus an increase in the “Superdine Brawls.”

This case centers around three-hundred or so Trolls that have broken into a jewelry shop, stolen all the merchandise, and have set up their own shop of Superdine in broad daylight. Cops are on the scene, but the vast number of Trolls in the area is preventing them from accomplishing anything other than a few injured cops. There seem to be no hostages, but the entire block is controlled by the Trolls. Their leader is reported to be inside the jewelry shop.

[b]Sharkhead Isle (8)[/b]
The Slag Golems and Coralax appear to be monstrous groups with no single goal in mind other than destruction, chaos, and death. A recent attack on Sharkhead Isle by an unknown group of superheroes left many of the organized crime groups to lose their grip on the island, allowing these monstrosities to multiply and take large portions of the land. Arachnos has stationed many fliers around the area and are shooting down the beasts.

Today the Slag Golems have rushed the Hell Forge and killed many workers. They now overflow the area, forcing Arachnos to bombard their vicinity with artillery. On the coasts all around the island, Coralax are swarming out of the sea and are attacking anyone who does not belong to their blood.

I will guide you in the night.

WraithTDK's picture
Last seen: 5 days 21 hours ago
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Joined: 01/15/2014 - 17:59
Character Name: Matthew Strak

Character Name: Matthew Strak

Code (super) Name: Beta-1

Classification: Hero

CoT alignment: Law: High Violence: Med Honor: Med

Defense: High-grade alloy armor with restorative nanite covering and high-velocity energy field. Rescue suit has a variety of augmented energy shields.

Offense: High-tech weaponry, both energy and projectile; depending upon the suit.

Support: Available in rescue suit: energy shields, medical gadgetry, teleportation.

Movement: Flight

Experience: High

Height: 6’3 || Weight: 235 lbs || Sex: Male

Hair color: Black || Eye color: Blue || Skin: White

Origin Type: Natural/Technology

Personality: While Strak has matured quite a bit since the Rikti Invasion, he remains a fairly shameless playboy; and while his ego is under control, it is none the less larger than a Rikti mothership.

Sample speech: "Yea yea yea ‘oh look, it’s Positron! He’s so great, he’s so brilliant!" Whatever. So maybe his suit can crank out a liiiiitle more power than mine. Difference between me and him (besides me being smarter, regardless of anyone says)? He takes off HIS helmet, he explodes. I take of MY helmet, your girlfriend explodes. In her pan:::blue Fuze runs in and clamps his hand over Strak’s mouth::: WE’VE TALKED ABOUT THIS!

Public Knowledge of Character: World famous.


WraithTDK's picture
Last seen: 5 days 21 hours ago
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Joined: 01/15/2014 - 17:59
Character Name: Michael Kord

Character Name: Michael Kord

Code (super) Name: The Blue Fuze

Classification: Hero

CoT alignment: Law: High Violence: Med Honor: High

Defense: Extreme speed, can become pure energy

Offense: Total mastery of electricity

Movement: Flight

Experience: High

Height: 6’2 || Weight: 215 lbs || Sex: Male

Hair color: Blonde || Eye color: Blue || Skin: White
Origin Type: Meta-human

Personality: Michael is a friendly, out-going, compassionate, positive person. Some of his “grittier” peers may consider him to be a bit naïve; but he’s by no means delusional. He knows that evil exists, he just believes that the best way to make the world a better place is to be the change you want to see in the world.

Sample speech: my powers manifested themselves during the middle of the Rikti invasion. I hope that by using them for good, I’ll be able to say that at least [b]something[/b] good came out that nightmare. My powers have grown so much it almost scares me. I’m not sure people should have this much power. But if we’re going to have them, we have a duty to use them to make the world a better place. That’s all I want to do.

Public Knowledge of Character: The Blue Fuze may not make news in remote corners of the world, but he’s fairly well known in Paragon City. Though registered with the city, his identity is not public knowledge.


Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Joined: 11/23/2013 - 01:32
Character Name: Alexei

Character Name: Alexei Romanov
Code (super) Name: Azrael
Classification: Mutation/ Angel
CoT alignment: Law: High usually Violence: Med-High if angry Honor: High
Defense: Wings can deflect things, his body can take a lot of damage
Offense: his fists, guns, knifes, claws, think Supernatural on powers here
Support: he can heal others, either in a group or one by one. Regeneration is possible
Movement: Flying, walking, he owns a motorcycle,
Experience: Well known hero, experienced in fighting,

Height: 4' 10 || Weight: 5-69 lbs ( depends on time period, before WW2 is 69, after is 5 due to weight issues) || Gender: Male
Hair color: white-blonde || Eye color: Blue that light up to a lighter blue when smiting or using angelical powers || Skin: Pale white
Origin Type: Mutation/Angel of The Lord?
Personality (3-5 sentences): Azrael is kind and caring to those he knows, those who he thinks have deserved his trust he tries to help them. When with his team, he is careful not to harm them, but tends to get angry at certain things. He is talkative once he knows you, but mostly stays quiet and observes, although not one to get sad at certain things, it hurts him when he has to let friends go

Sample speech (3-5 sentences): (This is him signing.) ' People thought I was Gweat, I did Whut dey wanted, but as soon as I bit da buwwet in WW 2, dey stawted tweatin' me wike some outcast. I went under cover, Wowked jobs when da police needed me, twied ta make a name for mysewf again, but dey just couwdnt have an ex- SS member be a part of Dere program. Kinda sucked ta be honest, now though, with Whut is happenin' at Paragon.. I fweel wike dey want me here again, I couwd help 'em out, make it big.'

Overall power ranking (not popularity =P ) : AA / A (Circumstantial)
AAA= Superman/Odin/Dr. Manhattan,
AA = /Hulk/Thor,
A = Storm//Ironman, /Captain America
B = Batman//,
C= / Robin/Reichsman,
D= Teen Titans/ Cypher of x-men

Characteristics (10 being peak human, 50+ being Superman level stat)
STR: 33/ DEX: (what?) / CON:25 / BODY: / INT: 45/ EGO: / PRE: (What?)/ COM: 23

Defenses (1 being standard unprotected human, 20 being a real life tank, 50+ being Superman level stat)
Physical blunt:32 / Physical bladed: 12 / Projectile: / Spiritual/Magical:45 / Elemental: / Energy:
Defense List: Wings,

Offenses (1 being standard adult human, 20 being real life tank, 50+ being Superman level stat)
Melee O:43 / Ranged O:27 / AoE O: 27
Offense: Smiting, necromancy, knifes, a gun,

Support (10-20 points being Elixir of x-men power level, 50+ Dr. Strange power levels)
List and rating of power(s):Healing (30)

Description of powers: He can use necromancy since he is the angel of death, he smite people by pressing his hand against someone's body and concentrating, he has use of a gun and 2 knives.

Other Skills/perks/talents: He knows 5 languages, knows how dismantle bombs or guns, has basic military schooling.

Disadvantages/Weaknesses: He's deaf so while he can't lose his hearing again, he won't hear you if you shout an order, he hasn't had any schooling besides military training so he can't read in English, only Russian and German if he struggles. Him having one leg puts him at a disadvantage for running, so he chooses to fly. He has a bleeding illness so once he starts bleeding he can't clot it like people normally can.

Time in Titan City: Fairly new
Public Knowledge of Character: People know who he was from comics, news reports and other things, many have a distaste for some of the things he did when he was younger, he stays in the shadows mostly now.