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Downtown RP

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RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Downtown RP

The streets were busy with the people coming and going. Like any city few pay attention to the fellow siting in a hollowed out spot where two buildings connect. The fellow name... well even he didn't know his name he went by John Doe and he was sitting there dressed in faded jeans a brown shirt and green jacket. From time to time he would lift his head and lift a mug. "Some change for a homeless man?"

Above he spot the form a flying hero. The sound of some pocket change entering the mug draws his attention. "thank you."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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A mysterious lone dark hero

A mysterious lone dark hero wearing a mask with fangs and a light armored hoodie nodded as he put the change in the mug. He had lost his memory since arriving in this alternate world only remembering bits and pieces making him believe he was some other hero's clone till new memories that had nothing to do with the hero surfaced. He was even more confused now about who he was. He only remembered his hero name of Shepherd. One thing was for sure. under the mask he was identical to this other hero, but he wasn't a clone.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Lady Nova would be seen

Lady Nova would be seen flying over the street for a bit, before landing, signing a few autographs for intrested citizens, pulling a few unwary pedestrians from walking into the road, and glaring off some onlookers who eyed her rather form fitting and slightly revealing costume too closely...

Returning from a coffee shop minutes later, she would notice the homeless man out of the corner of her eye, a fanged hero, and without hesitation, her fresh cinnamon roll and coffee, and finally, a $100 dollar bill.

"Sir, I am sorry to disturb you...but I hate to see you like this...need a hand..?"

She would then turn to the other hero, or so she assumed, and muse....

"You look lost, I am Lady Nova....need help with anything..?"


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Taking the cinnamon roll he

Taking the cinnamon roll he shrugged "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish feed him for life... to bad the fish in these waters are not safe for eating. There nothing even heroes like you can do to get someone a job. Double that when I don't know who I am. No records of my legal status for all I know I'm an illegal alien." For a moment perhaps half a second in time there was a sliver of darkness like film or shadow that crossed his eyes. Then he blinked and it was gone his brown eyes as normal as any normal mans.

"I will survive people in this city have hope. So they are willing to give what they can even in passing."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd looked at Nova then

Shepherd looked at Nova then at the hobo.

"Sometimes discovering who we are is part of the journey in the path we must take of self discovery"

Shepherd sighed.

I can understand what you are going through. I'm still trying to remember who I am. Right now all I have to go with is my hero name and my supernatural abilities

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
She would blink, noticing his

She would blink, noticing his eyes shift, her own would blaze brighter at the sight...

"I am sorry to hear that...but there must be something we can do...have you checked City Hall's records....and a tech hero could locate them I'm sure...?"


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
The chest frame heaved up and

The chest frame heaved up and down, almost like a sigh. Arch let go of the door. The woman he had opened it for had run away. The giant bulk of scrap metal slowly turned its head. Supers were congregating. They were always congregating. When supers gathered even in small groups things were destroyed, people displaced. Arch pivoted his head down, apparently some little boy had been 'fighting' his leg for several minutes while Arch had been lost in his thoughts. With a stick as a sword the boy delivered his mighty blow. Archs gears ground in an ancient sounding chuckle. Gripping his shin he fell over on the Downtown sidewalk.
The street waif climbed on top of Arch. The local kids knew Arch, they had developed a game with him the way children do. "I win, gimme loot!" The little boy yelled. After a few moments and some internal grinding noises a small container fell out of a compartment under Arch's shoulder. The boy hopped down and grabbed it. Opening the box he pulled out a small armored knight made of copper. The boy squealed with happiness and ran off to show his friends what Arch had just made him.
Arch, still laying on the pavement, turned his head again towards the gathering heroes. He would have to go after them. He always went after them, pulling them and the civilians caught in the chaos out of the fire.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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"Might not be in the registry

"Might not be in the registry if he's new in town," said the patch of darkness above the fire escape in the alley. A quick glance revealed two piercing eyes before the figure climbed out of the darkness. He was slender, with arms and legs longer than looked comfortable. The gray-green figure made his way along the building facade and wound up hanging by its tail from the nearby lamppost. "They're understaffed and sometimes new people aren't in the system yet. name is Gargoyle...but you can call me Steve," he said as he waved briefly. "I might be able to help. I try and keep track of all the new people in town. Kind of a hobby of mine."

(OOC: Anyone in the city for any length of time would have heard of him. Mostly fights thugs and the lower-echelon enemies. Rather strong, sort of tough, very sneaky. Very much a team player with local law enforcement, often volunteering to go first when they think a super is involved.)

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
He stood up then. There wasn

He stood up then. There wasn't much a point to sitting when drawing a crowd. True it was just two heroes, heroes draw their own attention and people wouldn't be walking in front of them to just drop a few coins. Besides Lady Nova did put that 100 dollar bill in his mug so he pocketed what he panhandled for the day. "Truth is I haven't. Like I said I have no papers and no clue. So what if I am here against the law? I would be shipped to who knows where to face who knows what."

He heard the clang of metal hitting concrete and sees the kid playing on... a robot? Ah yes he remembers seeing Arch before letting the kids play on his frame. "There are interesting things here. Things of a curious nature to .." again a moment of shadow across the eyes "Oh sorry lost in thought a moment there. Yeah lets just say something in me just don't want to be poked and prodded."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Lady Nova would nod, and

Lady Nova would nod, and smile at Gargoyle, pleased at his offer of assistance...

"Hello Gargoyle, I am a fan of you myself actually....And how exactly could you assist us....?"

((Lady Nova is rather well known, and is a common sight it Titan City, whether taking on Anarchy Red, or appearing at Charity Venues))


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
((Gargoyle and anyone who

((Gargoyle and anyone who patrols Downtown might have caught wind of thug being found knocked out or more to the point drained of energy to the point they were in comas. Oddly these attacks seem to be focused on alleys where homeless tend to take shelter.))

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova eyes would suddenly

Lady Nova eyes would suddenly flash, erupting into golden spheres as she begins to probe the man's energy signature

"Uhm sir, sorry to ask this on a whim, but after we get you maybe relocated, can you tell us anything about the attack on thugs in the area, they were left in you know anything, maybe see a victim or attack?"

((What would she get from probing his energy signature...?))


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
He steps back as Nova flashed

He steps back as Nova flashed with energy. "Whoo relax if you want your hundred back just ask. Ease off the discharge or is it a crime to be homeless now? As for the thugs... well they were thugs right scum who might have been up to no good. My guess is one of you Hero types might not know how powerful they are." Her probe would see the aura of a normal man... but something else a second aura that starts to flicker matching the pattern of the host. Then the pattern shifts again John's aura dims and the other one takes over. In normal view Johns eyes go solid black and the veins in his skin become dark as if the blood in them was now black as tar. His hand lashes out and he starts drawing the energy from Lady Nova. "Such... life... He told you not to probe into our business " His voice has changed from a soft spoken voice to one raspy.

(Yeah john doe here was a Warshade CoH. Of course he can't be that now but I figure there be some kind of Negative energy power type so now he got a Symbiotic life form within him that absorbs energy. *holds sign up Careful when probling*)

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Shepherd noticed what Nova

Shepherd noticed what Nova was looking at when he noticed his spiritual signature He began to wonder if this guy was a hero and maybe lost his memory the same way he did. He remembered stepping through a portal as the previous world he visited exploded before he finished entering the portal, Then suddenly all went black. He heard about the thug and how he seemed to be drained of energy, spiritual or chi energy depending on who you asked. So many questions to be asked and Nova was determined to find out, from what he noticed. He already knew Nova from the past and figured if anyone could help her in this, he could. Gargoyle was a new face to him, and was the second supernatural hero he met besides Rotten. As soon as he saw Nova being attacked he stepped back. and summoned his guns, as the runes on his weapons began to glow.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
A shield would have instantly

A shield would have instantly formed over Nova, as her hands crackle with energy, before releasing in a blinding blast of heat and light into the man, presumably knocking him further down the alley from which he came, several feet...

"Wrong Move!!"

She would then turnto the civilians in the area, and would raise her voice, shouting...

"Everybody get out of here, head for somewhere safe, we'll handle this!"

She would then turn to the man who attacked her, her eyes now blazing, ready for a counter, shields over herself and the other heroes...


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
The force of the blast did

The force of the blast did knock him back. Far enough that she wasn't in range of his absorption. However that all it did the heat and blast did damage his clothing but the man was smiling. "Heat and light. Photons an energy source. Maybe you didn't notice but energy what I crave. To me your as much of a threat as a Double cheeseburger with bacon. But really who the hostel one here? You threatened us not the other way around." He then looked to Shepherd. "Projectiles? That might be a bit more of an annoyance, we felt the heat of a metal slug before."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova would sneer, before

Lady Nova would sneer, before launching a blinding volley of concussive, explosive disks of energy, hopefully harming him a bit..

"Maybe so, but your charge will run out...all we have to do is wait!"

She would then create a battering ram of pure energy, before launching it into him from a distance, following it with another volley of explosive discs.....

"Stop now, I don't wan't to fight you!"


Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Shepherd smiled under his

Shepherd smiled under his mask. This was an ordinary gun that shot metal bullets. It was a spiritual weapon that focused his mystic energies The mystic gunslinger pulled the trigger as a bolt of lightning came shooting out of the gun. hitting the ground next to the hobo He didn't want to hurt him and fired a warning shot..

"Hehe the twins don't shoot metal bullets, as you can see.."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Returning from an appearance

Returning from an appearance at a nearby orphanage, Amerikatt hears a commotion and races toward it, appearing moments later amid the crowd gathered about the panhandler.

*growling fiercely and much more loudly than her tiny form would otherwise indicate, the hovering super-cat in the purple costume with pink stars hopes to quell the mounting chaos before it gets out of hand*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
He jumps behind a dumpster to

He jumps behind a dumpster to avoid the incoming blasts from Lady Nova then looks to the area where Shepherds shot hit. "You two are real rocket scientists. We are beings that absorbs energy and radiation like you absorb air or food. So you chose to attack with energy and radiation? You threatened Us! We act in self defense!" With that he leaps up scaling the wall of the building then goes to kick Lady Nova using gravity to add to the force of attack.

Then a lion size roar from a small house cat did surprise him but by that time he was already in mid air.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd smiled under his

Shepherd smiled under his mask. What the creature inside the hobo didn't know was when he fired the warning shot, he had been setting hm up to bind him as runes appeared around the hobo. He had hoped this would restrain hi long enough until he cold figure out a way to separate the two the hobo and that creature shared a symbiotic relationship much like he did with his guns. His weapons were living spiritual weapons and bonded to his soul. Shepherd and his guns were one.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/07/2013 - 03:39
Gargoyle scanned the alley

Gargoyle scanned the alley with his night vision and noticed the few homeless there taking cover in doorways. He jumped down, hefted one of the heavy steel dumpsters and set it across the end of the alley's entrance to shield them.

"You folks clear out!" he yelled as he turned to see what was going on. "Sure...just another evening patrol. What could happen? he muttered to himself.

((Scans of his aura will reveal that his powers are derived from magic, likely some sort of curse. Any spiritual or aura reading will reveal him to be a young his teens. He has a good soul and believes in heroes being heroic. He's also probably braver than he is wise.))

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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"Mr. Night.. you'd better see

"Mr. Night.. you'd better see this."

High above the city, in the executive office on the 40th floor of Night Industries, sat Nick in his chair. It'd been a boring day so far with nothing but business meetings with contractors and buyers. Then his secretary came over the intercom.

"Right below. Alley to the north."

He looked out the grand window and down, spotting the conflict that was just starting. [i]Never a dull day for these heroes,[/i] he thought before pressing a few buttons on the side of the window, turning it into a massive security monitor with multitudes of different viewpoints, all fixated on the alleyway and the heroics going on. He sits back in his chair and once more and begins taking notes on the events that go on.


"Yes, Evelyn?"

"Shall we sent out the security bots?"

"No.. that won't be necessary yet. Wait for them to cause damage to this building."

"Yes sir."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Lady Nova, aticipating the

Lady Nova, aticipating the attack, would grab the man's leg as he kicks her, using the momentum to swing him around before smashing him into the concrete with the force of a semi truck, leaving a small crater, hopefully stunning him enough for Sheperd's runes to take effect.....

"YOU attacked me by trying to energy siphoning me, and I want my $100 back you leech!!"


Amerikatt's picture
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*flies around the combatants

*flies around the combatants at super-speed, creating a vortex, and hopes that the Furless Ones will collapse from momentary lack of oxygen and stop their senseless violence!*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Yes true he wasn't used to

Yes true he wasn't used to fighting on this level and went face first into the sidewalk. "Of course I did. After you powered up, invaded my privacy I felt your energy as you searched. What would you do if someone draws a gun and starts demanding answers?" He rose back up "And face it not like you have a limit on your energy. Your like a humanoid sun."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd's guns disappeared

Shepherd's guns disappeared when things had calmed down. The Mystic Gunslinger then undid the binding spell with the runes as he heard the man out. He did have a point. Shepherd looked at the hobo apologetic. He only summoned his weapons because he thought Nova was in trouble. One thing he knew about Nova from past experience was that she was hasty..

"Sorry about summoning my weapons but I couldn't let you harm anyone else when I saw you attack Nova.".

Shepherd noticed the vortex and wondered what caused it He then saw a floating cat near by as he chuckled. He found the animal quite curious.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Tsumiju Zero
Tsumiju Zero's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 13:41
Zero rested his palm against

Zero rested his palm against the nearby building, catching his breath he turned and stood upright taking one last look at the portal closing behind him. Saddened and dirt-ridden faces were around him, the others that had managed to make it through in time. "Time", Zero thought, once we thought that we had that on our side thanks to the Menders, but for all their advances in technology, evacuation was the only plan that worked. Zero hoped that others had made it out too, out from where we once called home.

A quick glance from Soul Storm reminded Zero of his priorities, a headcount as well as checking for injuries. Luckily injuries were slight from falling debris during the last moments before the collapse, or quickly dealt with, a reminder that wherever we now were, at least our powers were still sustainable.

The immediate surroundings were not that dissimilar, skyscrapers, buildings, even the disinterested look of the civilains was there, wherever they were, whenever they were, this dimension had Heroes and just like home, people were well aware of them. What that meant though is that if there were Heroes here, there were also Villains. Stepping forward ahead of the now-refugees, Zero turned and spoke.

"We have work to do"

Tsumiju Zero - The Nightmare of Dra'Gon
Proud Leader of the Zero Strykers SG ~ Union
A different world, a different dimension, I open my eyes, ready to go, stepping from darkness into the light

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Arches gears ground and

Arches gears ground and groaned under the sudden acceleration of their otherwise slow turning speed. Pistons pumping Arch cleared the area between where he had been laying and into the middle of the organics combat zone in a single bound. How 1200 lbs of metal can land without fracturing well... everything is an engineering site to behold. As Arches leg shocks collided sending out a harmless, but exceptionally deafening thunderclap and settled him in the thick of things with all the grace of a geriatric old man he looked at the supers first.
Somehow immense disappointment seemed to radiate from his feature-less face.
Shambling over to the dumpster a few small arms with welding attachments extend out from under his seemingly scrap metal outer shell(s). Looking at the hobo Arches overly large main arms pancake slap the walls of the dumpster straight again... Something about the action reads as a warning. Arch isn't an energy powered creature, you don't want to be the pancake.
Messages delivered he sets about fixing the damage, for the better part ignoring the supers.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova would look about,

Lady Nova would look about, seeing the results of their skirmish, and immediately deactivate her energy abilities...

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have probed you like that, and I apologize for furthering the assualt....and you know, there are other ways apply your powers...without leaving them in comas of course..."

She would lend out a hand to him...

"Apology accepted...and keep the $100"


KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30
A little way down the street

A little way down the street there is a strange, soft sound. Something like wind chimes or bells mixed with a faint wind and the scent of rain. A portal forms slowly, spreading out from a central point on one wall of a building. Those able to sense it would notice the skin-fluttering feeling of Fey magic growing from that portal, and possibly the urgency and fear behind it.

From the portal falls a small, brightly colored form to lie unconscious on the pavement. The first thing one would notice would be the large dragonfly-type iridescent black, red, and silver wings and a wealth of ruby-red hair. On closer inspection of the tiny thing, one would see the decidedly feline face, kitty-type ears and a long tail. One messed-up creature, to be sure! At only about 4' tall, and very slim, she doesn't take up much space on the pavement curled up into a ball as she is.

Noticed or not, a few moments after plopping out of the portal, she rises shakily to her feet, clinging to the side of the building. Her eyes are glazed over as if she's not seeing the world properly yet, her ears are tilted downward, and her tail and wings hang almost limp behind her. There is a definite sense of exhaustion about her... almost... well... almost as if it were a tangible thing, touchable and quantifiable. In face, an observer too near her might suddenly feel a bit tired themselves.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Noting that the combatants

Noting that the combatants are standing down, Amerikatt slows her vortex until it dissipates.

Now undistracted, Amerikatt's ears move in the direction of a twinkly sound, like the wind chimes she likes to play with back at her mansion. A gentle electrostatic charge brushes across her fur, a feeling of reassurance both familiar and strange.

Amerikatt looks back and forth from Lady Nova to the panhandler.

[i]What next?[/i] Amerikatt wonders, tilting her head slightly.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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"The Host prevented me from

"The Host prevented me from draining the fellow completely. We have... mutual agreement. Our kind live on asteroids and other such space objects drawing vital energy directly from the sun. This worlds air and magnetic field reduces the amount reaching us. On top of that that magnetic feild is harmful to us damaging if we are exposed directly. The criminal was... attacking one of the homeless taking shelter in the alley way. we didn't know we could drain energy from a being directly till then."

"Your energy when you so freely generated it was the most like the suns radiation it was to tempting not to absorb some. Now we know more about the limits of the carbon based life here we won't draw as much when we do draw energy from organic sources. For now we let the Host take over." With that the darkness of the veins fade and his eyes return to normal but he staggers as if dazed.

"AGh I hate when that happens... ugh.. yeah guess that cat out of the bag." looks to Amerikatt "Just a figure of speech." Then looks to Nova and Shepard "Guess it's origin time. Well I wasn't doing so well. All I can recall at least. I was taking shelter in an empty warehouse when a meteor came down outside. Or at least I think it was when I looked there was this blob and it was changing color fast the center was dark almost black the outside was purple and clear. It was the being that now inside me and it was dying. Don't know why I did it but I touched the stuff it felt waxy, then it moved covering my hand. I had cut myself shortly before that so had an open wound it entered the cut. So that's how I became infected. Not so bad really it ... found I had contaminated blood. Guess I was a drug addict I really can't recall. Don't know if it's from being a druggie or this thing merging with my brain."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova would nod...the

Lady Nova would nod...the advent of her own powers had been somewhat similar, she would understand the shock of having such abilities, and the power brimming on the inside....

"Trust me, I understand....but with your could work as an actual Gargoyle and a community who left you on the streets that your not bad at all, that you want to help clean up this city....and if possible...I could help you...I know a thing or two about energy biengs and such.."

She would smile, and offer her hand in a handshake...

"The choice is your's. rest assured, if you desire we will not bother you any longer..."


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
The dumpster fixed... and

The dumpster fixed... and looking new as the day it was created Arch did something slightly odd. Taking out a small pack of stickers he placed one very low on the dumpster. It happened to be a rainbow connecting to a cloud. This was a game he played with the cities children. Whenever they found one of his stickers they could turn it in for a prize.

Gears churning in a low rumble that sounded almost like a chuckle Arch turned and walked past the former combatants who were now talking with each other. Why the organics always had to fire first talk second he would never know. His long strides took him out of the alley and into the streets quickly despite the overall slow nature of his foot steps.

The nine foot metal monstrosity stopped abruptly. In front of him some creature stood looking forlorn with sagging wings. Maybe it was a lost child. They came in all shapes these days. Bending down until his butt almost touched the pavement so that he would be eye to eye with the creature he held out a massive hand. His hand was nearly half the size of the creature. He extended two fingers as if to shake hands.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Lord Nightmare
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Joined: 10/02/2013 - 15:44
The pen dropped.

The pen dropped.

" that a cat?"

Nick looked at the image again, letting it rewind so he could see it once more. Sure enough, Amerikatt was on display in full kitten glory. He pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers and shook his head while his other hand reached over to press the intercom button.

"Evelyn.. get me something hard. Now."

He went back to watching the scene taking place, writing "Superpowered cat" in the notebook and groaning a bit to himself, unable to believe he just put that down.

"Now I've seen ever-"

And he's cut off as his hand smacks into his face when he spots the new creature appearing, the free one shooting for the intercom button again.

"Evelyn. Scratch that. Get me a Harry Hurricane, STAT."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

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He moves to take Lady Nova's

He moves to take Lady Nova's hand then stops turning to looks to Amerikatt then in the direction of the portals. "That's odd... like a ripple of energy just washed over me. Two really now that I think about it. We were distracted during the fighting." Then he looks to his hand then to Nova "It might be better if we don't shake on it."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Amerikatt's picture
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Amerikatt looks around at the

Amerikatt looks around at the Furless Ones now standing around in a seeming semblance of peace. Waving in RottenLuck's general direction, she crouches in mid-air, her small rump shifting side-to-side, her ears perked as if listening to a distant sound.

"Meow, meow, meow ... meooooow!"

A purple and pink blur marks the passage of the "Fabulous, Flying, Felony-Foiling Feline" (as the media likes to call her).

Steamtank wrote:

The nine foot metal monstrosity stopped abruptly. In front of him some creature stood looking forlorn with sagging wings. Maybe it was a lost child. They came in all shapes these days. Bending down until his butt almost touched the pavement so that he would be eye to eye with the creature he held out a massive hand. His hand was nearly half the size of the creature. He extended two fingers as if to shake hands.

Arriving faster than a speeding tram, Amerikatt stops short as she takes in the enormity of the situation.

[i]Has my nemesis followed me from the Other Place?[/i] Amerikatt ponders.

In the space of time seemingly between attoseconds, Amerikatt interposes herself between the amazing creature before her and the automaton, gauging whether the latter is a threat. Cautiously, Amerikatt glares balefully at the metallic giant, though she makes no threatening sounds.

[i]Friend ... or foe?[/i] Amerikatt considers.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Magda turns warily as she

Magda turns warily as she hears the, to her, truly gigantic metal man approach. She gives a faint smile, and shakes his fingers. Suddenly there is a costumed cat between her and Arch, and she chuckles. The sound is strange... faint bells mixed with a more human laughter and the purring of a cat. Whatever it is, it's clear that it is a friendly sound... maybe that's the reinforced feeling of peace and comfort radiating from her. Like a gentle hug from one's favorite person, the emotions envelop those who allow them.

Her voice shows the exhaustion the rest of her makes obvious, "Greetings, friends."

Her left hand travels over various cuts and scrapes, a faint glow and the afterimage of vines following her fingers as the wounds are healed completely.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Amerikatt's picture
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Amerikatt mews serenely at

Amerikatt mews serenely at the winged catgirl and then, seeing that the metallic creature is not in a threatening posture, mews serenely at it.

She turns back to the delicate catgirl and trills at the dulcet tones of Magda's mellifluous voice.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30
"I'm Magda, and I'm ... new..

"I'm Magda, and I'm ... new... to this place." a brief look of deep sadness comes over her, but she shakes it off with another smile. "Who might you be, then?" Searching through the leather satchel she wears, she pulls a waxed-paper packet. She opens it, and pulls apart something that (to Amerikatt) would smell of fish and spices. Nibbling on the food, she reaches down to offer some to the cat.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

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Sensing the sad tone in Magda

Sensing the sad tone in Magda's voice, Amerikatt rubs her cheek against the fey's leg and trills serenely.

*Amerikatt's nostrils flare as a wax paper packet is retrieved from a satchel and she sniffs the air.

"Mew-mew" Amerikatt says as she daintily nibbles on the proffered food.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Arch looked at the two (to

Arch looked at the two (to him) similar creatures. Well whatever they were, they were not children despite their diminutive size he concluded. Arch allowed his finger to actually move a tad with the shake, he had to remember things like that. The small ones tended to be so very delicate.

They didn't seem to need anything in particular, A compartment in his main arm opened and a small arm extended dropping a card into his larger main hand. Arch 'patted' the two on the head at the same time due to the sheer width of his hand. Leaving the card on the standing ones head. On examination it was directions to a homeless shelter.

Job done as far as Arch was concerned he stood slowly. He began his standard slow shamble down the sidewalk. More civilians than not running away. The only people to not run all waved at him and laughed at those that retreated. Arch had been there longer than even the oldest locals could remember, most grew up playing with him. Only those newer to the districts Arch frequented ran away thinking he was some mad scientists creation.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30
Plucking the card off her

Plucking the card off her head, magda chuckles merrily, "Goodbye friend!" and takes a look at the card. Hm. A place for people in need. Perhaps there was a place for her to help others here after all. Sitting on the sidewalk seemingly without a care as to how it may look, she lays the packet of fish on her leg so it will be in easy reach for both of them.

"Take as much as ya like, little friend." the empath's wings spreading out to either side of her against the wall of the building. "I've no idea where I am... but I'm that glad I made it out before the collapse." Her accent is a light Irish brogue, lilting and soft. "Where I come from I was a protector of the little ones of the world. Children and the like. The ones most people overlook or ignore. The small creatures. Do ya think I'd be of use here?"

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Wynd Master
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Staggering slightly as he

Staggering slightly as he steps out of the singularity, a middle aged man is surgical garb (Dr. Dethserum) turns and quickly catches a young lady.
"Well done my dear Braincell , rest now.",he says lovingly stroking her cheek.
Looking around he d=sees they are in a dark alley.Hearing a commotion in the front of the alley he watches the events unfold there.
"Looks like there are Paragons here too. We will have to establish a new lab and begin my experiments anew."

They say save me and I say pay me!

RottenLuck's picture
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John looked over seeing the

John looked over seeing the commotion that caught Amerikatt attention. "I know that thing. It called Arch been here a long time. That... fairy? That I haven't seen before."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd turned to see what

Shepherd turned to see what John and Nova were looking at when he saw the arrivals. He then turned to the hobo

"Again sorry about earlier My name is Shepherd"

This world seemed to have all kinds of sentient beings besides the mortals that inhabited it. There was much he needed to learn Nova seemed familiar like he some how knew her, but he couldn't remember from where and he hadn't noticed the first time they met.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would smile at him.

Lady Nova would smile at him....

"Shepherd, didnt you assist me earlier near that apartment complex that caught fire...?....Anyway it is good to see you again...I am off to Atlas Tower to report, but I will be seeing you later..."

She would wink at him, then taking off into the sky, golden energy trailing behind her


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd waved back at her.

Shepherd waved back at her. The name Atlas Tower. that had to be where he knew from. It was in their infermary where he first woke up. He begins to have a flash back of that day the medics were flashing lights in his eyes.

"Shepherd are you ok?"

The medic then turns to he nurse next to him

"It's amazing how he recovered. he lost 60 percent of his body and has fully regenerated. Extraman didn't need to do a thing. He thought there was no way he could be saved. He joined the Paragons the same day Extraman. He fought alongside Extraman and Honey Badger on the final days."

The nurse looked at the medic inquizitively

"How did he get caught in the explosion"

The doctor smiled as he answered

"Making sure his friend The Honey Badger made it through the portal. When Shepherd followed behind him, he was caught in the blast before he finished entering."

With that the flashback ended. Shepherd looked at Lady Nova and winked back at her.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Arch shambled past some odd

Arch shambled past some odd hole windowed into some other dimension. The picture on the other side was chaos, but that didn't affect here, so Arch didn't respond to it. Gears turning he looked at those exiting the portal. Some adult sized organic seemed to be in control of the situation. People were a bit battered and disheveled but nothing life threatening. Grown organics could look after the issues they caused themselves. Arch almost turned to walk but decided to at least get these organics off of his streets. This many new organics would cause chaos here if left fully unattended.

Arch handed the male organic (Zero) a card, it was directions to a housing development giving food and board in exchange for work. Arch figured this many organics would need a large space to stay in and not become a nuisance to his city.

Arch turned, not really caring what the man did and continued down the road. Those with exceptional perception could see a tiny lowering in the pavement from the years of walking Arch had done on the same path day after day.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Lord Nightmare
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Nick finished his mixed drink

Nick finished his mixed drink and turned off the monitors. When things cool down and he's feeling inebriated, it signals that research is over. He lies back into his chair and pockets the notebook, shaking his head once more as he tries to comprehend the two cat creatures he'd seen.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

RottenLuck's picture
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John looked up at the sky as

John looked up at the sky as his eyes grew dark as the lifeform inside him absorbed light and energy from the sun. He also did notice Arch and then those that came from the portals. "Hmm." He walked over where Zero's group was at. "Okay is it me or is that a hole in reality?" He took out the cinnamon bun Lady Nova gave him and handed it to one of the youngest in the group.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Wynd Master
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"My dear we must go." picking

"My dear we must go." picking her up he glances at the sky. "Looks like your singularity is growing, got to get underground quickly . I see there are many infected arriving through it."
Looking around he spots a manhole cover opening it he helps her down into the darkness. "Yes many infected indeed."

They say save me and I say pay me!

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"Doctor I was naughty again

"Doctor I was naughty again wasn't I?" she asked as she lay in his arms.
"No my dear you were not, but it shows you why we must cure the infected these so called Titans." He replied as he helped her down through a manhole.
"But it felt so good I want to do it some more." she whined.

I know the voices are not real....But they have good ideas

Braincell: 'What are we doing tonight doctor?"
Dr. Dethserum: "The same thing we always do cure the infected. Braincell"

Amerikatt's picture
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KaosKitteh wrote:
KaosKitteh wrote:

... she lays the packet of fish on her leg so it will be in easy reach for both of them.

Amerikatt places her forepaws on Magda's leg and grabs a tiny piece of fish with her teeth.

"Mew-mew!" ((Thank-you!)) Amerikatt says.


"Where I come from I was a protector of the little ones of the world. Children and the like. The ones most people overlook or ignore. The small creatures."

"Meow!" ((Me too! I'm supposed to protect females -- especially those carrying unborn younglings -- but I've kind of expanded that to include all Furless Ones, since they're pretty much helpless otherwise.))


"Do ya think I'd be of use here?"

*Amerikatt nods her head in affirmation*

"Mror!" ((Most definitely!))

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Magda smiles, reassured by

Magda smiles, reassured by this exchange, and leans back against the wall to relax a bit.

"I'm glad. Its not good to be useless and idle, after all." For a few blissful moments, she simply sits, the warm wall of the building helping to relax her muscles as she shares a simple meal with a wonderfully friendly fellow-creature.

She doesn't know where she's landed, only that it is relatively safe, somewhere she will not be sensational or frightening, and somewhere she can be of use. Those were the only parameters of the spell... the same ones she'd used to first enter the Other Place.

"Next is to find a tree to turn into a home. Sure it won't be as grand as the home I built in the Other Place, but it will do for a start."

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Amerikatt's picture
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*basking in a sunbeam,

*basking in a sunbeam, Amerikatt lifts her head and scans the area to see if she can find a Matriarch Oak in which the beautiful winged catgirl may reside*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Alaika Balta
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Sea Holly has been watching

Sea Holly has been watching the entire ordeal from the roof of a derelict office building with some level of mild disinterest. "I was hoping it was something noteworthy, but it looks like it's nothing more than a gathering of goody-two-shoes and what not," she said to herself with a sigh. Garbed in a black, full-body suit with short heels and a helmet and completely obscured her face, she quietly looked around and noticed the cat and the fey. "Those two would make a nice killing in the black arcane market," she remarked, her egoistic nature out as clear as the day, "but since nobody's asking..." Shrugging to herself once more, she resumed her 'hero-sightseeing', as she called it.


KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Laying the packet of spiced

Laying the packet of spiced fish down for Amerikatt, Magda rises and stretches from toes to the tips of her ears.

"Be well, mighty friend. Must needs look for a park now." She gives the cat a bright smile, and leaps into the air. Hovering for a few seconds, her dragonfly-wings buzzing into a black and red blur, she zips off. Humming can be heard for a short time after, mixed with that odd purring and windchime sound.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Amerikatt's picture
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KaosKitteh wrote:
KaosKitteh wrote:

Laying the packet of spiced fish down for Amerikatt, Magda rises and stretches from toes to the tips of her ears.
"Be well, mighty friend. Must needs look for a park now." She gives the cat a bright smile, and leaps into the air. Hovering for a few seconds, her dragonfly-wings buzzing into a black and red blur, she zips off. Humming can be heard for a short time after, mixed with that odd purring and windchime sound.

"Mew-mew! Mewew" ((Thank-you for the nommy fish! I'll keep scanning for a Matriarch Oak for you. Surely, there *must* be at least one in the park area.))

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Arch made a left turn, and a

Arch made a left turn, and a then a right. He was on the edge of downtown, not the prettiest section, but no slum.
His huge frame sat next to an old man. The man looked at Arch and started to rummage around his bag. Pulling out a can of soup he handed it to Arch.

Arch looked at the can... One of his small crafting arms extended and dissected the lid. Another arm came out and turned its welding torch on the faintest amount of flame. The old man held the can over the torch and it began to heat.

The old man took out a small box with his free hand, much like the ones Arch produced... but older than the ones the kids today had. The materials were older, heavier, less resilient. Opening it with care a few faded stickers fluttered out and hit the ground. "My hands arn't what they used to be, coulda caught those mid-air in the 60's....." The Man had said this same thing almost every day for the past few years.

The homeless man smiled as Arch finished heating the can of soup. "Now let me tell you about the time my friend saved Downtown." The old man started in on an old story about Arch.... Telling it to Arch. You see the man had Alzheimer disease. Every morning Arch brought the man three meals from a local soup kitchen. The man couldn't remember how to get there. He didn't even remember who brought him his food every day. He didn't remember his family. He didn't remember what Arch looked like, but somehow he remembered being around Arch as a child.

Arch sat with this man several nights a month over the past few years, more when it was cold. He would heat the mans food, listen to the mans stories, and not go back on his never ending patrol until the man had drifted off to sleep.

The man fumbled with picking up a sticker. "Oh I got that one when I rescued Archs' toaster from a tree.... I think he was trying to make us feel heroic but didn't realize that the thing in a tree had to be living to be heroic...... Still I made it to the top first!" Arch let one of his more nimble crafting arms pick up the sticker and put it in the box for the man. He remembered that day. A smart organic with Bus Yellow hair had spotted the toaster with a sticker on it first. The little organic had asked Arch for a sticker box because "He was going to win them all forever." The boy got far more than his fair share of his neighborhoods stickers over the years. Arch looked at the man and several of his gears ground just a bit slower.

The organic would die soon. Most likely within the next few months. Arch would miss him.

Some heroes might have brought the old man to a hospital, or gotten him help. Arch wasn't that type of creature. To Arch the man had earned his right to be where he wanted within Titan City. What little the man remembered was from his childhood in the downtown streets. Not these current streets... the old streets.

Arch set about crafting a few small trinkets he knew some of the more clever neighborhood kids would most likely want. He allowed the heat from his crafting to escape just a bit more, warming the area around the old man. The two would sit in silence until the old man either drifted off or Arch was called away.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

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((....That was....fantastic

((....That was....fantastic writing....despite you not attaching a name to the man, you made us feel for and sympathize for him, at least for me....thanks for that....:) ))

Lady Nova would walk through the park near Phoenix Plaza, wind whistling a sweet tune between the trees, as she walks the path she skipped along as a child...talked to her mother about every boy she hoped to date, and what she would want to be when she grew up...

It's also where she she witnessed and was saved by her first hero, the tech golem known as Arch....where she saw her first super villain, who took the life of her mother that day, as a show of force...turning her quiet paradise into a nightmare. Her mother was a EMT, and had her promise that she would always help others...little did she know that it would take college, a similar attack and near death experience, and superpowers, to get where she is...

Snapping out of her thoughts, she would notice an elderly man asleep on a park bench, faint heat radiating around him. Without hesitation she would form a sort of blanket out of pure energy, wispy and comforting to the touch, draping it over him. Gazing over him, she would silently read his aura, and sadly notes that he is close death. Before departing, she would leave him with a kiss on his cheek, and he would leave her, with a tighter weight on her heart...

A quiet moment, in a boisterous city...

((I hope that didn't seem too lengthy or out of place...))


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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30

(( OH GOD MY HEART! Beautifully done. <3 ))

A rather normal-looking girl walks around with the earbuds to her mp3 player firmly stuffed in her ears, seemingly without a care in the world. The only thing to differentiate her from others is the deck of cards in her right hand. The cards are continually moving - cut, shuffle, re-sort - as if she can't hold them still. Once in a while she has to catch a card that slips out of the deck... did it float there for a moment before she noticed? No real way to know... She doesn't draw any particular attention; just an average kid probably out of her teens, but definitely young.

Jeans, t-shirt, sunglasses, and a backpack... completely unremarkable.

If she'd worn a tank top there would be more evidence of something more about her than usual. The bruises from last night's patrol were healing nicely, but still in that purple/green stage, though she'd already healed out of the stitches along her back and likely wouldn't have a scar. The eyes behind the dark glasses were almost constantly moving from person to person, and shadow to shadow.

Making her way to a bench near a park, she sits, the cards still moving in her hands. A fluid, almost hypnotising motion as fingers sought and switched cards constantly. Sighing softly, she pulls an energy bar from her backpack with one hand, opening the package with her left hand and teeth. Devouring the bar at a respectable, though swift, pace she continues to watch around her. There was something in the air that was difficult to shake... a feeling of something coming that just wouldn't let her go, and wouldn't be denied...

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Alaika Balta
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((Dang! Everyone really put

((Dang! Everyone really put up some awesome posts! That's quite a high bar for me to keep up.))

Everything was blank. It was the very first thing she could tell the moment she opened her eyes, finding herself in a different place compared to where she was last time. She didn't know where she was, why she was there and how she got there to begin with, but to the young female, it didn't matter. She had learned to live without knowing where she would be the very next moment she woke up and, instead, saw that strange occurrence as a measure of excitement in her life, to not know what situation she would be in from time to time. It taught her to adapt quickly, to not anchor herself to a mechanical pace of life, and she found herself enjoying what short times she had with her eyes opened wide.

Getting back to her feet, she made her way down from the tall, concrete perch she had woken up to. Her boots licked lightly against the floor, the footfall of a kitten, as she descended back onto the streets, blindly following whatever road fancied her. A majestic statue, a proud phoenix in all its glory, greeted her at the end of her whimsical trip. Phoenix Plaza was not a new place to her, yet she liked being there all the same. Looking around, her mind picked up the idyllic thoughts of a nearby young boy as he played with his soccer ball. A kick, a sprint and a grunt as the ball flew off his course and rolled to her feet. The boy ran up to her, but then she saw the spark in his eyes turn into fear in an instant. She knew why people were scared of her, yet she made no effort to change herself, a small part of her telling her that she shouldn't, for whatever reason.

Picking up the ball, she handed it to the boy with a soft, somewhat muffled voice speaking to him. "Is this yours, little boy?" Hearing how kindly she spoke to him, she smiled, a smile unseen by anyone, including herself, as the boy shook off his fear and nodded. The ball exchanged hands and the curious child looked at her and asked, "Miss, why are you dressed like that? Isn't it hot? You look like some sort of supervillain! You look so cool, but scary at the same time!" A soft hum escaped her lips as she looked at herself, seeing black from head to toe. "Ah, I think I forgot to change before I go out. Silly me~!" she replied with a cheerful, jesting tone, contrasting her sleek, dark appearance. "It's not that hot, but thank you for your concern. I'll be fine, little boy. Don't play too close to the road, alright?"

With an enthusiastic nod, the boy turned around and began kicking his ball, waving at her and shouting many thanks. All she could do was wave her hand in reply, her delighted face completely obscured by the black helmet she was wearing. A stretch of her arms later and she was back on her whimsical walk without care of the watching and leering eyes of the public. Shutting down her ears to others' thoughts, she basked in the warm sunlight of day, enjoying what time she had before she had to leave, willingly or not.

((In case anyone's wondering, this woman is in the close proximity to Lady Nova, dressed in a stark black suit and helmet and out in the open public...))


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Watching the exchange with

Watching the exchange with observant but non intrusive eyes, Lady Nova would smile at the child running off, glad that the strange women's nature at least appeared benevolent. Interested, she would call out to the woman in an amiable tone, light glancing off the ever majestic phoenix, catching the glowing nature of her subtle, blazing, yet inviting gaze...

"Sorry to disturb you, but I hope you are not lost....if you are not I am sorry for presuming...I'm Lady Nova by the way...welcome to Titan City..."

She would smile, and offer her hand, her mere presence warm and comforting...


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd walked around in the

Shepherd walked around in the park, now remembering who he was his real name His mission as a flashback comes.

Bodies lay strewn around in a dark alley, as two figures stood there looking at them. One had a hood over his head with a fanged mask. The other was a brunette with Green eyes. The hooded figure admired his work. The bodies were those of immortals who were baited by the brunette as she set them up for the hooded figure to feed on. The hooded figure and Brunette were none other than Abaddon, the immortal once known as Gideon and the Brunette was Luna, the female garou who's clan he slaughtered. Among the Immortals were children. These were children who had recently died and experienced The awakening, becoming immortals themselves.

The adult immortals had come to get them when they followed Luna's fake distress, leading the immortal adults and children to their deaths. Suddenly a light appeared. As Abaddon and Luna gazed at the light, Abaddon heard a voice telling him it was time. He remembered hearing those words once before. Through the light stepped three Angels One with silvery wings and hair, one with golden wings and hair and one with black wings and hair wearing a skull mask. the three angels were Gabriel, Micheal, and The Angel of Death Azreal. Micheal the golden haired angel then spoke.

Micheal: It is time to fulfill your Destiny Ghostwalker.

Abaddon began to laugh hysterically.

Abaddon: My destiny? Ghostwalker? I am not Gideon. I killed him with my own bare hands and left his church in ruins.

Gabriel looked at the demonic warrior.

Gabriel: You are the Dark Savior. Remember. Look at the face of the woman standing next to you. Who does she remind you of?

Abaddon looked at Luna, and suddenly he saw two women that she resembled. The first was VIper and the second was his best friend. He then looked at the dead immortal children, then back at Luna, as he remembered when he had the telepathic link with Viper. He began to relive that memory. Gideon had stepped out as he saw Viper with the vampire children. Viper got in front of them to protect them.

"So what now? You are going to slaughter these children for being kindred? If you do, then you're no different than the monsters you claim to hunt"

Gideon stood there staring at her. What she said was true. they were vampires but they were still children, and were victims. The Ghostwalker thought back to what the little girl told him and then thought about when Viper had the baby. The scene then changed to when Gideon found his best friend in the club. Gideon arrived as soon as he found out about Ariel. The police and ambulance arrived soon after.

"Wake up Ariel, wake up! You can't die! please don't die"

Ariel gave her last breath as she opened her eyes briefly to look at Gideon.

"No you can't die. No no no no please don't die."

The tears began to well up in his eyes as he cradled her in his arms and closed her eyes. He looked up for a brief second and saw Ariel's spirit. He then saw Viper's sire but with his face on it. He then saw Azelbal with his face as well, as if he were looking in a mirror. He then went down on his knees and broke into tears.


Gideon soon began to convulse as he started coughing and grabbed on to is throat after ripping off the mask. He was fighting the virus as he vomited a black liquid and began to choke. Luna looked at him and then at the angels.

Luna: Help him, he's dying!!

Gideon continued to convulse as his eyes rolled in back of his head. The Grim Reaper then summoned his scythe and raised it until Micheal stopped him. When the Angel of death looked on, he had seen that The sword of the spirit Nazarene appeared on Gideon's hand for the first time in months. What happened next caused Luna to cover her eyes, as Gideon committed the act of sempoku plundging the blade deep into his abdomen. As he did the scene changed again. He remembered when he left this earth, shortly after the incident with Viper and the children.

On the final day he stood at the peak of Mount Zion playing back everything that happened, as the sun began to rise. It was then when he felt a familiar presence and turned around to see Viper there. She knew now why he would disappear for 20 years every 300 years. She knew about his bloodline. She knew his origin. As the sun began to rise Gideon had begun to disperse into energy as he was scattered with the four winds leaving Viper there to watch the sun rise by herself. This final time he wouldn't be gone for 20 years. This time he wouldn't return until the end of this century when he would be needed most.

A peace soon came over Gideon as the virus completely left his body. Nazarene then shattered, and Gideon soon became mortal, as his hair changed back to its original brown color and his eyes it's natural grey. He was the Ghostwalker no more. He was now mortal and was dying. Micheal picked Gideon up. The dead immortals then started coming back to life. Gideon's soul was trapped in his body and would soon cease to exist, as he began experiencing physical and spiritual death. This time there would be no coming back. His body soon began to turn ethereal. Azriel then looked at Luna.

Azriel: return to your father and your clan. All the lives Gideon had taken as Abaddon have been returned.

With that said the three angels walked into the light.

The flashback faded As tears came down his cheek. He had recently removed his mask. Viper that was the name of the female vampire he had e emotional attachment to. his rival but the only one of his enemies that understood him. They were like two sides of the same coin. they had been rivals since the crusades. and with each of his rebirths, he always managed to run into her. His face remained hidden under the hood as he produced a flower made out of energy and looked at it.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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John Doe walked into the soup

John Doe walked into the soup kitchen. He lined up to the counter for a meal. "Yeah Sticker came and got the last meal already. Poor fellow it wouldn't be long before the old man passes away." said the voice of one of the soup kitchen staff. Reaching the end of the line he takes his meal and moves to a table. He always sits alone, or as much as he can recall. "This is your fault." he mumbles to the lifeforms inside him.

[i]Our Fault? Yes in truth there was issues, but it was due to how damaged you were. We know more then you do. You were dying and not just by drugs.[/i]

"What do you mean I wasn't a drug addict?

[i]We don't even know what that means. Knowledge of your world is limited to what we seen through your eyes. If we understand the drugs you think you were taking have some kind of altering perception qualities. Making you feel good and such... what we cleared from your system wouldn't have those effects.[/i]

He then noticed he spoke louder then he thought. People were glancing at him it wasn't wise to talk to yourself "Sorry.." Soon people returned to eating their meals they got used to some of the visitors to the soup kitchen being a little off. Where others were normal folk hard on their luck.

One such person caught John's eye a Mother helping her son with homework. "See you got it Billy. Soon you be getting A's in math." Billy looks at the homework "I don't want to go to school anymore the kids pick on me." The mother sighs "I know, but you need to be a brave hero and not let the bullies stop you." "They laugh at me moma because my shoes have holes." She shakes her head "No billy they laugh at you because they feel weak and by picking on you they fool themselves in thinking they are stronger. Bullies are afraid of being the weakest so they always try to make someone weaker. If you had better shoes they make fun of your hair or make fun of someone else. It's them that are weak they are just to scared to accept it." She gives her son a hug "Heroes get beat up all the time. Villains teasing and taunting them calling the Heroes fools for standing up for the greater good. If you quit school you let the bullies win. Bullies are villains are you going to let them beat you?" Billy looks up at her "No moma I be brave and not let the bullies stop me." A smile comes to her face but John could see a sadness in her eyes. "That's my brave little Heroe."

John rises up and takes his tray to the counter. On the way over he hands the 100 dollar bill Lady Nova gave him "Get the little hero some new shoes." Before she could reply he hurried out the door.

[i] That's one more thing against you being a drug addict. You are to kind a person.[/i] He shook his head and headed to an alleyway where some other homeless have already have a trash can full of burning scrap wood and newspapers. "That's no comfort. If I was a drug addict there might be some arrest records. The police could run my fingerprints and I know who I am. If what you say is right... then I'm unknown."

[i] No John doe. We are Unknown. If we going to be active in this city like that glowing Lady Nova we need to call ourselves something. Our kind are Unknown here on earth, our abilities are Unknown even to us. Your past is Unknown. So might as well be Unknown.[/i] John warmed his hands against the fire. "When your at rock bottom there nowhere to go, but up."

One of the Hobos in the alley snorted "Or six feet under kid."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30
Sighing to herself, Rose

Sighing to herself, Rose stands from the bench, finally noticing that it has grown darker, dusk coming on the city like a soft blanket. The tall buildings are lit up with the last of the sun's rays, making them almost liquid-looking constructs of steel and glass.

"Beautiful..." a smile touches her lips, the sight of darkness coming down on the city briefly reminding her of the beauty just laying around for the taking. A feast for the senses... music in the background, the soft sound of traffic and a very faint murmur of voices from the shops nearby. Standing under the trees, she simply allows the sounds, scents and colors around her soak in.

Gunshots rather close by break her calm reverie with the abruptness of a brick to the head.

"Damnfools!" she growls, swiftly dropping one of those tarot cards to her feet. the card erupts in a swirl of light, coating her like a second skin and sinking in, leaving her in her costume. Another card is expended in forming a shield around her, and a third to take her closer. Three blackened cards flutter up against a tree in the breeze caused by her precipitous departure.

Easing around the corner of the alley the gunshots had come from, Rose (Now in her persona of Tarot Rose) takes in the scene that presents itself in the darkness of the alley.

A grimy, frankly stinking and grizzled man holds up one of the homeless that make this area their home against a wall, demanding money, drugs, booze... his speach rambles and stumbles over itself... even the hobo isn't sure what the man really wants. Biting her lower lip, Rose considers how to approach the situation. her shield may be good, but a bullet at point blank range will still probably penetrate her defenses...

A faint grin as the hobo finally sees her, and she brings a finger up to her lips. The man clearly understands as his eyes move to an unwavering attention on the would-be mugger, and doesn't spare even half a glance in her direction. Good... with luck, the mugger wouldn't know she was there until it was too late. Almost silently on her soft-soled boots, she creeps up behind the man, one hand raising to the height of the mugger's head with a card held between two fingers. She taps the man on the back of the head, and he simply relaxes. He relaxes so much, in fact, that he not only drops the hobo, but drops to the ground insensible.

Rose takes time to reassure herself that the homeless man wasn't hurt before using one card to bind the mugger securely, the other to transport him to the nearby police station.

Taking her backpack off, she sits with the homeless man, others joining them with smiles for the bounty of dried fruit, energy bars, and bottles of water she pulls out of her backpack. The alleyway may be stinking and filthy, the combined body odor of her companions may be enough to drop an elephant at twenty paces, but she passes an hour or so with them. She finds, with them, a camaraderie that's missing in many social situations where everyone's too worried about their appearance, status and bank account than being true people. She finds, in this dirty, dark place some of that beauty she'd found earlier when the sun touched the tops of the buildings with liquid silver and gold.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Alaika Balta
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The faceless woman didn't

The faceless woman didn't expect anyone to talk to her, much less approach her in such an amicable fashion. Nonetheless, she was more than happy to return the favor, taking her hand into a firm, but friendly handshake without any form of hesitation. "Oh, it's quite alright. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Nova," she replied. "And thank you for welcoming me. I haven't been around for a long time, so your assumption isn't entirely incorrect. It's always refreshing to see a friendly face around."

Looking into her eyes, she saw a warm, inviting glow in them, like a bright star in the darkness of the galaxy. Her presence was not lost to her enhanced senses and she quickly found herself warming up to her faster than she normally would to others. It was then when she realized that she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm... Oh, shoot! I hadn't come up with a good name..." she murmured, both to herself and to Lady Nova. There was something about her more than meets the eye, but the politeness and benevolence she had shown were genuine. Thinking quickly, if not almost hastily, she looked back and continued, "If it's alright with you, you can just call me Holly."


Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would smile, a true

Lady Nova would smile, a true genuine arc of happiness across her face, as she eases into a park bench to sit..

"Holly....I like that...a pretty name, something to be treasured...and I try my best to be friendly, otherwise, what's the point of suiting up and actually facing the world...?"

She would then notice despite the serenity of the park, a young girl sitting by herself opposite of them, sadly watching a group of boys playing with sticks, apparently excluded. Politely excusing herself, Nova would sit near the girl, who would raise her head at her arrival, a few tears visible, Nova addressing her in comforting tone....

"Are you alright little one?"

The girl, sniffling a bit, would point to the group of boys off to the side of them...

"They won't let me play with them, because I am a girl...t-they said I'm just to be rescued..."

Frowning at this, Nova would immediately take the girls hands into her own, and concentrating, would form a tiny egg of energy within the girls palm...

"Now that's not very nice, but do you know that when pretty birds hatch, everyone thinks they are just pretty and should be protected...but deep down this bird is a warrior on the inside, ready to light they way for are that beautiful bird.." She would point to the stature of the phoenix in the plaza, the egg of energy appearing to hatch, within a tiny phoenix, which would grow before their eyes, a brilliant construct of golden energy and majestic beauty, perching gently on the young girl's shoulders, spreading it's wings like a glowing crown...

"Now go, and show them your fire and beauty, like a phoenix rising..."

Nodding ecstatically, the girl would charge into the troop of boys, raising and flailing her arms wildly, the energy bird mirroring her actions. The boys, initially terrified, would flock around the bird's bearer, uttering a chorus of 'so cool' and 'whoas!'. Smiling, seeing that her inspiration worked, would return to Holly, sitting down happily, musing...

"I'm sorry, just had to do that, didn't mean to abandon you here..."


Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/12/2013 - 19:19
"Hey! Hey! Over here!"

"Hey! Hey! Over here!"

A small blueish wisp zipped around wildly. It came to stop, hovering in place. In a flash of sparks and a barely audible pop, the wisp became a pixie-ish, female creature. It was only three inches tall with the faintest hint of blue to her skin. Relatively quick, she became flushed and agitated. She began to buzz in place rapidly before she returned to a blue wisp. She zipped back in forth impatiently.

"Hey! Listen! Hey! Over here!" She shouted, surprisingly loud for her small stature.

"I should never have shown you that game," came the grumbled reply from a nearby alleyway. From said alley, a masculine form stepped out. His face was covered by a metallic green, with a silver edge up-side down teardrop shaped mask with a definite peak down the center of it. It was a small wonder that he could see where he was going as there were no markings for eyes anywhere on the mask. His, rather shocking, silver hair was pulled back in a loose tail that fell to his shoulderblades. His lean torso was on full display. His arms and torso played host to a series of, seemingly, ever flowing ink that glowed a soft blue-green with faintly eldritch power. The vambraces were the only covering on his upper body. The dark green pants with silver slash marks he wore were an oddity; they had the appearance of metal but moved like cloth. The dark, metallic boots finished off his strange attire. The blue wisp rocketed right into the man's face before popping back to the pixie form.

"Of course I would empathise with the beleaguered and under-appreciated assistant to a would be hero," she huffed, puffing her cheeks out in an attempt to pout cutely, "She was just doing her job. Hey! Why'd you go into that alley?"

It would be impossible for an outside observer to tell; but he most assuredly rolled his eyes at that comment. He gave his surroundings a quick once over before he trained his vision back onto his companion.

"I was not going to use that mystical mumbo-jumbo to change into this out on the open street," he shot back, "It's that whole secret identity thing, you know."

"It is not mystical mumbo-jumbo," the blue pixie puffed up even more in righteous indignation, "It's the magic providing mystical garments to protect the Fateblade."

"Mystical garments to protect me?" He said with an incredulous tone, "How does this protect me? I'm bare-chested out here. One gunshot and I'm done."

"It's magic, you dummy!" She cried out, stamping her foot, "It's design, much like your wave-bladed rapier, is based off your personality and provides the protection magically."

"Are you saying, I'm some kind of showy, Medieval duelist?"

"Doc Holliday never complained as much as you. But, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Besides," At this, she gave him what could only be described as a lustful leer, "You have great abs."

Now thoroughly self conscious and a little creeped out, he turned around to scan the area again. Sighing in frustration and glad that the mask covered the flush he knew graced his face, he headed back into the alley to change. It was a simple matter of willing the mystical energies to leave. With a shimmer and a pulse, the mask began to melt; flowing back into the various piercings on his face. At the same time, the silver of his hair began to recede returning to a dyed blue-green coloration. After the magic worked it's way down, the ever-shifting ink of the tattoos began to solidify before being covered in a simple black t-shirt. The vambraces shifted and reformed into a pair of spiked wristbands. The pants and boots were easiest and quickest to change simply shifting back into a pair of torn up jeans and simple black sneakers. What returned was no longer a costumed vigilante but a simple punk teenager.

"I think it's time for you to fade out," he said to the blue pixie.

She gave him another cute pout, before fading out of sight, "You're no fun, Midnight."

charlieranger's picture
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"Hey mister, are you alright?

"Hey mister, are you alright?" The faint voice repeated itself. "Hey mister, are you alright?"

The man was lying on his back, dazed, looking into the sky. He started to sit up, but a sudden headache made him pause.

"Are you a giant?" the small voice said. "Cause I think your a giant."

The man turned to see a young boy, maybe five or six years old. "No, I.. I don't think so."

"You look like a giant. How did you get that big?"

The man sat upright and looked around. Tall buildings rose all around him. The buildings rose up high in the sky and were covered in glass. The sun was high in the sky and the reflection off the glass of each building showing the grassy area he was in gave the illusion the small square was bigger than it actually was. A large golden statue in the center of the square of a bird added to the suns glare and overall brightness of the area. The man turned again to the boy and said "You are a small boy, doesn't everyone look like a giant to you?"

"Well, sometimes, but your REALLY big! Where did you come from?"

"I.. I don't remember. Did you see where I came from?"

"No sir. I was playing over there with my dog. I heard a noise then there you were laying on the ground. Are you an Alien?"

The man looked at the boy, then his dog, and back to the boy. "No. I don't think so anyway. I am having a hard time remembering what happened."

"Is that a real sword" the boy asked?

The man finally came to enough sense to look at himself. He was wearing heavy armor on his chest shoulders and arms. He had on a belt with a very large buckle, armor on his legs and boots as well. His armor was black, mostly, and trimmed with ornate gold around the edges. He had a shield next to him and a sword in his scabbard. He pulled the sword slightly from the scabbard and saw that it had a black blade, except for the edges, which were very shiny and the center which had glowing blue runes. "It appears that this is a real sword boy." The man slowly rose to his feet and gained his balance. Slowly it seemed his head was becoming clearer. "Boy, ha..."

"My name is Peter sir."

"Yes, I am sorry. Peter, have you seen anyone else like me around here?"

"Well, not like you, but the titans here always look a little strange. They come through here pretty often, which is why my mom lets me play here with my dog."

The man looks around and notices a couple oddly dressed people across the square a ways. He picks up his shield and helm, which was behind him, strapping them together and slings them over his back. "Thank you Peter for your help. I think ill go ask those people if they know anything about what happened."

"Ok sir!" The boy started to run away.

"Peter!!" The boy stopped and turned back to the man. "My name is Tyrian. I just remembered." The boy turned again and ran off with his dog.

Tyrian strode towards the two individuals. "Greetings! I don't mean to interrupt, but I find myself at a loss as to how I got here and why I can't remember anything. Could you help me?"

RottenLuck's picture
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He walked to the Phoenix

He walked to the Phoenix Plaza. Dressed in the same outfit he had on the day before his foot falls were slow as he struggled with his doubts. "Are you sure we should do this? This is a risk for both of us." [i]We accept the risk, we have to live in this world. We can't even return to the stars for we have changed to survive on this world and within you.[/i} "I thought you entered my body to live?"

[i] We did. The magnetic field was killing us. However your body wasn't non-hostel either. We had to change. Your form of life evolved to fight for resources a struggle to get what you need to live To survive you evolved specializations. Means to go for resources other life ignored, or form special cells. This formed life where change is slower, but more fine tuned.[/i]

[i]Our kind feed off solar radiation and light. Resources were easy gained, however space is far larger and wider so it was beneficial to stick together and work together. We became mass of colonies our awareness is a mass of not specialized cells, but a collective. Given enough time that collective can change to survive any condition if we can gain the vital solar light that is our food source. We might even be able to adapt to survive like you off other resources... like the life energies of a host... or a thug.[/i]

"So you are feeding off of me?" [i] It's the nature of a symbiotic relationship. true we still absorb light and energy from the sunlight, but far less then our full need require. The atmosphere reduces the amount of light and that magnetic field reduces the radiation. In return we aid you. Repairing damage and amplify your abilities. You are part of our collective now we will aid you.[/i]

He looks up at the Phoenix statue. "But should we aid others?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Alaika Balta
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With a light-hearted chuckle,

With a light-hearted chuckle, Holly shook her head and replied, "It's alright. It's a lovely sight to see." Sitting down next to Lady Nova, she glanced at the little girl and her soaring phoenix. "Sometimes, one doesn't need something grand to change her life. It's often the little things, small and perhaps insignificant, that often bring the biggest change," she said.

"I would like to be a heroine like you, one that could help bring joy to one's face. However, that time is still quite far for me and there's so much left to do on my part. Perhaps I would be able to achieve that dream someday, but today is not the time just yet."

Putting up her hand, a pinkish psychic energy materialized into a small sphere, said sphere gradually taking form of a grubby caterpillar. One might be forgiven for thinking that Holly possessed an eccentric sense of humor, especially given the splendor spectacle Lady Nova had produced.

However, the grubby, helpless caterpillar then metamorphosed into a cocoon, then split open to reveal a fluttering, shimmering butterfly, The intricate patterns of its wings seemed to glitter and gleam under the sun and the pink butterfly made a head turn and flew around their heads in a circular lap, a trail of fine, glittering pink dust trailing it wherever it went.

"A butterfly isn't as majestic and as strong as a phoenix," Holly paused to look at Nova, an unseen smile on her obscured face, "but I think it's just as beautiful and meaningful. What do you think, Lady Nova?"


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Always busy, always moving,

Always busy, always moving, always changing. Arch walked. His gigantic shoulders stooped as his strides took him further towards the boundaries of downtown.
He had heard the word "hate" used once to describe something unpleasant. Arch thought that he might "hate" the night. Almost nothing good came of the night. The future slept, his small organic friends, and dreamed. Arch wondered what a dream was. He knew the basic idea, pictures inside the organics head. Arch was not organic, dreams would not help his task. His task would never finish unless he failed.

An adult female organic was yelling. Arch turned his head. Some younger male organic had a bag... not a very good container, wouldn't last... and was running very quickly away from the female towards him. "Stop! Stop! Someone... MY BAG!" The woman was trying to run but was dressed to kill, and not the villainous kind. Her pencil skirt assured that the younger male would escape unless stopped.

The man saw Arch and smiled, jumping to slap a high five onto Archs' bicep area. "later Watch!" The young thief booked it around the corner and into the night.

The woman stopped dead in her tracks. Looking at Arch she turned a bright shade of red. 'Maybe she was crafting something?' Thought Arch.
Arch looked at the organic with an unblinking gaze. The red faced female organic was capable of survival. It was intact, it would survive into the future. The bag was not part of the organic, just a piece of Titan City she was carrying. Now someone else carried that piece. The city was still the same in Archs mind.
Arch turned and proceeded to continue his walk. The woman threw some half hearted insults but to no avail. She had heard of things like this. POS not helping people in need just playing games with kids and sitting around with the sick. She didn't even believe that the same pile of junk had stopped a cloned dinosaur that had escaped some scientists lab. How could that stupid thing ever stop an Allosaurus, much less in a single neck snapping punch. All a bunch of lies. The woman thought to herself as she stormed off to find a police officer.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Xselcier's picture
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THWUD! was the sound that

THWUD! was the sound that came from around the corner a few seconds after the purse-snatcher turned it. That sound was soon followed by the purse-snatcher, wheezing and red-faced, being escorted by a bald Asian man dressed in a flowing green gi and white pants. His hands and feet were wrapped, one of those hands currently on the thug's back, guiding him towards the woman.

"Excuse me, madam. I believe this bag belongs to you?" he said in very precise English, with a slight Chinese accent.

The red-faced woman turned to face the pair. The Asian man prodded the young man, who sheepishly handed the bag back to her. She took it, smiled at the hero, then promptly smacked the young thug across the face with the bag and began berating him.

The hero looked over her shoulder to see an approaching officer of the TCPD. "I believe the officer can handle the situation from here out. Good day, madam." he said, nodding to her. He waited until the officer had a hand on the thug, then turned and leaped to the top of a nearby two-story building. He sat at the corner of the building and meditated, sensing the flow of chi around him. He opened his eyes when he felt an interesting tug from the direction of Phoenix Plaza. He concentrated for a second to gather his chi, feeling it suffuse the tissues of his body, then began leaping across rooftops in the direction of the Plaza.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 18:36
Jessie huffed with a scowl...

Jessie huffed with a scowl...,

- she exited Titan City Municipal Court Building. Brushing a long lock of hair back behind her ear, she leaned against an adjacent column thrusting her hands into her red leather jacket's pockets and glowered muttering, 'It wasn't entirely my fault...'.

- A middle-aged man who exited along side her wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase replied calmly, 'Jessica, we've already been over this...the Judge who reviewed the bank's video footage clearly shows you employing excessive force. Hence, you were the primary cause of the damage involved in the incident."

- "The damn thing nearly took my head off, Michael!" Jessica exclaimed, glaring menacingly at her attorney who remained unmoved my her angry display...he was used to it.

- ...and it was YOU, Jessica, who went through the bank wall," he replied.

- "It WALKED through the wall, Michael! It made a bigger hole than -I- did!" she returned pointing at herself.

- "...and you punched it back THROUGH that very same wall, Jessica, " her attorney replied looking slightly flustered, "That same wall, which was already made structurally unsound, and you punched your target with enough force that structural engineers and seismologists agreed, and I quote, '...would have been sufficient enough to put a crack in the Hubert Dam'."

- Jessie merely scowled and looked at the ground, tapping the toe of her boot in irritation.

- Softening slightly, her attorney inquired, "Was it necessary, Jessica?"

- "It survived me throwing a car at it...," she replied defensively.

- "Yes, the bank manager's classic luxury Mercedes...," her attorney replied with a nod.

- She turned her head, looking out over Phoenix Plaza with a frown...but not out of irritation, but out of determination not to smile. She was GLAD to find out it was the bank manager's car she threw - ungrateful wretch.

- With a sincere look, her attorney inquires once more, "Jessica, was it necessary?"

- "Okay, fine...," she replied with a huff, sighing she looks at her attorney and asks, "What do I gotta do?"

- Nodding her attorney stated, "The Judge is willing to waive the fines and court costs in lieu of your signing an affidavit aggreeing to the clean up and transportation of materials necessary for reconstruction."

- Resigning with shoulders slumped, she replied, "Gee-Gee's Transport and Hauling Services it is...," blinking she inquired, "What about the car?"

- Her attorney smirked as he turned to walk down the steps saying, 'What car? It was illegally wouldn't have hit it if it wasn't there. Not your problem, Jessie...I'll fax you the documents that need signed."

- She beamed a smile as her attorney waved goodbye making his way across Phoenix Plaza...sometimes, even heroes get due justice.

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Lady Nova would blink at

Lady Nova would blink at Holly's words, surprised first at the notion that she was a heroine of example, and what she can accomplish with small deeds. Laughing at the display of the butterfly, she would thread her hands in it's energy tail, before smiling, responding happily....

"Beauty is mostly subjective Holly...and that and your words are beautiful, like your heart. And don't doubt your capabilities to become a heroine, ever....I gained my powers by chance, but became Lady Nova by choice...with your abilities you could do some great things...I'd be honored to say I had a part in that...maybe even mentor you.."


Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Shepherd sat down on a bench

Shepherd sat down on a bench as he watched some kids play. The kids knew him very well. He was the one That prowled the streets at night fighting monsters.He had saved a couple of kids from cultists who tried to sacrifice them to demons while slaying the demons. Vampires and werewolves who would try to feast on them and any thing else that went bump in the night. The children began to gather around him as he began to tell them stories of his exploits and recreated them with spiritual energy.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Speeding toward the park area

Speeding toward the park area in a purple and pink blur, Amerikatt found *the* tree for her new friend, Magda, for, standing tall and proud, like a queen holding court, a Matriarch Oak spread its branches regally across an expanse in the middle of the park. Surrounding the Matriarch, smaller -- though no less stately -- trees surrounded the elder, much like the symbol on Amerikatt's chest.

[b][i]The power of The Great Mother is strong here[/i][/b], Amerikatt thought as she noted the many kittens which flitted and frolicked about the area, rolling in the grass and playing with squirrels and butterflies.

Amerikatt scanned the area and looked to the skies to see if she could find Magda.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30
Who happened to be fluttering

Who happened to be fluttering around the park like a particularly fuzzy butterfly, sniffling at flowers, and rolling in grass with happy little laughs, her wings vanishing and reappearing as she does so. Her form shifts as well from one thing to another... sometimes a white mountain-lion, sometimes a slender elf-looking girl with ornately glowing butterfly wings and and clothing of flower petals and leaves.

In her usual form, she dives into a pile of leaves, burrowing in with a laugh. All that can be seen of her are her eyes, glowing green, and her wings. A wiggle of leaves, and her tail appears over the leaves. And then suddenly, a flurry of movement, and the mountain lion pounces... a tuft of grass.

This is clearly a creature that feels no shame in taking child-like joy in the life around her in the Park.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Amerikatt's picture
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
Amerikatt sits quietly in a

Amerikatt sits quietly in a branch of the stately Matriarch Oak, enjoying the kittenish glee all around her, and chatters at the gorgeous butterfly which lands on the bridge of her nose!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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John doe didn't notice the

John doe didn't notice the cat in the tree as he settles down under the Oak. He pulls out his mug from his pocket and adds a few coins. Once that was done he starts panhandling "Give to the poor?"

At the same time his mind was ablaze. Just a short trip into the City Hall building he could have the answers of who he was... could have a hero ID. Facing the thug the other day was easy compared to walking into that building.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Amerikatt's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 09/27/2013 - 08:54
*Amerikatt swishes her tail

*Amerikatt swishes her tail on the branch above John Doe and an acorn lands perfectly in his outstretched mug*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

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Hearing the clang of the

Hearing the clang of the acorn fall in the mug he looked into it. Then glances up and spots Amerikatt "Well hello again. As much as I thank you for the offering I can't eat an Acorn." He takes out the acorn and sets it aside.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 19:04
Shepherd enjoyed spending

Shepherd enjoyed spending time with the young mortals. After he was done telling them stories, he created a bunch of birds out of unstable spiritual energy. When the birds reached the sky, they began to explode into blue energy causing a little light show that had the children cheering and laughing.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Alaika Balta
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Joined: 10/08/2013 - 00:55
"That would be a great idea!

"That would be a great idea! It would be an honor to have you as a mentor," Holly replied cheerfully, but then her voice mellowed to a more serious tone. "However, as I said, there are still things I need to do. For one, my own limitations make me unsuited to be a full-time hero and they're not exactly physical limitations. I can't say much about them for the time being, but I'm glad that you truly believe that I have the potential to be a heroine and I will do all in my power to live up to your expectations."

The butterfly continued its circular lap around their heads before gradually fading away, its brief life coming to an end and the psychic energy that made up its being dispersing to its surrounding. "Besides, if I do want to take heroism as a full-time job, I would need to train my own abilities. At the moment, I'm somewhat limited to the physical training I have taken over the years. This," Holly opened her hand and showed the pinkish psychic energy swirling around her wrist and palm like a fine mist, a friendly chuckle echoing from inside her helmet. "is a recent development, to be quite honest. I want to make sure I don't end up peeping into someone's mind before I rescue them. That would be pretty embarrassing."


KaosKitteh's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 10/10/2013 - 02:30
Hearing the }Clink!{ of the

Hearing the }Clink!{ of the acorn in cup, and being in a mischievous mood, Magda creeps up to the tree and tilts her head to look around it. With a 'Imma pounce something' kitty-butt-wiggle, she draws a symbol in the air. A sandwich drops a few inches into the man's lap. Complete with plate and chips.

[color=blue]You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
[i]George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)[/i][/color]
[url=]Come and listen to NameSake Radio![/url]

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Arch made his last stop while

Arch made his last stop while downtown. His patrol would take him into a different neighborhood after.
The church was one of the older buildings in the Downtown area. If anything could be considered Archs 'home' this was it. A portly brother smiled as Arch entered. A special seat had been made for Arch near the front many years prior. Arch sat and looked at the stained glass windows as cars occasionally drove by.
"Well my large friend, it seems you have had quite the day, do you plan to stay long this evening?" The brother had taken out a small box... one of Archs older ones and opened it.
Arch looked at the balding organic and shook his head no once.

Sometimes great events happen to a single person. Sometimes those events leave echos on the objects that person held dear, and sometimes... sometimes those who knew more about Arch than Arch did himself got a hold of those objects. Tonight the brother had two such items.

Arch held out his large hand to accept what the brother was going to hand him. The gears locking into place showing the true wingspan of what Arch had been created for. Arch could have touched thumb to middle finger while wrapped around an adult human body. The brother smiled, just a hint of sadness... if only Arch had not been activated early, how much more complete would he be? How much safer would the world be?

The pair of dog tags and a large silver spoon dropped into the constructs palm. After a few moments they had melted into his slag heap armor, no remains visible. Arch added the echos of the objects to himself. Each echo a small drop in the overall lake of magic that was Arch.

These small bits had once belonged to a Lt. Colonel and a school nurse. The brothers did their best to give Arch echos that would change him only for the better. This mans work would not be noticeable for a generation at best. They measured effect on Arch the way one measures the movement of tar pitch in winter.

The man smiled a real smile now, he took a fresh pile of cards and gave them to Arch. It had taken 7039 echos to give arch the 'thought' to hand out the cards to adults in need of food or shelter. That was 13 years worth of selecting the right artifacts. Some bought, some stolen, some donated. It was all for the greater good. They had calculated it would take them 150 years to give Arch a new rule to guide his thoughts. They wanted Arch to see more than just the old city as something to protect. There was a split amongst the rank of brothers on if they should spend the 150 years trying to instill the idea of globalism or nationalism into Arch. They decided that instead they would settle on just having Arch recognize the new city limits and not be stuck in a single time frame. They could vote on globalism in 150 years.

Arch shambled out the door and out of the downtown district.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova would chuckle good

Lady Nova would chuckle good-naturedly at Holly's reply, before smiling and answering...

"Heroism is hard, super heroics more so, I don't hero full time and I wouldn't expect you to either...and I hope to teach and help you whenever possible, but at your discretion and consent...though there would be others more suited..."

She would then lift her palm, and a miniature energy likeness of the heroine Vanguard would form, with incredible detail, right down to every crease of her golden gauntlet, and loose strands of her ebony locks...

"Vanguard for one...her exploits put mine to shame...but if your committed to learning from me, it will be WITH me, not under me....beside me, a partner..."

She would then smile, despite the day to day events of Titan City, somehow managing to always look radiant and beautiful, her glowing eyes adding to the effect

"Those are my terms, I hope you'll accept be a privilege to work with you and we can work out any potential issues that arise.."


RottenLuck's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 20:32
Okay the sandwich was a

Okay the sandwich was a surprised and he looked around then his eyes turned black. It was then he seemed to know where Magda was and turned to look at her. "We thank you for this gift." He smiled and blinked "We? Great now I'm starting to talk in the plural."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
