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Ministry of Shadows

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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Ministry of Shadows

((If your character is inclined to dark magic and the like, of higher classand are known for their villainy, and if they would accept the message, they would see this...:) ))

A black pentagram of obsidian flames would appear, within it, a visage of Contessa Nocturne would be seen....

"Greetings, I am Contessa Nocturne, and apologize for such an intrusion and such blunt methods of communication, so I will make this brief..."

"Lord Nightmare and myself are seeking to form a collective of like minded individuals, who seek and wield the power of dark magic, forces too great for others to use...but not for those like us.."

"Throughout my time, I have fought and outsmarted those who would seek to limit and destroy sources of these powers...and it is time to fight once more, and show these blinded sheep who hide behind ethics, morals, and laws...who their shepherds are..."

The pentagram would display various images of the forces of good attempting to overcome darkness in all it's forms, and failing...

"Rest assured, your own individual plots and schemes will remain your own, and you will be free to do as you chose within given limits....but as a group, we will be stronger and more powerful together, uniting against the 'titans' that aim to stop us..."

The pentagram would finally display the Contessa's Manor, as a location to meet..

"Soon, darkness dawns...but the question remains....will you join the Ministry of Shadows?"


Lord Nightmare
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((psssssst.. Glad. You forgot

((psssssst.. Glad. You forgot the upper-echelon portion! We don't want those filthy peasants, do we? :P))

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gladatoria's picture
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((We need SOME victims for

((We need SOME victims for the hellhounds to chase....we can't let them starve...:) ))


Comicsluvr's picture
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Dr. Zombie smiled at the

Dr. Zombie smiled at the pentagram floating at the far end of his study. He sat back in his chair and pondered a few moments. Decided, he summoned one of his undead minions to him. He took pen in hand and scrawled a quick note. Removing a dagger from his desk, he impaled the note to the zombie's shoulder and sent him on his way.

When the shambling creature collapsed on the doorstep to the Contessa's Manor, no doubt destroyed by the house's defensive wards, the dagger and the note remained. It was short, sweet and to the point: "I'll be there! Z"

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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"So pretty"

"So pretty"
Red didn't actually see the pentagram, or hear the message. Instead, for her, it was more like a warm summer sun made up of magical energy.
"I am a good poppet, no no, maybe...... MORE."
Red was known, Red was beyond dangerous, but Red was controllable, well channel-able... if approached right. Would she show up? Who knows.
Red sniffed the air. "Funny things walked here" In a blink Red had vanished. Some super somewhere was about to have a very bad time.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Contessa Nocturne would be

Contessa Nocturne would be leaning against the doorway of her manor, watching night take to Salem quickly once more, it was time for the meeting of the Ministry of Shadows. She would be tossing a human skull back in forth between her outstretched palms, before tossing it out into the yard, a hellhound bounding from the shadows to catch it.

Legions of them would stealthily line the road to her estate, as her invitees hopefully begin to arrive....


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Red gnawed on the hellhounds

Red gnawed on the hellhounds ear. Why it didn't attack her, well it certainly wasn't training. It acted around her more like an adult dog to its puppy. A look of mild annoyance on its face.
"Thats what I saw it, a big explosion, like all the magic in the world at once!"
Red talked to the hellhound as she gnawed. Every other sentence was a completely new topic devoid of any logical path.
The dark magics around the hounds were like the sweetest smelling flower garden to Red. The raw power of the creatures excited her. Their command to not be aggressive kept reds body from taking over, so for the time being she was acting very much like a mildly psychotic child. She stopped gnawing and sat on the muscled shoulders of the hound next to her. "Giddy-up!"
If Red was seeing horses, or elephants, or bunny rabbits... you won't ever know, but she was having a grand time in the driveway. There simply wasn't enough magic power gathered inside the manor yet to garner her attention. There also wasn't a fight in close enough proximity to her to cause her to leave.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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A swirl of mist curled around

A swirl of mist curled around the front of the veranda and Dr Zombie stepped from the fog. He was tall, over six feet, and cadaver-thin. He wore sandals, trousers, a long-tailed frock coat and a high hat which he doffed to Contessa Nocturne. "Dr Lazarus Zombie, at your service," he said with a bow. "Am I addressing the lady of the house?"

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Lord Nightmare
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((..Dr. Zombie keeps making

((..Dr. Zombie keeps making me think of Emperor Zombie from Screw-On Head))

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Contessa Nocturne would smile

Contessa Nocturne would smile at Dr Zombie....and appear puzzled at the antics of Red, but would leave it at that...

"You are indeed, welcome, I am Contessa Nocturne....please come inside, and I apologize for the hellhounds along the road...they are rather overprotective..."

She would pet one as one walks up to her from shadow, offering her a human skull. She would smile at the devil dog, before launching the skull into yard with surprising strength, as her pet happily chases it into the mists surrounding her estate...

With that, she would lead Dr Zombie inside, trusting that Red will enter when she desires....


Comicsluvr's picture
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"I understand completely...I

"I understand completely...I use undead hounds myself," he remarked as he followed her inside. "Your invitation included a certain sense of...elegance...that I find appealing. I appreciate being included on the guest list. Do you mind if I smoke?"

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Red sniffed....

Red sniffed....
"A new pretty poppet." For just a moment she seemed to actually notice the two mages, but the draw was still not strong enough to snap her into this reality completely.

Using one of the small bladed thimbles that decorated her thumbs she made a small slice into her index finger. She stuck the bleeding finger into her mouth letting the blood flow coat the inside of her mouth.

Looking at the hellhound she had been playing with she activated one of the many spells her blood magic allowed, the gift of tongues. "Tell me this reality." She was addressing the dog, Anything it 'said' she would now understand as long as the blood in her mouth remained. Red knew she was supposed to be in this reality and was trying to anchor herself, something important was happening in this timeline and she needed to focus. She waited for the hound to speak.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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She would smile at Dr Zombie,

She would smile at Dr Zombie, and nod....

"I like to pride myself on bits of grandeur every now and then, and it was my pleasure to invite you, I have heard of your 'work', and I am a fan, and I don't mind at all"

The Hellhound would look to Red with understanding eyes, and boom in a cold and gravelly tone: "We are the servants of the Duchess of Darkness, she seeks to meet with powerful mystic menaces to form a collective of terror, you have been selected....enter her home to be inducted..."


Comicsluvr's picture
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"Thank you," Dr. Zombie said

"Thank you," Dr. Zombie said as he removed a long cigarette holder from his inside pocket and added a cigarette to it. He smoked as they strolled, the white curls from the cigarette blending with the grayish-black smoke that seemed to seep from his very pores.

"You have a wonderful home," he said as he looked about. "We really should compare notes. My own place is soon to be replaced and I may wish to consult your architect. I think of a home as an outward expression of the inner self as well as simply a place to hang one's hat. We really should discuss matters though. What did you have in mind when you contacted us?"

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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She would smile as she trails

She would smile as she trails her hand along the wall leading to the ever elegant living room, her barest touch even leaving an imprint of shadow in it's wake...

"The architect at this point in time is actually dead....but I can simply reanimate him if you need to borrow him, and thank you, I like my home to represent aspects of myself...and as for the meeting, I hope to induct you and others interested into the Ministry of Shadows...and possibly gauge your abilities, how you would benefit the group..."

"As for me...I am simply a witch, you yourself seem to be a summoner or even creator of undead forces, among other talents..."

It would be subtly evident that in her tone she is deliberately selling herself short, seeing how he would act or respond, each of her words are carefully calculated, cunning not evident by her appearance....


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Red sensed the posturing

Red sensed the posturing coming from the two while she attempted to find reality. It wasn't the type of sense an empath would get... more like the inverse of it. The darker, the angrier, the more ill intended the power... The more likely Red would be attracted to it.
So while her mind was still in at least a half dozen realities... down from the usual bakers dozen, or on a bad day two dozen. Her feet began to move towards the house.
"Ring around the rosies, Pocket full of posies, ashes...ashes.. you all fall down."
The hellhounds were loyal to their master, but even they laid their ears flat at the chilling tone of Red singing. If murder was a pure emotion devoid of any malice or resentment or anger... That was the aura Red oozed. It was as if her very nature sought out the emotions she herself lacked to make her aura complete.

Red had no minions, no followers, no wealth. The very concept of 'now' was hard enough to hold onto.
Red drifted after the two, lost in the fog of realities. ((I am still waiting for 1-2 more people to poke in before Red has enough dark magic around her to actually ground her into this reality.))

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Comicsluvr's picture
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Dr. Zombie smiled. "The last

Dr. Zombie smiled. "The last time I met a woman who was 'simply' a witch the word was spelled with a B. Still, you are correct. I am a Necromancer and a manipulator of the dark forces that linger beyond our material realm. I visited there once you see and when I returned...well...they chose to follow me. As for how I would benefit the group I cannot say. I am, was rather, a physician of some skill. I am also an alchemist as well as being a fine cook when the mood strikes me."

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Contessa Nocturne would at

Contessa Nocturne would at first blink at the doctor's words, before smiling...

"Trust me, I've been called both and more within my time, and you can guess where those ignorant souls now reside...I admire your craft and I have encountered some who claim the same thing...but I sense you are the one to trust and work with. Your particular set of abilities could greatly benefit the Ministry should you choose to join, my good doctor, and of course there would be benefits to joining....the trading of dark secrets long lost for one...funding for future experiments..."

She would lean back against a chair, her aura, once subtle, now reverberating and oppressing, shadows pulling about and shifting near her, cascading within the house. Her aura and mere presence now a dark well of power, before gradually down....she is no ordinary witch

"Accept the proposal?"


Comicsluvr's picture
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Dr. Zombie drew on his

Dr. Zombie drew on his cigarette and blew a halo of smoke. He appeared to consider his options before answering.

"I am intrigued by your offers of both lost secrets and funding for experiments. I am in need of both at the moment. However I would also require a certain amount of privacy from prying eyes. If we can come to some arrangement for these things I'm sure the petty details will work themselves out."

Dr. Zombie closed his eyes and felt the ambience of the place. There was strong magic here...a feeling of other worlds close by...and death. He could carry on his work here...and perhaps find some allies. It was so boring, always working alone.

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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The Contessa would nod,

The Contessa would nod, pleased by his answer

"Of course, I understand the value of privacy and we can definitely arrange something that works out well for us all...and I apologize for my aura flaring a alerted me to one of my artifact storehouses in Paris was being....pilfered"

Her eyes would glow a chilling dark pink for a moment, a similar feeling of shadowy power like before occurred, before ending as briefly as it began. Worthy of note, she would be smiling afterwards, before continuing...

"It has been taken care of..."

Her smile and the brief display of her considerable aura once again would imply that whatever fate that happened to befall her international intruders was far from merciful and deep in methods of pain...


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Reds mind was busy frolicking

Reds mind was busy frolicking in a field of flowers... or if you happen to be grounded in the current reality...her body was slumped in a chair in the dining room.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Cordelia would briefly turn

Cordelia would briefly turn away from the doctor, and notice Red's presence in her home, peering at her carefully, before quietly addressing Dr Zombie...

"It appears we have a vampire in our midst...and if my various encounters with Van Helsing taught me a ordinary one as well....her aura screams bloodlust and power...something we can work with..."

Walking up to Red, she would allow another burst of her aura to rouse her, before offering a greeting....

"Sorry for disturbing you, but I welcome you to my little abode of darkness....I am Contessa Nocturne, and my friend is Dr Zombie...are you interested in joining our collective...?"


Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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"Hello butterfly." Red looked

"Hello butterfly." Red looked more through the witch than at her. "All time says this place. Not all time says you butterfly, only some time does. Which time is your time? Does a frog swallow you? Does the spider eat you? Does your wind extend you into the future to fly forever? So many nows, only one is real."

The diminutive girl was clearly trying to communicate. Her body more like a puppet on strings than that of a living creature. Her fingers twitching nervously close to the wicked blade at her hip, as if responding to the death the witch had recently administered. Cordelia would have to be wary of her timing. From what she knew of Reds reputation she was as likely to kill everyone as no one, and it was all due to deadly intent. Dark magic attracted, grounded Red. It gave her a temporary foothold in reality ... but murderous intent activated her, and few beings claimed to have survived Red unscathed when activated. None of the few survivors wanted to experience a second round. No reports of a single creature, cape, extraterrestrial, self proclaimed demi god or technological creation had survived an event where Red was grounded AND activated at the same time. Luckily, Cordelia knew, it would take at least three times her impressive magical reserves to actually ground Red to the point she was in control of herself. Between her and the necromancer they had maybe half the dark magic required to have a fully sane conversation with Red. However a half sane conversation should eventually get through to the child like vampiric blood mage.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
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Gladatoria's picture
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Noting both Red's apparent

Noting both Red's apparent insanity and her attraction to dark power, Cordelia would only allow her aura to pulse twice more, only enough to just about ground Red, no more....

"Are you sated, my dear?"


Comicsluvr's picture
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"I can lend assistance if

"I can lend assistance if required," Dr. Zombie said as he stepped closer. "Clearly a Vampire of sorts...but not the traditional variety. Hominus Demonium perhaps? Or more likely Hominus empathica...feeds off of emotions from those nearby. Fascinating..."

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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As the two mystics steadily

As the two mystics steadily increased their magical output Red focused more. It wasn't until both reached near their peak output that Red spoke of anything relevant.

"Impressive, but by my guess you two can hold that for what? Maybe a minute at best before you have tapped your reserves? Let me get to the point of why I came." The child spoke like a commanding adult, everything about her nature completely changed. Her body was still as a rock as if carved from granite and draped in cloth.

"No Necromancer I am not a common Vampire, I am not even a common half breed. Lord knows my area of the world produced enough of both. I am what they called a warrior-witch. My two bloodlines gave me physical abilities that far exceed that of any of my kind. My bloodlines have also cost me greatly. I can't stay in reality long enough to show my true potential as a witch. My vampiric heritage causes my body to feed on itself, creating a chasm so deep only a single future of all possible futures gives me back my sanity " The small girls eyes bored into the witch.
"I have seen all possible outcomes for your future. I have seen every time and place your bloodline might come to an end. You need more allies, and they must be those you can rely on. Titan City harbors powers as great and greater than your own. Their futures overlap and cross far more often in the realm of possibilities than yours does with those you might meet, that you MUST meet, to accomplish your goals."
Red looked at both in a wild fright, her body finally reacting as she gripped the chair, crushing the wood to the point it splintered. "The only way I stay in reality is if our kinds of magic prevail. White magic must be ELIMINATED from the world, and fate is cruel. I don't sense white magic. My body cannot hunt and destroy it when I am not grounded. Many times your bloodline ends at my hands, both of yours. Many times your bloodlines are saved by my hands. It will be the choices you make, how cunning you are at attracting me and leaving it to the allies of light to activate me. Treachery will not lead to your survival or achievement of your ultimate goal." She looked from the witch to the necromancer. "Survive me butterfly and cricket, you will need me to survive the gods you will face." She could sense the two were near their cut off limit for power exertion. "Our kinds weakness is almost always that someone with enough vitality, strength, and willpower comes and caves our skulls in with a mace or sword. I am bred to destroy those warriors who seek to limit your lifespan. Just remember my warnings, I am a spear that can drive back your foes, but not without cost. How much are your goals worth to you?"

The two had exerted all the magic they could without risking their own safeguards and dignity. As soon as the smallest blip in the flow between the two happened Reds eyes glazed over.

Red smiled. "Not enough butterflies in the field. The black butterfly flutters so hard but does not create the monsoon it seeks." Seemingly disjointed Reds head snapped towards the Necromancer. "Hello cricket, be careful, your music attracts a snake."

With that the dam of realities Red had been fighting to hold out against broke and washed into her mind.. Screaming in agony her body burst teleported through the house in a straight line. In the blink of an eye Red had left. Only her advice .... and a series of holes through the walls... remained.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.

Gladatoria's picture
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Cordelia would appear

Cordelia would appear unsurprised by the girl's words, or her apparently painful departure....regardless, she would address Dr Zombie....

"While that creature has not been banished to the Netherworld I have no idea, but some of her ramblings hold merit, we do need allies....but who?"


Comicsluvr's picture
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"We have an interesting

"We have an interesting opportunity here I think," Dr. Zombie pondered aloud as he contemplated what had been said. "We should gather allies to be sure but our kind tend to...not work and play well with others. Most of us are who we are because we balked at the traditional methods of leadership. I am perfectly capable of taking orders but only when it suits me. Others will be the same."

"Perhaps what we need is more of a loose association than an organized army," he said as he began pacing about the room slowly. "We could have a single meeting place, a headquarters if you will, to discuss matters but it would be more of a council meeting. Our biggest issue will be working cross-purposes with each other. Many is the time that I showed up somewhere intent on stealing something only to find someone else there first. The resulting battle gained us nothing in the end. If we can eliminate such embarrassing confusion in the future then that would be a good start."

"I should ask, however, and purely to play devil's advocate...why should we believe this one?" he asked pointedly. "I can say that the world is coming to an end with total conviction but that does not make it true. How will we know we're not being played?"

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa would smile, and

The Contessa would smile, and would chuckle slowly...she actually liked the cadaver before her.....

"I agree with your sentiment, I made the mistake of implying some form of leadership, where we as villains and innovators, despise the very idea of working *under* anyone....a dark council has appeal...and I agree, do you know how many people told me I would die 'soon'?"

She would smile, and wait for his reply...


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"I have been told the same

"I have been told the same many has even been true once or twice," he said with a wry smile. "I have worked with others before in similar situations and a council seemed to work. We appointed organizers to keep the members from colliding with each other where possible and we otherwise let them alone. There was the occasional clash just the same but then no plan is perfect."

Dr. Zombie realized that smoke was oozing from his skin and extinguished his cigarette. "I'm sorry...force of habit. I would be willing to offer my services as medical consultant, alchemist, researcher and general fact-finder. However I am not a good field leader. I'm too used to my followers being less...alive...and free-thinking. A team of rogues with their own ideas would drive me to distraction I think. However as I said I can follow others if they prove capable enough. The best part about me is that I work cheap. As long as I can venture forth to obtain research materials and have a secure place to perfect my experiments my needs are few."

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Gladatoria's picture
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The Contessa would smile, and

The Contessa would smile, and reply...

"Then a council we will be, as that seems the most viable option at the moment, and rest assured your needs will be met, and your assistance to the Ministry is important in any form or method.."

"As for field combat and experience...I do posses my fair share of both, the Civil War was an excellent learning opportunity, as well as those that followed, and as such I can take our operatives into combat as needed...."

While this Civil War detail may have appeared to be a slip of the tongue, Cordelia would not skip a beat as she continues, tracing the features of yet another breathtakingly beautiful and lifelike oil painting, this one depicting the Invasion of Normandy on D-day....

Turning back to him, she would smile and continue saying...

"Rest assured, I won't make a habit of placing you in any.....unfavorable situations"


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"Ah...wonderful!" Dr. Zombie

"Ah...wonderful!" Dr. Zombie's smile would chill the normal folk in the room if there were any. "Perhaps a tour might be in order then? My minions don't require much space but a good laboratory can be hard to find."

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

umbralwarrior's picture
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Somewhere within the city....

Somewhere within the city....

.. A man sat on a raised dais, his deep red armour seeming to draw in the light around him. A bloody hand print, the colour of fresh blood, adorned his chest and the banner behind him. His minions looked at him from where they knelt in obescience to their master as the black pentagram appeared. The Master of the Ninja Clan looked mildly annoyed for a moment but the eloquent, and appropriately apologetic message swayed any action such an intrusion might have construed. He listened, pondered then nodded. He stood, "Agony," he said as he rose to his feet, "I leave my affairs in your hands for a short time. Try not to break anything, or anyone, unless they deserve it, [i]neh..?[/i]"
"As you command, my Lord," came the soft, sensual and silky voice from the woman who, just moments earlier had been laying her head against the side of his chair.

Agony, a beautiful raven-haired woman of Asian descent was one of the most feared weapons in Blood Hand's arsenal. With the power to cause as much, or as little, pain in a victim as she chose with a mere touch, no-one crossed her or touched her without permission. Even the Lord Blood Hand was careful around her. He was the one person she trusted and likewise he to her. She stood, taking the Master's seat as he departed it. He walked to the pentagram, touching it to assess where the magic came from. A moment later, he disappeared in a swirling blood red vortex, to re-appear in a courtyard.

Invisible to normal senses, his Dark Mist masking his presence, he walked to the door and, because honour dictated it and of course, out of politeness, banged on the door.

We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
Super powers are optional.....

Part of the Phoenix Rising Initiative.....

Proud to be a hero. Prouder still to be a member of [url=]Watchfire[/url]

Gladatoria's picture
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Nodding, the Contessa would

Nodding, the Contessa would begin to speak, before a column of green fire appears before them, revealing an inhumanly beautiful women with pale skin, a braid of golden silk resting against a rather revealing robe of brown and black leather, with interwoven, delicate patterns of bone, her eyes a mirror ambient smaller visage of the flames she appeared in. Upon seeing both Cordelia and the Doctor, she would give a formal bow, and speak with a exotic yet clear and intriguing German accent...

"Ah, M'lady, I see we have a visitor, shall I show him to to the Soulwell?"

The Contessa would raise her hand, and speak in a rather pleasant tone....

"That won't be nessacary, my dear...Dr Zombie, this is my finest acolyte and ward, Strife, Strife, this is my newest associate and partner Dr Zombie"

After introducing the two, she would begin to trace a symbol on the wall pannel, before a banging would be heard at the door. Appearing before it in a blink of shadow, she would open it and greet their newest visitor...

"Welcome, I am Contessa Nocturne, and do please come in..."

Once again, her powerful and pulsing aura of dark power would flash before she welcomes Lord Blood Hand inside, he would be flanked by two impressively large hellhounds, as the door rests shut...


umbralwarrior's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 10/09/2013 - 03:48
Blood Hand's response was an

Blood Hand's response was an impassive nod. He entered the domicile, noting the obvious power of the one before him. Ever watchful, he started to gauge this woman. Whether as ally or enemy, he would have to know her and the others who also answered her summons. His main concern to this point was the White Samurai and the wresting of HatsuCorp to form a solid power base, he now had time for other diversions. He bowed politely to the woman, as etiquette dictated. He was in her home, so it did not do well to start off on the wrong foot, at least not until he found out what she wanted. He followed the Contessa inside.

We all have it in us to be a hero to someone,
Super powers are optional.....

Part of the Phoenix Rising Initiative.....

Proud to be a hero. Prouder still to be a member of [url=]Watchfire[/url]

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Gesturing to her compatriots,

Gesturing to her compatriots, she would begin to introduce them...

"This is my finest acolyte and ward, my most powerful student and sister in the dark arts, Strife"

The woman in question would bow, her eyes would appear to glow even brighter if possible, her own power would radiate like a constant roaring flame. When she would speak, her accent would remain a subtle impression, tracing her words...

"A pleasure to meet you, m'lord"

She would then trace intricate patterns of green fire in her palm, the heat apparently no bother to her, as she steps back, her introduction made...

The Contessa would then gesture to Dr Zombie, and introduce him...

"This is my compatriot and ally, Doctor Zombie..."


Comicsluvr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 09/07/2013 - 03:39
"I am pleased to make your

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance," he replies with a deep bow. "Doctor August Zombie at your service."

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Steamtank's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2013 - 16:02
Red blinked into the room.

Red blinked into the room. "Wrong timeline poppet, something has changed."
Red spoke to no one but herself. She stood in front of some black haired beauty but didn't register her presence.
"A sweet smell was here and is now gone. You are no fun raven, where is your master?"
Now Red addressed the woman, or several versions of the woman... However many of the timelines she was seeing that possessed a woman in this room at this time.
"The mantis hides behind his toys, the raven and flies. His weakness the same as the rest. The bloodline strong but the flesh weak."
Red blinked in and out and was face to face with Agony. "The mantis trusts his raven, and the nature of the fly. Can he trust the black butterfly and cricket? The timeline has changed, their paths crossing early but late. earlier would have been better, later would have been better, the white must be eliminated! I can't see it raven, but I smell the mantis, how many of his lines continue past this night? Most? Yes most....."

Reds message delivered, at least to the timeline she thought she most likely was in suddenly blinked away again out of the building.

Supporting how I can, Starting up a DA group for art, stories, and concepts to be collected
Please join up if you plan to make or collect CoT related art.