Clip from "The Incredibles" where Edna explains why capes are bad...
Whats your take, haha, pro cape? anti cape?
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
I'm in the pro-cape group. I know they aren't practical, but they have a certain gravitas. My more practical villains will at least build their capes with breakaway points.
The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.
I used to be huge into them, but as I grew up playing COH I tended to only run a cape on like a very regal showy costume, but on their everyday mission grinding costume I eventually deleted all my capes.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
Capes are great if you want your character to look flashy and elaborate, which I'm sure a lot of people do! ^_^ I know I loved my storm summoners flowing gossamer cape back on COH! <3
Face the fury of the storm! ~<3
It's a mood thing IMHO. Ben Grimm with a cape? No way. Superman WITHOUT a cape? Huh?
Practical heroes and villains will have the breakaway points mentioned before. All of my big-time megalomaniac villains HAD to have them...something to swirl around and be menacing with.
All my heroes with capes had a 'no cape' version for sewer crawls and such as well as the 'way too flashy for everyday wear but cool for the parade' outfit.
Powered armor generally don't need/want one but on many others they can look really nice.
I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...
Depends entirely on the costume/concept. I've made many heroes with and without capes.
depends on the character. Some personality wise demanded a cape. Others, would refuse to wear one. One found out that Armani didnt make capes to match his suit. One found out that capes tended to get tangled with his wings messing up his flight.
Capes have their moments. Usually my power armored and winged heroes avoided them.
Most of my characters usually had a "Mission" outfit and a "Dress" outfit and that is where the capes came into effect.
I did tend to enjoy flying around the city in a cape though. :)
That must be one roomy cape!! Bet it comes with all the extras: Power draw strings, Anti-Theft alarm. But how's the gas milage?
[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]
[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]
It did have all the options on it!
No need to worry about gas mileage, but just make sure you don't plan on long trips if its cloudy!
Has no one read the Watchmen? Dollar Bill? Of course, capes are bad!
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." -John Wayne
If you're going to be trapped, caught, pull away by a piece of fabric... you should turn in the mantle now.
Most definitely pro-cape
TRIUMPH SERVER: Premium (Inv/SS tanker)
haha, love this post.
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
I think it depends more on what style of comic it is. Is it the fantasy world where men in tights and capes is COOL?
Or is it the gritty nihilist look at super heroes as a social commentary we've heard too many times to be edgy? Because in the second option, capes are bad.
I think capes should absolutely be required hero gear.
It gives us something to taunt them with when we take it away.
[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep
... it just struck me that I think the only character on which I *almost* always wore a cape of some kind, with the exception of some (not even all) season costumes, is the one that I actually bothered to play through the 'steal a cape' mission sequence with.
[color=#ff0000]Developer Emeritus[/color]
and multipurpose sheep
I think for sure cape's should be optional, a hide ur cape option would be great or show ur cape option.
and I liked that u had to earn a cape mission for both sides was a great thing, and CoH did it right unlock it and all new alts have it in choice, I still did the mission many times over even thought it had been unlocked years earlier.
Not all of my characters had them (as said, it's definitely a mood thing), but many did. (Even three of my most-played characters who didn't normally have capes had rarely-used alternate costumes that [i]did[/i] have capes). Once I earned it, I was particularly fond of the one-shoulder cape vet reward.
Again I'm mixed... My female characters almost always had a half-cape or full cape but my male ones had a full one if they had one at all. Most did not have one though. Not sure why that is... I guess I must consider them a feminine feature. Except on Batman he wears a cape like a boss!
"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle
Depends completely on the character. My Flying Brick ( , warning, do not enter without hours and hours of extra time to waste) definitely had a cape. My ex-Marine Super Spec-Ops? Nope.
Okay... I like to consider two things - does the hero want to be noticed?
Capes are an aesthetic, in some cases - very few but some - they have a purpose as a cloaking device, flight, offensive/defensive capabilities. But for the most part - they're just something that looks good. The funny thing is, in the real world - very few people I've seen in capes wear them well. Those that do though? Damn they rock that look.
You aren't super until you put on The Cape. ^_^ (also duos as a shameless cape radio plug)
Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
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Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble
Capes help make certain outfits LOOK good.. like Imagine Vader without his cape, or the Shredder..
They just don't give that same appeal. Same with Nightmare, he HAS to have that long flowing cape. Some characters just don't work a cape well, like Flash.
[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]
Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain
As a Superman shameless ripoff - tribute! I mean, a Superman *tribute*, ( >.> ) it is a requirement that I have a cape. My wife, Fire Thistle, has decorative fairy wings. Our little girl, Fiery Wren, doesn't use any such accouterments.
But when I am making shameless ripoffs, if there are capes, totally necessary. ;-)
OMG My favorite char from that movie. Edna. NO-CAPES!
(Voiced by a guy no less!)
Capes can be cool, but a ridiculously long scarf? Now that's just awesome.
Indeed. Would you like a jelly baby?
Yes. Especially proper English ones. ;) Aussie ones just don't match up at all.
Ridiculously long scarfs are awesome, but bowties are cool too.
"All I have to do is hit you lots of times without getting hit myself. I've already won, you just don't know it yet." -Surgepoint
They are a prestige item. A number of my characters had costumes that included capes. [i]None[/i] of them wore those costumes in combat. In my opinion, 2 types of characters can wear capes all of the time: The Superman type, where wearing a cape offers no hindrance to performance, or the Batman type, where the cape is actually functional in some way. Other than that... Edna is right ;)
[size=15][b][i]A cold front is heading toward Titan City[/i][/b][/size]
Ice Man of [url=]The Phoenix Rising Initiative[/url]
I'd guesstimate only about 10% of my costumes in CoH included capes. But the idea of having a "superhero" MMO without all sorts of options for capes seems unthinkable to me.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I'm with Lothic, you couldn't make a superhero game and NOT offer capes.
Not my thing, I had hundreds of toons and only a couple that had a cape, it didn't help that they'd often drift in and out of your body thanks to clipping issues.
Sometimes capes just worked, I had a magic themed toon with different inside and outside patterns/colours on the cape and a demon who just looked odd (to me) without a long cape. Mostly tho I'd run the mission then not bother with the cape. Same with auras tho, ran the mission, didn't see the point of them.
If people won't pay enough to finance its creation, it is not worth creating.
Gah. That was like the one scene I hated in The Incredibles. Seriously. That was just terrible. No really. Those heroes with capes and can fly, don't get sucked into jet engines. :p Missile snagging a cape? Cape would rip :p It was humorous, but it was just a jab at capes which got taken to far by everyone else :p
That said, while I don't use capes often, I'm pro cape! Though much prefer my main's scarf!
I'm anti cape and traditional tights I'm much more of a fan of "The Ultimates"/Supreme Power/Marvel Cinematic Universe approach to supers if my costumes weren't armor type they were Stealth or sometimes Exoproto rarely would a cape be involved unless there was something about the back of a costume I wanted to obscure.
Also a big fan of the plain clothes or military and martial arts gear approach to supers made popular by Anime/Manga like FoTNS, DB/DBZ, Naruto, Kenshin, Kill La Kill, A Certain Magical Index etc
Issue 0 CoH player barely let my subscription lapse before NC Soft called it quits; my incarnate gear *Sniff*
Global: Chance Jackson; Triumph: Liege Cheetatron X, Fight of Your Life, Down Right Fierce, Infernal Samurai, Time May Change Me etc
Capes can be functional. Capes can actually be part of a useful dueling style. Capes can be functional - you can't protect someone from the rigors of time travel without a cape. You can even hide your civilian outfit, bus pass, or lock picks in one. Capes make great emergency blankets, capes can do anything a towel can do.
And you know you should never be found without your towel.
In addition, they're pretty good if you're a little concerned about how your posterior looks in your super-suit.
They're certainly not mandatory, and they can be overused, but they're at least as useful a design element as that oh-so-1990s bomber jacket or trench coat.
Though generally, if you're not a flier, stick to a half-cape.
And of course, you're not super until you put on The Cape.
[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]
I have to agree with the "it depends on the character" line of thought.
Most of my characters were capeless, but some wore the long coat... the... magic coat?...
Anyway, most of the capeless ones were because of armor, or powers, or creature forms.
The character that eventually became my "main", Brigitte, was an archer. Most of her costumes were capeless because I imagined that she wouldn't want the extra fabric encumbering access to her weapons. However, I did eventually give her a short, over shoulder cape for her incarnate costume. Figured she had gained enough power and experience to deal with it. =p
Sometimes, just one cape is not enough!
Be Well!
Most of my characters didnt wear capes due to concept, even the ones with flight.
Depends on the character and in my line up, depending on concept they might get a cape they might not. Usually the decision of if they will wear a cape or not is already made even prior to their creation.
Let's all just agree that one must earn the cape is a bad idea *nod*
Actually I had no problem with the "earn your cape" angle, so long as the mission could be repeated (so that a failure didn't lock you out from ever having a cape).
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
It made no sense. What was to stop my character from just putting on a cape? There may have been no reason for my hero to care about a fallen hero.
Worse for my villain. Why would my villain think they needed to steal a cape to wear one? I'm a villain, I should/could care less what Lord Recluse thought. :p
I think you have to take into account that even though we think of capes as a fundamental superhero staple they were actually a special technological/graphical breakthrough for CoH.
Remember we didn't even have capes in the game until Issue 2 and the whole reason they imposed a level 20 minimum was to limit their overall use because they were pretty graphically intensive for a game like this back in 2004. Sure they came up with the Hero One canon story as an explanation for the restriction, but again they just wanted to reduce graphical load on the clients by making them semi-rare.
As time went on they started to relax the restrictions on capes (by for instance providing for ways to get them at level 1). By the time the game shut down in 2012 there wasn't really as great a fear of "graphical overload via cape" as there was in the beginning.
I really see no technological reason why we couldn't have capes at level 1 in CoT at launch. If they still want to force us to have a sense of "earning" them they can always incorporate that into the CoT tutorial. *shrugs*
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I know the why. I didn't agree with the why :p Same with complete tutorial first.
Most of my characters had wings anyway, and even those without were more likely to sport scarves.
That said, a few did have capes. In any event i always presumed that the capes were easily detached. Especially since an obvious use was ensnaring and/or blinding opponents.
One of my favorite outfits involved a black tails jacket with a long red scarf that covered the lower face. (A combination that was not available in the last several years of CoH, so that became yet another outfit i never changed again.)
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.
On the CoH forums at the end i went by the name Schismatrix.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
If the CoH Devs had initially restricted capes to level 20 "just because" then yes I could see a good reason to disagree with them on that.
I was just pointing out that at least part of their decision to limit capes had to do with technological/graphical limitations that they didn't necessarily have control over back in 2004. I guess what I'm saying is that it wasn't totally their fault for having to come up with a way to manage the situation, even if it looked like a silly or abritrary decision at the time.
That historical note being said I still see no reason why capes would have to be restricted for any technological reason in a game due to lauch in 2015.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
[IMG=400x225][/IMG] was a level 10 or 20 requirement (been awhile) so it wasn't hard to unlock. Pretty sure the reason it was level locked was because it was adding new content with the new available capes! Let's add some lore to it! Should've just went "look what we were able to do!"
I recall CoH Devs at one point specifically admitting capes were originally level-locked to level 20+ because they were a relative graphical burden to the system and they wanted to limit the overall potential for lag. The simple math at the time was that there were far fewer level 20+ characters running around than level 1-19s so from that point of view I can at least accept the Devs' attempt to mitigate problems.
Again I agree that it was never "desireable" to have capes level-locked at all (and frankly I always thought the Hero One story to explain it was very silly lore-based "excuse" at best). But again there was a legitimate reason for the level gating that had more to do with graphics technology than a whimsical "let's level-lock them just to piss people off" mindset.
Bottomline I doubt the CoH Devs ever wanted to level-lock capes in the first place and because of advances in software technology there should be absolutely no need for it in CoT.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012