I think one of the most elegant part of CoH's design was the power tray design. Most modern MMOs have terrible painted and portrait icons. I really think the excellent design of CoH's power icons went under-appreciated, but I would love to see a similar system implented in CoT (when the time comes),
Here is an excellent wiki for reference:
I have to second this. I always liked the power icons, the indicators in them, the color themes, everything, simple and clean, elegant, like Sermon says.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLO5WNy4pQs] Damage Inc Story Arc [/url]
Also, for aestetic purposes, when you use a power, chage the color sheme to a monocrome to show its not available yet. once it becomes available, switch back to the Colored sheme. This is something that is VERY much lacking in many online mmo's today (Not being able to tell from a quick glance what power is ready for use). CoH had it shrink the power and it grows back to its original size after its used, but its up to you if you need it for CoT. It was ok...
But for those powers like Hasten, or others that took longer to recharge, you didnt know exactly how many seconds more it would be for that power to be restored.
A Countdown number/timer in seconds in the center of the power, white text with a darkish gray outline (outline can be fudged with to make it more aestetic to the Monochome state of the images power). Text Size can be specified by the user, but the larger they make it, (since they cant read small text maybe), the more transluscent you will have to make the countdown text.
An alternate to the Conuntodown timer denoting the cooldown, is something all online mmo's use, which is the Clockwise Wipe effect. As the Wipe progresses, show part of the Colored sheme, overlaying it on top of the Monochome scheme, until the power is fully restored (countdown is complete).
1. Power Spacing
2. Translucent Space in between
Power Spacing
Remember, Quick Glances Win the Day! Users ability to tell which power is 5 spaces from the 1st power tray slot is crucial. Otherwise, you will find yourself casting the Adjacent powers at an innapropriate time... and maybe even Dying if your helth is at an all time low. This is more for those archetypes that have a faster pace of play. Ex: Basters, etc...
Transluscent Space in Between Powers
Well, i dont know if this is true of everyone, but... I get upset when i see a power tray (or any persistent UI element for that matter, that has to stay visible to the user during gameplay) that isnt transluscent. It feels like a frikking Blind Spot, restricting my field of view. The more UI elements you have, the less of the Game world you see. I dont care for UI Elements Square corners that much, but i can live with it. But not being transluscent is an issue for me. (for persistent UI elements that are used during gameplay). And please, dont use a texture for the background of persistent UI elements. even if its transluscent.
It depends on the MMO to be fair.
SWTOR has the flash/circular wipe as the skills recharge, whilst in WoW you can customise the appearance of what it looks like (I have a countdown display AND have it dimmed at the same time), so that I can better time it.
However, I had problems with CoX, because I would often mistime it due to it *not being quite there* and almost but very slightly off the full icon size.
And for the longer recharge abilities, that could be anything between 5 seconds to another couple of minutes (depending on the power)....
Agreed with the proposal, keeping the look+functionality from CoH, without those "paintings" that some mmo uses (like reborn, that in some mmo came be from a cross that means healing to a full painted body raising, when coh had a body with an arrow up... pretty clean and easy to get the idea)
For the counter I would prefer a 5 or up to 10 sec countdown timer, using the size effect as well as the monocromatic theme... there is no way you can't tell if you can or cannot use a power and you won't get 10 powers with counters unless u just used them in less than 10 seconds (i prefer 5 sec... a lot better...).
Putting away my preferences, there are also some other options for delays:
1 - Line around the power that will circle it up while recharging (hard to explain with "ALL" my English knowledge hehehe, but I could say it just circles the power and run clockwise till it completes the circle)
2 - Power just used gets monocromatic and get filled by color until it gets brighter, meaning its available again
3 - Shadow mask that disapears clockwise
Anyways, I would be happy with CoH look, for it is the best easy-to-understand-the-power look
A Circle (or Square, or whatever the powers shape might be), Outline (5 to 10 pixels maybe) that counts down clockwise (a red color, maybe somewhat transluscent, around 60%, give or take).
like so?
Basically like a countdown timer around the power icon, yes? That'd be excellent and would make it much, much easier to judge when the power is nearly refreshed. It wouldn't entirely remove the need to know the length of the cooldown on the power, as Gangrel said, but it would make it clearer whether it's close or really, really close to being available.
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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]
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