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On Patrol RP

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Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
On Patrol RP

[Please see the OOC thread before posting in the RP thread. Thank you.]

Flashpoint a.k.a. Dani Burns flew lazily through the sky of Titan City, a long contrail of flame following her. As she kept an eye out for trouble, she thought back on her time since moving to the city after college.

After graduation, she'd chosen to return to Titan City because it's where she'd been raised and she wanted to use the abilities inherited from her parents to do good. Those powers, combined with the fortune she'd made from creating the popular new operating system Torchbearer, made it easy to get started.

The sound of sirens suddenly caught her ear and she looked over and down to see a building ablaze below her. Kicking her legs up, she dove towards the street where fire trucks had already started to gather. As she landed, the fire surrounding her was extinguished and she strode up to the fire captain, who was going through a quick briefing with his men.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Perhaps I can be of assistance?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 04:02
Yep. There they go layin'

[i]"Yep. There they go layin' down them chemtrails agin'. Wonder what they're pollutin' us with this time!"[/i]


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Gladatoria's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
Lady Nova, blazing through

Lady Nova, blazing through the skies of Titan City with a comet like trail behind her, would fly near some fighter jets for a moment, before waving and diving lower, to see a building ablaze. Wasting no time, she quickly landed near the emergency vehicles were set up, approaching the heroine she recognized as Flashpoint, smiling, saying

"May I be of any assistance here, Flashpoint, until some aquatic heroes arrive?


Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44
The heros gather, super and

{{The heros gather, super and norms alike, to ascertain the situation. Suddenly, there is a muffled explosion from deep within the structure.

From their vantage point our heros turn and see...}}

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

[color=red]Beacon of Blazing Faith[/color]--[color=blue]The Titan Legacy[/color]

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Whoooee! Sounds like the

[i]"Whoooee! Sounds like the donuts are ready!
Don't know 'bout you folks, but I'm gettin' me some coffee!"[/i]


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Flashpoint turned at the

[ OOC: Errrmm, snate56, are you RPing a character? I don't want to sound like an ass, but your posts have the feel of out-of-character responses to other people's posts. If you are responding out-of character, I created an OOC thread for that. If you're roleplaying, try taking a look at other people's posts and structuring your posts the same way. Describe the actions your character is taking when they are not speaking. Use quotations when you're character is saying something. That kind of stuff helps to enrich the roleplay and make it a more rewarding experience for everyone involved. Thanks! ]

Flashpoint turned at the sound of her alias being used and thought for a split second, trying to match up the uniform and glowing golden eyes with a name.

"Lady Nova, right? Good to finally meet you." she said as she firmly shook the other heroine's hand.

"The fire captain was just telling me that they've got at least nine residents of the building unaccounted for. We don't have time to wait for anyone with hydrokinesis. I hope you're as tough as you look." she said, giving her a quick once-over.

With that, Flashpoint turned and an aura of flame surrounded her, lifting her copper-hair off her shoulders so that it floated, almost ethereally, behind her. Just before she could take off, an explosion sounded from deep within the building. "Damnit, looks like this might be arson. Let's move, Nova! I'll start with the top floor, you start with the first and we'll meet in the middle!" She took to the sky and zoomed up the face of the ten-story building. As she reached the top floor, she had to dodge as several windows burst outwards from thermal shock.

"Convenient." she muttered to herself before pulling an air filter mask and goggles from her belt, affixing them to her face. That done, she floated into the building and touched down, her aura fading. The flames seemed to shrink away from her as she exerted her will on them, reducing their intensity and size.


[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 04:02
[Alright, alright...;)]

[Alright, alright...;)]

An unshaven but otherwise clean man in blue jeans, white t-shirt, and blue ball cap watches as Flashpoint flies up to the roof. He sighs, looking at the building, [i]"This is gonna hurt..."[/i] Scrunches his cap down tight, nods at Lady Nova; [i]"Ma'am,"[/i] and runs across the street and into the building...


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Dudesoft's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:37
The air was crisp this night,

The air was crisp this night, allowing the moon to carve the perfect silhouette of Honey Badger from atop a skyscraper. ( )
The smell of fear and smoke rose to his wet, rubbery nose. What kind of foul deeds were at hand? Could the Honey Badger care? For a moment too long, the monsterious figure simply stared plaintively into the horizon. At last, it seemed a thought clicked in his tiny brain. Bowing ever so slightly, the Honey Badger was able to glance down twenty stories to the building on fire. It was close. Wiggling his nose a few times, Honey Badger gauged the distance for a while. Definitely do-able. His healing factor would account for the broken bones on landing.
With a momentary grunt of effort, the Honey Badger lept into the air and sailed across Titan City.

As he sailed towards his destination, it became abundantly clear he had over-shot the situation. Below, there was some kind of explosion, windows blew out, and some other heroes were already on the scene. All was moot to the Honey Badger, as his destination had already altered. Seemed to be landing in some church a few streets away. Would God forgive him? Would God understand the circumstances? As wind rushed around him, the Honey Badger decided he was agnostic because all this God stuff brought up far too many theorhetical questions. The problem with theorhetical questions, in his opinion, was that they hurt his head.

Inside the church, praying at the altar, knelt the priest. A thin man of his early forties. Weary rings under his eyes carved deep signs of anxiety. As if to the point of meticulousness, his outfit was completely black. Like a bottomless well, which a single band of light around his neck. 
Atop the altar lay a rather shaken-looking creature of the night. Her fishnet stalkings had seen better days, and there was a muffin top to her mini-skirt. Cheap make-up was applied heavily the face that stared in horror at the Reverend Father Williamson. 
"Forgive this woman, Lord, for the sins found in her lifetime," the Priest was saying. "During these turbulent times, your Sheep have strayed much."
"C-come on, Mista'! Y'can let me go. I won' say nuthin'! Honest!" the woman quavered.
"Fore," Father Williamson continued, "this lamb has found me. Rejoice as she is emptied of sin, and returned to you..."
"Mista! Mista! Y'ain' gotta do this!" came pleas that fell on deaf ears. As if it were a casual friday night action, the Priest lifted a jewel-encrusted dagger while holding the woman's unresisting arm in his other hand.
Just then, a stained glass window depicting an angel holding a baby lamb was shattered. Amidst the shower of glass, came the balled up body of Honey Badger.
Landing by way of colliding through five rows of pews, the monster lay broken. A scar of destruction lay behind, pointing to the crumpled body. With a furrowed brow, Father Williamson peeked down the path of ruin. Still holding his dagger, the holy man continued to advance on this newcomer. Atop the altar, the prostitute began to weakly struggle with her bondages to no avail.
"What is the meaning of this?" Father Williamson demanded, quietly terrified his nightly killings may extend to an innocent lamb.
Murmurring sweet nothings, the newcomer made it abundantly clear that he had fallen asleep! The nerve!
Disgusted with this irksome situation, Father Williamson began glancing between the sleeping someone, and the woman he was about to save. It was unclear which to deal with first. At length, the Priest gave the person on his floor a terrfied kick. While this did not stir the newcomer, it did cause him to roll over. Some kind of... Demon? At the sight of the Honey Badger, the Priest promptly fainted.

edit: I can't find my end-of-game CoH pics! This is early Honey Badger though: (I'll update my profile to reflect this image.)

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/18/2013 - 18:32
As it turns out, The Honey

As it turns out, The Honey Badger wasn't the only being falling through the sky of Titan City. [url=]The powered suit[/url], being primarily dark blue and silver, was hard to spot against the darkening sky at a glance. The glowing magenta lines that accented it were the most noticable feature, but their glow was rather dim and faltering at the moment. It was not turning out to be one of Andromeda's better nights.

The flight pack, which had been causing trouble since the Atlantic crossing, was at it again. While her latest adjustments to boost the power and speed did so admirably, the power drain was horrific. Somewhere she must've shifted a decimal point in those calculations. Now she was down to minimal power, in what amounted to a calculated ballistic free-fall, with what should be just enough power to brake as she neared the ground for a safe landing. On the good side, she was right on target for the burning building -- it was a bit of luck that the place was just within reach, given her remaining power. If all went well, she should be able to help out the locals a bit while replenishing her power levels -- two birds with one stone, as it were. She briefly caught sight of the Badger, soaring down from the skyscraper, but there was nothing she could do. The odds were not good that she'd be able to intercept the plummeting form under full power, and she had no such power to burn right now in any case. Andromeda noted the trajectory for later follow-up and continued on her own plunge toward the fiery building below.

The sound of the flight pack powering up was a high-pitched thrum. It was largely obscured by the general din already surrounding the building -- sirens, shouted directions, various emergency vehicles and the roar of the blaze itself. But it was there for those who may have heard it -- somewhat more conspicuous due to the sputtery, uneven nature of the sound. Andromeda managed to come to a complete stop, hovering in the air a mere few centimeters off the ground, then the thrusters died out and her feet hit the ground with a light, metallic clank.

From an onlooker's standpoint, it wasn't easy to make out a lot of details about the powered suit -- it had a decidedly feminine silhouette, but came down right near the edge of the fire itself, smoke and heat-distortion obscuring it from view. Perhaps there was a faint misty cloud forming around it -- almost something more inferred than seen directly. Nothing so obvious as a spray of water or even a cloud of steam, yet it seemed that where the extent of the 'mist' reached, the flames faltered and died. There were a few faint flickers, as of glittery, glowing motes glinting through the 'cloud' -- flickering back through the 'mist' toward Andromeda. As she moved, the 'cloud' moved with her, extinguishing more and more of the flames and the magenta highlights on the powered suit gradually brightened. She continued on into the burning building, the flames dying out around her.

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 04:02
Luckily, the lobby was still

Fortunately, the lobby was still fairly clear, though the power seemed to have gone out. Glancing at the elevators the man noticed they were old, still using arrow pointers to delineate the floors. One of them was stuck on four but the other was here, at ground level. Moving up to it he thrust his fingers into the crack.

[i]"Uuuungh!"[/i] He gave a grunt, forcing the doors open, but the ground floor car was empty, good. With that he ran down the hall to the stairs.

Taking the steps 3 or 4 at a time, he made his way up to the fourth floor, glancing down the halls of the other floors to make sure they were clear. *cough* The smoke was starting to get thicker. *cough* *cough* He wiped his face on his sleeve.

He got to the fourth floor elevators just when the arrow lurched down an inch. He dug furrows in the metal as his fingers slipped the first time, Digging in, he wrenched the doors open just when the cables snapped, catching the top of the car just in time. An old couple inside, petrified out of their wits, stared.
[i]"C'MON! OUT! NOW!"[/i] His voice broke their trance; they scrabbled out of the elevator, coughing.

[i]"Quickly!, this way to the stairs"[/i], helping them along. All the strength had gone out of the elderly man so he lifted him up on his shoulder. He nodded to the woman and she put her arms around his neck as he picked her up as well in his other arm. With that he ran down the stairs...


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
As Flashpoint dashed from

As Flashpoint dashed from apartment to apartment, her earbud squawked with a quick report from the fire captain that two civilians were out now. She kept a running tally in her head. ~ That means there's seven more. ~

One of the doors resisted her when she came to it and she reached down to the doorknob and placed her hand upon it, at which point her hand burst into white hot flame. Within a few seconds, the brass knob and lock assembly had melted from the intense heat. She checked the edges of the door for signs of a backdraft, then pushed it open. Almost immediately, she heard the sounds of coughing and the wail of an infant. Rushing through the apartment, she quickly found a mother and child, the woman having covered the baby with a wet blanket and crouched over top of him.

Flashpoint gently took the woman's hand and led her, with the infant in her arms, to a window, which she blasted out with a concussive wave of fire. "I'M GOING TO LIFT YOU INTO THE AIR NOW! IT WILL BE VERY WARM, BUT YOU WON'T BE HURT. I PROMISE! ONCE YOU'RE ON THE NEXT BUILDING, GET THE FIREFIGHTER'S ATTENTION!"

The woman nodded and Flashpoint lifted her up with a thermal current and floated her out the window and across to the roof of the next building. The woman yelled a thank you to Flashpoint, tears streaming down her face, then ran to the front of the building, yelling and waving. Flashpoint was already moving through the building again, but she did hear the fire captain's second update. As she glided down the center of the stairwell to the next floor, she thought to herself, ~ Four down, five to go. ~

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 04:02
I ran back up the stairs,

He went back inside and up the stairs, this time checking each of the apartments. The first four floors were clear, The smoke was getting thick again. Water was starting to soak the carpet as the fire department got to work. [i]'What happened to the sprinkler system?'[/i] he thought as he hit the fifth floor.

The first three apartments were found empty when he came to a janitor's closet. [i]"Oooeee!,...I didn't need to find this!"[/i] There were half a dozen red ten gallon jerry cans wired together with a timer that had gone dark. [i]"I might survive it but there's no way I can contain it!, I better call in the experts."[/i] Turning, he looked for the quickest way to the front of the building.

Popping open a door, he ran through the apartment and leaned out the window... [i]"HEY, CAPTAIN!! YOU GOT AT LEAST ONE INCENDIARY DEVICE UP HERE!"[/i] Even at this distance the ball-capped man could see the fireman's eyes go wide. [i]"YOU GOT ANYBODY AROUND THAT CAN DISARM IT?"[/i]...


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/18/2013 - 18:32
Andromeda moved steadily

Andromeda moved steadily through the building, working her way through the floors, extinguishing any flames in her wake. Along the way, she scanned the local emergency channels to find the one being used by the fire-fighters and locked it in for easy communication. She found a young couple on one floor, cut off from the stairs by a fiery stretch of corridor. Motioning for them to hold a moment, she sent the swarm down the hallway, the faint misty 'cloud' absorbing the heat of the fire until there wasn't even an ember left anywhere the cloud had touched. The tiny sparkling motes returned to the power-suited heroine, transferring that stored energy to the suit itself, restoring power to its systems.

The couple was relatively unharmed, though suffering from smoke inhalation. Andromeda helped them down the stairs, pausing when she heard the shouted warning of a bomb. "The stair is clear from here down, can ye make it alright?" she asked.

The young lady nodded, "We'll be fine. Thank you!"

Giving a nod herself, Andromeda started a sensor sweep for incendiary chemicals and spoke on the emergency channel, "Two more coming down the staircase to safety. I'm going to have a look at the bomb." (For those listening, the feminine voice had a noticeable Scottish accent.) By the time she was done speaking, the scan had found indications of widely-scattered burning traces from the first explosion, and the high concentration of petrol that must be the remaining bomb.

Power levels were back to a nominal level, though not full just yet. Plenty to keep everything running smoothly enough, and keep the flight system stable for some precision flying. Already in the stairwell, Andromeda brought the thrusters up gradually and rose up through the central column of the stair, getting to the floor with the bomb as quickly as she could.

Stepping out from the stairs, the power-suited heroine moved toward the location she'd marked, finding the young man near a janitor's closet where the bomb was located. "Are ye alright?" she asked, assuming the man to be another civilian, based on his clothing. "I'm nae bomb specialist, but I can have a look. Ye'll likely want to get down to safety. The stairs should be clear on down." Her speech had a definite Scottish accent.

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
"FLASHPOINT!" Dani cringed a

"FLASHPOINT!" Dani cringed a little as the fire captain's voice boomed over her earbud. She'd had it turned up for while she was inside the building, but she'd exited briefly through a window to change the filter on her mask and clean the grime off her lenses.

"Yes, Captain Mulcahey?" she answered, having successfully resisted the urge to call him Number One, as the fire captain was a dead ringer for a young Jonathan Frakes.

"We just received an unconfirmed report of an undetonated device on the 5th floor. Some wackjob in a ballcap ran inside a few minutes after you took off. Can you check it out? My boys have found and got three more civilians out of the building. By our information, that should be everyone." Flashpoint could hear the mingled stress and relief in the man's voice.

"Sure thing Captain. I'll get right on that. I'll also look for the uhh... wackjob in the ballcap. Flashpoint out."

She finished stripping out the old filter and inserting a new one, than fixed the mask back to her face and floated down the outside of the building until she reached the 5th floor, finding a window to float in through that led directly to the hallway. The hallway was surprisingly clear of fire, yet she could see that the walls, floor, and ceiling were all scorched. However, there was no sign of water. "Interesting."

As she floated a little further down the hall, the smoke began to clear out and she could see a man in a ballcap and what appeared to be some kind of power-suited individual.

"Jet, is that you?" she called out, thinking it was Jet Flash, a hero she'd already worked with a few times.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/18/2013 - 18:32
Andromeda had bent down to

Andromeda had bent down to examine the detonator on the bomb. Once she had a clear view of it, it was relatively easy to deal with. The suit's sensors, visual and otherwise, zoomed in and cataloged the components -- in this case, a single IC, basic display, battery and some wires assembed on a small breadboard. Nothing fancy, thankfully -- just a few basic components you could find at any electronics shop. Breaking the connection to the number 4 pin on the IC should do the trick. With the salvage swarm already out and about, she simply directed a portion of it to salvage the pin in question and a couple centimeters of the connected wire (just for good measure). In moments, the targeted metals seemingly melted away into nothingness.

As Flashpoint neared the man and the power-suited figure, a strange thing happened. The flames encircling her were suddenly . . . assaulted? There was a very faint hint of a misty 'cloud' of -something- she couldn't quite see and the heat was literally being rapidly drained away from her flames, causing the thermals she was gliding down the hallway on to falter. Some kind of outside entity or phenomenon was definitely at work. Flashpoint herself felt a momentary cool wash as the mist gathered around her, then it seemed to back off just a bit. It was draining heat from her flames at an alarming rate, but it was not drawing away her own body heat.

Andromeda turned her head as the new voice asked, "Jet, is that you?" Her work on the bomb complete, she stood and turned to see who had arrived. Once she'd stood up, Flashpoint could see the power-suited individual was too feminine to be Jet Flash. "Jet? Nae, I'm Andromeda," came the Scottish-accented female voice. Andromeda gave a little tilt of her head, seeming to ponder Flashpoint a moment, then added, "Sorry. They were programmed to go after fire." At that, the mistiness drew back entirely from Flashpoint, leaving her flames alone, glittering motes gathering around Andromeda and then seemingly disappearing.

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 04:02
"Nice work, ladies! Up close,

[i]"Nice work, ladies!"[/i]
Up close, the man was bigger than at first glance, unshaven with black hair peeking out from under the cap looking like it could use a trim. The t-shirt was smudged with soot, dirt, and sweat; torn in a couple places revealing glimpses of a torso that was, to put it mildly, athletic.
Another younger soul would have had a tight shirt to show off his physique but this shirt was oversized, as if to hide what was beneath.

[i]"But I don't think we're completely out o' the woods yet... You see that little black half-dome thingy in the ceiling down the hall?"[/i] nodding his head in that direction. [i]"There's fresh pieces of ceiling tile right underneath it, and I don't remember seeing any other surveillance cameras in this place. And I'll bet you dollars to those aforementioned donuts that somebody's a might interested in who show'd up to this turkey shoot..."[/i]


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Xselcier's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 11:54
Dani observed the "mist"

As the thermals Dani was generating to glide were drained away, she did a kind of mid-air stumble and dropped to her feet. The strange grey mist backed away from her then and her aura returned, but she extinguished it herself as she observed Andromeda and the mist with a mixture of one-quarter clinical appreciation and three-quarters child-like wonder.

"They? Who's... no way, is that a nanobot cloud?! How do you facilitate communication? Wifi? Light pulses? What happens if..." she rattled off several more rapid-fire questions before stopping herself.

"Heh, sorry about that. I'm Flashpoint, by the way. Now, what was that about a black dome?" she asked, looking over at the man in the ball cap, her eyes drawn to the rather impressive physique revealed by the rips in his shirt. She looked back over her shoulder, now noticing the dome and how the ceiling tiles around it, even with the smoke damage, were noticeably less worn and stained.

"Good eye, Mr...?" she asked, looking back at him.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

snate56's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 09/09/2013 - 04:02
"You can call

[i]"Well, let's see,.. I've been called so many names I can't remember them all![/i] He laughs with a glint in his eye [i]".And those are the clean ones! I think you can call me....Paul"[/i]


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Dudesoft's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:37
Stirring at last, Reverend

Stirring at last, Reverend Father Williamson found the church as dark as he had left it. Not a foot away lay the sacreficing dagger, discarded from his limp hand. It all felt so surreal. That demon... At once, Father Williamson glanced around. The damage to his pews and torn up floorboards led to the poorly lit lump of flesh and fur that slept softly still.
It was truly real.
"Why Lord? Do you send this demon to interrupt Our work?" The priest demanded loudly.
"Jesus mista! Yer' crazy!" the prostitute yelled. "This ain' work! Yer' jus' a psychopath!"
"Ah," the priest turned swiftly, causing the long drapery of his black cloak to billow out in a wide arc. "The lost lamb still bays. Once I've finished this night's errand, I shall deal with our sleeping demon." Like a ghost of death, Williamson slowly haunted towards the altar. Glinting off the light shining through his shattered stain glass window, the priest's dagger hung lazily by his side.

The heavy burden of sleep lifted slowly from Honey Badger. It happened any time he was seriously injured, the deep slumber. While the Honey Badger had a meaty resistance to pain and injury, he was no immortal. (Though, his mortal enemies may have another opinion on that matter.) The constantly churning immune system of the honey badger DNA made poison and alcohol nigh useless against him. Cuts and scrapes healed within minutes; but broken limbs, head trauma, internal bleeding, distorted organs, impalement through lungs... These activated his Deep Sleep. During this short hibernation (approximately 10-30 minutes, depending on the severity) the healing system took over and completely revived him. To the Honey Badger's continual misunderstanding, he considered this state a 'Respawn'. No one understands this viewpoint, as all they ever see is a lot of snoring.
Now that Deep Sleep was dissipating, the Honey Badger found --to his alarm-- that there was a dagger slitting his throat. Reflexively, the hulking beast swatted this threat aside in a blur of motion that he currently could not comprehend. It always took him a few minutes of readjustment to being alive, after death.
While this annoying throat slitting had healed over, Honey Badger began sniffing the air. Fear had gone. Had that burning building ceased to burn? Looking around him, the puzzling picture of a darkly lit church baffled the poor monster. Not only was he surrounded by a whole mess of wood and bibles, there was a weirdo dressed in all black, bleeding profusely all over the floor. It looked as if there was a golden dagger sticking out of the man's ribcage. What had happened here, exactly? Had he caused all of this somehow? Was there a third party involved?
The Honey Badger sat in thought. It certainly [i]looked[/i] suspicious. Coming to no possible conclusion in his tiny brain, the monster stood up and looked for the front door. Naturally, he came instead to the sacrefice altar. There was another dead person. A strangely dressed person. She appeared to be bound to the altar and was completely drained of blood, given all the cuts amd blood everywhere.
What had happened, indeed! It was a mystery. Alas, right now there were probably [i]alive[/i] people that needed help. Since the front door probably didn't exist in this Mystery Church, Honey Badger just jumped out the stainglass window beside the one he had presumable entered.

A few minutes later, the Honey Badger discovered --to his delight-- the burning building was dead ahead. Jumping path was perfect this time! Like a wrecking ball, the massive monstrosity crashed through the wall, then a support beam, and finally landed with his head through the wall of the area Andromeda, Flashpoint and Paul were standing.
Instead of saying 'hello', the Honey Badger fell into Deep Sleep.

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/18/2013 - 18:32
"A mystery, aye," Andromeda

"A mystery, aye," Andromeda comments, moving a little closer to the surveillance dome. "It has power to it, though there's nae power to the rest of the building. A battery pack, I expect." Curious to learn more, she goes for a closer inspection. With a noticeable hum, the thrusters on her flight pack fire up just enough to bring her into a sustained hover a few feet off the ground. She lifts and tilts the ceiling tile to remove it, bringing the entire camera assembly down. A wiring harness leads to a small device that comes free and hangs from the assembly -- without any actual connection to the building's power lines, the whole thing actually comes free into her hands.

"Definitely a non-standard mounting," she comments. Normally such a camera would be secured to the ceiling support beams via an electrical box, wired into the building's electrical. This seems to be a reinforced ceiling tile with the dome and camera assembly mounted directly in it. "Made for easy deployment and retrieval."

After a few moments of turning the assembly and the attached device around in her hands and examining it from different angles, Andromeda pulls on a connector and disconnects the wiring harness. "It's powered down now." She indicates the boxy device on the other end of the wiring, "This is a ba-"

Her words are cut short by the Honey Badger's crash landing, his head crashing through the nearby wall. Turning, she exclaims, "Crivvens! Now what?!?" A moment later, she adds, "I think that's the same creature. As I was coming down . . . " She lets her words trail off and gives a little shake of her head. "It has the same silhouette. I doubt there are many of those in town. It seems to be sleeping. Life signs are . . . interesting. It's injured, but the injuries are healing as I examine it. Some kind of healing trance? I expect it will be well soon enough."

Looking back to the devices she's still holding, she goes back her to her earlier thought. "This is both a battery pack and a transmitter. Omnidirectional -- nae way to really trace it, but its range is only about a kilometer -- a kilometer and a half at best."

Then her gaze turns back to the Badger, "So . . . what do we do when it wakes?"

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Flashpoint eyed the man with

Flashpoint eyed the man with mild surprise.

"...Paul? So where's John, George, and Ringo?" she asked, her face breaking into a grin.

"Or maybe I should ask where your horse is?" she continued, good-naturedly ribbing the big man.

She was only partially aware of what Andromeda was doing in the background, but her attention was yanked violently away from teasing Paul with the resounding crash landing of Honey Badger. "What the hell was that?!" she hollered, naturally kicking on her protective fire aura and hovering six inches off the ground. As the dust cleared, she could make out the silhouette of a large creature, it's head buried in the wall. "Uhhh... is that a giant honey badger?"

As if the arrival of Honey Badger wasn't enough, the bomb in the closet suddenly sounded off with a triple beep and she looked over at it. On the display were the words "AH AH AH", followed by a five-second countdown.


She had just enough time to position herself in front of the closet, land, and generate a thermal cushion in front of herself, then BOOM!

As the bomb detonated, she concentrated on absorbing the fireball created by the bomb, unable to do much about the shock wave. As she pulled in the flames at an unbelievable rate, she realized she wouldn't be able to absorb it all and began generating a huge ball of flame in front of her. In what seemed like forever, but was only a matter of seconds, she'd pulled all of the fire into a ball that measured nearly four feet across. Knowing she had to do something with it, she took to the air and flew out of the nearest window, the preceding ball burning a neat hole in front of her.

Flashpoint flew out over the street and angled upwards, until she was about 200 feet in the air. She could feel herself growing more tired by the second, as trying to control this much fire sapped her energy and will at an alarming rate. She aimed her hands upward and shoved the ball of flame high into the sky, propelling it with thermal currents until it reached an altitude of about 1000 feet, where she released her control over it and the fireball exploded with a thundering boom.

As she started to black out, she looked back down, "This... was probably... a bad idea..." she said, just before darkness overtook her and she plummeted towards the ground.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Heh!...had a horse once. A

"Heh!...had a horse once. A few of them. And a couple bears, a muskrat, an ox, Oh,.. and a moose... all at different times, mind you. If I remember arightly, I used to have the sire of Bucephalus, but that was awhile ba..."

With a resounding crash, Honey Badger arrived. As the dust settled, the big man went over to see if he were injured. He had just enough time with Flashpoint's warning to try and interpose himself between the explosion and his friends, but the blast nearly sent he and Andromeda out the other window.

Picking himself up and seeing if the armored lass was ok, he turned and ran for the other end of the hall to the window Flashpoint had gone out of.

Leaning out to look, he heard the explosion high above... and spotted a limp form falling free.
"Woah!" taking a few deep breaths."Ok, ok, ok!...Gotta time this right...". Backing up a few feet, he ran and launched himself out the window and tackled Flashpoint before she could hit the ground, twisting to take the impact on his back.

He lay spead-eagled on the sidewalk across the street, flat on his back, the girl covering him. The concrete was split in places.
"ohhhhhuunngggghhh........." gasping in the occasional breath. "I knew this was gonna hurt...."


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Gideon Cross
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A mysterious dark hero

A mysterious dark hero appeared on the seen wearing a light armored hooded vest. On his waist he wore a belt with pouches. On his legs were were a holster with pouches on each leg. On his arms wee bracers with strange glowing runes. Only thing visible under the hood and lower face guard were his glowing blue eyes. He looked at a woman who was crying hysterically saying her child was trapped somewhere in the building. The Enigmatic stranger walked up to the building as he heard cries for help coming fro what seemed to e he basement. The Stranger then phaseshifted and walked through the wall as he entered the basement of the building where he quickly saw the child's spiritual signature and began to follow it.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Standing in an alley way he

Standing in an alley way he was dressed in a brown coat with hood hiding his features. He lit his cigarette as he watched the heroes, his gaze followed flashpoint as she fell and caught at the last moment by some other hero. "Nice catch" he says as he lets out a puff of smoke. He looked at the burning building wondering if it was worth he risk to charge in. "Anyone know if there anyone left inside?" This caught the attention of a citizen and she gasped spotting his face "ZOMBIE!" Sighing Rotten dropped the cig and puts it out with his boot.

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would suddenly

Lady Nova would suddenly streak from the building , cosmic energy pooling from her hands, as she erects a shield of sterling light around those gathered. While maintaining the shield against the still falling debris, she would dissipate it after the area is clear. She would then turn to Andromeda, Flashpoint, Rotten Luck, and Honey Badger, before adressing them.

"I'm sorry for not maintaining contact inside...and if this was a detonation via deliberate explosives, we can deduce this fire was some kind of trap...."


RottenLuck's picture
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He cracks his neck and looks

He cracks his neck and looks at Lady Nova "If its a trap then I'm the best choice to spring it. I have only one power in a way and that is I can't die. However I have two major flaws one is ... well I'm ugly as hell and two if I do get damaged I might loose my mind." Thinks a moment about what he said "I mean my mind will black out and I loose conscious but my body will go into survival mode and seek out any meat in the area. Main reason I got a pound of beef jerky in my pocket."

"The main question who was the trap for? I thought I saw someone rush in some fellow in a dark outfit."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Lord Nightmare
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In a nearby alleyway sits a

In a nearby alleyway sits a man in a black business suit. He's light-skinned, dark hair and not much stature to him. He'd seen a news report on what was going on, immediately drove down to catch sight of the heroes in action and now watches them as they plan their next move, writing notes in small black book.

"Interesting.. a ragtag bunch that actually knows what they're doing.."

The book gets pocketed and replaced with a camera, a few snapshots of the heroes taken from his vantage point before he moves to a closer one behind a car. He zooms in on each one's face and takes a few more pictures, giving a light grin to himself.

"Well, my friends. Soon you'll be having a taste of what the big leagues are like."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd continued to follow

Shepherd continued to follow the spiritual signature i the basement until it lead him to the child. It was a little boy about five years old. He had been playing i the basement when the fire began and trapped. Shepherd picked the little boy up and cradled him in. his arms. he knew if he didn't get him out quickly je child could die That was when he teleported out and in front of the child's mom. The mother and child wanted to gaze upon the face of the hero that saved them. That was when he took them to an alley where it was private and removed his mask and hood. The man had lightly tanned skin and silver hair with glowing blue eyes. He looked around 20 but he was much older due to his immortality. he ten put the mask and hood back on as he sent them on their way after they gave him a hug. Shepherd ha wanted to make up for his crimes and live up to his twin brother's expectations.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would suddenly perk

Lady Nova would suddenly perk up, her eyes glowing, her gaze searching the area around her....she would then announce..

"Looks like we have have a observer among us..."

She would then suddenly launch a blinding blast of energy to the car in question, presumably stunning and revealing their occupant if he hadn't already fled....


Lord Nightmare
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Nick watched the alleyway he

Nick watched the alleyway he'd just left be lit aglow, giving a "hmph" as he checked his tie and climbed into the backseat of his car, motioning for the driver to leave. He wasn't sticking around any longer, not at all. Too many risks. On the drive home, he looked over the notes in his book and smirked a little.

"Cedric? What do you make of them?"

"Hard to tell, Mister Night. The lady's a keen one. That ugly rat might be dangerous."

"And the undead?"

"The zombie?"

"Aye.. perhaps he'd be a good pet. Blind hunger is the easiest to lead, after all."

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd never noticed the

Shepherd never noticed the man that left the alley when he arrived but as he sent the woman and child of The woman screamed a she saw the blast heading towards their way i the alley., The rift walker then summoned his shield of faith as the runes on his bracers began to glow and a forcebubble surrounded the woman and child to protect them. He then ran in front of them to see where the blat came from. Shepherd's temper began to flare when he saw the mortal woman and her child came close to losing their lives. A supernatural storm began to form. The same one that creatures saw as an omen of his presence when ever he would arrive.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova, spurned from

Lady Nova, spurned from watching the alleyway by the sound of screams, would race to the source, and upon seeing Shepherd, and the woman and child, realizing her mistake.

"I am so sorry, I was attempting to reveal a watcher of this gathering, I didn't mean to frighten you everyone alright,anyone injured....?"

She would usher the woman and child to paramedics on the scene, before turning to Sheperd, then addresses the others.....

"I apologize again...and I would be careful around here....someone is taking an interest in us heroes....they may have started this fire to lure us here..."


Gideon Cross
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The storm began to subside as

The storm began to subside as he calmed down knowing he was able to keep the woman and child safe and seeing the heroine come and apologise He then gave he a smile to let her know everything was ok..

"No one was hurt I put a force bubble up to protect the woman and child before the blast hit"

He looked over to the woman and child smiled at them as they returned the smile, Letting him know they were fine.

"The woman and child were just frightened. That's all."

What she mentioned about someone watching and possible cause the fire interested him.

"Now what's this you wee saying about someone causing the fire and watching us?"

He then stopped as he noticed the spiritual signature that lead out of the alley as he looked at it. There was a dark magical aura coming from it.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would eye the area

Lady Nova would eye the area in question, her enhanced senses picking up a negative energy signature, her skin would begin to glow slightly....

"Sense that as well...negative energy...since I can't pinpoint it exactly...magic?"


RottenLuck's picture
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Rotten made sure his features

Rotten made sure his features were hidden from the child as he walked over to Shepherd and Lady Nova. "Judging from the flames the original cause of this fire was chemical in nature. However there was... a magical element that what attracted me to this location. So Miss you believe this wasn't so much a Trap but more of a challenge to observe heroes in action?" He looks a the burning building "Or was it to monitor One hero in particular? Who was the first one here and I would like to know if it started when they were near." He looks around trying to spot any cameras that seem out of place. "Seem the news hounds are arriving." he says as he motions to a news van pulling up and the anchor woman and camera crew jumps out.

"Damn I hate this Mastermind stuff. I prefer foes that just come out and show themselves. Something I can punch." He pulls out a bit of beef jerky and starts gnawing on it. Then he looks to Shepherd "Spook or whatever you call yourself how about do that trick of walking through walls do a double check to see if there anyone else left in there. Then I say we get out of here before the news start asking for interviews and compare notes elsewhere."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd turned back to Nova,

Shepherd turned back to Nova, as she spoke to him. Being a supernatural being himself, he was sensitive to things of a magical nature.

"Yes, Definitely magical in nature. I tend to be sensitive to such things due to the nature of my abilities."

He then gave her a smile.

"By the way, my name is shepherd."

The Riftwalker offered his hand in a handshake He then turned to Rotten He wasn't surprised at all since he wasn't the first Zombie he'd seen.

"I do believe everyone made it out alive but I will check Maybe i can help."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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She would shake his hand

She would shake his hand warmly, and smile

"Lady Nova, a pleasure....and yes I believe this was a trap....and the first heroine on the scene was Flashpoint..."


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd put the mask back on

Shepherd put the mask back on the lower half of his face and put the hood back over his head He figure the best way to check every apartment was by teleprting

"I will meet you guys inside.'"

With that said, the mystic gunslinger teleported inside the building. He began to teleport in each room making sure there was no one left in the building. When he reached the last apartment, he heard voices in which he discovered the other heroes and he bomb Nova mentioned he noticed a spiritual signature as he followed it with his eyes with a similar dark magical aura. He noticed the magically infused device, as he was tracing the steps of the villain

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

RottenLuck's picture
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"Well I would say ladies

"Well I would say ladies first but in this case I head in fist. Shepherd got some powerful mojo and I can track him now I got his... well scent." Rotten soon followed Shepherd into the building going the mundane way or walking and sometimes running up the flight of steps. Finding a door that was stuck he bashed it down with his shoulder. Then he followed the tug of magical energies of both the device and Shepherd own supernatural aura.

He just lets himself into the apartment where the device located. "Damn that looks complicated. I hate magical doodads that explode. You could be blown apart or wake up in the morgue as a Zombie." He looks a the others gathered there "Names Ron Bolton ex-military no not special forces I was just a grunt. Nowadays people call me Rotten Luck. I think you can figure out why."

"Just to clear things up a fire was set to lure Heroes to this place like moths to the flames. A magical device was placed so.... lets assume the worst and we are now standing in the center of a booby trap and we all boobies."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Dudesoft's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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Aroused from his snooze from

Aroused from his snooze from an annoying blast of energy from some soft of bomb, the Honey Badger blinked lazy eyes out of sequence. Eventually he pulled his head free from the wall and snuffled about until an exit point had been found. Without grace or conscious decisions, the hulking monster leaped through a section of wall next to the point he entered.
The path of his leap sent him across half the city, where he crashed into the Titan City Museum.
(See: Patrol OOC)

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would nod, and

Lady Nova would nod, and after reporting this to the TCPD, she would approach Paul and Flashpoint...

"Are you two alright....whoever was watching us managed to escape....."


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd examined the device

Shepherd examined the device trying to figure out how to disarm it. it was powered by magic so he would probably have to use runes that would bind the magic.. Helloked at Rotten and the other hero.

"I am gonna try to disarm it."

He continued to examine the device, As runes similar to the one on his racers appeared on the device The runes would serve to bind the dark magic He then looked at Rotten.

"Ok it should be disarmed.... hopefully"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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"Enough at least till it

"Enough at least till it could be transported to a safe location where it can go off with out causing more harm." He looks around the hallway "Any Identifying traces? I like to know who targeting heroes. Using both Magic and conventional means, either are dangerous when combined it's unpredictable. Lets check on that Flashpoint person and inform the authorities they can hall this thing out of town." He headed back down the hallway as he takes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it.

Once outside he sees Flashpoint and Paul still on the ground and Lady Nova looking them over. "How are they doing Lady Nova?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would look towards

Lady Nova would look towards Rotten Luck, not at all unnerved by his appearence, would wave her hands over Flashpoint, glowing white, which would presumably heal any injuries....

"The look fine....but if they are remains to be seen"


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd had joined Rotten,

Shepherd had joined Rotten, Nova and the other heroes outside. He looked at the bomb he disarmed that Rotten was holding.

"Yup there was another bomb had to bind the magic in order to disarm it. The question now is who put it there?"

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Flashpoint snorted, gasped,

Flashpoint snorted, gasped, and jerked her eyes open just after Gladatoria's healing energies washed over her.

"Urrrgh... well, that was fun." She looked up to see the concerned face of Paul hovering over her. "Well, hey there handsome," she said, smiling up at him.

She got to her feet slowly, Paul assisting her with a hand on her back. Looking up, she saw that the firefighters had gotten the fire under control and put out. She spent a few minutes talking with the fire captain, reporting what they had found and congratulating him and his men on a job well done. After that, she motioned for the other heroes to gather off to the side.

"Good job people. We got all the civilians out and no one got dead. Score one for the good guys. For those I haven't met yet, I'm Flashpoint. Perhaps introductions all around would be best?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/18/2013 - 18:32
It took Andromeda a few

It took Andromeda a few moments to get up from the rubble. The suit didn't really look much the worse for wear, but the shockwave of the blast had sent her sprawling through a ruined wall, and dazed the lady inside. Once she shook off the shock, Andromeda retrieved the surveillance camera assembly from where it had fallen.

Looking around, she walked out to join the others where Flashpoint was recovering. "Glad to see ye're both alright," she said, looking between Flashpoint and Paul. "I dinnae ken how that bomb went off. I'd have sworn that detonator was completely inert."

Glancing around at the gathering group, she nodded at Flashpoint's suggestion of introductions. "I'm Andromeda -- I'm fairly new in town." As she spoke, a faint shimmer shone over her power-suit, like a thin film of liquid moving slowly over its metallic surface. Where the shimmer passed, it left behind gleaming, soot-free surfaces with nary a scratch to be seen.

RottenLuck's picture
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"It would have been worst if

"It would have been worst if this bomb went off as well. It has a magical nature just like the one that did explode. This was a calculated attack." He looks around then at Andromeda "Call me Rotten Luck I'm new in town as well."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at Andromeda

Shepherd looked at Andromeda and the other heroes.

"Rotten is right, It was calculated. By the way, my name is Shepherd."

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova, pleased that her

Lady Nova, pleased that her efforts to revitalize Flashpoint had worked, would follow her suggestion...

"I am Lady Nova, and I agree, this was a trap set by person or persons unknown.....things sure are heating up in Titan City, thats for sure..."


snate56's picture
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"That there one yer holdin'

"That there one yer holdin' is number four." said the large man in the cap, "And unless you picked it outta a pile o' gas cans, it's a might different than the others..."
"O' course we won't know much about the first two until the firemen finish their investigation."

"Andi, what do you make of that contraption you got?"


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

RottenLuck's picture
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"What I get from it is that

"What I get from it is that this is expensive. Magic takes focus to channel the energies into a device like this means that the maker highly skilled in power. Second such a custom job for arson not logical so a trap is the clear deduction. Flashpoint did the fire start right away when you got near or was it already going when you arrived? This trap might have been set for you." He looks at where the car was "Then again we were being watched all of this might have been just to see how we react. A study of the Heroes by some Mastermind before the real villainy begins. That would explain the Chemical fire using gas as the excellent but a very expensive magical bomb."

Thinking for a moment "Example Flashpoint I see your suit some kind of high tech one of the features I guess is flame resistance. Our perpetrator might have bet you have a weakness against magic. Where me I'm the reverse the flames would damage me faster then the magical energy discharge. On top of that they now seen you in action so can judge power abilities that way. "

"That bring us to the mentality of the perpetrator. This was well thought out however I don't think it was revenge or anger driven. The damage done to the building is wide spread so it wasn't targeting one person. The location to random to be a trap for anyone hero, well unless you follow a very strict pattern of patrol. Next there was no secondary means of attack if the bombs failed no goons no weapons so killing as many as possible wasn't the motive."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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"Very impressive, Rotten.

"Very impressive, Rotten. Good analysis of the situation. As for your questions, I did not see the fire start. I was doing a high-altitude patrol when I heard the sirens and then saw the flames. Also, as Paul said, the undetonated device we encountered," she said, motioning at herself, Andromeda, and Paul, "did not appear to have anything magical about it, yet it detonated after Andromeda had already disabled it's electronic detonator."

She raised an eyebrow at the description of her suit as high tech, then looked down at her white costume with gold flame patterns. It was pretty much skin-tight, to assist with aerodynamics and to act as a distraction to those villains who found the female figure appealing. "Actually, the resistance to fire is all me. I won't go into specifics of how, because I'm wondering if that thing is actually a bomb. It could be an observation device, built with the intent of tricking whoever responded into taking it back to their base of operations. I know that sounds paranoid, but sometimes you just can't be too careful."

"How does everyone think we should proceed?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"Ah well I just guessed that

"Ah well I just guessed that it was fire resistant material. Unlike my off the shelf coat shirt and jeans." He looked a the device. "Hmm that is a possible reason why this didn't go boom. Shepard did that hocus pocus stuff you did block transmissions?" Then looks to the others "Either way I don't want to be holding this thing for long where do we take it?"

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Lady Nova would speak up, her

Lady Nova would speak up, her golden eyes glowing as she does so...before enveloping the device within a force field...

"Safety first....and I can take it into orbit if needed....I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable with this device in Titan City or anywhere else for this matter....."


Gideon Cross
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Shepherd looked at Nova a

Shepherd looked at Nova a Rotten

Sending it into orbit sounds like a good idea.

Shepherd stood silent for a moment as his expression became blank like he was in another world. It was noticeable in his eyes. He was having a flash back. a memory that belonged to the hero he was cloned from. A vision of a female vampire wielding a sword she call widowmaker and a battle between them he felt some strong emotions for her. Then just like that he snapped out of it, it seemed like the memories were getting stronger. He had knowledge of where he came from but he was still learning about who he was. He came into this world with no memory of who he was. just fragments of memories.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Andromeda's attention was on

Andromeda's attention was on Paul while the others discussed the magical bomb Rotten Luck and Shepard had found.

"Andi?" She gave a tilt of her head, but it was hard to read her reaction with her face hidden by the full helmet. "I guess that'll do," she decided. She hefted the domed surveillance camera assembly and explained what she'd learned to Paul, "This is a self-contained surveillance system. It broadcasts its video feed, but it's an omnidirectional signal -- nae direction to trace. I can say that in this type of city environment, it has a range around 1.2 kilometers. So whomever was watching, would have to have been nae further than that from here."

"There is one thing -- they had to be sending control signals to direct the camera. Those would just be very quick, pulsed signals though -- not the easiest to trace. I could make a sort of scanner to look for those kind of pulses, perhaps. If we had two or more of them, spread apart a ways, we might be able to use signal strength to determine general directions and triangulate on the user. It would only work if they actually tried something like this again though and used the same surveillance method. Also, anyone trying to triangulate their location that way would likely not be able to work at the crisis site -- or whatever they would do next to draw heroes in. They'd need to be spread out over the target area."

She catches a bit of the other conversation -- the mention of "taking it into orbit" caught her ear. "Crivvens," she exclaims, "Did she just say what I thought she said? Sending that thing they found into orbit? Don't ye Americans have bomb disposal facilities?"

Gladatoria's picture
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Despite the situation, Lady

Despite the situation, Lady Nova would chuckle good-naturedly , turning to Andromeda...

"Of course we do, but for starters this thing has magic involved, and wouldn't be easy to work around, and it still has explosive potential if it were tampered with yeah.....sending it into space seems like a good idea....unless anyone else has another suggestion...?"


snate56's picture
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The big man nodded at

The big man nodded at Andromeda, "Unless it sent to another transmitter, ..that sent to another, and another. Kinda like them internet clowns do when tryin' to hide their IP."

Turning to the others, he asked, "May I?", Taking the device, he turned it over in his hand, fingers sliding gently through the force field, closing his eyes in concentration. "Well, ain't all powerful, leastways not of the gods I know." He handed it back. "As for orbit, they's too many fancy folk like us that could go up there and pick it up like a can o' beans from a Quickymart. If you want to get rid of it, I'd take it up there and chuck it as hard and fast as I could out into the black." Glancing at the others with a lopsided grin, "I bet we're just overthinking this thing, it's probably nothin'"


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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"A sequence of repeaters for

"A sequence of repeaters for an RC signal?" Andromeda sounded skeptical at best. "Certainly such a thing is possible, but that would be incredibly extravagant and impractical for a mobile surveillance device such as this."

After the further comments about orbital bomb disposal, she mutters "Nae wonder they aren't doing futher manned exploration," shaking her head a bit. Speaking up, she suggests, "I guess with ye metas, maybe the incredibly extravagant and impractical is ye'r daily exercise. At any rate, if ye're going take it all that way, at least destroy the thing once it's away far enough that it willnae harm anyone. In orbit, ye're just creating a minefield that'll be coming back down to meet us one day. I dinnae s'pose ye've ever heard of Skylab?"

snate56's picture
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"Yeah, that was me

"Yeah, that was me overthinkin'" "It's all cuz this BBQ interrupted my coffee and donuts..."


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

RottenLuck's picture
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"Mmm Donuts. To bad that

"Mmm Donuts. To bad that thing isn't organic I'm hungry. As for blowing it up at a bomb disposal facilities well Magic has nasty side effects even if you think you know what your dealing with. I know that from personal experience. However I say go ahead a bomb disposal facilities should be enough. This didn't seem to be a plot for really complex operation not for a random trap." He looks takes out another bit of jerky "To impersonal to be a complex operation to have a trap with in a trap."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gideon Cross
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Shepherd had done what he

Shepherd had done what he could to help. it was all up to the other heroes now. The Mystic Gunslinger had teleported off and left them to their business.

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

Gladatoria's picture
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Nodding, Lady Nova would take

Nodding, Lady Nova would take the device, eyeing it for a moment, before suddenly launching from the Earth near them, a sonic boom heard as she soars for the sky above, streaking in golden light, more sonic shockwaves heard until she reaches orbit.

(( If the other heroes kept tabs on her as she flew into space, she would have flung the device towards the Sun, before bombarding it with large amounts of cosmic energy, presumably eradicating it))

She would land gently in the gathering of heroes minutes later, smiling, but it is clear the effort exhausted her...

"So...anyone keep tabs on that thing while I blasted it to bits....?"


Amerikatt's picture
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Amerikatt, basking in Sol's

Amerikatt, basking in Sol's warmth, and interrupted from her nap by the sudden unleashing of cosmic energies, follows Lady Nova back to Earth, hovering in mid-air at a discreet distance from the gathering of costumed Furless Ones, her powerful eyes and ears scanning the site.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:

She would land gently in the gathering of heroes minutes later, smiling, but it is clear the effort exhausted her...
"So...anyone keep tabs on that thing while I blasted it to bits....?"

Andromeda's attention seemed riveted on Lady Nova as she came in for a landing back among the gathered heroes. "Aye, I had ye on tracking." Her tone seems animated, indeed rather excited, her Scottish accent more prominent. "Amazing! That was bluidy amazing! It'd take me longer for reentry than ye'r whole trip, even wi' the suit -- and I'd be lit up like a Roman candle on the way down, at that! Nae radiant energy, nae cinderblock landing -- ye must project some kind of frictionless field aboot ye?"

She gives Lady Nova a chance to reply, her excitement calming somewhat, then, "By the by -- did ye notice you picked up a shadow on the way back? It's hoverin' just over that way." She gestures off in the direction of Amerikatt.

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would smile,

Lady Nova would smile, gesturing to a shimmering skinline gold force field now apparent over her body, answering her questions....

"I formed a energy shield over myself to protect myself upon entry into space and reentry into the atmosphere, I had to expand the same energy to destroy the device, couldn't do both at the same time....there's always limits.....but yes I did notice my 'shadow' on the way back...I suppose my little stunt got it's attention...."

She would peer in Amerikatt's general direction as well , eyeing her flight path for signs of her arrival...


Xselcier's picture
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Flashpoint was listening to

Flashpoint was listening to Andromeda and Paul discuss the camera when her earpiece buzzed and she took several steps away from the other heroes before touching her finger to it.

A few minutes later, she returned to the group of heroes. "You'll have to excuse me, everyone. I've just gotten a call from an ally. She and several others are slugging it out with Cold Snap, who is rampaging through the Financial District, and they need my assistance. Good luck and stay safe!" she said, her flame aura surrounding her as she took to the sky and blazed away.


Overdrive zipped down the freeway into Titan City. He'd been visiting family upstate and was returning at a leisurely jog, for him at least. For anyone else, he was simply a blur speeding down the side of the road. As he entered the part of the city he operated in, he noticed a large cloud of white smoke and diverted to head in that direction.

He did a few high speed passes of the surrounding streets to make sure this wasn't part of something larger, and then circled inward towards the site of whatever had happened. As he approached the congregation of emergency vehicles, he noticed something hovering a distance off from the heroes and firefighters. He was curious, but there was no way to reach it, so he zipped up to the group, moving so fast that he seemed to just appear out of thin air.

"Whatchadoin?" he asked, his speech still not completely slowed back to normal.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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"We just disposed of the

"We just disposed of the second of two bombs....I sent it to low orbit and blasted it to bits, the devices were augmented via magic, and therefore would have been unsafe for regular bomb disposal...the fire that is now under control was set as a trap, to possibly test us and observe us...for now this area is secure..."

She would then smile, and extend her hand to the new hero....

"I am Lady Nova, a member of the is a pleasure to meet you..."


Siwyenbast's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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A woman in her mid to late

A woman in her mid to late 20s, standing about 5'6" with an average build and fair skin had been walking by the scene, seemingly on her way to shop. She had shoulder length brown hair with a chin length face frame, milk chocolate brown eyes with a pair of metallic purple glasses sitting upon her nose. She had on a pair of dark wash blue jeans, a white tunic top with green embroidery around the collar, black boots, a silver leather belt with a big black leather pouch hanging from it on the back, and a silver ankh necklace. All of that was normal and seemingly not out of place in Titan City's citizenry. What was odd about her was the silver metal hair twister around her left side's face frame with a silver comedy and tragedy charm dangling from it that kept hitting her glasses' frame with her step and the amethyst 20-sided die on a silver chain she wore as a bracelet on her left wrist.

She saw the scene and the disbursing crowd around the now cordoned off area where the heroes were discussing something and decided to look. The scene looked under control once she got up to the police tape, so she had thought to go on about her business, since the action was done, but just as she was about to turn away, she heard Lady Nova introduce herself and say something about a device being augmented by magic, which stopped her in her tracks.

After debating in her head about what to do for a few minutes, her curiosity got the better of her. "Magic?" She asked in a voice clear enough to be heard by the group of heroes discussing it. "What kind of magic? Did you get a reading of it? Were you able to discern any particular branch, school, or tradition? I minored in Theology and magical systems, if you need someone to help you all figure out the reading." She seemed a little more than eager to help.

Writer catwoman at play...

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Amerikatt hovers a mile or so

Amerikatt hovers a mile or so over the heads of the group and continues to scan them, even when some of the group points in her general direction. She is intrigued by the arrival of a newcomer, and takes particular interest in the shiny silver ankh around the woman's neck. A certain familiar aura catches her attention, and the young cat in the purple and pink costume tilts her head as she considers what she seems to sense.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

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"Whoabombs?!Someoneisplanting magic bombs?" he asked, as he shook the hand of the woman with the glowing eyes, even as his speech finally slowed back to normal, revealing himself to have a Southern drawl.

"Ah shoot, I fergot to introduce maself. Hey, I'm Overdrive. Did ya'll know ya'll got something snoopin' on the party?" he asked, pointing up at Amerikatt.

With the arrival of the young woman with the ankh, he zipped over to her. "Hey there, pretty lady. Sounds like ya know alot about this here magic?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

"Whoabombs?!Someoneisplanting magic bombs?" he asked, as he shook the hand of the woman with the glowing eyes, even as his speech finally slowed back to normal, revealing himself to have a Southern drawl.
"Ah shoot, I fergot to introduce maself. Hey, I'm Overdrive. Did ya'll know ya'll got someone snoopin' on the party?" he asked, pointing up at Amerikatt.
With the arrival of the young woman with the ankh, he zipped over to her. "Hey there, pretty lady. Sounds like ya know alot about this here magic?"

*Amerikatt, seeing that the speeding Furless One has pointed at her and then made a hasty advance toward the woman with the silver ankh, is suddenly a purple and pink blur, reappearing and hovering at shoulder-height to Overdrive, her golden eyes narrowed at the speedster*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

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Overdrive was suddenly

Overdrive was distracted by a pink and purple blur that suddenly appeared between him and the young woman, revealing itself to be a housecat once it stopped moving.

"Err, did ah hit mah head on a stop sign, or is there really a cat in a costume hovering in front of me?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would blink several

Lady Nova would blink several times before turning from Overdrive, to Amerikatt, and back to Overdrive...

"Your not crazy...I see it too...Uhm...hello, I am Lady are?"


Amerikatt's picture
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Gladatoria wrote:
Gladatoria wrote:

Lady Nova would blink several times before turning from Overdrive, to Amerikatt, and back to Overdrive...
"Your not crazy...I see it too...Uhm...hello, I am Lady are?"

*Amerikatt, never taking her eyes off of Overdrive, lets out a low growl in the speedster's direction, her back slightly arched, her tail bristled.*

((Both Overdrive and Lady Nova can see the name "Amerikatt" etched across her pink 5-pointed star-shaped cloak pin))

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova's hands would

Lady Nova's hands would suddenly blaze in golden energy, and she would stare down the cat creature....

"Listen, I'm sorry I disturbed you, but let's not start a fight....alright...'Amerikatt'?...."


RottenLuck's picture
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All this time Rotten was

All this time Rotten was leaning against a brick wall munching on his jerky. "Don't know what kind of magic or how it was done. Being magical in nature myself I just know magic when I'm near it. My guess something that causes people to die. That or something to monitor us who ever did this used both tech and magic together." He looks at Amerikat with a bit more curiosity then any other there. Not because of the fact the cat had some kind of powers why would powers be restricted to only humans. But because he wondered about the nature of said powers.

"Hmm wasn't cats worshiped in Egypt as some kind of guardians of the dead or something. Something about the goddess Mafdet or was it Bast?' Shrugs then looks to overdrive and lowering his sunglasses to focus better on the speeder. "The cat seems to be protecting the lady."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would blink at

Lady Nova would blink at Rotten's words, her energy dissipating from her palms...

"Yes...Bastet and Sekmet....I'm sorry...just a little on guard....."


Siwyenbast's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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"Well, I know some about

"Well, I know some about magic, but I was mainly interested in how the Ancient Egyptians did it, though I've got at least a passing knowledge on other faiths and a few schools," the woman said, smiling slightly at the super-powered kitty in front of her. "Mafdet was a cheetah and Bast had no titles that had to do with the dead, save maybe the 'friend to the ancestors' one. She did, however, carry the title Eye of Ra, which is a protective one and a bunch of other goddesses and a few gods carried it. Sekhmet also carries this title, as well as the title of 'the appropriate one'." She takes a bit before realizing she hadn't introduced herself. "Oh, I can get a little dug into my love of Egyptology, so I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Am--I mean, Persona. Sorry, still new to heroing myself and so are my characters, well, at least here in Titan City for them." She started playing a bit with the comedy and tragedy charm, which upon closer inspection, had a purple crystal above it before it latched onto the hair twister.

Writer catwoman at play...

RottenLuck's picture
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"I see" he takes out a

"I see" he takes out a cigarette and lights it. After a few drags "So our little flying feline won't be able to do anything for me. Oh well I don't trust magic anyway kind of have a bad history." He chuckles and smiles one of those grin only a mummified cadaver could. "Names Ron Bolton or as I been called Rotten Luck, Don't do that whole secret Identity stuff not like I can hide who I am behind a mask. Maybe if I want to pretend to be normal then having a mask on and walking into a store not a good idea."

He looked to Amerikatt. "Now now ease up if he tries anything I bite him is that alright? Hmm now I wonder why you felt the need to protect Persona." He looks to Overdrive "so quickdraw what's ya story? I trust an animals instincts so either she thinks your a bad apple or something might happen if you get to near Persona. Hmm... persona that's an interesting name why did you chose it? Am I right will something happen if Overdrive here or perhaps myself touch you? Maybe it's not you the cat protecting, but others from you even thought your not threatening as she's not facing you." To test his theory he straighten up and started heading over to Persona not making a threatening manor just a typical extension of his hand as if he was going to handshake. "Anyway I have no fear so welcome to the Hero business."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

Xselcier's picture
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Overdrive glances at Rotten

Overdrive glances at Rotten and snorts at his threat of biting him, "Like ah said befoh, the name's Overdrive. And I'm just doin' what ah can with the cards Life dealt me."

"But righ' now, ah seem to have done sumthin' to piss off the pink and purple pussycat here, so how 'bout ah make amends?"

With that, he was gone in a flash, only to be back a few seconds later, a small bag of catnip in one hand and a pouch of kitty treats in the other. He extended both towards her.


[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/18/2013 - 18:32
At first, Andromeda was

At first, Andromeda was hopeful when the girl approached, announcing that she had studied magic. But then the flying feline made its appearance only to take offense at the arrival of some new speedster and things . . .

[i]*I should've went to Canada, maybe Australia . . . this place was clearly a mistake,*[/i] she thought to herself.

"I'll just have a look into this and let you folks deal with the magic," Andromeda said out loud, indicating the surveillance camera. "Good luck wi' that." That said, she fired up the flight pack and headed for open sky.

Siwyenbast's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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"Good to meet you all,"

"Good to meet you all," Persona said and shook Rotten's hand. "I chose it because I'm just the player with many masks to wear. Each mask--characters as it were--has its own distinct personality and agenda...a few don't like me bringing them here or being in their heads when I'm wearing them. Particularly Rei and Binara if you ever get to meet them. They're part of my standard form selection, but I don't use em unless I have to, and Psycat wouldn't be a good match against a particular opponent. Speaking of Psycat, she loves puns, but don't tick her off please, I don't want to find myself in front of another migraine sufferer again." She thought for a bit, fiddling with her ankh now. "I don't know, maybe she saw or heard me say something that made her want to protect me? Psycat could read her mind, or if I had Rai's sheet on me I'd be able to talk cat, but I doubt either of them would want to be played for such a menial task."

Writer catwoman at play...

Amerikatt's picture
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RottenLuck wrote:
RottenLuck wrote:

He looked to Amerikatt. "Now now ease up if he tries anything I bite him is that alright?"

*Amerikatt nods at Rotten Luck's suggestion and chatters at Overdrive, as if laughing at him*

Overdrive wrote:

Overdrive was gone in a flash, only to be back a few seconds later, a small bag of catnip in one hand and a pouch of kitty treats in the other. He extended both towards her.


*Amerikatt grabs the drawstring of the catnip bag and, wrenching her neck skyward, hurls the bag into the upper atmosphere at escape velocity!*

*Preparing to bite Overdrive's hand for his having the temerity to offer her the accursed mood modifier and psycho-stimulant, Amerikatt stands down her bristling when he surprises her with kitty treats from his other hand*

*Amerikatt glares balefully at Overdrive as she tentatively sniffs the pouch of kitty treats and then grasps the end of the foil pouch, flipping it into the air, to disappear -- pouch and all -- into the green nimbus emanating from inside her mouth*

"Mew-mew," Amerikatt says to Overdrive, her unblinking countenance softening a bit.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Xselcier's picture
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As Amerikatt's head shot

As Amerikatt's head shot toward the hand with the catnip, Overdrive's supercharged reflexes took over and time slowed down as he prepared to yank his hand out of the way. But when she simply grabbed the bag, he calmed down, only for his jaw to drop a bit as he watched the bag rocket skyward, moving fast even for his overclocked perception.

Overdrive let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding when she sniffed at the bag of treats, devoured the entire pouch, and then stopped bristling and glaring at him.


"Ahright, so does that mean we're friends now? Ah hope so, cuz you seem rathuh... scary for a cat."

Looking over the cat's shoulder, he nodded once at Persona, "Ma'am," before turning back to Lady Nova. "So, magic bombs? Do ya'll have any othuh leads?"

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Lady Nova would blink,

Lady Nova would blink, taking in what just occurred within the space of a few seconds...

"Not at the moment, I was actually about to head to Atlas Tower and report this, also to the TCPD, among others...maybe later we can head to Phoenix Plaza later and unwind...."

She would gesture to the building ahead of them, which is hopefully no longer in flames and is salvageable...

"Because I call this a least for now..."


Amerikatt's picture
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Xselcier wrote:
Xselcier wrote:

"Ahright, so does that mean we're friends now? Ah hope so, cuz you seem rathuh... scary for a cat"

*Amerikatt chatters gleefully, as if laughing at Overdrive's comment*

[i]Be glad you're not a Naughty Spawn[/i], Amerikatt thinks.

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

RottenLuck's picture
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"Well I don't know about you

"Well I don't know about you all, but I'm starving. Then again I'm always starving. So I'm grabbing some fast food before heading to the plaza. Hopefully I can find some mugger I need something to punch." He then starts off walking in the direction of the Phoenix Plaza. Whistling as he goes he ignores the looks from those who were shocked seeing a dead man. Kind of pleasant really a lot less reaction then other cities. Must be due to all the super powered folks people here becoming familiar with the bizarre.

Down the road gun shots were heard as three bank robbers holding bags came running out and for the getaway car. "You didn't needed to shoot the guard!" "Shut up and lets get out of here before the cops show up... or a cape."

Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Overdrive waved to Rotten

Overdrive waved to Rotten Luck as he departed and eyed Amerikatt still a bit warily, not exactly sure what the chattering sound she was making meant.

"Ahright then, Lady Nova, how about you handle reportin' at Atlas Towuh, and I'll jog on down to the TCPD Central and give them the heads up? Anybody who can keep up is welcome to come along. Sound good?" he asked, looking over at Lady Nova.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Joined: 09/08/2013 - 14:20
She would nod, smiling...

She would nod, smiling...

"Sounds great, meet you guys at the Plaza!"

She would streak off into the sky, leaving with a sonic boom, trail of golden energy behind her...

