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Options for being in Multiple Super Teams (Guilds)?

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Super M.
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Options for being in Multiple Super Teams (Guilds)?

A trope in Super Hero games is belonging to multiple teams, though this isnt a common feature in MMOs.

Will there be an options to be in more than one Super Team at once?

Lothic's picture
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Yeah it's not common in MMOs

Yeah it's not common in MMOs because most MMOs use "faction membership" as a fundamental classification (for both PvE and PvP) that can never be changed (i.e. you're either a Human or an Orc. You can't change that or be 'both' at the same time). Even if a game has "guilds" they usually only let you be in one at a time.

The Devs of this game haven't really talked much about "Super Teams", especially recently. That concept was meant to be more important for TOG based on the idea that "superbase PvP" was supposed to be a big feature of that game. Of course anyone who played TOG knows that the whole superbase PvP thing never really happened.

If MWM keeps the idea of Super Teams relatively informal in CoT then basically what they could end up being is a way to organize people into private chat channels. I'm not sure if they still want to have "superbases" in CoT but if they kept it simple by just making super teams equate to being a member of a chat channel then it seems like it'd be easy enough for a single character to belong to multiple "super teams".

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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We will have Super Teams and

We will have Super Teams and we will have Leagues - collection of Super Teams.

Right now we are having one super team per character. We can revisit this as we gather more data on how the game plays. We understand the desire to be a part of more than one large group.

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Super M.
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Yup, that was my thinking to.

Yup, that was my thinking to.

Id love to organize a team around a specific concept; more for RP as a unit; then have them go out and join other "active" guilds that across game that actually do stuff, etc.

Super M.
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We will have Super Teams and we will have Leagues - collection of Super Teams.

Right now we are having one super team per character. We can revisit this as we gather more data on how the game plays. We understand the desire to be a part of more than one large group.

Nice, thank you for the input =)

Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We will have Super Teams and we will have Leagues - collection of Super Teams.

Right now we are having one super team per character. We can revisit this as we gather more data on how the game plays. We understand the desire to be a part of more than one large group.

Are Super Teams and Leagues primarily going to be "represented" in CoT as private chat channels? Will Super Teams share a common superbase and if so are you even going to attempt to make them PvP oriented or not go down that rabbit hole based on how badly that turned out for TOG?

A reasonable idea to consider is if you let individual characters belong to multiple Super Teams directly then you might not even have to have "Leagues" as a level of organization in the game. Might actually make your job as "Dev" easier if you didn't have to develop code to support Leagues.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We will have Super Teams and we will have Leagues - collection of Super Teams.

Right now we are having one super team per character. We can revisit this as we gather more data on how the game plays. We understand the desire to be a part of more than one large group.

Are Super Teams and Leagues primarily going to be "represented" in CoT as private chat channels? Will Super Teams share a common superbase and if so are you even going to attempt to make them PvP oriented or not go down that rabbit hole based on how badly that turned out for TOG?

A reasonable idea to consider is if you let individual characters belong to multiple Super Teams directly then you might not even have to have "Leagues" as a level of organization in the game. Might actually make your job as "Dev" easier if you didn't have to develop code to support Leagues.

Super Teams will be able to have their own chat channel as welll as a League channel.

Yes, a Super Team can have a base.

No, we aren’t looking to make PvP bases. There is more than. One reason why they didn’t work in ToG and many of them are valid issues that aren’t worth the trouble trying to solve.

Super Teams and Leagues are really just game representations of social constructs. A League allows Super Teams to create social experiences in a scale that individual characters being in multiple Super Teams couldn’t do.

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Lothic's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

Super Teams will be able to have their own chat channel as welll as a League channel.

Yes, a Super Team can have a base.

No, we aren’t looking to make PvP bases. There is more than. One reason why they didn’t work in ToG and many of them are valid issues that aren’t worth the trouble trying to solve.

Super Teams and Leagues are really just game representations of social constructs. A League allows Super Teams to create social experiences in a scale that individual characters being in multiple Super Teams couldn’t do.

Thanks for the CoT Super Team info.

There was one other issue about supergroups in TOG that I personally was never interested in but I know was a very common topic in the forums. Basically it involved "Supergroups of One" and I'll explain what I mean by that.

Many people liked to play TOG from the POV that they were not playing with a bunch of RPG characters. Instead they played it more like a FPS where they, The Player, was playing the game with multiple avatars. So to them they never considered their characters to be "individuals" like you usually do when you play a table-top RPG. They played as if it was just them as the player in the game regardless of how many alts they used.

So in keeping with that mindset many of these people liked to create a supergroup that ONLY contained their own collection of alts. They used supergroups as a way to collect their own stable of characters together in the game and let them all have access to their own personal supergroup base.

Again I was never into doing this but apparently it was relatively popular. The main "problem" with the playstyle was that it was impossible (as a supergroup with only one actual player as a member) for the player to "self-invite" their own alts into the supergroup. The only workaround most people had was to either temporarily invite a second player they could trust to have that player invite all their alts into the supergroup or log in with multiple accounts and use the one account to invite the other account's alts into the group.

I guess the main question I have is whether MWM is going to make it easier for a player to "self-invite" other alts into a supergroup or will it just be left to be as difficult as it was in TOG?

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

I guess the main question I have is whether MWM is going to make it easier for a player to "self-invite" other alts into a supergroup or will it just be left to be as difficult as it was in TOG?

Yes. We have had several people people on the team that played this way.

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Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 49 min ago
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One of the innovations of

One of the innovations of Guild Wars 2 is the ability to join multiple guilds. You get to choose which guild to "represent" and can only represent one at a time. While representing a guild, you have access to guild chat, bank, and all the other perks associated with your rank in that guild but you have no access to those perks from guilds you are not representing.

So when you're up late at night you can play with your Oceania-based guild, and when you have Friday morning off you can play with your European guildmates, saving your evenings for your American guild. Or maybe you have a Thursday raid with Guild A and a Friday raid with guild B. Or maybe you have a personal guild full of just your alts so you can all share a bank account and contribute to your own personal lair but you also want to join another guild for the social aspects. Whatever the reasons, the ability to switch between one super team and another would be a welcome addition to CoT, in my opinion.

Edit: It has been mentioned (in the GW2 forums) that it would be nice to be able to maintain guild chat even in guilds you're not representing, but I think that's unnecessary. If you really want to chat in guild chat with other guilds, the League mechanic already exists for that, so have them join the same league. The coding to make multiple guild chats active while suppressing other guild features in guilds you're not representing seems a bit convoluted and unnecessarily complex when one looks at the ROI for it.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

One of the innovations of Guild Wars 2 is the ability to join multiple guilds. You get to choose which guild to "represent" and can only represent one at a time. While representing a guild, you have access to guild chat, bank, and all the other perks associated with your rank in that guild but you have no access to those perks from guilds you are not representing.

So when you're up late at night you can play with your Oceania-based guild, and when you have Friday morning off you can play with your European guildmates, saving your evenings for your American guild. Or maybe you have a Thursday raid with Guild A and a Friday raid with guild B. Or maybe you have a personal guild full of just your alts so you can all share a bank account and contribute to your own personal lair but you also want to join another guild for the social aspects. Whatever the reasons, the ability to switch between one super team and another would be a welcome addition to CoT, in my opinion.

Edit: It has been mentioned (in the GW2 forums) that it would be nice to be able to maintain guild chat even in guilds you're not representing, but I think that's unnecessary. If you really want to chat in guild chat with other guilds, the League mechanic already exists for that, so have them join the same league. The coding to make multiple guild chats active while suppressing other guild features in guilds you're not representing seems a bit convoluted and unnecessarily complex when one looks at the ROI for it.

This seems like a reasonable compromise to allow a single character to be a 'member' of multiple super teams in CoT. I assume the real hangup against the idea is "how to handle base access/resources" and making it so that only one "guild identity" would be active at a time seems like the perfect fix for that.

Among the other benefits I could see this as a fun way to facilitate RPing being a 'spy' against another rival super team.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Yeah we are aware of how GW2

Yeah we are aware of how GW2 handles guilds. It is a reasonable way of handling it. But there are aspects of Super Teams that haven’t been discussed in public yet that give us reason to hold off doing something similar. We want to collect data over a decent time frame before we make further decisions.

The compromise is your Super Team forming a League with other Super Teams and setting up your League permissions with regards to super team base access. Amen of course you can have a League chat channel.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
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Super M.
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Just a silly Anecdotal

Just a silly Anecdotal reasoning for even a non base aquiring version of a Super Team may be wanted, specific to the genre of super heros is having an affiliated group of people, say some amalgamation of the Green Lantern corp, that loosely can tie stuff together and keep communication with one set of people, while ALSO each individual actively being in a "real" guild, such as the JLA, JSA, etc.

I dont mean to "mmo-splain" the reasoning for ppl wanting multuple guilds, but still wanted to put it in context of the super hero genre, and the type of gameplay we see in TOG that is rp and theme heavy.

Tannim222's picture
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The way I look at it is Hall

The way I look at it is Hall Jordan is in the Green Lanterns Super Team which happens to be in the League with other Super Teams. Some of those are “singular super teams”.

It is all “semantics” though.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
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Fireheart's picture
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In GW2 one can join multiple

In GW2 one can join multiple Groups, but only 'represent' one at a time.

Be Well!

Lothic's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

In GW2 one can join multiple Groups, but only 'represent' one at a time.

Yep Huckleberry mentioned that a few posts earlier in the thread. That seems like a reasonable way to do it in CoT as well but Tannim wants to "test" things first.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Tannim222's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

In GW2 one can join multiple Groups, but only 'represent' one at a time.

Yep Huckleberry mentioned that a few posts earlier in the thread. That seems like a reasonable way to do it in CoT as well but Tannim wants to "test" things first.

Not really “test” but gather data on certain functions of super teams. This way we can make decisions on what’, if anything would need to be changed or added.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
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Key points of 'representing'

Key points of 'representing' a Guild in GW2:
Access to Guildhall/Base.
Various Guild Bonuses/Abilities
/g starts chat on the guild-specific channel. /g1, 2, 3 still allows chatting on alternate guild channels.
IF one is using a guild-sigil.
Guild members are marked/color-coded. Both on Maps and 'Live', so they are easier to find.

And it does look like Huckleberry mentioned this.
Some friends and I created our own guild, but then we got invited to the local iteration of the Legion of Catgirls and now, I don't play, except on 'Guild Activity Night'. All of my characters are maxed out. So I've had a little experience of how the 'multiple guild' stuff works.