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Is Beta Out Yet? thinking of buying this.

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 04/11/2018 - 16:33
Is Beta Out Yet? thinking of buying this.

I'm thinking of buying this game for 50$ but is it out for everyone it says in the faqs fall 2018 beta starts but is it ready. Falls almost over is beta out can someone help me with the info plz and thanks.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 02/11/2014 - 16:29
Issue 0 is coming out at some

Issue 0 is coming out at some point soontm which is the character creator an island to chat on and some of the base systems that will be added to until the game comes out fully. there are rumblings that once that is out, they will allow more people to back the game again to push it to the final release.

Interdictor's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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The alpha/beta "Issue 0", as

The alpha/beta "Issue 0", as I understand it, will only be accessible to kickstarter backers and those who donate to their upcoming second chance fundraiser - but note that the game is still being put together. The full retail release of the game ("Issue 1") is probably not going to be anytime soon, but if you like what you see with this game keep some money for the second chance.

Agent Capricorn
Agent Capricorn's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 10:09
Well....this post is 2 years

Well....this post is 2 years old. I have my reservations at this point and it looks like the race is on as SoH might be eating CoT's lunch as it looks like they just launched a "group" ingame event.

To date - All I have done with this was mess with a character creator and run around a environment devoid of life. The char creator at this point also seems to be a bit flaky (lots of white-blocks where I expect previews for options I select) and just runs a small sandbox to run around. By comparison at this point DEEEEER simulator has more going on.

That is not to be whining - but it really makes me question if this is either a chronicles of Elyria scenario (we provided you with something; we are keeping the money after we fail) or a Star Citizen scenario (we keep adding so many features we will keep going and never launch). I feel there really needs to be some result that the public can actually interact with at this point - its been like 7 years and what is being offered is really just a suped (forgive the pun) version of CoH; which people have essentially managed to run for free.

So this is learning/using the engine and adding art assets at this point and maybe the odd sub-system or so - I am wondering where we are at and how far off we are from something we can "touch" and see for ourselves. I am concerned that we will not see something we can touch because its really just giving us a high-light and highly controlled messaging because the state is a ways off - its something I have noted with a lot of crowdfunding projects recently.

Cisco Certified - Long time PnP HERO - MSCE - Long time MMOer - Dripping Nerdom, nuff said

warlocc's picture
Last seen: 19 hours 5 min ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 16:38
Agent Capricorn wrote:
Agent Capricorn wrote:

Well....this post is 2 years old. I have my reservations at this point and it looks like the race is on as SoH might be eating CoT's lunch as it looks like they just launched a "group" ingame event.

To date - All I have done with this was mess with a character creator and run around a environment devoid of life. The char creator at this point also seems to be a bit flaky (lots of white-blocks where I expect previews for options I select) and just runs a small sandbox to run around. By comparison at this point DEEEEER simulator has more going on.

That is not to be whining - but it really makes me question if this is either a chronicles of Elyria scenario (we provided you with something; we are keeping the money after we fail) or a Star Citizen scenario (we keep adding so many features we will keep going and never launch). I feel there really needs to be some result that the public can actually interact with at this point - its been like 7 years and what is being offered is really just a suped (forgive the pun) version of CoH; which people have essentially managed to run for free.

So this is learning/using the engine and adding art assets at this point and maybe the odd sub-system or so - I am wondering where we are at and how far off we are from something we can "touch" and see for ourselves. I am concerned that we will not see something we can touch because its really just giving us a high-light and highly controlled messaging because the state is a ways off - its something I have noted with a lot of crowdfunding projects recently.

I can tell you with a lot of confidence, we're not "a lot of crowdfunding projects".

I can also tell you a new dev joined the team, Iathor, just recently, and he's making some great strides picking up some of the slack. Also, make sure to check out he last update, which streamlined the workflow a lot.

I'm not allowed to leak some of the current work going on, but I am allowed to say; Don't quit on us just yet, the next few months look like they're going to be very exciting for this project.

[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]

Fireheart's picture
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warlocc wrote:
warlocc wrote:

Don't quit on us just yet, the next few months look like they're going to be very exciting for this project.

How could I quit? I've already got years and years invested.

Be Well!

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
Last seen: 2 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 09/20/2013 - 07:53


Quitting is for smokers.

>.> <.<

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Agent Capricorn
Agent Capricorn's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 10:09
I look forward to it (noting

I look forward to it (noting most of us are 5+ years in)

Cisco Certified - Long time PnP HERO - MSCE - Long time MMOer - Dripping Nerdom, nuff said

Steel's picture
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warlocc wrote:
warlocc wrote:

Don't quit on us just yet, the next few months look like they're going to be very exciting for this project.

As an eternal lurker here, I want you to know that I'm still looking forward to this game. I don't mind the wait (frankly because there's still COH to keep me plenty busy), as long as we're gettng a good game eventually. At this point I'm just waiting for a video showcasing gameplay.

Agent Capricorn
Agent Capricorn's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 10:09
Curious - how big is the team

Curious - how big is the team these days?

I have been watching this and its sister project pretty closely and I wonder how this project is weighed? I know earlier I cited that other games have got more public interaction - and while they seem to have functional mechanics (fighting/moving around and enemies) I found that they did not nearly have the volume of assets that this project seems to have at this point. I am not a game dev myself but I wonder if this project is merely slower to get "into the public light" because of the volume of content they want to release when they do so.

I mean walking around and about 60 powers available while impressive clearly stuff like missing animations or powers seeming to exist in the raw and like...6 chest options for characters in their character creator - its clear you guys have more art assets; so I am curious how many powers you guys got "functioning" at this point - I use those words because I realize balance and such are something else.

At this point the baseline for a game before we consider anything else should be..
"Can I make a character"
"can that character have design choices"
"can that character walk around in the world."
"can that character fight enemies."

If I put 25% on each of those things at this point I think I can safety say you guys are about 60% of the way there by virtue of the character creator (I don't know how far along powers and being able to choose them is; but you clearly got appearance options). Not sure if I am out of place for asking - but where would you guys say your at?

Cisco Certified - Long time PnP HERO - MSCE - Long time MMOer - Dripping Nerdom, nuff said

Dark Cleric
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Last seen: 14 hours 48 min ago
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Agent Capricorn wrote:
Agent Capricorn wrote:

At this point the baseline for a game before we consider anything else should be..
"Can I make a character"
"can that character have design choices"
"can that character walk around in the world."
"can that character fight enemies."

I imagine the current character creator is around 50% or more of what they plan on for launch...but that's just a guess. They'll never be 'done' with it since they hope to continue adding to it during the life of the game.
The last time they showed any sort of combat animations was April/May 2017; you can find videos on their youtube (Smooth Operator and a Developer Workshop: Powers). I'm not sure if they were placeholders or a first pass at the animations, but they were very basic. Who knows how much tweaking/polishing they've seen.
For walking around the world, I mean you can do that in the current pre-alpha you can buy. It's just an island, granted, but if your question is as simple as "can they walk around in the world" then yes, that has been done for some time. I believe the 'world' is not *too* far away from being done, a year or two maybe who knows. But the physics engine is there to run around, jump, fly, super jump, etc.
In the two youtube videos I mentioned there is combat...kind of. The enemies don't fight back in one of them and I'm sure the damage numbers were place holders...but there is combat. You could also argue that there really isn't combat yet since they still have tons of testing to do for the numbers as well as animation rigging and who knows what else that goes into combat.

I'm not a dev, these are just my thoughts.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

warlocc's picture
Last seen: 19 hours 5 min ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 16:38
I'll highlight this post

I'll highlight this post internally, see if we can get a dev to chime in and give you some real details.

We may not get one though, as our next planned update may actually answer a lot of those questions, and the decision may be to wait for when we can officially confirm things.

[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]

Agent Capricorn
Agent Capricorn's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 01/25/2015 - 10:09
Wow; no real need to go that

Wow; no real need to go that far - again I think it was more to high light the fact that you guys got better art going on then your sister project; so it was more a point of curiosity if you guys also have actual game-play usable. I mean I have a pretty basic understanding of the engine both teams are using; and while the sister project has gotten something more public exposure recently - I feel you guys have more actual content. I realize that getting that content functional as to not embarrass yourselves in important however.

Cisco Certified - Long time PnP HERO - MSCE - Long time MMOer - Dripping Nerdom, nuff said

Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 07/16/2015 - 21:16
Until three weeks ago, I was

Until three weeks ago, I was another player/backer eagerly waiting for new stuff on the game, and pointing out all the stuff that bugged me. Somehow, I fell through the looking-glass and I'm now one of the volunteers on the dev team. I asked if I could make a few non-spoiler-y comments on what I now see backstage here, behind the curtain.

First, there's a LOT going on back here. There's an amazing team working on a lot of different parts that are needed; it's a real privilege to work with them.

Second, when Warlocc and JWBullfrog tease that big stuff is coming; they're not just trying to pull you along. I've seen some of it, and it's very impressive. Hopefully it will be public soon. Some of what's in progress in the costumes and music can be seen over on Twitch. More, I can't say. Warcabbit has a Very Big Hammer....

Third, I was a systems architect on cutting-edge research projects for many years before I retired. I'm digging around in the code now, and I can tell that there's a lot of careful thought that's been put into the infrastructure, that no one will ever notice, unless it fails. Nothing ever works first time out of the box, but putting the thought into good design and worrying about scalability and maintainability long term is important, and I'm seeing it here in the code and overall system design.

Right now, I'm working on the Avatar Builder, fixing a lot of the issues that were bothering me as a player. I can say a little bit about what's going on there, since I've already talked about it over on the Discord server. Mostly I'm trying to make it so you can read back all the settings in the character and costume, and working with the UI designer trying to figure out ways to streamline the design process. For example, there's an abundance of choices in various places that are hard to navigate. We'd like to make that a lot easier and more intuitive.

Also, I'm killing some bugs I find along the way, and trying to harden the code, especially to future-proof it against technical issues that might arise as the game expands and evolves. I want this game to *work*! And continue to do so in the future. And that's the attitude I'm seeing in the rest of the team.

I want to be able to play, too.

-Walter (iathor on Discord)

[color=#ff0000]Tech Team [/color]

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
Wow, glad you've joined the

Wow, glad you've joined the team Walter/iathor! This sounds very positive, as it seems the AB UI really needs the kind of attention you're giving it.

Spurn all ye kindle.