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Landmark Update Page = ???

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Redlynne's picture
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Landmark Update Page = ???

[url=]City of Titans Landmarks[/url]

[url=]Landmark Update Page[/url]

Doctor Tyche wrote:

9 April 2015
As a Kickstarter backer, we are opening up a sneak peak to our Landmarks website. As we develop the various Mogul buildings, landmarks, etc, the artwork associated with them will be posted here for all to see. At the moment, as the site is not yet live, we have only Mischief's Ascent up, but over time expect it to grow.

Time ... passes?

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Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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When there is more than one

When there is more than one main landmark on a page, each should have a unique label.

title for main content area 1

.... main content area 1 ....


title for main content area 2

.... main content area 2 ....

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warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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Good find! Let's make this

Good find! Let's make this rise from the grave! Red Warlock's camping this week, but I bet he'll _love_ to show his stuff off.
There's so much you haven't seen since

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Dark Cleric
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Last seen: 1 day 5 hours ago
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What about the new website

What about the new website itself? Sept 2018 Any update on that?

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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Okay. That landmarks page was

Okay. That landmarks page was put together by a staffer who quit and nuked it. We've got a plan on how to replace it without too much extra effort.
More to come - but basically look at the top of the page. See where it says Titan City? We're going to improve on that.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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New Website! We've completely

New Website! We've completely updated the tech behind THIS one - cosmetically, it's not that much different, but the underlying software is more reliable and it now has the stuff in the menu sections...
And, well, this is the website that's got all our game-interface in it, it's completely new and it will be where you create your game account in, etc.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Dark Cleric
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

New Website! We've completely updated the tech behind THIS one - cosmetically, it's not that much different, but the underlying software is more reliable and it now has the stuff in the menu sections...
And, well, this is the website that's got all our game-interface in it, it's completely new and it will be where you create your game account in, etc.

When you say THIS that referring to the one we are on right now writing this forum? So the screenshot of that anouncement I linked is no longer a thing?

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
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It's still good concept art

It's still good concept art for when we add a colorful candy shell to the website. But the guts behind the pretty art are here and running.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Dark Cleric
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Last seen: 1 day 5 hours ago
Joined: 05/14/2018 - 12:26
There's nothing new in the

There's nothing new in the menu sections that hasn't been there for years, besides the link to the MWM store. It's an effort that was announced then quietly canned. Enough said i guess.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Airhead's picture
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Landmarks continue to be

Landmarks continue to be planned. It depends which area the landmark is going into. Mine is not in Alexandria but it's definitely coming up. Someone left, someone else took over and emails were exchanged. I look forward to seeing more from Red Warlock but not too much if it slows down the addition of districts. More of a "too much might be said" point of view. Still selfish just not passive-aggressive.

It's also good that the website has been upgraded behind the scenes. I'd put game dev ahead of making this thing look fancier but again, all about me.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

Red Warlock
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Hey there Airhead - I hope

Hey there Airhead - I hope you or anyone here feels free to contact me anytime via PM here if you have questions about city building or landmarks/moguls. I check my messages all the time.

Alexandria is very far along and I've finished my part of the work there (modeling and landscaping) and it's now with other teams who are working on server and other stuff that is outside my area of work. Now that there is no further work for me on Alexandria, I am working like crazy to get landmarks, moguls and landscape environment work done in Old Bradford and Downtown. Lots and lots of progress happening there.

As Cabbit mentioned above, we are working on a way to post our collection of completed landmarks and moguls. I've got a concept I'm working on that I think shouldn't tie me up too much from building stuff and we should be sharing that work with you all soon.

Lots of work happening - Just want you all to know, we are working hard and things are happening.


[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Grimfox's picture
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If I understand correctly

If I understand correctly Alexandria is being prepped for addition to game world. It is structurally complete, but they need to add stuff like car/ped paths, spawn points, etc.? Any chance we can get a tour, walk/fly through?

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Red Warlock
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

If I understand correctly Alexandria is being prepped for addition to game world. It is structurally complete, but they need to add stuff like car/ped paths, spawn points, etc.? Any chance we can get a tour, walk/fly through?

So we did a video a while ago that captured some of what you are asking for:

The challenge with video is it takes someone with video editing skills to make it look right. If I video, for instance, I can show you angles of the environment and buildings but it will look very choppy and unprofessional if I move far through the terrain or quickly with it. This is because while I know how to build all of our models, I don’t know video editing to make it look smooth or professional. It’s a skill. (We had a video editor who helped us with that last video - He just became a dad and is a little preoccupied with other stuff at the moment.)

That said, what we are working on is a comprehensive look at our completed landmarks and moguls with some video included, but just brief video looks at some of the city architecture that we can do without needing a video editor. We plan on making these updates to our current website so newcomers can see the work we have done on Alexandria, and soon we will include Old Bradford and Downtown as well.

We will have more to share with you on this soon - we are working on it now. We will keep you posted.

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

DesViper's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

There's nothing new in the menu sections that hasn't been there for years, besides the link to the MWM store. It's an effort that was announced then quietly canned. Enough said i guess.

Actually the Patch Notes, Power Customization, and Costume Customization were added recently-ish :)

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Red Warlock
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Hey all - just wanted to

Hey all - just wanted to follow-up that we are still working on our website section with information on landmarks and moguls that have been completed and are ready for the game. That section will be posted on our website soon. We have been a little distracted these last couple weeks as our dev team has been working on getting the patch out that is discussed in today's update here:

If you look at some of the pics in today's update, you will actually see pictures of many of the Old Bradford and Downtown landmarks and moguls that we will be discussing in the coming weeks... I'll make sure and report back here when we are ready to share more info on those landmarks and moguls.

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Foradain's picture
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Well, that answered one

Well, that answered one question I had on the Update. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Red Warlock
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Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Hey everyone,

Hey everyone,

So this discussion thread initiated some of the work that you can see in our update today. I hope everyone had a chance to look at this new page on our website:

This is a portal for information on city district development with information on six neighborhoods - Alexandria, Old Bradford, Downtown, Victory Beach, Northeastern Research District and Aurora. We are sharing information on these six districts because they are the earliest districts we plan to have complete. You will notice when you click on any of these district pages that they have lists of landmarks and moguls. The landmarks and moguls are either completed or listed as 'in development'. We will keep updating these pages, moving moguls from 'in development' to 'complete' so that you will be able to see the progress as they move forward.

We also have lots of content to share with you about our completed landmarks and moguls that will be posted in the next few days. In Alexandria and Old Bradford, all of the landmarks and moguls are complete. In Downtown, about 2/3s of them are complete. For each of the completed landmarks/moguls we will be posting pages that are linked to their district page with pictures and descriptions of the lore for that landmark / mogul. (Moguls will obviously have less text lore because we have received brief descriptions for moguls, but as mogul contributors see their pages, they may want to share with us more lore text they will want to use ultimately for their plaque in the game).

In the coming months as we continue to finish landmarks and moguls in the game in Victory Beach, NRD and Aurora, we will be posting pages for them via this section of our website. And we also plan to add other sections of the city that will follow as we make progress, such as Rhinehart Park, the next district slated for development after Aurora.

If anyone has any questions about development of the city, landmarks or moguls, feel free to contact me and I'd be happy to help.

Happy New Year everyone!

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Red Warlock
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Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Hi everyone. I think most of

Hi everyone. I think most of those following here saw we sent an email out a month ago to CoT backers (KS and Second Chance) that has a lot of information about Titan City neighborhood construction and planning for future development. If you are a backer and didn't receive the email, feel free to PM me and I can make sure our admin has your correct email information. Here is a link to that email which has a big update on landmarks and moguls:

We also sent an email out last week to CoT backers with a roundup of recent CoT updates, and information about Titan City. This email contained lots of details about the Old Bradford neighborhood, for people who are interested. If you missed the email, here is a weblink:

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39
I watched it several times,

I watched it several times, but I just can't see what's going on with the Synphony Hall Fountains in the 480p video. Here's the link you gave us:


Also, one of the things I noticed about most of the landmarks is the neon lighting. It seems as if every building has a big bright neon light with its name on it. It seems a bit gauche. I think a quick survey of tasteful architectural signage reveals that back-lit letters or laterally-lit shingles are the most-adopted methods. And it wouldn't be an American city without the ubiquitous translucent internally-lit signs common to most strip malls and fast-food restaurants. In my opinion, neon should be used sparingly and intentionally, not as a default.

This post is a bit of a negative one, and I apologize for that. It does appear as if the city is being hand-crafted. And it does appear that it is going to be ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS. And for that, I tip my hat to the devs. I really can't wait to go romp around in it.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Red Warlock
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

I watched it several times, but I just can't see what's going on with the Synphony Hall Fountains in the 480p video... In my opinion, neon should be used sparingly and intentionally, not as a default.

The symphony fountains are pretty simple, just having water rushing down them from the top of the fountains to the bottom area where the rocks are...

And about neon, it definitely is used sparingly on buildings that we think would make sense to have neon... but it's not a regular feature, mostly for special building signs...

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]

Greyhawke's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 days ago
Joined: 11/14/2013 - 20:58
Would love to see a list of

Would love to see a list of Moguls with district locations and percent complete. Even if it is 0% I would just feel more comfortable seeing ours on the list rather than wondering.

Lothic's picture
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Greyhawke wrote:
Greyhawke wrote:

Would love to see a list of Moguls with district locations and percent complete. Even if it is 0% I would just feel more comfortable seeing ours on the list rather than wondering.

The Devs have already released a good deal of information about the Moguls. If you check at the top of this forum under the "Titan City" pull-down menu you'll see many of the Moguls listed by city location and even some indication of how many are done.

I have a Mogul in this game which was worked on by Red_Warlock. I honestly don't know if it's "done" but the outside of the building looks mostly complete at this point.

Several years ago the Devs mentioned that there are about 95 Moguls in the game and that they are sprinkled all around the city. If your Mogul was placed in one of the city districts that's already been created then your Mogul has likely at least been worked on already. But if they decided to place your Mogul in a city district that is scheduled to be created later then your Mogul might not been done yet.

If you haven't seen your Mogul listed yet then you might want to message Red_Warlock about it. I think he's the one "in-charge" of working on them. Good luck.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Red Warlock
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Greyhawke wrote:
Greyhawke wrote:

Would love to see a list of Moguls with district locations and percent complete. Even if it is 0% I would just feel more comfortable seeing ours on the list rather than wondering.

Sure - These are a list of the names of built moguls:

1. Labyrinth Natural History Museum (Alexandria)
2. New Pantheon (Alexandria)
3. “Black Star Tower Memorial” (Old Bradford)
4. Submarine Museum (Old Bradford)
5. The Naught-E EST. Corner (Old Bradford)
6. Body Canvas (Old Bradford)
7. B.L.O.K. Comics (Old Bradford)
8. Miskatonic University (Old Bradford)
9. Blue Battletower (Old Bradford)
10. Sapphire's (Old Bradford)
11. Vixens Incorporated (Old Bradford)
12. Hippocrene Towers (Old Bradford)
13. Wicked's Reprieve (Old Bradford)
14. Fury Inc. Private Security (Old Bradford)
15. The Timetable (Old Bradford)
16. Cosmic Exploration Technologies INC (Old Bradford)
17. All Critters Micro and Mega Veterinary Service (ACMAM) (Old Bradford)
18. Vrghr King (Old Bradford)
19. Mischief's Floating Gardens (Old Bradford)
20. Madame Meagor's Museum of the Macabre (Old Bradford)
21. Argus Enterprises (Old Bradford)
22. The Aegis Club (Old Bradford)
23. Dante Tower (Old Bradford)
24. Sky Drop (Old Bradford)
25. Drake Tower (Old Bradford)
26. Ciela Tower (Old Bradford)
27. Cemetery (Old Bradford)
28. NAN Embassy (Old Bradford)
29. The Last Stroke Building (Downtown)
30. "The Simpson Center" (Downtown)
31. Van Der Kirk Tower (Downtown)
32. AndTeam Tower (Downtown)
33. LaTuse International (Downtown)
34. The McKendrick Building (Downtown)
35. Thorman Tower (Downtown)
36. Prometheus Plaza (Downtown)
37. Kaya Corporation (Downtown)
38. Truitt Tower (Downtown)
39. Skyspire (Downtown)
40. Monument Plaza (Downtown)
41. Major's Tower (Downtown)
42. Saint James' Cathedral of Titan City (Downtown)
43. Poseidon Square (Downtown)
44. the "de Sang Building" (Downtown)
45. Hotel Tethys (Downtown)
46. Fiero Tower (Downtown)
47. Waterford-Johnson Enterprises (Downtown)
48. Timberwolf Retreat (Rhineheart Park)

These are a list of the names of moguls that still need to be built:

49. One Avatar Plaza (Downtown)
50. Gallowglass Enterprises (NRD)
51. Xanadu (NRD)
52. Phoenix Rising Memorial Plaza (NRD)
53. Sonnenfeld Technologies (NRD)
54. The Titan City Radio Station (DSAW) (NRD)
55. The Kiyo Ano Tower (NRD)
56. Morgan Center (NRD)
57. LINC Tech - Lancaster Inc. Technologies (NRD)
58. Rezelius Dynamics (NRD)
59. "Future Fusion" (NRD)
60. Tantalus Corporation (NRD)
61. Plasma Tower (NRD)
62. Riverhaven (NRD)
63. Siluna Inc.(NRD)
64. Bayern Industries (NRD)
65. COLBRO Station (NRD)
66. Opdyke House Studios (Aurora)
67. "Juvie Hall" (Aurora)
68. Arvida International (Aurora)
69. The Cathedral of St Raphael (Aurora)
70. The Sanctuary (Aurora)
71. Earthguard Towers (Aurora)
72. Darkhaven Manor (Aurora)
73. "Jade, Tempest, and Infinitus Global Securities (Aurora)
74. Ann Arbor Abbey (Rhineheart Park)
75. "The Peridot" (Rhineheart Park)
76. The Coeus Institute (Rhineheart Park)
77. Sword of Light Abbey (Rhineheart Park)
78. The Cloven Oak (Hollybriar)
79. The Dragon DoJo (Lotus Hills)
80. Goibhniu's Forge (Weston)
81. USS Erik S Kristensen (Liberty Harbor)

Several mogul contributors have not named their moguls and are not included in this list. If your mogul was named and you don't see it on this list, please send me a PM so we can figure that out.

More than half of all the requested moguls have been built. They have been constructed as each of the neighborhoods have been built. We are halfway through building the launch neighborhoods and you can see by the list that we placed most of our moguls in early-development neighborhoods. Alexandria and Old Bradford have all their moguls built. Downtown has all but one of its moguls built. NRD is our upcoming neighborhood to be built and those moguls will be built next, followed by Aurora, Rhinehardt Park and the others. Construction on neighborhoods is happening much more quickly than when we began, as we have lots of building stock to work with now and we have gotten better and faster at building.

Regarding your '% complete" question - I'd say that the 'built' moguls are 95% complete. They just need some finishing work on things like their entrance ways, or landscaping around the buildings. Most of the buildings that remain to be built are 0-5% complete. Only a few of those unbuilt moguls are at 5% because some of them have had some concept work done for the moguls, but the actual building hasn't started yet. The rest are at 0%.

In the coming months, NRD and Aurora are going to be a focus for building, so if you have a mogul in those districts, we should be contacting you about them soon.

If anyone has a question about their mogul, please feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to respond.

[color=#ff0000]Environmental Artist, PR Editor[/color]