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Open World Enemy Spawning

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Cinnder's picture
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Open World Enemy Spawning

Will CoT have an open world spawning system similar to that of the old game (aside from a couple post-Freedom areas of AP), where enemies don't respawn on top of you (or even within eyesight) and when you come out of a mission door the area is clear unless some other player is already fighting there? I really love that about the old game.

Spurn all ye kindle.

DesViper's picture
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I'd assume the spawning

I'd assume the spawning system will do better than "baddies appear out of nowhere, except mission exits", but I'll check with tech team :)

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Radiac's picture
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One thing that Guild Wars 2

One thing that Guild Wars 2 and Destiny 2 have in spades that CoX didn't really do that much is small outdoor events that fire off at regular, frequent intervals. Whether or not CoT has that kind if stuff, it would be nice to give players a reason to fight mobs in the outdoor areas, at some point, in some way, for some amount of time. And I personally am only going to do that if there's a "prompt" to do so. Either some kind of Weekly Strike Target type thing that tells players "now is the time to street sweep, if you're inclined to do so ever", or daily rewards from NPCs type things, etc. The nice thing about outdoor street sweeping, is that you get more casual PUGs forming and more players in the outdoor areas which makes the game feel full and well populated.

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Tannim222's picture
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The game play team has

The game play team has actually discussed this.
We have plans but I don’t know where they align with our launch scope yet. I know the Comp team wants world map events of various types as well.

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Redlynne's picture
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Radiac wrote:
Radiac wrote:

And I personally am only going to do that if there's a "prompt" to do so.

Badges will work for that.

Instead of being (merely) "Defeat X number of Y" you can instead change that to "Defeat X number of Y during Z events" instead to encourage street sweeping like that, where the Z events are popups in the open world. You can even take things one step further by having Z events caused/spawned by just randomization but also by Players doing deliberate things (such as Newspaper/Radio missions) ... kind of like how Rikti Raids on zones could happen randomly, but completing a Lady Grey Task Force would also spawn Rikti Raid events on random zones also.

After that, it's just a matter of the Composition Team writing up enough of those events to be able to scatter them around sufficiently that if you want to street sweep for them ... you can.

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Cinnder's picture
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The game play team has actually discussed this.
We have plans but I don’t know where they align with our launch scope yet. I know the Comp team wants world map events of various types as well.

Hiya Tannim: Is this a response to my question or to Radiac's tangent?

Spurn all ye kindle.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
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"Arrest" X Hellions during

"Arrest" X Hellions during the Apartment Fire event(s)?

I enjoyed that, except for the 'Backdraft' at the end.

Be Well!

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

"Arrest" X Hellions during the Apartment Fire event(s)?

I enjoyed that, except for the 'Backdraft' at the end.

Be Well!

AFK, going to watch Backdraft now.

Cooltastic's picture
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2 open world events I would

2 open world events I would like to see are...

Buildings on fire that are set up so that certain powers can extinguish the fire's. Not every hero is capable of extinguishing a burning building. So those that can't can instead go inside and rescue people or get a tip from the fire chief to track down an arsonist/fire wielding villain.

The other is the old hero trope of rescuing a cat from a tree. But I'd like to see this done in a way that also works with your selected powerset. Super strong heroes can rip the tree out of the ground and point the top of the tree down to the ground so the cat can jump off safely and then they stick the tree back in the ground the way it was. Gadget heroes can use something like a suction cup gun to pull the cat down, or a mini teleporter device. There could be an achievement and title associated with rescuing so many cats.

Tannim222's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The game play team has actually discussed this.
We have plans but I don’t know where they align with our launch scope yet. I know the Comp team wants world map events of various types as well.

Hiya Tannim: Is this a response to my question or to Radiac's tangent?

It was a direct reply to Radiac. I should have quoted so it was clear.

However, we are aware of the need to be aware of world spawn points and mission doors.

Now the “within eyesight” statement, I assume you were referring to pawn perception range and not player character perception range. In which case, the same principle applies, where we (in general) don’t want spawns triggering on you when you exit a mission.

I say in general because you never know where there may be an exception to the rule, but such exceptions (in my mind) would be notable within the game so as to prepare the player.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:
Cinnder wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

The game play team has actually discussed this.
We have plans but I don’t know where they align with our launch scope yet. I know the Comp team wants world map events of various types as well.

Hiya Tannim: Is this a response to my question or to Radiac's tangent?

It was a direct reply to Radiac. I should have quoted so it was clear.

However, we are aware of the need to be aware of world spawn points and mission doors.

Now the “within eyesight” statement, I assume you were referring to pawn perception range and not player character perception range. In which case, the same principle applies, where we (in general) don’t want spawns triggering on you when you exit a mission.

I say in general because you never know where there may be an exception to the rule, but such exceptions (in my mind) would be notable within the game so as to prepare the player.

Thanks for the reply, Tannim.

My eyesight comment was in reference to the player character's pov. In the old game (with the notable post-Freedom exception of certain isolated areas in AP) enemies -- from minions to GMs -- didn't/don't spawn near player characters, or even within the area a player can currently see on the screen. If you clear a street corner and then stand there, new enemies won't appear on top of you or anywhere you can see. I still can't figure out quite how they do this. They might come out of mission-type doors just round the corner or something.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Fireheart's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

My eyesight comment was in reference to the player character's pov. In the old game (with the notable post-Freedom exception of certain isolated areas in AP) enemies -- from minions to GMs -- didn't/don't spawn near player characters, or even within the area a player can currently see on the screen. If you clear a street corner and then stand there, new enemies won't appear on top of you or anywhere you can see. I still can't figure out quite how they do this. They might come out of mission-type doors just around the corner or something.

The only time I really worried about enemy spawning was when some Other, Higher-Level character, 'Escaped' his enemy ambush and then the mobs intended to hurt that character murdered ME! I recall a squad of L35 Council coming out of a door in Kings Row and my only surviving by Sprinting for the train station, where the guard-bots lasered them.

Be Well!

Grimfox's picture
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With regards to the HIGHLY

With regards to the HIGHLY relatable story FH told. I think it would be pretty easy to tweak the AI of spawns to only be interested in a windowed level range based on the story arc that spawned them. Or if aggroed. IE if it's a level 30 mission, the spawn would target first the quest owner, and any level 25+ players in the way. That way the level 7 doesn't get curb-stomped, without first trying to kick that level 30 spawn in the nuts first.

Wouldn't want to have that AI everywhere, otherwise level 7s would be running all over clicking the glowies and making faces at the B*-A*-Baddies. Or waltzing into the warzone to grab the heavily defended loots before they can handle the loots.

Just out of curiosity. How close are you guys to dynamically spawning NPCs? Baddies? Civies? Doggos? WIth the last one being the most important, obvs.

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Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 29 min ago
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I like the idea of spawning

I like the idea of spawning out of mission doors and then running to their designated world location. The entire time they are running, they will not aggro but are still viable targets.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.