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Darth Fez
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In my short time perusing this site I didn't stumble across anything about in-game organizations. Has there been any word or discussion about these?

To provide an overview of what spurred the question, I was never a fan of the Freedom Phalanx / Arachnos dynamic in CoH. On the hero side, it always gave me the impression that everyone else is a second stringer to the 'real' heroes. For the villains, I never bought into the idea that one big villain organization was the driving force behind all the major evil and caused dissonance when I told myself, "Well, [i]my[/i] villain isn't with Arachnos!" and then promptly run off to get a mission from an Arachnos contact (with all due respect to Mongoose).

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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DeathSheepFromHell's picture
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Discussion: plenty, and

Discussion: plenty, and ongoing.
Published: not yet.
Planned for publication: you'll have to wait for Lore/Composition to answer that one.

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Darth Fez
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Coo'. Thanks for the response

Coo'. Thanks for the response.

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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When COV came out i thought

When COV came out i thought it was cool having the different factions and when going rogue came out i had a thought. Wouldn't it be cool if when you have enough "reputation" with a faction they would no longer "aggro" and be neutral. That was just one thought of many and mostly would work.for.villains. i would gather for heroes it would be more like if you were trying to infiltrate an organization and you were "undercover" that logic would work. Theres alot that coulf go onto having factions and organizations, i hope that will be apossibility

Darth Fez
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Being able to increase your standing with the likes of Longbow and Wyvern, and gain access to missions, story arcs, costume pieces, etc. from those organization would be neat. Heck, I was thinking it would be awesome if each organization had its own story a player could work through, similar to how they have class stories in TOR.

Additional thought: perhaps limit with how many organizations a single character can have that level of commitment, thus effectively increasing the amount of available content for alts.

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Warpact's picture
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IPO wrote:
IPO wrote:

When COV came out i thought it was cool having the different factions and when going rogue came out i had a thought. Wouldn't it be cool if when you have enough "reputation" with a faction they would no longer "aggro" and be neutral. That was just one thought of many and mostly would work.for.villains. i would gather for heroes it would be more like if you were trying to infiltrate an organization and you were "undercover" that logic would work. Theres alot that coulf go onto having factions and organizations, i hope that will be apossibility

I too would like to see this, sorta give the game a more real feeling. If you did a few mishes vs the 5th Column then they would throw everything they had against you via your reputation with them, while helping Arachnos against DE they would remember and maybe help you out in a tight spot.
I think a reputation scale would be good and add some real flavor for the game.

My villain, my hero you mean. I always think of my murderers as my heroes.

snate56's picture
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Or perhaps "favors".

Or perhaps "favors".
When in dire straights, you could call in a favor. In some cases you might not know who'll show up!



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

Or perhaps "favors".
When in dire straights, you could call in a favor. In some cases you might not know who'll show up!

That's a cool idea too, I had always liked the temp power to call in "backup" in cov where an arachmos guy would help you.

Zombie Man
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As a spiritual successor to

As a spiritual successor to CoH, we're strongly inclined to re-create the moral poles with something in between and to even extend that with reputation among factions.

Of course, that is, at this point, just pie-in-the-sky spitballing. To make something like that happen would require prioritizing it high enough that it is actually attempted, then seeing how well our coders and writers can make it real and entertaining, and our testers reporting it's working as planned. So, we're inclined, but can make no commitments at this point, though, I can be pretty sure that moral 'sides' would be a higher priority than factional reputation.

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snate56's picture
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What about making enemies?

What about making enemies? What if you pissed off Dr. Bastard and now he's sending minions to periodically ambush you?
CoH had that at during certain missions; like when you were to go out and hunt T'soo for Serge.



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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Zombie Man wrote:
Zombie Man wrote:

As a spiritual successor to CoH, we're strongly inclined to re-create the moral poles with something in between and to even extend that with reputation among factions.
Of course, that is, at this point, just pie-in-the-sky spitballing. To make something like that happen would require prioritizing it high enough that it is actually attempted, then seeing how well our coders and writers can make it real and entertaining, and our testers reporting it's working as planned. So, we're inclined, but can make no commitments at this point, though, I can be pretty sure that moral 'sides' would be a higher priority than factional reputation.

Take a look at the faction/Corp standings mechanism from Eve Online. It certainly isnt a new mechanism.


1) I reject your reality.... and substitute my own
2) Not to be used when upset... will void warranty
3) Stoke me a clipper i will be back for dinner
4) I have seen more intelligence from an NPC AI in TR beta, than from most MMO players.

WingofFreedom's picture
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I remember getting the

I remember getting the Arachnos temporary costume 'power'. When you used it the Arachnos agents didn't attack you as if youi were really part of their organization. I used that instance to pretend that my toon had actually infiltrated Arachnos. Maybe we could have more of something like that? Not a matter of getting in by faction, but if you knock off an officer and steal his uniform..... Indiana Jones did that with the Nazi's in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and The Last Crusade.

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snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

What about making enemies? What if you pissed off Dr. Bastard and now he's sending minions to periodically ambush you?
CoH had that at during certain missions; like when you were to go out and hunt T'soo for Serge.

Ok - I've only played CoH - but if one of those other games hasn't used Dr. Bastard, I think City of Titans should. A lovely, trite, cliche name for a bad guy.

Lord Nightmare
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^ totally this. And if you

^ totally this. And if you can get permission from Spoony, Dr. Insano would be awesome as well.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

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snate56's picture
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Alright, then I get dibs!!!

Alright, then I get dibs!!!


(filter probably won't allow name anyway...)


"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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Ukase wrote:
Ukase wrote:

snate56 wrote:
What about making enemies? What if you pissed off Dr. Bastard and now he's sending minions to periodically ambush you?
CoH had that at during certain missions; like when you were to go out and hunt T'soo for Serge.

Ok - I've only played CoH - but if one of those other games hasn't used Dr. Bastard, I think City of Titans should. A lovely, trite, cliche name for a bad guy.

I don't remember a Dr Bastard, I remember Alan B'stard in a TV series and a LARP antipaladin called el bastardo which is another cool name for a villain.

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Gladatoria's picture
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Any organizations akin to

Any organizations akin to Longbow and Arachnos in COT by any chance...?


snate56's picture
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I had a CoV toon named Rat

I had a CoV toon named Rat Bastrd because they wouldn't let me have bastard...



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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Ukase wrote:
Ukase wrote:

snate56 wrote:
What about making enemies? What if you pissed off Dr. Bastard and now he's sending minions to periodically ambush you?
CoH had that at during certain missions; like when you were to go out and hunt T'soo for Serge.

Ok - I've only played CoH - but if one of those other games hasn't used Dr. Bastard, I think City of Titans should. A lovely, trite, cliche name for a bad guy.

I second that!

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Darth Fez
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Might as well resurrect one

Might as well resurrect one of my own threads.

An additional wish I have is for organizations to create temporary alliances or engage in open/direct conflict. Big bonus points if these can have an impact on a character's standing with the affected organizations (assuming some form of "faction reputation" will be a thing).

For example, the Oxford Commas and the Grammar Nazis get into a tiff. Helping the Oxford Commas to a certain extent, or beyond, will earn a particular, non-exclusive badge. Difficulty: the character is aligned with the Grammar Nazis. Helping the OCs will earn the character the badge, but will reduce - or even wipe out - all good standing with the GN. Now, this is a non-exclusive badge. It may be available again in an event (or story arc) next month, or in three months, or perhaps even six months from now. Basically, the risk versus reward is betraying allegiances now, which may take weeks to rebuild, or waiting for a better chance to obtain that badge, which may not be available for months.

Are there better ways to approach the risk versus reward aspect? Should a character be required to have a minimum reputation in order to help out one side or the other? (E.g. In WoW it used to be the case that a PC had to have at least a Neutral or Good reputation with a faction to be able to so much as talk to them.)

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[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

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Plexius's picture
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Darth Fez wrote:
Darth Fez wrote:

For example, the Oxford Commas and the Grammar Nazis get into a tiff.

The Grammar Nazis wouldn't stand a chance. The Oxford Commas would challenge, defeat, and humiliate them. I'm sure the Split Infinitives would also be able to easily crush them.

But seriously...

Darth Fez wrote:

Are there better ways to approach the risk versus reward aspect? Should a character be required to have a minimum reputation in order to help out one side or the other? (E.g. In WoW it used to be the case that a PC had to have at least a Neutral or Good reputation with a faction to be able to so much as talk to them.)

I don't really have any suggestions here, but I do think the kind of situation you described could be interesting if there were consequences involved. CoX had few parallels to this; only in Praetoria did faction-related actions carry any weight. I could see players with strong reasons for their allegiance being hesitant to defect while badge hunters might not bat an eye. Players in both camps would face quite the dilemma!

At the very least, I can say that I support faction-based reputation in general, and I don't think it would be unfair for some factions to be mutually exclusive. Should some contacts refuse to work with you if your reputation is low? Sure. However, if two factions were desperate for help during a major event, it could be a good opportunity for players to hop the fence if either side were willing to conscript them.