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CoH Character Creator : Will City of Titans do better?

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Ysangard's picture
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CoH Character Creator : Will City of Titans do better?

Hi Everyone.
Your French Teammate is still here !! I'm going to make some english videos about City of Titans addition to the french videos I regularly make. (I'm not english fluent so I'll hope you'll be kind to me...)

However, waiting for more informations about City of Titans, I wanted to share with you the last video I made.

[b]It's about the Amazing Characters Creator of City of Heroes, and I made some famous Characters (Marvel, DC Comics, Sailor Moon, Street Fighter...)[/b]

Clearly, the CC was wonderful and I pretty sure that City of Titans is going to surpass it, by far !!!

Well, enjoy this video, leave a comment and SUSCRIBE to support me and to watch the futur english videos. (Thanks!)


And feel free to share your personal toons and famous characters on City of Heroes... I will love it for sure.

Ysangard's picture
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Here is my personal new toon

Here is my personal new toon in CoH :


Dark Cleric
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This is not the website you

This is not the website you're looking for.

You don't want to show us CoH stills. You want to go home and rethink your post.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Ysangard's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

This is not the website you're looking for.

You don't want to show us CoH stills. You want to go home and rethink your post.

I'm not sure to understand what you mean Dark Cleric...

DesViper's picture
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He's saying this is City of

He's saying this is City of Titans not City of Heroes, so CoH might be a bit off-topic.

Falls vaguely under "media sharing" enough for me not to mind.

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Dark Cleric
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I hope the Star Wars subtone

I hope the Star Wars subtone came through enough to show I wasnt trying to be snide or anything like that. But with Homecoming, i dont feel that another thread dedicated to CoH is appropriate since it is now a direct 'threat' to CoT, IMO.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Ysangard's picture
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Ok... very pleasant.

Ok... very pleasant.
It was a way to share about CoH's souvenir, waiting for City of Titans... And kind of way to talk about our expectation about the whole CoT's CC. But clearly, there is no share here... sorry for the inconvenience.

And of course it was a way to talk about my Youtube Media cause I talk about (and almost ONLY about) City of french, and I am preparing some english videos.

Sorry If it's not the good place for it.
I'm still a fervent admirer of all the good work MWM dev team is doing. And in my mind, there is no threat between Homecoming CoH, an outdating game with no more update possible since 2012, and City of Titans, a really promising game...

BigWig's picture
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Appropriate or not, I liked

Appropriate or not, I liked your video. It was fun to watch. Makes me want CoT more than ever! Thank you.

Ysangard's picture
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BigWig wrote:
BigWig wrote:

Appropriate or not, I liked your video. It was fun to watch. Makes me want CoT more than ever! Thank you.

Thank you. I will make another one with CoT'ss CC for sure.

Cobalt Azurean
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Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:

Hi Everyone.
Your French Teammate is still here !! I'm going to make some english videos about City of Titans addition to the french videos I regularly make. (I'm not english fluent so I'll hope you'll be kind to me...)

However, waiting for more informations about City of Titans, I wanted to share with you the last video I made.

[b]It's about the Amazing Characters Creator of City of Heroes, and I made some famous Characters (Marvel, DC Comics, Sailor Moon, Street Fighter...)[/b]

Clearly, the CC was wonderful and I pretty sure that City of Titans is going to surpass it, by far !!!

Well, enjoy this video, leave a comment and SUSCRIBE to support me and to watch the futur english videos. (Thanks!)


And feel free to share your personal toons and famous characters on City of Heroes... I will love it for sure.

I have made many homage toons over the years, so I really enjoy seeing posts such as this. Let me share a few.

Ysangard's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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I love your toons Cobalt

I love your toons Cobalt Azurean !
There is so much possilities to recreate some famous characters !

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:

I love your toons Cobalt Azurean !
There is so much possilities to recreate some famous characters !

Thanks! I was particularly proud of Kratos, and I even named the character Blatant Knockoff until I found myself enjoying Dual Blades quite a bit more than I had the first time around. I eventually named him to one of my many Cobalts and added him to the character canon.

whiteperegrine's picture
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regarding the question of

regarding the question of whether CoT will have a better Character Creator than CoH? I want to say yes but only time will tell. The biggest caveat I would add is try to compare CoT to CoH at their beginnings NOT CoT vs how the CoH CC is now.


DesViper's picture
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I think we've already

I think we've [url=]already demonstrated[/url] that we beat day 1 City of Heroes ;)

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whiteperegrine wrote:
whiteperegrine wrote:

regarding the question of whether CoT will have a better Character Creator than CoH? I want to say yes but only time will tell. The biggest caveat I would add is try to compare CoT to CoH at their beginnings NOT CoT vs how the CoH CC is now.

Making that distinction is going to be very difficult for a lot of people. It's probably going to be our biggest hurdle.
I don't know if anyone followed, and/or still follows SWTOR, but they had the same problem. Right now they compare to most other MMO's. When they launched, they didn't and it cost them a lot of players. They never really recovered from that.

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Ysangard's picture
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Yes, I think you're right

Yes, I think you're right Warlocc.
CoT's CC beat CoH's CC technically. There is a huge more possibilities to customize the full body of our character...however, if there is not enough costumes pieces to custom, people will automatically compare to CoH and CoT will not beat it anymore... (at the begining, it will be THE biggest hurdle).

DesViper's picture
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Low key, 80% of the options

Low key, 80% of the options in CoH were crap :p

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ArtStrong's picture
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I am working my butt off to

I am working my butt off to make as many pieces as i can before Issue #0 Something interesting to note, I have only shown a fraction of what i have made in my Behind The Curtain EPs ;) we'll have lots.

[color=red]Art Director, Lead 3D Artist[/color]

Ysangard's picture
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I'm pretty confident about

I'm pretty confident about City of Titans and all the good work MWM's team is creating.

MeSoSollyWan's picture
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darnstrong wrote:
darnstrong wrote:

I am working my butt off to make as many pieces as i can before Issue #0 Something interesting to note, I have only shown a fraction of what i have made in my Behind The Curtain EPs ;) we'll have lots.

While I appreciate your work and the small details you give in BTC, this is a deceptive statement.

If 75% is what percentage you showed off, that's a fraction of 100% of what's in Issue 0.

Showing off 1% of what is in Issue 0 is a fraction as well.

In addition to all of this, you could had shown 99% of what's in Issue 0, and that would still accurately be a "fraction of" the final Issue 0 options. That fraction would be 99/100.

I'm not trying to discount your work, at all, I'm just trying to show you how using language like that with this information starved community is deceptive and can be misleading. And that's not a good thing.

Hopefully this feedback could prove useful to the MWM team.

Wolfgang8565's picture
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You might be over-analyzing

You might be over-analyzing his comment. I don't think he meant to be "deceptive" as you stated.

I'm not involved in costume options, but I would assume that there is no real way of giving a percentage because there is not an X amount of something that needs to be made. I know we are pushing the tagline with, "Make Anyone" so you can assume that we want to have as many of each costume piece as possible and then some.

Anyone involved in this area could possibly give you a better answer, this was just my personal opinion.


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MeSoSollyWan's picture
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I mean, I'll definitely

I mean, I'll definitely accept that my comment could seem like I'm over-analyzing. I won't argue that.

I, also, still think it's important for MWM to be clear with the messages you're sending in this remarkably quiet time, to avoid misconceptions.

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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

I mean, I'll definitely accept that my comment could seem like I'm over-analyzing. I won't argue that.

I, also, still think it's important for MWM to be clear with the messages you're sending in this remarkably quiet time, to avoid misconceptions.

Of course! I definitely agree with that.


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Dark Cleric
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Foolish Mortal
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My experience with Character

My experience with Character creators is very limited. I have played COH/COV Star Wars the Old Republic and Elder Scrolls On line. By Far City of Heroes had the best character creator and it was not even close.
My fondest memories of COH were creating the the costumes coming up with a name and heading to the tutorial zone to level a bit. Sure they added outfits later that you could purchase but in the beginning you could still be unique.

Star wars had stock outfits you could craft some junk colors using crystals orange and white..."Yay." But you would have to buy lootboxes for a 'chance' to win colors and even then it was good for that outfit only unless you paid a premium to have it across all of your characters? And that may not even be true.

Elder scrolls, was the all time worst. Everyone looked the same and in order to change colors you had to complete a quest. That was within the first two or three updates. When I learned that I left and never went back.

For me personally, I want to create something that is my own. If your character creater is close to COH it will be a huge leap 'backward' in the right direction.

DesViper's picture
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Also of course there'll be

Also of course there'll be more and more options as the game progresses.

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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

I mean, I'll definitely accept that my comment could seem like I'm over-analyzing. I won't argue that.

I, also, still think it's important for MWM to be clear with the messages you're sending in this remarkably quiet time, to avoid misconceptions.

Dark Cleric wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

NDA won't allow me to say what I'd like to say to this stuff.
If I'm not wrong, this week's update is going to be a more technical one, which should help show why we're quiet- the guys that give us the content for the updates have been so busy, they're forgetting to give us content.

[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]

DesViper's picture
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(No subject)


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Ysangard's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

Clearly, you're not the only one.
Since the updates about Landmarks and Moguls (the last one was 2 month ago), there are no big updates... But I can bet that the Devs are working a lot on issue 0 and it's a hard work for sure. We have to wait patiently and this time again, I feel pretty confident about MWM's team !

Dark Cleric
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Ysangard wrote:
Ysangard wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

Clearly, you're not the only one.
Since the updates about Landmarks and Moguls (the last one was 2 month ago), there are no big updates... But I can bet that the Devs are working a lot on issue 0 and it's a hard work for sure. We have to wait patiently and this time again, I feel pretty confident about MWM's team !

The forums have been rather quiet in comparison from both the devs and fans compared to this time last year. That's the point.

And I bet the devs ARE working towards Issue 0 as well...but that doesn't tell us anything new We've felt 'close' before...

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Cinnder's picture
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I can't speak for the devs,

I can't speak for the devs, but I suspect the relative quietness on the part of the players comes from the fact that there are several playable versions of the old game available now to command attention.

Spurn all ye kindle.

DesViper's picture
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Yeah team's very busy ;)

Yeah team's very busy ;)

Except me because the forums have been slow :p

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Dark Cleric
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warlocc wrote:
warlocc wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

I mean, I'll definitely accept that my comment could seem like I'm over-analyzing. I won't argue that.

I, also, still think it's important for MWM to be clear with the messages you're sending in this remarkably quiet time, to avoid misconceptions.

Dark Cleric wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

NDA won't allow me to say what I'd like to say to this stuff.
If I'm not wrong, this week's update is going to be a more technical one, which should help show why we're quiet- the guys that give us the content for the updates have been so busy, they're forgetting to give us content.

Is this one-shot what you are referring to?

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

DesViper's picture
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I'm guessing the one he's

I'm guessing the one he's referring to has been pushed back a tad, though I'd argue DA stuff is technical.

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warlocc's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
warlocc wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

I mean, I'll definitely accept that my comment could seem like I'm over-analyzing. I won't argue that.

I, also, still think it's important for MWM to be clear with the messages you're sending in this remarkably quiet time, to avoid misconceptions.

Dark Cleric wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

NDA won't allow me to say what I'd like to say to this stuff.
If I'm not wrong, this week's update is going to be a more technical one, which should help show why we're quiet- the guys that give us the content for the updates have been so busy, they're forgetting to give us content.

Is this one-shot what you are referring to?

DesViper wrote:

I'm guessing the one he's referring to has been pushed back a tad, though I'd argue DA stuff is technical.

Yeah. The big one got pushed back to next week, sounds like. Still, ShadowElusive's been tinkering for about two weeks with the Dungeon Architect tool and all the things we're doing with it in the game environment, and the stuff being generated. It's going to streamline map and zone building a lot. I wish the update had talked about it more, but getting the actual details would have meant stopping him and making him write a report about it. I'd rather just let him work.

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Cobalt Azurean
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warlocc wrote:
warlocc wrote:

I'd rather just let him work.


RickmanUK's picture
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DesViper wrote:
DesViper wrote:

Low key, 80% of the options in CoH were crap :p

Can I just say I agree with this abit. I know about half of my Characters ended up in the same outfits most of the Time... because it was hard to make "Plain Clothes" characters that didn't end up in Trenchcoat, Shirt and Leather Trousers.... (Leather because the texture was good) It did have ALOT of Options... but some of them were shocking.

Heroes, Villians... Who Cares. In the end, it's our Actions that define us not a name or tag we use.

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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
Ysangard wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote: this remarkably quiet time...

So im not the only one that feels this way...

Clearly, you're not the only one.
Since the updates about Landmarks and Moguls (the last one was 2 month ago), there are no big updates... But I can bet that the Devs are working a lot on issue 0 and it's a hard work for sure. We have to wait patiently and this time again, I feel pretty confident about MWM's team !

The forums have been rather quiet in comparison from both the devs and fans compared to this time last year. That's the point.

And I bet the devs ARE working towards Issue 0 as well...but that doesn't tell us anything new We've felt 'close' before...

I figure the devs have gotten an incredible amout of detailed feedback and are working thier butts off on fixing/changing/evolving what we have told them, not to mention those working on the other parts to come. The fan base last year was waiting for release and had nothing else to do while they waited.