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Favorite Superhero

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TheMadGent's picture
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Favorite Superhero

Hey everyone! I felt like jumpstarting this forum. What's everybody's favorite superhero? Your own characters don't count. : P

My favorites are The Question (DCAU or O'Neil), Captain Marvel (The DC one), and John Constantine.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Kaxiya's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2013 - 21:44
I would have to say my

I would have to say my favorite would have to be MAGE the hero discovered, a graphic novel by Matt Wagner..Second would be another series ELFQUEST by many authors and finally Marvel's Dr. Strange.

[color=#FF9933]A new beginning, forged from[/color][color=#0000FF][b][i] hope[/color][/b][/i][color=#FF9933] never ending[/color][color=red]!![/color]

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My favorite is a tie between

My favorite is a tie between Deadpool and Gambit. Deadpool is an elegant mix of humor and gun play and Gambit, come on now... There isn't a single guy comic book fan that at one point, did not want to be Gambit. Sly, smooth and I still say had an all time great love story with Rogue.

You knew him as Christian Shepherd.

Grayfigure's picture
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Always been an X-men/Mutant

Always been an X-men/Mutant fan here. I've identified in the past very strongly with Nightcrawler. Hard to say now, as I've branched out a lot. Because of the movies and renewed interest in his comics, I've lately become quite the Thor fan, though no where near as much as I should be.....yet >:)

On the edge of your Perceptions......
Turn away and feel his hand upon your shoulder.....
Look for him and he shall not exist.....
in the middle of the crowd....lost in the faces....
Stands a Figure....of Gray......

Numerology's picture
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Its all about Ostrander's

Its all about Ostrander's suicide squad for me. It just seemed to have that right mix of humour with a strong plot and interesting characters.

Metal Mountain
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Moon Knight and Colossus

Superheroes for me: Moon Knight, Colossus, and the original Alpha Flight

“Injustice in the end produces independence.”
― Voltaire

Vote's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 days ago
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Captain America.

Captain America.

But I'm English and happen to be very proud of it.

Don't ask, I don't really know either.

"You might call them soft, because they’re very reluctant to kill, and they might agree with you, but they’re soft the way the ocean is soft, and, well; ask any sea captain how harmless and puny the ocean can be."

Zombie Man
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Vote wrote:

Captain America.
But I'm English and happen to be very proud of it.
Don't ask, I don't really know either.

...//... As an American, I know how you feel. Iron Man seems more an embodiment of the US than Caps. Compared to him, Caps is... downright British. :)

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Vote's picture
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[quote=Zombie Man] As an
Zombie Man wrote:

As an American, I know how you feel. Iron Man seems more an embodiment of the US than Caps. Compared to him, Caps is... downright British. :)

Trust an American to make a competition out of it! Haha. I see what you mean about Iron Man, though. He definitely is a better embodiment of the modern US and its values -- a real epitome of the American Dream, you might even say -- but it's the Captain's unflinching loyalty to those ideals, and the way he draws strength from that loyalty, that makes me rate him so highly. That kind of faith and conviction in the face of adversity are both attributes I strongly admire, and they're part of what makes heroes 'heroic' in my book. :D

"You might call them soft, because they’re very reluctant to kill, and they might agree with you, but they’re soft the way the ocean is soft, and, well; ask any sea captain how harmless and puny the ocean can be."

Clave Dark 5
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I'd have to go with the

I'd have to go with the Fantastic Four and/or maybe Thor. I'm a big fan of Kirby and those two were just eye-poppingly great under him. But I didn't read those (except for the odd reprint) until I was in my 20s; as a kid it was Iron Man, I even pestered my mom for a subscription for a few years.

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kitsune9tails's picture
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I have always had a weak spot

I have always had a weak spot for the Marvel Comics version of Captain Marvel, in several of the incarnations he has had. His constantly evolving suite of themed powers, his rebellion against his own people (and his own warlike nature) for the cause of the protection of innocents, his awesome costume (not the early one, ugh) and the emphasis on his theme of overcoming his species' weakness (a lack of imagination) to use his powers in new and creative ways made him a favorite of mine. Since his demise(s) lot of that feeling has transferred over to my liking of Ms. Marvel/Warbird; plus she has the added benefit of being a good looking woman.


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TheMadGent's picture
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For some reason, I love most

For some reason, I love most of Kirby's Marvel work, but don't care too much for his DC work (Except for Etrigan and Kamandi). I love the Asgardians, but not the New Gods, despite them being pretty similar.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

1 eye archer
1 eye archer's picture
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For me, it has been Hawkeye,

For me, it has been Hawkeye, Captain America, X-men (Marvel) , Green Arrow, Batman, Night-wing & Teen Titans, Death-stroke The Terminator (DC). I tend to like the well trained "normal guy", for the most part, but can get behind an occasional mutant.....GRIN

Deeds Not Words

TheMadGent's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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I'd never have guessed that

I'd never have guessed that Hawkeye and Green Arrow would be on your list. : P

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

1 eye archer
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Deeds Not Words

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I think Iron Man represents

I think Iron Man represents us as how we are and Cap as how we (at least used to) want to be.

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Shadow Cat, Wonder Woman,

Shadow Cat, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Byrnes' Invisible Woman, Nightcrawler, Captain Marvel III, in no particular order. Wait, does Death of the Endless count?

Warsmith's picture
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I guess i'm the odd man out,

I guess i'm the odd man out, in that my interest in super heroes didn't occur until AFTER i started playing City. aside from the occasional comic my older brother had most of my reading was in westerns and a litle sci-fi. Lord of the Rings and the like also. If you are familiar with the names of Pug and Nakor the Blue Rider then you know what I was into. But as far as superheroes go, always liked Iron Man, i'm a bit of a tech junky. Deadpool was hilarious, first time i seen a character blatantly break the fourth wall.

If Brute Force doesn't work, you aren't using enough of it!

kitsune9tails's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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I think She-Hulk (under John

I think She-Hulk (under John Byrne's writing and art) may have been Marvel's first mainstream fourth wall breaker. Lots of humorous cheesecake as well if you're into that.


[color=#ff0000]Composition Assistant Director, Composition Team[/color]


Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 08/31/2013 - 16:13
My favorites, over my whole

My favorites, over my whole lifespan: Spiderman, Wonder Man, Blue Beetle, The Question, Iron Fist and Black Canary.

Shadow Elusive
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We're rich playboy geniuses?

We're rich playboy geniuses?

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

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*Facepalm* Not a single

*Facepalm* Not a single person has said "Rorschach" yet? Talk about ends justifying the means. I also gotta give Deadpool a big thumbs-up due to the fact that he's absolutely hilarious. Finally, Lucas Bishop. My first comic was Uncanny X-Men #280. I guess I love characters with good internal conflict.

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." -John Wayne

Gideon Cross
Gideon Cross's picture
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Batman, Wolverine, Red Hood,

Batman, Wolverine, Red Hood, Nightwing, Gambit, Arcangel The Darkness Psylock Magdalena, Ripclaw, Spawn, Pitt, Diehard, Backlash, Prophet, Witchblade, The Crow, Spawn, Blade and Ghostrider

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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Shazam.. hands down, cuz he

Shazam.. hands down, cuz he represents what many of us have always wanted, haha

Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
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TheMadGent's picture
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I like the wizard who gives

I like the wizard who gives Captain Marvel his powers too.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

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TheMadGent wrote:
TheMadGent wrote:

I like the wizard who gives Captain Marvel his powers too.

That would be Shazam, haha,
like i said, we all would love an old wizard to give us the ability to be a young person, but still be a super hero.

Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
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TheMadGent's picture
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Wisdom of Solomon!

Wisdom of Solomon!
Strength of Hercules!
Stamina of Atlas!
Power of Zeus!
Courage of Achilles!
Speed of Mercury!

By your powers combi- er, wrong superhero.
I guess technically, they're calling Captain Marvel 'Shazam', even in the books.
But it's still terrible.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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i thought Captain marvel was

i thought Captain marvel was

and Shazam was

Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
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TheMadGent's picture
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Yes, but ever since Marvel

Yes, but ever since Marvel Comics made their own Captain Marvel so they could camp the trademark, DC has had to call the comic starring Captain Marvel 'Shazam!'. This caused confusion and the licenses were weird, so they had to call him 'Shazam!' in some media. Therefore, with the launch of the new 52, DC officially changed Captain Marvel's name to Shazam, to 'prevent confusion' and bring in the mythical 'new readers'.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

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haha, well thats confusing AT

haha, well thats confusing AT ALL......

Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!

TheMadGent's picture
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B..but... New Readers.

B..but... New Readers.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Justjackwilliams's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Storm from X-Men is by far

Storm from X-Men is by far the most amazing super hero! Without being the main protagonist she still manages to be one of the most powerful and compassionate mutants!! Plus who doesn't love controlling the weather? Best powerset/hero eveeer!! ^_^

Face the fury of the storm! ~<3

Heinrich's picture
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I like X-man.

I like X-man.
He's cool because he can use his claws to make an X

"This city is protected! By an impenetrable Fog!"

TheMadGent's picture
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Heinrich wrote:
Heinrich wrote:

I like X-man.
He's cool because he can use his claws to make an X

This thing you have done. Why have you done this thing?

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

SiphonWraith's picture
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I always liked Batman,

I always liked Batman, Wolverine, GhostRider, Silver Surfer, The Watchmen, Daredevil, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Sandman and ROM

"The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list."

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
-Steve Martin

Warpact's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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I would have to say I like

I would have to say I like Grifter and Captain America...but I am more of a villain so Ultron. I know, I know it takes a villain to derail a thread. :)

My villain, my hero you mean. I always think of my murderers as my heroes.

snate56's picture
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You FIEND!!! Steve

You FIEND!!!



"Listen, and understand. City of Titans is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely [i]will not stop, ever,[/i] until we are live!"

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snate56 wrote:
snate56 wrote:

You FIEND!!!

YES! And so my villainy spreads and the game isn't even here yet. ;P

My villain, my hero you mean. I always think of my murderers as my heroes.

Dudesoft's picture
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Tough call. Probably the

Tough call. Probably the Flash. I'm a sucker for characters with one super power that has been embellished and expanded on.
Edit* - the 1990's live action show, and DCAU were what especially got me into Barry Allen.

Thunder Glove
Thunder Glove's picture
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Captain ("Shazam!") Marvel,

Captain ("Shazam!") Marvel, hands down. I didn't get into reading the comics until much later, but I remember the 1970s Filmation live-action series and the 1980 Filmation animated series, which led me to the comics. It's too bad that DC has so misused him over the decades that I still prefer reading old Fawcett Comics to almost any of his DC appearances, particularly post-Crisis. They don't seem to know what to do with him other than retelling his origin story and "Billy loses his powers". Most of his supporting cast and his rogues gallery are forgotten, downplayed, or deliberately left out.

I actually liked The Curse of Shazam (even though it was yet another origin story, his third in the past two decades), and I even liked emphasizing lightning powers to clearly differentiate him from Superman. I was starting to feel optimistic that DC was finally going to give the character the spotlight they took from him back in the 1950s... but then they ruined it by having his very first post-origin story be, you guessed it, "Billy loses his powers". To John Constantine, no less.

On the other hand, his appearances on Batman: The Brave and the Bold were perfect. I'd love to see a Captain Marvel cartoon with that team of writers and animators behind it.

(Oddly, I never made a Captain Marvel expy on CoH, but my first two villains were based on Dr. Sivana and Black Adam, and I have costume files saved for Cap, Cap Jr, Mary, and Ibac)

I also really like the version of the Hulk from the 1978 TV series, but that's a whole other ramble, so I'll just stop right here.

TheMadGent's picture
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Thunder Glove wrote:
Thunder Glove wrote:

I actually liked The Curse of Shazam (even though it was yet another origin story, his third in the past two decades), and I even liked emphasizing lightning powers to clearly differentiate him from Superman. I was starting to feel optimistic that DC was finally going to give the character the spotlight they took from him back in the 1950s... but then they ruined it by having his very first post-origin story be, you guessed it, "Billy loses his powers". To John Constantine, no less.

There was a story where JohnCon got Captain Marvel's powers and no one told me?

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Thunder Glove
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TheMadGent wrote:
TheMadGent wrote:

There was a story where JohnCon got Captain Marvel's powers and no one told me?

A couple of months ago:

HarvesterOfEyes's picture
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For me:

For me:
Iron Man and Hawkeye as they were in the 70's.

Iron Man was the serious one and Hawkeye was the wiseguy. In the modern flim incarnation the roles are reversed. I still laugh, but I miss the way they used to be.

Get yourself right; the world has enough problems.

rookslide's picture
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Mixed I like Heroes and

Mixed I like Heroes and Villians... Particularly ones with raw power...

Silver Surfer, Havoc, Magneto, Wolverine, and Thor when I'm in a thespian mood.
Oh and childhood favorite was Spiderman. He's the quintessential hero for every kid.

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Steel Cobra
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Jack Knight as Starman, Black

Jack Knight as Starman, Black Panther, Spidey, Booster Gold, Ted Kord AND Jaime Blue Beetle, and Batman: The Brave and The Bold's version of Aquaman. OUTRAGEOUS!

TheMadGent's picture
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Steel Cobra wrote:
Steel Cobra wrote:

Batman: The Brave and The Bold's version of Aquaman. OUTRAGEOUS!

Man, Aquaman was one of the best things about that show. That and everything else about the show.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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I tend to go for fringe

I tend to go for fringe characters- Moon Knight (the character is so damaged he's fun to read), Ghost Rider (both Blaze and Ketch... though the less said about the last series the better....), Punisher, etc.

I actually LOVE the kaine Scarlet Spider (and am furious it's being cancelled) and Superior Spider.

The 2nd Version of Thunderbolts (led by Mach IV and Atlas)

This may be going back a bit but other "2nd or 3rd tier" characters like Thunderstrike, Nightwatch, some of the 2099 characters...

Also.. US Agent.. sorry Cap, but here is the true badass.....

EDIT: Not a huge DC fan but i loved JSA... and I admit I have a soft spot for Guy Gardner

Lord Nightmare
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Gent... I love you. Question

Gent... I love you. DC Side, Question is my favorite hero (Vic Sage, of course.. though I actually like Montoya as well)

Of course Batman is a very close second (Kevin Conroy's incarnation in the DCAU and Arkham Games specifically)

On MARVEL side, I actually like Dr. Strange. He's always just been a cool character and the animated movie made by Lionsgate was one of my favorite movies.. ever really.

But the best hero ever is... John McClane

Now Villains.. there's something I could go on about for hours ;)

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Sunshrike's picture
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So many to choose from...

So many to choose from...
I guess I'll go with Nova (Richard Rider, not the new one).

(Robin) Christina Lea

Steel Cobra
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TheMadGent wrote:
TheMadGent wrote:

Steel Cobra wrote:
Batman: The Brave and The Bold's version of Aquaman. OUTRAGEOUS!

Man, Aquaman was one of the best things about that show. That and everything else about the show.

One of my son's first words was "Matman". He is just hypnotized whenever BATB is on. For a show that embraces the goofier aspects of Batman and his allies, the action and settings are incredible.

TheMadGent's picture
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GFN wrote:
GFN wrote:

Gent... I love you. DC Side, Question is my favorite hero (Vic Sage, of course.. though I actually like Montoya as well)

I've never actually read anything featuring the Montoya Question. I'll have to look up some of her books.

GFN wrote:

Now Villains.. there's something I could go on about for hours ;)

We could get another thread rolling for villains. All Opposed? No? Good.

The world is a mess and I just ... need to rule it.

Lord Nightmare
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Montoya Question is.. she's

Montoya Question is.. she's interesting to say the least. Whereas Vic was extremely careful and paranoid about EVERY situation, she'd rush into obvious traps to save Batwoman. A lot of people seem to hate her because she's not Vic and she certainly doesn't act exactly like Vic.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Mendicant's picture
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Sunshrike wrote:
Sunshrike wrote:

So many to choose from...
I guess I'll go with Nova (Richard Rider, not the new one).


Twilight Widow
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Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel,

Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, Spiderman, Rogue (Back in the 90's when she had Ms Marvels powers), Invincible, Ms. Marvel, Vampirella, Spawn, Blue Marvel (I hate that marvel isn't using him much) Starbrand

Gideon Cross
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TheMadGent wrote:
TheMadGent wrote:

GFN wrote:
Gent... I love you. DC Side, Question is my favorite hero (Vic Sage, of course.. though I actually like Montoya as well)

I've never actually read anything featuring the Montoya Question. I'll have to look up some of her books.
GFN wrote:
Now Villains.. there's something I could go on about for hours ;)

We could get another thread rolling for villains. All Opposed? No? Good.

yes please do a villains thread. :)

"In the end there can be only one" The Highlander

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I've always been torn between

I've always been torn between Storm and Monica Rambeau. I discovered both of them at roughly the same time. Storm was ascendant for a while and then came Nextwave. Now with Monica's new codename: Spectrum, I'm kind of re-torn....

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2013 - 09:42
Daredevil, Iron Fist,

Daredevil, Iron Fist, Nightcrawler, Nova... In order.

I am Jibily. There are no other Jibilies. Just me.

Doc_Nova's picture
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My favorite superheroes...

My favorite superheroes...

Captain America (love his spirit, determination, and fighting style)
Spiderman (wit and wonderful assembly of powers)
Nightcrawler (teleporting gymnast, amazing fighting style)
Dagger (uh...HOT!...and her powers are very cool, plus she's all acrobatic)
Warbird/Binary/Captain Marvel (wonderful character, full of ups and downs, never gives up)
Polaris (just always dug her)
Havoc (the living star! Very cool hero, loved the Mutant X comic series)
Longshot (great character, love the whole probability-thing, plus his gymnastics are pretty nifty too)

notears's picture
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not my video just one I lke ===>


Rick Tacular
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My favorite is Superman. He's

My favorite is Superman. He's a god, but he's humble, wants to do the right thing, holds back so he doesn't obliterate someone with a nuclear-powered punch. There's something interesting to me about someone who is so over-the-top powerful who is also a good-natured simple down-to-earth kind of guy. I think in having that dichotomy, it perhaps can inspire some of us to be better than we are.

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My issue is that I'm a

My issue is that I'm a writing snob. You write an otherwise boring character well (Most of the Legion of Superheroes) and they're great. You write a great character (like Etrigan) poorly and le suck. I'm also a nut for a deep character, someone with more than one dimension.

Dr Strange who could possibly solve every problem in the world but won't because it would be irresponsible.

Silver Surfer (and others) who were willing to sacrifice everything to save their people, only to realize how lonely they would be.

Captain America who sometimes tires of feeling like the only one who still tries to live up to an ideal even when nobody else seems to care.

Iron Man because I like the idea that anyone can be a hero given a suit of armor and a chance to help others.

Invisible Woman because her power over force fields is SO underused.

Too many others to list...

I remember when Star Wars was cool...a long, long time ago...

Wynd Master
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Ghostrider (Blaze not Ketch),

Ghostrider (Blaze not Ketch), Spiderman, Spawn (love the cape),The shadow from radio series. Morph of the X-Men

They say save me and I say pay me!

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(*Dr. Tyche voice*)

(*Dr. Tyche voice*) "Amerikatt!"

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Steel Cobra
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I missed some heroes, and I

I missed some heroes, and I feel bad about it. I don't know how it skipped my mind, but I didn't list ANY of the heroines I find compelling and love reading/watching: Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Vixen, Big Barda, Dagger, Zattana and Wasp. I missed one dude, too: Hawkman.

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 10:46
My favorite is batman I didn

My favorite is batman I didn't really read a lot of comics until I played CoX fav is batman. I also like most of the male batfamily Nightwing, I really like red robin pre new 52. I Like batwing the first one I'm still iffey on the newest one he's to batman beyond like, not that I don't love batman beyond. Although in batman inc there was Nightrunner I love this character he is so cool wish they'd do something with him. I love Spider-Man also. My ideal hero is a mix between batman and Spider-Man. Thus my character The Bug was born.

kitsune9tails's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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After you get past all of the

After you get past all of the 'obvious' choices in DC and Marvel...

Adam Warlock from Marvel
John Constantine from DC
Hardware, from Malibu Comics
Empowered, by Adam Warren
Magister Negi, from the Negima manga (it would be Battle Angel Alita, but she is more SF)


[color=#ff0000]Composition Assistant Director, Composition Team[/color]


rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
OMG I forgot to mention the

OMG I forgot to mention the heroines too!

Absolute favorite ~ Rogue (90's Rogue with Ms. Marvel bouncing around in there), She Hulk (Awesome personality, this chick is fun, and rock solid!), Aspen from Fathom (Still love the idea of a good water based power set), Voodoo (90's version), and Harley Quinn (just cause she's so damn sexy and fun!)

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Airhead's picture
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My parents had a compendium

My parents had a compendium of pre-DC Captain Marvel that I loved. Of the modern heroes, I liked Shadowcat for her superpower and Sunfire for being contrary.

KAOS agent Simon the Likeable from Get Smart was a great villain. Also Madcap.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

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Captain Smiley

Captain Smiley

Owner and Big Sister of the Justice Girls -Champions Online-City of Titans-
Forum Breaker
Leader of the Ellysyn Dark Ensemble

revolution's picture
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That's always a hard one. I'd

That's always a hard one. I'd have to go with Moon Knight from Marvel (only reason it's not Wolvie is he is a bit played out...but he was my first fave (thank you John Byrne!). For DC I'd say Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). If you look at my collection you'd mostly X-men & Avengers titles one way & a lot of Teen Titans and Batman titles the other.

[color=#ff0000]Sound Lead, Bullpen Writer[/color]


Surgepoint's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/19/2013 - 10:37
I'm just an absolute sucker

I'm just an absolute sucker for boy-scout heroes like Superman and Captain America. Stories like that keep the idealist in me alive. They keep me thinking that maybe we, humanity, really can one day be better than all this. We just need the inspiration.

"All I have to do is hit you lots of times without getting hit myself. I've already won, you just don't know it yet." -Surgepoint

Rick Tacular
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Surgepoint wrote:
Surgepoint wrote:

I'm just an absolute sucker for boy-scout heroes like Superman and Captain America. Stories like that keep the idealist in me alive. They keep me thinking that maybe we, humanity, really can one day be better than all this. We just need the inspiration.

Preach it, brother!

Hellgeist's picture
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Joined: 10/21/2013 - 13:54
Dr. Strange was always, and

Dr. Strange was always, and still is, my favorite superhero of all time. I like Dr Fate too, but not quite as much - DC was always a bit too hazy on its occult heroes. Dr Strange was much more thought-out and a bit more lifelike IMO.

You get a strange feeling when approaching Hellgeist. Things begin to seem dreamlike, and his cloak expands, making him see incredibly tall. He gazes at you through the blue mists that have gathered, and the world sinks into shadow..

syntaxerror37's picture
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Rorschach from Watchmen

Rorschach from Watchmen

I never set anything on fire accidentally!

The Titan Legacy - Defender of the Inner Flame

Dinma's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 09/19/2013 - 09:46
I'm swinging for left field

I'm swinging for left field and going with Thanos of Titan. He had good guy stints through his Thanos series, as the reality gem guardian with the Infinity Watch, and in a several other mini series. As a shade of grey good guy, he didn't have the self defeat complex and met objectives in contesting, The Fallen One, Warrior Madness with power gem Thor, Lord Odin, Kosmos - (previously the Beyonder), Tyrant, Galactus and the Cancerverse. Additionally in the "The End" miniseries he restored the Marvel universe". His good guy days are probably over, but hope springs eternal.

I created an AE adventure called "Death's Consort" featuring the Thanos as Death's avatar, members of the Infinity Watch with Phoenix guess-staring as life's champion. And in part II "The Meta Men" Thanos attempts a little redemption.

Khaos's picture
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Joined: 10/07/2013 - 14:58
My favorite is the movie (30

My favorite is the movie (30-40s) and tv (60s) version of the Green Hornet (with Kato) (I know they are not traditional superheroes, but I like the pulp style heroes). As far as more modern: Hellstrom (from Marvel Son of Satan), Acroyear (I keep waiting for the Micronauts to come back again), but I like many of the more grey type heroes such as Constantine and others.

Amerikatt's picture
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Surgepoint wrote:
Surgepoint wrote:

I'm just an absolute sucker for boy-scout* heroes like Amerikatt, Superman and Captain America. Stories like that keep the idealist in me alive. They keep me thinking that maybe we, humanity, really can one day be better than all this. We just need the inspiration.


*Amerikatt is not a "boy scout", but she *is* a "Miss Goody Four Paws", which is pretty much the same thing! :P

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

chase's picture
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Amerikatt wrote:
Amerikatt wrote:

Surgepoint wrote:
I'm just an absolute sucker for boy-scout* heroes like Amerikatt, Superman and Captain America. Stories like that keep the idealist in me alive. They keep me thinking that maybe we, humanity, really can one day be better than all this. We just need the inspiration.

*Amerikatt is not a "boy scout", but she *is* a "Miss Goody Four Paws", which is pretty much the same thing! :P

While Amerikatt is certianly a Miss Goody Four Paws and by far the most patriotic feline I've encountered, is she ever going to go international-- perhaps form a supercat alliance with "The Persian" or "Russian Blue", or will their ideological differences mean they'll forever be catty toward one another?

chase's picture
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I think that every one of my

I think that every one of my favorite heroes has gone through phases with authors that make them my least favorite.

I like "flawed heroes" - heroes that have some baggage, personal issue, or personality conflict that they have to struggle against when they do good. When wolverine struggled against his berzerker rage and tried hard to follow Chuck's do-not-kill decrees, he interested me. When writers decided to celebrate his berserker rage and make him almost an assassin, I tuned out. Tony Stark's struggle with alcoholism, I found interesting, while it lasted. Tales that challenge the heroes, take them out of their element, make them question themselves and thier role in the world-- those can make any hero my favorite if told well. Those that become mere power fantasies, though, make me tune out.

charlieranger's picture
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I know its a little off the

I know its a little off the beaten path, but anytime a writer or director makes a hero, well, A HERO. I know I should be shot for saying this, but never really made it past the cover of any comic books so when I see the movies about them, it is really the first time im seeing them.

Favorite heroes:
Captain America

Amerikatt's picture
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chase wrote:
chase wrote:

While Amerikatt is certianly a Miss Goody Four Paws and by far the most patriotic feline I've encountered, is she ever going to go international-- perhaps form a supercat alliance with "The Persian" or "Russian Blue", or will their ideological differences mean they'll forever be catty toward one another?

Amerikatt is herself a Russian Blue, and she doesn't represent just the USA or even North America, but actually North, Central, and South America, although she'll fly just about anywhere in the world.

Like non-powered kitties, she likes to roam around.

Although she certainly would not mind teaming with other super-kitties, she feels more comfortable around the Furless Ones with whom she was raised. Besides, how many other super-powerful kitties are there on Earth, anyway?

Another thing to remember is that we of the feline persuasion do not shun others of our kind because of breed, fur color, pattern, or polydactylism.

As far as ideological difference, I can get along with a Canadian Lynx even if he doesn't share his poutine with me!

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Col. Kernel
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/11/2013 - 14:08
Captain America, without a

Captain America, without a doubt. His commitment to what is RIGHT is phenomenal. You can't BS him, you can't distract him. He knows that bad things are sometimes done by good people, but he's going to set it right.

Other favs, Green Lantern (Hall Jordan), Dr. Strange, The Thing, Rorschach.

TheBlueBadger's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/26/2013 - 06:28
Nightcrawler: insane looking

Nightcrawler: insane looking character, who is just a grounded good guy. Usually never portrayed as overly gritty, wacky, broody, crusading, or square jawed righteous. Just an intrinsically good guy. With a look like Kurt's, you tend to expect an extreme personality troupe. I think that's what attracted me to the character from the get-go.

Also, Spider-Man and Green Lantern.

If it wasn't for disappointments, I wouldn't have any appointments - TMBG

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Dinma wrote:
Dinma wrote:

I'm swinging for left field and going with Thanos of Titan. He had good guy stints through his Thanos series, as the reality gem guardian with the Infinity Watch, and in a several other mini series. As a shade of grey good guy, he didn't have the self defeat complex and met objectives in contesting, The Fallen One, Warrior Madness with power gem Thor, Lord Odin, Kosmos - (previously the Beyonder), Tyrant, Galactus and the Cancerverse. Additionally in the "The End" miniseries he restored the Marvel universe". His good guy days are probably over, but hope springs eternal.
I created an AE adventure called "Death's Consort" featuring the Thanos as Death's avatar, members of the Infinity Watch with Phoenix guess-staring as life's champion. And in part II "The Meta Men" Thanos attempts a little redemption.

Thanos is your HERO? Seek professional help ;p

If it wasn't for disappointments, I wouldn't have any appointments - TMBG

Ed Williams
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Henry "Hank" McCoy.

Henry "Hank" McCoy.
Genius. Personable. Gentle giant. And made up of stars and garters.

W: | T: | F:

Omegawatt's picture
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Iron Man. I grew up in the

Iron Man. I grew up in the '70s and '80s and I was always interested in science and engineering, so a guy who built a suit of super-powered armor was pretty appealing to me. I liked other heroes too - The Flash was always a favorite, but Iron Man was always #1 with me, so I'm really glad they hit it out of the park when they cast RDJ to play Tony Stark.

JWBullfrog's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 11:29
So many choices but, because

So many choices but, because they really can't be seperated, I have to pick a group here.

Some of you might remember a series from the late 80's called Strikeforce: Morituri. The basic idea behind the series was that earth has been invaded by a group of really nasty aliens called the Horde. In order to fight back, volunteers are subjected to a process which gives them super human abilities WHICH WILL KILL THEM IN A YEAR OR LESS.

This was the first time that I ever encountered the downside of superpowers. To make it all worse, the writers went out of their way to give the characters as much personality as possible. This meant that the death of each of them hit hard.

Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.

JayBezz's picture
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Cyclops.. defined by his

Cyclops.. defined by his character not his powers.

Crowd Control Enthusiast

Watcher's picture
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Or really Dick Grayson. I kind of feel like I grew up with the guy. I loved the way he progressed from Batman's sidekick, Robin the Boy Wonder, into Robin the Teen Wonder, leader of the Titans, and then he finally stepped out of the Batman's shadow to become Nightwing. I particularly loved the way Marv Wolfman and George Perez evolved his character in New Teen Titans, especially issue 39, where he decided it was time to stop being Robin. I always hated the retcons where Batman forces him to stop being Robin.

Captain America
An all-round, rock solid, good guy and hero. To me, Cap is the Timex watch of superheroes, knock him down, send him through a meat grinder, he will not quit, and he will inspire. Even during the times when he stopped being Captain America, he was still out there fighting the good fight. I particularly enjoyed Roger Stern and John Byrne's run on Cap, followed by JM DeMatteis and Mike Zeck's run.

Princess Koriand'r has been a favorite of mine for years. She has been controversial, pigeonholed as an airhead and just a sex symbol - I remember how she was given a breast reduction and a cover up when she appeared in two special 'Just Say No' comics. But, considering her origin, I think Starfire's character shows an inner strength and resilience. She faced betrayal and hardships, but these events didn't destroy her. She overcame her crises and remained a free spirit.

WarBird's picture
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Traditonal Comic book hero?

Traditonal Comic book hero? Daredevil. Just loved the huge handicap of blindness being offset by increased senses that gave him, in essence, super-human abilities. But he was still blind! And that he worked the streets. Doing as much good as he could in Hell's Kitchen instead of battling galactic threats.

And...showing my age a little here...Doc Savage! The ultimate pulp hero. in my youth, I devoured everything I could find of him and his cadre. Even then, the stories were almost 50 years old.

GhostHack's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/28/2013 - 11:43
Just for the 'result'.... I

Just for the 'result'.... I have to go with Nova...
I love the 'space cop' motif of the lantern corps, but always ppreferred heroes like Spiderman (young, exuberant, snarky, and mindful of the weight of responsibility)

x-men are cool, but they have never been handled right (IMO) in the comics. They've always been too old (old physically, or old souls) and their best qualities only functioned in the frame of the teenager private prep school

[i]....Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...[/i]
