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List of cool things we can now see in the MCU?

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The Hybrid
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List of cool things we can now see in the MCU?


The deal is complete. That means we can finally see Rogue flying and kicking ass (hope shes drains the powers from Captain Marvel!)

Oh, and...

X-Men, New Mutants, X-Factor, X-Force, Excalibur, Alpha Flight...
Mr. Sinister and Marauders
Savage Land
Hellfire Club
Weapon X
Fantastic Four and Future Foundation
Doctor Doom and Latveria
Juggernaut and Cyttorak
Kang the Conqueror
Galactus, Silver Surfer and the other Heralds
Proper Young Avengers (which has elements mutants, Fantastic Four and Kang)
Secret Invasion, Avengers vs. X-Men, Uncanny Avengers...
Mojoworld (Longshot, Spiral, Mojo and the entire dimension)
Omega freaking Red
And finally, comic book-like X-Men and Fantastic Four movies!

The list goes on and on...

What are the cool things we can now have in the MCU going forward?

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How can you forget Deadpool?!

How can you forget Deadpool?!


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ftr leads

ftr leads to a spam site..

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Watching Movie Fights and one

Watching Movie Fights and one of the guests suggested Mojoworld as a gateway for the X-Men into the MCU: dimensions merge from his doing, allowing X-Men to be persistent in their own dimension and also enter the MCU.

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I doubt that. Marvel will

I doubt that. Marvel will most certainly wipe the slate clean just as how they did with all other pre-MCU properties going in. It's best that way too, because trying to fit the FoX-Men into the MCU would be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It doesn't work.

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Oh they definitely can't do

Oh they definitely can't do the same X-Men as this fox timeline clusterfrick

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I want to see a good

I want to see a good Fantastic Four movie.

Also something to do with, Exiles either a live action show or a cartoon.

Also also I want an X-Statix show.

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Brand X
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I want to see brand new

I want to see brand new actors and a brand new history of X-Men.

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I wouldnt mind seeing

I wouldnt mind seeing avengers vs x-men.

And if they brought back the original cast my brain would just explode. I cant see a bunch of unknowns facing off against the well known avengers cast. Imagine Storm (Halle Berry) and Thor (Hemsworth) facing off. It would be epic. There was never anything wrong with the original cast, it was just the writing, and we all know MCU is pretty good at that.


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When it comes to X-Men I'd

When it comes to X-Men I'd like to see them as a team. Not one that's coming together, or coming back together, or any of that. Just give me some neat X-Men with awesome team dynamics solving problems as a team.

Also fastball special on the big screen.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Wolfgang8565 wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

I wouldnt mind seeing avengers vs x-men.

And if they brought back the original cast my brain would just explode. I cant see a bunch of unknowns facing off against the well known avengers cast. Imagine Storm (Halle Berry) and Thor (Hemsworth) facing off. It would be epic. There was never anything wrong with the original cast, it was just the writing, and we all know MCU is pretty good at that.

Not to be insensitive but they’re getting on in years. You want Thor vs a Storm in her 50s? Actually they’re almost all in their 50s... Hugh Jackman is 50, Famke Janssen is 55, James Marsden is the young one who is only 45. Hollywood tends to not bank on blockbuster action films with ensemble casts of relatively older actors unless the movie is riffing off of the idea (like RED or the Expendables films). I don’t think there’s much chance of your dream coming true, after all they already killed off “old man Wolverine” in a movie.

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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

I wouldnt mind seeing avengers vs x-men.

And if they brought back the original cast my brain would just explode. I cant see a bunch of unknowns facing off against the well known avengers cast. Imagine Storm (Halle Berry) and Thor (Hemsworth) facing off. It would be epic. There was never anything wrong with the original cast, it was just the writing, and we all know MCU is pretty good at that.

Not to be insensitive but they’re getting on in years. You want Thor vs a Storm in her 50s? Actually they’re almost all in their 50s... Hugh Jackman is 50, Famke Janssen is 55, James Marsden is the young one who is only 45. Hollywood tends to not bank on blockbuster action films with ensemble casts of relatively older actors unless the movie is riffing off of the idea (like RED or the Expendables films). I don’t think there’s much chance of your dream coming true, after all they already killed off “old man Wolverine” in a movie.

Pretty much any "brand new" combined Avengers vs X-men type action we see on the big screen will likely involve all new people in ALL the roles.

Not that I seriously dislike any of the current castings (except for maybe Halle Berry for various reasons like "she can't act" and "she annoys me") but we all know the Hollywood/Disney folks will want to "reimagine" everything including having a new crop of 25 year olds playing teenagers and such. ;)

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Cobalt Azurean
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If they do reboot X Men yet

If they do reboot X Men yet again, I would suggest the X movies as team-oriented and not Wolverine and his Super Friends.

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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

If they do reboot X Men yet again, I would suggest the X movies as team-oriented and not Wolverine and his Super Friends.


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Fantastic 4 could be easily

Fantastic 4 could be easily added to the current MCU if they want to tackle them - just a namedrop (like Strange in Winter Soldier), or cameo in a future movie (like Black Widow in IM2, or Spidey/Black Panther in Civil War). If they receive positive reactions from the fans, greenlight a movie.

As for the X-Verse, it will be interesting to see how they incorporate the concept of mutants into the MCU (from out of nowhere?). Or maybe they don't - maybe they could exist as a second Cinematic Universe. I mean if any single Marvel comic sub-property could get along just fine on it's own (thematically and from the sheer amount of characters) it's the mutant side of things.

The previous X-Movies are a continuity mess, so Marvel is definitely going to ignore them, reboot, and re-cast the mutants. Probably start 'em off young like they did with Spidey - get some young actors and sign them for multiple movie contracts. I also agree with Cobalt - I like Wolverine as a character, but he is WAY overused. I'd much rather see the original 5 (teens/late teens) and add to the cast as they move along the timeline.

As for Deadpool, I think he will stay R-rated as his own little thing - separate from the main movie line(s).

The Hybrid
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Fantastic 4 could be easily added to the current MCU if they want to tackle them - just a namedrop (like Strange in Winter Soldier), or cameo in a future movie (like Black Widow in IM2, or Spidey/Black Panther in Civil War). If they receive positive reactions from the fans, greenlight a movie.

As for the X-Verse, it will be interesting to see how they incorporate the concept of mutants into the MCU (from out of nowhere?). Or maybe they don't - maybe they could exist as a second Cinematic Universe. I mean if any single Marvel comic sub-property could get along just fine on it's own (thematically and from the sheer amount of characters) it's the mutant side of things.

The previous X-Movies are a continuity mess, so Marvel is definitely going to ignore them, reboot, and re-cast the mutants. Probably start 'em off young like they did with Spidey - get some young actors and sign them for multiple movie contracts. I also agree with Cobalt - I like Wolverine as a character, but he is WAY overused. I'd much rather see the original 5 (teens/late teens) and add to the cast as they move along the timeline.

As for Deadpool, I think he will stay R-rated as his own little thing - separate from the main movie line(s).

Actually, it's quite easy integrating X-Men and mutants in the MCU. They're not going to be in a second cinematic universe either, as it's clear they have every intention of adding them to the MCU as soon as they can (it was even stated there shouldn't be two Marvels).

Anyways, how I imagine it is that the cosmic effects of the Infinity Gauntlet (and whatever shenanigans Endgame entails) will awaken dormant X-genes in the population, thus creating mutation. It's akin to the atom bomb doing in that in the comics. Beforehand, there were special cases like Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and maybe some others, who had their X-genes activated earlier (they can retcon QS and SW into mutants, and I imagine they will), thus retroactively establishing mutation as a thing.

It's also pretty easy to play the racism angle as well. I look back at Civil War, where Scarlet Witch was feared as a walking WMD... see where this is going? Many superheroes in the MCU so far draw their powers externally, and the ones with legitimate and highly destructive powers aren't as common. If mutants start appearing in droves, meaning superpowered WMDs potentially exist everywhere, that would entail fear and paranoia, especially with mutants who thrive off it as villains. It's not far-fetched at all, really. The public can handle a few dozen superheroes. A world where anyone can be a superpowered being will put them on high alert.

Oh, and let's not go with the O5. They were boring, failed, completely go against the discriminated minority theme as a group of white New Yorkers, and X-Men thrives by having a large and diverse cast.

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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

It's also pretty easy to play the racism angle as well. I look back at Civil War, where Scarlet Witch was feared as a walking WMD... see where this is going?

That’s a really good point. The Sakovia Accords were drafted as a reaction to collateral damage caused by the Scarlet Witch. If she is suddenly “outed” as a mutant, and the world is faced with the possibility that mutants are everywhere, that plays into the whole “mutant persecution” thing very well. Now it’s no longer “we have to register people with powers”, there’s a segregation between mutants and non-mutants.

Captain America and Iron Man might be Avengers but they’re okay because they’re still human. Same with Ant Man, Falcon, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and so on. It was that mutant Scarlet Witch and others of her kind that were the problem all along.

Brand X
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I don't think they'll go with

I don't think they'll go with Scarlet Witch being a mutant in the MCU. She's basically like Captain Marvel. A super created by an infinity stone.

Even in the comics, I believe they stopped making her a mutant. It was a lie the whole time! I'm trying to remember if she's even the daughter of Magneto anymore (this is what happens when Marvel didn't own the rights to the X-Men...they mess with the comics).

The Hybrid
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I don't think they'll go with Scarlet Witch being a mutant in the MCU. She's basically like Captain Marvel. A super created by an infinity stone.

Even in the comics, I believe they stopped making her a mutant. It was a lie the whole time! I'm trying to remember if she's even the daughter of Magneto anymore (this is what happens when Marvel didn't own the rights to the X-Men...they mess with the comics).

I imagine SW can be retconned by saying she had dormant mutant genes that were activated by experimentation. The whole "she's no longer a mutant" thing came from a retcon forced by Marvel to synergize with the MCU... which is no longer a problem. I actually expect [i]that[/i] to be retconned at some point, with her and Quicksilver being mutants and Magneto's kids again.

Brand X
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I just don't see them doing

I just don't see them doing that in the MCU.

Of course, I could be wrong. However, I just doubt it.

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I read somewhere that there

I read somewhere that there is a theory that the avengers will destroy the infinity stones and that will spark mutant evolution. Which is why scarlet witch exists because she was affected by a stone. Personally I would hate this because mutants basically came from evolution. And if they just wake up one day with this gene then what's going to happen with all of our favorite mutants' origin stories?


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It's been made really really

It's been made really really clear that Wanda's powers are linked to the Mind Stone: "something with a similar energy signature." It'd be more like tacking on mutant powers to infinity stone than infinity stone to mutant powers.

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A common theory is that the

A common theory is that the cosmic stuff caused by IW and Endgame will cause the dormant mutant genes of the widespread population to awaken, so it's not that hard to justify it by saying "she was able to survive because she was never normal to begin with."

Then of course, we get the big reveal: Wanda's father didn't die by a Stark missile, because her REAL father is Magneto!

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In relevant news today

In [url=]relevant news today[/url] apparently Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool is going to be the only X-Men related character that won't be rebooted by Disney. Considering DP has made $1.5 billion in two movies it would make sense to stick with Reynolds for at least another movie or two. I guess that settles that about the fate of the other X-Men.

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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

In [url=]relevant news today[/url] apparently Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool is going to be the only X-Men related character that won't be rebooted by Disney. Considering DP has made $1.5 billion in two movies it would make sense to stick with Reynolds for at least another movie or two. I guess that settles that about the fate of the other X-Men.

I actually expected he'd get a "soft reboot", and Reynolds keeps playing the character while getting to make Disney and reboot jokes.

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warlocc wrote:
warlocc wrote:
Lothic wrote:

In [url=]relevant news today[/url] apparently Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool is going to be the only X-Men related character that won't be rebooted by Disney. Considering DP has made $1.5 billion in two movies it would make sense to stick with Reynolds for at least another movie or two. I guess that settles that about the fate of the other X-Men.

I actually expected he'd get a "soft reboot", and Reynolds keeps playing the character while getting to make Disney and reboot jokes.

Oh I'd totally assume when/if there's another DP movie they'll have some kind of "pseudo 5 minute Disney reset" at the beginning (as if no one would actually be familiar with him after the first two movies regardless) and he'll be making all sorts of Disney/reboot jokes. ;)


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

The Hybrid
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I always thought a great

I always thought a great premise for the next Deadpool is him waking up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, him going "Wait, what the f***, is this some Crisis on Infinite Earths s***?" and the whole plot being about him adjusting to crossing universes. No proper explanation, but tons of meta jokes about Disney buying Fox, how X-Men got rebooted into the universe, and MCU jokes in general. It would be gold.

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Yeah, porting Deadpool over

Yeah, porting Deadpool over would be easy, even cheap. But I think he'll get his own Deadpool-verse instead of being in MCU :(

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Yeah, porting Deadpool over would be easy, even cheap. But I think he'll get his own Deadpool-verse instead of being in MCU :(

They might give him more "real X-Men" to play with (now that Disney could provide "a big enough budget" for them, wink, wink) but I also seriously doubt they're going to put him in directly with the Avengers or other established Marvel characters. At best he'll probably "technically" be in the same universe the other new MCU movies are in but will still mostly be off doing his own thing without "direct contact" with the others.

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Kinda like the Defenders

Kinda like the Defenders (last I checked), they don't really interact with the MCU but they're in the same universe...apparently.

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The Hybrid
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I'm actually expecting the

I'm actually expecting the impending announcement that the pre-Disney+ shows are no longer canon, just like Star Wars Legends. Then they'll say that all shows going forward are fully canon and integrated into the MCU, just like how they're promising with the shows we're getting. The fact that every show not on Disney+, including Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is getting canned, some even before they begin development, is telling.

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The rumors are that they'll

The rumors are that they'll be restarted in Disney+

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Brand X
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I don't want to hear to many

I don't want to hear to many 4th wall breaking comments about being part of Disney from Deadpool.

I also don't care for the idea of saying he is transported to a new universe. He could come in a bit established if though.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I don't want to hear to many 4th wall breaking comments about being part of Disney from Deadpool.

I also don't care for the idea of saying he is transported to a new universe. He could come in a bit established if though.

My guess is that Deadpool will only joke on Disney a few times at most and it'll probably be fairly indirect. I doubt they'd "focus" on the Fox-Disney deal too much in the movie itself. And they might not even bother to mention the whole "new universe" thing either beyond making a joke that they "finally have the budget" to have more/better X-Men appear in the movie or some-such.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Kinda like the Defenders (last I checked), they don't really interact with the MCU but they're in the same universe...apparently.

Well, the events of the original Avengers film (the huge battle in Manhattan) has been referenced multiple times in all the Defenders shows IIRC.

But I don’t recall any characters crossing over from the MCU to the Netflix shows or vice-versa. Just name drops.

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Yeah that's what I mean by

Yeah that's what I mean by "apparently", I think Agents of SHIELD actually features MCU other than the obvious one and the spoiler one.

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I could see Disney NOT do an

I could see Disney NOT do an avenger vs X-men deal for a long time. The MCU already has a next phase planned out, so they shouldn't rush to change or mess with their plans. Especially since they have proven to good at it. They should take a few years and movies to develop the X-men and FF in parallel. Have all their big culminating events finish around the same time and then bring them all together in Secret Wars or whatever teamup movie.