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CallmeBlue's picture
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When I first saw Captain Marvel (as Binary) on the cover of a comic escorting the Starjammers through space, my first thought was, "Wow! Now that's a superhero!"

The recent film does the character justice.

My only (rhetorical) question is, were the Skrulls completely honest about the state of the Kree-Skrull war?

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Brand X
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Well, they may not have been

Well, they may not have been honest, time will tell, we do know someone was helping them.

It was okay. Not as good as Captain America but better than Thor.

Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 12:46
I loved it. Look at the kree

I loved it. Look at the kree behavior in Guardians of the Galaxy, they didnt care about civilian deaths in any way. they keep slaves. Not exactly nice guys.

Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
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Both the Kree and the Skrull

Both the Kree and the Skrull have their social issues from our point of view. But then I challenge you to find ANY society on earth that can be said to walk the path of metaphorical angels.
Kree have slave labor (indentured servitude according to them), the Skrull have racial purity issues and so forth.
Haven't seen it yet as it comes out today in my area but I am looking forward to the story treatment.
And Captain Marvel has been always referred to as the Marvel Superwoman and so far in the trailers that is what she looks like. I have high hopes for it.

Project_Hero's picture
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I'm probably going to see it

I'm probably going to see it on Tuesday. I hope it's fun!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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If you like 90's music, you

If you like 90's music, you should have some love for it as well :)

Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

If you like 90's music, you should have some love for it as well :)

Marvel has done very well with their musical choices for the MCU.

Nos482's picture
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CallmeBlue wrote:
CallmeBlue wrote:

only (rhetorical) question is, were the Skrulls completely honest about the state of the Kree-Skrull war?

Haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know what the claim is. But in the comics the war was started when the Skrulls chose Hala's other sentient species over the Kree to join their galaxy spanning empire.
So the Kree killed the Skrull judges, stole their tech, returned home, eradicated that other species and then vowed to do the same to the Skrulls.

Does that answer your question?

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

CallmeBlue's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2014 - 01:37
Rhetorical questions are not

Rhetorical questions are not meant to be answered.

My point was that the audience's perspective on the MCU Kree-Skrull War is limited, so we don't know how representative it is of the wider conflict. Also, Carol has her memories altered more than once, and almost everyone lies to her about something during the course of the film. Her decision at the end, while undoubtedly heroic, just might be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Only the MCU creative team knows the "truth."

Nota bene: I'm not suggesting that the de facto hero and villain labels of the film should be swapped, only that the situation may be more morally light-grey versus dark-grey rather than black versus white.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 12:46
CallmeBlue wrote:
CallmeBlue wrote:

Rhetorical questions are not meant to be answered.

My point was that the audience's perspective on the MCU Kree-Skrull War is limited, so we don't know how representative it is of the wider conflict. Also, Carol has her memories altered more than once, and almost everyone lies to her about something during the course of the film. Her decision at the end, while undoubtedly heroic, just might be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Only the MCU creative team knows the "truth."

Nota bene: I'm not suggesting that the de facto hero and villain labels of the film should be swapped, only that the situation may be more morally light-grey versus dark-grey rather than black versus white.

Ordering your troops to shove noncombatant civilian children out the airlock puts you pretty squarely in the villain category. just sayin

Brand X
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ivanhedgehog wrote:
ivanhedgehog wrote:
CallmeBlue wrote:

Rhetorical questions are not meant to be answered.

My point was that the audience's perspective on the MCU Kree-Skrull War is limited, so we don't know how representative it is of the wider conflict. Also, Carol has her memories altered more than once, and almost everyone lies to her about something during the course of the film. Her decision at the end, while undoubtedly heroic, just might be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Only the MCU creative team knows the "truth."

Nota bene: I'm not suggesting that the de facto hero and villain labels of the film should be swapped, only that the situation may be more morally light-grey versus dark-grey rather than black versus white.

Ordering your troops to shove noncombatant civilian children out the airlock puts you pretty squarely in the villain category. just sayin

We however don't know if the Skrulls have done such things or not.

We do know that by the time of Guardian's, Ronin is a renegade Kree.

Brand X
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ivanhedgehog wrote:
ivanhedgehog wrote:
Brand X wrote:

If you like 90's music, you should have some love for it as well :)

Marvel has done very well with their musical choices for the MCU.

They have, but I'd say they screwed up a bit on it in terms of story line.

The movie takes place in 1995. The end credit song came out in 1998. However, we can let that go as it's an end credit song.

However, Only Happy When It Rains, came out mid September.

Then there's the fact that she left in 1989. So, in one scene, while the song is perfect for the scene itself, it makes little sense for it to have been the song of choice, seeing as how it wasn't released until 1992.

Figuring the character had to be at least 24 when she was taken...

She would've had to have gotten a college degree, so 4 years there for 22 (can't enter USAFA until at least 17, so I'd guess joined at 18), then at least 18 months of service for rank to Captain. She wasn't Major and was good enough to get the job she had, so I would guess she didn't have the minimum time in requirement to hit Major (usually around 4 years, but minimum of 2 needed), as I would think she'd have likely earned it.

So, between 24 and 29 (going by age of actress) in 1989.

This interestingly imo, makes Carol Danvers older than Tony Stark.

Figure that Tony had to be born between 1967 (Iron Man 2 and showing up with his dad in footage that took place in 1973 but Tony obviously had some age on him) -1974 (Iron Man 1 and paper saying he was 17 when parents died).

So, Carol in 1989 would be born between 1960 (actress being 29 herself) and 1965 (to be at least 24 years old in 1989).

Nos482's picture
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CallmeBlue wrote:
CallmeBlue wrote:

Rhetorical questions are not meant to be answered.

But it was only (rhetorical). =)

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

CallmeBlue's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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ivanhedgehog wrote:
ivanhedgehog wrote:
CallmeBlue wrote:

Rhetorical questions are not meant to be answered.

My point was that the audience's perspective on the MCU Kree-Skrull War is limited, so we don't know how representative it is of the wider conflict. Also, Carol has her memories altered more than once, and almost everyone lies to her about something during the course of the film. Her decision at the end, while undoubtedly heroic, just might be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Only the MCU creative team knows the "truth."

Nota bene: I'm not suggesting that the de facto hero and villain labels of the film should be swapped, only that the situation may be more morally light-grey versus dark-grey rather than black versus white.

Ordering your troops to shove noncombatant civilian children out the airlock puts you pretty squarely in the villain category. just sayin

Assuming that the noncombatant civilian children aren't actually enemy psychological operatives disguised as children to provoke just such a reaction...

The second orbital bombardment mission is a lot less ambiguous. But if you start assigning villain status based on long-distance bombardment of neutral territory, then you tar many earthly countries as well. That actually may be part of the film's intended message.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

notears's picture
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One thing I've noticed is a

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

not my video just one I lke ===>


Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

Hmm, an action movie staring a woman that has had people complaining about it from the first trailer, review bombed it before it came out, and now is getting all sorts of dumb "criticisms"?

Never seen that before.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
notears wrote:

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

Hmm, an action movie staring a woman that has had people complaining about it from the first trailer, review bombed it before it came out, and now is getting all sorts of dumb "criticisms"?

Never seen that before.

Now we see someone who doesn't actually pay attention to things. Perhaps just reads the headlines?

The movie wasn't reviewed bombed before it came out. It had a bunch of people clicking "No. I don't plan to see this movie." instead of clicking "Yes. I plan to see this movie."

That's not a review bomb.

Brand X
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

No weirder than professional critics giving Ghostbusters 2016 positive reviews solely on grounds that "The movie is terrible but Kristin Wiig is so funny, it's worth seeing the movie." When usually that type of review is a negative review.

If Brie didn't make her screw white dudes speech, none of this likely would've happened.

But I guess, then it would've been a boring news week. :p

warlocc's picture
Last seen: 2 days 3 hours ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 16:38
Oh great, it's gonna be

Oh great, it's gonna be another one of [i]those[/i] threads...

[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]

Cobalt Azurean
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(No subject)


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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

No weirder than professional critics giving Ghostbusters 2016 positive reviews solely on grounds that "The movie is terrible but Kristin Wiig is so funny, it's worth seeing the movie." When usually that type of review is a negative review.

Yeah, a review saying "it's worth seeing the movie" is a positive review. They're telling you they had a positive experience. "The movie isn't great but this one aspect more than makes up for it."

No different than people giving The Room a positive review because of how bad it is. Unintentionally funny and so terrible that it's worth seeing.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
notears wrote:

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

Hmm, an action movie staring a woman that has had people complaining about it from the first trailer, review bombed it before it came out, and now is getting all sorts of dumb "criticisms"?

Never seen that before.

Now we see someone who doesn't actually pay attention to things. Perhaps just reads the headlines?

The movie wasn't reviewed bombed before it came out. It had a bunch of people clicking "No. I don't plan to see this movie." instead of clicking "Yes. I plan to see this movie."

That's not a review bomb.

From a brief google of it it was review bombed on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB, for rotten tomatoes it was people leaving commments that, thanks to RT's formatting, these comments were considered "Reviews"

Also now apparently people are using bots to review bomb it. So that's fun.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
notears wrote:

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

Hmm, an action movie staring a woman that has had people complaining about it from the first trailer, review bombed it before it came out, and now is getting all sorts of dumb "criticisms"?

Never seen that before.

Now we see someone who doesn't actually pay attention to things. Perhaps just reads the headlines?

The movie wasn't reviewed bombed before it came out. It had a bunch of people clicking "No. I don't plan to see this movie." instead of clicking "Yes. I plan to see this movie."

That's not a review bomb.

From a brief google of it it was review bombed on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB, for rotten tomatoes it was people leaving commments that, thanks to RT's formatting, these comments were considered "Reviews"

Also now apparently people are using bots to review bomb it. So that's fun.

You couldn't review bomb on RT, as RT didn't allow reviews of movies until they're released. No, reporters were calling the "Percentage of RT subs who want to see the movie" being down at 27% (before they got rid of that function of the site) as review bombs and RT said that people were stupid and taking that "Who wants to see the movie Audience Score" as a review.

However, looking at the news. Captain Marvel, as I suspected, would do well, and as I thought, most of the audience was male.

Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 11/04/2013 - 12:46
Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
notears wrote:

One thing I've noticed is a lot of people are complaining about the weirdest stuff, like there was this one guy who gave it the worst possible score because he didn't like how she did her hair in the last part where she has her mask on, or like how all these people are saying that it's not realistic enough, and like there's a guy who can turn big and green whenever he gets angry because he got a face full of gamma rays and an entire secret organization full of kung fu action wizards

Hmm, an action movie staring a woman that has had people complaining about it from the first trailer, review bombed it before it came out, and now is getting all sorts of dumb "criticisms"?

Never seen that before.

Now we see someone who doesn't actually pay attention to things. Perhaps just reads the headlines?

The movie wasn't reviewed bombed before it came out. It had a bunch of people clicking "No. I don't plan to see this movie." instead of clicking "Yes. I plan to see this movie."

That's not a review bomb.

no, you had a bunch trashing it before they saw it. IMDB had to change the way the allowed reviews.The neckbeards felt threatened by this movie for some reason.

Dark Cleric
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ivanhedgehog wrote:
ivanhedgehog wrote:

no, you had a bunch trashing it before they saw it. IMDB had to change the way the allowed reviews.The neckbeards felt threatened by this movie for some reason.

What/who is a neckbeard and why is that a derogatory term towards whatever group you are targeting?

"For some reason"? You know the reason. Whether it was right or wrong, blown out of proportion or not, the backlash was against Brie's calling out of a specific group of people...white males. Why the color of their skin, or the sex, matters I have no idea. Whether she meant to or not, she came off extremely racist by the very definition of the word. Since a person has a certain pigment their opinion no longer mattered; no matter which way you cut it that's racist. No one's opinion should be valued by the color of their skin.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
ivanhedgehog wrote:

no, you had a bunch trashing it before they saw it. IMDB had to change the way the allowed reviews.The neckbeards felt threatened by this movie for some reason.

What/who is a neckbeard and why is that a derogatory term towards whatever group you are targeting?

"For some reason"? You know the reason. Whether it was right or wrong, blown out of proportion or not, the backlash was against Brie's calling out of a specific group of people...white males. Why the color of their skin, or the sex, matters I have no idea. Whether she meant to or not, she came off extremely racist by the very definition of the word. Since a person has a certain pigment their opinion no longer mattered; no matter which way you cut it that's racist. No one's opinion should be valued by the color of their skin.


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Dark Cleric
Dark Cleric's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 10 min ago
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
ivanhedgehog wrote:

no, you had a bunch trashing it before they saw it. IMDB had to change the way the allowed reviews.The neckbeards felt threatened by this movie for some reason.

What/who is a neckbeard and why is that a derogatory term towards whatever group you are targeting?

"For some reason"? You know the reason. Whether it was right or wrong, blown out of proportion or not, the backlash was against Brie's calling out of a specific group of people...white males. Why the color of their skin, or the sex, matters I have no idea. Whether she meant to or not, she came off extremely racist by the very definition of the word. Since a person has a certain pigment their opinion no longer mattered; no matter which way you cut it that's racist. No one's opinion should be valued by the color of their skin.


Yea, this is about the quality of response I'd expect from you. No counter-argument, just an immature meme. At least you can meet expectations.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Nos482's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Also now apparently people are using bots to review bomb it. So that's fun.

Someone's using bots... but I doubt it's the neckbeards.
The relevant part starts at 2:44.

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Beamrider's picture
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Joined: 12/05/2012 - 21:41
Saw it last night. Thought it

Saw it last night. Thought it was quite good, but way too early to post spoilers.

One word on content, though: KITTY!

[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]


notears's picture
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Was there an interview or

Was there an interview or something where Brie said she hated? Cause the movie was trying to show that men and women are equal like... just because the protagonist of a movie isn't a white, straight male doesn't mean it's a SJW movie... Nick Fury was as awesome and helpful as he always, hell Coulson has a pretty great moment where he let's Carol and Nick go so they can be badasses sooooo….. why is everyone people acting like this is a SJW movie?

not my video just one I lke ===>


Interdictor's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

"For some reason"? You know the reason. Whether it was right or wrong, blown out of proportion or not, the backlash was against Brie's calling out of a specific group of people...white males. Why the color of their skin, or the sex, matters I have no idea. Whether she meant to or not, she came off extremely racist by the very definition of the word. Since a person has a certain pigment their opinion no longer mattered; no matter which way you cut it that's racist. No one's opinion should be valued by the color of their skin.

That single sentence was taken out of context from a much bigger interview a year ago. Poor choice of words? Sure. But her point was arguing for greater diversity in the world of reviewers. Anybody who bothered to check out the interview for "A Wrinkle In Time" can see that plainly. The resulting fallout was stoked and misrepresented by internet clickbait peddlers, because, hey, nothing gets clicks like manufactured outrage.

I think this guy does a pretty good job of breaking things down:


In any case, this whole "controversy" doesn't seem to have made much of a dent in the movie; I think the numbers point to almost half a billion worldwide in just it's first weekend, and men made up almost 2/3rds of the audience so far. People generally seem to enjoy the movie - once you filter out the obviously bullshit 1's and 10's, the reviews tend to be hovering around the "7" to "8" mark. Should she be more careful with her words in the future? Definitely. But I don't think her minor faux pas from a while ago is going to amount to much in the long run.

Brand X
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I like how people always say

I like how people always say 1s and 10s are BS. Then it totally invalidates me giving 5/5 for Frozen, Winter Soldier, The Martian.

Do I think CM was a 1/5? No. More like 3/5 maybe 3.5/5 Which isn't bad at all.

As for Brie's comment, replace white with black, and tell me people wouldn't be upset, and I'll say it's totally okay what she said. Since no one would be able to say that would be okay, we know it came out bad.

Lothic's picture
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warlocc wrote:
warlocc wrote:

Oh great, it's gonna be another one of [i]those[/i] threads...

Cobalt Azurean wrote:


StellarAgent wrote:


Amazingly enough I've had nothing to with this being one of [i]those[/i] threads... I guess until now I suppose. ;)

I'll side-step most of the bickering this time and simply say I liked the Captain Marvel movie. Probably wasn't the best MCU movie but easily wasn't the worst either (i.e. to this day I still can't sit through Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - liked the first one but #2 just bores me to tears). Brie Larson did an adequate job and Samuel Jackson carried it through some of the weaker spots. Basically the movie did what it needed to do to be the "origin story" for the Captain Marvel character.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

mrultimate's picture
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Yeah going to sidestep all

Yeah going to sidestep all the nonsense and say I enjoyed Captain Marvel. The star of the movie was Goose the cat. Brie did well, probably not the best casting choice Marvel has made. Good enough origin story.
I go to the movies to be entertained, I was entertained by CM, so I'm happy.

Project_Hero's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

I liked it but I can see how others might not have enjoyed it.

For me the bottom MCU movies are Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

I liked it but I can see how others might not have enjoyed it.

For me the bottom MCU movies are Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World.

The "cutesy humor" of the first GotG movie was handled well and complemented the movie.

By the time GotG2 came around it was just over the top silly and unoriginal. I've tried watching that movie from beginning to the end [b]twice[/b] now and gave up both times. It's really just the oddest combination of "boring" and "trying too hard" I've ever seen. On the other hand I loved both Deadpool movies so I'm not against mixing "self-aware humor" and superheroes. GotG2 just fell flat for me and weirdly I'm not exactly sure why. *shrugs*

Otherwise I'd agree that Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World were also among the bottom of the MCU pantheon.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 05/04/2016 - 05:00
I saw it, I’ll see it again.

I saw it, I’ll see it again.

It may or may not be worth deconstructing, but it was FUN.

Brand X
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

I liked it but I can see how others might not have enjoyed it.

For me the bottom MCU movies are Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World.

:o Same for me!

Brand X
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

I liked it but I can see how others might not have enjoyed it.

For me the bottom MCU movies are Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World.

The "cutesy humor" of the first GotG movie was handled well and complemented the movie.

By the time GotG2 came around it was just over the top silly and unoriginal. I've tried watching that movie from beginning to the end [b]twice[/b] now and gave up both times. It's really just the oddest combination of "boring" and "trying too hard" I've ever seen. On the other hand I loved both Deadpool movies so I'm not against mixing "self-aware humor" and superheroes. GotG2 just fell flat for me and weirdly I'm not exactly sure why. *shrugs*

Otherwise I'd agree that Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World were also among the bottom of the MCU pantheon.

I liked it quite a bit myself, but I can say, it had a few moments of dragging, but they went by fast enough for me.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

I liked it but I can see how others might not have enjoyed it.

For me the bottom MCU movies are Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World.

:o Same for me!

We aren't so different, you and I... *cue long monologue*

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Lothic's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whaaaaa? Not like GotG2? I am baffled. O.O

I liked it but I can see how others might not have enjoyed it.

For me the bottom MCU movies are Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World.

:o Same for me!

We aren't so different, you and I... *cue long monologue*

One of the best versions of that "long monologue" only took about 90 seconds... (jump to around the 2:00 mark)


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Project_Hero's picture
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That video isn't available

That video isn't available for me on my phone for some reason.


"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

That video isn't available for me on my phone for some reason.


That's weird... I just linked to a vid on YouTube. It didn't look special or "restricted" in any way. Sorry about that. *shrugs*

EDIT: I found another YouTube video that has the bit I wanted to show. It starts roughly at the 1:50 mark goes to about 3:20:


CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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I loved it. Closest thing to

I loved it. Closest thing to a Power Girl movie we will ever get :D

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Saw it last night with my

Saw it last night with my wife. I had moderately high expectations.

My wife's comment at the end of the movie echoed my feelings. She said, "that was... ok."

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

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I just got back from the

I watched it today and well... it wasn't as bad as I worried it might be.
And it's not even Brie's fault that it's not as good a movie as it had the potential to. Even though I still think she was miscast (possibly miscasted).
My biggest gripe, aside from some glaring plot holes, is that Carol isn't written as the protagonist. She feels more like a side character to Yon-Rogg, Fury, Talos and the Rambeaus.
She doesn't even get a real arc of her own... is just along for the ride.

Let's talk about deviations from the comic canon... I'll try not to spoil anything:
Skrull women should have hair. Now I personally like 'em better this way but I'm weird and it's beside the point. Female Skrulls were always depicted with hair in the comics. So why not here?
Talos is definetly not [i]the Untamed[/i]. Why use the name if they change everything about the character?
Mar-Vell. /sigh And I was so hoping we'd eventually get the Young Avengers from the comics. Teddy would need some serious tweaking of his backstory now, and be way too old.
Then there's the Supreme Intelligence, what's with this Matrix knock off?
The entire Kree-Skrull war.
The Skrull shapeshifting...
Skrulls not being carbon based.
Carol's backstory, but that was expected.

And the way Fury loses his eye is stupid. Sorry, it just is. It's not even set up well.

The writers and director need a seriously stern talking to... as does whoever cut the trailers together.

P.s. I'd really like to know the Kree rules for designating planets, [REDACTED] sounds conveniently short. Do they only name worlds with confirmed sentient life?
Even then... the Marvel universe is rather densely populated. Where did they start, considering that earth's corner or the Milky Way is considered backwoods?

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Brand X
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I don't recall Kong to well

I don't recall Kong to well and I have to say, I thought she acted better in 21 Jump Street, than she did here.

Figured Fury would lose his eye in the one. Thought the eye loss might turn into a joke as they went about teasing it through the movie. I however, didn't mind how he lost it.

I'm hoping Brie's performance improves in the next movie. I felt she could've done better.

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Her arc was figuring out who

Her arc was figuring out who she was, and then deciding her place in the universe. It's a pretty typical amnesia storyline.

Actually, thinking about it she had an arc pretty similar to Adora from the first episode(s) of the new She-ra cartoon. And that show is awesome.

I thought the movie was pretty good. It's no Thor: Ragnarok but it's definitely no Thor: The Dark World. Not knowing much about Captain Marvel I can't speak to how faithful it was to the source material, but while I found some of the changes a little odd (the Skrulls mostly, but I don't know too much about them in comics either) overall it was pretty enjoyable.

It's probably best to think of the marvel movies less like adaptations and more like a reboot or alternate universe (like the Ultimate universe was), things wont be the same; they'll be changed for modern audiences or to better fit the timeline or atmosphere of the universe they're being added to.

I really liked the Stan Lee tribute in the Marvel Logo at the start, that was really nice.

And I'm hopeful to see the Super Skrull in a MCU movie some day.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Brand X
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The real test to how faithful

The real test to how faithful she'll be, is if she turns out to be the villain in Avengers: Civil War.

But yes, MCU is just another universe. Universe 199999 infact. Main comic universe is 616.

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

The real test to how faithful she'll be, is if she turns out to be the villain in Avengers: Civil War.

But yes, MCU is just another universe. Universe 199999 infact. Main comic universe is 616.

Yup you are correct. So, of course there will be differences. It's not without reasons called like that. Still, I am going to watch it today. In 3 or 4 hours. So I hope I will like it. ????


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