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I just wanted to point out that magnetic storage is already being left behind as a technology. Data is typically stored now as electrical charges in integrated circuits, in SSDs and flash drives. No magnetism involved. Though that technology is far from perfect and won’t last forever (especially if left too long unpowered), this isn’t the 1980s and you can’t just wipe storage by having a refrigerator magnet too close to it.
[url=]Memristors[/url] arranged into [url=]Crossbar Latch[/url] configurations anyone?
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
As the conversation is straying, at least slightly, into storage media, I saw an interesting bit about data storage in pieces of crystal. They'd managed to store... I don't recall what it was, but a pretty hefty bit of data in a piece of clear crystal in a dot barely visible to the human eye, and the storage life of the media was measured in thousands of years, rather than decades. At the point in time I read the article it wasn't effectively rewritable, but for archival data storage, it doesn't really need to be.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty
3D memory storage, basically ROM. Done using lasers and a special type of doping compound inside the crystal. A long way from practical use unfortunately.
This is effectively the same type of storage we've been using for DVDs and bluray. Just a new medium. I think this is what you were remembering.
It'll be interesting to see how and if the technology improves and or becomes mainstream.
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At first I though this was different, but then I went back and found the original article, and it looks like they did some different aesthetics with these, but it's essentially the same technology.
Original article (within days of exactly 3 years ago, it turns out)
Reading the article you linked, the last bits of it are kind of exciting to me because they mention something that sounds similar to an idea I'm using for 'space-internet' in a sci-fi series I'm writing; i.e. basically due to the distances involved and the limits on speed (I have FTL travel, but it still takes weeks and months to get from place to place), ships and stations carry around what amounts to local copies of the internet and update them whenever they come across each other, or in scheduled burst transmissions between stations and planets.
~ DariusWolfe
Errant, TNT, Vibrant and Fluxion on Liberty