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Not sure if the email I sent through the system got through (for some reason the server wouldn't send any validation emails to my email address, so I switched emails.

Anyways, Congratulations on getting your game released! you really persevered to the end and got the project releasable!

I'm impressed at your teamwork, you know me I'm always a loner who takes on more than he can chew. and I'm a slave to intrigue, so long as I have questions so long as making some part of the game is like a puzzle you can't turn me away, (unless something breaks and would require too much work to fix). but if at any point indevelopment there is something thats a problem not a puzzle or when everything is clear and known I have no intrigue and lose motivation. thats what friends are for ina dev system to back eachother up and say "no keep working at it, really you've almost got it, don't quit till you're finished." that sort of thing. that and teams have more than one person doing one thing so.. no one feels too burdened.

Congratulations again on releasing your game! I really wish I had a team like you.

DesViper's picture
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GREETINGS!!! From the future!

GREETINGS!!! From the future!!!

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Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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*blinks* I thought I saw on

*blinks* I thought I saw on twitter some message about the game going live.. was it a dream or was I really in the future? now I'm confused, oh well congrats on putting so much work into it so far then! keep up the good work!

Pearly's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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I'm not sure what you saw (or

I'm not sure what you saw (or thought you saw), but as of now there have been no public announcements about the game going live in any form. I'm sure if they did make that announcement, it would be on all the platforms they use for news, including this site. We're eagerly awaiting that day!

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It is going into closed Beta,

It is going into closed Beta, SOONtm.

Dark Cleric
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Maybe you saw ship of heroes'

Maybe you saw ship of heroes' videos lol

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Seschat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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It's awesome! It's amazing!

It's awesome! It's amazing!

Also, I may or may not be suffering from fever induced hallucinations! Thank you, virus-that-isn't-influenza!

Native of Triumph - Victory - Protector - Gladden - Dwarrowdelf - Tribble
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Yes, my [u][url=]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.

Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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I remember seeing a twitter

I remember seeing a twitter post by missing worlds media, maybe possibly quoted by TonyV. but I can't find it now. anyways as for ship of heroes, I'm not knocking the game, I haven't played it I just felt like they donkyed and stole the existing project's thunder. (I'm a strange person, don't mind my opinions... ) but yeah I look forwards to seeing what the original titan spiritual successor projects have to offer.

If they're anywhere near decent I might even beg to be able to merge some of my ideas from my own long stalled project. I mostly have time to build lore and characters and interactions.

As for help, I would love to help if you still need it, though at this point I feel like I'm joining a mostly completed project where I'd pretty much just be getting coffee for the people who did all the work already :P , one note on my help; I have very limited time each week at current so as a fair warning ahead of time things may be slow and you are welcome to give them to someone else and cancel my help at any time.

I still miss city and the people that made it the community I know.

DesViper's picture
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I honestly just not a fan of

I honestly just not a fan of the battlestar galactica take on superheroes :p It seems super limiting.

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Kid Rad
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

I honestly just not a fan of the battlestar galactica take on superheroes :p It seems super limiting.

I'm with you there. I'm also not into their lore, it's a bit cheesy. Like how the radioactive fuel of the ship is also somehow used as a currency, and it's called unobtanium... Yet everyone can and does obtain it on a regular basis. They really couldn't think of something more interesting and logically consistent?

Kuraikari's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Kid Rad wrote:
Kid Rad wrote:
desviper wrote:

I honestly just not a fan of the battlestar galactica take on superheroes :p It seems super limiting.

I'm with you there. I'm also not into their lore, it's a bit cheesy. Like how the radioactive fuel of the ship is also somehow used as a currency, and it's called unobtanium... Yet everyone can and does obtain it on a regular basis. They really couldn't think of something more interesting and logically consistent?

Isn't that a problem? James Cameron's Avatar had Unobtanium as a mineral. And it's actually a crypto currency. So technically, aren't they sueable?


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Kid Rad
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Kuraikari wrote:
Kuraikari wrote:
Kid Rad wrote:
desviper wrote:

I honestly just not a fan of the battlestar galactica take on superheroes :p It seems super limiting.

I'm with you there. I'm also not into their lore, it's a bit cheesy. Like how the radioactive fuel of the ship is also somehow used as a currency, and it's called unobtanium... Yet everyone can and does obtain it on a regular basis. They really couldn't think of something more interesting and logically consistent?

Isn't that a problem? James Cameron's Avatar had Unobtanium as a mineral. And it's actually a crypto currency. So technically, aren't they sueable?

I think it's been used in several other sci fi worlds other than avatar, as well as common parlance since in the 1950's, so they should be in the clear. I don't think avatar copyrighted it or originated it at all. Don't know anything about the crypto currency though, that might be a problem.

Kuraikari's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Kid Rad wrote:
Kid Rad wrote:
Kuraikari wrote:
Kid Rad wrote:
desviper wrote:

I honestly just not a fan of the battlestar galactica take on superheroes :p It seems super limiting.

I'm with you there. I'm also not into their lore, it's a bit cheesy. Like how the radioactive fuel of the ship is also somehow used as a currency, and it's called unobtanium... Yet everyone can and does obtain it on a regular basis. They really couldn't think of something more interesting and logically consistent?

Isn't that a problem? James Cameron's Avatar had Unobtanium as a mineral. And it's actually a crypto currency. So technically, aren't they sueable?

I think it's been used in several other sci fi worlds other than avatar, as well as common parlance since in the 1950's, so they should be in the clear. I don't think avatar copyrighted it or originated it at all. Don't know anything about the crypto currency though, that might be a problem.

Well i just saw the currency is abbreviated as UNO. I think they will let it slide, lol.

Ah about that 1950s thing just saw a page about that. (Good to know)


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DesViper's picture
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No way anyone's got a

No way anyone's got a copywrite on unobtanium. The case would get thrown out of court unless you bribed the judge.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

No way anyone's got a copywrite on unobtanium. The case would get thrown out of court unless you bribed the judge.


Col. Kernel wrote:

enjoy your niche. Don't be a whore.


Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

No way anyone's got a copywrite on unobtanium. The case would get thrown out of court unless you bribed the judge.

over the past few years I forced the creation of several things by absolute accident. I was like "lets make a female Link as a joke in one of our flash games" a while later nintendo announced they made a female Link. but my best creation so far was Trollium, Trololo on the periodic table. I wonder if anyone else came up with that before me?

Unobtanium made my family facepalm. it was very corny. I have much more unique lore for ways to control starships. Been developing them since I was a kid, the scary part is some of them might actually work... though they are untested, but in all theory there's nothing to say they wont work (yet) and everything to suggest they will. One of them is even a solid state machine (meaning no input energy needed) been thinking of testing that one as it could be useful to solve the world's energy needs as well (if it works and doesn't flop). but alas; time, I have none. money, I feel guilty spending any.

So, I've been out of it for a while, can anyone do a quick summary of where the game is at now and what they are working on or need next?

DesViper's picture
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uhhh...I'm getting an RP vibe

uhhh...I'm getting an RP vibe out if that

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no RP from me. I was merely

no RP from me. I was merely mentioning I have alternate ideas for starship engine power lore (weather they'll work or not). and I'd like to know where city of titans development stage is and what still needs to be done.

I can do modelling and texture work pretty easily. characters or costume parts take me a long time though.

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Remember, folks, this appears

Remember, folks, this appears to be Joshex.

Be Well!

Pearly's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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As of now, we are

As of now, we are anticipating that Issue 0 will be launching sometime within the next couple of weeks. This will be made available to Kickstarter backers in waves, and will give you access to the character creation system as well as a small social hub within the game. A second chance Kickstarter is expected to be released sometime after Issue 0 is live so that MWM can show off their work and fund more development for Issue 1, which will be when the game officially launches.

I think that about sums it up. Feel free to correct any information here!

Kuraikari's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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The only bad thing about the

The only bad thing about the second chance is. That my card doesn't get accepted (Maestro card)... So I need to find an alternative... Sad life.


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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Ahh, joshex. I've missed you

Ahh, joshex. I've missed you.

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Soulwind wrote:
Soulwind wrote:

Ahh, joshex. I've missed you.

What am I missing here?

DesViper's picture
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Kuraikari wrote:
Kuraikari wrote:

The only bad thing about the second chance is. That my card doesn't get accepted (Maestro card)... So I need to find an alternative... Sad life.

Visa gift card would be a good alternative, otherwise...paypal?

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Pearly wrote:
Pearly wrote:
Soulwind wrote:

Ahh, joshex. I've missed you.

What am I missing here?

In previous incarnations, Joshex might have been known as a 'Shite-disturber'. Fairly intelligent, but with slight 'trollish' tendencies.

Be Well!

DesViper's picture
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noted :p

noted :p

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
Pearly wrote:
Soulwind wrote:

Ahh, joshex. I've missed you.

What am I missing here?

In previous incarnations, Joshex might have been known as a 'Shite-disturber'. Fairly intelligent, but with slight 'trollish' tendencies.

Be Well!

Ah. Well, thank you for the lesson in CoT forum history.

Kuraikari's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:
Kuraikari wrote:

The only bad thing about the second chance is. That my card doesn't get accepted (Maestro card)... So I need to find an alternative... Sad life.

Visa gift card would be a good alternative, otherwise...paypal?

Yes! This might be my problem solver! You are my savior! Thanks :)


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Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 12/02/2018 - 23:42
Yes it's true I got B& from

Yes it's true I got B& from CoT for "Continuing to spam incomprehensible nonsense." as Agge put it, Perma ban style. (I was warned many times to quit but didn't listen), I was even warned by friends who had gotten perma banned for lesser things in the past of how tough a group CoT was to not get banned from. I guess you could say I'm an infamous villain over there.

I will try to be relatively sane here, no trolling.

pearly wrote:

As of now, we are anticipating that Issue 0 will be launching sometime within the next couple of weeks. This will be made available to Kickstarter backers in waves, and will give you access to the character creation system as well as a small social hub within the game. A second chance Kickstarter is expected to be released sometime after Issue 0 is live so that MWM can show off their work and fund more development for Issue 1, which will be when the game officially launches.

I think that about sums it up. Feel free to correct any information here!

Ah so that's the message I read from missing world media on twitter, it had to do with Issue 0! that's what this thread was in response to. That's one thing cleared up now.

by the way your name is the nickname of my cat. his full name is perseus (or Purrseus), his nickname is pearly. yes he's white.

Given the lack of any requests for work and the stated stage of the game's design, I take that as a clear cue that you've got things handled in the "help" department. Amazing work!

Here's what I'm working on now (I don't expect donations, it is NOT an MMO!!) EDIT:, I cleaned up the rewards, some of them were ridiculous. If anyone else wants to join the project let me know, it's kinda going slowly. Right now I'm working on a basic game (to release soon just to show something people can play till the actual game is done.) a little bit every Sunday and Monday on my days off between 10 hour night shifts.

project bane? lets just say I should try something smaller first. or have a team. anyways, I'm rooting for you guys and I'll definitely try City of Titans when I get a chance, I would advertise it on my patreon but as you can see I have all of 1 donor and he's my brother.. not the audience you'd be hoping for.

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/18/2013 - 19:49
Joshex wrote:
Joshex wrote:

Yes it's true I got B& from CoT for "Continuing to spam incomprehensible nonsense." as Agge put it, Perma ban style.

To clarify: Titan Network (who I work for, and for whom there's no general abbreviation for) and City of Titans (CoT) a.k.a Missing Worlds Media, are separate entities.

That's all I'll comment on. Carry on. :)