when players can create missions, the longevity of the game will be assured.
Is it slated for the first year?
any plans being discussed in that direction? Thanks.
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when players can create missions, the longevity of the game will be assured.
Is it slated for the first year?
any plans being discussed in that direction? Thanks.
Personally, I would be VERY surprised if they were planning on releasing the Mission Builder within the first year of full release. I think their main priorities would be bug squashing, releasing the rest of the post-level 30 content, Commanders, items for the store, etc. Even things like the full implementation of the crafting/trading systems might have higher priority. I have a feeling we might be a few years off from being able to create our own missions, though I have no doubt it will be in the pipe sometime.
We have the bones of the system IGC system already. We aren’t making separate tools for the players that we devs use. There will be simpiicstions and better playing facing UI in place. But the mission designer and base builder are both use assets we will provide in the UGC system.
When we fully implement it depends so much on how wel we are doing through launch and our first major issue post launch which unlocks the second half of the city and the level cap of 50.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Will it look like the superbase creator ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
That was just a prototype. Things will be much improved by the time it is in player hands.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
As much as I love Love LOVE ugc. I also think it's best until issue 4 or 5. Too early and it can overshadow the game itself I'd worry.
[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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Avatar by MikeNovember
Yeah, I could see waiting a few issues before opening up to AE Babies.
If it goes in there needs to be a lot of consideration to avoiding the mistakes of Mission Architect in COH. At least keep the building away from Atlas Park (er, starting areas)
Scott Cooper
It was fine in Atlas Park, on one's 80th alt, it's good to mix AE for some variety from what was the same opening missions every time. What was wrong was the strong xp farm potential that had new characters never leave Atlas Park or AE until they were level 50.
They have said that they won't have (or at least limit it to) a few explicit buildings like CoH's AE, since that was rationalized as being a simulation or virtual world. MWM on the other hand want UGE to be seen as just a normal part of the world (on the same level/class as dev created ones) so the entry points for missions will be spread out around the world. It sounds like it will be much closer to, if not even effectively the same as, the UGE system that Neverwinter has in terms of "world integration". As far as I have heard effectively every "entry point" that the devs can use will be available to players.
Yeah, I confess that I did have a couple of characters that got 20+ levels there. There were just way too many players who never got out of AE and had no concept of how to play their level 50 whatever... it made me avoid PuG's like the plague for quite a while. Did you ever try to run Statesman's TF with 6 AE babies on the team? Epic fail, there's only so much that 2 experienced players can do to carry that much dead weight.
Scott Cooper
What's funny, is that kinda showed those who didn't really play the game to begin with.
If you played the game at all, you could easily have a grasp of almost all class combos.
After awhile yes, you generally had a pretty good idea of what any powerset combo could bring to the table if it was in competent hands. I was kind of spoiled in the late game since I was on a smaller server, Guardian, and knew most of the other long term vets I played with. My SG may have only been 3 of us and our alts but we had dozens of other players we knew and grouped with.
For awhile we had a fairly fixed team of Rad/x defenders and x/Rad controllers we were leveling, I think there were 5 of us altogether. At level 24 we bagged Lusca in 5 minutes unaided, one of the most fun groups I ran in game. It really was true, no in game problem couldn't be solved by enough Radiation.
It does seem we're wandering away from the topic however, thread drift FTW! How about those bacon recipes?
Scott Cooper
Bacon wrapped pork chops. Simple and easy enough to cook.
Bacon and cream cheese stuffed French Toast. Mmmmm!
Bacon covered Maple Doughnut? YUMMY!
Just plain putting a plate full of bacon in the oven and then having some nice crispy bacon to eat all for yourself? Priceless!
Okay, not really priceless. Anywhere from 2.98 - 5.99/lb seems about right. :p