It's early in the game but I have fifteen dollars a month I have not been spending - and I wonder if some gear with the phoenix image (Tshirts or mugs or ???|) could be put on the market .. Just saying.
Also, thinking a printed comic that could be purchased through Lulu or something set in the TPP Universe would be very coool.
“Injustice in the end produces independence.”
― Voltaire
Keep saving your money for the Kickstarter (Sept 8 - Oct 11, 2013). There just might be something geary in there....
Former Online Community Manager & Forum Moderator
Watches calendar longingly............
Deeds Not Words
phoenix project hoodie? i'm in!
If Brute Force doesn't work, you aren't using enough of it!
All i ask is if you make clothes part of the "gear" please make a variety of sizes :P
I undsterstand big and tall can cost more for a tshrit :P
Kovacs - Leader of "The Titan Legacy" SuperGroup
The First SuperGroup In City of Titans History - Come Be A Part Of It!!!
I second this one - I'd buy a hoodie - (kind of a hoodie junky myself)
Tamorand = (Tahm-o-rand) This name originated from the days of Ultima Online. My first character was a Tamer and a Minstrel and an Archer and a Mage - I couldn't figure out a name to portray all skills in a single word. Hence **Tamer + And ** /shrug
I'd be down for a hoodie! =D
[color=#FF0000]Recording Engineer/Foley Artist[/color]
Large and larger :)
I remember a couple of game events which involved a load of 4X men being given small and medium T-shirts as they'd not adjusted the normal size range for gamers.
Also on potential swag, see and feel free to post suggestions.
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team and Forum Moderator[/color]