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Hauntress appears
"Getting shot and bleeding out sucks. Been there, done that, bought the farm... If it's still in there I might be able to get it out... Emphasis on the might."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Broach let the portal close, then swung over the railing to drop down. She began opening smaller portals to grab supplies from home: a first aid kit, a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and a boxer's mouthguard. "Anyone got a bit of telekinesis, or maybe clairvoyance and telepathy?" She turned to Hauntress and added, "If nobody can TK it out, you should try. The other idea I had seems like a long shot..."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"I can try and geist it out, or try to phase it out of him... Or him from around it... But I don't have much experience in phasing things that I don't directly wear or hold... And fine manipulation of my powers is a work in progress... Or, you know... Whatever."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"No...I didnt inherit any of my bio moms useful powers." She was just busy applying pressure so he didnt bleed out and trying to see if there was an exit hole
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
They would indeed find an exit wound, but in their searching they would see Nagual’s teeth would now be akin to fangs, as he thrashes from the pain, looking to Immanuel and the rest as they surround him.
“Just d-do whatever You have to, n-no hospital!”
Kneeling down, Immanuel would place a hand over the wound, grimacing as if he feels it himself for a moment before bracing both hands on it and closing his eyes.
“I need someone to keep pressure, and you,” He points to Hauntress. “See if you can get it out of him, somehow.” When he opens his eyes, they are a gradient gold, as slowly a pair of dove like wings begin to sprout from his back, encircling the group, as they feel their wounds and fatigue lessen.
His very presence is restorative, as he pours energy into Diego to stabilize him and stop him from bleeding out, though he is still in need of being kept out of shock and healing.
*has been applying pressure for a few minutes now using a torn off chunk of her shirt* "there is an exit wound the bullet should be out. Your good to heal him now"
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Though thoroughly wiped from her fight with Desire, Kate knelt down next to Nagual's uninjured shoulder and gripped his head gently. "Diego, be still." she said to the thrashing youth.
When her words didn't seem to phase him, Kate simply did the next thing that came to mind. Bending down closer, wary of his fangs, she brushed her lips softly against Diego's, then kissed him.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Immanuel, let me know if any of this stuff" - Broach held out the first aid supplies - "is needed." She pocketed the mouthguard, it seemed to be too late for that.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Now is not the time to be showing hidden feelings....we dont need his heart rate rising and causing MORE blood loss" *she rolls her eyes placing a hand on his cheek and focusing on calming him while immanual healed, her other hand still applying the pressure*
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Scarlet's eyes simply widen at the unexpected kiss that B-E had planted on Nagual.
"Well then...I know this is a bad time and all, but I gotta say. Even when severely injured, the dude's still a lady's man."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Diego’s eyes widen first at seeing his best friend of four years sprout a pair of wings, and then at receiving a kiss while bleeding out. Yeah, this just about sets the tone for the night he thought, but to his credit he did manage to slightly kid back.
“Sorry if it felt like you were kissing a dead guy.” He jokes, before sobering up. “Wait, am I going to die?” He asks aloud, as Immanuel shakes his head and looks to Lovetap, while he makes a gesture for some tape and gauze from Broach.
“You will be fine-it will scar but your body is healing the damage thanks to my powers, and help from your friend.” He nods to LT, his wings fluttering a bit as he finishes the last of the healing and steps away from Diego.
“This is all I can do for now, he still needs to be watched for shock, but you’ll survive. And clearly, you’re well enough to do what you do best.” Immanuel jokes referencing Kate, before speaking to the group.
“Thank you guys, for not giving up on us and rescuing us from this place. I could feel what that man felt, he did not intend to keep us alive past this night if he didn’t get what he wanted.” He looks down, and looks to his wings.
“I can’t go home like this...none of us can go home anymore.” He realizes, as Diego speaks up, struggling to stand slowly.
“You don’t have to, you can stay with us, or my family, or the team. You don’t have to run away anymore.” He states the last sentence with emphasis, before adding.
“Your mom still-”
“My mom’s a junkie and wasn’t looking for me when I wasn’t captured by a maniac doctor. She hates who I am, and her carousel of boyfriends are worse.” He looks back to the group of newly powered teens, who have now formed up behind him.
“These guys feel more like family than mine ever did, and I have faith that my path is somewhere else, Diego.” He states, as his wings fold in for a second.
Diego looks down, then looks to the team.
“We can’t just let them go, right?” He asks, still weak from the gunshot, of course.
"If you moms a foster parent for the state...she takes in kids all the can stay with us? We have two rooms set up for it. She is super nice" she slowly removed her hands from Diego and hugged herself a bit to hide her now exposed stomach "she puts up with my moody angst...and like I said maybe my bio moms journals can help you"
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
The emptiness of the hallway was a small, singular comfort as Caitrin picked up the pace, her heart beating with a heaviness that rivaled the rhythmic slaps of her nearly-bare feet upon the linoleum floor. Subtlety had given away to the need to get away, the need to get as far from the sick and wounded as possible before she could cause any more damage. Why, why, [i]why[/i]? [i]Why did they have to pick a hospital[/i]?
She spun around another corner, sliding slightly due to her lack of grip against the floor. There was no way whomever those other teenagers were could have known; there was no way that Caitrin [i]herself[/i] could have known, right?
No. That was one thing that she couldn't bring herself to believe. She should have said something.
Shouldn't she have?
The signs pointed ahead to the main lobby, the hallway opening up bit by bit as it made way for the building's grand entrance. She forced herself to run as fast as she could, trying to focus in on anything but the hospital around her. Speed. Just speed. The strip before a springboard. She opened her eyes ever so slightly, just enough to be sure that she knew where she was going, pushing her hands outward again to prepare herself for impact against the glass double doors just before her. Part of her expected no resistance; perhaps the expectation even caused the result; she had no way of truly knowing. Yet, the glass could not hold its form the same way as the metal before her had, the force that erupted from her hand tearing through the glass as if it were paper, sending bright, sparkling shards outward onto the street as waves rippled through two sets of doors.
"Hey! HEY!"
She ignored the calls of the night guard, the only other person in the lobby. Cold, night air bit against her exposed skin, and she did not stop. That eruption had come more easily than the last. She was short on time. She could feel rippling coming from all sides, as if caught in a wall of motion despite her continuous forward run. She finally had the faith to open her eyes again, her vision trained outward as she focused on nothing but distance. The sensation of vibration did not matter. The hospital did not matter. The chill of the night did not matter, nor did the fiery, unbearable burning of cold air and fatigue interweaving in her lungs.
It took the sensation of grass beneath her feet to make her realize that she had reached a park, her mind completely releasing her knowledge of the run over. Even on autopilot, she could not run forever. Her legs fell away from under her, the white-hot searing in her lungs forcing her to a stop as she fell to her knees.
The surrounding vibrations expanded in an instant. She screamed, letting out both overwhelming fear and the rush of her pent-up emotions and sensations. Grass and soil rippled, flying away from the ground as pavement cracked and shattered. Leaves left trees, those that weren't torn to pieces flying away on the violent, ensuing wind. Streetlamps cracked as light vanished from the promenade, those nearest falling as the ground beneath them destabilized and nearby benches took flight, wooden planks shattering in the deep, bass-like sound.
Then, she was alone again. Alone in the darkness.
A chorus of car alarms sounded in the far distance, given voice by the farthest reaches of her disturbance. Caitlin shakily pulled herself to her feet, the light of the rest of the city dimly illuminating what she had done. Lights in windows throughout the area flicked on, the catastrophe waking all manner of residents surrounding the public circle.
She tried to force herself to run again, but all she could manage was a stumbling, shambling mimicry of movement, her lungs burnt-out and her legs aching with greater pain than she could remember ever feeling. Tears ran, and her sobbing was anything but silent. Picking her way across the practical ruins of the park only brought on more tears and encouraged greater wailing, the girl only able to keep a lid on her emotions long enough to get her out of the park without any further notice.
The sound of sirens was on the horizon by the time Caitlin found a dark, out-of-the-way alley. The brick walls supported her last ounces of energy as she made her way to the far end, huddling out of the way of the slow, flickering, yellow light. Her feet and legs were covered in dust and dirt, but that didn't matter anymore. Slumping into the corner formed by the metal of a stained dumpster and the dark brown building, she pulled her legs inward. She didn't even have the energy to cry as she might have wanted to; instead, it all came out slowly. Silently. Seemingly endless frustration funneled through a narrow passage out into the world, manifesting as whimpers and soft sobs as she pulled her hair around her.
[i]"What did I do?"[/i] came her soft, repeated questioning, [i]"what did I do, what did I do, what did I do..."[/i]
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
As caitlin settled in the far end of the park a petite Latin woman, likely in her mid thirties, in scrubs came walking up with her hands up to show she had no weapon, she looked a little winded
"sweet heart....I saw you running out of the hospital...I followed name is Chasity. I'm a nurse practitioner, are you okay?"
She looked truly concerned and she radiated with kindness and maternal warmth. Her eyes were a bit red and puffy as if she had been crying previously. She kept her distance to avoid startling the girl.
"You look to be about my daughters age...are you hungry? I have a habit of keeping snacks on me for her...she could eat me out of house and home."
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
For a while, Caitrin had found some comfort in the solitary nature of her corner in the alleyway; much like the run to the park, she had no idea how long she had been there, everything swirling together in a mass of tears and quiet echoes. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a voice other than her own cut through the darkness, pushing herself as far into the corner as she could.
"Don't!" the girl shouted as she recoiled, fear instantly working its way back into her eyes as the metal beside her began to vibrate. "Stay over there! have to stay over there..." Her voice dwindled from its initial volume down to nearly nothing, the buzzing of the dumpster's side dissipating a short moment afterward.
Caitrin's own visage wasn't looking too much better; if she was a mess before the park incident, now she was even worse. She continued to hold her hair down over her face, shrouding identifiable features as best she could, despite the woman's well-meaning demeanor. "I...don't know," she eventually said, finally managing to force out an answer to the woman's question. She had run so hard and so fast that she hadn't event stopped to take tabs on her stomach, and now, in the midst of her emotions, nothing else seemed to matter. She swallowed, a single, visible eye looking outward through curly red strands. Part of her wanted to talk, to unload everything she could upon the woman all at once in hopes that the talk would make her feel better, or find her some measure of atonement. The other part, of course, did not even want to move, as if the nurse would leave if Caitrin remained still enough.
She cut down the middle, moving to ask a simple, shaky question. "Um...what part of town is this? I-I need to go home."
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
She smiled gently " powers? My daughter is still learning hers...she broke her nose earlier today running into a wall." She pulled a granola chewy bar from her scrub pocket and slid it over, sitting on the ground.
"You should calm down a bit before going home...maybe let the doctors look you over? Make sure everything is where is should be?"
She would tell her where they were, the exact park and which hospital she had run out of.
"Its okay to be scared. I'm scared. The hospital I normally work at and that my daughter was being cared for was attacked...they haven't found her and I cant get ahold of her...but when we are scared we still have to buck up and get business done...would you like a hug? Hugs always help my kids feel better." She smiled gently, she wasnt afraid of caitlin in the least.
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Scarlet folds his arms and looks between Nagual and the group of newly-powered teens.
"I don't know man...the more you think about it, the more you begin to question, outside of us, who else really was looking for these guys? And well after seeing the excellent work they pulled off here, I honestly think they're more-than-capable of handling themselves if they ever find themselves in a bind."
Scarlet looks to the group of former captives and asks them a question as a collective.
"Do you guys, [i]any[/i] of you, [b]want[/b] to return home at all? Or better yet actually have homes to really go back to?"
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Caitrin pulled her knees in even tighter, if such a thing were even possible at that point. "Not...right now," she replied in response to the hug, her rejection coming more from her own concern for the woman, rather than a desire to be left alone. Though her feelings on interaction given all that had happened were mixed, her thoughts on the suggestion of returning to the hospital were far more concrete.
"...I don't want anyone to know about this, not even the doctors," she replied, her voice croaking as a result of her prolonged crying, "and if anything happens, I'll hurt everyone. You...did you see the park?"
The girl fell silent, yet she didn't seem to be awaiting an answer for that question in particular. She reached up, pulling more strands of hair in front of her as she did her best to tuck her face behind her knees. "These aren't even mine...I'm [i]normal.[/i] I'm [i]supposed[/i] to be normal...I [i]want[/i] to be normal..." Her eyes drifted downward, gazing at the bar on the ground for several long moments. Turning her gaze back to the nurse, she reached out slowly, extending only as far as she needed to whisk the bar away from the ground, deathly afraid that any closer contact would splay the unknown woman all over the far wall. She didn't even move to eat the bar, merely clutching it with a tight, white-knuckled hand as she returned to her balled-up pose, eyeing Chasity from behind her self-imposed curtain of sorts.
"Um...I'm...sorry about your daughter."
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
The group of teens look at eachother, before answering, each one by one.
Eli, the speedster, shakes his head, and lowers it as he speaks.
“I had everything in the world and I blew it, my parents want nothing to do with me, not with a kid who’s a now a powered addict.” Immanuel’s hand slips into his own, and it seems to be more than just a easing of emotional pain.
Dara, the short haired girl speaks up, firm and to the point. “Fuck no, my mom’s exploited me my entire life, and now that I’m like this? This just gives me more reason to never go back.” She leaves it at that.
Speaking bluntly, the lead teen, Malik speaks last, almost hesitantly.
“I..c-could, but where do these guys go? I have a condition, my bones are as brittle as can be, I can’t play on the field nd get my football scholarship, and I still have to work to feed my siblings. When the experiments were offered, it seemed like so much money...and now I can punch throw walls.”
He flexes his arm, and Lovetap would sense a flash of pain, and it would be clear that the boy is in a state of near constant pain.
“The experiments didn’t stop my pain, just turned it into fuel for my powers. But just because I have the chance to go home and pretend like everything’s normal, doesn’t mean I can leave my friends behind.” He finishes.
Immanuel looks up and looks at them, speaking calmly.
“I don’t think any of us are going home, at least not now anyway, but we also can’t ask you all to risk yourselves for us.”
"We already did, genius. It's kinda our thing? Anyway. We got to find that quack. I don't like the idea of the podlings tagging along, but whatever, I'm not their mom."
Hauntress shrugs, folds her arms, and leans against something
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Charity huffed "you kids thinking having powers makes you not NORMAL...what IS normal? You live in a city where seeing a man in tights punching a hole in a wall in person is more common than seeing a celebrity do something stupid on the news. You cant hide this, as you can tell by the park and hiding it is just going to make things worse. You need to learn to control it"
She slowly slid closer, moving to just sit next to the girl
"Dont panic...I'm sturdier than I look okay?" She smiled gently again and nodded "I'm sure she is okay...." she didnt sound particularly convinced
LoveTap frowned and slowly got up, placing her hand on Malik, trying to numb even a fraction of the pain. She looked around at the group
"Unless anyone has a better option...your welcome to stay at my place...that goes for all of you. It might be cramped..." she shrugged a little "its warm, there is food...and you guys already said you didnt want to use birdbrains place anymore so it's not like many options are being thrown around."
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Though she still felt fear, Caitrin could only condense herself so much. As the other woman moved to sit next to her, there was little that she could do other than silently hold her tense position for a few more moments. Soon enough, her body lacked the strength to do even that; the lack of outbursts, however, was encouraging, and both factors caused the girl to slacken bit by bit, even as she consciously, carefully, kept her hair in front of her face. Questions of control and obscuration were ignored, the girl instead trying to hone in on what she felt was far easier to answer.
"I mean...just because these things happen doesn't mean they're [i]normal[/i]," she countered, her grip on the bar loosening as well as she kept her eyes glued to the ground, "[i]normal[/i] is what most people have been since, like, forever. If everyone were like this, superheroes wouldn't need to exist. We'd just...need police, I guess." She let out a snort, perhaps the most she could muster towards some sort of expression of humor. "...I don't want a world where it's [i]normal[/i] to rip up a whole park. I don't think [i]anyone[/i] wants a world like that."
A pause. She buried her head into the arms that encircled the tops of her knees. "...Or at least [i]I[/i] don't."
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
"I know some abandoned buildings... They'd need some work. But an actual home would probably be better for the immediate..."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"So, are your folks going to be OK with a half dozen kids crashing at your place? Cause if you're OK with a teleporter knowing where you live, I can get us all there..."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Scarlet scratches the back of his head.
"Just a thought, but I'm more than certain that theres at least a few homeless shelters you guys could take up residence at. Even if it's temporary. And since most of you are definitely going to need some control over your powers, if Hauntress has an available warehouse she can also set you all up with, maybe you can use as some sort of makeshift 'training' location?"
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
The kids look at eachother, before all looking to Malik who nods, and seems grateful and Lovetap’s attempt to ease his pain
“We can squat somewhere you find, for now. But that’s only temporary, and we can’t piggyback off you guys forever, we should stay on the move or off the grid.” He states, as Immanuel adds.
“We’re...different from you guys, you guys have jokes and families and don’t have a target on your back, and while we may be similar, staying seperate is safest.”
"Anyone who wants to stay with me just go through the portal...we have space we have two bunk beds per room and two rooms set up for foster kids..." she gave broach her address.
Chastity hummed softly "as I said normal is relative....what's normal to the spider is chaos to the fly" she smiled and leaned against the wall "control will come in just have to take a minute to take a breath and relax. My daughter....Goddess she was terrible when she got her powers at much rage, sadness, angst and fear packed into such a small package." She gently placed a hand on her shoulder "you are safe with powers in titan are accepted here..."
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
"I don't have a family... At least none that would be glad to see me. And it's not really a good idea to seperate. You got targets on your backs, then wouldn't it be great to have people watching said backs?"
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Broach opened up the portal after quickly scouting the address, placing it with the floor level of the Bird's Nest on one side even with the edge of the sidewalk on the other. "Glad I got folks who think it's more important that I'm their daughter than that I suddenly got powers. But whether you decide to stick with us or go your own way, take my number. Call if you need... whatever."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
On the other side or the portal was a rather nice house in the suburbs of Aurora. As the portal opens a very bewildered African American man of a strong build that looked to be in his early forties pokes his head out of a door way, what looks to be from the kitchen. He was in pajamas and had a glass of milk. Sam poked her head to just be visible and he visible relaxed before tensing again "Samantha Ann Dechanel-Walker! W-what is this?! Why do you have blood on your hands? Where is most of your shirt?? Your mother has been panicking texting me all night"
She gives a small wave "um...well there goes any kind of secret identity thanks dad. Um..well I helped save some teenagers from a evil doctor man...can they crash with us for a bit if they want?"
He blinks and rubs his head "uh yea...I can set up the beds...anyone hungry? I can put some tostitos pizza bites in the oven." He had a warm smile and glanced at the other teens through the portal.
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
"I wouldn't have been hungry if you didn't mention it..."
Hauntress sighs
"I wont be staying... But I do now want food."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"I don't just want to be [i]accepted[/i]," she said, sounding pained as she struggled to think through her own changes, "I just...I wanna be [i]me[/i], and I feel like I'm just [i]not[/i] anymore, and I don't even know what [i]happened[/i] and I'm just--"
She cut herself off suddenly, plunging her head behind her knees as she struggled to take a deep breath, a few choked noises coming from her as she tried not to start sobbing again. Caitrin took her time, either her growing awareness or sheer fatigue forcing her to take things slowly, lest she agitate herself further. There was so much that she felt she could say, so much more to her situation that perhaps would have changed things, if she spoke. And yet, the desire to keep everything locked away, not to let anyone else know what had happened, seemed to consume her all the same.
"...I don't know...I really don't know," she muttered, her words barely intelligible by that point, "I don't want to deal with this, I just wanna go [i]home[/i], and go to [i]school[/i], and just..." She pulled her head upward, leaning into the metal siding without much care as to what it belonged to. "...This is just too much." A few more deep breaths. Caitrin's hand tightened somewhat, as if she had suddenly remembered that she still held the bar she had been offered, reaching down with her other hand to play with the wrapping without opening it quite yet. She sniffled a few times, her idle picking seeming to keep her from dwelling on too many things at once.
"...I just don't feel very safe right now, I guess."
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
The teens would perk up at the mention of food, with Eli the speedster being the first one to take the leap and zip over and through the portal in a golden blur, with the other teens walking in and following with decidedly less speed.
Settling into the kitchen, they would take plates if offered and begin to eat, with the speedster again dominating the eagerness, this time in food consumption.
Looking to the portal, Nagual would glance at the others, before shakily standing and looking around the facility.
“They raised a point though...if we’re going to be a team we’re going to need a place to stay, a place where we can train and a home for those who don’t have one. That begs the question, are we a team?”
The man nodded and motioned the group in as he shuffled into the kitchen in bunny slippers pulling out an industrial sized pan and a back of 150 pizza bites dumping the whole bag out onto it he called back...passing out the largest portion to the two speedsters in the group. Sam fidgeted awkwardly looking to nagual
"I could use a team."
Her father went up stairs to get the beds ready and set out towels for showers he came back
"Alright, samantha you get to eat after a shower you smell." She made a face before eyeing everyone
"DONT TOUCH MY PIZZA BITES" before running upstairs at a normal human pace.
Her father rolled his eyes and looked to the teens "alright, so you guys can come up with a shower schedule among yourselves...curfew is 9am on weekdays and 10pm on weekends...dinner is served at 5pm and breakfast is at 6am if you donf want family breakfast we have cereal for late risers. Any allergies" he put a pair of glasses on and got a notebook "also no hanky panky"
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
The powered teens would shake their heads at the allergies question and the girl would make a move to comment on the hanky panky but a swat from Immanuel would silence her, as he speaks.
“We all understand. Do you think I could maybe sleep on or near the roof by any chance, or perhaps in the attic?” Eli, the speedster, would chime in.
“He likes to roost.” He supplies, before adding. “If we could sleep near eachother, that would be nice as well. We don’t want to be separated again.”
Hauntress removes her hood when entering the house, showing her dark purple hair and dark makeup. She sits on a counter and eats pizza rolls like there's no tomorrow.
"No hanky-panky? So... hanky and panky are allowed just not together? Not asking for myself, touching people creeps me out. I'm Hauntress for whoever doesn't know. Don't ask about my powers, you won't like the answers."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
The man blinked "well for now you can have the top bunk, we will arrange something in the morning. Now I need to call my wife and make sure she knows Sam isnt dead."
he smiles to the group and pulls out his phone moving to the livingroom to call. If anyone followed or spied he did indeed seem to be calling someone to let them know Samantha was alive.
Chasity sighed and looked to the girl "alright I'll make a deal with you. You come with me...let ME look you over for injuries and get a hot meal...I'll help you get home in the morning after you have had a good rest...okay?" She pauses and blinks as she pulls out her phone
"Hi honey...." she pauses and a look of utter relief crosses her face "oh thank the goddess...I'll be home as soon as I can I'm helping someone right now" she hung up and looked to caitlin for her answer
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Caitrin stared at the woman for a long, silent time, darting her eyes to the ground during momentary discomforts as she considered. Slowly, she shifted, not seeming any more or less guarded than she was before, yet revealing her tiredness as her body continued to slacken. She still wanted to go home. She wanted the comfort of her bed and the silence of her room, a complete lack of staring eyes, and the familiarity of her belongings. It seemed like a luxury she was afforded merely yesterday, yet the more she thought, the more she realized that the last moment she spent in her room was probably something far, far away from now.
Another quiet shifting of her posture came before she spoke. " might not want me in your house. You saw the, um...the park." The bar wrapper crinkled lightly in her hand. Finding her own way home in the middle of the night, dirty and wearing nothing than a skin-tight suit, was admittedly going to be a disaster; even if she had nothing else to wear, the seclusion of the woman's car--assuming she did indeed have one--was sounding more and more like the superior prospect with each passing second. "But, if you really think it would be best, then..."
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
The teens nod, and one by one after a meal they shower, and go upstairs to finally rest and sleep.
Nagual, nursing a wounded shoulder but looking noticeably better after the healing, looks to the rest of the team smiling for a moment, before his eyes go wide as he starts.
“Dios, mi padres, i haven’t checked in with them all night? It’s three in the morning!” He scrambles despite his injury, looking to Broach in a panic.
“Can you make a portal to 1227 Flores Drive, about two blocks away?? My abuelita is going to kill me!”
Sam helped the teens get settled into their beds. Before going to her room to finally sleep, crashing practically the second her head hit the pillows. The man looked to the others
"Anyone who wants to spend the night is welcome, I have a phone if parents need to be called...I know its late." He offered a smile as he worked on cleaning up dishes
Chasity stood up and and offered caitlin her hand "Come on...let's get you cleaned look about my daughters size...and I really want to check on my girl." She smiled gently
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Caitrin's face went blank for a moment, as if she had once again forgotten how to move. Then, she slowly seemed to regain her wits, and carefully pushed herself back to her feet, legs still aching from their earlier exertion. "...Right. Okay," she said quietly, avoiding eye contact with the nurse even as the two of them moved to leave. She turned her gaze toward the alley entrance instead, gazing out into the night. The reflection of blue and red blinking around a far corner caught her eye in particular; the police cars she had summoned continued to swarm the park, it seemed, though somehow none had managed to find and bother the two in the alleyway.
Something felt awful about running away from what she had done, yet despite the heavy blame that threatened to swallow the remainder of her thoughts, Caitrin elected to leave. She took the woman's hand, and began stepping away from the corner, keeping one hand braced against the dumpster as she steadied her pained legs.
"I, um...I hope you drove..."
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
"Portals home, coming up. Outside or in?" Broach checked the map-app, then began scouting....
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
A very tired Scarlet Striker would've wondered through the portal that had been opened to Lovetap's house. He was rather too exhausted to bother having anything to eat, so he would've just lingered about in the background of all the passing conversation until Nagual would quickly raise the question of having a portal opened to his home. Scarlet would later ask the same soon after.
"Hate to be a bother, Broach but would it be possible to a portal opened to my house too? Normally I'd swing home, but I have a strict rule about swinging while tired."
While he waited, Scarlet just tugged at a random tattered remain of some his costume.
"Ugh...note to self: Drop this costume off at the tailor first thing in the I should say."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Nagual looks to Scarlet, and would stop him before he makes it to the portal, and speaking quietly to him.
“Thanks for all the help tonight, especially with Frankenstein...and helping track down those leads. I just didn’t expect that my best friend would have wings and be an angel. Is your friend going to be alright?”
He looks to Broach, and thinks.
“Outside, probably, I don’t want to give my parents and abuelita a heart attack.” He then adds.
“Should we meet somewhere to talk about this? Not soon though, I have a presentation in AP Spanish 4 and dance practice till 5.” He sighs as he realizes that after tonight it’s back to routine, mostly.
Chasity drove caitlin back to her home, she would guide the girl inside and send her upstairs to shower "I'll get you clothes...go get cleaned up" when she stepped into the kitchen and saw a mostly maskless broach she blinked "Rio? What are you doing here?"
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
Caitrin remained silent for the entire ride over, head tilted just enough to stare out the window as they passed through the city. She lapsed in and out of sleep for much of the journey, often opening her eyes to gaze upon entirely different neighborhoods only to shut them once again. The haze of confusion and chaos clouded her peacetime thinking, and the realization that she had forgotten to ask what date it was surfaced amongst her sleep-addled thoughts only to submerge again. In time, even the city lights flickering against her eyelids failed to wake her, and it was only with the eventual, final stop of the car, and the loss of the motor's constant vibration, that managed to wake her one final time.
She pulled herself away from the glass and stepped out at the woman's soft prompting, making her way out of the early morning chill and into the house. It was a homely enough place, yet for a multitude of reasons she could not help but feel oddly foreign. Following the mother's instructions to the letter, she made her way upstairs, keeping her hair around her face as best she could as she continued to hold onto the hope of keeping her identity somewhat private. No words were exchanged with those she passed, and any unintended eye contact was broken off as quickly as the tired girl could manage.
Hopefully she wouldn't have to talk too much the following morning either. And yet, for some reason, she couldn't quite convince herself that such would be the case.
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
Scarlet would look at Nagual and snicker.
"Hey, it was no problem. I'm glad I was able to be of help at all, this whole 'team' thing is kinda new to me...but I think I can get used to it. The important thing is that everyone is mostly okay, as is my friend. I'll give her a call before I hit the hay and hopefully don't catch an earful when I do. She doesn't particularly approve of me doing the whole costumed hero thing."
He shrugs before letting off a small chuckle and looking between Nagual and Broach.
"Oh yeah and to answer your earlier question, I definitely think we are a team. At least we were one for tonight, hopefully something good is to come out of it. I wouldn't mind doing this more often."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
With her personal comm, Kate had been able to remain in touch with her mom, so there was no worrying there. After showering and changing back into her street clothes from earlier, she came back downstairs and sniffed, sorting through all the crowded scents to find Diego. Once she found him, Kate made a beeline to him. "Before you go, can we talk?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Having managed to change back into his own street clothes, Diego would nod as he slips on a jacket, jestering to outside so they could talk in private on the porch.
“So...that happened.” Wow Diego, all night to think of something and that’s what you come up with? “What does this make us?”He decides on and asks, sitting on the step and waiting for her response.
Broach had finished making portals for those who wanted to go home, making sure they had her cape phone number, and was finishing her share of pizza bites, Sam's dad had insisted she get some food in her before leaving. Mr. Walker? Mr Dechanel? None of the above? She hadn't wanted to pry, and so had just settled on "Sir". Then one of the nurses who'd been working at the hospital where they'd taken the bullet out of Dad's shoulder had walked in and called her by name. "Umm, just making sure folks got home, and your... husband? insisted I get some food, though I could've made myself something at home... Oh my, look at the time. Thanks for the pizza bites!" She opened a quick portal back to her room and stepped through, turning to make sure no one was following her through before she closed it again.
Safe at home, she plopped onto her bed. Then there was a knock on her door. "Rio? I think we need to have a talk," Mom said in a conversational tone. [i]Not so safe after all[/i], she thought as she unlocked and opened the door, mentally preparing for the conversation to come...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
After having a portal opened back to his home in Aurora, Scarlet went through the backyard and entered his bedroom through one of his unlocked windows. Discarding what was left of his mask and letting out a deep exhale before diving onto his bed.
"What a night..."
After a brief couple of minutes of lying in bed, Arthur would finally realize that something was missing.
"Sweet jebediah! I forgot my backpack...aww beat best clothes were in that bag too...okay okay. First thing in the morning, I swing by there and pick up my stuff then I-..."
His external monologue is interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps and creaky floorboards coming upstairs and toward his room.
"Artie? Son, is that you I'm hearing make all that noise?"
Frantic, Arthur, still in his costume, hurries to get his suit off and throw it in a chest at the bottom of his closet.
"Y-yeah dad! I...errr...just woke up from a bad dream! I was being chased by this psycho mime with a hatchet. Crazy stuff!"
Hopping in bed after finally getting into some more comfortable clothes, Arthur's door opens anyway and is greeted by his father.
"Alright, just making sure no masked men were entering the house."
A particular emphasis was added on 'masked men' before Arthur's dad would engage in on a brief conversation with his son before letting him catch some shut-eye.
"Crap...I think he knows...At least I think he does?"
Its not until now that Arthur notices he had left his tattered mask out in the open on the desk he had in his room.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Chasity would blink before helping caitlin find an unoccupied bed, spending the rest of the night preparing for the horde of teenagers to feed in the morning. Both parents took shifts checking on the kids to make sure everyone was safe and didnt need anything.
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
At some point before people got settled in for the night Hauntress had vanished.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Kate 'looked' out over the front yard, taking her time in replying. She could hear Diego's heart thumping in his chest. He was nervous. "I don't know, really... but..."
She reached up and took off her wide silk headband, then turned to look at him, her pale blue eyes just visible in the light from the street. "Hi. I'm Katheryn Webb, but most people call me Kate."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
He blinks, taking a moment to look at her and take in the stock of the act and moment, smiling.
“I’m Diego, Diego Alejandro Padilla Garcia if we’re being formal.” He smiles. “I appreciate the help and watching my back in the warehouse. So, since you know I tend to be direct, what do you say we see what happens.” He sighs as he realizes what he said.
“In a manner of speaking.” He offers.
Kate slowly reached out and found Diego's hand resting on his knee. Hesitantly, she slipped her own hand into his and, after a few seconds, her grip tightened and Kate interlaced her fingers with his. "You're cute when you're not sticking your paw in your mouth."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
The teen chuckled, squeezing his hand back as a sort of response it itself as he sighed, his heartbeat slowly from fearful, to anxious, and finally to content as they sit underneath the stars, the long night almost seeming like years behind them.
Yeah, his family could wait up just a little bit longer.
The reporter stepped into view of the camera tersely, knowing that the scene was unfolding in front of her eyes and she had to get her info out fast.
They were on a time crunch here
“Welcome back to the story dominating local news circuits, I’m Stacy Strauss with Titan 10 News. We’re live on the scene of a harrowing and thankfully resolved night of terror that for parents, began three months ago.”
A cut to jumpsuit clad teens running and reuniting with their parents at a local high school gymnasium is seen, along with cuts of doctors monitoring other teens in secure chambers at a nearby hospital.
“What began as a series of reports on a string of runaways proved to be something far more sinister, as the teens you see here and up to almost 20 others were said to have been abducted by an unknown group of super villains.”
She continues, walking through the halls of the hospital as the camera tracks.
“Kept shackles and in a form of stasis, these teens were tormented, tortured, and experimented on, and left with lasting trauma and in some, even super powers. As they are minors, their faces and identities will remain anonymous, but the parents I have spoken to say that regardless of what state they are in, they are simply happy to have their children in their beds again.”
It then cuts back to her at the news station, as she closes out the segment.
“When asked for a statement, the TCPD has stated that all teens found at this facility have been returned to their families or guardians, save for four, who’s parents names and numbers can be found at the bottom of the screen if any information is known.”
“The TCPD spokesperson also stated that while they were tipped off to the location, the teens reported being rescued by a as of yet unknown group of young heroes. They added that these heroes seem to be yet another in a wave of adolescents who live in a world where powers are the norm, and being a hero is the expected, over the exception with social scientists in the area calling this phenomena Generation T.”
Shuffling papers, she speaks as the camera begins to close out.
“Once again, we will bring you more info on this as this is a developing story. I’m Stacy Strauss here with Titan 10 News, from all of here, we wish you a good night.”