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What is unique about Earth that would draw alien invaders?

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Cyclops's picture
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What is unique about Earth that would draw alien invaders?

This is where you can just make up stuff that might motivate an alien invasion.

I will start: [b]Coffee:[/b] It's a plant that only seems to grow on earth. But many galactic civilizations crave it. In some cases the reason is medicinal. In others a single coffee bean acts like an addictive drug. But for one species, it was discovered to dramatically extend their lifespan. Invasion plans were drawn, Earth must become a gigantic plantation, and humans are in the way.


Project_Hero's picture
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Human meat.

Human meat.

Some sort of undiscovered element in our planet's core

It's right where they need to build some sort of hyperspace road

They need to harvest the emotional energy of beings and earth is just their next stop

Earth is the link in the multiverse. It's the only planet that exists in every universe. To be able to cross dimensions they need earth.

The earth is actually a giant transforming robot that an alien race seeks to reclaim.

The earth is some sort of egg of some giant powerful creature. Aliens seek it for study


A near extinct creature is actually not of this world and the earth was made as it's habitat. They weren't aware other life would grow around it and/or threaten it. Now they have to clean the filth out of their nature reserve.

Funny cat videos.

Cats, you know, in general

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

RottenLuck's picture
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One interesting reason I read

One interesting reason I read in a book for an invasion is the Aliens were building a Dyson Sphere and were collecting raw resources to build it. Having used all the metals in their star system.

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"Your planet is unique in 7.5

"Your planet is unique in 7.5 Billion ways..."

DesViper's picture
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I'm willing to bet

I'm willing to bet radioactive elements like Uranium are fairly unique to earth, and humans also seek after them for nuclear power.

Although an advanced enough alien species probably has hydrogen fusion figured out.

I like the suggestion that we're at a major trade route, much like the natives on the Americas in the way of Columbus.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

I'm willing to bet radioactive elements like Uranium are fairly unique to earth, and humans also seek after them for nuclear power.

Although an advanced enough alien species probably has hydrogen fusion figured out.

I'd take that bet, if it didn't seem likely that we'd have to wait decades to resolve it conclusively. ^_^

The heavier elements, and the unstable isotopes of lighter elements, all seem to be the product of natural processes like supernovae. Which may also be a prerequisite for enough carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen to have life. (Hydrogen being quite abundant, 10Q veddy much.)

Plus, if they don't have natural radioactivity, then how did they learn about it? Our concept of the Bohr atom was the result of research with those heavy radioactive elements.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tranquil Flower
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

This is where you can just make up stuff that might motivate an alien invasion.

I will start: [b]Coffee:[/b] It's a plant that only seems to grow on earth. But many galactic civilizations crave it. In some cases the reason is medicinal. In others a single coffee bean acts like an addictive drug. But for one species, it was discovered to dramatically extend their lifespan. Invasion plans were drawn, Earth must become a gigantic plantation, and humans are in the way.

Funnily enough, that's the main plot of a 60s or 70s sci fi novel I picked up in a second hand bookstore. There it was tobacco, not coffee, but same principle, it was an insanely addictive drug to their race. The other gimmick was Earth was an iceworld to them, as their natural environment was around the melting point of lead, which meant cigarettes immediately combusted when exposed to their atmosphere, addicting everyone present.

notears's picture
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It could also be a case of

It could also be a case of repeat of what happened between the European settlers and the native americans. The Aliens planet is over populated and/ or overpolluted and there are very planets with atmospheres that they can survive, so they need to go to these planets in order to colonize so they can keep being alive.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Tannim222's picture
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Earth just so happens to be

Earth just so happens to be an intergalactic pit stop along the hyper-space highway of the universe toward a galactic-sized amusement park.

It’s the scenic route, so less traffic but you need to stop and stretch out for a bit. Hawk and the curios creators who believe they are advanced, take a few souvenirs. some telepathized-holo-images and move along. The real fun stuff is just ahead.

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McJigg's picture
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The aliens come as crusaders

The aliens come as crusaders for their religion. Man has not yet accepted the light of Ixivith their deity of Justice and have come to cleanse our crime filled planet (conveniently starting their invasion in Titan City of course).

alltrueist's picture
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Art, literature, music.

Art, literature, music. Creativity.

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Water to land ratio. We have an incredible amount of water.

And what Tannim said. We are in the Galactic boonies. Just a rest stop on the way to some place else.

Cyclops's picture
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alltrueist wrote:
alltrueist wrote:

Art, literature, music. Creativity.

That makes me think. what if music was unique to the human experience and all the universe loved it. Captured humans would be the song birds of the universe.
We might need to rescue Lady Gaga.


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Here's a fun science fact,

Here's a fun science fact, music COULD be limited to earth, who's say life on other planets evolved to detect vibrations in the air the same way earth creatures did?

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Our myriad varieties of food.

Our myriad varieties of food.

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Look up anything having to do

Look up anything having to do with "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" or "HFY" for interesting answers to this question; They largely focus on ways in which humans might be unexpectedly badass (in opposition to the trope that we're outclassed by every alien life form we meet) but there are some very interesting takes on why alien life might find earth or humans fascinating, as well.

~ DariusWolfe
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DariusWolfe wrote:
DariusWolfe wrote:

Look up anything having to do with "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" or "HFY" for interesting answers to this question; They largely focus on ways in which humans might be unexpectedly badass (in opposition to the trope that we're outclassed by every alien life form we meet) but there are some very interesting takes on why alien life might find earth or humans fascinating, as well.

I apologize for the MMO-Champion link, but I'm having trouble finding it anywhere else. Is a great rundown on what could make Humans scary to other species, our endurance and stamina.

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Damn, one reading of that and

Damn, one reading of that and I DO feel like a badass

Foradain's picture
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That thread reminded me of

That thread reminded me of one of the backstory vignettes from GURPS:Lensman. It seems that the Arisians thought a sapient race evolved from cursorial hunters would be particularly bad-ass...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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(No subject)



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it could also be that from

it could also be that from our perspective they're invading us but what's actually happening is that they're having a civil war and couldn't really care less about us. Probably a good reason why they don't just bomb us all from space, they don't think we're a threat at all and are more concerned with killing each other with us caught in the crossfire.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Halae's picture
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

it could also be that from our perspective they're invading us but what's actually happening is that they're having a civil war and couldn't really care less about us. Probably a good reason why they don't just bomb us all from space, they don't think we're a threat at all and are more concerned with killing each other with us caught in the crossfire.

So, Transformers?

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Dark Cleric
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Earth might be the closest

Earth might be the closest 'livable' planet to a relatively close super planet filled with previous minerals. For example, Uranus and Neptune are long known to be diamond treasure troves.

Earth's atmosphere might be very habitable for them or something organic that they have that they are trying to find a 'home' a plant that to them is valuable but to us is a weed. With our oxygen-rich air and perfect distance from the sun they may want to turn earth into their own 'vegetable garden'. We might get in the way, be enslaved to farm the stuff...or worse.

Or maybe the aliens might try and invade quietly to setup communication stations, like cell towers, to 'open up' this part of space to better communication. Like trying to splice into a power line or something without anyone knowing.

Or maybe they just made cookies and are good neighbors and want to share...but their cookies are toxic and we misunderstand the gesture as an attack.

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alltrueist wrote:
alltrueist wrote:

Art, literature, music. Creativity.

I struggle to imagine a race that mastered space travel and quite probably faster than light travel lacking creativity.

Like, someone of their race was creative enough to imagine that and then others built the means to do it. Even if they were a warrior race that just stole tech from others they'd have creativity, though in some very specialized fields.

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Beamrider's picture
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A real-physics thing: The

A real-physics thing: The interstellar gas in this part of the galaxy is thinner than average, so ships that rely on it (Bussard Ramjets and the like) passing through this area get low on fuel and end up heading towards the only local source of radio signals out of desperation.

Unreal-physics thing: the area of hyperspace that this area maps to is very unstable (to use naval terminology, a 'hyperspace shoal') so hyper-driven vessels are often damaged, have to drop to real space, and then are in the same situation as the ramjets.

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notears's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
notears wrote:

it could also be that from our perspective they're invading us but what's actually happening is that they're having a civil war and couldn't really care less about us. Probably a good reason why they don't just bomb us all from space, they don't think we're a threat at all and are more concerned with killing each other with us caught in the crossfire.

So, Transformers?

well that if both sides where the decepticons

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Out of all the sentient life in the universe, Terrans are the only ones who have discovered this method of food preservation. This simple discovery has Galactic Civilization utterly fascinated and their greatest scientists, greediest merchants, and bloodthirstiest warlords all descend upon our obscure little blue green world in order to learn the secrets of the Gherkin.

Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.

DesViper's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
alltrueist wrote:

Art, literature, music. Creativity.

That makes me think. what if music was unique to the human experience and all the universe loved it. Captured humans would be the song birds of the universe.
We might need to rescue Lady Gaga.

"Musicality" is pretty unique to humans...and songbirds ;) The instinctual understanding of pitch and rhythm is not even found in higher primates. So the art that comes from that may be unique to us. Aliens may be rather tone-deaf by comparison.

But then what do they need songbirds for :p

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RottenLuck's picture
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They didn’t plan on invading.

They didn’t plan on invading. Due to pollution or natural disaster the aliens native world is no longer habitable.

A plan was put into operation. The colony fleet was launched for the only known planet that could support life. The probes and deep scans showed no signs of intelligence life.

The trip took hundreds of years generations lived and died on the fleet. All raise with the hope of a new world.

That hope died when the first radio transmissions were picked up. The target world had intelligence. The watched as WWI then WWII happened.

They lost their world now they watch as we get ever closer to loosing ours.

There is only one logical action. Invade for our own good. Or so they tell themselves not like they can go back.

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1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP

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Earth is the only planet in the universe with intelligent life who has the capacity to tell untruths. No other civilization has a concept of fiction. As a result, the rest of the universe has been so scared of us from what they have learned of us that they have intentionally blinded us and made us a quarantined planet.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Tiger's picture
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Life feeds on life, and we

Life feeds on life, and we are the only snack bar open in this solar system.

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Surely it's Taco Bell.

Surely it's Taco Bell.

(Which also might be related to Beamrider's theory of interstellar gas.)

Spurn all ye kindle.

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"The last man and woman on Earth are captured as zoo specimens. In the belly of an alien starship, a squid-like being relates to them the pitiless logic behind human-kind's execution: the moment humans learned to travel at relativistic speeds was the moment mankind simply became too dangerous a neighbor to have around. Nothing personal."

Interdictor's picture
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Water? I can't really see

Water? I can't really see aliens invading just for that. There is more water on some of the moons in the solar system than there is on our planet. Smaller gravity well to deal with too. And that is not counting the uncountable icy objects in the outer solar system (Kuiper belt/scattered disk/Oort cloud).

Foradain's picture
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Yeah, that was the least

Yeah, that was the least believable thing about the plot of the original "V" series. Climb down a Hole to steal something that is available and unguarded out on the plains...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Catherine America
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We are the only species which

We are the only species which routinely engages in hatred, hypocrisy and hedonism.

The dozen or so other intelligent species in the universe--all of which live in harmony--know everything about us, and guiltily look upon us as horrific, but enjoyable entertainment.
They pity us for the most part, and they will continue to do so until scientifically, we take the planet right up to the point-of-no-return.
At that point, there will be a joint invasion--not to destroy us, or to destroy the planet, but to save both.

After all, as people up-thread have pointed out, we have some cool stuff here in abundance; and besides, none of the other species are anatomically designed to survive here for long.


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Brand X
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I find that to be the most

I find that to be the most far fetched. I know, silly considering the topic, but still, only earthlings to be filled with hatred, hypocrisy or hedonism? I'd also argue that invading someone to change their ways is a form of hatred, which would mean it leads to hypocrisy.

Ardrea's picture
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How about:

How about:



"The story involves Earth sometime after World War III, with Brazil, Iran, and India as the prevailing superpowers. The plot reveals the reasons behind humanity's history of perpetual war and strife, which is that leaders of an intergalactic empire are always chosen from among humans but must first be tested by extreme hardship."

Catherine America
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I find that to be the most far fetched. I know, silly considering the topic, but still, only earthlings to be filled with hatred, hypocrisy or hedonism? I'd also argue that invading someone to change their ways is a form of hatred, which would mean it leads to hypocrisy.

I didn't say "filled with". However, I can appreciate how tough it may be for Earthlings to get their minds around the idea of humans being alone in the practice of these...untidy behaviors.

I reckon it would have been more acceptable to have used antonyms of those behaviors, and have the other species collectively portray the antithesis. But haven't we enough cliches in our fiction?

At any rate, WRT your last statement, the alliance of other species would, of course, arrive with convincing evidence of Earth's impending doom--evidence that the reasonable people of Earth would certainly accept (but really, who knows these days?), as they begin to work with their new friends to help save themselves and their home.


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Callum's picture
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Not to be too soppy but maybe

Not to be too soppy but maybe it’s love.

In a lot of tv shows it’s referenced as it being a human thing, like in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, one of the warlocks mentions being envious of mortal love.

Or it could just be crude oil that’s precious to earth lol

Oooo, heavy

Catherine America
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Whucha gonna do when Oumuamua

Whucha gonna do when Oumuamua comes for you?


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notears's picture
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Catherine America wrote:
Catherine America wrote:

Whucha gonna do when Oumuamua comes for you?

you know when I read that article, I was more afraid of the aliens coming while Donald Trump is the president of an actual country more than being invaded...

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Cleric
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Catherine America wrote:

Whucha gonna do when Oumuamua comes for you?

you know when I read that article, I was more afraid of the aliens coming while Donald Trump is the president of an actual country more than being invaded...

Is this really the best place to voice your opinion on the most politcally heated subject ever?

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notears's picture
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not really I guess

not really I guess

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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It could also be that while

It could also be that while most alien species have a law much like star treks no contact with developing planets rule, the earth has become a hot spot of criminal alien activity, with a lot of the alien sightings on earth being alien criminals hiding from the law. It doesn't have to be a full out war to be an invasion, earth could be invaded everyday in small ways from these alien crime lords and we wouldn't even know.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Cleric
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

It could also be that while most alien species have a law much like star treks no contact with developing planets rule, the earth has become a hot spot of criminal alien activity, with a lot of the alien sightings on earth being alien criminals hiding from the law. It doesn't have to be a full out war to be an invasion, earth could be invaded everyday in small ways from these alien crime lords and we wouldn't even know.

This is a much...safer...idea. I actually really like it, especially for how it could be done in CoT. I would love to surprisingly uncover an alien covert operation while doing a seemingly mundance mission.

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notears's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
notears wrote:

It could also be that while most alien species have a law much like star treks no contact with developing planets rule, the earth has become a hot spot of criminal alien activity, with a lot of the alien sightings on earth being alien criminals hiding from the law. It doesn't have to be a full out war to be an invasion, earth could be invaded everyday in small ways from these alien crime lords and we wouldn't even know.

This is a much...safer...idea. I actually really like it, especially for how it could be done in CoT. I would love to surprisingly uncover an alien covert operation while doing a seemingly mundance mission.

what do you mean by safer?

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Cleric
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:
notears wrote:

It could also be that while most alien species have a law much like star treks no contact with developing planets rule, the earth has become a hot spot of criminal alien activity, with a lot of the alien sightings on earth being alien criminals hiding from the law. It doesn't have to be a full out war to be an invasion, earth could be invaded everyday in small ways from these alien crime lords and we wouldn't even know.

This is a much...safer...idea. I actually really like it, especially for how it could be done in CoT. I would love to surprisingly uncover an alien covert operation while doing a seemingly mundance mission.

what do you mean by safer?

Safer for the thread. Mentioning Trump, whether for or against, is sure to spark massive emotional/political outrage on any thread which is what everyone wants to stay away from here.

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notears's picture
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got it

got it

not my video just one I lke ===>


Dark Cleric
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I really like the your alien

I really like the your alien scenario, though. Like there could be multiple alien factions that aren't allies or enemies, though some might be. Then there could be the alien 'lawmen' that try to work with TCPD to round-up the alien fugitives. It would be cool to see the different alien models CoT could come up with a few Issues down the road, maybe to kick off a new class or mechanic or something.

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notears's picture
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yeah, my original idea for it

yeah, my original idea for it was an RPG called "SAU: Special Abductees Unit" which was a cop/ neo noir setting where you're alien cops who have been assigned to earth in order to stop crminals from screwing with a developing world.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Terwyn's picture
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I like the thought that we're

I like the thought that we're invaded by aliens for the purposes of biological warfare. Not to wipe us out, but to weaponize us and our microbiology. It's not necessarily required for a species of comparable cognitive development to be mostly symbiotic microbiota by weight like we are, after all.

In a way, there's a reason why it's somewhat plausible for an unarmed human medical ship to be more terrifying to alien races than an outright planet-killer...

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

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Tranquil Flower
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Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

I like the thought that we're invaded by aliens for the purposes of biological warfare. Not to wipe us out, but to weaponize us and our microbiology.It's not necessarily required for a species of comparable cognitive development to be mostly symbiotic microbiota by weight like we are, after all.

If the alien race are telepaths and fight by projecting negative emotions, they could be here to weaponise the unique human ability to produce destructive emotions in digital form.

4chan turns out to be a galactic doomsday device...the only solution is for the heroes to race to telepathically upload the CoT forums as they are such a paragon of positivity. OK I'm really deep in April Fool's plot territory now.

Oh I'm fairly sure 'mostly symbiotic microbiota' is by cell count, not weight, or our gut would have to weigh more than the rest of our body. It is true that something like 90% of the cells in your body don't have your DNA, though.

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Well, I *am* considering the

Well, I *am* considering the mitochondria in our cells to be part of the symbiotic microbiota, but I believe you are correct. :)

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

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Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

Well, I *am* considering the mitochondria in our cells to be part of the symbiotic microbiota, but I believe you are correct. :)

You start invoking Midichlorians and I will slap you...

Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.

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JWBullfrog wrote:
JWBullfrog wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

Well, I *am* considering the mitochondria in our cells to be part of the symbiotic microbiota, but I believe you are correct. :)

You start invoking Midichlorians and I will slap you...

I found it an annoying cop-out, especially because there's the obvious question of why immune systems wouldn't attack the dang things.

The number of species of microorganisms within a single human body is around 10 000, some of which have outright caused pandemics. We're inherently walking biological weapons, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm quite fond of a series called "Transcripts" which explore some of these aspects.

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]

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the people are so god-damn

the people are so god-damn cute and when they get old you can eat them.

City of Gaymers
050505 thru 120112

doctor tyche
doctor tyche's picture
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I am a fan of the classic

I am a fan of the classic Sontaran/Rutan scenario: Earth occupies a critical area along their border, ideal for deep space penetration first strikes against the other. So, Earth itself has little interest to them, but where it is does.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I am a fan of the classic Sontaran/Rutan scenario:

Hyperspace Bypass... beware of the leopard!

Be Well!

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I am a fan of the classic Sontaran/Rutan scenario:

Hyperspace Bypass... beware of the leopard!

Be Well!

Is that a sonic screwdriver or an electronic thumb?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Tranquil Flower
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Joined: 08/16/2017 - 08:53
Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I am a fan of the classic Sontaran/Rutan scenario:

Hyperspace Bypass... beware of the leopard!

Be Well!

Is that a sonic screwdriver or an electronic thumb?

Or are you just pleased to see me?

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I am a fan of the classic Sontaran/Rutan scenario:

Hyperspace Bypass... beware of the leopard!

Be Well!

Wasn't Hyperspace Bypass the excuse in the Justice League movie with the hawk people?

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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

I am a fan of the classic Sontaran/Rutan scenario:

Hyperspace Bypass... beware of the leopard!

Be Well!

Wasn't Hyperspace Bypass the excuse in the Justice League movie with the hawk people?

If so, they went into the basement to the disused lavatory with the sign marked "Beware of the Leopard" to get it from the filing cabinet. ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Aliens would come here for

Aliens would come here for our super powers. Humans have the unique ability, in their DNA, to develop powers - either naturally or through some external influence. The aliens want this ability. However, while experimenting on normal DNA to unlock the secrets, they'd rather not wait for the powers to randomly appear in their species. So they target already empowered humans to collect their already advanced DNA to blend with their own.

A take on the newest V series in `08 I think. They were a space faring race that met other species, took the best parts of their DNA and combined it with their own to speed up their own evolution.

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Joined: 11/18/2018 - 09:08
Variant Kree theory: 100k

Variant Kree theory: 100k years ago, we were seeded with the potential to generate energy in ways that violate thermodynamics. Now that this talent has manifested, it is time to harvest the planet for the war fleet.

Variant Dr.Strange theory: some Earth magic works by invoking the power of alien gods (Raggador, Cytorrak, Zinthos...), whose power is Universal, but lack the perceptions to determine who is doing it from way over on . Now that their adherents have found earth, it is time for our favorite movie: Destroy All Spellcasters!

Native of Triumph - Victory - Protector - Gladden - Dwarrowdelf - Tribble
Broad spectrum geek and Shadowy Advisor
Yes, my [u][url=]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.

Leo_G's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: 07/17/2014 - 20:19
Earth's region of the galaxy

Earth's region of the galaxy is in a kind of native reserve declared by whatever intergalactic agreement and integration is not permitted but doesn't stop the unscrupulous from messing about around and on Earth, even going so far as to raid it for hicks and sniggles. You end up with scenario where the average person is still skeptical of aliens until they see them and their technology isn't being integrated with the other known galaxy's civilizations and Earth is just a hive of alien crime that intergalactic law enforcement has to occasionally intervene.

I guess it'd be the same principle as higher crime and activity in highly populated areas (Earth) vs rural uninhabited spaces (everything around Earth). But just because there is some alien activity, it's nowhere near the activity in more populated and colonized space in the governed regions of the galaxy (basically the former principal but with Earth being the rural space and the colonized space being like the cities).

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A few minutes in, this video

A few minutes in, this video describes some reasons to visit earth for aliens.


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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 11/28/2018 - 12:59
This is more like a short

This is more like a short story. However, I think the point will be clear.


"Earth, a planet in a tiny solar system. One light year away from intelligent civilization and they still think [i]they[/i] are the center of the universe. Laughable! The only intriguing part of their planet is that one particular thing they've got in masses. Water. I know, we got it too, but it's a hassle to even get one small unit from the ice. We spend too much energy for this process and the human race doesn't even appreciate it's greatness. Humankind is a disgusting, arrogant horde of barbaric filth. We are in dire need of this opportunity, after hundreds of years suffering, as we use up our resources for the research of [u]interstellar travels[/u] and finally finished the first anti-matter engine. Now, we need only to prepare for a grand finale and exterminate them, before we take what should be [i]ours[/i]."


Okay, granted, it's cheesy and serious lousy writing. Please forgive my lack of vocabulary, as English isn't my primary language.


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