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My Experience with the CharGen Last Night

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ooglymoogly's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 11:13
My Experience with the CharGen Last Night

For those interested, here’s a long post about the chargen based on my experience using it last night.

First, I want to thank warcabbit for taking the time to meet. I was expecting 30, maybe 45 minutes, given it was after work and he has a 2nd full time job with CoT. However, he was kind enough to spend almost 4 hours with me. Which is insane now that I think about it…

So the character generator - just, wow. 3.5 of the 4 hours were spent playing with the generator. We were using a laptop pc from 2013. At no point did the chargen crash, it didn’t even suffer operational degradation during that time period. It was as responsive at startup as it was 3+ hours later. The laptop never gave indication of struggling - warcabbit opened other apps a few times and had programs running in parallel all without any issue. Frankly, one of the things I was most amazed by was a non-mac laptop still functioning after 5 years. ;)

[h2]The Good. The Sooo Very Good[/h2]
Customization. OMFG. The options!

Lets customize the helmet with multiple elements of each helmet being customizable by color and texture. You want a steel combat helmet wrapped in a star pattern fabric? Go for it. You want an iron man-esque helmet with all sorts of ear attachments or horns or spikes or whatever? Simple. Let’s do hoods. Lets do cowls.

Lets do eyes. Oh what’s that, you want one eye that’s one color and another eye another color? Please – how about one eye an android eye and the other a cat’s eye. Or better yet how about we turn one eye into a batman/deadpool/spidey/storm white eye. Oh you want to see the ring of the iris in the white eye? Sure, why not. And there’s a lovely little eye choice I won’t give away because it made me laugh out loud and I don’t want to spoil that. You can scroll in to within centimeters and see the vibrancy and detail of the each iris up close.

That’s just eyes. Can we talk skin? Lothic, you like your android ‘skin’? Yeah, that’s there in a couple different options. You want blue skin? No worries. You want captain kirk love interest alien green? You got it. You want shiny vs not? Have at it.

Lets look at the body armor options. Oh what’s that, you say you like this full tactical armor but you think your Olympian physique crime fighting toon has been foiling one too many pizza and donut shop robberies and is now a tubby crime fighter? No worries, the armors all scale with the body type. Adjust the slider for fat or slim and watch the armors (and anything else you’re wearing) respond in kind. You want one arm a robot arm and the other a fat man arm but with a robot hand that has a repulsor-like glowing palm? Pfft, child’s play. How about we also let you customize the color and texture in multiple spots on each of these parts? Yeah, you like that? Well here are 100 colors and an untold number of textures.

How many textures? There are scores. Dozens and dozens and dozens of options. You want chain mail? You got it. Scale mail? Go for it. Actual reptilian scales? Sure, why not. You want high tech carbon composite? Please, make it a challenge. You want old cracked leather, or brand new leather, or plastic leather, or, well you get the idea - you got it. You want fabric or metal, cloth or felt, steel or iron, shiny or matte, etc., etc. You want to scroll in and be within centimeters of the texture and see it perfectly – scroll away. You want raw flesh rather than skin? Well that’s there (though they said they might not launch with it due to it being too extreme. I thought it was brilliant but it was also Halloween, so maybe that was coloring my opinion….nah, it was great!)

Yeah that’s a pretty weird toon you built – oh what’s that? You want to see what it would look like as a woman? Click. You want to make her an homage to a certain comic character who whips ass – sure…now lets add a few details and make her better with more detail than she’s drawn in the books.

You want to make a crazy clown mage mechanical spider legs out of your back stalking visage of armored death? Silly rabbit, i'm the cabbit - I thought you were going to make this difficult…

What’s that? You like capes, huh… Ok, well do you want it long or short, Dr Strange or Dr Doom collared? You want the inside a ropy textured chartreuse color but the outside pure reflective chrome…click. Done. You want wings? Don’t even get me started.

You want to have the avatar floating, crouched and menacing, just standing there without a care in the world, or standing there and looking proud and powerful, etc? No problem. By the way click and spin and watch the toon rotate happily while we set it within backgrounds ranging from high tech environments to red-lit streets, to what looked like a private eye’s office, to green screens, to more.

Overall, the UI was pretty solid. The radial buttons were intuitive and easy to use and the 'option' boxes and other menus were simple and straightforward.

[h2]The Unfinished[/h2]
The chargen UI still needs a bit of work with respect to the color scale choice 'box' and things like grouping the texture options a bit more intuitively to make finding them easier since there are so many. So. Many.

There were a few unavailable options for various items (helmet types, hair types, etc) because we were working on an older version.

There were a handful of minor glitches - example: giving a toon a particular makeup scheme and it not immediately manifesting, or manifesting quicker when I clicked a new head format and/or returned to the original one. The majority of these were due to us using an older version.

The avatar’s hands tilt at an odd angle because they’re stylized like a gun fighter who’s ready to draw. The hand is angled about 40 degrees off the forearm line. It takes a little getting used to.

The set of character body and costume items/themes that are ‘in the pipeline’ were almost as numerous as what’s currently available. I won’t give anything away but it goes waaaaaaaay beyond anything I’ve seen from other games I’ve played to date. Some of them elicited giggles as I was watching them animate. Certainly way beyond CoH or Champions and beyond what’s been shown by the other community-developed games thus far. So even after launch, expect a ton of cool stuff coming down the pike.

[h2]The Recommendation[/h2]
I’m going to bring this up in a separate thread when I have more time because it warrants it --> MWM needs to begin getting this material out into the world.

What I saw was miles beyond the bits and pieces they’ve shared to date. We’ve seen a couple videos and a few stills or gifs. For almost 4 hours I was playing with the chargen while warcabbit and I discussed various mechanics, operations, issues, triumphs, etc. There is SOOOO much that can and should be shown not just for the benefit of the community frequenting the boards, but also to raise awareness among the wider gaming / comic book community. There's so much, well, FUN!, to be had just playing with the thing - you could let a bunch of kids and a bunch of adults use it, video them, and you'd see the same smiles of pure joy. That's marketing gold right there.

As MWM begins to transition toward beta testing and production release they’re going to need market momentum. This is the easiest way to build that momentum and it’s available now. I’d STRONGLY recommend they start getting this stuff out for consumption. The amount of material they have could be released weekly…for years…and not scratch the surface. They’re clearly out of the development hell and quite close to beta release. I know they’re a volunteer staff and beyond that aren’t by any definition a large staff, but it’s now time to start cranking up the marketing and p.r. machine!

[h2]The Verdict[/h2]
All in all I don’t believe the community has anything to worry about with regards to the character generator. From what I saw they are on the cusp of release. I can imagine they want to fine tune things and they certainly suffered a set back with the repository crash, but they’re legitimately very close to having something releasable. Warcabbit made it plain they are gunning for delivery before the end of the year. If it’s not out by then it has to be immediately thereafter considering the state it was it and its stability.

There were some other delightful things that were shown that I was asked not to share but I will say that I’ve not seen their like in other mmo’s before and the possibilities, both for costumes and pve/pvp combat, are genius.

I’ll end here with one particularly special teaser/treat that caused me some paradigm shifting cognitive dissonance because what I thought I was seeing was only a tiny portion of what was actually available. When warcabbit corrected my assumption, I actually paused a moment or two while my brain rewired for what to expect from this game, followed by the instant realization that MWM has eclipsed anything that CoH could have hoped to deliver.

See you on the other side, my friends.

Darth Fez
Darth Fez's picture
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Spectacular! Thank you for

Spectacular! Thank you for writing this up for us, oogly.

Thank you for meeting with him, warcabbit, to make this write-up possible.

- - - - -
[font=Pristina][size=18][b]Hail Beard![/b][/size][/font]

Support [url=]trap clowns[/url] for CoT!

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 16:24
Wow, thanks for all that info

Wow, thanks for all that info! (And nicely written as well.) It certainly sounds like there's a lot more delicious goodness already in there that we haven't seen yet.

One question: is there a Random button on each item? It's something we've discussed before but which I don't believe was ever confirmed. With so many choices, I think sometimes folks will want the option to select a random option for some costume elements, at least as a starting point.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 07/06/2014 - 17:37
Thanks so much for this,

Thanks so much for this, Oogly. Much appreciated.

To be honest, this is about what I was expecting in terms of where the Chargen (and pretty much everything else) was likely to be at this point. I know the devs have been keeping their cards pretty close to the vest for a long time now, but I also know a hell of a lot of work has gone into this, over a very long stretch of time, so I'm not at all surprised that there is some serious awesome lurking behind the curtain.

That said, it's really really nice to have such an enthusiastic report (and confirmation) of all that shiny goodness from somebody who has gotten a hands-on peek.

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
This just makes me want to

This just makes me want to get my hands on all that Goodness!

Soon, right? ^_^

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 2 days 21 hours ago
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grins happily

[i]grins happily[/i]


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
What a great write up! Some

What a great write up! Some much needed supporter tested and approved words! Thanks much to both Oogly and warcabbit!

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Brand X
Brand X's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Was there a breech cloth

Was there a breech cloth option? Was there belly jackets?

Just let me know this!

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 month 4 days ago
Joined: 03/28/2015 - 03:02
Thanks a lot Oogly for

Thanks a lot Oogly for putting this together, and Cabbit for providing the opportunity. This just makes me so much more stoked about the game.

I take it this was only character costumes, but if someone from MWM could gives us a hint at how flexible and diverse power customization is compared to characters it would make this even more epic.

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
Based on the other threads

Based on the other threads discussing powers and whatnot I imagine power customization is fast on the heels of the Chargen. Hoping so at least!

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

warlocc's picture
Last seen: 1 day 20 hours ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 16:38
Sounds like it's time to do

Sounds like it's time to do sone serious PR and get that thing into tester's hands.

[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: 09/13/2015 - 20:08
Nice summary.

Nice summary.

Was it better than CO if you played that game before?

I am really waiting for the pet gen. Out of all the things of any successor, or any game on the market for that matter, a pet gen intrigues me because I have never seen such a thing before. Your write just hyped the excitement for this.

BDO did a char gen sample, and it was a hit. I do hold the belief that people would spend money to play around with this. The only reason i like CO is due to the char gen. The overall game is trash to some extent.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Tranquil Flower
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 08/16/2017 - 08:53
Thanks for a great write up.

Thanks for a great write up. Lots of really encouraging stuff in there.

As far as power customisation goes, once I saw the demonstration model capoeira kick a fireball out of their foot, I figured customisation would probably cover my needs pretty well, so I've always been comfortable there.

Certainly it needs a holy synergy of costumes, mechanics, animations, backgrounds and stories to make CoT a truly great game, but seeing one piece of the puzzle really falling into place is fabulous. It also indicates just how high the team's production values are, which is the positive effect of the project being a volunteer staffed labour of love (the negative one being a very flexible release schedule).

Personally I can live without a publishing exec screaming 'So what if everyone's character irrevocably deletes when they hit level 5? The console release deadline is tomorrow, so ship it as is.'

Really enjoying seeing the game taking shape.

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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If you're still around, Oogly

If you're still around, Oogly, I've got a quick question. Are you able to apply material textures to skin? I've got a character that definitely wants a scaled texture skin, but you mentioned that as separate from the skin selections.

Aside from that question, this looks great! Thanks for doing this, and letting me know that my opinion on being able to market the character creator be worth the entry cost by itself is true!

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:39
Wow, oogly! Thanks for all

Wow, oogly! Thanks for all the details, and you had me at:


You want blue skin? No worries.

Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/23/2016 - 17:21
ooglymoogly wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:

[h2]The Recommendation[/h2]
I’m going to bring this up in a separate thread when I have more time because it warrants it --> MWM needs to begin getting this material out into the world.

What I saw was miles beyond the bits and pieces they’ve shared to date. We’ve seen a couple videos and a few stills or gifs. For almost 4 hours I was playing with the chargen while warcabbit and I discussed various mechanics, operations, issues, triumphs, etc. There is SOOOO much that can and should be shown not just for the benefit of the community frequenting the boards, but also to raise awareness among the wider gaming / comic book community. There's so much, well, FUN!, to be had just playing with the thing - you could let a bunch of kids and a bunch of adults use it, video them, and you'd see the same smiles of pure joy. That's marketing gold right there.

As MWM begins to transition toward beta testing and production release they’re going to need market momentum. This is the easiest way to build that momentum and it’s available now. I’d STRONGLY recommend they start getting this stuff out for consumption. The amount of material they have could be released weekly…for years…and not scratch the surface. They’re clearly out of the development hell and quite close to beta release. I know they’re a volunteer staff and beyond that aren’t by any definition a large staff, but it’s now time to start cranking up the marketing and p.r. machine!

[h2]The Verdict[/h2]
All in all I don’t believe the community has anything to worry about with regards to the character generator. From what I saw they are on the cusp of release. I can imagine they want to fine tune things and they certainly suffered a set back with the repository crash, but they’re legitimately very close to having something releasable. Warcabbit made it plain they are gunning for delivery before the end of the year. If it’s not out by then it has to be immediately thereafter considering the state it was it and its stability.

There were some other delightful things that were shown that I was asked not to share but I will say that I’ve not seen their like in other mmo’s before and the possibilities, both for costumes and pve/pvp combat, are genius.

I’ll end here with one particularly special teaser/treat that caused me some paradigm shifting cognitive dissonance because what I thought I was seeing was only a tiny portion of what was actually available. When warcabbit corrected my assumption, I actually paused a moment or two while my brain rewired for what to expect from this game, followed by the instant realization that MWM has eclipsed anything that CoH could have hoped to deliver.

See you on the other side, my friends.

This is (one of the ways) how I would want to promote the game. The enthusiasm of an outsider who does not have anything to prove or ulterior motive that clearly sees the possibilities set forth before them. This type of message would probably have a different tone if it originated from someone within the development apparatus (since they have been knee deep in it for years on end already). The fans will be good ambassadors of the game, and they will need to continue serving in that capacity.

MWM has been careful to not let too much information leak and that has served to protect the creative process. It makes sense to not get pinned down on needing to deliver on forum promises when the primary accountability is to themselves and the KS backers. The Character Creator release will be the moment where the madness meets the road and everyone can peek over the wall. I just hope they have a solid plan for messaging to set the best framework for people (media people included) to understand what they are staring in awe at.

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

Lost Deep
Lost Deep's picture
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Something I've noticed about

Something I've noticed about other character generators is that you can generally work inside the system to make something you like, but if you come in with a pre-existing idea that you want it's typically difficult. However, having a lot of raw options should make that MUCH easier and I'm subsequently quite excited. However! The thing I'm most psyched about?

The camera control.

No, really, high-end camera control will make fine color coordination and texture choosing SO much easier. A lot of character customization systems have two zoom levels and maybe a camera focus on the part in question, solid camera control will be SORELY appreciated. Even if its only up/down and fine zoom control, solid rotation control should be good to do the rest!

Under Construction...

Terwyn's picture
Last seen: 1 day 22 min ago
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Of the characters I know to

Of the characters I know to have so far been created, to my knowledge only one of them took less than an hour. Already my prediction of the proportion of playtime dedicated to character creation is proving accurate. I just wish we could show you some of the things that I have seen.

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]

alltrueist's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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You know when you're reading

You know when you're reading a cute text from your significant other (or crush for you singles) and you just have this goofy, happy smile on your face and you didn't even notice it?

That was me the entire time I was reading this post :D

The Altruist, Invulnerability/Super Strength Stalwart.

Radiac's picture
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This is good news.

This is good news.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Hero_Zero's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Wish I was there.

Wish I was there.


Kool Rakoon
Kool Rakoon's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/13/2017 - 09:48
Wow! I knew this game had

Wow! I knew this game had potential but didn't expect it to exceed expectations! I for one cannot wait for the char gen! MWM, you guys kick butt!

Captain Tesla
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 01/02/2014 - 19:15
Any chance we could get our

Any chance we could get our hands on the character generator prior to launch?

Impulse King
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Captain Tesla wrote:
Captain Tesla wrote:

Any chance we could get our hands on the character generator prior to launch?

Sadly they can't do it as a standalone product due to their agreement with Unreal 4 as they are only licensed to do one (1) product. For now you (and I as well) will have to wait for beta invites. Perhaps later on, if the game is the incredible smash hit we all long for it to be, they might be able to afford to release a standalone chargen. But honestly this isn't something the Devs have said or even hinted at to my knowledge.

Zerohour's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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Very exciting! Heres to

Very exciting! Heres to hoping we have something to unwrap over the Christmas holidays!

Currently trapped inside the Speed Force...

mehebah's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/01/2017 - 11:30
Thank You Both for this post!

Thank You Both for this post! Oogley’s excitement and almost tripping-over-self-to-get-as-much-crammed-in description have added another log to the fire of my excitement for this game. I also appreciate that Oogley didn’t glaze over that there are issues and progress to be made, no rose-colored steampunk goggles...Thank You Again!

Meh. Bah!

Fireheart's picture
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:
Captain Tesla wrote:

Any chance we could get our hands on the character generator prior to launch?

Sadly they can't do it as a standalone product due to their agreement with Unreal 4 as they are only licensed to do one (1) product. For now, you (and I as well) will have to wait for beta invites. Perhaps later on, if the game is the incredible smash hit we all long for it to be, they might be able to afford to release a standalone chargen. But honestly, this isn't something the Devs have said or even hinted at to my knowledge.

I wouldn't, necessarily, want a standalone CharGen, but it would be useful to be able to access, a la Icon, the in-game CharGen without firing up the whole game. Not a whole separate product, but a streamlined way to access a particular segment of the main product. I have a dozen characters to (re)create!

Be Well!

Halae's picture
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Impulse King wrote:
Impulse King wrote:

Sadly they can't do it as a standalone product due to their agreement with Unreal 4 as they are only licensed to do one (1) product. For now you (and I as well) will have to wait for beta invites. Perhaps later on, if the game is the incredible smash hit we all long for it to be, they might be able to afford to release a standalone chargen. But honestly this isn't something the Devs have said or even hinted at to my knowledge.

They might, however, be able to release the character creator for the price of the full game, with the idea being that you get the full game later, and release specific tokens to players they want for playtesting that allow the players in question to do beta testing rather than not have it available at all.

dunno if it works - I don't know the legalese of the agreement they signed - but it seems like it'd be a good way to get it out there without violating their agreements.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
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From a certain perspective,

From a certain perspective, getting your hands on the character creator _is_ the point I'd consider a launch, even if only one of several.
And what's stopping me from saying 'okay character creator launch' is that we have to build up the infrastructure a bit. Gotta get the patcher together and the logins for unlocks and so on.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

McJigg's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

dunno if it works - I don't know the legalese of the agreement they signed - but it seems like it'd be a good way to get it out there without violating their agreements.

That may cause some negative PR. To people who aren't already excited and invested it would bring about a lot of 'How early is too early for early access' talk in Steam terms. Once you charge full price, people expect a finished product, I'd rather not see CoT roasted on the Jimquisition.

ooglymoogly's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 11:13
Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Was there a breech cloth option? Was there belly jackets?

Just let me know this!

i don't know what those are, so... maybe?

ooglymoogly's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 11:13
Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Wow, thanks for all that info! (And nicely written as well.) It certainly sounds like there's a lot more delicious goodness already in there that we haven't seen yet.

One question: is there a Random button on each item? It's something we've discussed before but which I don't believe was ever confirmed. With so many choices, I think sometimes folks will want the option to select a random option for some costume elements, at least as a starting point.

I did not see a random button. warcabbit said they were going to have 'models' of a sort at launch to help people focus their creativity since the options are many, but I neither knew about nor knew to ask about the random button. It may be there and I just missed it.

ooglymoogly's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 11:13
blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Thanks a lot Oogly for putting this together, and Cabbit for providing the opportunity. This just makes me so much more stoked about the game.

I take it this was only character costumes, but if someone from MWM could gives us a hint at how flexible and diverse power customization is compared to characters it would make this even more epic.

We didn't get into powers because of the build we were using but he said they were all fully customizable, etc. They full menagerie may not be all ready on day-one, but they're all planned and in pipeline. also there were some customizations he touched upone which haven't been discussed (to my knowledge) on the boards.

ooglymoogly's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 11:13
Phararri wrote:
Phararri wrote:

Nice summary.

Was it better than CO if you played that game before?

I am really waiting for the pet gen. Out of all the things of any successor, or any game on the market for that matter, a pet gen intrigues me because I have never seen such a thing before. Your write just hyped the excitement for this.

definitely better, but also different. If you recall from CO and from CoH they had innumerable things like headpieces, tails, etc. That full spectrum wasn't present - a number were but not to that extent. But the quality of the materials, the detail, the customization - all of that faaaaaar exceeded CO, let alone CoH.

BDO did a char gen sample, and it was a hit. I do hold the belief that people would spend money to play around with this. The only reason i like CO is due to the char gen. The overall game is trash to some extent.

weird - not sure why that didn't quote properly.

to answer again, yes - better than CO or CoH. Both of those had certain customizations that aren't in place yet with the build I saw (think of the variety of tails or the scores of little helmet forehead pieces, etc. According to warcabbit those are in pipeline and some number will be available at launch with more coming down the pike. For pure customization and the QUALITY of the models, CO/CoH can't hold a candle to CoT. I jumped back on paragon chat and it just looks....dated. I'll venture a guess that the full suite of customizations with the various head pieces, tails, auras, chest details, etc from CoH/CO will eclipse the chargen at the beta launch in the coming weeks. But overtime, from what I saw and what we discussed, CoT will far surpass both of them. I'll defer to warcabbit and company on that point though.

Planet10's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 03/23/2016 - 17:21
Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

Of the characters I know to have so far been created, to my knowledge only one of them took less than an hour. Already my prediction of the proportion of playtime dedicated to character creation is proving accurate. I just wish we could show you some of the things that I have seen.

How many of those people were seeing the Character Creator for the first time though? That might skew the metric a bit.
And as far as the things your eyes have seen, were they glorious, stupefying, House of Mirrors style horrifying or all of the above? Thank you for protecting our virtuous eyes from the sights you have endured on our behalf. :P

"Just, well, update your kickstarter email addresses, okay? Make sure they're current?" - warcabbit

ooglymoogly's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

If you're still around, Oogly, I've got a quick question. Are you able to apply material textures to skin? I've got a character that definitely wants a scaled texture skin, but you mentioned that as separate from the skin selections.

Aside from that question, this looks great! Thanks for doing this, and letting me know that my opinion on being able to market the character creator be worth the entry cost by itself is true!

There was a small amount of texturization, iirc, but nothing like that with the materials. The snake scale, or reptile scale, i can't recall the exact nomenclature, was applied via the spandex costume and cowls, etc so i think you can make it work especially since you can layer things over the costume - so you build a scale spandex suit and apply patterns (lightning bolts, stripes, panels, etc) and gloves/armor/boots/etc to it. You could also do a full spandex suit, choose scale, and opt for skin tones (or whatever color from among the 100 offered) and do it that way. I'll defer to warcabbit and company on this since i'm speculating based on memory.

Terwyn's picture
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Planet10 wrote:
Planet10 wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

Of the characters I know to have so far been created, to my knowledge only one of them took less than an hour. Already my prediction of the proportion of playtime dedicated to character creation is proving accurate. I just wish we could show you some of the things that I have seen.

How many of those people were seeing the Character Creator for the first time though? That might skew the metric a bit.
And as far as the things your eyes have seen, were they glorious, stupefying, House of Mirrors style horrifying or all of the above? Thank you for protecting our virtuous eyes from the sights you have endured on our behalf. :P

Put it this way. I just got my hands on the current iteration last night. I did not sleep last night.

It is only when we stand up, with all our failings and sufferings, and try to support others rather than withdraw into ourselves, that we can fully live the life of community.

[color=#ff0000]Business Director[/color]

warcabbit's picture
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ooglymoogly wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Was there a breech cloth option? Was there belly jackets?

Just let me know this!

i don't know what those are, so... maybe?

Not sure on the belly jacket - but remember the bit with the buttcape? That's a breechcloth - it had a fore piece too.
The random buttons were there - down at the bottom. Above the reset. Do they work? Not yet.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Brand X
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ooglymoogly wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Was there a breech cloth option? Was there belly jackets?

Just let me know this!

i don't know what those are, so... maybe?

Skirt missing the front = breech cloth.

Belly Jacket. Just a jacket that doesn't cover the belly button :) Like a belly T.

centershock's picture
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Great write-up, as others

Great write-up, as others have said. This gives me something to look forward to.

[size=10]Globals: Darkshot Avenger | Red Ice
CoH player from 9 Mar 2009 to 30 Nov 2012
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Cinnder's picture
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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

The random buttons were there - down at the bottom. Above the reset. Do they work? Not yet.

Thanks for the responses re random buttons, Oogly & Cabbit.

Just for clarification, is that per item or just the whole costume (as in the old game)?

Spurn all ye kindle.

blacke4dawn's picture
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ooglymoogly wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

Thanks a lot Oogly for putting this together, and Cabbit for providing the opportunity. This just makes me so much more stoked about the game.

I take it this was only character costumes, but if someone from MWM could gives us a hint at how flexible and diverse power customization is compared to characters it would make this even more epic.

[b]We didn't get into powers because of the build we were using[/b] but he said they were all fully customizable, etc. They full menagerie may not be all ready on day-one, but they're all planned and in pipeline. also there were some customizations he touched upone which haven't been discussed (to my knowledge) on the boards.

I suspected as much, which was why I directed it towards someone from MWM.

My understanding is that first beta will be the CharGen with essentially only costume creation and maybe some landmass to load be able to load into the game "proper". Then they will add onto that with more and more systems (like powers, chat, combat, and so on), and I suspect that access to powers in general and power aesthetics will be in one release/update together due to how close they are to each other.

Catherine America
Catherine America's picture
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So wonderful!
ooglymoogly wrote:

For those interested...

Thanks for this oogly. So wonderful!


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

Catherine America
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Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

Of the characters I know to have so far been created, to my knowledge only one of them took less than an hour. Already my prediction of the proportion of playtime dedicated to character creation is proving accurate. I just wish we could show you some of the things that I have seen.

Man, I'll be in CharGen heaven for days. Daaaaaaays!


([i]Currently developing the Sapphire 7 Initiative[/i])

shadowman's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 08/24/2018 - 08:20
Wow that really cheers me up!

Wow that really cheers me up! Can’t wait to play it :)

“Some people have an identity. I have an alibi. I have a shadow self.”

Andre Aciman

Phararri's picture
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ooglymoogly wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:
Phararri wrote:

Nice summary.

Was it better than CO if you played that game before?

I am really waiting for the pet gen. Out of all the things of any successor, or any game on the market for that matter, a pet gen intrigues me because I have never seen such a thing before. Your write just hyped the excitement for this.

definitely better, but also different. If you recall from CO and from CoH they had innumerable things like headpieces, tails, etc. That full spectrum wasn't present - a number were but not to that extent. But the quality of the materials, the detail, the customization - all of that faaaaaar exceeded CO, let alone CoH.

BDO did a char gen sample, and it was a hit. I do hold the belief that people would spend money to play around with this. The only reason i like CO is due to the char gen. The overall game is trash to some extent.

weird - not sure why that didn't quote properly.

to answer again, yes - better than CO or CoH. Both of those had certain customizations that aren't in place yet with the build I saw (think of the variety of tails or the scores of little helmet forehead pieces, etc. According to warcabbit those are in pipeline and some number will be available at launch with more coming down the pike. For pure customization and the QUALITY of the models, CO/CoH can't hold a candle to CoT. I jumped back on paragon chat and it just looks....dated. I'll venture a guess that the full suite of customizations with the various head pieces, tails, auras, chest details, etc from CoH/CO will eclipse the chargen at the beta launch in the coming weeks. But overtime, from what I saw and what we discussed, CoT will far surpass both of them. I'll defer to warcabbit and company on that point though.

Awesome, thanks.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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really looking forwards to

really looking forwards to this...cant wait to try it out. wow

McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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So let's take all the

So let's take all the information we've learned about the char gen recently, combine it with this combat video from 16 months ago ( ) and think about all the advances that would have been made while we continue to dream of launch day.

Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/15/2013 - 10:10
McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:

So let's take all the information we've learned about the char gen recently, combine it with this combat video from 16 months ago ( ) and think about all the advances that would have been made while we continue to dream of launch day.


I'll be a lit bit sad if we our operators can't make things hip hop dance at launch. That's so cool.

Hi. I'm Hope.

Dark Cleric
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McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:

So let's take all the information we've learned about the char gen recently, combine it with this combat video from 16 months ago ( ) and think about all the advances that would have been made while we continue to dream of launch day.

Not sure how much of that video was MWM assets though. They've mentioned recently, iirc, that they aren't going to show anymore videos like that until they're using all their own assets (MWM created assets or purchased and re-purposed, same thing). If that video was 100% CoT stuff there would be no reason they wouldn't be sharing a lot more. If it is, that really sucks because they could be dissipating a long of skepticism and doubt. But I'm pretty sure it isn't.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Cyclops's picture
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This is addressed to any who

This is addressed to any who would know.
1) [u]Is there a selection of starting faces we could use?[/u] or do we need to manipulate every little thing?
2) Expressions. are they available? Black Falcon had a happy grin that set her apart from the other, 'serious' heroes.
3) Were you able to make a pretty face? CO had ugly faces for female characters.

The art for COT is so much more realistic than COH had...I fear I will be unable to make a pretty girl.
My male characters like, Talos are easy to make...its the girls who are hard to do.


warcabbit's picture
Last seen: 10 months 4 weeks ago
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There will be preloads for

There will be preloads for faces and for overall costumes.
note: faces may be attached to body type in the first version, we'll try to split it out.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Excellent. It will be good

Excellent. It will be good to have several base starting points that we can then customise from there.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Brand X
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

This is addressed to any who would know.
1) [u]Is there a selection of starting faces we could use?[/u] or do we need to manipulate every little thing?
2) Expressions. are they available? Black Falcon had a happy grin that set her apart from the other, 'serious' heroes.
3) Were you able to make a pretty face? CO had ugly faces for female characters.

The art for COT is so much more realistic than COH had...I fear I will be unable to make a pretty girl.
My male characters like, Talos are easy to make...its the girls who are hard to do.

I hate to agree with that notion, but from what we've seen, I can't help but agree with you.

Cyclops's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

This is addressed to any who would know.
1) [u]Is there a selection of starting faces we could use?[/u] or do we need to manipulate every little thing?
2) Expressions. are they available? Black Falcon had a happy grin that set her apart from the other, 'serious' heroes.
3) Were you able to make a pretty face? CO had ugly faces for female characters.

The art for COT is so much more realistic than COH had...I fear I will be unable to make a pretty girl.
My male characters like, Talos are easy to make...its the girls who are hard to do.

I hate to agree with that notion, but from what we've seen, I can't help but agree with you.

It took the modding community to make pretty faces for Skyrim.
[u]So far we're just seeing the Chargen in it's infancy.[/u] I think the devs are working like mad on skin textures, stock faces and bouncy hair.
But a pretty face is the next milestone I really want to see. Everything else seems to be gelling just fine.


Halae's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

The art for COT is so much more realistic than COH had...I fear I will be unable to make a pretty girl.
My male characters like, Talos are easy to make...its the girls who are hard to do.

I hate to agree with that notion, but from what we've seen, I can't help but agree with you.

I actually don't think this will be an issue. One of the biggest things in the game Black Desert Online is being able to save and upload character files so that other people can use them. This way you can get people who have plenty of time during the day and the willpower to spend it adjusting facial minutia to upload their creations to the internet - I fully expect entire threads where you can "shop" for the perfect face or outfit. And if you can't find one, load one up that's close enough, and modify it from there. It's pretty common practice with BDO, and I'd be astonished if it doesn't become a thing in CoT, given they've confirmed that costume saves will be entirely possible.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Steel's picture
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ooglymoogly wrote:The avatar
ooglymoogly wrote:

The avatar’s hands tilt at an odd angle because they’re stylized like a gun fighter who’s ready to draw. The hand is angled about 40 degrees off the forearm line. It takes a little getting used to.

This. It looks really weird, I hope it's WIP and wil be adressed before Issue 1 comes out.

Great write-up, Oogly, thanks!

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago
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Where's the Like Button?

Where's the Like Button? WHERE'S THE LIKE BUTTON?!?!??!?!

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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The hand is angled awkwardly

The hand is angled awkwardly because of a weighting issue that will be corrected.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Brand X
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

The art for COT is so much more realistic than COH had...I fear I will be unable to make a pretty girl.
My male characters like, Talos are easy to make...its the girls who are hard to do.

I hate to agree with that notion, but from what we've seen, I can't help but agree with you.

I actually don't think this will be an issue. One of the biggest things in the game Black Desert Online is being able to save and upload character files so that other people can use them. This way you can get people who have plenty of time during the day and the willpower to spend it adjusting facial minutia to upload their creations to the internet - I fully expect entire threads where you can "shop" for the perfect face or outfit. And if you can't find one, load one up that's close enough, and modify it from there. It's pretty common practice with BDO, and I'd be astonished if it doesn't become a thing in CoT, given they've confirmed that costume saves will be entirely possible.

Blade and soul has this too, however, I felt B&S had beautiful faces regardless. I have yet to see such a face in CoT.

cybermitheral's picture
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Terwyn wrote:
Terwyn wrote:

Put it this way. I just got my hands on the current iteration last night. I did not sleep last night.
1:13+ (the CharGen is the reporter)

The Phoenix Rising Initiative Rules Lawyer

Lothic's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Just wanted to thank oogly,

Just wanted to thank oogly, cabbit and everyone else involved with this great news. Many of us have literally waited years to hear details like this about this game. It's great to hear that the Avatar Builder sounds both so close to being releasable and as well as having this much capability from the start.

Sadly my job will likely keep me from posting much in the next couple of months - I'm already in Japan as I write this and getting ready to head out to sea for a while. It's always possible the Navy has "unblacklisted" this website but it's been a few years since they decided to do that so I'm not going to count on it. Anyway good luck to MWM if you guys manage to release anything before I get back; I'm sure I'll get my chance to waste countless hours creating outfits soon enough. :)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Just wanted to thank oogly, cabbit and everyone else involved with this great news. Many of us have literally waited years to hear details like this about this game. It's great to hear that the Avatar Builder sounds both so close to being releasable and as well as having this much capability from the start.

Sadly my job will likely keep me from posting much in the next couple of months - I'm already in Japan as I write this and getting ready to head out to sea for a while. It's always possible the Navy has "unblacklisted" this site but it's been a few years since they decided to do that so I'm not going to count on it. Anyway good luck to MWM if you guys manage to release anything before I get back; I'm sure I'll get my chance to waste countless hours creating outfits soon enough. :)

Stay safe my friend.


rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Just wanted to thank oogly, cabbit and everyone else involved with this great news. Many of us have literally waited years to hear details like this about this game. It's great to hear that the Avatar Builder sounds both so close to being releasable and as well as having this much capability from the start.

Sadly my job will likely keep me from posting much in the next couple of months - I'm already in Japan as I write this and getting ready to head out to sea for a while. It's always possible the Navy has "unblacklisted" this website but it's been a few years since they decided to do that so I'm not going to count on it. Anyway good luck to MWM if you guys manage to release anything before I get back; I'm sure I'll get my chance to waste countless hours creating outfits soon enough. :)

Hope all is well throughout all your travels. Safe Journeys!

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Stay safe my friend.

rookslide wrote:

Hope all is well throughout all your travels. Safe Journeys!

Thanks. I like my job but it unfortunately puts me in just about the only place on the planet I can't get access to this webpage for several months per year. C'est la vie...

I'll just have to keep playing with the version of the CoT Avatar Builder that's in my head. Sadly (ironically?) I also just missed the open PC betas for Fallout 76 as well but at least I've only been waiting for that game for 6 months so that's hardly a big deal at all. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Callum's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Just wanted to thank oogly, cabbit and everyone else involved with this great news. Many of us have literally waited years to hear details like this about this game. It's great to hear that the Avatar Builder sounds both so close to being releasable and as well as having this much capability from the start.

Sadly my job will likely keep me from posting much in the next couple of months - I'm already in Japan as I write this and getting ready to head out to sea for a while. It's always possible the Navy has "unblacklisted" this website but it's been a few years since they decided to do that so I'm not going to count on it. Anyway good luck to MWM if you guys manage to release anything before I get back; I'm sure I'll get my chance to waste countless hours creating outfits soon enough. :)

I have lurked for literally like 4 years, now who’ll be responsible for witty posts and outsmarting the red names jajdjwjdjwjsj

Oooo, heavy

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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After reading such

After reading such enthusiastic post I feel like I love the world :D. I so can't wait now!

Hatut Zeraze
Hatut Zeraze's picture
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Ah! That was such a good

Ah! That was such a good read.

Lothic's picture
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Callum wrote:
Callum wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Just wanted to thank oogly, cabbit and everyone else involved with this great news. Many of us have literally waited years to hear details like this about this game. It's great to hear that the Avatar Builder sounds both so close to being releasable and as well as having this much capability from the start.

Sadly my job will likely keep me from posting much in the next couple of months - I'm already in Japan as I write this and getting ready to head out to sea for a while. It's always possible the Navy has "unblacklisted" this website but it's been a few years since they decided to do that so I'm not going to count on it. Anyway good luck to MWM if you guys manage to release anything before I get back; I'm sure I'll get my chance to waste countless hours creating outfits soon enough. :)

I have lurked for literally like 4 years, now who’ll be responsible for witty posts and outsmarting the red names jajdjwjdjwjsj

Nothing would stop [b]you[/b] from the making of the witty-type posts whether I'm here or not. Besides I'm sure there are plenty here who enjoy my periodic absences from the webpage - I'm looking at you Fleshforge, my bestest-buddy. ;)

And to be perfectly clear I don't usually "outsmart" the Rednames as much as purposefully say things that annoy various Rednames enough (still looking at my buddy Fleshforge for example) that "encourage" them to want to "correct" me and in the process they usually release new information they haven't mentioned before. So no, I would never say I directly outsmart them as much as get them to tell us stuff they might not have otherwise told us... You say po-ta-to, I say poe-tat-o... ;)

To get back to the topic of thread can anyone (i.e. oogly) tell us if the costume and/or body model save/load features are working in the latest build of the costume generator? I know it's been talked about for years (and even earlier in this thread) but is it already implemented or is it something that won't be working during the chargen's initial release? Being able to play with the chargen for multiple hours won't mean much if we can't save our work in progress ASAP.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

ooglymoogly's picture
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Joined: 09/05/2014 - 11:13
Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:

To get back to the topic of thread can anyone (i.e. oogly) tell us if the costume and/or body model save/load features are working in the latest build of the costume generator? I know it's been talked about for years (and even earlier in this thread) but is it already implemented or is it something that won't be working during the chargen's initial release? Being able to play with the chargen for multiple hours won't mean much if we can't save our work in progress ASAP.

The ability to save costumes was there, yes. I did not see (which doesn't mean it wasn't there) the ability to create, save, and replicate a body size ad infinitum, but the sliders were super easy on the body sizing so that shouldn't be an issue even if it isn't there.

Also, for whoever was asking about the 'hot girl' look (cyclops maybe?), the toon that I saw cabbit messing around with had a face that was the spitting image of geena davis - whether you think she's hot or not is besides the point. I didn't mess around with the facial features much and, again, we were working on an older version and they have a lot of stuff in pipeline that will be introduced after the chargen is released into the wild for Issue 0.

I do think it would be worth MWM's while to (RELEASE MOAR VIDEOS/PICS) ensure they over-communicate on the lead up to chargen launch about what to expect. It doesn't look like it's going to have the full range of CoH bells and whistles regarding tails and headpieces and what have you but there is a ton of stuff in pipeline and the initial release is most assuredly a beta so expectations should be set accordingly. repeatedly.

Lothic's picture
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ooglymoogly wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:
Lothic wrote:

To get back to the topic of thread can anyone (i.e. oogly) tell us if the costume and/or body model save/load features are working in the latest build of the costume generator? I know it's been talked about for years (and even earlier in this thread) but is it already implemented or is it something that won't be working during the chargen's initial release? Being able to play with the chargen for multiple hours won't mean much if we can't save our work in progress ASAP.

The ability to save costumes was there, yes. I did not see (which doesn't mean it wasn't there) the ability to create, save, and replicate a body size ad infinitum, but the sliders were super easy on the body sizing so that shouldn't be an issue even if it isn't there.

Thanks for the response on this. Several years ago the Devs were talking about being able to save/load a complete set of body model slider settings separately from any costume item settings. I'm still hoping this is the plan because it would represent a huge advantage over CoH. Being able to save a "body" separately from a "costume" would mean you could create a body template for a given character and then swap out entire costumes using the exact same body model that would be maintained independently. Even if the sliders are easy to set it would far better to be able to save those setting rather than having to maintain lists outside of the game to "record" that info.

ooglymoogly wrote:

Also, for whoever was asking about the 'hot girl' look (cyclops maybe?), the toon that I saw cabbit messing around with had a face that was the spitting image of geena davis - whether you think she's hot or not is besides the point. I didn't mess around with the facial features much and, again, we were working on an older version and they have a lot of stuff in pipeline that will be introduced after the chargen is released into the wild for Issue 0.

Geena Davis might arguably be a bit "past her prime" now but back in the day she was not too shabby. In addition to being a popular actress she did some modeling for Victoria's Secret:


If CoT can actually create a character that looks like this then I think most people will happy with it. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
ooglymoogly wrote:

Also, for whoever was asking about the 'hot girl' look (cyclops maybe?), the toon that I saw cabbit messing around with had a face that was the spitting image of geena davis - whether you think she's hot or not is besides the point. I didn't mess around with the facial features much and, again, we were working on an older version and they have a lot of stuff in pipeline that will be introduced after the chargen is released into the wild for Issue 0.

Geena Davis might arguably be a bit "past her prime" now but back in the day she was not too shabby. In addition to being a popular actress she did some modeling for Victoria's Secret:


If CoT can actually create a character that looks like this then I think most people will happy with it. ;)

Yep. a gina face would be just fine.
Now that is an emote we MUST have! I just cannot think of an appropriate name for it...e/what?


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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:
Lothic wrote:

Geena Davis might arguably be a bit "past her prime" now but back in the day she was not too shabby. In addition to being a popular actress she did some modeling for Victoria's Secret:


If CoT can actually create a character that looks like this then I think most people will happy with it. ;)

Yep. a gina face would be just fine.
Now that is an emote we MUST have! I just cannot think of an appropriate name for it...e/what?

I'd have to guess making an emote like this look acceptable for a game would be relatively challenging. You'd have to get all of the subtle facial movements right not to mention the animation of the hands through the hair. I doubt it'd be impossible, but it certainly wouldn't be something that could be done in a few minutes considering this doesn't even address what the rest of the character's body might be "doing" while this is going on...

At any rate naming such an emote is probably far easier - I'd probably call it the "coquette". Figures the French would have a good word for something like this. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
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Whoa whoa whoa. She looked

Whoa whoa whoa. She looked best in Long Kiss Good Night with blonde hair :p

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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa. She looked best in Long Kiss Good Night with blonde hair :p

Yeah she rocked a good look in that movie...


When you think about it her look was just a variation of the classic "Power Girl" look:


To once again bring this back to the chargen I'd love to know how many hair styles they got implemented so far. I realize they can always add more in the future but it'd be nice to know how many they've managed to get to so far.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Query about the colors... I

Query about the colors... I have a form of color blindness called Deuteranomaly. I can see the full range of colors... kinda. I can label the primary and secondary colors no problem. All the shades in-between? They tend to blend together when they're all laid out side by side the way a lot of games show them in character creation. I can look at some of them and go, oh, these are blues and purples... but which ones are actually blue shades and which ones are actually purple? Or same for certain shades of green and brown or orange and red.

Do the colors have a tooltip that shows the color name or color family at least, or some other way to distinguish between 50-100 colors on the typical character creator palette?

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Justdrew85 wrote:
Justdrew85 wrote:

Do the colors have a tooltip that shows the color name or color family at least, or some other way to distinguish between 50-100 colors on the typical character creator palette?

I can't answer your question, but MWM said they 'll handle color-blindness (but i don't know how) :) I think you can be reassured.

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Justdrew85 wrote:
Justdrew85 wrote:

Query about the colors... I have a form of color blindness called Deuteranomaly. I can see the full range of colors... kinda.

IIRC I read at some point where they were talking about having labels and/or tooltips that would help people tell the colors apart. Several of the Devs have mentioned they also have various kinds of color blindness so I'm assuming they are going to be pretty mindful about the issue in general for the game.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

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Silly rabbit, i'm the Cabbit - I thought you were going to make this difficult.

This is the best line yet written on these forums.

Second Chance:
Dev Tracker:
Dev Comments:

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I finally got permission to

I finally got permission to post these. PR gets approval on this stuff, and, well, it took a while. Plus, well, a guy ran a red and totaled my car - I'm fine, but it's been a lot of effort.

Imgur album:

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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Lord Spider Death Clown Man!

Lord Spider Death Clown Man!
Imgur album:

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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Imgur album:
Who's laughing now?

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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Not Related:

Not Related:

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Callum's picture
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Can someone please make

Can someone please make complimentary colour choices on their costumes, my inner fashion diva dies inside a little hahaha. That being said I hope your car recovers well...

...those are some impressive muscle tiddies

Oooo, heavy

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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

Imgur album:
Who's laughing now?


not my video just one I lke ===>


warcabbit's picture
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The 'color advisor' is

The 'color advisor' is something we have the technical ability to do, but we haven't got a good place to do it in the UI yet. Probably a post-launch upgrade at this point.
These are one hundred percent Oogy's designs, saved by him, these screenshots are from a 2013 laptop of... questionable functionality.
I admit it was a bit dark when he made these.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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Ah I meant they just need to

Ah I meant they just need to make better choices when pairing colours for the costume haha, sorry for the confusion (:

Oooo, heavy

Brand X
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Callum wrote:
Callum wrote:

Ah I meant they just need to make better choices when pairing colours for the costume haha, sorry for the confusion (:

I agree with you. Showing that a character creator can make crappy looking characters does not show the appeal to people, even if it has great details.

"Look! You can make anyone!"

"Then why isn't anyone making someone that looks good? Pass!"

"Well you can!"

"But no one has! Again...pass!"


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Okay Brand not as harsh are

Okay Brand not as harsh are you're putting it lmfao but yeah, that's the gist of it

Oooo, heavy

warcabbit's picture
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Callum wrote:
Callum wrote:

Ah I meant they just need to make better choices when pairing colours for the costume haha, sorry for the confusion (:

We are literally considering a color advisor to help people make better choices - it's just math, but the user interface is a pain.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:
Callum wrote:

Ah I meant they just need to make better choices when pairing colours for the costume haha, sorry for the confusion (:

We are literally considering a color advisor to help people make better choices - it's just math, but the user interface is a pain.

Oh that's interesting, City of Tiaras commences!

Also for anyone that's interested they just posted some characters from the CharGen on the official twitter... with complimentary colours !!

Oooo, heavy
