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Who are you?

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Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
Who are you?

So listen; I know most of you from your posts because I've been lurking the site for 4 years now, but based on the information thus far, who and what is your MAIN? How significantly do you think it will differ from your MAIN in the old game ( again, based upon the information provided)?

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
Mons was, btw, a Stone/super

Mons was, btw, a Stone/super strength tank of course...

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 04/10/2015 - 17:24
Black Falcon was a Dark

Black Falcon (in my sig below) was a Dark/Electric Brute in COH.
Here in COT, she will be a Melee/Solid-form Gladiator (brute). I will have to pick a Darkness aesthetic as they will not have a dark power set at launch.
I have not settled on the exact melee set just yet, I will need to experiment in Beta.

The aesthetic for defense is also up in the air. Again, I will need to experiment in Beta. in COH, I only picked electric because the Dark defense obscured my toon. I like to SEE my character. Here I may take no effect at all.

thank goodness for aesthetic decoupling. I can make anyone with that.

First sighting of Black Falcon in COT as snapped by a quick thinking photographer.


McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
Blue side my main was

Blue side my main was Frigerific, an Ice/Ice blastler where I had more fun with the slows and crowd control than I did damage. Blapper playstyle because who could say no to the ice sword? He wore a modern interpretation of a hero's spandex with a blue/black color scheme. I've got a write up for his CoT version over in the backstory thread,

Red side my main was Doctor Sparrow, an alien in a teal lab coat he was a robots/poison mastermind. I really loved the single target debuffs from poison, Elite Bosses couldn't do much once the rest of the chaff were gone. He lived in a utopian society which left it susceptible to invasion. His planet taken over, he fled and eventually landed on earth, which he feels needs criminals to keep society from getting complacent and vulnerable. He would target 'safe' areas to keep the PCPD on their toes. A focus on collateral damage without casualties.

Eventually I realized I liked both characeter's crowd control / debuffs more than damage and made a Dominator. Gravity/Psi, he was a Praetorian Private Detective who would end up on the blue side. Game closed before he even got to level 30. Psimantic also has a CoT write version write up.

In CoT I'm going a different direction however. While there's little doubt Frigerific, Psimantic and Doctor Sparrow will be remade in some form, I'll be starting with a "McJigg" character first. As stated in other threads, he is going to be Power Control/ Vampiric Emanation Operator with an enigmatic 'old magic' theme. If possible his prop and spell focus will be an ancient spear, the limits of character creation has yet to be seen. It's hard to plan much more though, with so few specifics about the game available I need to keep the concept open. Heck, with the alignment system I don't even know if he's 'registered' yet, it will be fun to figure out.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:39
My namesake was a Nrg/Nrg

My namesake was a Nrg/Nrg Blapper, but I've had many, many variantions on my Cobalt characters, usually the one I rolled next was the successive step in the character's evolution. Depending on what situation I was going into content-wise generally determined what I brought. If the team needed AoEs, I probably brought my Elec/Shield for Lightning Rod and Shield Charge. Single target DPS? My Dual Blade. Tanking? Probably my Titan Weapon/Willpower Brute. Stealth a glowy with a high single target DPS with ranged and melee? My Bane. I didn't have many support characters, and if I did, they usually weren't canon Cobalts, like my emp def Cobalt Ambulancean or my Hami tank Cobalt Abramsean.

When the game ended, I was maining my TW/WP, and I've always had a thing for growing continually stronger (or sometimes faster) over the course of a fight (ergo my Brute), so likely Kinetic Melee and then Grit as the Protection set. I'm definitely conflicted between Kinetic and Massive, but reducing the enemy's damage output would probably have better synergy with Grit than Massive, and I tend to lean towards single target over AoE.

I'm considering Enforcer due to the mention of some of them being able to also strike at range, so I thought that might be about as close as I could get to a blapper from the get-go.

rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 09/25/2013 - 10:26
I had several mains from each

I had several mains from each AT over the years but my last before the shutdown was Storm in a Teacup, a energy/energy blaster of as minute a proportions as I could design. On the Red side I had fewer mains the longest one I played was Copper Cauldron, a radiation blast/thermal radiation Corruptor. So I’ll hafe a bit of a chore creating my favorite ATs until a few more of the options are available after the beginning but hopefully it won’t be long after...

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
My main was an energy/energy

My main was an energy/energy/force blaster called Safehouse. I loved playing him and strategizing with him, despite his squishiness. However, I had always wanted to create something a bit more robust, a character with energy blast powers that was also defensively inclined and had some super strength.

In that way, CoT is going to increase my ability to create the character I always envisioned with the Gunner archetype. I’m going to main an energy (wel... lethality but with energy aesthetics) and invulnerability gunner with a strength tertiary.

I’ll be looking forward to recreating my old main with even greater adherence to my vision :)

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

warlocc's picture
Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
Joined: 09/20/2013 - 16:38
My main was a Necromancer

My main was a Necromancer Mastermind. Playing with a little strategy, I could easily max the difficulty sliders, it was great.
I don't expect to be able to recreate that in CoT until well after launch.

[color=red]PR Team, Forum Moderator, Live Response Team[/color]

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
I should also mention that I

I should also mention that I had co-mains on redside: a bots/traps MM named Sinister Smith, and a crab spider incarnate named pedipalp. The crab was an AoE monster, could off-tank, and was really fun to play. The first new character I make in CoT will be Mons as a Solid Form/??? I haven't yet settled on a secondary, but am leaning toward focused fighting?

I am looking very much forward to the possibility of differing secondaries and masteries on multiple builds for the same character!

Grayfigure's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 08/26/2013 - 13:56
I was never able to make my

I was never able to make my namesakes in game (Forum handle, and a character this idea grew from), but my Main in game became a hybrid Captain America/Nightwing/Bucky Barnes style character that I called the Masked Prodigy. Longest time played Character id ever created. Started life as Katana/SR Scrapper, but only made it to lvl 12. Moved over to Martial Arts/SR and got him to 50. Had so much fun, remade him as a MA/Regen scrapper and got him to 50 again. Then remade him as a MA/Shield Scrapper and 50'd faster than id ever 50'd before! so much so I literally made that same combo on another server (got HIM to 50), then made a Shield/MA tank version when MA became available for tanks (guess what level HE got to.........). Then, for Gits and Shiggles, I made a 'prequel' version of him when he was a child sidekick. Gave him Staff Melee/SR (it was when Staff Melee came out) and named him Liberty Lad, heh.

Most Iconic parts of that character became his Shield (which he became known for)....and his Epic Scarf. You see, when they first added the scarfs, the ones that had a long trail were very thin and, to me' only moderately impressive. But then I stumbled upon a costume quirk. If you used the default scarf (the shoulder wrap only) and kept it all one color, it sort of blended in with a shoulder cape I liked to use, if you used the same color. the 'effect' was that it looked like a flowing Scarf that started around your shoulders, covered your mouth, draped off one shoulder and hung as long as a cape almost. My running gag was that you could tell this was a badass normal, because if he could fight crime in a scarf THAT LONG and NOT get himself killed because of it, both he and that scarf were EPIC!

The Epic Scarf part of the joke stuck with me the longest XD

*EDIT: Changed my SS's to SR's. I dont think I could get a martial arts/ SuperStrength character...... XD
*EDIT 2: Geez, id forgotten this existed! Here's a quick look at his supergroup version costume, when I ran with the Avant Guards (Great group of people, I miss them so!):

[url=]Blink and youll miss it![/url]

On the edge of your Perceptions......
Turn away and feel his hand upon your shoulder.....
Look for him and he shall not exist.....
in the middle of the crowd....lost in the faces....
Stands a Figure....of Gray......

McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
Grayfigure wrote:
Grayfigure wrote:

[url=]Blink and youll miss it![/url]

Well that got me into a nostalgic CoH youtube hole and I don't know when I'll pull myself out....

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
I regret that I never really

I regret that I never really got into some of the latter day primaries and secondaries in the twilight of CoH as I was focused on incarnate trials for the last couple of issues. What'd I miss?

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Black Falcon (in my sig below) was a Dark/Electric Brute in COH.
Here in COT, she will be a Melee/Solid-form Gladiator (brute). I will have to pick a Darkness aesthetic as they will not have a dark power set at launch.
I have not settled on the exact melee set just yet, I will need to experiment in Beta.

The aesthetic for defense is also up in the air. Again, I will need to experiment in Beta. in COH, I only picked electric because the Dark defense obscured my toon. I like to SEE my character. Here I may take no effect at all.

thank goodness for aesthetic decoupling. I can make anyone with that.

First sighting of Black Falcon in COT as snapped by a quick thinking photographer.

Do you have any insight as to masteries for BF? Assuming rage?

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:

Blue side my main was Frigerific, an Ice/Ice blastler where I had more fun with the slows and crowd control than I did damage. Blapper playstyle because who could say no to the ice sword? He wore a modern interpretation of a hero's spandex with a blue/black color scheme. I've got a write up for his CoT version over in the backstory thread,

Red side my main was Doctor Sparrow, an alien in a teal lab coat he was a robots/poison mastermind. I really loved the single target debuffs from poison, Elite Bosses couldn't do much once the rest of the chaff were gone. He lived in a utopian society which left it susceptible to invasion. His planet taken over, he fled and eventually landed on earth, which he feels needs criminals to keep society from getting complacent and vulnerable. He would target 'safe' areas to keep the PCPD on their toes. A focus on collateral damage without casualties.

Eventually I realized I liked both characeter's crowd control / debuffs more than damage and made a Dominator. Gravity/Psi, he was a Praetorian Private Detective who would end up on the blue side. Game closed before he even got to level 30. Psimantic also has a CoT write version write up.

In CoT I'm going a different direction however. While there's little doubt Frigerific, Psimantic and Doctor Sparrow will be remade in some form, I'll be starting with a "McJigg" character first. As stated in other threads, he is going to be Power Control/ Vampiric Emanation Operator with an enigmatic 'old magic' theme. If possible his prop and spell focus will be an ancient spear, the limits of character creation has yet to be seen. It's hard to plan much more though, with so few specifics about the game available I need to keep the concept open. Heck, with the alignment system I don't even know if he's 'registered' yet, it will be fun to figure out.

Mons is a goodie-two-shoes, but many of my toons won't be... What masteries are you considering for McJigg??

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

My main was an energy/energy/force blaster called Safehouse. I loved playing him and strategizing with him, despite his squishiness. However, I had always wanted to create something a bit more robust, a character with energy blast powers that was also defensively inclined and had some super strength.

In that way, CoT is going to increase my ability to create the character I always envisioned with the Gunner archetype. I’m going to main an energy (wel... lethality but with energy aesthetics) and invulnerability gunner with a strength tertiary.

I’ll be looking forward to recreating my old main with even greater adherence to my vision :)

I played an Nrgy/Nrgy blapper up to 30 almost always solo due to kb and it's results. Are you going to flip the script and go with KD for teaming purposes, or do you have another strategy?

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

My namesake was a Nrg/Nrg Blapper, but I've had many, many variantions on my Cobalt characters, usually the one I rolled next was the successive step in the character's evolution. Depending on what situation I was going into content-wise generally determined what I brought. If the team needed AoEs, I probably brought my Elec/Shield for Lightning Rod and Shield Charge. Single target DPS? My Dual Blade. Tanking? Probably my Titan Weapon/Willpower Brute. Stealth a glowy with a high single target DPS with ranged and melee? My Bane. I didn't have many support characters, and if I did, they usually weren't canon Cobalts, like my emp def Cobalt Ambulancean or my Hami tank Cobalt Abramsean.

When the game ended, I was maining my TW/WP, and I've always had a thing for growing continually stronger (or sometimes faster) over the course of a fight (ergo my Brute), so likely Kinetic Melee and then Grit as the Protection set. I'm definitely conflicted between Kinetic and Massive, but reducing the enemy's damage output would probably have better synergy with Grit than Massive, and I tend to lean towards single target over AoE.

I'm considering Enforcer due to the mention of some of them being able to also strike at range, so I thought that might be about as close as I could get to a blapper from the get-go.

Can I ask what draws you to grit?

Mons's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/14/2017 - 13:30
Grayfigure wrote:
Grayfigure wrote:

I was never able to make my namesakes in game (Forum handle, and a character this idea grew from), but my Main in game became a hybrid Captain America/Nightwing/Bucky Barnes style character that I called the Masked Prodigy. Longest time played Character id ever created. Started life as Katana/SR Scrapper, but only made it to lvl 12. Moved over to Martial Arts/SR and got him to 50. Had so much fun, remade him as a MA/Regen scrapper and got him to 50 again. Then remade him as a MA/Shield Scrapper and 50'd faster than id ever 50'd before! so much so I literally made that same combo on another server (got HIM to 50), then made a Shield/MA tank version when MA became available for tanks (guess what level HE got to.........). Then, for Gits and Shiggles, I made a 'prequel' version of him when he was a child sidekick. Gave him Staff Melee/SR (it was when Staff Melee came out) and named him Liberty Lad, heh.

Most Iconic parts of that character became his Shield (which he became known for)....and his Epic Scarf. You see, when they first added the scarfs, the ones that had a long trail were very thin and, to me' only moderately impressive. But then I stumbled upon a costume quirk. If you used the default scarf (the shoulder wrap only) and kept it all one color, it sort of blended in with a shoulder cape I liked to use, if you used the same color. the 'effect' was that it looked like a flowing Scarf that started around your shoulders, covered your mouth, draped off one shoulder and hung as long as a cape almost. My running gag was that you could tell this was a badass normal, because if he could fight crime in a scarf THAT LONG and NOT get himself killed because of it, both he and that scarf were EPIC!

The Epic Scarf part of the joke stuck with me the longest XD

*EDIT: Changed my SS's to SR's. I dont think I could get a martial arts/ SuperStrength character...... XD
*EDIT 2: Geez, id forgotten this existed! Here's a quick look at his supergroup version costume, when I ran with the Avant Guards (Great group of people, I miss them so!):

[url=]Blink and youll miss it![/url]

Ahhh, all that is blurry, and effed-up, and poorly rendered, just like I remember it.......

Brand X
Brand X's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 11/01/2013 - 00:26
My main from CoH will be

My main from CoH will be altered when she hits CoT.

Jessica Kaitlynn McClane (<---Die Hard love there) changed to Jessica Ji-eun Lacroix.

From Japanese/European to Korean/European/Hint of Indian.

Brand X code name to...haven't decided...leaning on Instinct, Spoilsport, Night Fox and Black Fox, right now.

From Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes all the time, to Black Hair and Green eyes, but having the ability to minor shape shift she still goes Blonde/Blue for secret identity purposes.

The idea is still (while not meant to be an exact, but to use comic book heros as an example) Spider-Woman + X-23 + a hint of Rachel Summers. Basically Super Soldier (Agile Regenner) with limited access to a hidden power (Rachel Grey has Phoenix Force, Jessica has Fox-Fire, which I say can do close to the same things...hence limited and at a usual limited level).

Goes from being a super soldier project of the Army to super sailor project of the Navy.

From San Diego, CA to Ft. Worth Texas.

From DB/WP (DP/Time when I wanted to use pistols) to Whatever Melee Primary I find most fun/Likely Grit (seems like it will be the agile/regen/bit of WP felt).

Goes from an amnesiac with no family left, to someone who remembers almost everything (not being kidnapped as she was to young to remember that) and getting to know the father (and step mom and step sister) she's reunited with. Orphan seemed overdone or I just wanted to change it...either way.

Still super model level hottie. Still stopped aging at 16. In CoH I started her at 16. In CoT, she's going to be 17. Think I can have a bit of fun with this story wise, after an incident with a contractor at work.

Con: "The boss guy said we could do this."

Me: "Boss guy? What's his name?"

Con: "I don't know."

Me: "Did he look Mexican?"

Con: "Wha? Wha? I don't know notice such things."

Me: o.O "Did he have dark skin?"

Con: "Wha? I don't notice the color of someone's skin."

Me: "..."

Later the Boss: o.O "But I am a dark skinned Mexican."

will turn into this...

Reporter on the trail of exposing the hero: "I think this girl is the vigilante!"

Every other Reporter: "Wha? No. The she's obviously older. No. No. We wouldn't think a 16 year old girl was a hot super hero."

Reporter: "...seriously?"

Everyone: "Yeah. No. Not her."

Possibly her version of Clark Kent glasses. :p

In the end, still basically a spider-man level combat monkey with hidden power (which is more for flash/stories/rp/if CoT ever does Incarnate style stuff than anything) with tweaks to backstory more than anything, just to change things up from CoH. I like the combat monkey super heroes like the Spider family and such.

Also bring back the cybernetic aspect, which I got rid of in CoH in some RP thing I don't recall, but using it as an inhibitor in CoT backstory. Because I just like cyberpunk style things :)

McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
Mons wrote:
Mons wrote:

Mons is a goodie-two-shoes, but many of my toons won't be... What masteries are you considering for McJigg??

I'm thinking Supremacy which looks to be the old Dominator mechanic, a cooldown to turn it all up to 11. I'm terrible at actually using cooldowns though, if I find myself saving it for when 'I need it', but end up never using it, I'll swap to Magnitude.

For tertiary I'm more than likely going to grab some melee attacks and for travel I currently plan on teleportation. I may take a 'hover' like power for RP and aesthetic reasons to float around combat, but I don't plan on flight for travel.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
kickstarter11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 10/03/2013 - 16:39
Mons wrote:
Mons wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

My namesake was a Nrg/Nrg Blapper, but I've had many, many variantions on my Cobalt characters, usually the one I rolled next was the successive step in the character's evolution. Depending on what situation I was going into content-wise generally determined what I brought. If the team needed AoEs, I probably brought my Elec/Shield for Lightning Rod and Shield Charge. Single target DPS? My Dual Blade. Tanking? Probably my Titan Weapon/Willpower Brute. Stealth a glowy with a high single target DPS with ranged and melee? My Bane. I didn't have many support characters, and if I did, they usually weren't canon Cobalts, like my emp def Cobalt Ambulancean or my Hami tank Cobalt Abramsean.

When the game ended, I was maining my TW/WP, and I've always had a thing for growing continually stronger (or sometimes faster) over the course of a fight (ergo my Brute), so likely Kinetic Melee and then Grit as the Protection set. I'm definitely conflicted between Kinetic and Massive, but reducing the enemy's damage output would probably have better synergy with Grit than Massive, and I tend to lean towards single target over AoE.

I'm considering Enforcer due to the mention of some of them being able to also strike at range, so I thought that might be about as close as I could get to a blapper from the get-go.

Can I ask what draws you to grit?

It sounds a lot like CoH/V Willpower, honestly. And, as previously mentioned, any type of +regen usually has some measure of parity with -dmg (from Kinetic Melee). To be fair, the -dmg from Kinetic Melee may do better with Atropic Aura (also with -dmg), but Grit seems like a better fit for what I want to start off with.

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
Mons wrote:
Mons wrote:
Safehouse wrote:

My main was an energy/energy/force blaster called Safehouse. I loved playing him and strategizing with him, despite his squishiness. However, I had always wanted to create something a bit more robust, a character with energy blast powers that was also defensively inclined and had some super strength.

In that way, CoT is going to increase my ability to create the character I always envisioned with the Gunner archetype. I’m going to main an energy (wel... lethality but with energy aesthetics) and invulnerability gunner with a strength tertiary.

I’ll be looking forward to recreating my old main with even greater adherence to my vision :)

I played an Nrgy/Nrgy blapper up to 30 almost always solo due to kb and it's results. Are you going to flip the script and go with KD for teaming purposes, or do you have another strategy?

That’s a really good question... KB and KD were both effects that I took so for granted I kind of forgot they existed until I played other characters that didn’t send things flying. Knockback was the best.

That said, since I’m going with lethality the effect isn’t going to be there, with my energy blast instead piercing through everything. It’ll lend itself toward grouping more, since I won’t be able to shoot enemies away from the rest of the party. But my plan - if I understand the mechanics properly - is to use augments and refinements to make one of my attacks or two knock stuff down or back. Pretty sure I read they will make changing the effects of a power possible.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 04/10/2015 - 17:24
Mons wrote:
Mons wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Black Falcon (in my sig below) was a Dark/Electric Brute in COH.

[b]Do you have any insight as to masteries for BF? Assuming rage?[/b]

Oh Yes, [B]Rage all the way![/b] In COH my electric shield was a damage shield. I would LOVE jumping into a mob, fight the Boss, and when I was done with the Lts, all the minions would be dead from the increased damage from my shield alone. GLORIOUS!
Starting at Level five I would solo grind my way through (Can't remember the name) the collapsed zone next to Atlas park, just by jumping from mob to mob. I could go from 5-9 in a couple of hours.

My tertiary powers will all be from the protection set: Atrophic Aura
Atrophic Aura relies on several different protections which are not very strong on their own. What this set lacks in sustainability, it more than makes up for in damaging enemies over time and increasing its damage.


avelworldcreator's picture
Last seen: 3 days 4 hours ago
Developer11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 12/04/2012 - 12:19
I had as my main a Regen

I had as my main a Regen Martial Arts Scrapper named Fiona PS. I mostly soloed and moved her over the years to various servers as needed. Started her with Issue 3 I think (it's been a while). I focused mostly on exploring and badge hunting. My next alt was Drakkar Noir, a Dark/Dark Defender. She was an experiment to show that despite claims to the contrary, a Dark/Dark character was viable (she was. VERY good defender).


[color=#FF0000]Senior Developer/Project Manager/Co-Founder... and then some.[/color]

Halae's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 09/17/2014 - 09:37
I won't be recreating any of

I won't be recreating any of my characters from the old game; I've changed too much as a person for that, realistically speaking. Instead, I've got three characters in mind, and which one becomes my "main" is something that remains to be seen.

The first is effectively a character similar to Killer Croc in terms of being a hybrid crocodilian, with the exception that it's more the [url=]Arkham Knight version of Killer Croc[/url]. She's a woman instead, and of a heroic or mercenary mentality - not sure which yet, or whether she'll be straddling that line. Powers-wise, in terms of CoT, she'll be a super strength/Invulnerability Enforcer with the Rage Mastery taken to the max.

The second character is a genetically engineered soldier. Half-alien, she was a pair of spliced DNA strands that grew into an adult woman and got herself out of the lab she was grown in. With little in the way of abilities besides fighting, she simply took to what she did best. She's most likely going to end up as a Ranged Lethal/Tactics character.

And, finally, An eldjotnar (that is, a norse fire giant) who was born in America and raised as an American. At 6'4" she's pretty damn tall for a woman, and uses kendo (japanese swordplay) since it appeals the most to her sensibilities. She'd be the sort of character that grew up on stories of adventure, and wanted to become a hero as soon as she was old enough, since she was born infused with elemental fire. I'd most likely be going with Tactical Melee and Super Reflexes for her.

if anybody wants to know more about a given character, I'd be happy to go into the details.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

McJigg's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2016 - 05:14
Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Starting at Level five I would solo grind my way through (Can't remember the name) the collapsed zone next to Atlas park, just by jumping from mob to mob. I could go from 5-9 in a couple of hours.

Ah the Hollows, I used screenshots of that area to get some friends hooked, that and Boomtown.

Safehouse's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 10/15/2013 - 12:03
McJigg wrote:
McJigg wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Starting at Level five I would solo grind my way through (Can't remember the name) the collapsed zone next to Atlas park, just by jumping from mob to mob. I could go from 5-9 in a couple of hours.

Ah the Hollows, I used screenshots of that area to get some friends hooked, that and Boomtown.

The Hollows was actually one of my favorite zones alongside Steel Canyon. Always had a soft spot for that place.

Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.

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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

I won't be recreating any of my characters from the old game; I've changed too much as a person for that, realistically speaking. Instead, I've got three characters in mind, and which one becomes my "main" is something that remains to be seen.

I think that I will recreate a few of my mains to satisfy my nostalgia, but think that i would want a New Generation for CoT.

Rusted Warrior: Katana/Regen solo artist - Animated Eternal Warrior/Terra Cotta Soldier Superjump

Agent 00666: Necro/Dark Mastermind - James Bond Demon Imp (flying/hover) just like an imp to float there and watch the chaos he’s put into motion unfurl.

Harbinger of Darkness: mind control/healer solo, occasional team. Dojo Style went Cyber after aura unlocked.

[i]Side note: all of my characters seemed to be missing their mouths. (Masked or helmeted or whatever it would take to remove it)[/i]

New folks will be borne from hours of staring and combining outfits together...just how it works for me...

Meh. Bah!

Brand X
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Safehouse wrote:
Safehouse wrote:
McJigg wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Starting at Level five I would solo grind my way through (Can't remember the name) the collapsed zone next to Atlas park, just by jumping from mob to mob. I could go from 5-9 in a couple of hours.

Ah the Hollows, I used screenshots of that area to get some friends hooked, that and Boomtown.

The Hollows was actually one of my favorite zones alongside Steel Canyon. Always had a soft spot for that place.

Loved getting people together to do the Hollow's Trial. :)

.Foresight's picture
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At the moment, I have no

At the moment, I have no intention of recreating my namesake, Foresight. He was a Mind/Time controller. Of course, Time Manipulation didn't come out until years after I started but I don't intend to remake any of my previous mains either.

I've written up several bios for characters I'm planning based on the powerset and archetype information we have. My initial main (Hero) will be an Operator for sure since most of my characters in CoX were Controllers/Dominators. My initial main (Villain) is going to be a Stalwart.

The one I'm most anxious about, which will probably end up being my main, is going to be a Commander. Until I know more about their primary power sets I can't begin to work on that character's bio.

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Fallout1's picture
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My main was an energy/energy

My main was an energy/energy blaster named Warhead. Would like to bring him back but we will see.

Riptide's picture
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I had two toons which I

I had two toons which I flipped back and forth calling my "main".

My namesake will be gravity-based. He was a grav/kin in CoH called Lagrange Point.

I will also make a stalwart based on my inv/ss tank, Rigel.

I honestly haven't spent a great deal of time working out how I'll build them here as there's so much we don't know about the available sets.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Fireheart's picture
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I didn't have a traditional

I didn't have a traditional 'main', but had primary characters on every server. I expect to re-create many of them in CoT.

An Invulnerability/Energy Melee Tanker/Stalwart
A Dark/Dark Defender/Guardian
A Mind Control/Storm Summoning Controller/Operator
A Gravity/Radiation Controller/Operator
A Human-form Peacebringer Energy/Energy/Energy Ranger/Guardian/'Corruptor' Blast/Melee/Shields/Heals

I would also like to make a 'psychic' Stalwart/Tanker who does it all with psychokinetic powers.

Then there's my 'definitely changes form' character, who goes from a 'Controller' form to a 'Tanker' form, to a 'Stealth' form. She would also have a plain human form with no extraordinary powers, since the other forms are made of solid stone.

Be Well!

Seschat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Main hero was Storm/Psychic

Main hero was Storm/Psychic Defender, as she was built before archetype expansion. Seschat's [i]comic book[/i] power would be Information manipulation, be it electronic, organic, or hardcopy. Storm was just the only way I could mix lightning and mental at the time. Also, watching the room mate use Freezing Rain on a swarm of zombies pretty much sold me on the game.

I actually expect to come closer to the proper application of effects in CoT

Main villain was Stone/Vitality Brute, as Giant Hammers weren't a thing when I started her, and frankly Earth was still a more appealing special effect after Heavy Weapons came out. Emeraldine Bakafairy should not be difficult in the game as presented.

Native of Triumph - Victory - Protector - Gladden - Dwarrowdelf - Tribble
Broad spectrum geek and Shadowy Advisor
Yes, my [u][url=]art gallery[/url][/u] is almost entirely screen captures. Tough.

Tiger's picture
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My main in CoH was Tiger:

My main in CoH was Tiger: Claws, SR, Scrapper, on the Justice server. For City of Titans, I may go to the dark side and play Machine Mind: Mental, Devices, Ranger.

Atama's picture
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My main on CoH was a flame

My main on CoH was a flame blaster named Phosphorro (he looked like a stage magician in an orange and yellow suit).

My planned main here will be a Ranger doing force blast via missiles he fires from a power suit.

Pearly's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/18/2018 - 14:32
I was pretty young when I had

I was pretty young when I had my hands on CoH/CoV, and I'm pretty sure I had a handful of alts and never really played the game consistently through any story. I think I just liked seeing all the different kinds of power combinations and costume designs I could think of. That said, I don't remember any of my heroes from that time. I wish I was a bit more mature and able to appreciate the game for what it had, but I'm really thankful I still got to experience the game while it was online.

I'm incredibly excited to follow CoT from the beginning, all the way through, to make up for the experiences I can't remember with CoX. That said, I really idealize the traditional spandex hero, hovering slightly off the ground with his arms crossed at his chest. That will most likely be the foundation for most of the characters I create.

Grey Stone
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I had a hand-full of 50s, and

I had a hand-full of 50s, and various up-there level alts. I will not be re-creating many of my 50s, only a few. Oddly enough my namesake (Freedom server, anyone?) was not up there. He was a mid-level stone/stone tanker and I just could not get into the power sets for the sake of aesthetics.

Freedom Server had Flaming Heatstroke (Fiery Aura/War Mace Tanker) - she was definitely my main; Flaming Cinder (Fire Control/Kinetics Controller) - she was my main alt
Liberty Server had Pain Maker (Invulnerability/Battle Axe Tanker) - First character! Man, did I choose wrong with him by starting with Galaxy City
My main villain I cannot remember which server he was on - I want to say Liberty? It may have been Justice? It has been so long... Anyway, he was Mr. Darkside (Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind).

This! [size=18]Is![/size] [size=20][b]TITAN CITY![/b][/size]

Call Me Awesome
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I'm not totally sure how many

I'm not totally sure how many 50's I had at shutdown, somewhere around 15-20 of them if I recall. Of those there were about 5 or 6 that got enough play to qualify as "Main".

My namesake was my first 50, an Inv/Stone tanker and likely my most played overall and certainly my main from issue 3 until about Going Rogue but the last year or two I started to play more controllers, blasters and scrappers to play how the "other half lives" from a tanker's perspective. I think the only AT I never got to 50 was a Mastermind... somehow I just never found a concept and playstyle that clicked with me.

I did enjoy tanking for teams with my Dark/Dark Defender, nothing like flooring the tohit of all the mobs. Not a lot of damage but a ton of utility. Heck, I could almost "tank" with my Fire/EM blaster once IO's came in. Crazy fast damage and softcapped ranged defense made for a highly survivable combination. The joy of playing a Illusion/Rad controller with perma AM, perma hasten and perma Phantom Army was a blast as well. And, well, who doesn't love a team full of Fire/Rad controllers for maximum carnage in minimum time.

Then there's the dreaded affliction called "Scrapper Lock" with a softcapped Broadsword/Shield scrapper... otherwise known as "mobs? What mobs? I don't see any more mobs"

Scott Cooper

ZeeHero's picture
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My main on CO, which I really

My main on CO, is Nova, a high level flying brick inspired partially by Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) and partially by Kryptonians. a human who gained her powers by absorbing an energy source akin to the power stone, she gained nigh unlimited super strength as well as some energy manipulation and absorbtion powers, and very high resistances to psionic attacks. Chi attacks and magic are her weakest points.

She's also depression prone and has a constant fear of hurting people.

she looks somewhat like this still: [img][/img]

OK the full image was way too big so I linked a partial one.

Fireheart's picture
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ZeeHero wrote:
ZeeHero wrote:

She looks somewhat like this still: [img][/img]

Hell, can someone explain how to link an image?

Your coding looks correct, except the actual image URL is

Be Well!

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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I'm never really good at

I'm never really good at these introduction things, but I will start off with that I never got to play CoH long-term. I remember back in '04 seeing adverts of the game on various websites, however I wrote it off as another Flash web browser game that used high quality character renders in order to draw people into playing it.

It wasn't until August 2012 when I began to play Champions Online (CO), that I learned that CoH was an MMO and not a Flash game like I originally thought. I gave the game two shots, first time I never bothered to make it through the tutorial and the second time I did finish the tutorial and made it to Atlas Park? Played for about an hour, but I couldn't find myself getting invested in it, especially since I had just discovered CO after growing bored of DC Universe Online at the time and became more immersed in CO and the loads of RP I was getting into.

This was mostly due to that CO was new at the time and had (what I felt) wasn't dated, block-y looking graphics. Of course as everyone knows, CoH would eventually shut down four months later from the time I decided to try and give the game a whirl. Part of me is actually kind of glad that I didn't get to play the game, because it I had too become invested in it, then I'd likely be devastated at the reality of me only having to get a couple months of playtime out of it, where others had gotten years.

Now as far as mains are concerned, honestly I've been working on so many characters for this game alone I've been trying my hardest not to stretch myself too thin. But the main aspire to having in CoT is Scarlet Striker - an Enforcer/Gladiator character with Kinetic Melee and Super Agility with his Tertiary power set being Super Senses once that set is to launch post-launch.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:
ZeeHero wrote:

She looks somewhat like this still: [img][/img]

Hell, can someone explain how to link an image?

Your coding looks correct, except the actual image URL is

Be Well!

It looks like the problem was that you were on a page that displayed the image, not the image itself. One clue for that is if the address doesn't end in an image suffix, like .jpg, .png, etc. The cure is to rightclick (or click and hold, or whatever brings up a menu for your browser) the image and then select "display image", and take the url of that page.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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