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Top 5 superhero games?

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Phararri's picture
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Top 5 superhero games?

Top five, any genre, my picks.

#1 [img][/img]
I played this as a kid like, everyday

#2 [img][/img]
My favorite fighting game of all-time

#3 [img][/img]
Best character creation of any game, any mmo. Clipping is a good thing. The moment you realize you can create numerous DC characters better than DCUO...

#4 [img][/img]
As a kid, you could not believe it. They even had action figure two packs. One X-men, one Street Fighter.

#5 [img][/img]
Hated this game, but I kind of liked it. I would rotate between this and CO, but mostly CO. Sadly, I never got to play CoH. These two were my favorite superhero mmo. If this game had character creation, it would have been the best superhero mmo ever imo.

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Lothic's picture
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Phararri wrote:
Phararri wrote:

Sadly, I never got to play CoH.

Glad you finally said this to "explain" why you didn't put CoH in you top 5 list. ;)

Sorry you missed out on playing CoH. As purely "anecdotal evidence" for you I consider CO roughly half as good as CoH was all things considered. It did a few things well compared to CoH but CoH was simply the overall better game in general. This of course is why I have such high hopes for CoT in the long run.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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1) City of Heroes

1) City of Heroes
There's just no beating this one yet.

2) Champions Online
No where close to CoH in terms of fun, but it had some ideas CoH could've used.

Didn't like how it did a lot of things, also didn't care for the character's starting origin (as per the game, I know RPers just change it and ignore the games lore), but it did some things right as well, also you get to run around with DC heroes and that's awesome!

4) X-Men Legends I believe it was.
Never finished but enjoyed what I played.

5) X-Men vs Street Fighter
Love fighting games and hey X-Men and Street Fighter! :)

Don't get as interested in console games anymore, CoH spoiled me. Wanted to try Marvel Superheroes, but I was waiting for Spider-Woman to be playable and it just never happened :(

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Anyone liking the new

Anyone liking the new Spiderman game? I havent played it.

Cinnder's picture
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1) City of Heroes/Villains

1) City of Heroes/Villains
2) City of Heroes/Villains*
3) Batman Arkham series
4) LEGO Marvel Superheroes
5) Freedom Force

* Yes I did that on purpose

Spurn all ye kindle.

.Foresight's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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1. City of Heroes/Villains is

1. City of Heroes/Villains is definitely the top for me.
2. The X-Men Legends games
3. The Spiderman games (including the new one - was pretty awesome)
4. Batman Arkham Games.
5. Superman Returns (I probably won't get many to agree with me on this one). It is the only Superman game that really makes you feel appropriately powerful just because of the creative way it was done. You don't even really have a health bar, the meter is gauged by collateral damage to the city around you. Your speed and strength and abilities are so powerful that you spend most of the game holding back while fighting these superpowered opponents because you can easily wipe out entire city blocks with your eye beams or super breath.

By far my favorite Superman quote - "I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die."

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

alltrueist's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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1. City of Heroes. The

1. City of Heroes. The greatest. The best of the best. I spent 8 years playing this game and it wasn't enough
2. Freedom Force. Amazing RPG elements. The power creation system is something I would love to see approximated in CoT's "aesthetic decoupling" system.
3. Batman Arkham series: Captures the essence of "being Batman" better than any game captures any hero experience (note: I haven't played Insomniac's Spider-Man game)
4. Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Super fun isometric beat-em-up with an absolutely massive roster of characters and costume unlocks.
5. Champions Online/DCUO. These are both equally disappointing in their own ways and fun in their own ways. I wish we could take the best parts of each one and create a Franken-MMO.

The Altruist, Invulnerability/Super Strength Stalwart.

JWBullfrog's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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1. City of Heroes (as if I

1. City of Heroes (as if I was going to say anything different)

2. Villains and Vigilantes (Pen and Paper anyone?)

3. Champions -Hero System (more pen and paper. the numbers were a bit insane but you really did have the freedom to do what you wanted)

4. Marvel vs, Capcom games (I'm terrible at fighting games it was still fun)

5. DCUO (not my most favorite, but it wasn't bad.)

I still wind up my old NES copy of X-men from time to time and see if I've gotten any better. for the record, no. no I haven't)

Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.

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1. CoH

1. CoH
2. CoV
3-5. Doesn't matter.

I was in the beta for CO at some point... the memory fades, and I found it particularly forgettable. I was never a subscriber.

I don't know that I've even played any other superhero games. If I have, the fact that I can't think of them should tell you all you need to know about what I thought of them.

Really, superheroes aren't my favorite genre for a game, but CoH was hands-down my favorite MMO. Not because of the genre, but because of all the things it did right (some of them, admittedly, were probably accidental).

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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1: CoH/V, of course. I think

1: CoH/V, of course. I think to myself, and I'll ask my wife from time to time, "Do you think we'd still be playing City of Heroes?" She replies, "Oh yeah, unless they had a CoH2. Then, well, you know." which I can't help but agree with.
2: Marvel Heroes. I remember downloading the game, realized that it was click to move, immediately logged out and almost uninstalled. A week later, I gave it another go, figured out a good work-around with my gamepad, and put down some decent hours until Gaz screwing with travel made things cumbersome (and therefore unplayable) for a Juggernut like me, which was thankfully before Omega...
3: Marvel Vs. Capcom. Always fun, even when I was losing. I mean, they had Strider Hiryu as a playable character, what's not to like?
4-5: Same as Geveo. I never tried CO and logged into DCUO twice. I flew around, which was great, but man I hated the combat clickiness (which is ironic since Marvel Heroes was probably way clickier and Warframe isn't much different).

Interdictor's picture
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AxerJ wrote:
AxerJ wrote:

Anyone liking the new Spiderman game? I havent played it.

Yes - it's very good, at least in my opinion. You know how the Arkham games made you feel like Batman? Well this game makes you feel like Spiderman. I only played a few hours on a friend's system, but swinging around the city feels so good - I hope City of Titans can at least get close to the same feel when/if they get swinging powers in the game

Interdictor's picture
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1) City of Heroes: Best

1) City of Heroes: Best supers game ever - at least it kept me entertained for the better part of 8 years. I think most of us are pretty familiar with it, so I'll move on.

2) Marvel's Spiderman: Like I said above - this game makes you feel like you're the Webhead himself. Nice selection of classic villains, cool overall story. my only complaint would be a heavy reliance on "radio towers" unlocking samey missions in it's particular AoE. Yeah the game has a fast travel system, but who the hell wants to use that when you could web there yourself? Looking forward to what they have in store for the inevitable sequel.

3) Arkham Asylum/City: You are the night. Again - you feel like the superhero in question on Batman's worst and second-worst nights of his life. Arkham Origins wasn't too bad, but it wasn't quite at the same level of the previous two games, and I skipped Arkham Knight - I thought they went a little TOO heavy on the Batmobile side of things. It's Batman - not freaking Car Wars.

4) Infamous: I really liked this odd little take on the supers genre. Parkouring around the city and zapping thugs with electrical powers was pretty fun.

5) X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse: Who got superheroes in my Diablo Clone? There have been a few of these team-based isometric action-RPGs, but this is the only one I really played. Lots of characters to choose from and form groups with. Being a big X-Men fan, it was a fun little distraction.

If we're going with Pen and Paper games, I'll throw in

1) Mutants and Masterminds (1st, 2nd and 3rd): Hands down my favourite Supers RPG even today. Incredible versatility while still being simple to run.

2) Marvel Super Heroes: The good ole FASERIP system. Had a lot of fun with it back in the day - my first supers game if I recall correctly. And it's completely free nowadays!

3) ICONS: Kinda similar to Classic Marvel FASERIP in may ways - at least designed with the same eye towards simplicity.

4) DC Heroes: Really liked the AP system - seemed pretty intuitive. And of course you had all the stats for DC heroes and villains!

5) Heroes Unlimited: Yeah the base system is not that great and very limiting, and we had enough houserules to fill a binder, but we had a great GM back in the day and we had a really fun multi-year campaign with it.

alltrueist's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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Reading this list, I can

Reading this list, I can understand why aesthetic decoupling is such a complicated concept for a lot of people. You need to go play Freedom Force and see it in action. It's like $3 on steam.

The Altruist, Invulnerability/Super Strength Stalwart.

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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1) City of Heroes (I would

1) City of Heroes (I would still play it)
2) City of Villains
3) Freedom Force (I still play it at regular intervals)
4) Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich
5) Ultimate Spider-Man (the best Spider-man game for several years, imho):

6) All the rest on purpose out of the race since those don't belong in the same ladder. Maybe a special mention for DCUO and CO, with DCUO barely in advantage of Champions Online for the combat and the full pvp server rules at begin (together the easy action and open-world pvp rules were really fun while pve-questing, now the pvp-servers don't exist anymore so it lost one of the few reasons to get back to it). I played all the ones you wrote about but most were abandoned in a couple of days. I didn't try the latest Spiderman game, I lost faith in those (but I see good reviews and comments on the last one).

Hatut Zeraze
Hatut Zeraze's picture
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Yeah, for me:

Yeah, for me:

City of Heroes/Villains #1

All others in no particular order:

- Freedom Force (LOVE that game)
- Champions Online

After that, I struggle in terms of video games. I'm not sure there are any others I played more than once.

PnP RPGs, though, I have played a few:
- LOTS of Champions (Hero System)
- A fair chunk of the old Mayfair DC Heroes Roleplaying Game
- A bit of Mutants and Masterminds

Amendment's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Ah! I love Mutants and

Ah! I love Mutants and Masterminds. My current gaming group really wants to stick with DnD 5e, though, and that pains me so much. I love the versatility superhero rpg campaigns can have with that system.

I'm glad somebody mentioned Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Probably one of my first introduction to the Marvel comics universe. It's definitely in my top 5.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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I think the only PnP system

I think the only PnP system we ever did was Silver Age Sentinels, which was pretty fun. Would definitely play that system again.

Duke's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 21:46
- City of Heroes

- City of Heroes
- Infinite Crisis
- Champions Online
- SpiderMan 2
- Marvel vs Capcom 2

Over the years, I've collected the Rocksteady Batmans with summer sales, probably spent like thirty bucks for all of them - and have yet to play any of them. I apologize in advance.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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I liked White Wolf's Aberrant

I liked White Wolf's Aberrant

notears's picture
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1. City of Heroes

1. City of Heroes
2.Batman Arkham Knight
3. Spiderman PS4
4.Injustice 2
5.Batman Arkham

not my video just one I lke ===>


White Rook
White Rook's picture
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1: City of Villains

1: City of Villains
2: City of Heroes
3: Ultimate Spiderman
4: Champions Online
5: Spiderman 2

Amendment's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I liked White Wolf's Aberrant

That setting is so cool, but with every other White Wolf game, it's just so so dark.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Amendment wrote:
Amendment wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I liked White Wolf's Aberrant

That setting is so cool, but with every other White Wolf game, it's just so so dark.

Easy enough to lighten it up, but I never felt it was dark, but rather more serious.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Amendment wrote:
Brand X wrote:

I liked White Wolf's Aberrant

That setting is so cool, but with every other White Wolf game, it's just so so dark.

Easy enough to lighten it up, but I never felt it was dark, but rather more serious.

My favorite ST/GM/DM's favorite system was White Wolf's World of Darkness, from Vampire to Werewolf to Mage to Mummy, the way he tied stuff together... amazing. I miss those sessions.

ZeeHero's picture
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Lothic wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Phararri wrote:

Sadly, I never got to play CoH.

Glad you finally said this to "explain" why you didn't put CoH in you top 5 list. ;)

Sorry you missed out on playing CoH. As purely "anecdotal evidence" for you I consider CO roughly half as good as CoH was all things considered. It did a few things well compared to CoH but CoH was simply the overall better game in general. This of course is why I have such high hopes for CoT in the long run.

Maybe CO was half as good at launch? I wasn't there then, but I know its nowhere near half as good these days.

I dont even have to have played COH to know how much better it was since I've done a little research. Sure, CO has a better character creator and a better combat system (with a few major flaws which could be corrected) but CoH was by far overall better due to content, balance, and design.

Phararri's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 week ago
Joined: 09/13/2015 - 20:08
CO's character creator is its

CO's character creator is its' selling point, and the combat is decent. The game is far from perfect.

I played around with CO before jumping into CoH character creator icon and boy, it felt like I was going backwards. Like decades backwards. I don't know if I would have enjoyed playing CoH after experiencing CO's char gen. You know the feeling of playing DCUO's char gen, then remembering how superior CoH's customization was? That is how I feel with CO vs CoH.

Ah, I forgot about Mugen. Not really a superhero game perse, but an engine. I gained a appreciation for development after playing with this thing. You can literally create anyone, pixel by pixel.....

As a child, I thought my name was handsome, cause that is what everyone called me.

Lerch2000's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
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1) City of Heroes (go figure)

1) City of Heroes (go figure) I got to put COH and COV in the same to me it's the same game expansion just added another layer.
2) There was an X-men title for the Orginal X-Box but I forgot the name, was about a new mutant joining think her name was magma (had a blast with that title)
3) Freedom Force (still like it but isn't 64 bit friendly)
4) Champions Online (honestly its time for this one to retire)
5) Marvel Online (lack of another one off the top of my head, but was fun at least the first 2 runs thru)

DCUO Isn't bad but not a huge fan on the game's limits needs more customization (powersets are all basically the same as the other person with the same base skill)

.Foresight's picture
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Lerch2000 wrote:
Lerch2000 wrote:

2) There was an X-men title for the Orginal X-Box but I forgot the name, was about a new mutant joining think her name was magma (had a blast with that title)

X-men Legends. :) Definitely the best X-men game.
Edit: The sequel was amazing too.

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Lothic's picture
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ZeeHero wrote:
ZeeHero wrote:
Lothic wrote:
Phararri wrote:

Sadly, I never got to play CoH.

Glad you finally said this to "explain" why you didn't put CoH in you top 5 list. ;)

Sorry you missed out on playing CoH. As purely "anecdotal evidence" for you I consider CO roughly half as good as CoH was all things considered. It did a few things well compared to CoH but CoH was simply the overall better game in general. This of course is why I have such high hopes for CoT in the long run.

Maybe CO was half as good at launch? I wasn't there then, but I know its nowhere near half as good these days.

I dont even have to have played COH to know how much better it was since I've done a little research. Sure, CO has a better character creator and a better combat system (with a few major flaws which could be corrected) but CoH was by far overall better due to content, balance, and design.

For full disclosure my experience with CO was during its first few months. In fact I had such high hopes for CO I bought one of their "lifetime subscriptions" before it launched. Turns out I only played the game for 4 or 5 months tops so I didn't even get my money's worth from the subscription.

It's true that even at the beginning CO did have a few features in its character creator that were "better" than CoH's. For instance it allowed for more asymmetrical options and it allowed you to buy extra costume slots (which was a feature that CoH finally decided to copy back from CO a few years later). But even with those functional improvements CO always lacked in terms of artistic styling - in simple terms that game's body models were uglier than dirt even when compared to CoH's.

So when I said "half as good" I was obviously being vaguely subjective. YMMV of course.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

TheMightyPaladin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 08/27/2014 - 18:25
City of Heroes

City of Heroes
Freedom Force
Champions online
Some Spider-Man game that had Tobey Maguire's voice
Capcom's Marvel Superheroes (but NOT Marvel vs Capcom that game sucked)

SavageFist's picture
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City of Heroes

City of Heroes
Marvel Heroes
Freedom Force
Champions Online
Iron Man XO Manowar in Heavy Metal

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]