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Game Questions about the Open World

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Dark Cleric
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Last seen: 19 hours 48 min ago
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Game Questions about the Open World

I'm curious what feature the devs will use as the 'perimeter'? The point where the world stops. CoH had the boundary walls you couldn't get through or over, WoW has the oceans where you get exhausted then die if you try to cross. Maybe it'll be like The Truman Show haha.

Another question, will weather be more than just day and night? Moving clouds, rain, hail, snow, varying wind speeds, dark storm clouds/bad weather?

Will NPC's react to travel powers if toggled/used close to them? Like "wow! Look at that titan, he can fly!" That would be fun.

I'm sure this isnt in the game, but destructible windows? Like if I fly up to the 5th story of a building and see bad guys would be fun to bust in through the window but that probably has a host of coding nightmares.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Foradain's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

I'm curious what feature the devs will use as the 'perimeter'? The point where the world stops. CoH had the boundary walls you couldn't get through or over, WoW has the oceans where you get exhausted then die if you try to cross. Maybe it'll be like The Truman Show haha.

I liked the way CO did it, just a line beyond which you could not go. Possibly just because it let you look south across the river from Millenium City into Canada. ^_^

Dark Cleric wrote:

Another question, will weather be more than just day and night? Moving clouds, rain, hail, snow, varying wind speeds, dark storms clouds and weather?

I'm fairly sure that the answer to this question is [I]Yes![/I]

Dark Cleric wrote:

Will NPC's react to travel powers if toggled/used close to them? Like "wow! Look at that titan, he can fly!" That would be fun.

I'm sure this isnt in the game, but destructible windows? Like if I fly up to the 5th story of a building and see bad guys would be fun to bust in through the window but that probably has a host of coding nightmares.

No clue about these, though I agree the windows entry would be both cool and likely difficult.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Tannim222's picture
Last seen: 8 months 6 days ago
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We don’t have “war walls”.

We don’t have “war walls”. Within the city there wil mostly be seemless travel certain areas will require a loading screen. We have tech (which we’ve shown in the past) that can actually play a cut scene for a losing screen and it can capture you’re character and place them within the scene.

Do a search of our Christmas video...

The city’s poplulation has been growing up with supers for a couple of generations. The wow factor has worn off. That being said, it is possible to script civilians with reactions to certain situations.

No destructible environments in the main part of the game (the city). But there are plans to provide certain missions with more than one entrance. Use our cut scene tech for thebloading screen and you can do some interrestibg stuff.

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Dark Cleric
Dark Cleric's picture
Last seen: 19 hours 48 min ago
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Tannim222 wrote:
Tannim222 wrote:

We don’t have “war walls”. Within the city there wil mostly be seemless travel certain areas will require a loading screen. We have tech (which we’ve shown in the past) that can actually play a cut scene for a losing screen and it can capture you’re character and place them within the scene.

That sounds great. My question was more about the actual edge of the game world. Say I start flying east and never stop. Eventually I'll get to the end of the game world.. what happens? Invisible barrier wall keeping us in?

Tannim222 wrote:

Do a search of our Christmas video...

I'm guessing this is to see the weather effects? If so that's great. I had actually thought of this video, I remembered I had seen snow before, but we were recently told that we wouldn't be seeing any video footage until CoT could make it with all of their own assets. Which menas many of the previous videos we've seen weren't actually using CoT stuff so I wasn't sure if that snowing was in-game of CoT proper or from something else that wasn't a CoT asset.

Tannim222 wrote:

The city’s poplulation has been growing up with supers for a couple of generations. The wow factor has worn off. That being said, it is possible to script civilians with reactions to certain situations.

I remember one of my first days ever playing CoH, not long after starting my character I had beat up some thugs and done a few missions and civilians on the streets would mention my name and say what I had accomplished. I was amazed by that and loved it. Just one of those things that really made the game feel more 'super' to me, like I was an actual hero.

Tannim222 wrote:

No destructible environments in the main part of the game (the city). But there are plans to provide certain missions with more than one entrance. Use our cut scene tech for thebloading screen and you can do some interrestibg stuff.

Yea I figured a destructible environment was probably a no-go; really it was just an interesting thought. I don't know how well it would mesh with this game and the coding difficulty might not even be worth it.

Compulsively clicking the refresh button until the next update.

Lothic's picture
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Dark Cleric wrote:
Dark Cleric wrote:

My question was more about the actual edge of the game world. Say I start flying east and never stop. Eventually I'll get to the end of the game world.. what happens? Invisible barrier wall keeping us in?

I figure having "transparent barriers" that simply act as invisible walls would be easy enough. The "terrain" from those points could simply fade out into the distance. This is pretty much how CoH already handled the "max/min altitudes" in most of its "open space" zones.

Dark Cleric wrote:

Yea I figured a destructible environment was probably a no-go; really it was just an interesting thought. I don't know how well it would mesh with this game and the coding difficulty might not even be worth it.

Being able to handle "destructible environments" in MMOs is always going to be a challenge.

One thing that I'm looking forward to in the next few weeks (besides CoT Issue #0) is the release of Fallout 76. One of the main "end game" activities of that game will be the ability of players to launch nukes at specific points in the main game world. Obviously the nukes will devastate large areas of the map but according to the game's Devs these high hazard areas will produce unique high level spawns and rare resources so it'll be something that players will probably WANT to do on a regular basis. Supposedly these disaster zones will only last for certain periods of time (perhaps say an hour or so). After those periods the game is supposedly going to "heal itself" back up to look normal again.

Clearly the idea that an area could quickly "heal" itself from a nuke blast is a bit far-fetched but it does address a basic concept of letting players affect the game's environment in a "significant" way without it being permanent. If the concept works for Fallout 76 maybe it'd be possible for villains in CoT to "nuke" parts of Titan City to accomplish their nefarious plans for similar reasons.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2018 - 06:00
That sounds more like phase

That sounds more like phase bubble / public quest stuff than really destroying the environment. The main difference is that when you say your game has interactive (destroyable) environments, that means dynamic. That is, not just related to a quest trigger, but any time you smash something it breaks. Anywhere, anytime. It also generally stays broken.

Games that use some variation of this tend to focus on it for core gameplay, building and shaping the world to the whim of the player, or they are games that are relatively short and small in scope. An RTS game with detroyable environments like company of heroes may end up with a map looking like the crater covered surface of the moon at the end of the game, but then the game ends and you pick a new map to play on, starting fresh. Both ways avoid the undesireable state of having an empty utterly destroyed wasteland, either having built in ways to change and heal the world or simply forcing a rest. In the case of f76, it sounds like it will use a bit of both of those ideas.

e: I realize this sounded kind of petty and nitpicky. I just meant to say that I don't think CoT will focus on minecraft style gameplay.

Lothic's picture
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TheInternetJanitor wrote:
TheInternetJanitor wrote:

That sounds more like phase bubble / public quest stuff than really destroying the environment. The main difference is that when you say your game has interactive (destroyable) environments, that means dynamic. That is, not just related to a quest trigger, but any time you smash something it breaks. Anywhere, anytime. It also generally stays broken.

Games that use some variation of this tend to focus on it for core gameplay, building and shaping the world to the whim of the player, or they are games that are relatively short and small in scope. An RTS game with detroyable environments like company of heroes may end up with a map looking like the crater covered surface of the moon at the end of the game, but then the game ends and you pick a new map to play on, starting fresh. Both ways avoid the undesireable state of having an empty utterly destroyed wasteland, either having built in ways to change and heal the world or simply forcing a rest. In the case of f76, it sounds like it will use a bit of both of those ideas.

I was simply offering the Fallout 76 nuke example as a sort of "compromise" between 100% static environments and "perfect world" simulations where you could move/break anything anywhere. I'm simply thinking the Fallout 76 idea might be something that could be applied to CoT at some point in the future for events/raids. It actually reminds me of the "open zone" changes they already managed to accomplish back in the [url=]RV PvP zone[/url] in CoH.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 05/11/2018 - 06:00
I would love to see that sort

I would love to see that sort of thing. However they are handled they could be really cool. Especially if they are used liberally with public quest style content in the open world.

We don't really know how much of the combat content is going to be instanced vs public vs window dressing static open world spawns do we?

I always loved how alive the open world baddies in CoH helped the world feel, threatening citizens or preaching their ideology on a street corner or trying to tear apart cars for parts. They rarely just stood around, they were always doing something and there was enough variety that it never really got old.

Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 10/28/2013 - 21:15
I asked the question for this

I asked the question for this almost 5 years ago ... [url=]LINK[/url].

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/13/2013 - 01:24
They could deactivate your

They could deactivate your travel power and make you fall to the ground (slowly if you were flying, so you don't get damage for the fall) with a sentence saying that you're too tired or your destination is too far away for your possibilities.

Anyway imho even an invisible wall is fine, it would still be much better than CoH since in City of Titans you could still travel the whole city without interruptions and the invisible wall would be just at the edges of the world, it's acceptable for me.

Duke's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 21:46
I always imagined a threshold

I always imagined a threshold you would reach in the sky, on any given zone, that would take you to the same zone. Kinda like a all roads lead to Rome sort of thing, except, in this case, a space station, or whatever your heart desires as a superhero or villain hub. Like an Ouroboros, or the not Justice League station.

Gorgon's picture
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

I liked the way CO did it, just a line beyond which you could not go. Possibly just because it let you look south across the river from Millenium City into Canada. ^_^

Ahh, yes. Hilly, mountainous Windsor!



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.