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WWII missions/zone

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Cyclops's picture
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WWII missions/zone

Obviously this would not be for launch.
I was thinking of some of the time travel and retro WWII comics. It would be a blast.
A limited map would be fun for a limited mission.

But I was thinking what about a zone? I'm not talking a PVP zone but a PVE one. For Example : Occupied France just prior to D-Day. The players have a mission to take out a certain German facility so it cannot be used against the invasion. The Party is air dropped (just appears - no need to animate) in the French countryside at night with a limited time to take out the is also guarded by German supers.

there could be a whole series of missions in the zone, and there could be a tie in to the Vrill and German time travel.

I admit I did just re-watch Captain America and the Longest Day. But would this be doable or worthy of devoting development time to this?
What are your thoughts? Of course, I would be happy with a secret Wolfenstein level somewhere, But I'm just floating this out to see if anyone besides me would find this fun.


Grey Stone
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I would be down for a

I would be down for a fictional version of what you described - by fictional I just mean losing the real world ties.

My reason for wanting it to be a fictional event is because then you could have players supporting either side of this war (role play, personal belief, whatever), and MWM wouldn’t have to deal with as much backlash because it’s their war / battles / lore. Bringing real world war into the game opens up too many possibilities for negative response, in my opinion.

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Cyclops's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
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No. this would NOT be PvP.

Edit to add, I misunderstood your post.
taking out the real world a generic war torn setting and not pre-invasion France. is that right?


Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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It would be a golden

It would be a golden opportunity to do some of the more famous historic events, but also some of the more famous scenes from historical fiction. The cable cars from where eagles dare for instance, or something from guns of navarrone.

Or just make up stuff. The sniper elite and wolfenstein series basically do nothing but that and consistently come out with fun stuff. Historical fiction is flexible but comic book history is anything you want to make it, with tons of source material.

Halae's picture
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One of my favorite ideas in

One of my favorite ideas in superhero stuff is that the Thule Society (the nazis looking into the mystic arts and the like) is doing shenanigans that carry into the present day. It's not hard to believe, and is actually plausible to be a real thing in a superhero universe.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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Unfortunately. actual NAZIs

Unfortunately. actual NAZIs may be no-go for the same reason 5th Column got turned into Council in CoH. German laws on the issue are screwy, and it's usually not worth losing the market.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Didn't they come back later?

Didn't they come back later? Even when they were the council they didn't change much other than the name.

I swear I remember seeing 5th column later.

Brand X
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They did come back later.

They did come back later.

DesViper's picture
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I think the biggest issue

I think the biggest issue with period missions is that they have to revamp EVERYTHING to 1940s or whenever. Way harder than simply a destroyed version

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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

But I was thinking what about a zone? I'm not talking a PVP zone but a PVE one. For Example : Occupied France just prior to D-Day. The players have a mission to take out a certain German facility so it cannot be used against the invasion. The Party is air dropped (just appears - no need to animate) in the French countryside at night with a limited time to take out the is also guarded by German supers.

First off, all zones are PvP zones. It is only a matter of choosing to be in that phase or not. No zone should be only one option or the other.

Second, as others have mentioned, there are problems with introducing Nazis into the game. Additionally, if a real life side/faction exists in the game (and you can roleplay villainous/heroic), people will choose to fight against or support the historically unfavorable side. That will lend itself to people politicizing the conflict and potentially provide a veil for advocating that side's ideals within the game.

If a zone is themed like you describe, it should be tied to whatever lore MWM has generated for their retro time period. Maybe extend the lore to include a similar "world war" that could fit the style you describe. Or maybe incorporate the idea of a 'multiverse' and have some experiment that goes awry and you can temporarily visit an alternate earth that has that kind of stylized zone. Overall I do not disagree with the baseline premise of the suggestion, I just think it might be better for MWM to draw upon whatever extensive backstory/lore they have to create the experience you are looking for.

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Grey Stone
Grey Stone's picture
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I would have elaborated

I would have elaborated further on what I meant, but I think many of our fine fellows here have sufficiently hit the nail on the head.

Still, just to reiterate, if we made it completely based on MWM lore I would be all in to participate.

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Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Yeah there's no reason to try

Yeah there's no reason to try to make it too close to actual history. Just do what CoX did and put in stuff inspired by comics, movies, and other games.

Having it be over the top and wacky makes it much more approachable. Nazi moon bases, zombies, werewolves, lasers, and other crazy stuff are much more amusing and not going to get political attention compared to more historical and gritty stuff.

Ardrea's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
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Alternate dimensions

Alternate dimensions/timelines are good for this. Is there a City of Titans equivalent of Portal Corp?

Cyclops's picture
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TheInternetJanitor wrote:
TheInternetJanitor wrote:

Yeah there's no reason to try to make it too close to actual history. Just do what CoX did and put in stuff inspired by comics, movies, and other games.

Having it be over the top and wacky makes it much more approachable. Nazi moon bases, zombies, werewolves, lasers, and other crazy stuff are much more amusing and not going to get political attention compared to more historical and gritty stuff.

the Cap America movie mixed up very well. And I loved the Red Skull's car!
