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School’s Out! (Generation T: Stolen Youth)

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Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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"Don't worry! I'm on it!"

"Don't worry! I'm on it!"

Scarlet said. Making a break downstairs to meet up with Blackout.

On the way down to stop Blackout, Scarlet would manifest his signature red-glowing fists of energy, prepared to bring the supposed beatdown to the brute.

"Time for round 2, buddy-boy!"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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Took kates attack as a

Took kates attack as a distraction, running in, each time her feet hit the ground her body started to glow a bit more with each step. She dropped down to slide in, attempting to grab Desiree' s leg

"have a taste of your own medicine" she tried to channel the fear she was feeling from the other woman's pheromones into her touch to cause Desiree to feel it in return.

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Gladatoria's picture
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Scarlet would get caught (if

Scarlet would get caught (if unaware or not paying attention) by an electrically charged fist, as the electrical brute bellows.

“All alone, kid? Great, I get to make this last!” He would slam his foot down, causing the entire for to arc with a debilitating charge of electricity.

Back upstairs, Kate would be surprised to find the woman moving in a blur, rolling out of the way of her strike and going for a knife slice to Blindsense’s side, as she coos to Sam.

“Honey, I can make you feel ALL sorts of things! In fact, how about I show you.” Suddenly, the room would be pumped full of pheromones emitting the feeling of not fear but panic and anxiety, as she uses her powers to also boost her speed and reaction time.

Scurrying on the ceiling like only a cat could, Nagual would drop behind the heroine, only to be surprised with a sudden kiss and a change in the pheromonic emission: adoration and love.

“What’s your name, sugar?” She grabs the hero by the cheek, as Diego murmers in a clear trance.

“D-Diego, my name is Diego.” He mutters dazed.

“I’m Desiree, Diego, but most people call me Desire. Care to show me what those claws can do to your friends?”

Nagual would nod, and looking with glared eyes in slits at Kate and the others, would take his claws along the hallway as he advances towards them with a wide slash.


Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Sent tumbling across the

Sent tumbling across the floor by the taser-effect-inducing punch, Scarlet would pick himself back up (albeit slowly, trying to fight off the mere twitches he would've been experiencing) and glance towards Blackout with his own raw energy-infused fists still active.

"Well someone's got to stop you and let you me tell you. I always enjoy a good challenge!"

Going into a full sprint, Scarlet would charge for Blackout doing a complete flip over his head and attempting to land a couple of punches into his spine before delivering a heavy kick to the back of his knee.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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"Oh crapcrapcrapcrap...why

"Oh crapcrapcrapcrap...why couldn't you be a good guy?! I need a dang mentor!!" She started picking up speed the more she moved starting to blur a bit with her movements the faster she got, aiming to punch "desire" in the kidney since she was immune to the empathic touch.

"Yo ninja chick, the cat a friend of yours??"

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Foradain's picture
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"Trouble. Let's go!" Broach

"Trouble. Let's go!" Broach stepped back through the portal, readying her [i]bokken[/i]. For a moment, adrenaline warred with the pheromones, and the portal started contracting behind her...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Gladatoria's picture
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“Nope sugar, a friend of

“Nope sugar, a friend of yours!” She would smirk, before moving to trade blows with Sam and Kate at the same time, before moving back to let Nagual move in under her control and swipe low at their legs with his claws.

Blackout would take the hits and buckle forward, and with a yell would bellow out and expulse a electric burst, hoping his proximity would stun Scarlet again.


xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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She took a deep breath moving

She took a deep breath moving to try and tackle Nagual, trying to firmly get her hands on him, her breathing hard as she focused the kinetic energy into her speed and pounce likely getting cut in the process

"Ow! we are your friends snap out of it!" trying to use her empathy and telepathy to snap him out of desires control...or at the very least get him under her control if she couldn't snap him out of it.

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual would be surprised by

Nagual would be surprised by the direct tactic and the emotional manipulation, surprised enough to be tackled and briefly taken out of Desire’s control, blinking as he stared up to Sam.

“...Girls are fighting over me?”


xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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"Uh what? No...uh just keep

"Uh what? No...uh just keep your head straight okay?" She turned bright red at his comment as she rolled off of him, doing a hand spring back to her feet, hopping from foot to foot to start rebuilding her kinetic energy pool

"I could really go for a burger right now" she was starting to look a bit fatigued

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Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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"Don't have to tell me twice.

"Don't have to tell me twice."

Hauntress follows through the portal, slipping through before it closes. She gets a small wiff of the pheromones

"Yeah, I'm staying intangible here. Anyway we can clear the air in here? Open a portal to space or at least get the air vents to pump whatever this is out of here."

Hauntress becomes intangible, her form translucent.

"I won't be much help in a straight up fight like this."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Gladatoria's picture
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Getting back to his feet,

Getting back to his feet, Nagual would begin to circle Desire, before realizing that if he isn’t careful, he could just as easily wind up under her control once more.

With that thought in mind, Nagual would race down the hallway towards the basement and towards Scarlet and Blackout, exclaiming into the comm.

“Scarlet, keep him busy and hang on, I’m coming! If we keep them occupied long enough someone can try and get the kid and the thug out of here!”

He would end the message just as he leaps off the stairwell and onto Blackout, bringing him down in a punishing handspring and head slam just as he was about to strike at Scarlet again.

Looking to the force fisted hero, he rushes to stand side by side as Blackout gets up, sparking with anger.

“Two on one sound good?”


Foradain's picture
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"Space. Right. No, too high.

"Space. Right. No, too high." Broach concentrated, opening a portal from the ceiling above unknown woman. The other end opened twenty-five miles above the hospital - surely high enough to not be a threat to most aircraft - and air started flowing into portal from the rest of the hospital. As the breeze from the nearest vent flowed past her, Broach took several deep breaths, then moved to trigger the ER's automatic door, letting it not-quite-close on her [i]bokken[/i].

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Scarlet would look in awe at

Scarlet would look in awe at Nagual's sudden entrance and while his face couldn't exactly be seen showing it, a smirk-ish grin stretched across Scarlet's face.

"Heh, two against one is always fun."

With this, Scarlet draw two circular objects from the sides of his waists, these were his ricochet discs and standing side-by-side with Nagual, Scarlet just looks between themselves and Blackout.

"Just for the record though, I definitely had this under control."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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Sam ran over to her backpack

Sam ran over to her backpack yanking the mask out to slide it over her face quickly, activating the goggles that were built in before sprinting off down a different hall, zipping and weaving through the halls in an attempt to get back to the hall desire was in...except behind her

Sam would spring forward trying to tackle desire from behind to ride her piggy back style, she would try to get her hands on the woman's head focusing " are very sleepy...exhausted" just praying this actually worked and wasn't going to wind up with a knife in her leg.

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Xselcier's picture
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Kate was surprised to find

Kate was surprised to find that Desire was one of the toughest melee combatants she'd ever faced. She was quick, her attacks were precise yet brutal, and the young hero kept having to give ground. Kate was afraid she'd have to... wait a minute! Afraid?

Kate did a backflip, using her superhuman balance to vault off of the tip of her scabbard, and put some distance between her and Desire. She shook her head and realized that she was slowly succumbing to Desire's pheromones. The closer she was to the woman, the more potent they were.

As Kate wss preparing to dive back in, she suddenly had an epiphany. She sheathed her sword, then grabbed her wide silk blindfold and dragged it down so it covered her nose and mouth instead. "Let's try this again." she said.

Just before she drew her sword and dove back in, the strange girl came flying out of a side hallway to land on Desire's back like an insane cowgirl. While the woman was distracted, Kate charged forward and drove her sword and scabbard, point-first, directly at Desire's sternum.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Broach’s move to dissipate

Broach’s move to dissipate the pheromones have worked however, and they would be decidedly less afraid, and Kate’s deduction is right. Closer in proximity, the more potent her pheromones are.

The resulting cough and wrectrxh from Desire was enough to show Kate that her sternum strike had worked. Buckling forward, the woman would drop her karambit knives, her hands splashed against the tile, as they would detect a new emotion from the woman: rage.

Using a judo flip in an attempt to get Sam up and off of her with surprising strength, Desiree would then use her pheromones to give her a burst of strength to attempt to kick Sam into Kate, hoping to disable them long enough for her to move back down the hallway.

When they look up, they would see she and her knives are gone, and she is headed for the room where the speedster teen is being kept.

And one of the oxygen tanks is missing.

“Oh right yeah, your face on the floor really gave me the impression you were handling it. What smells crispy?” Nagual would quip, before his eyes go wide and he side cartwheels out of the way of a jumping smash punch from Blackout, hoping Scarlet would evade it as well.

Blackout would be attempting to punish the two teens with electrically charged strikes, as Nagual on his part weaves through and over railings and machinery like a jungle cat, rolling under and around strikes, and combining claw attacks with Scarlet’s discs when he can.

Seeing that Nagual would be the hardest to hit at least at the moment, Blackout would turn to Scarlet, ripping a piece of railing from a nearby access ramp, charging it, and hurling it like a galvanized spear at the hero.

“Hey ‘hero’, catch!”


xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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Sam was easily tossed like a

Sam was easily tossed like a rag doll, she didn't have the energy to stay attached to the woman, practically wheezing as she tried to get to her feet "running...on empty....need to evacuate...whoever She is after...."

She looked up at the ER crash cart getting a terrible idea

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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Scarlet would only look at

Scarlet would only look at himself and give two quick whiffs of his arms before looking back at Nagual.

"That crispy smell would be me. Taser-Fingers here overcooked me slightly, clearly he didn't read the directions label I come with."

Continuing his quippy humor in the middle of battle, evading Blackout's electrically-powered strikes at a speed slightly matching Nagual's. Scarlet takes note of the ramp railing Blackout had fashioned into a conventional weapon and charged at him with.

"Yikes! Sorry I'm allergic to pointy objects! They ruin my complexion!"

Following this comment, Scarlet would charge toward Blackout and upon meeting him, he would grab ahold of the railing post and thrust it downward towards the floor and using it to vault himself over Blackout's head. After doing this, Scarlet would mix a bit of his parkour skill with his amateur fighting technique and use the walls in the room as 'launch-pads' to pounce from and deliver several energy-induced strikes across Blackout's person.

"But speaking of point objects, didn't your mother teach you to never play with them in the first place?"

"I mean, come on! I'm sure there are much better ways to make friends instead of having to violently mutilate their bodies!"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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Blackout would respond by

Blackout would respond by hunkering down, grunting as he takes the blows, dropping his makshift spear. Taking a moment to pause and try and guess where Arthur would strike next, he moves with deceptive speed to reach out a hand to attempt to grab Scarlet in an electrically charged chokehold.

If successful in catching him, he would toss the white and red hero into a leaping Nagual from the shadows, hopefully sending them both away from him for a moment.

Regardless, Blackout would begin to chuckle, as he stands suddenly.

“That should have given her more than enough time.” With that, he slams his electrically charged hands into nearby pipes, causing them to burst and feel the room with hot gouts of steam. When the two heroes would either look up or prepare another attack, Blackout would be gone.

Upstairs, the female heroes and Sam would make it to the hospital room with the speedster teen only to find a sheet over a body, with the woman’s two karambit knives embedded in the chest like hooks, and Desire nowhere to be found.


xxshadowcat95's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
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Sam lay crumpled on the floor

Sam lay crumpled on the floor breathing shakily "that...was stupid..." groaning as she moved to sit up against the wall to catch her breath easier, she was pale and looked exhausted.

"Everyone...okay?...any casualties?" She hadn't seen the body with knives in it yet

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Caught by the hand of the

Caught by the hand of the Frankenstein-like brute, Scarlet can't help but feel the intense current of electricity coursing through his upper-body right before he is sent hurdling in Nagaul's direction.

"Aaagghh! I-I-I-I-I h-ha-hate el-l-l-lectric-i-i-ity!"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual would blink before

Nagual would blink before being surprised by a red and white blur flying toward him, rushing up and jumping to catch Arthur, hurt slightly by the impact, but saving them both from a worse collision.

Grunting as he lies out on the floor of the basement, Nagual would hack out.

“Scarlet, you okay? I think we were just played.”


Javacado's picture
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"Yeah I'm fine. All part of a

"Yeah I'm fine. All part of a day's work. Thanks for the save."

Scarlet would shake his head slightly before regaining his stance and offering a hand to help Nagaul up.

"But yeah...He bolted out of her way too quick. We've got to head back upstairs, if we really got played that means they got to the kids, putting us back at square one again."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Foradain's picture
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Broach let the door and the

Broach let the door and the portal close as she realized the fight had moved away from the portal. She opened a new portal, to the kid's room, and choked back when she saw the covered body. Then she opened a new portal to the minion's room, and stepped through.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Gladatoria's picture
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Broach would move to find

Broach would move to find that the room of the minion would be empty, with equipment and things scattered about the area.

The window is also open.


Foradain's picture
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As Broach looked out the

As Broach looked out the window, she activated her comlink. "The goon's gone too." She looked out, up and down and all around...

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

Javacado's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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"Guess that puts us right

"Guess that puts us right back at where we started then?"

Scarlet would let out a big exhale of disappointment after hearing of the goon's abduction.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual would take a moment to

Nagual would take a moment to accept Scarlet’s assist up, before moving with him upstairs to the rest of the group.

Eventually making his way to where the rest of the group is gathered, Nagual would look over the room with Broach, taking a moment to case the room.

“He could have left, but it looks more like there was a fight or struggle.” He would then move and look to the other room, with the body and knives. Looking away and saying a quick prayer in Spanish, he would look closely at the scene from the window, eyes glowing with a cat’s eye shine.

“Something’s not’s a body but it looks and smells different. I don’t think it’s-.” He would make a move to step into the room, before his eyes go wide as the door is swung upon and the hissing of an oxygen tank is heard, the makeshift trap culminating with a lamp falling from a nearby cart poised by the door and setting the room alight.

“Get down!” Was all Nagual managed to get out before he shoves whoever is closest to him out of the way and hits the floor, as the room explodes.


xxshadowcat95's picture
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Sam gasped and shifted to lay

Sam gasped and shifted to lay in a fetal position on the floor (from an already seated position against the wall across the way from the trap room), protecting her face, neck and head as well as her vital organs. WHY WAS THIS ALL HAPPENING?!

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Scarlet hits the deck

Scarlet hits the deck covering his head and face as the room explodes.


"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
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Hauntress hears the hiss of

Hauntress hears the hiss of the tank and seeing what appears to be a patient by the wall Hauntress floats over, becomes solid, grabs the girl (Sam) and turns both of them intangible and through the wall.

A brief period of confusion and they're in the room beyond as the explosion happens.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

xxshadowcat95's picture
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"Oh my goddess I'm dead...I'm

"Oh my goddess I'm dead...I'm DEAD. I'm a GHOST and I'm DEAD" She shrieked "Wait...why am I still hungry in the after life...and why does my face still hurt?!"

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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"You're not dead. Well...

"You're not dead. Well... Maybe. It's not like I'm an expert or anything. If you are dead just don't think about being hungry. It works for me."

Hauntress floats there, semi-transparent, and no real trace of emotion on her face.

"Jeez... I leave them alone for like... Half an hour and everything goes to crap. I hope they're not dead... They're pretty ok people."

Sam would notice rooms tend to be colder with Hauntress around

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"What the hell just happened?

"What the hell just happened? I come here for basic emergency care and suddenly I'm having to tackle some dang cat boy and am being thrown around by some ninja stripper." She shivered, looking up at hauntress. She would be able to see Sam had a mask on, similar to that of the street hero 'lovetap'.

Sam pulled the mask off in agitation looking at the lenses to check for damage "I need to call my mom...let her know I'm okay and she has the day off work..."

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Kate had been stalking back

Kate had been stalking back and forth, agitated as hell at being outmaneuvered by Desire and at the death of the teen. When the ecplosion came, she was striding towards the goon's room. Even from down the hall, she heard the lamp hit the ground, followed by Nagual's sharp intake of breath.

Kate found herself reacting before she'd even processed his scream, diving over an empty gurney and tipping it with her to shield herself. Once the heat and shockwave had passed, she popped back up, taking a moment to right the gurney. As the fire began to spread, she realized she may only have moments to get what she needed, depending on how zealous the automated fire suppression was. Kate ran the length of the hall and skidded into the thug's room.

She began sniffing and moved rapidly to his bed, soon finding a still damp spot of blood. Kate inhaled heavily, getting a good strong scent for him. Then she spun slowly, trying to determine if he'd actually been taken out of the window or if that was another ruse.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual would cough as he gets

Nagual would cough as he gets up from the rush of smoke and the heat, thankfully suppressed by a automatic sprinkler system quickly enough. Shakily standing, his senses being assailed by the sirens and smoke and fire and now burnt flesh, he shares what he learned before the room blew.

“That wasn’t the kid. That was the thug, it was a trap. She killed the minion we were protecting, took the teen and left us a trap. We were played.” He slumps to the ground, wet from the sprinklers, tossing his cowl to the side and running his hands through his hair.

They failed.


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Sam weakly made her way back

Sam weakly made her way back to the hall, placing a hand on nagual's as it ran through his hair, trying to calm him "stressing...wont...solve need to keep a clear head...." She shuffled toward the crash cart, turning it right side up before starting to rummage...trying to find any intact glucose or adrenaline

"Anyone...have a working cellphone?"

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Hauntress floats back through

Hauntress floats back through the wall to join the others

"This sucks... Oh, right... I might have found someone in West Ironport. So you know, don't despair or whatever."

Notices Sam rummaging

"Someone does... But you probably won't find one just lying around."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual looks up to Hauntress,

Nagual looks up to Hauntress, sounding at least a little less frazzled thanks to Sam, as he inquired.

“Wait, what exactly did you find?”


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"I'm looking for glucose or

"I'm looking for glucose or adrenaline....its that or I'm breaking the snack machine." Mumbles grumpily as she looked over at the group

"What exactly are you guys looking for?"

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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"A warehouse with the same or

"A warehouse with the same or at least similar medical equipment. While you guys were messing around with... Whatever, I was doing some actual work."

Hauntress looks to Sam

"Break stuff if you want to, I'm not like... Your mom or anything. Who even are you?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Kate quickly figured out what

Kate quickly figured out what Nagual already knew. It had been a bait and switch. Between the fire and the sprinklers, any DNA for her to get a scent off of would've been obliterated.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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"My name is Samantha...or

"My name is Samantha...or LoveTap when the mask is on" *She just sighed and sat against the wall, listening in on the group...nosey nosey*

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Scarlet would slowly pick

Scarlet would slowly pick himself up from off the floor and try to pull himself together, his own enhanced senses only picking up the blaring sirens and noises in the room at an amplified level.

"Oh booy, well if there's one thing that's for one can say this wasn't a crazy night out on the town."

He would rub the back of his head and neck, feeling a bit lightheaded from the explosion.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Amidst the smoldering of the

Amidst the smoldering of the hallway and the sirens, Nagual manages to discern a single sound, the ring of a intact hospital telephone.

Wary but attempting to take it in stride like everything this night, Nagual takes the phone in hand but does not answer or speak, as another voice is heard on the line.

“As a Medical professional with patients waiting, I will keep this brief and direct. Assuming I am speaking to the teen vagabonds that assualted my labs and my powered associates, I offer you a simple choice.”

His voice is cold and sharp as a scalpel.

“Meet me at the warehouse on the corner of 17th and Steel in Ironport, and we can reach an agreement that guarantees the lives of your captive friends. Fail to meet within a window of two hours, and I dump them for new subjects and begin anew. I look forward to our appointment.”


Nagual would slowly place down the phone, and look back at the rest of team.

“We need to end this, tonight. No more running and chaos.”


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"What the hell are you people

"What the hell are you people into?" *she squinted at the cat and put her chin on her knees* "you people need medical attention...unless you have a doctor hidden in your utility belt you should probably come to my house to have my mom look you guys over."

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Standing from the rubble in a

Standing from the rubble in a slightly tattered costume, Scarlet dusts himself and puts a hand to his head trying to regain his composure and recover from the deafening pitch he was hearing in his ears.

Looking to Nagual, nodding at the statement of ending this crazy night once and for all.

"I'm game for whatever's in store to stop all this madness. Its time this 'Keeling' character, answered for his crimes and we bring these kids home."

Scarlet stretches and cracks his knuckles, ready for a fight.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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A portal opened up, dumping a

A portal opened up, dumping a few hundred liters of bay water and Broach onto the parking lot before it closed. She stood revealing a singed uniform and first degree burns over most of her exposed skin. "Almost got that portal up in time. What did I miss?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Nagual looks at the state of

Nagual looks at the state of Broach, and immediately rushed to find an intact cart of trauma and first aid supplies, handing them to Broach.

“Dr. Keeling called us out, gave us two hours to meet him at his base of operations or he’ll kill our friends he has captive and start over. Oh, and the teen we were protecting here is gone, the hospital attack was both a recovery and a distraction probably so they could fortify and prepare to move bases.”

He then stops mid guaze wrap.

“Up to speed? I’m also glad you’re wet and not dead, amiga.”


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Scarlet turns to the newly

Scarlet turns to the newly arrived Broach and looks over her condition.

"Christ Broach, you look like you've been through hell and back. You alright? Nothings sprained or broken is there?"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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"Nah, just heat flash that

"Nah, just heat flash that went around the edges of the shield-portal I put up. Burnt some of my costume, and started singeing me, so I decided to take a quick dip. I don't think there are any blisters..."

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Kate sat against the wall a

Kate sat against the wall a short distance away, her sword balanced across her knees. She felt like a complete screw-up. Not only had she failed to protect the thug, whose injury was her fault, but she'd also failed to track Desire and the kid.

As she moped, she felt the vibration of the personal communicator located subdermally just in front of her right tragus. Sighing, she tapped it and subvocalized. "Yeah B?"

"Hello, my little fighter." the voice of her mom said.

"Sh... shifu?" Kate asked, her voice catching, not having expected the caller to be her.

"Not today, Katey. Brandon's been keeping an eye on you and your team. He says you guys have had a setback?" Her mom answered.

At that, Kate dropped her head and sniffed. "Yeah..."

Stephanie listened for the next several minutes as Kate laid out their string of failures up to this point. Once Kate petered out, she began talking, her voice soothing and encouraging. Kate fought the tears at first, but was crying within a minute.

"Now, get up and go do what I know you're capable of." Stephanie finished before signing off.

Kate looked up and reached under her blindfold to wipe away her tears. She nodded to herself and stood, retying her sword to her waist sash. She moved with renewed vigor and purpose as she rejoined the group. "We should head back to the Nest and plan. This won't be easy."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Nagual nods to Broach, still

Nagual nods to Broach, still making sur she at least has a first aid kit handy. Looking over BE, Scarlet and Lovetap, he takes a moment to think before speaking.

“That’s what they’re expecting us to do. Deliberate, be unsure, take our time, heck, they probably think we’ve run to the police already or our parents. Our one advantage tonight is that these guys, whoever they are, don’t seem to take us seriously.” He looks out towards the skyline, and taps his communicator, signaling everyone on the frequency to sync up.

“Let’s show them how serious we can get. We already have fought both their lieutenants, so we know what to expect, with Blackout we keep him on the defensive, and Desire we make sure she had to focus on offense. Our friends have less than two hours to live, we can’t afford to waste any more time.”

He stops as he turns to face them all.

“Are we all ready?” He looks like he’s standing straighter, and those perceptive would notice he’s holding Immanuel’s cross necklace in his hands.


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*Sam got up and went to the

*Sam got up and went to the snack machine, busting it open to grab some carbs and sugar and eating it as she walked back over* "I'll help if you want it. I might not be the best hand to hand fighter but I'm fast and I can hit hard if I get enough energy built up. Can also manipulate feelings if I can touch them..."

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Scarlet nods and taps his

Scarlet nods and taps his comm making sure it's still intact and functional.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be. Its time these guys faced the music."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Broach pulled her phone out,

Broach pulled her phone out, and unlocked it. "Looks good, still. Portal to the Nest, grab gear, then portal to the meeting site? Or somewhere near it to sneak in?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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"I could ghost on over there

"I could ghost on over there and scope it out... If someone gets me a communicator or a phone I could even report in."

Hauntress shrugs and floats in place.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Nagusl would nod, looking to

Nagusl would nod, looking to Broach as he asks.

“Think you can get us to the Nest to get Hauntress a comm and then maybe somewhere near the meeting site to plan?” He then looks to Kate and Scarlet.

“Any ideas for strategy?”


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Scarlet places a hand on his

Scarlet places a hand on his chin, thinking through some potential ideas.

"Well, since Hauntress has suggested the idea of scoping the place out. I say we use that to our advantage. Hauntress can scope out the meeting location and report back to us about any potential hazards and traps that are lying in wait for us, those of us who are quick and stealthy enough we could quietly take out said hazards and/or traps that actually pose any kind of threat outside of Desire and Blackout. If there are any other lackeys left, which I imagine there will be, and we still have the 'element-of-surprise' we can use Broach to port us in and get the drop on them."

Scratching his head before snapping his fingers.

"Also the kids. Our friends. I almost forgot to mention that we would also need to see where they are being held, if they are to be at the same location as us. If they are then it would important to see if its possible to get them out safely and make sure nothing was jury-rigged to happened in case Keeling anticipated for us to try and save them -before- arriving in person."

"That's my plan, unless we all decide to just walk in through the front door and keep things civil and professional."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Kate nodded at the mention of

Kate nodded at the mention of stealth.

"With Birdbrain MIA, Nagual and I can handle that side of things." she volunteered, looking over at the cat-man for his assent.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Nagusl meets her gaze with a

Nagusl meets her gaze with a nod, as he sits perched cat-like atop the welcome desk counter, or what was left of it.

“Yeah, I say in that case we can have Hauntress point is where we need to go, or be rather, and securing the kids is the top priority, and Broach, you’re best suited for rescue.” He looks to the new girl, and thinks for a moment. “I think you could also help with rescue, so perhaps you should pair up with Broach. Lastly, we need someone to run interference or run a distraction with the 3 villains while the other team helps find and free our friends. BE, Scarlet, you guys up for round 3?” He inquires.


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*gives a lazy two finger

*gives a lazy two finger salute and walks over to the one they had called broach. She pulled the mask up onto her forehead, not like her face hadnt already been seen.* "so...portals?"

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Broach smiled, turned

Broach smiled, turned slightly, and waved her arms wide. An opening appeared in the air about two meters diameter, with sparks of bluish light marking the edge as molecules drifted onto it and had electrons or even atoms sheared off to one side or the other. On the far side was the entry into the Nest. "Yeap, portals. Mind the edges. Anyone else need to get resupplied?"

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]

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Scarlet nods.

Scarlet nods.

"I'm definitely up for a round three. I'm pretty sure my buddy Blackout owes me a dance after the mess that was caused here."

Scarlet looks back at the desecrated hospital room before turning back to the group.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
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"You know... Someone might

"You know... Someone might want to explain to the hospital staff what just went down. Or leave a note or something... But like whatever, I don't care what you do."

Hauntress floats through the portal

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"Good point. Just one moment.

"Good point. Just one moment."

Scarlet ventures behind what was left of the desk counter Nagual had been perched upon and miraculously finds a pad of sticky notes and a pen. Taking a moment to think on how to word his message, Scarlet decides to scribble down: [i]'Bad guys blew up hospital trying to reclaim two individuals that were originally in their possession. On the move to stop them and save the day (or night). - Courtesy of your friendly resident superhero, Scarlet Striker...and friends.'[/i] Topping off his note, Scarlet signs his name with a lightning bolt-shaped 'S' and a crudely drawn picture of his mask.

After writing his little note, Scarlet pins it on the front of the partially destroyed desk.

"There we go. I'm sure the police or whoever will get that message."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Nagusl smirks at the note,

Nagusl smirks at the note, but nods, taking a moment to place a mint from a somehow intact candy jar upon the note, before striding off into the portal, before commenting rather bluntly.

“While I’m all for squatting, I don’t think Sparrow would like having us use his base when he’s...elsewhere. We probably need to go base shopping, I think.”

He then adds.

“But first things first, our plan.”


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"I know a few spooky

"I know a few spooky abandoned buildings."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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*she went through the portal,

*she went through the portal, munching on snacks as she did. She glanced around* "fancy smancy... but If you guys have someone who can open portals then you could use a underground railway that has collapsed in on itself so there is no entrance or exit"

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Scarlet would hop through the

Scarlet would hop through the portal

"Well, I'm all for spooky abandoned buildings. You know just as long as they aren't haunted."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Gladatoria's picture
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Nagual thinks for a moment,

Nagual thinks for a moment, and suggests while perching atop a nearby training rack.

“Some kind of water or electricity would be beneficial, so we can st least run basic utilities and stuff. First things first though, we need should designate ourselves into teams. Lovetap and Broach, Rescue and Recovery-be ready if we need a fast exit. Hauntress, think you can be our guardian ghost and let us know what’s happening and hinder these guys? And the rest of us will work our way to Keeling and attempt to detain him?”


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*she offers a thumbs up as

*she offers a thumbs up as she plops into a chair* "I'll just be here fueling up till I'm needed....I got enough kinetic energy built up from that fight I'll be good for a bit." *munches*

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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"If I'm in any of the spooky

"If I'm in any of the spooky abandoned buildings they'll be haunted, Red. And yeah, I'll do my best. Flicking the lights, dropping things, maybe even shake the walls and yell 'get out' see if I can't make the walls bleed or something... In short, I'll handle it... Where do you suppose birdo keeps communicators anyway?"

*Hauntress absently looks through drawers and cupboards*

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"Damn. In that case, I guess

"Damn. In that case, I guess I picked the wrong day to leave my proton pack at home then."

Scarlet perches himself on one of the counters in the room.

"If I had to guess, Birdbrain likely would keep something as miniature as communicators close-by. Maybe near his fancy-shmancy super computer or something."

Scarlet mimics Hauntress' signature shrug.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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Kate stepped through and

Kate stepped through and immediately headed to the armory. After a moment of searching, she found a what she wanted, which was throwing daggers. Taking one out, she tested it's balance, then flipped it through the air and caught it, only to then throw it at a practice dummy. Once convinced of their effectiveness, she strapped the sheath of six daggers to her forearm.

"Communicators are over here." Kate said, having already familiarized herself with the tech lab and armory. She motioned to Hauntress's cold spot with a crooked finger, then opened the drawer where several rows of unused earbuds sat. Taking one herself, she tucked it into the ear opposite the private comm used by her and her support network.

Once ready, she stepped out into the main area and sat on one of the barstools in front of the kitchen counter.

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

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Hauntress floats over to the

Hauntress floats over to the communicators taking one and putting it in her ear

"I'll need to do some testing to see if it works when I'm ghosty... So that might get weird."

Hauntress puts her hands in her pockets and leans against something

"Should i just head off whenever or are we waiting for something else?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Scarlet climbs down from the

Scarlet climbs down from the counter after the discovery of communicators' location and grabs one himself, affixing it to his ear beneath his mask.

"God this thing is going to feel so uncomfortable to wear beneath a mask like this, but I suppose I can get used to it."

After readjusting his mask once he's equipped his communicator, Scarlet returns back to his perched position back on the counter.

"I suppose we could always run through the plan one last time, make sure everyone's got their mission objective. Once that's done and we have our bearings together, we head off and do hero stuff and things."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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*she walked over to where the

*she walked over to where the communicators were and popped one into her ear, she started vibrating a bit as she walked around, continuing to eat her junk food as the visible wounds started to heal* "this place is pretty snazzy. You guys should totally just keep squatting here until your birdo amigo says to beat it. I mean...did he ever say to STOP using it?"

Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
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Nagual looks to Lovetap with

Nagual looks to Lovetap with an expression that reads a bit of agreement but hesitance, his tone indicating as much.

“No, but I don’t feel we are entirely welcome here all the same. Not to mention he has some parental control issues that could arise with continued squatting.” He answers, before looking to Scarlet and nodding.

“Hauntress, you’ve got overwatch and controlling the battlefield, Broach and Lovetap are on rescue and recovery, and BE, Scarlet and I are on engagement and combat duty, keeping the bad guys distracted.”

He takes a moment to add, pausing. “I just realized, we kind of don’t have a leader with the bird guy gone. Are we going something about that?”


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"One, two, three not it."

"One, two, three not it."

Hauntress shrugs

"Best I've got."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Scarlet just looks around the

Scarlet just looks around the room.

"To be honest, the thought never really crossed my mind about a team leader. Mostly because I thought this would be one of those one-time only type of deals. And because Birdbrain seemed like he was the one who was going to be running the show. But hey, we could always turn it into a game of hot potato and just pass the leadership role off to whoever during certain missions."

Scarlet pauses for a moment, giving himself a brief moment to think over an actual answer.

"Bingo. We can play process of elimination to select who would be team leader, even if its temporary."

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
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"Probably best not to have a

"Probably best not to have a defacto leader and just follow whoever is taking charge or has the best idea... If there's more than one we can vote or something."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"Well then in that case I

"Well then in that case I nominate myself for team leader, because...I don't know stuff and things."

Scarlet shrugs and puts his hand in the air for a brief moment.

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

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*she just looked blankly and

*she just looked blankly and puts her finger on her nose* "not it. Also "BE" What's that?"

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Kate waved. "That'd be me..

Kate waved. "That'd be me.. Blind Edge. As for the leader situation, I'd like to suggest a team leader / rotating field leader model. The team leader will be in command overall, but when we're on missions, the field leader would take control. I'd be willing to throw my hat in the ring as one of the field leaders."

She thought for a moment and then spoke up again. "Finally, I'd like to make a nomination for team leader. This person has shown great courage as well as compassion, two qualities sought after in a good leader. Though we've had setbacks, he has remained steadfast in attempting to accomplish our goals. For the position of team leader, I'd like to nominate Nagual."

[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]

Project_Hero's picture
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"Settle the leader thing with

"Settle the leader thing with a fight to the death... That was a joke incase no one realised. I don't really care who becomes leader as long as they don't try to boss me around."

Hauntress shrugs

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Scarlet tilts his head a bit

Scarlet tilts his head a bit at Hauntress.

"But isn't that one of the many things about being or better yet having a leader? The bossing of people around?"

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

xxshadowcat95's picture
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"The point of being a leader

"The point of being a leader is to guide, encourage, and take the fall for BS the team does. Not be a bossy jerk muffin. It's a difference in being a leader and being a dictator" *she emphasizes 'dic' in dictator*

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Nagual would nod as Kate

Nagual would nod as Kate speaks, agreeing with the idea of the maintenance of a field leader. When he is nominated, Nagusl all but loses his balance on his perch in surprise but would right himself in mid air like a cat, landing on his hands and knees with no discomfort.

“Me? I mean I’m only trying to do what’s right but be a leader...that’s big, and long lasting. I thought that someone like Arthur would be better, or maybe Broach.” He would stop rambling, beforr asking plainly.

“Do you guys think I have what it takes?”

