I can only imagine the wacky missions HiJinx will give.
what say you?
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I assumed they (and other characters from the comic) would be included as NPCs in a number of stories, is this not the case?
i say YAS ^^
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I'd be happy to see Emily in the game in whatever incarnation MWM sees fit, but I'd be wary of the 'wackiness'. The last thing we need is for CoT to go down the CO 'This superhero stuff is all pretty stupid, isn't it?' path.
(Ugh...Foxbat... I should have known to walk away from that game as soon as he showed up in the tutorial.)
Spurn all ye kindle.
I think we'd wanna wait for her to have more of a clue what's going on before she becomes a mission giver. At the very least become a registered hero! :) I'm pretty sure Mr. Dynamic is a mission giver, though.
Gameplay Design, plus pitching in here and there on Art, Lore, Composition, Hijinx, etc.
the one or the other, is good to me :) I like Hijinx ! What i dislike... not enought adventures to read ! ^^
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I should have known to avoid that game when he tried to hold me up for hero points and loose foci back in (iirc) [i]Champions II: The Super Supplement[/I]. But, no, I just had to keep playing...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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It's weird that Foxbat predates Deadpool.
Part of the "humor" that brought me out of the game (Champions Online that is) was a random NPC mentioning the Character Creator.
Like one "wacky" NPC breaking the fourth wall? Ok, sure, fine... But random NPCs and everything else? Just... Ugh...
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I think it would be super cool to partner with Hijinx for a mission arc. For whatever reason we meet her on one mission and team with her for the next three before we take out the baddy together. Maybe this could be the Balloon Baron anniversary event.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
I kind of presumed that Hijinx would be in the game already in a similar capacity, much like War Witch and the Kheldians were in one of the CoH comic book runs. Has there been official word one way or another?
As I noted in the other Hijinx thread, this was initially started with no expectation of tying the hands of our Lore department...or having to run everything past them either. So there was really no expectation that Hijinx would end up in the game, or that our portrayal of anything that IS in the game would necessarily be the version that made it into the final product (i.e. at one point before Dale and Tom took up the creative duties, I scripted a short fight at the Alexandria University clock tower for one of our prospective artists to try out...but if his drawing of the tower ended up looking different from what the landscape modelers made, no problem).
Hijinx does seem to be popular enough (and all the other departments have gotten used to her being around) that she and some of her cast will end up in the game at some point, but it might not be at launch. Maybe we'll decide that in the game-universe her main stomping grounds are in a non-launch zone, and she'll show up when that zone does. That sort of thing. It's not quite Earth-1 versus Earth-2 (or Earth-616 vs. Earth-1616), but the comic is definitely in its own shard.
Gameplay Design, plus pitching in here and there on Art, Lore, Composition, Hijinx, etc.
I wouldn't mind [i]occasional[/i] wackiness... it's practically a comic staple. As long as it's rare enough to break up the "same ol' same ol'" and doesn't become the norm.
Like CO.
"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."
I'd have to see more than just "Oh! Someone made a comic."
Game fan makes something and everyone is always "Put such and such in game." :p
I haven't read the comic, but what I'm guessing there'd be plenty who don't care for what amounts to fan creation.
I am completely with you on caution re: fan-made stuff (or the suggestion that still-living players be immortalised in the game), but Hijinx is created by folks from MWM so it's not fan-fic.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Well, Hijinx isn't a fan comic. It's a MWM production created by both Dale and I, who are both developers. Dale works in the art department and I'm part of composition (sorta on hiatus for the time being). Outside of MWM I'm a professional comic book writer and publisher. People all over the world actually pay for my work. I've been making comics for over a decade.
Yes, Mr. Dynamic is a low level contact in the game. I don't want to spoil anything but I wrote a major mission arc with Mr. Dynamic as a contact and companion. He's fun to write so I was very happy I could use him in Hijinx.
By the way KidDynamo, what's the limits of what we can do with the page of the comics that are display on patreon ?
I mean, if i would like to write an article and put some samples (and bluring the texts, for example), can i ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I think it would be okay to display isolated panels with non-spoiler text.
Ok, if needed, i'll prefer to ask you first by message in this case :)
Thanks for answering.
By the way, i withdraw my vote for putting Hijinx as a mission giver... not after seeing what happens in the last page... nonono ! ^^
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Yeah, it's not accurate to call it fanfic. But you don't expect a Spider-Man movie to have the exact same looks, story, and characters as the comics, do you? Recognizably close, but maybe Vulture is a middle-aged salvage specialist instead of a senior citizen inventor, or MJ isn't a redhead, or Peter gets involved with Stark as a kid rather than as an adult.
Now, we'll probably be closer to the game than Spider-Man: Homecoming was to the comics, but it's still a different medium with different storytelling choices.
Gameplay Design, plus pitching in here and there on Art, Lore, Composition, Hijinx, etc.
Well then, that changes things, and just seems they would put them in.