I'm guessing there will be one at some point, if not right away then eventually.
Will we be able to stash currency there , bidding just under 2 billion on an item that never existed? Or will that sort of thing not be necessary?
Will the amounts of slots we can use to bid/sell be similar to CoH's structure?
Will we be able to use our STARS to bid on things? I doubt it....just thought I would throw it out there.
Can we have an power special effect suppressor operating in the area. Not something that actually turns powers off but just allows me to conduct business without seeing 17 aoe heals and the like going off around me continually.
An off shoot question... What are we calling the currency? INC right? That is what is stuck in my brain anyways from some discussion way back towards the beginning of all this. If so, any guesses what it may stand for? If not what are we calling it?
No I dont think it was that..definately started with an I though...pretty sure
Those are my questions at any rate.
Hi. I'm Hope.
Stash as in having extra storage by placing bids, no. Your “wallet” size won’t hange based on how much you have tied up in bidding. But there isn’t any reason you can’t pre-bid waiting for an item to pop up on the market.
Possibly, this hasn’t been finalized yet.
No. But you will be able to place STARS up for bidding at least, that is our current plan.
I’ll note this as. QoL issue. I can’t promise anything on this other than to say we do plan to have an option to spread other players’ vfx.
Per our glossary it is Ingenuity. Though it isn’t set in stone and suggestions are welcome. There is an entire thread on the matter of terminology that we went through s d this still stuck.
Personally I would have called it INC or Income and called it a day. I was also partial to staying with IGC (in game currency) but the in-game wording would be Interchangeable Global Currency.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
It might be worth it to have a "quiet room" auction house room in a not-quite-instanced area? It could be a back room in the market building in which everything except for travel powers are turned off.
An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".
Thanks for the response.
And a quiet room does sound like a great suggestion.
Hi. I'm Hope.
supress the environmental sounds (by example) could prevent us from earing a giant monster coming ! :) Maybe a promp window could help in that case ^^
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
Pretty much the city planning and builiding design has been laid out. I wouldn’t dare place a request with that team that may end up requiring scrapping a city block to resistance and fit a redesigned building.
This is mostly a QoL issue, one that anyone can mitigate when comes to visual effects by going into their menu options and Turing off other players’ vfx.
I know it isn’t ideal and a cumbersome work around while the ideal would be to suppress power fx in while in the market automatically. I just can’t guaranty we will get to do that by launch. Which by the way, suppressing fox would be a much simpler solution that creating separate back rooms due to the rework involved.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Or maybe acheckbox inside the windows market to suppress (or not) other player's VFX ?
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I love this idea, because it's convenient yet also leaves the choice of whether to have effects on up to the individual player. Only very rarely did I ever want to suppress effects in the old game.
Spurn all ye kindle.
You could take a given, existing "Marketplace" building (assuming that will be a thing, like Wentworth's in CoX), slap a door on it, and have that door lead to a public instanced indoor map (like the dance club in CoX) where people can mingle, talk, and also tend to their investments/purchases using kiosks or whatever. You could lay it out to look like a stock exchange floor or something.
To be honest, CoX let you manage your puts and calls from anywhere, I believe, using the player GUI, didn't they? I would at least want, perhaps as an unlockable feature, a terminal for such in the SG base or personal lair.
EDIT: I still prefer calling it IGC.
R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising
I think the Architect Entertainment building had something similar, including power suppression?
Yeah they did. I went and hid there in many occasions. And it was always empty.
Hi. I'm Hope.
Also I recall the Praetorian AH had the effect and Pocket D had a variation on the theme.
Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.
I seem to recall those places suppressed all powers, including any travel powers, something I found rather annoying.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Hi, I'm a new member, but long time lurker.
This may be a little off topic, but I'd like to be able to, say, right-click on one player-character and disable seeing their powers visuals for a while, anywhere, anytime. Kind of like blocking one player's chat. I used to use the CoH markets a lot, and it was usually just one or two players' effects that were too much for me. It would also let us deal with annoying behavior on the spot in other situations.
That would be convenient.
To take the topic even further down this tangent, did ever MWM say whether we'll be able to keep right-click-style notes on other characters/players as we could in the old game? This was especially useful when done at the player level, so when a new character rocked up you could check the notes and see whether you teamed with this player before on another character and, if so, what your reaction was.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Welcome to the CoT forums. :)
Your suggestion might be possible but I would want to see that done as a Keybind command. That way a player could bind that functionality to ANY key they wanted, not just have it "locked" to something like a right-click. If you would personally want that to be a right-click then you'd have the freedom to set it up that way for yourself.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
Thanks! :)
That was just a for-instance to make it clear it would be to just one selected player-character. I wouldn't have an issue with how it was actually done in the UI.
While possible, it isn’t feasible. The easiest way for us to handle this is a menu option to suppress all other player vfx. The coding is much, much more manageable than one that has to track septic player characters at all times.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Yeah the point about which way is the "easiest" to handle other player vfx is well taken. But Ardrea did raise another point that could apply to more general situations related to "ignoring" the griefing of other players:
I know there were times in CoH where you'd have idiots (not just in the Markets) who would try to disrupt other players by jumping around and lighting off all their powers just to make a spectacle of themselves. Traditional "ignore" methods don't really stop that kind of thing. If there was a way I could individually suppress a single player's vfx then I might not have to bother a GM via submitting a "report" on the offending player.
Again this would certainly not need to be prioritized as a "must-have" feature but it still might be useful as a QoL tool for players to help them deal with bad actors. You're already presumably going to have code related to "ignoring" specific characters - this would just be an additional version of that.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
YeahbI understand that. Again it is about what is feasible in design. The coding involves tracking player entities on the server as they interact. Maintaining. That code may not have a simple solution and be more work that a QoL issue doesn’t justify the effort when we already have a simple one stop solution - suppress all other vfx.
If we were to implement it I would imagine that there may need to be a limit on how many players you can do this with. And it would most likely be folded into the /ignore function.
Where you could /ignore a large number of players by not having to receive their direct tells or hear their local chat. Adding this may limit it to something to the tuner of 2 to possibly several people.
One thing impacts another. I’m not saying “no” I’m definitely saying “we have a way to handle this” even if it is a machete instead of s scalpel. One day we may be able to provide the scalpel but the more QoL requests there are (already a couple of hundred) the more we have to asssess and prioritize resulting in a greater probability of many QoL requests not getting addressed.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Does this also apply to my question above about keeping notes on other player characters?
Spurn all ye kindle.
This touches on something that I've noticed giving a few studios trouble lately.
QoL requests are what really makes a quality product stand out as polished, especially during a first impression. In addition, updates that feature new content and features are exciting and draw attention, while fixing bugs and QoL issues generally do not. People are surprised and excited to see entirely new stuff, but if stuff doesn't work well they are not overly excited about the fix as much as they expect it to behave that way to begin with. If a QoL issue or bug is particularly annoying then it can fester in the minds of customers, and that resentment can worsen over time.
I bring this up because some studios deprioritize bug fixing and QoL issues exactly because they are not flashy and they have a hard time getting marketing data on how much it affects sales. This can be detrimental to the studio and game's reputation in the long term if it gets out of control.
This project may lend itself more than usual to a priority focus on polish rather than number of features since it is already expected to be released piecemeal as work progresses.
Or maybe I'm entirely wrong? What do others think? Is an approach with less attention to fixes and improvements compared to major feature releases preferable?
Just for my personnal knowledge : QoL ?
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Quality of Life
This! [size=18]Is![/size] [size=20][b]TITAN CITY![/b][/size]
Quality of Life -- a term for changes that make existing parts of the game work better or more convenient to use -- as opposed to new added features, zones, etc.
To answer the question, I'd like releases to be balanced between the two, much as the old game did.
Spurn all ye kindle.
thank you Cinnder & Grey Stone
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I think there has to be attention to both. Content/Features are the push, and lack of QoL is the friction; the brick moves best with a good push and a slippery surface.
As the others have said I think it's always going to have to be a little of both. Sure "bug fixes" might not be as glamorous as new features but I think a healthy game can't really go all one way or the other.
Sometimes in some games (even back in CoH) there would be people in the forums who would say things like "they should dedicate an entire Issue release to focus ONLY on bug fixes" like that would be the cure-all to everything. The problem with that mindset is that there's pretty much no such thing as a 100% bug-free game. No software system as complex as a MMORPG could ever really be considered 100% bug-free so even if the "bug-fix only" release fixed a bunch of bugs there would still be something else on the horizon for the Devs to work on.
Likewise trying for a software release that only focused on new features would be equally foolish. The longer the Devs avoided fixing game critical issues the longer those things would continue to hurt the game as a whole.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
I think one of the closest issues CoH had to a “fix it all” issue was the upcoming 24 before the shutdown. It was even jokingly referred to as the “fix everything” issue, primarily for the changes they were bringing to the blaster class. But it included not just mechanics tweaks but also a fair number of bug fixes as I recall.
It still rankles that I never got the “blaster centric” issue before the shutdown.
Name: Safehouse
Ranger: Gunner
Primary: Force Blast
Secondary: Atrophic Aura
Tertiary: Kinetic Melee
Travel Power: Parkour
Status: Traveling. Following rumors of a huge city in Massachusetts that is teeming with supers.
Well I'd definitely put any "ignore" QoL features towards the bottom of the priority list. Even though I can see the generic utility of having something like a "suppress individual player vfx" feature in the game I could honestly tell you that I would likely only personally -use- something like that maybe once every 1.7* years or so.
*Obviously I just made that number up but it conveys the degree of unimportance I place on "ignore" features in general. For instance I honestly don't recall if I specifically "ignored" anyone in CoH. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
No, because the notes are just that, a notation on the player. The data is kept on your end. A simple automated search quarry when clicking on the player will be able to check your player notes to see if they show up on notes.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Cool, thanks very much for the answer.
Um, assuming that means CoT will have this feature. Technically you could have just been saying that this wasn't the reason but there's some other reason we won't have player notes. :-)
Spurn all ye kindle.
It was something one of our Compostion Leads asked our tech team about a couple of years back.
It is on the list of QoL requests. That is not to mean it will be in at launch or that it will make it into the game. It is also something that is relatively easy to implement which is a huge plus.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Fair enough. Thanks again.
Spurn all ye kindle.
My opinion and experience differs a bit from that. While we had/have a great community, a healthy list of ignore options can actually help this quite a bit. In CoH ignore functions grew progressively more important over the years judging by visibility of them. CoH started, I believe, with both ignore (character) and global ignore (account) although one might have had to use the cmd_list function to find them. Then later we got a report spammer which had ignore embedded in it to deal with gold farmers. Soon after that ignore functions appeared in the right click menu.
All I would like for CoT at launch however is ignore toon and ignore account available to us even if we have to search a bit to find it. Oh and a way to reverse it is also a good idea for launch.
In a perfect game CoT would have a full suite of "ignore features" ready to go at launch and I'd have no problem with that even if I personally rarely used any of them.
While I accept having a few basic ignore features would likely be considered "must-have" by some people I think some of the more "fringe" ideas (like this one about suppressing individual vfx) could definitely set at a lower priority all things considered. Frankly we need an [i]actual[/i] game to play before we start worrying too much about ignoring everyone else playing in it. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012