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Will we be able to change our Forum name or can we already and I'm just not that Fly to konw it yet?

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Joined: 09/15/2013 - 10:10
Will we be able to change our Forum name or can we already and I'm just not that Fly to konw it yet?

So it is my understanding that when the game goes Live ourglobal name will be linked to our Forum name.

If that is true, will we have a chance to change it at that time?

I'm done with Hope it seems. (Hope Springs Eternal and it looks like the game is actually coming.) I'm sure I'll have a character named Hope though...she'll be some kind of flying blaster that I will never play because she is a blaster.

Any guesses?

Edited to have actual text.

Hi. I'm Hope.

Atama's picture
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Hope so.

Hope so.

Lothic's picture
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I don't know if there's any

I don't know if there's any "formal" way to do it right now but I have to guess there's going to have to be some method to get forum/global names changed. You can't/won't be the only person who's ever going to want to get their name changed.

Hopefully (no pun intended) a Redname will post here explaining what their policy and/or plan for that will be.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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Hmmm, will my forum name be a

Hmmm, will my forum name be a problem as it's under copywrite to another company?


Lothic's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Hmmm, will my forum name be a problem as it's under copywrite to another company?

I doubt it because just as a name it's as much connected to a certain X-Men character as it is to the Greek myth. But I imagine if you tried to make a character in CoT that looked way too close to this:


then you might have a problem.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Foradain's picture
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If you were to find a post of

If you were to find a post of [url=]Demrius'[/url] you might note in his signature that he used to be Jorortis. So I am sure it can be done, but it may take webmaster intervention.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Javacado's picture
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If I'm reading this correctly

If I'm reading this correctly (which I may not be, it's late at night as I type this) your in-game name (a.k.a your @Global) is tied to a game account, which is separate from your name here on the forums.

However, if you're looking to change your forum name you're going to need to get in contact with a Webmaster here on the site as only they for time being are able to freely change users' names. I'm one of the few people whose original forum name was just changed during the tail end of last year (December 2017).

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Atama's picture
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Glitch404 wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:

I'm one of the few people whose original forum name was just changed during the tail end of last year (December 2017).

I hate to break it to you but I think something went wrong when they did that.

Javacado's picture
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:

I'm one of the few people whose original forum name was just changed during the tail end of last year (December 2017).

I hate to break it to you but I think something went wrong when they did that.

Really? How so?

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

Project_Hero's picture
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Glitch404 wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:
Atama wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:

I'm one of the few people whose original forum name was just changed during the tail end of last year (December 2017).

I hate to break it to you but I think something went wrong when they did that.

Really? How so?

I think they were making a joke as your name is now "glitch 404" insinuating that you wanted something else but something went wrong.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Javacado's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:
Atama wrote:
Glitch404 wrote:

I'm one of the few people whose original forum name was just changed during the tail end of last year (December 2017).

I hate to break it to you but I think something went wrong when they did that.

Really? How so?

I think they were making a joke as your name is now "glitch 404" insinuating that you wanted something else but something went wrong.

Ah, yeah I had figured as much. It wasn't until after I made my post that I considered it to be a joke on my namesake, but honestly though I've experienced a lot of different problems in the past with this site like my posts being "invisible" for lack of a better word, that I wouldn't be surprised that there was something going unseen by me. :P

"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."

jtpaull's picture
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Hope wrote:
Hope wrote:

So it is my understanding that when the game goes Live ourglobal name will be linked to our Forum name.

If that is true, will we have a chance to change it at that time?

I'm done with Hope it seems. (Hope Springs Eternal and it looks like the game is actually coming.) I'm sure I'll have a character named Hope though...she'll be some kind of flying blaster that I will never play because she is a blaster.

Any guesses?

Edited to have actual text.

I would say since you are not a KS backer (based on not having a badge), it might be easiest to create a new login with a new email?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 09/15/2013 - 10:10
While that is a valid

While that is a valid suggestion.

I like seeing my join date as it is.

If need be I will simply be Hope forever.

Hope it doesnt come to that though

Hi. I'm Hope.

Fireheart's picture
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I like Hope, it's a great

I like Hope, it's a great name!

It is probable that one of the Devs could manually edit the database and change the name on your account. It might be more complex than that.

Be Well!

Cinnder's picture
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If you change your name we'll

If you change your name we'll be Hopeless!

Spurn all ye kindle.

Super M.
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If Im not mistaken KS backers

If Im not mistaken KS backers get first pick, so I assume something will have to be done that overrides our current forum names, if they link over at all.

Lothic's picture
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Super M. wrote:
Super M. wrote:

If Im not mistaken KS backers get first pick, so I assume something will have to be done that overrides our current forum names, if they link over at all.

KS backers are supposed to get "first pick" for global names but we still don't really know the exact details of that. For instance KS backers are also supposed to be "first in line" for the beta testing so does this mean they'll be able to pick their global names at that point (at the beginning of beta testing) and be done with it or will they still have to wait until some kind of "headstart" launch period before getting to pick official global names?

Also some games make it so that your Account/Global name -must- be different from your Forum name for security reasons.

There are still many questions to be answered related to all of this.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Riptide's picture
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I was able to get mine

I was able to get mine changed by sending a PM to Minotaur

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Lothic's picture
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Riptide wrote:
Riptide wrote:

I was able to get mine changed by sending a PM to Minotaur

I'm sure that's fine when it's just us handful of "pre-game regulars" on this forum but hopefully they'll be able to transition into something that also works once the game launches.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cyclops's picture
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I am betting that I will need

I am betting that I will need to change Cyclops to another name when I go Global.


Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

I am betting that I will need to change Cyclops to another name when I go Global.

You might be able to get away with it as the Cyclops is a mythological creature from antiquity. But I can see how they might want to play it safe and prevent someone from using it.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Why would they need to worry

Why would they need to worry about anyone's global name?

It's not like Email names get called out for the name.

Also, they can't even stop people from using the name, just not the name and exact copy of a character.

Atama's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Why would they need to worry about anyone's global name?

It's not like Email names get called out for the name.

Also, they can't even stop people from using the name, just not the name and exact copy of a character.

Agree 100%.