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Broach considered for a moment. "I don't have any 'backup' I can call except nine-one-one. And while I know my way around a smartphone and Google Earth, I don't think I can be much help with the freezer or its occupant. So I guess I'll be going with the group that goes to the lab, too. It'll be easier for me to help extract hostages if I'm there where they are."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Nagual thinks for a moment as he considers something, thinking on the team’s words.
“I think I can do more on infiltration duty than watching out for whoever we rescued here, my powers aren’t exactly medicinal. And yeah, I’ll admit this is a bit out of my depth, but this doesn’t just affect Highpoint, it’s all across TC-we can’t just ignore this and shunt it to the cops or other heroes.”
He then adds, as an afterthought.
“Do we have a plan on tracking the lab guys? Or is our gunshot victim our only lead?”
"Well then that makes three people for lab duty then. While my powers aren't medicinal either, someone's got to stay after our human popsicle here. So I guess I'll be the one to do that."
"As far as leads go, I'd like to think our gunshot victim might be the only lead. But with how quick they were to bounce out of here, I wouldn't be surprised if something got left behind."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"We need you, portal gun, to get people where they need to go. So you should probably stay behind till whatever needs doing with freezer-guy is done."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Good point. Let me know when you guys are ready, and I can get you close, at least. Meanwhile, we can, umm, 'toss this place like a cheap salad'." And suiting actions to words, Broach started towards the office to check for drawers or computers.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Zoey stayed quiet during the entirety of the proceedings with the gunshot victim, seeing that hit her a little to close to home, and what to do with the frozen child. Considering her unofficial allies words she made her decision on what to do. Her reserves were depleting, she needed to eat to replenish it, but she can still fight if need be for now. She decided to speak up
''I'll guard the frozen child. My abilities are not medicinal but I can easily handle freezing temperatures due to them and I can potentially get them out of that odd prison if something goes wrong.''
Hauntress turns to the newest member of their little team
"I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Hauntress. Who are you, and can you track that boat that got away?"
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"I'll scout the floors here then. Maybe I can find a hammer or something of use. Also thanks for the assist with the baddies, newcomer."
With that, Scarlet took off and began just sweeping the floor. Looking for anything of substance or clues that could pass the time.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Zoey thought for a moment.
''I can possibly track them with sonar and echolation. This is assuming their vessel is still moving and that they don't have sonar of their own though. I can also possibly use shark senses to follow them. I haven't tried it before.''
"That answers one question, sort of. Whoever has those communicators or whatever should give her one so she can tell us if she finds anything... If they work when wet and all. Then you, fish girl, should do that... If you want to help out, that is."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
''My mentor wanted me to make landweller allies. From what I saw you and your friends have no attachment to those criminal types. I've heard stories from my people of armed landweller pirates, calling them criminals. Those landwellers matched the description before I even found out they were kidnapping children.''
She glowered for a moment, remembering something.
''Distateful, seems like oceandwellers and landwellers share the same kind of miscreants.''
"I'll just say that if there's anything I've learned, evil isn't restricted to one identity." Sparrow said. "That's why we're here, to combat all possible threats."
Nagual takes stock of the newcomer, nodding as he looks her over.
“They’ve probably ditched their ride by now, but maybe when our victim in the hospital wakes up we can learn more? And thanks for the assist, by the way, I’m Nagual.”
He then moves to help Scarlet scour for clues, taking stock of the scrubbed labels off of the equipment.
“Whoever this Keeling guy is, he made sure that the equipment he’s using is either custom or from the Black Market.”
"Yeah, maybe we can learn more -if- the guy ever wakes up and while we're waiting for that the good doctor can up and move shop or at least our missing people."
Hauntress folds her arms
"We need to move and we need to do it five minutes ago."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Looking over several of the crates, also noticing the lack of labels only arises more concern in Scarlet's voice.
"Yeah. Who knows though, it could be a mix of both. The equipment was probably purchased over the Black Market and later upgraded? I don't know, the overall fact that this Keeling character was able to have an operation like this go on for weeks-if-not-longer just makes things too unsettling."
Not wanting to be rude, Scarlet also turns back to the possible, latest addition to the group. Introducing himself as well.
"Scarlet. Scarlet Striker, thanks for the help back there with the bad guys. It was really appreciated."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
The group were not the only ones searching in the warehouse. In the far corners of the room a tall thin shadow moved from box to box. The silhouette twisting and changing as it forced boxes open.
A string of words in a strange language each time it moved on to the next not taking anything from the boxes as it moved as if it were determined on something in particular.
Thanks to his enhanced senses, Scarlet detected something amiss in the room with them. While he may not be able to make out exactly what the foreign force/entity was, he knew something was present and was moving from crate to crate.
"Uhm...okay. Uh, something's a here. Either that or my nerves are just really bad right now."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Hauntress shrugs
"It could be me. I'm pretty off-putting."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Nagual shakes his head at Hauntress, his eyes glowing yellow as he mutters.
“No, I sensed it too., but tangible.” He would look about the room, his eyes looking specifically for any magical energy or disturbances, and seems to lock in on the crates, unsheathing his claws.
“Dios mío, one thing after another-look alive guys.”
''Fathom at your service'' she said in response to the introductions. Noticing something off in the air she whirled her head around, trying to determine if their was any hidden enemy. Tapping a bit into sea animal senses she determined that something was very off about the shadows, setting her on edge due to prior experiences. She sighed, thinking for a moment before readying her weaponized arms.
''Something potentially perilous lies in our midst. Stay sharp''
The shadow stopped and looked up. From the top of the shadow two long moth like anttena twitched. Its eyes caught the light two masive gold cat like eyes scanned the room and locked onto the group.
With a blur it dashed making a run for one of knocked out goons. The body shifted as the purple and blue blur bounced off it then moved up to the group much smaller now.
In front of them a purple woman with sky blue hair and two antennae sprouting from her forhead. Her golden cat like eyes scanning the group and a splattering of white spots on her face shone with her effort of her dash.
"Ah... uh sorry to um.. startle you i know you arent them." She looked around
The quick and hasty movements of the shadow caused Scarlet to generate a red-colored energy emanating from both his clenched fists, choosing to stay on guard in case of another fight. After the shadow removed its guise and revealed a small purple woman, He would only tilt his head slightly at the sudden arrival of yet another newcomer.
"Jeebus creebus, this club just gets bigger and bigger by the minute."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"Club? Is this some kind of gathering? Oh how rude I am being. I am Xerine Heiress of the serian empire" She curtsied in her jumpsuit like outfit.
"May i ask your names?"
"Hauntress. Is Heiress your title or name?"
Hauntress eyes the odd newcomer cautiously
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Title, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Hauntress."
She stood with a regal air that implied her title was true. "What brought your group here that we have met." she looked over the members of the group that remained.
"So you're a princess... And if you must know some people around our age were kidnapped, we tracked the badguys here, beat them up, saved one person, and now the badguys have got away, and I tried to get us mobilized but there's just one interruption after another and now I don't know if we'll ever pick up the trail again."
Hauntress pauses for a moment
"So yeah, that about sums it up. Can you do anything useful?"
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"I am able to run at very fast speeds, my antenna can feel heart beats... that's why I introduced my self when all of you were starting to worry. and this."
she held her hand out and spikes grew from her arm "They produce a numbing agent in small doses... been using them when I've been searching to try not to harm."
she looked at Hauntress, "Is that considered useful?"
"The heartbeat stuff might. Depending on what kind of range you get with that. The rest of it won't help us find the creeps."
Hauntress has a heartbeat. But it's incredibly slow.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"It truly depends on how much I am concentrating on it... but I should be able to find any one hiding in the building if I walk around a bit." she closes her eyes and begins her search
"By all means give that a try, just in case. They fled to west Ironport, so if we ever get there you can use your whatever to try and find them."
Hauntress folds her arms and waits for Xerine to finish what she's doing.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Sparrow, at your service."
"Hi! I'm Broach!"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Kate straightened up as the pain had finally receded to a dull ache. She moved over to stand with the group. "Did anyone see license plates or clock the make/model of the vans? If so, I have a resource that can track the vehicles via traffic cams. Also, if we're going to be raiding a possible villain base, I'll need a transport to my home base so I can change."
"Oh, and hello to the new faces. I'm Blind Edge."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Scarlet Striker. Pleased to meet you, your highness."
He takes a bow for Xerine, mostly due to her royal background.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Nagual also bows before Xerine, offering a smile and wave.
“Nagual, a pleasure.” With that, he looks to Kate, and offers.
“We can head to base after you change and try looking at security cams at base? Regardless we need to do something, there’s nothing else here I don’t think.”
He thinks for a moment, and adds.
“We also need to post a guard on the thug who tried to off himself, I’ve seen too many action films and Soprano’s episodes where the witness or rat gets offed by the bad guy.”
Xerine stops then looks back at the introductions and curtises again to the bows.
"A pleasure to meet you all. You need someone to stay here? I can fill that role, i have yet to complete my own reason for being here. Go complete your mission."
"... What is your reason for being here?"
Hauntress asks, ever suspicious.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Xerine pauses for a second. "My ship... i crashed not too far from the city it self. I was flung from the wreckage by the time i healed and made my way back to it they had stripped it and taken everything they could of it... im trying to find the parts."
"Huh, well if there's one thing I can say is that this day has been very...eventful. So in that case I'm guessing you ship is somewhere in the outskirts of town then?"
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
''Fathom, its quite eventful up here on the surface world.''
"What is left of it yes, essentially a shell they could not yet cut through to take the metal. I have gotten back a couple of pieces of the life support making it at least comfertable shell."
"How long ago did your ship crash? I'm surprised government types weren't the ones to pick it apart."
Hauntress pauses before continuing
"I ask because these goons have the missing people in some kind of suspended animation thingy, and if it's been a while they might be using tech they ripped off from you."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Hmm, do you have a way of detecting your technology? Maybe getting a bearing on it?" Broach looked thoughtful...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
'' civilization has learned how to set sail in the skies? Is this an landweller thing or is the sky an ocean in itself?'' Fathom asked after realizing what the other newcomer's words implied.
"Ha... Talk about a fish out of water. That joke was terrible. Heh."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Not really... ive been looking the hard way. Its been a couple of months at this point i would say if i could find my AI. I could find the rest much easier." She answered each question quickly, " Yes my people sail the stars, and i dont think the technology is mine.
"It's an 'everybody with a need to explore' thing. ' To seek out new life-forms, new civilizations...'" Broach picked up a wastepaper basket and brought it out. "But right now we need clues."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Right, while I'm sure we all have our fair share of questions and such. I think we should get back to the main mission objective at this time and look to telling each other's origin stories later."
Scarlet seizes his leaning against a crate and returns back to doing some searching of the warehouse.
"As for our guy who tried to off himself, I agree that we do need to have someone keep a close eye on him. So if anyone wants to volunteer as tribute, please speak your piece."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"I have already volunteered since im not done looking here, the rest of you may go to the main base if you need. Although if you find anything that may seem alien in orgin i would apreciate it if you showed it to me wheb you get back."
"Sorry, I guess no one mentioned that our prisoner is in the hospital. He almost succeeded in killing himself." Broach was taking papers out of the basket, looking each one over, and then setting them in different places on the nearest crate.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Yeah that was a pretty messy sight, but either way at least the guy is alive. Though I'm still curious about our care package suspended in ice. I wouldn't suppose ol' Birdbrain has some sort a gadget or whatever that could help?"
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"I'll go." Kate spoke.
"I'm the least likely to have my presence questioned by staff or police. People are reticent to question the blind for fear of offending and/or causing a scene. I'll also be the least likely to arouse suspicion from the thugs compatriots should they pay him a visit." she continued.
She then stepped off to the side. "Broach, a word?" she asked, motioning to the portalist.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Broach set down the last page from the waste basket, and stepped over to Blind Edge. "Yes, I can get you there easily, and you have my cell number if there's trouble. Anything else?" Not being in a hurry, she opened up a scouting portal to find a place for Kate to enter discretely.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
"Huh, smart choice B-E. Still be careful while over there. Since we're still yet to know how deep Keeling's connections go, he might send a hit of some sort out on this guy if he is to learn of his 'lively' presence."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Kate nodded at Rio. "Actually, can you 'port me to..." she started to speak before leaning in to whisper something in the other girl's ear and showing her something on Kate's phone.
"I need to change, then get my armor and sword so that I'm ready to go when we hit their base. The hospital you sent him to is near there, so I can bus or walk. I have roof access, so you can scout those GPS coordinates starting at roughly 50 feet above the street."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Broach nodded. "Not a problem." She opened a new scouting portal, at the top of a roof looking up to see that there were no flyers about to pass through the area, then another to the exact coordinates, looking down, and finally a large portal at the level of the rooftop. It took perhaps three seconds.
After Edge went through, she closed the portal, then opened a new scouting portal at the hospital, by one of the ceiling lights directly above the ER desk. The zoom feature of the camera in her smartphone let her read the logbook with only slight difficulty. The John Doe was still in surgery, apparently, and police had been notified, but they weren't there yet. Broach closed the portal to avoid notice.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Nagual nodded at BE’s words, agreeing with her deduction, as he looks to Scarlet and then to the others.
“I’m assuming the icebox than is back at base rather than in the open, then we should probably check on it, and then you and I can try tracking round two?” To Scarlet and Sparrow, before turning to Fathom.
“Perhaps you can check the bay for any more anamolies in environment like the one that led you here?”
Kate flew down the fire escape and pushed the window open, then hopped through and landed on her bed. Ten minutes later, she'd changed into her lightly armored unitard and clothes that covered it. She piled the attachable ceramic plates into a bag and her sheathed sword into a modified messenger's tube.
She headed down to her mom's office and gave her a quick hug, then filled her in on the warehouse fight and the team's need to track the vans. Stephanie smirked at her daughter, then turned to her computer. "And here I thought you were going to ask for something hard. Run along. I'll have something for you in 20 minutes."
Kate grinned and headed towards the front door. Once outside, she messaged Rio. [i]Anything on John Doe? [/i]
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Got it. Sounds like a plan."
Scarlet nodded at Nagual before jabbing a thumb back at Sparrow.
"Once we get the kid thawed out, maybe Birdbrain's computers can help with some sort of identification or even personal records so we can get them home safely."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Sparrow nodded.
"Yeah, it would be of use."
Nagual nodded.
“It’s settled then, we have our jobs, let’s keep in contact and get to work.”
With that, he scampered up the side of the awarehouse like a car and out of the warehouse, headed back to base in order to thaw out and take a look at the kid that they managed to rescue.
Sliding down an alleyway with his claws adjacent to building that housed the Nest, Diego silently hoped that whatever they would find in that box was still bearing the semblance of the teen they were before.
Approaching it gingerly, he reached out a covered hand to initiate the thawing process, one thought racing through his head as he awaited for the doors to open.
Please don’t be Immanuel.
Scarlet would watch as Diego wasted no time to quickly scale the warehouse and head back to the Nest.
" he's likely going to beat me to the Bird's Nest. But anyways, guys we've clearly stumbled upon something that goes beyond a couple of kidnappings. Stay sharp and on alert, I'm going to head back to Nest with Nagual and investigate the freezer unit. And...yeah I think that's it. Keep your comms on."
Following this, Scarlet scales the warehouse as well and utilizes the use of his grapnel bracers to quickly maneuver his way back from Ironport and to Sparrow's hideout.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"I still don't have one, but sure... I guess I'll head to west Ironport and see what I can scare up."
Hauntress just floats on up
"Maybe see if bird boy's computer can find out if this week's lair is on the power grid. Probably uses a lot of power."
Hauntress's voice seeming to come from just beside Scarlet
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
The presence of Hauntress's voice ultimately spooks Scarlet and causes him to temporarily lose his grip on grapple line before casting out another to save himself from becoming a red, white, and black splat on the ground.
"Holy-...! Stupid ghost powers...but yeah that would help a lot actually. Once that's done we can then peek into some Birdbrain's search history...if he hasn't cleared it yet."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"Ah farewell, if you are all leaving. I am willing to give a way to contact myself if you want it. if not perhaps we may meet again by chance." She smiled politely not showing her teeth.
Rio sent a picture of the log page, with an arrow added to indicate John Doe. [i]This is all, so far. Looks like the dox are still woking on him.[/i] She considered going back to correct the spelling, but decided it wasn't worth the time. She reopened the scouting portal over the ER desk to monitor the situation.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Kate listened to Rio's text and harrumphed. She'd been hoping there'd be more word by now. Shrugging to herself, she tucked her phone away and set off towards the hospital.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
As soon as the cryopod opens, Diego’s attempt at a greeting would be cut off by a blast of golden light and a bumrush by a shoulder, swinging him flying through the air and through a table.
The origin of said blast is a teen with dishelved brown hair, wild looking hazel eyes, a pale and sunstarved complexion with motes of condensation decorating him. Clad only in a pair of modest thermal pants, his chest and arms would bard clear needle marks and IV incisions, among a few scant moles.
Landing in a cat like crouch, even Nagual’s enhanced reflexes can barely catch the escapee moving in a Golden streak about the base, smashing into walls and equipment trying to find or create an exit.
“Guys, we have very mobile trouble back at base! Kid’s going ballistic! Could use some help-” He would cut off before the comm fizzles out.
Listening in on his comm and hear Diego's distress call, Scarlet picks up speed and begins to race back to base. Alternating between a series of grapnel zips and swings, parkour vaults across several rooftops, and utilizing his own enhanced speed, Scarlet finally arrives at the Nest to aid Nagual.
"Geez! What the hell's going on?! They turned the kid into a comet?"
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Said comet would barrel towards and attempt to bum rush Arthur, prefacing the move with a blast of light, as he yells out.
“I’m not being put into a cage again, leave me alone!”
He would notice though that with every streak and super speeded move across the base, the teenage boy would seem a bit weaker, his energy dimming. His charge, while powerful, may be finite.
Recovering from being tossed and blasted about, Nagual shakily stands and moves to Scarlet, shaking his head.
“He thinks we’re whoever worked on him, he moved faster than even I can keep up with, but he’s getting slower. We shouldn’t hurt him, he’s just scared and needs to calm down!” Nagual move out of the way of a energy blast, his attention now focused on the dodging feline hero for now.
Scarlet would dodge out of the way of the comet's bum-rushed attack, but barely. Normally landing on his feet, Scarlet lands on his side/back trying to avoid from getting hit by the teen.
"Christ! Kid relax! We're not the bad guys here, we saved you from whoever did this to you!"
Striker would be wary on his next action, noting that the teen's light-based powers allowed him to move and do things at blitzing speeds. He attempted to talk the kid down and keep from hurting Nagual.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
The blitzing teen would stop for a moment, panting, taking a moment to look around at Scarlet’s words, and note where he is.
Taking a moment to look down at himself, and his body, the scars littering his arms and chest, the pod he was freed from he would begin to try and reach out and grab a hold of something as he tiredly murmers.
“N-Need to go back, m-my friends. Immanuel-need to...”
Unable to complete his sentence, the boy would stumble and fall towards the ground unconscious, his energy reserves spent.
Standing up quickly, Nagual would rush towards the boy, lifting his head up to avoid him suffocating on his tongue, as he looks to Scarlet.
“Please tell me you have Broach’s number or a working comm, we need to get him to a hospital or Starlight.”
"No worries, my comm is still up and working. I'll try to get in contact with someone."
Scarlet would tap the ear that held his comm unit and desperately try to get in contact with someone from the team. While his mask concealed his facial expression, Scarlet was clearly very nervous and couldn't help but pace around the room as it put out a call for anyone to hear.
"Guys, the kid...We freed him from the pod he was being contained in He needs help. We've got to get him to a hospital or the very least have Starlight put her healing powers to good use here. Either way, neither of us have the transportation needed to get him medical attention fast enough."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Broach felt the smartphone vibrate in her hand, and moved it away from the scouting portal to read the message. "Oh, sh..." She opened the scouting portal wide and tumbled through, rolling off the desk and letting the portal close behind her as she came to her feet.
"What the-" The desk nurse was startled by the sudden appearance of Broach, and was about to press a call button.
"Sorry, but we've got another patient coming in!" Broach opened a portal to the Bird Nest, holding it at basket sized only long enough to make sure no one would be cut by it. Then she opened it wide, stepping through and yelling, "Hospital, ER, right this way!"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
At nearly the same moment, Kate walked through the hospital doors and was practically smacked in the face by the combined smell of ozone and disinfectant. She took a moment to focus and dial her sense of smell back.
As Broach hopped through to the Bird's Nest, Kate had to force herself to go sit down. As much as she wanted to help, she had to keep up the appearance of poor little blind girl. Sighing, she headed for the lobby to wait for word on the thug's condition.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Nagual wasted no time in sprinting the kid through Broach’s portal, his Health class notecards and studying his Mom’s nursing textbooks giving him at least something as he usher him to a nearby attending.
“Faint, possible blood loss evident by signs of fatigue, usage of unknown drugs, potentially Chaser. He’s a mutant, or has powers, speed and energy blasts, so be careful.”
Wheeled off, the teen would be mumbling and semi coherent but in the best hands possible at the moment. Now taking a moment to finally rest and sit, Nagual looks at his teammates in the lobby, sighing with tiredness.
“What now? We have potentially two witnesses to protect, but something tells me that once this kid wakes up, he may be our key, and an even bigger target.” Diego stops for a moment, and a scared teen instead of a cat powered mystical hero surfaces.
“He has so many needlemarks, and what look like patches from a user and he smelled like he was pumped full of drugs. He's just a kid, man. All of them were. I was so scared to open the box and just find a body, or Immanuel.” He looks down.
“He mentioned him. That means he’s alive and they’re kept in the same place, but we have no way of finding out where it could be. How do we fix this? This is bigger than us now.”
Hauntress floats high above West Ironport searching for any locations that the bad guys might hold out in or the getaway vehicles.
She's not sure what she'll do if she finds them. She has an idea for contacting the others though she doesn't know for sure if it'll work but with how nebulous and strange her powers are, even to her, it just might work.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Scarlet folds his arms and has his head hanging towards the floor. So many thoughts were racing through his own head it was difficult to even think straight, let alone offer some insight into the current situation.
"I don't know...This is...just wow."
Scarlet rubs the back of his head and neck.
"I agree that out of our two witnesses, the kid would be the bigger target. This Keeling guy has done a decent job at keeping a low profile if you exclude the numerous missing person reports. The problem is we need to get answers out of someone while the trail is still slightly warm. He knows we're onto him now, so chances are from this point onward he will tread more carefully than before."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Hauntress would find that with her ghostly abilities, if she was familiar with the impression of the storage pod’s electronic signature, she would be able to track the unique sort of trail to a collection of warehouses in West Ironport.
Whether it is a staging area or a legit medical equipment warehouse, is unknown at the moment.
"Well that's something. I should probably call that in."
Now she gets to try her idea. She finds a payphone, picks it up and concentrates...
In the Bird's Nest a phone will ring, if the place doesn't have a phone then someone's phone within the place will ring.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Kate would note that peculiarly, as they stay and wait for the teen they have brought to get settled, that slowly but surely, a change could be felt in the hallway near the rooms of the two recovering occupants.
Kate, Arthur, Diego, and perhaps Fathom would be able to note that the hallway would reek of fear, not a discernible scent but like chemicals, pheromones.
Nurses and doctors exit the area in droves and begin to place panicked calls to the TCPD, only to find that phone lines have been cut. If they are able to conquer their fear and the wash of pheromones, the teens would note that the source seems to be in between the two rooms they need to protect.
Someone is here for their charges.
Broach didn't recognize the number, but pushed the "accept" button anyway. "Hello?" She looked back through the portal into the emergency room, and noted the staff almost running out of the hall...
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Picking up on the peculiar scent that lingered down the hallway, Scarlet couldn't help but hold his nose a bit and take into account that the hospital staff was making a break for the closest phones they could find.
"Uhh...guys? Either the lunchroom is making some really stank food or something...odd is happening..."
Shaking his head a bit, trying to ward off the pheromones and it's effects. Scarlet would try to maintain his composure and keep calm.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
The group would note that the pheromones would settle in the area of the hallway, and everyone, even those who are injured or otherwise disabled, are attempting to escape from the area.
It seems though that because of their enhanced phisiologies or abilities, they may not be affected as strongly as baseline humans. Or perhaps the pheromones have not reached their full affect.
And then, without warning, the hospital goes dark, with only the emergency generators eerie red light and the nearby flashes of light from passersby around the hospital shining through providing visibility.
Multiple footsteps are heard, from their gait and the sound of equipment settling, no doubt thugs, along with a distinct set of high heels echoing at the end of the hallway.
Whatever is attacking the hospital, or preparing an attack, is already inside.
On the other end of the phone line there's breathing then it hangs up.
The temperature drops and from behind Broach comes Hauntress's voice.
"Oh, hey. That actually worked. I think I found something... What's going on through there?"
Hauntress steps up beside Broach to get a better look through her portal.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Sam made a face as the panicked thoughts and feelings flooded into her head, she sat up from the emergency room bed, grabbing the IV pole and starting to wheel it along with her, a yellow fluid filled the IV bag that was connected to her arm. The petite sixteen year old was in sweat pants, a dingy tank top and her pale blonde hair was tossed up into a messy bun...her nose also appeared to be broken but healing. She had become an extreme regular the last few weeks while testing the limits of her powers, with less than appealing results.
"Seriously...can't a girl get a little R&R without some punks thinking its a great idea to stink bomb the place...jeez" As she walked, she reached out touching anyone she could to send a rush of calming over them "Haven't any of you people heard of in a 'calm and orderly' fashion." she rolled her eyes as she tried to calm as many of the civilians as she could, making her way toward the pheromones she could feel her heart racing as she stared down the hallway trying to make heads or tails of the situation she was shuffling head first into.
"Hello?" her voice a bit shakey as she clutched the IV pole tighter ((I hope its not too late to join))
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
After only a minute of smelling the slowly building sourness of the pheromones, Kate nodded. Grabbing her bag, she stepped into the nearby bathroom and emerged a few minutes later. Once again, she was clad in the dark grey bodyglove with black ceramic armor plates. As she stepped out, she was belting the deep green silk sash around her waist, the undecorated ninjato scabbard hanging at her side. She then pulled out the deep green band of silk and wrapped it around her eyes. Just as she finished, the lights went out. She did not notice the change in light level, but rather the sudden absence of the buzz from the fluorescent lights.
Kate smirked grimly and stretched out with her senses. "Not everybody needs light to function..."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Kate and Sam would be interrupted by the sound of a lighter starting, as a African American woman clad in a black bodysuit with different style texturing accenting her breasts and hips.
Waving around the cigarette, she would speak with a lilt of the honey only a southern accent could give off.
They would all also be able to note she is where the pheromones have been emanating from. “Got a light, sugar?”
She would drop her leg from the wall, revealing a hissing oxygen tank, and looking at the teens with deadly seriousness.
“Now word is that you have two things that belong to my employer. I don’t want to cause a fuss now, and my lovely little electric friend you met earlier is downstairs having some fun with the wiring.”
She lets this sink in for a moment.
“Now I’m all about cracking a few eggs to make a good omelette, but if disturbed...I can be a messy cook.” She states with clear intent. If they make a scene, she has no qualms about blowing up the hospital, or causing collateral damage.
“Now, if we can be civil, and hand over these two without a fight, it would be much appreciated.”
Moving in a blur, the stealthed Nagual would grab the tank and move it out of her range, rolling it into a nearby room and turning back to her, baring his claws.
“No deal, sugar. Guys, keep her away from the thug and the kid, and someone needs to get downstairs and stop Blackout!”
Desiree laughs, unsheathing her karambit knives as she stalks forward.
“Omelettes it is then.”
She huffed yanking the IV out if her arm shifted from foot to foot, trying to build up some kind of kinetic energy
"Look lady, I don't know who the hell you think you are but is whatever your after really worth destroying any entire hospital? Why don't you have some empathy?" She smiled gently trying to take a few steps closer when the shifting wasnt enough with her hands held up to show no weapons, leaving enough room to one side so Kate could easily get by her.
"I see you like playing with people's emotions...that the only pheromone you can make?"
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
In a blur of movement, Kate drew her ninjato and then detached the scabbard from the silk belt, brandishing both. She made to charge around Sam, but then she jumped up and kicked off from the wall. The kick propelled her through a side aerial over Sam's head to hopefully take the woman by surprise.
As Kate landed, she swiped high with the blade and low with the scabbard. Her senses were going full blast, granting her near total awareness of the battlefield.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]