So this question doesn't necessarily pertain to the game, or a backstory per se. However I figured this would be the best place to ask this question. I'll probably make this character in game as well so I figured why not ask it here? I'm writing a story about a teenager with antlers. In the world he lives in people with antlers are looked down on, and feared. While he doesn't mind his antlers, for the sake of everyday life having his antlers seen by everyone upon entering a village would be a big hassle. People might treat him like total crap, attempt to kill him etc. etc. He's able to remove his antlers by force however this causes great pain, and they grow back within a day. How can this character hide his antlers? I'd prefer no turbans as this doesn't really fit his personality, however I suppose if that is the only option than he'll have to deal. Any and all suggestions welcome and appreciated!
Tue, 06/26/2018 - 23:37
How can a character hide antlers?
What kind of antlers? We talking like little nubs, full on moose, or something in between?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
I like this "antler guy" idea as a character concept. It sort of reminds me of Hellboy and how he keeps his horns filed down so that he can better "fit in" with his friends:
I suppose I would ask the same question Project_Hero did as far as how big these antlers are. If they're huge there's not likely going to be any obvious way to "hide" them unless you just came up with having something like a magical headband that could make the antlers invisible.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
If you can't hide them, make them look fake. Put one of those headband things under them and a little felt on the bottom. Everyone would just assume they're fake antlers.
People would wonder why this weirdo is always wearing fake antlers, of course, but there are people with fixation on a certain piece of clothing, like Louise from Bob's Burgers is always wearing that pink bunny hat. There could be actual ears under there, and no one would ever know.
The world you describe has a group of people who all have antlers and this makes them a target for persecution, up to and including being targeted for death. I just don't see any logical way to hide the antlers that wouldn't draw immediate suspicion. Unless the antlers are quite small then anything a player does to cover them will be instantly recognized as an effort to do so.
If your world had magic which could hide the antlers through illusions or maybe some high tech devise that could camouflage them then I could see it being done. But as it is I don't see how antlers, which tend to be fairly large, can be hidden.
I would ask a question though. Are the antlers on these people the same as antlers on animals? If they are then they are shed at certain points. During one of these times when the antler is shed they can effectively have the capacity to regrow them intentionally burned out. The character would still have noticeable nubs where the antlers grow from but those would be much easier to hide with hats or hair growth.
They're not huge. The antler size will grow as he ages. Even when he removes them by force when they grow back they'll grow to a consistent size. It's like a 2 point buck at the age I have him now. Approximately the size in this image
In this world the antlers aren't shed like animals. This tribe of people was cursed, and the antlers act as a signifying mark to everyone else in the world. When he removes them there will be small nubs where they grow from.
Thanks for the pic. So the next question I'd have is did this character come to Earth to avoid the persecution of having the antlers? If he did then maybe he could simply not hide them because presumably people would not pick on him here. Or is the issue that the character fears that other people from his world would follow him to Earth to hunt him down for being some kind of fugitive?
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012
He didn't mean to come to earth he fell through a portal to this world. And I think eventually he'll opt for no longer hiding them, but in his world he's been persecuted since birth for these horns. So even if no one in this world cares he has antlers, after years and years of death threats and dirty looks HE cares that he has them. Any time someone looks at his horns he flinches. It's not so much he thinks someone from his world followed him, it's that he thinks the persecution from his world followed him.
A good-size afro could hide those.
I repeat my suggestion.
Hah I used to have an afro, so I don't see why he can't! Thanks
a giant hat
not my video just one I lke ===>
Hmmm any suggestions on hat type? A top hat could work
A giant foam hat like one would wear at a football game, also? Nothing but a speedo from the forehead down, call him "Captain Cowboy"...
not my video just one I lke ===>
This kind of hat might work.
Wear Two Hats.
Be Well!
An upside down Devo hat?
One of those giant designer hats worn at royal stuff. You could hide ten antlers in some of those.
A winter-themed reindeer hat (actual antlers are inside hollow hat antlers).
Honestly, based off what you have put there is no realistic way to hide them without cutting them off and actively keeping them shaved down on a daily basis. Without you have this world set up, you kind of wrote yourself into a corner...any sort of massive hats, hair styles, scarves, headbands or otherwise is going to draw suspicion. So, my opinion for options is cutting them off and grinding them down, if possible damaging the area they grow from to prevent regrowth.
Loyal CoH/CoV player/Roleplayer from:
June 5th 2005 to November 30th 2012
Virtue server
@Spiritual Shell
Techno Mistress, Victoria Craft, Lil' Wolf, Spiritual Shell
He only travels to towns on rainy/snowy days
hair like this [img][/img]
he could force his horns to grow backwards and then hide them by braiding around them
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He doesn't hide them, but he is forced into a public ID. It's not so bad in this world, filled with so many heroes. In titan city people may notice, but for the first time in his life most don't care or discriminate. In fact, he gets a LOT more attention from the girls.
Titan city IS the place where the police chief has a Dog's head. Antlers are not so strange after all. His main worry is to stay out of the woods during hunting season.
I like the idea of the braids. The horns don't need to be smushed backwards, just wrapped up among a spray of braid-y dreadlocks.
(But fewer, chunkier braids).
[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]
*perks up*
My Moose Sense is tingling!
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team[/color]
I like this idea a lot. Like he breaks them off once and forces the regrowing horns to grow backwards into his hair. This is a splendid idea! Thanks, to you, and everyone for all the suggestions!
This was also my first thought. Many gallons of truth reside within.