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Ideas for a Cyberpunk Styled Medic

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Sleepymoth's picture
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Ideas for a Cyberpunk Styled Medic

Hey, so due to my newfound obsession with Cyberpunk 2077 (although I always loved the genre) I wanted to make an vigilante or rogue character that is a Cyberpunk styled cyborg that is able to patch and support others in battle while not being a push over on their own.

I already have ideas of what I want them to look like and a real name. I just have been having trouble trying to figure out a backstory and what exactly their ''power set'' actually is. Power set wise I was thinking of something like Wildstar's medic class were they use hyper specialized defibrillators to fight and heal or an Commander power set were they use minions (neurally remote controlled bots) to heal. I personally think the former is more unique of an idea then the later.

The only ability I can completely decide on is to use parkour. Backstories have been hard to choose too. I have various ideas about it. One idea is that she was an victim of a serial killer villain and put herself back together. Another is that she was a trauma ward nurse that broke under pressure or just an nurse that had a familiarity with prosthetics and how they were made. The last main idea I had was that she was someone that aspired to be an alternate model but didn't have the looks nor the influence to make it so she studied and experimented with cybernetics and eventually changed her body to reflect what she wanted to be. Her reason in that case to heal people and fight off gangs on the streets would simply be because she wanted to be remembered for something other than looks.

I also am really struggling to find a codename. The best I can come up with is either Meditech, Flatline (sounds too villainous I think), or Stabilize

Its hard for me to decide on one idea though. Does anyone have any more ideas on backstories, codenames, or ''powersets''.

Lothic's picture
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This seems to be a cool idea

This seems to be a cool idea so far. How about using "Stat" for a name? It's the [url=]shorthand Latin term[/url] doctors like to use when they want something done "immediately". Sounds like something a medical cyborg might use for themselves after a bunch of human doctors might have yelled that at her forever. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Codename: Hippocratech

Codename: Hippocratech

Atama's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Codename: Hippocratech


I like the idea of a huge behemoth guy in a doctor’s outfit, healing and smashing things with his fists, named Hippocratic Oaf.

Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Codename: Hippocratech


I like the idea of a huge behemoth guy in a doctor’s outfit, healing and smashing things with his fists, named Hippocratic Oaf.

I lol'd.

Lothic's picture
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Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:
Atama wrote:
Cobalt Azurean wrote:

Codename: Hippocratech


I like the idea of a huge behemoth guy in a doctor’s outfit, healing and smashing things with his fists, named Hippocratic Oaf.

I lol'd.

Wouldn't a medical person harming people like that be a Hypocritic Oaf? ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 17 hours 32 min ago
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We've seen a significant lack

We've seen a significant lack of healing dedicated powersets, so I think there is really only one choice: Support Archetype: Preservation Set. It might be possible that the Devices Set will also have healing powers, but we don't see that from the info we've been provided so far.
As for secondary power sets, you only have Ranged Offense at launch. If you're willing to wait, you will get offensive assault (mixture of ranged and melee) or Manipulation. I'm thinking that you may want to go with Assault from what you've discussed so far, because that is most like the Wildstar Medic model. We know nothing of the manipulation power sets, so it wouldn't hurt to keep an open mind until we see those.

With that in mind, my mind's eye is picturing someone with huge telescoping probiscus-like needles extending from each forearm the way a tonfa would be, and fed by tubes originating from your shoulders or back. With these you can inject nanobots into your allies and enemies alike, with differing effects. So you'd look almost like an assassin. This is the closest picture I could find with a reasonable search:

Or instead of slender probiscus-like needles, you could go for the heavy multipurpose look like this (I'm looking at the arms):

This is now starting to remind me of a skyforge alchemist:

*edited to correct terminology: Manipulation instead of mitigation

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:

We've seen a significant lack of healing dedicated powersets, so I think there is really only one choice: Support Archetype: Preservation Set. It might be possible that the Devices Set will also have healing powers, but we don't see that from the info we've been provided so far.
As for secondary power sets, you only have Ranged Offense at launch. If you're willing to wait, you will get offensive assault (mixture of ranged and melee) or [b]Mitigation[/b]. I'm thinking that you may want to go with Assault from what you've discussed so far, because that is most like the Wildstar Medic model. We know nothing of the [b]mitigation[/b] power sets, so it wouldn't hurt to keep an open mind until we see those.

With that in mind, my mind's eye is picturing someone with huge telescoping hypodermics extending from each forearm the way a tonfa would be, and fed by tubes originating from your shoulders or back. With these you can inject nanobots into your allies and enemies alike, with differing effects. So you'd look almost like an assassin. This is the closest picture I could find with a reasonable search:

Or instead of slender probiscus-like needles, you could go for the heavy multipurpose look like this (I'm looking at the arms):

This is now starting to remind me of a skyforge alchemist:


I agree that Assault would likely be the closest to WS's Medic, though you will likely be able to kinda-sorta do that by using tertiary sets from launch. There's also the future Bodyguard(Melee/Support) spec for Enforcers, post launch that you could mix with Ranged tertiary powers to much the same result.

BiotopeZ's picture
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sleepymoth wrote:
sleepymoth wrote:

The last main idea I had was that she was someone that aspired to be an alternate model but didn't have the looks nor the influence to make it so she studied and experimented with cybernetics and eventually changed her body to reflect what she wanted to be. Her reason in that case to heal people and fight off gangs on the streets would simply be because she wanted to be remembered for something other than looks.

While this is the least dramatic of the options you listed, it's the one I like best. The idea that she just decided to do it, and did it, no other reason needed, is a very proactive and underutilized backstory. There needs to be some kind of tension added artificially, but that can be easy to do. A relative that disagreed with what she did and disowned her. A purist gang she had to deal with after making that choice. Etc. There seems to be an unwritten rule in comics that if you're unusual physically, but started as a normal human, then it has to be something that happened by accident or mutation. If not, you're a villain. But I say, screw that rule.

That's exactly what I did with my likely main, Edward.

Anyway, how about something with Trauma. Trauma Trooper. Trauma Centurion. Trauma Templar.

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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There is also Global Agenda's

There is also Global Agenda's Medic which is basically uses healing/poison guns (although they can also use normal guns I think) hooked up to some sort of system of tubes. Proboscis like tubes could also work.

To give you guys an indication of where my inspiration for this idea comes from. It's rooted in Cyberpunk.


This is Trauma Team. They existed in the original Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop and they exist in the game, Cyberpunk 2077, being currently made based in the near future of that universe. They are basically an paramilitary paramedic corporation that will stabilize and extract you out of dangerous areas, for an hefty price if you can pay it. They will even kill gangers that are in the way of their clients. I have heard that Shadowrun has a similar group

The physical appearance for my character will be based off this character concept. Costume design isn't decided.


BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Okay, didn't know they were

Okay, didn't know they were already called Trauma. Then I guess that won't work.

You could always go with a naming scheme like Night Nurse. She's the one in Marvel comics who fixes up street level heroes off the books, a role filled by Claire Temple in the Netflix shows.

Shadow Medic. Midnight Medic. Street Surgeon. The Concrete Doctor. Acoustic EMT (because she doesn't have to plug equipment into anything if she's powering it).

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Hmmm would Nightingale work

Hmmm would Nightingale work as a codename?

BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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It's a good name. Though, I

It's a good name. Though, I should point out that a quick search showed both a DC(astro city) and Marvel character by that name. The Marvel one was a magic based healer, but she's officially dead. Astro City version is shadow manipulation.

There's no reason there can't be a CoT character with that name, too. If it's a fairly simple name, usually you have to match the appearance too for it to become a problem. And as both DC and Marvel Nightingales are magic-based, not cybermod based, I don't think we need to worry about that.

Acyl's picture
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I'd say that while

I'd say that while 'Nightingale' is a good name, use of it depends on how much you care about uniqueness. It's good precisely because most people would get the reference. But it also means there are established characters with the name. It means other people would have their own versions, some of whom might play CoT.

When I played Champions Online, I sometimes had fun running into other player characters with identical names. Sometimes I didn't have fun. Depends a lot on the other person, I guess. With a modern naming system, outright clash isn't an issue, but if you run into other people with the name, would it bother you? If not, go ahead. If it does, then...

Here's some off-the-top-of-my-head ideas. Granted, a lot of these aren't super-unique either, I admit. :P

[b]Random Name Suggestions:[/b]

Extra Life

Atama's picture
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Both the Imperial Agent and

Both the Imperial Agent and Smuggler classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic used medicine injected from dart guns. They also had AoE heals from healing gas grenades (Kolto Bombs).

For a cybernetic healer name, what about Rocket Surgeon?

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Ahhh I never played the

Ahhh I never played the healer classes on Agent and Smuggler.

Grimfox's picture
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Have you considered going

Have you considered going with a foreign language?


(edit: my German is old.)

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Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Yes, not sure if their is any

Yes, not sure if their is any good names in another language tho

Fireheart's picture
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I liked 'Nightingale'. It

I liked 'Nightingale'. It opens up both 'bird' and 'nurse' influences.

I could argue that both of those uses for the name are general and generic. Just stay away from copying existing character Looks.

Be Well!

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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I am a heavy stickler for

I am a heavy stickler for trying to find unique or atleast relatively uncommon names though. To the point it kinda drives me nuts. I have been trying to find something in Cyberpunk works that might work.

So far I am leaning towards Lifeline, Evac, Ripperdoc, Medtech, or Bonesaw/Sawbones. Ripperdocs and Medtechs are classes in the original Cyberpunk 2020 game (and judging by it they are definetly going to be present in 2077).

Some of those names are villainous sounding though. Albeit considering she is likely going to be a rogue or vigilante type names that are threatening might not be that bad of idea. Pure heroic types in the cyberpunk genre are pretty rare if not impossible due to the nature of the genre.

Atama's picture
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Lifeline just makes me think

Lifeline just makes me think of the G.I.Joe character. I couldn’t see a character with that name and not think of him.


Atama's picture
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I like the name Medtech. Can

I like the name Medtech. Can’t find it used in comics except once as a group of doctors in Marvel. Not as a hero name.

rookslide's picture
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"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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I used the name Flatline for

I used the name Flatline for a hero concept once, maybe that'd work for you.

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 17 hours 32 min ago
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[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Medic Armed Super Hero!

Medic Armed Super Hero!

Cobalt Azurean
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Militant Ambulance Super Hero

Militant Ambulance Super Hero!

Project_Hero's picture
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:


My Arm Still Hurts

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Atama's picture
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Maybe you can heal people

Maybe you can heal people with the power of the Internet.

Call yourself Broadband-Aid.

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Like the joke names. I think

Like the joke names. I think I am gonna go with Medtech

Sleepymoth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Sorry for double post. I have

Sorry for double post. I have asked for 2 artists to do some art for me of Gwen/Medtech. Curious on how it'll look