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Storytime: Kitsuneko

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Fireheart's picture
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Storytime: Kitsuneko

In CoH I had a character idea combining a Kitsune (Fox Spirit) with some sort of Cat (or Cat-Spirit), for some reason I made her a Fire/Electric Blaster. Although, I later wished she’d been a Corruptor, so she could more easily buff and heal herself.

[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] (click for bigger image)
After CoH, a friend was trying to get me involved in a supers RPG (WtC), grabbed my character-list and said, "Who is Kitsuneko? Let's make her character in the WtC system."

So I started writing, trying to explain the character, had a Bunch of different memes and ideas trying to be expressed and came up with something I really liked. Basically an expansion of Kitsuneko’s more basic biography, but drawing in more background and lore. In the end, I made her a rather flashy ‘sorceress’.

[h2]Name: Kitsuneko[/h2]
[h3]Identity: Kitsuneko[/h3]

[b]Archetype:[/b] ‘Sorceress’ and ‘Summoner’
[b]Primary:[/b] Fiery/Energy Blast
[b] Secondary:[/b] Utility/Support/Summons

[b]Movement:[/b] Flight/Teleportation/Parkour

In the gardens of the great temple of Inari there is a calm, quiet pool, shaded by willow and cherry trees. Sometimes, colorful fish appear to swim about, then vanish into the depths. In the center of this pool, a pristine silken cushion seems to float, unmarked by weather or time (it’s supported by a stone platform). Visitors are told that a jewel of inestimable worth rests there, but no one sees it.

Except, sometimes, a beautiful woman rests on the cushion, in serene meditation. Perhaps she’ll speak?

“Love-child of a Kitsune and a Neko-kami, I was raised, quietly, away from the hurly-burly of the Celestial Courts. My mother taught me all the graceful arts of society and my wandering father returned often, stealing me away to lurk in the darker corners of the realm. Together, they taught me to know my hybrid heritage and power.”

“Finally, I went before the Celestial Bureaucracy to be accepted as a worthy scion of my line and a citizen of the Courts. To my shock and horror, the mandarins decried and denounced me as a vile spawn of miscegenation. They cut off my tail and expelled me from the Celestial Courts, disgraced, disfigured, anathematized, and ostracized - to die in shame.”

“But I am stronger than that, craftier and wiser than they expect of a maiden. For I know the paths of power and I have the will to walk them. I will live among the people, become a hero, and make my name last a thousand years! Then I will gain Nine tails and I will return to the Celestial Courts with power enough to defy them all!”

[h3]Appearance and Personality[/h3]
Kitsuneko appears as a tall, graceful, athletic woman, with a tumbling cascade of red-gold hair, brilliant emerald eyes, and large, sharp-pointed, catlike-ears. She can also assume a fully human-like form, a red-gold fox, smoke-grey cat, silver-white either animal and other variations on the themes of cat/fox/human.

Usually, her inner garment is shimmering white silk, wrapped firmly at wrists, ankles, and waist, much like a 'ninja' outfit and she wears a kimono-like robe over that. Often, she goes barefoot and barehanded. In more rugged situations, she replaces the robe with leather armor, gauntlets, and tabi-boots. Around her waist, she wears a belt of many small pouches, disguised by a wrapped-cloth or jeweled-metal belt.

All of this is subject to change and shapechange.

She doesn't use a personal crest, but the PR folks have tagged her with a rainbow butterfly and she's almost pleased with that.

She is socially adept, generally polite and friendly, and easily forms close bonds with her companions. She can be reflexively rebellious towards authority but responds well to leadership, rather than instruction. She actively seeks mutual understanding with new and different persons, to build communal consensus.

However, she is also clever, cunning, and naturally seeks to subvert limitations and barriers. If something seems like a good idea, but there is some ‘can’t do that’ involved, she will probe and test that blockage, to find its limits and ways it might be bypassed. This might be seen as somewhat immoral behavior, but Kitsuneko’s personal honor and ethics are ironclad.

As she hates any restraints on herself that she does not choose to accept, she also hates restraints on others, so slavery and oppression are anathema.

As a magical spirit-being, Kitsuneko finds it easy to transform her outward shape, and appearance. As a hybrid, her ‘natural’ form is fluid and she can easily take the shapes of her ancestral totems.
She also finds the use of ‘magic’ a natural fit, yet she dislikes limits or expectations, so she often changes the appearance or nature of her magical effects.
A favorite technique is to cloak her attacks in ‘harmless’ forms, so a blast of fire might appear as a stream of bright red butterflies that start fires by ‘landing’ on her targets. An ‘area attack’ might appear to be a suddenly opened gateway, from which a flood of angry faeries rush out to assault an opponent’s knees with pickaxes, or to nail their feet to the floor. Or it might indeed be such a gateway for her summons.
Another favorite trick is to change the elements of her attacks, so fire might become acid, or ice, triggering a change in the attack’s appearance, so she might spew green, or blue butterflies. Or her ‘Faerie Horde’ might be all healer-types that surge out to repair her allies.
The point being that her approach to magic is creative, very flexible, and often unexpected. She is not, exactly, a chaos-mage, though some have accused her of such. She simply prefers to follow her own ‘rules’ and change her approach, to make her magic harder to counter.

What do you think?

Be Well!

Foradain's picture
Last seen: 2 months 6 days ago
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Joined: 10/25/2013 - 21:06
I think she'll fit right in

I think she'll fit right in here in Titan City. I wish her luck in her quest to become a cat of nine tails. ^_^

In the Wearing the Cape world (The Atlas Parallel? The Astraverse?), she might have found Japan to be too restrictive, although she might have liked The Three Remarkable Ronin. I can easily see her as a Ronin in Japan or as an immigrant hero in the United States.

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
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Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 2 days ago
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

I wish her luck in her quest to become a cat of nine tails. ^_^

The better to punish her enemies. *grin*

Yes, as an inventive 'rule-bender', she'd fit in much better in the States. Titan City seems like a perfect location for her to express herself more freely and practice her crafts of sneakery, skulduggery, and blowing up pretentious jerks in creative ways. She might have been initially attracted to the Five Dragons, but probably wouldn't like their 'style'. 'Noble' is as nobles do and she has high principles for noble behavior, following her mother's example. She has great expectations for herself. She may be exiled from the Celestial Courts, but that doesn't mean she can't behave with propriety and choose her associates with care.

Be Well!

Culach's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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Yeah, Defensenet would have

Yeah, Defensenet would have been a pain in her ass, and she would have followed the exploits of the Three Remarkable Ronin with great interest. At least insofar as what I know of Kitsuneko from all the discussions I have had with Fireheart about her.


Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 13:45
Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

In the Wearing the Cape world (The Atlas Parallel? The Astraverse?), she might have found Japan to be too restrictive, although she might have liked The Three Remarkable Ronin. I can easily see her as a Ronin in Japan or as an immigrant hero in the United States.

At the time of this writing, I had not yet read 'Ronin Games', so I was not familiar with the Three Remarkable Ronin, but I agree, Kitsuneko would have appreciated them and Not fit into the Japan of that milieu. Grounded in Tradition, she might have Wanted to fit in but would have chafed at the restrictions and been forced to be a Ronin or to emigrate to a more flexible society. Alternately, I can see her going straight from the Celestial Courts to Titan City, Mass., seeing it as a perfect venue for amassing power, prestige, fame, and fortune.

Does anyone have suggestions for what she might find in CoT? When she might have appeared? (Like James Duncan, she's nigh immortal, so she might have been in TC for ages.) Who she might encounter and how she relates? As a 'rogue sorceress', is she living quietly? Does she have a dayjob? Or is she jetsetting among the fashionable people? Perhaps she's an artist? I could imagine her as a hot bass-player in a girl-band, or crafting exotic art-bits, or working at a museum... etc.

Be Well!

Fireheart's picture
Last seen: 9 months 2 days ago
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Joined: 10/05/2013 - 13:45
Not something _I_ think I

Not something _I_ think I would be good at, but Kitsuneko might be very effective as a 'social facilitator', helping powerful people meet and work together smoothly. Do we have a name for such, in the real world? Hostess?

Be Well!