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how about a gang managing mini game?

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notears's picture
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how about a gang managing mini game?

So I had this idea while playing dragon age inquisition, and I was wondering... could we add something like the map from that game to here? Like what I'm thinking of is to have something that's more like a facebook game, where you train up a group of henchmen, and you send them out on missions. and like depending on how well you do you could get tips and loot from this that could help you when you're playing your hero/ villain. Maybe even a temporary power where you can call in some minions or one of your lieutenants to fight with you, and like this could come in like different varieties like, maybe your hero makes a deal with police and let's you have your own squadron, or a punisher style vigilante could start training young toughs to fight crime, or your mage/martial artist/ mad scientist could get a following of apprentices, or your villain is managing your own mafia/ street gang.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Lothic's picture
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You've got a lot of

You've got a lot of interesting overlapping ideas here. The basic one I see here is the idea of getting long term benefits from various "third-party contacts".

The cool part is that these "contacts" could be handled as sorts of vague entities who are supposedly doing things for you "off-camera" so to speak. Where that kind of thing becomes actively helpful to you could be represented in all sorts of ways. For instance maybe you could get a temp power where you could summon a special thug or cop to help you (because you helped out a certain police lieutenant or mob boss) but you can only use that power like once every 48 hours real time. Or there's a group of occultists who you've conned into making them think you're their demonic master so you have them craft a certain kind of magic potion for you that they deliver to you once a day. Or maybe you can get a tip from a friendly private investigator for a special kind of mission but you only get one of those like once a week. These would be very long term things that are kind of like "calling in favors" from people that you can't use every 5 minutes.

I generally like this idea.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Riptide's picture
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This sounds similar to STO's

This sounds similar to STO's Duty Officer missions.
While you normally play as the "Captain" of the ship with one to four pet bridge officers, you can queue up these duty officer assignments carried out off-camera by your (sometimes) hundreds of available crewmen. You can collect duty officers with different stats to improve your chances of a successful mission and gain all sorts of stuff from in-game currency to consumable items. STO's system also lets you gain some XP. If you keep DOff assignments always running you can sometimes gain a level while offline.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Lothic's picture
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Rigel wrote:
Rigel wrote:

This sounds similar to STO's Duty Officer missions.
While you normally play as the "Captain" of the ship with one to four pet bridge officers, you can queue up these duty officer assignments carried out off-camera by your (sometimes) hundreds of available crewmen. You can collect duty officers with different stats to improve your chances of a successful mission and gain all sorts of stuff from in-game currency to consumable items. STO's system also lets you gain some XP. If you keep DOff assignments always running you can sometimes gain a level while offline.

Yeah it's been so long since I played STO I'm pretty sure the "duty officer assignments" you speak of didn't even exist. ;)

But yeah the basic idea (translated to CoT) would be that these guys would not so much be directly controllable (like STO bridge officers) but instead just be like vaguely tangible NPC contacts that you get access to via doing certain missions/actions. These guys would then metaphorically run off and do things for you "behind the scenes" that you would periodically gain benefits from. And as I alluded to before the "benefits" you could gain from these guys could be almost anything imaginable such as consumable items, craft items, mission contacts, temp powers, etc.

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

Redlynne's picture
Last seen: 7 months 4 weeks ago
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This sounds a heck of a lot

This sounds a heck of a lot like the [url=]Duty Officer[/url] system used in Star Trek Online.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Lothic's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

This sounds a heck of a lot like the [url=]Duty Officer[/url] system used in Star Trek Online.

Like we haven't been talking about that very thing in the last few posts on this thread. ;)

CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Yeah gonna be honest with you

Yeah gonna be honest with you all? Never played STO and I didn't even know about the duty officer system, since my idea was more based off of dragon age inquisition's map. Still I think it would be a cool thing to have, and it could make one feel like a big manipulative villain type with a large group of minions without having to be that good at managing a super group.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Redlynne's picture
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The beauty of a Duty Officer

The beauty of a Duty Officer styled setup is that there is no necessity/mandate that you be logged into the game through the full game client in order to access the necessary functions. It would be perfectly possible to create a mobile app that delivers all of the functionality needed.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Impulse King
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notears wrote:
notears wrote:

So I had this idea while playing dragon age inquisition, and I was wondering... could we add something like the map from that game to here? Like what I'm thinking of is to have something that's more like a facebook game, where you train up a group of henchmen, and you send them out on missions. and like depending on how well you do you could get tips and loot from this that could help you when you're playing your hero/ villain. Maybe even a temporary power where you can call in some minions or one of your lieutenants to fight with you, and like this could come in like different varieties like, maybe your hero makes a deal with police and let's you have your own squadron, or a punisher style vigilante could start training young toughs to fight crime, or your mage/martial artist/ mad scientist could get a following of apprentices, or your villain is managing your own mafia/ street gang.

To me, this sounds like having kids. :)

Redlynne's picture
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[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Grimfox's picture
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Duty Officier missions sound

Duty Officier missions sound like the crew mission in SWTOR. Its a series of tasks that usually revolve around collecting rare materials for crafting. But the player doesn't have to actually do anything other then send a crew member.

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notears's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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I guess the idea is based on

I guess the idea is based on a lot of things

not my video just one I lke ===>


Beeker's picture
Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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Sounds like work for to me.

Sounds like work for to me. Others may like it. The crew missions in swtor were for crafting or getting materials for crafting (mostly). I would spend time managing my crew missions, swapping from toon to toon to gather/craft. In the end it was good for my in game pocketbook and I was supporting my guild with such stuff. But it was also a lot of time where I wasn't chopping up bad/good guys with a light saber. So it kinda became like work. So if I did it, I wouldn't do it too much and if it was "required" (not that the OP was supporting that but this happens in MMOs), I would prefer that it wasn't.
I appreciate the possibility of incorporating story elements about sidekicks/henchpersons and if this unfolded as I went on missions myself that might be more interesting as it would add to my direct (not Meta) gaming experience.
The other issue would be balance in the game from any associated perks. Perhaps perks should be minimal in effect or have long reset timers. If not then perhaps consider it a tertiary power of some kind, where you have to make a decision about where your power's are distributed. Just letting my thoughts wander there.

blacke4dawn's picture
Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
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I run across this in a few

I run across this in a few games in some form, STO, NeverWinter, SWToR, and now lastly SWL.

In most cases it sounds nice but as Beeker said it could easily be seen as more of a job than a fun side-part of the game, especially if they have direct effects on the main game. The one I've spent most time with is NeverWinter and in essence they have two of those, one for crafting and another for companions. The big thing there was that they had, for a long while, a web page where you could utilize these systems (and more) so that you could increase your crafting and companions levels (and potentially hirelings equipment) but they closed it down due to bots.

Maybe it's the more "lazy" side of me but I see these as more appropriate if done as account wide rather than character specific since I don't see many of them just sitting around waiting for just me to come around. Though being able to level the character much much faster than ones crafting certainly contributed to the feeling that account wide would be better.

As for getting this in CoT, I'm not sure since it depends a lot on how it's implemented.

Redlynne's picture
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The biggest strike against

The biggest strike against this sort of "crew mission" style of things is just the sheer multiplication of time that they "demand" as the number of alts you're playing goes up.

When I was playing Star Trek Online, I had 4 captains (2 Starfleet, 1 KDF, 1 KDF aligned Romulan). Simply doing all of the admiralty and duty officer stuff for ONE captain could easily consume a half hour of my play time. Multiply that by 4 and there goes an entire 2 hours of my life PER DAY. That basically wound up being hours of time in which the game was "playing ME" rather than me playing the game. Then if I wanted to do things like mine for Dilithium or visit all of the Fleet Holdings, tack on another half hour (or more) per captain to do those on a daily basis. POOF! There now goes an easy 4-6 hours of my life PER DAY simply doing "dailies" that have almost nothing to do with playing the game or advancing my characters through the game. I'm basically spending HOURS each day just running logistics on each of my captains, and for what? So that I'd be "rich enough" to finally at long last Play The Game eventually?

It got to the point where if I wanted to actually PLAY the game, I needed to devote an entire day off to doing so, something on the order of 12+ waking hours, just because there were so many ways to fritter away my time on a daily basis "doing chores" on each of my captains, rather than spending time having fun PLAYING THE GAME. Rather than going out and doing ground battles or space battles, I'd just log in to stand around and battle my way through menus and click on things in windows ... for HOURS ... every single day.

As has been pointed out repeatedly, at that point, you aren't playing a game anymore, the game is playing you. You aren't logging in to have fun, you're logging in to FARM. It stops being a diverting pastime and instead becomes another JOB.

And that was with just [][i]4[/i][/b] captains.
Now try to imagine the Treadmill Hell for anyone playing 10+ alts.

Yeah, no thanks.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Fireheart's picture
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I think a 'mini-game' like

I think a 'mini-game' like this would be better exported as a separate game. I know there are plenty of people who enjoy playing Farmville, or the like.

So it sounds like a great game idea! But not as part of an MMORPG.

Be Well!

notears's picture
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Well I guess we would have to

Well I guess we would have to make changes to actually make this this a fun little side thing rather than an annoying thing that takes a half hour. First of all the rewards should be minimal so that it doesn't feel required, also we should make it so that nothing in the mini game, besides pet summons, is something you need the system to get. Second we should make it so that the minion assigning is fairly quick, so rather than taking all this precious time, going to a certain place and spending a half an hour assigning minions and lieutenants and the like, you could pop open your wrist communicator and then slot your lieutenants into mission slots in the span of half a minute.

not my video just one I lke ===>


Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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blacke4dawn wrote:
blacke4dawn wrote:

I run across this in a few games in some form, STO, NeverWinter, SWToR, and now lastly SWL.

In most cases it sounds nice but as Beeker said it could easily be seen as more of a job than a fun side-part of the game, especially if they have direct effects on the main game. The one I've spent most time with is NeverWinter and in essence they have two of those, one for crafting and another for companions. The big thing there was that they had, for a long while, a web page where you could utilize these systems (and more) so that you could increase your crafting and companions levels (and potentially hirelings equipment) but they closed it down due to bots.

Maybe it's the more "lazy" side of me but I see these as more appropriate if done as account wide rather than character specific since I don't see many of them just sitting around waiting for just me to come around. Though being able to level the character much much faster than ones crafting certainly contributed to the feeling that account wide would be better.

As for getting this in CoT, I'm not sure since it depends a lot on how it's implemented.

This is pretty much how I feel about any of the Agent/Companion whatever systems. I've never really been one for managing people/assets with my various characters as I prefer to play them. That being said, if the majority of people want said system, then by all means have at it.

Redlynne's picture
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To be honest, if I want to

To be honest, if I want to play a management game, I'll grab something like the Civilization series or a Master of Orion styled game to get that fix.

Duty Officers were [i]cool[/i] in Star Trek Online, when they were first introduced ... but then the system got extended and replicated (multiple times) to the point where it basically took over being able to play the game itself. Being able to load up 20 missions for your Duty Officers to go do, and then load up another 20 missions for all the ships in your "fleet" that you've ever owned (or bought from the game store) ... on every single character you're playing ... that turns into its own management game, all on its own, and its one that in effect cannibalizes play time from the main game so as to play the (no longer) "mini"-game on all of your characters.

So I'm going to lay down a marker for this sort of thing.

[b][i]IF[/i][/b] City of Titans winds up doing something like this, it would be a Smart Move™ to necessarily limit the number of slots for objectives to be running simultaneously. Rather than having 20+ slots per character (creating a sense of "obligation" to fill them all), only have like ... 4. By limiting the number of "mini-game missions" that you can have running in the background like that, you necessarily limit the amount of DISTRACTION from playing the actual MMORPG itself, while at the same time creating a prioritization system in terms of what you want to get "done" through the mini-game at any one time. Furthermore, you'd be able to set up the rewards of the mini-game as being something that can help prevent PCs from going dead broke on IGC or other resources, but by the same token it doesn't wind up being a cash cow farming resource either.

By limiting the scope (or reach, or demand, if you prefer) of the mini-game, you prevent it from taking over the Player's (precious!) time when the Player has a huge number of alts to tend to.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

notears's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

To be honest, if I want to play a management game, I'll grab something like the Civilization series or a Master of Orion styled game to get that fix.

Duty Officers were [i]cool[/i] in Star Trek Online, when they were first introduced ... but then the system got extended and replicated (multiple times) to the point where it basically took over being able to play the game itself. Being able to load up 20 missions for your Duty Officers to go do, and then load up another 20 missions for all the ships in your "fleet" that you've ever owned (or bought from the game store) ... on every single character you're playing ... that turns into its own management game, all on its own, and its one that in effect cannibalizes play time from the main game so as to play the (no longer) "mini"-game on all of your characters.

So I'm going to lay down a marker for this sort of thing.

[b][i]IF[/i][/b] City of Titans winds up doing something like this, it would be a Smart Move™ to necessarily limit the number of slots for objectives to be running simultaneously. Rather than having 20+ slots per character (creating a sense of "obligation" to fill them all), only have like ... 4. By limiting the number of "mini-game missions" that you can have running in the background like that, you necessarily limit the amount of DISTRACTION from playing the actual MMORPG itself, while at the same time creating a prioritization system in terms of what you want to get "done" through the mini-game at any one time. Furthermore, you'd be able to set up the rewards of the mini-game as being something that can help prevent PCs from going dead broke on IGC or other resources, but by the same token it doesn't wind up being a cash cow farming resource either.

By limiting the scope (or reach, or demand, if you prefer) of the mini-game, you prevent it from taking over the Player's (precious!) time when the Player has a huge number of alts to tend to.

Yeah I was actually thinking something more like this. In Dragon Age Inquisition, you didn't have 20+ lieutenants, you just had 3 and each one of those had their own speciality and missions that they couldn't do. What I would want for this is rather than looking at examples where this has gone wrong, but rather places where this has gone right. My idea is to have 3 classes of lieutenants, generals, researchers and socialites. Generals oversee your henchmen, and can do missions about getting using your army, researchers help research different things and do missions that are about researching things, and socialites who make deals and are generally about being charismatic. The thing is is that you can only have one of each type active, which means that the most you can ever have is 3, and these lieutenants that you can find and use have different abiliteas like working faster when dealing with magic or street crime and the like, and from this you can only ever have 3 active missions from this.

not my video just one I lke ===>