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Any plans for expanded universe through professionally published comics, books etc.?

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The Hybrid
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Any plans for expanded universe through professionally published comics, books etc.?

You may remember that City of Heroes had published comics that you could've found in stores. Submitted through Blue King, and later Image/Top Cow, there were two different runs: one focused on three lesser-knowns and one focused on the Freedom Phalanx. Also, there were novels namely Web of Arachnos and The Freedom Phalanx, and a third about the Ritki War was on the way before it was cancelled. I even heard there were plans for a movie and TV series, oh how awesome that would've been.

Are there any plans for City of Titans to have an expanded universe through published comic books outside of the Hijinx series on Patreon? It's not just about regular comics, either. Given that the medium of graphic novels made over a billion last year, and I would love to have that kind of lore on my shelf, I would like to know this. There's all sorts of things that could be covered in this format. While a movie and TV series sound nice too, let's focus on the small stuff for now. Regular, written novels similar to the Tales of the TCPD and the Tales of the Underworld would be great too.

Foradain's picture
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+1 to this! More stories.

+1 to this! More stories. More lore. More exposure and maybe a bit of income, too!

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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Cyclops's picture
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I will offer Talos and Black

I will offer Talos and Black Falcon free of charge for any comic you publish. Use them for either Heroes or Villains.
I will sign any release you wish.
You know you want to do this Devs....DO IT! DO IT!
Black Falcon:


TitansCity's picture
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Hijinx is already take place

Hijinx is already take place in Titan City :) That's oblviously not a City of titans's comics but it's the comics of one super heroine among others in TC ^^
But, i think it will not be "possible" since MWM had already say that CoT will not have a predominant team of heroes like CoH have since our character is the center of the game. So, I doubt it could be possible, following this story line, to have a comics on TC.

(I just can prevent me from tell you to give some $ for it. After just 1 page, you will have, for sure, a feeling with hinjinx)

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The Hybrid
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

Hijinx is already take place in Titan City :) That's oblviously not a City of titans's comics but it's the comics of one super heroine among others in TC ^^
But, i think it will not be "possible" since MWM had already say that CoT will not have a predominant team of heroes like CoH have since our character is the center of the game. So, I doubt it could be possible, following this story line, to have a comics on TC.

(I just can prevent me from tell you to give some $ for it. After just 1 page, you will have, for sure, a feeling with hinjinx)

I already acknowledged Hijinx, but I was referring to an expanded universe to explain the world and keep it from feeling hollow and empty. Also, I hope what you're saying isn't true because it just sounds like it'd be an excuse not to tell good stories with the world.

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Warcabbit will probably

Warcabbit will probably answer your question since he's really found of comics :)
maybe he has some ideas to share with us on this subject ?

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Redlynne's picture
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It's theoretically possible

It's [i]theoretically possible[/i] that something like this might happen eventually ... but it would really be advisable for City of Titans to be a released game first, so as to be able to tie all sorts of things together properly (setting, continuity, marketing, etc.).

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Tiger's picture
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I will be doing a 10 page

I will be doing a 10 page mini-comic, kind of a personal interest story during hurricane Atlas, called Weathering the Storm. It will be available for free early in September. The City of Titans comic is still in discussion but an Anthem 4 issue mini series is planed as a test run.

Fireheart's picture
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Tiger wrote:
Tiger wrote:

I will be doing a 10-page mini-comic...

Ooo! The Byron one? I'd love to see that as an official release! And not just because one of my characters is in it.

Be Well!

Tiger's picture
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That was more of an anthology

That was more of an anthology of various actions during hurricane Atlas framed in Lord Byron's poem Titan. This is a story of Gabby Cabby taking a single mother and daughter to where they "need to be" to survive and their terrifying odyssey that follows. As Gabby says, "Not everyone with superpowers wears spandex." and "Your fate is not decided by your destination but by your journey."

Foradain's picture
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Ooh, does Gabby how powers

Ooh, does Gabby have powers like that of the Coachman from [url=]Fenarian[/url]/[url=]Hungarian[/url] [url=]lore[/url]?

Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
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doctor tyche
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Foradain wrote:
Foradain wrote:

Ooh, does Gabby have powers like that of the Coachman from [url=]Fenarian[/url]/[url=]Hungarian[/url] [url=]lore[/url]?

Maybe he *is* the coachman from Hungarian lore....

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The Hybrid
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So... any thoughts on the

So... any thoughts on the idea of an expanded universe to flesh out the CoT world?

Cyclops's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

So... any thoughts on the idea of an expanded universe to flesh out the CoT world?

How about a small country, ruled by a super human dictator and his super human minions...
40 years ago Dictator X, raised first a band of 100 super villain minions and then a human army, and invaded and took over a tiny country. He is now in complete control, recognized by the, UN and a nuclear power to boot. His super minions have bred and now there are more than 400 of them - all with diplomatic immunity.
The country is like Belize, and English speaking colony in South America. This Dictator X (to be named later), has enemies in both Britain and the US but no one can do anything as he is a nuclear power with a fleet of submarines.


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hmm sounds oddly familiar...

hmm sounds oddly familiar...


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The Hybrid
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Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
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What about a comic detailing

What about a comic detailing the events of Hurricane Atlas, and the Atlas 33 that saved Titan City?

Amerikatt's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

How about a small country, ruled by a super human dictator and his super human minions...
40 years ago Dictator X, raised first a band of 100 super villain minions and then a human army, and invaded and took over a tiny country. He is now in complete control, recognized by the, UN and a nuclear power to boot. His super minions have bred and now there are more than 400 of them - all with diplomatic immunity.

The country is like Belize, and English speaking colony in South America. This Dictator X (to be named later), has enemies in both Britain and the US but no one can do anything as he is a nuclear power with a fleet of submarines.

*alerts Squirrel Girl and her Squirrel Army!*

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Tiger's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

So... any thoughts on the idea of an expanded universe to flesh out the CoT world?

We are discussing it.

The Hybrid wrote:

What about a comic detailing the events of Hurricane Atlas, and the Atlas 33 that saved Titan City?

That will be the main plot line for the Anthem mini-series.

avelworldcreator's picture
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Tiger has the right of it

Tiger has the right of it (not sure which dev he/she is offhand). There [i]might[/i] be other stuff - but nothing is certain at this stage. It [i]has[/i] been discussed. Beyond this I have no more information that can be given.


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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

Tiger has the right of it (not sure which dev he/she is offhand). There [i]might[/i] be other stuff - but nothing is certain at this stage. It [i]has[/i] been discussed. Beyond this I have no more information that can be given.

Here is the Developer Spotlight I did I've had to step away for awhile, my wife was battling cancer. It's not active now, so I can draw the CoT mini comic, and then we'll see what will happen next.

TitansCity's picture
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Tiger wrote:
Tiger wrote:

Here is the Developer Spotlight I did I've had to step away for awhile, my wife was battling cancer. It's not active now, so I can draw the CoT mini comic, and then we'll see what will happen next.

I really hope she will be better and better ! Bon courage !

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The Hybrid
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Just wondering, if you guys

Just wondering, if you guys plan to distribute comics who would you prefer to be the publisher? I mean, I'd say Image or Dark Horse sound like good/obvious choices when it comes to that. I'm just curious if it can be answered yet.

Tiger's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

Just wondering, if you guys plan to distribute comics who would you prefer to be the publisher? I mean, I'd say Image or Dark Horse sound like good/obvious choices when it comes to that. I'm just curious if it can be answered yet.

It is early to say, but it would have to be a publisher like Image or IDW as MWM has to retain the IP rights. The Anthem mini-series will be the test ground for that, and I'll be starting on that around June or July. I would like to send them a finished series so that way they know we can do a book and are more likely to back it with marketing and therefore help market the game to its targeted audience. Plus, it will be fun, I love Anthem. She is an awesome character.

The Hybrid
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Thought I'd bring this up

Thought I'd bring this up because it's been a while since this has been discussed. Is the expanded lore plans like the Anthem series still in the works?

TitansCity's picture
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I never read this update.

I never read this update.
I must admit i'm amazed ^^ And, of course, it could be a really good idea to have a mini comics on CoT !

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KidDynamo's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

Just wondering, if you guys plan to distribute comics who would you prefer to be the publisher? I mean, I'd say Image or Dark Horse sound like good/obvious choices when it comes to that. I'm just curious if it can be answered yet.

It is extremely hard to get books published with either Image or Dark Horse. While they both do have open submission policies, they are very particular about not just what they publish but who that publish. Both have finite resources and can only publish so many books. Anything they publish is a gamble so they want to hedge their bets. You either need to be an established creator or have some sort of personal in. I've pitched to both and been rejected by both for several series...and that was with an in.

The Hybrid
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KidDynamo wrote:
KidDynamo wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

Just wondering, if you guys plan to distribute comics who would you prefer to be the publisher? I mean, I'd say Image or Dark Horse sound like good/obvious choices when it comes to that. I'm just curious if it can be answered yet.

It is extremely hard to get books published with either Image or Dark Horse. While they both do have open submission policies, they are very particular about not just what they publish but who that publish. Both have finite resources and can only publish so many books. Anything they publish is a gamble so they want to hedge their bets. You either need to be an established creator or have some sort of personal in. I've pitched to both and been rejected by both for several series...and that was with an in.

So I've heard. I figured that having a solid backing by a fanbase with City of Titans would be a good enough leverage to get published by them. I'm a writer myself, and my dream is to get published by Image or Dark Horse for the fact that they can distribute my comics to the widest audience while allowing me to write it the way I want. Could the backings of the CoT fanbase be good enough for them to publish CoT comics? I remember Image did in fact publish CoH comics, and Dark Horse specializes in licensed comics on top of original material.

If that doesn't pan out, there's IDW and Boom! as potential candidates. Just putting it out there because I'd love the lore to get expanded upon and to see it in a bookstore where I'll buy it.

KidDynamo's picture
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Getting published by Image is

Getting published by Image is a mixed bag. As a creator you'd be on the hook for all the costs of producing your book. You'd have to pay your creative team and for all the books to be printed out of pocket. Yes, Image can reach a large audience but the downside is that if you get an order from Diamond for 10,000 books that means you're paying for 10,000 books to be printed. In most cases you won't see any money from Image for about six months...and that's only if Image makes enough back to cover what they invested for marketing and distribution.

As as an unknown creator you're better off self publishing and working directly with Diamond to get distributed to comic shops. That's the route I went and my books went all over the world.

The Hybrid
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I see. But do you guys think

I see. But do you guys think that with the established fanbase for CoT that you could get licensed comics published by a prominent publisher?

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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

I see. But do you guys think that with the established fanbase for CoT that you could get licensed comics published by a prominent publisher?

I really think this is a 'somewhere down the road' question. I'd love to see it happen since I have written a few things for the game, but we'll really need to get the game to a level of success that we won't have to explain to publishers who we are. OR, we'd have to get a backer who is willing to contribute enough money to cover the publishing costs and the like that were mentioned earlier in the thread.

We like to think we have characters and stories good enough for mass marketing publishing but we're not quite at that point.

Wait until you see the... nope, that would ruin the surprise.