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"Seems as though we're all getting to know each other real well. In a matter of time, we'll be able to do those old 'How well do you know your best friend' quizzes."
Striker crossed his arms and just glanced over the group, even if his real eyes weren't actually visible.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Nagual smiles back to Kate, and attempts to stifle a blush, or what could be seen with his complexion and mask, offering a small chuckle.
“It has its benefits to be sure-just make sure we don’t face villains with laser pointers.” His tone makes it unclear if he is joking.
“I think something modern would be nice, I mean if we’re going to call ourselves something-Gen T for Titan? Like Generation T? No se, but it’s a thought.” He offers.
"We can discuss a team name if we decide to be one. For now we just need to decide if we're letting Edgy come with to the Bird Nest."
Looks around the group
"Which my vote is whatever, I don't care."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Oooh, Generation T actually doesn't sound too bad. It's got a nice ring to it and doesn't tie us down to something like 'Teen' or 'Young'."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
[i]They're going to keep using that term, 'bird nest', aren't they...[/i]
"Sure, let's get going. I bet this will be the start of something good." Sparrow said.
Sparrow continued his way to the base, and soon enough they would arrive. It was once an abandoned candy factory, roughly medium size. There was enough room for everyone, and Maria Page's resources cleaned everything up. While the outdoor part looked rather drab, it was the perfect cover. The inside of the space had an armory filled with his gadgets and weapons, a computer monitor on the wall, and a kitchen and living room. Of course, there were also video games and Netflix in case entertainment was needed. While the base itself was still a work in progress, it was eons better than what it was originally.
"Well, it may not be a fancy tower or a mansion, but that comes in the future, right? Welcome to my base."
As soon as they arrived at the base, Scarlet Striker was just captivated with the decor and layout of the base. When he set his sights on the living room and saw the entertainment area that was video games and Netflix, of course he gladly welcomed himself to a seat and just kick his feet up.
"Nice place you got here, huh. A lot less bird poo than I had hoped."
Striker said while peering his head down at the floor.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
The lights flicker and Hauntress is leaning on a wall. She looks around, hands in her pockets.
"Alright... The Bird Nest is pretty cool. Everyone get your dumb jokes out of the way early. Don't worry, I'll start. If you brought a special someone here it'd be a love nest. Cashed in your nest egg to build this? Getting a team together will be a real feather in your cap. Did you have a plan for this place or did you just wing it. It couldn't have been cheep to build this place... I think that's all I got right now."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Nagual took a moment to take in the scope of the base, eyeing the kitchen with particular interest, but tears his eyes away long enough to look to Sparrow, and ask.
“So, does this place have any notable entrances or exits? Anything you want us to be aware of? Oh, and I’m totally cooking in that kitchen, we can’t just survive on brooding and pizza and junk food.” He nods.
"I survive mainly on brooding. And are you cooking now? I haven't eaten in..."
Hauntress does some mental calculations
"...A while. And all the talk about food has made me hungry."
She pulls down her hood revealing her mid-length hair, it's purple, dye probably, and she wears dark makeup around her eyes.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
He looks to Hauntress, and almost seems to want to ask something, but just turns to the kitchen to see if there was anything he could put together.
On his way over, he calls out to Sparrow, asking.“I can use the kitchen, right? There’s not a tripwire or anti jaguar mine or anything?”
All those lame jokes made Sparrow role his eyes. When will the bird jokes end? It's not like he was the first superhero themed on an animal. Then he heard Nagual asking him some questions.
"Of course I stay healthy. Anything unhealthy I eat is immediately countered by the good food and water as well as my exercise regimen I have to maintain balance. I don't stay in peak physical condition by eating pizza and watching Netflix all day. Anyways, there's no traps to worry about..." He said, and then quickly thought of something. "...other than the cat cage...."
If people were going to make bird jokes, he would retort with some of his own whenever he got the chance.
Nagual snorted in response from the kitchen, but would reach into the fridge, scanning for something he could use to easily make a meal in under half an hour, to feed well, 6 people.
While cooking, probably looking rather goofy in his full suit, measuring out water and various spices, he inquires.
“So is that fancy computer connected to a police database, or at least something close? We could see if our missing person cases have something similar tying them together?”
Kate explored the base thoroughly, her blindsight allowing to plumb every single nook and cranny of the hideout. One of the areas she took special interest in was the armory, especially any melee weapons that were available, whether they be for practice or display.
After her onceover, she walked back over to where people were loitering and sought out Sparrow. "Impressive facility. I just hope nothing goes wrong with the security doors as it does so often in comic books. There's no telling how long we'd be... cooped up."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Hard to keep someone here who can walk through walls. So I'd be fine at least."
Hauntress digs in her pockets for a picture and would then walk over and hand it to Sparrow.
"Here's my missing person. Guy by the name of Ben Winters, sixteen, got himself involved with a no-name gang for a little bit before going missing."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Don't worry about me with regard to food and water. I'm solar powered, and water... is not good for me. I can resist it for a time so I can be in the rain but long-term exposure or digestion will kill me." She shrugs "I'm working on that."
"Anyway we told each other's names but what about abilities, what do we really bring to this and if things go bad can we fight? Like I said before I'm Empathic and telepathic. Combined with my cosmic energy I can heal others, it's easier to heal someone with a touch, but I can heal at a distance as well. It's a bit more draining that way but possible. I might be able to affect your bodies in other ways, trigger some Adredilin, clear your minds or such things. Just... um, I haven't had much practice doing more than basic healing and taking people's pain into myself."
"No I really can't read your minds but I hear them. Think of it as trying to follow a conversation in another language in a crowd and only catching half of what being said. At most I can tell if someone is focused on me. Now I can send my thoughts to someone else and affect how they think. I did it with some stray dogs and a car thief. Haven't had a chance to really see how much I can do with my telepathy. Causing harm even if it's in someone's mind I feel with my empathic sense."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Broach concentrated for a few seconds and opened up small portal in front of her face. She turned the far side to look around, watching for anyone who might be a problem. Not seeing any, she expanded it to a large portal, over eight feet across, to the shore of Lake Verthandi in Rhinehart Park. She closed it once everyone in the Nest had gotten a good look. "Like I said, until someone figures out a way to block me, I can get in and out easily enough. With a few seconds of concentration, I can open a portal almost anywhere in the city. I can also conduct reconnaissance, but not listen in; sound is muffled. Also the edge effects -that blue light - make it hard to conceal at night, unless there's a light there already, and it does work both ways. I've used it exactly once in combat, as a shield; fortunately the press hasn't gotten my name from the police yet. And I've studied Kempo."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Scarlet Striker, still hanging out in the living room, chimes in next with a rundown of what he can do.
"Well I haven't had my abilities for too long, but what I can do is create a red-colored, energy-enhanced punch within one or both my hands. The power behind it is pretty tremendous so I try not to use on non-powered people too much. Hence my namesake, 'Scarlet Striker'. Other than that I have exceptional levels of speed, strength, agility, and reflexes. I also have some degree of enhanced senses. Specifically when it comes to my vision. I can see a lot of fast-moving objects at a slower pace, allowing me to opportunity to dodge them and remain out of reach. And I think thats it. Oh and I also have mechanical know-how thanks to my dad. Its nothing like I can help repair a super-computer, but simple things like repairing a car maybe."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"Weird alien continues to be weird. I have ghost powers. Next."
The lights flicker and Hauntress is now in the kitchen area leaning on something.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Nagual would look up from cracking eggs in a skillet, as he mentions his skills in abilities.
“This necklace is apparently called the Talisman of Tezcatlipoca, and as I understand it was given to his elite warriors, and was said to enhance their abilities with that of the patron animal, the Jaguar.”
He pops his claws, and allows his eyes to flash over, and Scarlet and Kate could hear the faintest echo of a jaguar’s growl, as the the bronze and onyx choker-like amulet catches the light.
“I have the claws, proportionate speed, agility, stealth, balance, and reflexes of a jaguar, always seem to land on my feet, have a set of superhuman senses, and can be near invisible via camouflage, but it’s not like Hauntress’s.” He makes a ‘ghosty’ hand motion.
He then looks down at the amulet for a moment, touching it.
“Uhm...there’s also a myth about Naguals, or jaguar priests being able to shapeshift. I haven’t been able to do anything like that, maybe it’s just a myth.” He wonders, almost to himself at the last part.
He perks ups, adding. “Oh, I’m also a cheerleader so I happen to be pretty flexible just as is, combined with my abilities I think I could make for a good scout, or do recon-I also obviously speak Spanish, and I know Highpoint like the back of my hand.”
Sparrow crossed his arms. He had already said before that he had no superpowers, and he'd be happy to prove he doesn't need them.
"Me? You probably already know I'm a guy with a ton of training and education. Dad crammed so much practice and teachings in me that I was ahead of most adults when I started crimefighting at 14. It was training from Hell, if there ever was one. That, and I have a lot of fancy gadgets my mom affords me in secret from my dad. My favorite weapon is my bo staff, which I can also charge with electricity if I'm going against a tough one. I also have smoke pellets, mini-explosives, a grappling hook, and shuriken at my disposal."
She smiles at Sparrow "Good thing you do have that training. Because I think the first thing we need to do is figure out if all these missing person cases are related. Like my m... Uncle tells me a predator hunts in its territory. So how about you get all the ongoing missing person cases involving teens on the computer. Then we can see if they follow a pattern. I would also like to know if Uber had really picked up... What was his name at the club?"
Then she looks at Nagual "There might be something to that shape changing. I don't know if anyone else noticed but your eyes do change from time to time."
Sticks out her tongue to Hauntress "You really make sure to get as much out of a joke even past it death don't you?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Nagual pipes up when Starlight mentions the guy at the club.
“Immanuel, and they do? I mean I know I feel more connected to the Jaguar when I’m accessing my powers or focusing my senses, but that’s nice to know? It’s something I’ll work on maybe.”
"I'd be careful with all that talk on shape-shifting, Cat-Guy. I mean even if it is the slightest possibility of being a thing you can do, what if you succumb to some sort of unhinged, feral side that may come with your abilities?"
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
He looks down at the scrambled eggs, and almost forgets to mix it with the potatoes and ground sausage he scrounged together and take it off the heat.
“That’s what’s stopping me from going further-the fear that if I go under I won’t come back up.” He seasons the contents of the skillet, before setting it off the burner.
“One battle at a time though, breakfast scramble thing is ready.”
"Garfield here will be chasing laser pointers and sitting in boxes."
Hauntress Puls herself up to sit on a countertop.
"Hanging with you dorks is a lot more fun than I thought it'd be."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Nagual sticks his tongue out at her, but fixes her a plate and places it beside her on the counter.
"And hey, can't complain about free food... Unless it sucks, I guess."
Takes the plate and digs in. Seems normal enough, food doesn't fall through her or any such thing.
"Hm. Not bad. Thanks, Garfield."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"And also have a love for lasagna and a hate for Mondays."
Adding onto Hauntress's joke before performing a graceful backflip from the living room to the kitchen, landing near the countertop where Hauntress sat herself.
"I'll have to admit myself, this should be a pretty interesting dynamic if things are to take off that is."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
He slides Arthur a plate, and offers his hands up to Hauntress.
“I mean, making your plate was pretty high stakes, I felt as if I was in grave danger.” He winks, before making a plate for Sparrow, Starlight, Blind Edge, and Broach.
It would be a mix of potatoes, onions, ground breakfast sausage, a bit of cheese, salt and pepper to taste, and bell peppers for color. All in all, a nice and filling meal after a long patrol.
"So, about our missing persons, anything that connects them? Other than being missing and being looked for by us, anyway. Same school, hang outs, gangs, anything? Cause as much as I'm sure you all love my winning personality we do have a job to do."
Hauntress looks up at Scarlet Striker seemingly unfazed or unimpressed by the amazing acrobatics,
"Keep your distance, Red Roughhouser... I like my personal space."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Almost wish I could taste it. The lights here is enough of a snack till sunrise for me though." She finds a seat and settles down.
"You are right Hauntress this does beat a boring dead night."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Every night with me around is a dead night... Sinister laugh."
Hauntress actually just said 'sinister laugh'
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Sorry, Ghost-with-the-Most. I can't help myself sometimes, being all jumpy and stuff is kinda my thing. I'll also try to pretend that I didn't see you not be impressed by my amazing acrobatics. But any who, yes schools and hangouts would be a good jumping on point."
Scarlet takes the plate that was slid over to him and would lift his mask up just enough past his mouth and nose to where he can eat.
"Granted though, given the city we live in we shouldn't be afraid to assume these kidnappings can or could be completely random. But that's bridge we'll burn once we get to it. Also Cat-Guy, this breakfast scramble is dah bomb. I think you'd make my mom jealous."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
He offers a grin, as he sits down to finally make a plate for himself, liberally adding a bit of tabasco.
“Mi abuela y madre literally had me on a stool in the kitchen since I was six, so I would hope that I learned a thing or two, and thanks.” He nods at Scarlet’s deduction.
“The frequency is too high for them to be isolated incidents, my guess is an up and coming villain, I think I read somewhere a supercriminal psychologist said ‘big names let you know about their crimes in advance, so they can gloat, their narcissism is superpowered’.” He states in a bigwig doctor voice, for comedic effect.
“All similar ages but across various socioeconomic backgrounds-so he’s probably taking who seems to for what he wants, but doesn’t think he’ll be caught?” He turns to Sparrow, and gestures.
“This might be more your wheelhouse, bird detective?” He offers.
"Anybody good at hacking? Short of a court order, I can't think of any other way to find out if the uber pickup was legit or even if it happened or if any of the others were picked up by uber or lyft before they disappeared... Unless there was a camera in the right place... Can you pass that Tabasco?"
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Nagual shakes his head as he passes Broach the sauce. “No se, I don’t know how to hack, but maybe we could look around and find someone who can? Unless one of us here can do it, why not head to the Police Station in Aurora?”
He then adds after a few bites.
“If nothing else, we get their attention, and they could probably point us in the direction of a in house or legitimate hacker?”
Scarlet adds on to the conversation with a mouthful of food.
"Mm, don't look at me. I barely know how to operate an IPad...*lip smack*...Shocking I know, but Birdbrain has all the fancy equipment here. And we could contact the Aurora Police Station, however I imagine that would be at the expense of them finding something before us."
He continues his popping and smacking of food and nommy goodness.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"We should see what we can do, any leads we can find." Sparrow said.
He placed his hand on his chin in thought. Sparrow wasn't even thinking about the food. It was just that he had to know who was responsible for all of this. There had to be a way to get the information needed to find the culprit, and hopefully the ones kidnapped. Then the idea hit him.
"What was the exact date and time?" Sparrow said. "It's important. What I suggest is going to be a little on the riskier end, but it could work. Tomorrow, we'll go to Uber HQ and ask about the pickup. If they respond honestly, great. If they don't, we're going to have to go behind the lines to get the pickup reports in their database. I have a hacking device for things like this."
Kate approached the group and sat quietly, taking in everything that was being discussed and contemplating it, trying to put the important clues together while discarding the chaff. "Thank you for the food, Nagual."
She grabbed a fork and took a bite, then shook her head and put the utensil down. She got up and headed to the fridge. "You're from New York, bird boy, so I KNOW you've got some Frank's stashed around here. Don't make me sniff it out." she said, her tone full of teasing.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"Why bother talking to them, show me where to go and I can just go through the wall and plant the device. I don't even show up on cameras. I mean, time could be a major factor here."
Hauntress thinks for a moment
"At least I can do it if the device is small enough... Though I've never taken electronics with me when I ghost... So we might need to make sure that my powers don't mess it up."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
He smiles to Kate, and nods at Hauntress’s words and Sparrow’s suggestion.
“You want to try and triangulate the location using the time as like...a reference point? And while I’m all for a bit of stealthy recon, we may be looking at the wrong angle here-if they’re going after kids, why not go undercover?” He suggests.
“The Uber lead is important, but we could also try to track down some of the kids cell phones or mobile devices too. South Titan is seeing far more abductions than North, so we should mix up our patrols maybe?”
"Undercover might work... Unless they're targeting specific individuals... Also runs the risk of the undercover person being in the same boat as the rest of the kidnappees... And needing to be rescued..."
Hauntress thinks for a moment
"If they're being kidnapped and not just being killed and having their bodies hidden..."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Lets sure as hell hope they're not being killed and then dumped somewhere. I had thought on the idea of going undercover, but alas there's the risk of someone being detected as having powers."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"Tipping of the police might not be a bad idea. After all, we are talking about people's lives so what if we aren't the Heroes that get in the paper right?"
She leans forward a bit "There is also the chance we could set up a sting operation. Lay a bit of bait out, after all, we are all teens we know the general area where these kidnappers are operating. I can even alter my looks enough to appear as someone else. My shape changing skill not nearly on par with my uncle. But changing hair, skin tone, and the outfit is doable. My weakness is the eyes, really how do you mimic eyes when you have no idea how human eyes work?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"You could just invest in contact lenses."
Hauntress finishes up the last of the food on her plate which floats itself over to the sink
"In my person's case the cops already know they're missing but are turning up blank. Which is why someone was dumb enough to try to summon me Bloody Mary style. I don't think an undercover opp will work as we don't know why they're targeting who they are, if it's random or some sort of connecting factor we yet don't know. Also runs the risk of adding another to the needs finding pile... But just cause it's a bad idea doesn't mean we'll have many other options."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Contacts cost money and... well. I and my Mother are quite literally Illegal Aliens. With Unknown being wanted by the authorities for killing drug dealers and other criminal scum he catches. We tend to be afraid of going to the government. Now the truth is I was born in Egypt so I'm kind of a double illegal alien. Long story short I don't have the cash to buy colored custom contacts."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"You are really forthcoming with information about yourself. I'm right there with you on the money front, for other reasons... Obviously. Needless to say I have none, but I have my ways of getting what I need."
Hauntress pockets her hands once again.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Nagual looks to Star when she mentions being an alien of sorts, and he offers her a soft look, nodding.
“I could go undercover-I mean my amulet is what provides my powers, and as I understand it, due to being magical, it may not be affected by rudimentary power sapping tech. I imagine they have some security like that in place against a super or a teen who happens to be a mutant?”
"And, of course, Sparrow doesn't have any powers to detect or sap. Although you might want to limit your gear to stuff that looks harmless and won't scare them off if they search you. And, do you have any communication or tracking gear that won't get taken away? If we can find out where they're holding the kids, and if they don't have any teleport jammers..."
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Looking at Hauntress she smiles as her body shifts to be a mirror image of Hauntress. "Depends I'm honest about Starlight but who am I when not glowing and golden?" She shifts back... "Agh I hate mimicking loose clothing. It likes having flappy skin."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"Whoever you want to be, I guess. Some of us don't have that luxury."
Hauntress adjusts her hair slightly after seeing her reflection in Starlight.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
After finishing up his plate of food, Scarlet Striker observes Starlight shift into a form, mimicking Hauntress'. While his eyes can't be seen, his body language invokes that he probably had something to say in response to Hauntress' comment, but instead decided to pull the end of his mask down-covering the rest of his face once again and walk his emptied plate to the kitchen sink.
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Nagual notes the silence on Scarlet’s part, and Hauntress comment, adding as he fixes another plate, piling it high in a testament to his metabolism.
“Maybe we wait to use shapeshifting like that until it’s nessecary-no need to show all our hands ya know? Not to mention, if we discover the kids, I’m sure some of them will need healing over subterfuge.”
"We should try to have a better plan than 'hang out places and hope badguys try to do something to us.'"
Hauntress notes Nagual's piled plate
"The Garfield nickname really works for you."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Well what else is there that we can possibly do? I'm pretty certain that most of us are not going to be open to the idea of putting a big sign on someone's back saying, 'Please kidnap me'."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Having located the Frank's, Kate had finished her plate in silence. Like Diego, she immediately went back for seconds. "Since they are constantly on when you wear the medallion, your powers burn a lot of energy, right? I can sympathize. Ever since I manifested, my metabolism has been through the roof."
As she was walking and talking, Kate wasn't paying full attention to where she was going and stubbed her toe on the counter as she moved around it. Nearly losing her plate, she set it down rapidly and hobbled around the room, grimacing and cursing in rapid-fire Mandarin Chinese.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
"That doesn't fill me with confidence with regards to the whole 'Blind superhero' thing."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Kate stopped for a moment and turned to look directly at Hauntress "I could return that lack of confidence considering that your costume consists of a hoodie from Gap and a ridiculous amount of eye shadow..." she sniffed in Haunt's direction. "Maybelline, if I'm not mistaken."
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Hauntress shrugs
"I wasn't aware costume equaled competence. Though I had wondered where you guys got your tights."
Edit: fixed a typo
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Easy now, no need for petty bickering. Last thing we need happening is any sort of falling out before we can even begin this whole 'Super-friends' dynamic."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Broach nodded at both Hauntress' and the Striker's comments. "So unless someone figures out a way to find the kidnappers, or to make ourselves better bait, we're stuck with Uber. If we try the local offices, we can get a three hour head start on trying the 'Frisco offices." She set her empty plate in the sink and ran hot water over it. Then she put a card under a magnet on the fridge. "If anyone needs me before seven, the number's on the fridge. Catch you guys later!" She went out the exit before opening a portal elsewhere.
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Sparrow watched as Broach went away after the little argument.
"So... let's try to ask Uber if they know anything. It's our only reliable way to get info right now."
He had hoped that Uber would have some kind of answers and would be willing to give it to them. One couldn't rely on someone trying to kidnap you, after all.
Nagual nods to Kate, speaking up before she manages to injure her foot.
“Blessing and curse, on top of being an athlete and a growing teen.” He frowns looking between Hauntress and BE, but waves to Broach before she departs.
“Uber is solid, but we could check out the kidnapping sites for least where we think they were abducted. I mean out of all of us, you’ve probably solved more mysteries, Sparrow-your thoughts?” He inquires, while moving to gesture the skillet around as an offering.
“Anyone want one last scoop?”
"Checking the sites is probably a good start. If we go in small teams or pairs then we can better ensure nothing happens to us while we look."
Hauntress looks to the skillet
"And no thanks on that, Garfield. A little food goes a long way with me."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Indeed. Why don't we split up tomorrow and investigate? You guys check out the kidnapping sights, I'll go ask Uber to see if they ever picked Immanuel up. I'm sure they'll answer a crimefighter. Speaking of which, what other kidnappings do you think are linked to the same person? I'm kind of new in town, so I'm not yet adjusted to how everything has been going here."
"Which just leaves the question of who's going with who to where? Having all the rest of us checking the same site seems like a waste of resources."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
“I’m not skilled in the crime fighting arts. Guess I’m more supportive in nature. So I might need to be with someone who been trained in detective work”. she taps her chin with her finger “One more thing how would we communicate with each other?”
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"We don't necessarily need to. Just agree to meet up at a specific place and time, then we can all meet back here at a specific time... But communication would probably be better."
Hauntress sighs
"I think it's slim pickings for detectives, we'll just have to make due with what we have."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Yeah, I think we should have nothing to worry about. I doubt we'll really run into any trouble while investigating these locations, but it would best if we had some kind of communication system"
Scarlet places a hand on his chin, thinking for a brief minute.
"Hm, I'm not the greatest when it comes to decision making, but I think two to a location should work just fine. More importantly I think those who's missing person...well went missing in somewhat close proximity to another district one of us may patrol should pair up."
"In other words, lets say Cat-Guy's missing person went missing in between Aurora and Highpoint. I regularly patrol Aurora and Cat-Guy regularly patrols Highpoint. Then we would pair up and scout those districts."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"It would probably be best if Nagual and I were on different teams since we've both got enhanced senses and may be able to find things other's would not." Kate said as she walked over to the fridge and grabbed Broach's card. She took out her smartphone and tapped a few buttons, then ran her finger slowly over the embossed lettering. As she felt the numbers, she dictated them into the phone, then labeled the contact.
"I'll call Broach and link up with her to investigate the scene near Downtown. If Nagual and Scarlet team up, that leaves just Hauntress and Starlight, correct?" she asked, looking back to the others.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Nagual nods and Scarlet’s suggestion and Blind Edge expanding it, offering his phone to Kate with the number pad pulled up.
“For communication purposes.” He then turns to Arthur. “I think we should canvas the areas first in civilian clothes, second in costume? See if we pick up anything casually the first time, then come back when or if we find more information.”
Scarlet leans against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed, nodding himself.
"Sounds like a plan, wouldn't want to bring too much attention to one area if we are to spotted in costume. Also I do recommend we also keep on the lookout for anything that must be...eye-catching. Never know if these kidnappers may hit up previous locations to find a second batch of potential victims."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
“That sounds good and I figure we can meet up after school. If we do discover something what should we do?” She stood up and stretched a bit. “It be smart to get together before splitting up to search “
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Kate gently grabs the phone and turns it around to face back at Nagual, smiling softly. "Blind, remember? And my other sight can't read flat surfaces. So, no typing on regular smartphone keypads."
She the pulled out her phone and showed it to him. Part of the screen was covered by a rubberized keypad with braille lettering. "Sooo... what was that number?"
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Nagual blushes and looks down, as he puts his number into the phone.
“Right, sorry-just a habit I’ll learn to break for you.” He hands it back, before turning to the others.
“I would send the others a message, and maybe try to meet up or what’s the word...rendezvous somewhere?” He looks to Sparrow for help or suggestions.
"If we discover something we can just come back here and wait for everyone else. Or trade phone numbers, those who have them. And having a place to meet up would be good, Starlight, if we're pairing up, like a coffee shop or whatever... Or I could just follow you around invisibly, it's not like I have an active social life."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"I think meeting up somewhere could work, it can act as a better way to actually exchange any gathered information. A coffee shop wouldn't be a bad place to meet up at, or we could even hit up Victory Beach. I hear that place can actually be quite the getaway."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"Scarlet Striker: likes beating up criminals and long walks on the beach."
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"Hey! That is...only partially true...somewhat...shut up..."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
“Roses are red, Violets are blue, commit a crime, so will you.”
“Well I do live in an apartment above the Coffee shop called the Daily Grind. My mom runs the place.”
She looks around “I don’t have a phone. Just so people won’t wonder why we call each other code names. My real name is Crystal Rose” with a playful spin her skin turns normal, a pink my little pony Pinkie Pie shirt and jeans appear on her body. Her hair becomes shoulder length and blonde.
“So what do I call you Hauntress. I really don’t want to give my mother the idea I’m crime fighting.”
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
"It'd probably be a better idea to just not meet at that specific coffee shop then. No chance for her to overhear anything that'd make her think you're crime fighting if she's nowhere near to hear."
Hauntress slides herself off the countertop she was sitting on
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Kate took her phone back and tapped the voice button to sync name to number. "Nagual."
She put her phone away and bowed to the group. "Until tomorrow."
She left the warehouse and contacted Brandon. "Okay, I have no idea where I am, so guide me home."
He replied in the affirmative and she followed his directions back to the building she used as her HQ.
[color=#FF7F50]Putting yourself in another persons shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to experience eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Roleplayers do it for fun.[/color]
Nods to BE as she takes her bow and then looks to remaining residents of Sparrow's Bird Nest.
"I guess this is where we all go our separate ways until we meet again? It is getting late and I'm sure most of have places to be. Like me for instance, I think my bed is calling my name and I owe a friend a phone call."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
Nagual takes a bit to clean off the skillet and place things into the sink, or into the dishwasher if one is present in the base.
“I should also get home, my mom waits up with a sowing kit whenever I’m out later on patrol than I said I would be.” He leaps to nearby window, cranking it open enough to slip out.
“We’ll text and message later to meet up?”
Scarlet walks over to the window Nagual opened being that it was going to be his way of exiting as well, doors are for squares.
"Definitely, the sooner the better. Last thing we need is for any possibly trail left behind to go cold."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
"So it's a plan then. You guys investigate the kidnappings and I'll go speak to Uber and see if they ever picked Immanuel up. We'll rendezvous at Victory Beach to explain what we learned. Then we'll continue from there. Sound good?"
"Sounds like a plan. We'll find these kids and bring their kidnapper to justice...or whatever generic superhero thing I'm supposed to say during moments like this."
"If I am to die in battle, Remember me for who I was and not what I've become..."
The next day Crystal was in a rush to get out of school. There was so much to do she nearly forgot to change forms before she started flying. Zipping through the air she soon lands near home. It was a basic place with the coffee shop below and a basic apartment above. Her mother was like always behind the counter the plump woman with what others would call a resting bitch face. "Hi, Mom. I got an after-school project. Joining up with some schoolmates."
She looked up "Will you be late for dinner?" Crystal knew it was a code there wasn't technically a dinner for them but it meant her mother was going to be out.
"Not long after. Don't know when the study group is finished it's the first day after all. But it will help me with my grades and socialize."
It wasn't long after that Crystal was out and about the plaza dressed in that same Pink Pinkie Pie MLP shirt and jeans. The only difference was a black jacket was thrown on top of it. Now all she had to do was look out for the Hauntress so her mind was open trying to pick on that emotional trace of the Ghostly Hero. "Why is she so sad... are all ghosts so?"
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP
Hauntress left the meeting of heroes without a word. She was there one moment and gone the next. Though the chill of her presence remained.
Hauntress fades into sight in a nearby alley, becoming fully solid before stepping out into the plaza. She wears the same clothes as yesterday. With hood up, and hands in pockets as she makes her way towards her heroic acquaintance.
Upon stepping in front of Crystal she looks her over.
"You have good taste in ponies, at least... Also hello. I thought about sneaking up behind you but..."
Hauntress shrugs.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
"you are like a beacon of despair and misery, very gothic. What do you mean at least?" Looks down at her outfit. "Standard jeans and tennis shoes with bright shirt and jacket seems normal to me."
She shrugs "Anyway I told my mother I was going to a study group. So I'm good and she is out until late tonight."
Personal rules of good roleplay
1.) Nothing goes as planned.
2.) If it goes as planned it's not good RP