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Discuss- Developer's Workshop: Looking While Running

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Shadow Elusive
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Discuss- Developer's Workshop: Looking While Running

You can watch the video [url=]here[/url].

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Cinnder's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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That looks pretty cool! So

That looks pretty cool! So how will it manifest itself in play? If we're using keyboard to run in one direction but mouse to look in another? If so, how do we separate 'my character is looking that direction' from 'I am rotating the camera to get a screen shot of my character facing into the camera'?

Also, is this the big update you folks told us about 2 weeks ago?

Spurn all ye kindle.

Halae's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Also, is this the big update you folks told us about 2 weeks ago?

Nah, I doubt it. The teaser was for the character creator, and this isn't a character creator update, just model.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Beeker's picture
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I appreciate the full torso

I appreciate the full torso movement as the gaze moves around and the quick changes in direction seem easily incorporated as well. Are there comparable tests for other movement skills ?

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Does this mean our characters

Does this mean our characters will look at things we have targeted?

Cause I like that.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

MeSoSollyWan's picture
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I think there might be an

I think there might be an error on the main page:


That link "QUOTE" throws up an error page.

Fireheart's picture
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Looks like you've developed

Looks like you've developed the ultimate wide-receiver, he can look for the ball and keep on trucking, without tripping over his feet. Excellent!

Be Well!

TitansCity's picture
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really guys... Is that an

really guys... Is that an april fool in advance ? xD

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TitansCity's picture
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Also, is this the big update you folks told us about 2 weeks ago?

Nah, I doubt it. The teaser was for the character creator, and this isn't a character creator update, just model.

And this is not a KS Update at all ^^
(I must confess i'm disappointed)

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mrultimate's picture
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That is pretty cool.

That is pretty cool.

Nos482's picture
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So NOT the update wanted...

So NOT the update wanted... but still cool. And the model looks good too.

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Darth Fez
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

That looks pretty cool! So how will it manifest itself in play? If we're using keyboard to run in one direction but mouse to look in another? If so, how do we separate 'my character is looking that direction' from 'I am rotating the camera to get a screen shot of my character facing into the camera'?

Also, is this the big update you folks told us about 2 weeks ago?

That was my main question, as well. Will this motion occur in general if we look around when running? Is it a first-person only thing? How do you distinguish the character looking around from the player looking around?

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Nos482's picture
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Going out on a limb, I'd say

Going out on a limb, I'd say this is mainly cosmetical... so your character actually looks at it's target while moving around.

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warcabbit's picture
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Guys. Just to be clear. Look

Guys. Just to be clear. Look at the character creator teaser. You'll notice the guy's head is way too far forwards and his shoulders are kinda slumped.
We looked at that and went '... that ain't right' and went in with wrenches to fix it. This video was made while adjusting certain elements. We thought it was interesting enough to share. This is not the big update, this is just a 'well, we were working, made a video to show someone else a situation in the project, and someone thought it was nifty enough to show you guys.'
That's what Developer's Workshop means - something shows up while working on a system, and we say 'hey guys check this nifty thing'.
How to separate: Er, generally, right mouse button down, or some equivalent on a gamepad or keyboard. (home/end/pgdown/up etc)
In most games, you can steer with the mouse, or look around with the mouse. If you're steering with the mouse, you'll look at things.
Note: If you're steering with the mouse _and_ keyboard - which I do - so I can strafe - it'll do its best to compensate appropriately.
Also, if you target an enemy, you'll look at them, or as far to one side as you can if they go behind you.
Or if you target someone to interact with them, you'll have the basic decency to look at them.

[color=#ff0000]Project Lead[/color]

Cinnder's picture
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Right, I remember that's

Right, I remember that's being a problem before, so it's cool you folks got it fixed. And the mouse-and-keyboard thing was the main question I was wondering about.

As for any other confusion re: Developer Workshop vs Update, that's mostly based on your posts about Something Big at the next update, but then there was an update that wasn't the Something Big, but then you said the next update would be in 2 weeks on the normal schedule, which is now. I think it's perfectly normal for folks to be confused when MWM teases some imminent big news and then releases two bits of news that aren't the big news without any comment on the big news folks are waiting for.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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How does the looking while

How does the looking while targeted work with targets shorter or taller than the model? Will we be looking at shorter models or in their general direction? For taller will we look at their heads (or head area for the headless) or will we be looking at their chest/waist?

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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warcabbit wrote:
warcabbit wrote:

How to separate: Er, generally, right mouse button down, or some equivalent on a gamepad or keyboard. (home/end/pgdown/up etc)
In most games, you can steer with the mouse, or look around with the mouse. If you're steering with the mouse, you'll look at things.
Note: If you're steering with the mouse _and_ keyboard - which I do - so I can strafe - it'll do its best to compensate appropriately. .

This is very important for my immersion in 3rd person games, I always suggested it to developers and I use it exactly like you do: I use strafing with keyboard and look around with the mouse watching the scenery (in mmorpgs that's often done with the right mouse button pressed as you said), the head in some games turn around following the aim of the mouse and I'm very glad CoT will be among them!

These details make the difference between "funny animations" and a "flat minimap full of npcs", therefore between a funny game and a boring one, pls keep giving importance to details too, animations more than textures .

This game seems really made by players for players (but still with professional results), it shows in every update you do for me.

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Although I love seeing the

Although I love seeing the updates, I am longing for an update that shows a lot of non "marble" characters in action! I want to see the hair that Hunter has been working on and all that jazz

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
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Empyrean's picture
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Looks like things are really

Looks like things are really starting to come together. Hyped for the Update!

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Hero_Zero's picture
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I agree on the hair comment.

I agree on the hair comment. There was a great update on that way back when. It might be nice to see how some of those hair styles flow while running.


jtpaull's picture
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I was so hyped when I saw

I was so hyped when I saw there was a new update...then disappointed. Not that this isn't cool or worth sharing...but the first new update after putting in what is in the Twitch Banner should have been the KS update. Just saying, that is what everyone is on the edge of their seats for.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Empyrean's picture
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It was a bit of an unintended

It was a bit of an unintended psych on their part, but don't bite the hand that feeds. That was good stuff. And we know more is coming.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Nos482's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Developer Workshop vs Update, that's mostly based on your posts about Something Big at the next update, but then there was an update that wasn't the Something Big, but then you said the next update would be in 2 weeks on the normal schedule, which is now. I think it's perfectly normal for folks to be confused when MWM teases some imminent big news and then releases two bits of news that aren't the big news without any comment on the big news folks are waiting for.

To be fair, it was made pretty clear that said KS update would come next month.

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Cinnder's picture
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Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Developer Workshop vs Update, that's mostly based on your posts about Something Big at the next update, but then there was an update that wasn't the Something Big, but then you said the next update would be in 2 weeks on the normal schedule, which is now. I think it's perfectly normal for folks to be confused when MWM teases some imminent big news and then releases two bits of news that aren't the big news without any comment on the big news folks are waiting for.

To be fair, it was made pretty clear that said KS update would come next month.

When was that made clear? The last I saw on this was a week ago when many were expecting the Something Big and 'Cabbit said:

warcabbit wrote:

Okay. Let's add some clarity.
First, we were going to delay the update, to show off the costume creator.
Then we discovered we could put together a teaser of the costume creator.
So we did the scheduled update, and included the teaser.
Then we skip a week, because updates are every two weeks, and spend that time editing.
Then we do a update next week, on the normal schedule.
Make sense?

Now I've always stood up for MWM's right to show us what they want when they feel it's ready (and I continue to do so), and I wouldn't even complain if they had to postpone something as long as they posted a 'sorry, we have to delay the update we promised.' What I object to is twice telling us something would happen on a specific date and then making no explanation of why it didn't happen until people publicly wonder what is going on. It's the first time in over 4 years of following this project that my faith in MWM has taken a bit of a hit.

All I'm asking for is if they're not going to be able to do what they say, acknowledge that publicly and pre-emptively instead of leaving supporters hanging. A KS update is a relatively minor thing, but it's an indicator of how an organisation deals with events of a certain type. For example, if the game is not going to release in 2018 I don't want to wait for an acknowledgment and explanation of this until mid-January.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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It seems some things were

It seems some things were unclearly stated. The teaser for was an update planned for the next 'big slot', in four weeks from that time. this is the two week mark, which either gets lore or a DW. The teased update is on track for the intended date. We didn't say anything because this wasn't when we'd intended you to be expecting it.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

TitansCity's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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That's it.

That's it.
Publishing a (so awaited) news which is not at all the one expected is really disappointing despit the news stays interresting. Moreover, the lack of information (why ? why don't you just say "We can't do it, just wait few weeks ago) and this news published the day when the big one was expected tends to make people being less confident.
I cannot say anything afterall, i'm not a kickstarter. But, if i was one of them i probably do an other more passionate message on MWM's communications process.

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cybermitheral's picture
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Loved the video. Great work

Loved the video. Great work team. Was waiting to see the model fall over when looking up lol. These DW updates are great.

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Cinnder's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

It seems some things were unclearly stated. The teaser for was an update planned for the next 'big slot', in four weeks from that time. this is the two week mark, which either gets lore or a DW. The teased update is on track for the intended date. We didn't say anything because this wasn't when we'd intended you to be expecting it.

Thanks very much for the response, Shadow. I'll readjust my trust meter. :-) I think your first sentence gets to the nub of the issue. Hopefully communication about this sort of thing will improve in the future. Maybe it would be safest if MWM just stuck to the tried-and-true [b]soon[sup]tm[/sup][/b] instead of giving any specific dates.

Spurn all ye kindle.

TitansCity's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

It seems some things were unclearly stated. The teaser for was an update planned for the next 'big slot', in four weeks from that time. this is the two week mark, which either gets lore or a DW. The teased update is on track for the intended date. We didn't say anything because this wasn't when we'd intended you to be expecting it.

In fact, we didn't understand well what was going on or you should have wrote a better message :p

I'm happy to know that the good news will happens about the 8/9 march :) This probably means CoT will keep its release for the end of the year :)
Thanks to have clarified the situation Shadow

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Nos482's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

I think your first sentence gets to the nub of the issue.

And the second one [i]again[/i] clarifies when we get KS updates.

Cinnder wrote:

For example, if the game is not going to release in 2018 I don't want to wait for an acknowledgment and explanation of this until mid-January.

It was said they had some problems integrating the costume creator/avatar builder/character generator/decide on a damn name already, and would know if they can release on schedule by March. Since we're still in February I figured it would be obvious that this wouldn't be the KS update
And no, I can't show you where/when that was said because, for some reason, I can't find those posts.

TitansCity wrote:

That's it.

Can I have your stuff? =P

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TitansCity's picture
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Now I've always stood up for MWM's right to show us what they want when they feel it's ready (and I continue to do so), and I wouldn't even complain if they had to postpone something as long as they posted a 'sorry, we have to delay the update we promised.' What I object to is twice telling us something would happen on a specific date and then making no explanation of why it didn't happen until people publicly wonder what is going on. It's the first time in over 4 years of following this project that my faith in MWM has taken a bit of a hit.

All I'm asking for is if they're not going to be able to do what they say, acknowledge that publicly and pre-emptively instead of leaving supporters hanging. A KS update is a relatively minor thing, but it's an indicator of how an organisation deals with events of a certain type. For example, if the game is not going to release in 2018 I don't want to wait for an acknowledgment and explanation of this until mid-January.

That's it *referred to this quote*

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Nos482's picture
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Figured that much, but it

Figured that much, but it does sound a lot like you've had enough and intended to wait for another game instead.

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

TitansCity's picture
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Not at all.

Not at all.
Shadow gives us a clarification and that's fine. Don't say what we never said ;)

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Kiyori Anoyui
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Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

It was said they had some problems integrating the costume creator/avatar builder/character generator/decide on a damn name already, and would know if they can release on schedule by March. Since we're still in February I figured it would be obvious that this wouldn't be the KS update
And no, I can't show you where/when that was said because, for some reason, I can't find those posts.

Well, to be fair, back in December Dr. T on multiple occasions corrected people saying March was going to be the last hope for a 2018 release and they were hoping to get it cleared up ASAP or else the schedule would have to be pushed back. So again, it wasn't "obvious"...

Here is an [url=]example[/url]

There was also one where I stated March and had got corrected, but I can't seem to find at the moment

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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MeSoSollyWan wrote:
MeSoSollyWan wrote:

I think there might be an error on the main page:


That link "QUOTE" throws up an error page.

Fixed. That link wasn’t supposed to be there.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Fire Away
Fire Away's picture
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Captain Obvious here.

Captain Obvious here. Passionate bunch in the forum, many hanging on every word (nuance) from the dev team. We are not always aware of changing circumstances and their impact on the development end. Plus sometimes there are plausible but incorrect interpretations of the information provided. Communications and clarifications are always appreciated. Thanks for that.

Radiac's picture
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Does YouTube still do live

Does YouTube still do live streaming? If so, I wonder if it would be better to just use that instead of trying to use Twitch. I don't hate Twitch, but it their policy of taking videos down after X days is kind of annoying.

R.S.O. of Phoenix Rising

Kiyori Anoyui
Kiyori Anoyui's picture
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Well we were passionate

Well we were passionate because we were excited about the big news, but *“obviously”* we will live waiting another 2 weeks

The Carnival of Light in the Phoenix Rising
"We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them." - The Ancient One

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Riptide's picture
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It looks great!

It looks great!
It seems very fluid and believable in a way many games don't quite manage.
Will there be more than one default movement from which we can choose? That sort of upright, athletic jogging might not look so good on all toons (like a hulking top-heavy brutish type, for example).
Also, If we don't have anything targeted will the head just look around randomly from time to time?

"I don't think you understand the gravity of your situation."

Kid Rad
Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
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I foresee clipping issues

I foresee clipping issues with this feature, depending on the costume pieces, but it is nicely done as is. Good job.

Redlynne's picture
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For me, the most impressive

For me, the most impressive thing in this demo video was the fact that when turning the head to look to the sides, the shoulders will start to rotate too, so as to make sure that the chin doesn't rotate past the line of the shoulders when looking back to the sides. VERY nicely done that!

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Lin Chiao Feng
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

so as to make sure that the chin doesn't rotate past the line of the shoulders when looking back to the sides.

... Now I want an Exorcist mode.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Wolfgang8565's picture
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I still think the posture is

I still think the posture is a bit off. It looks a bit too slack.


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Cobalt Azurean
Cobalt Azurean's picture
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Thanks for the update! Seeing

Thanks for the update! Seeing improvements or works-in-progress is always appreciated!

Shadow Elusive
Shadow Elusive's picture
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The exact words from the Meet

The exact words from the Meet the Titan update were: Next MONTH'S update will be all about it. And indeed, the anticipated update will be the first update released in March. Confusion understandable though.

[center][color=#ff0000]Interior Map Lead and UI Designer[/color][/center]

Cinnder's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

The exact words from the Meet the Titan update were: Next MONTH'S update will be all about it. And indeed, the anticipated update will be the first update released in March. Confusion understandable though.

Well, while we're pointing stuff out, the full note in the Meet the Titan was 'City of Titans Chargen: Next month's update is all about it.' Until just now, we only suspected but didn't know officially that the 'Something Big' MWM has been teasing is definitely character generation. My recommendation to MWM for improving communication in the future would be to avoid hinting and (to paraphrase Yoda) either say or say not. I could go through the dev posts that differed from the actual events that took place, but I'm happy to let it go and move on if you are.

So now we know for sure: the big thing MWM has been talking about will be the next regularly scheduled major/KS update, which will occur in the first week of March, and it will be about character generation. I for one am looking forward to it. A lot.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Nos482's picture
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So I was right after all and

So I was right after all and you did say next month... /cue maniacal laughter

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Wolfgang8565's picture
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wait so let me get this

wait so let me get this straight....



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TitansCity's picture
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Shadow Elusive wrote:
Shadow Elusive wrote:

The exact words from the Meet the Titan update were: Next MONTH'S update will be all about it. And indeed, the anticipated update will be the first update released in March. Confusion understandable though.

Well... There is really a problem with MWM communication. I know teasing is a good way to make announce but then it should be prepared and done by people used to do that ;)
There was "several" teasings, there is no "unified" communication, i know you all are volunteer but sorry but it was really confused :

That's great since it makes me blasé so, i'll not except a lot more than what CoT presents since now (i'll stop believing it will be SSSsssooooo great ! even if i know it will be). So i will be not confused until the release :D. I always like CoT but i really ask myself how it will be managed regarding the marketing, the communication, etc... At 'about' 6 months from the release, nobody has seen, at least, a 'finished' video of the real gameplay of the game or a video of the "almost" finished game, no famous PNJ, no in game UI fx like "level up", no villains or even heroes in the game, etc, etc. Oh of course we see, quickly, some powers. quickly some environnement (reraley finished), etc. But it gives the idea that the game is still in early dev or not finished at all.
Damn guys, 6 months from the release and nothing really concrete to display to people ? I'm not a professionnal in video games but, i think this is time to deliver something to the mainstream and not only to the fans.

Some of you will probably say "oh please don't be so rude" or "leave MWM alone, they are doing what they can","don't forget they are volunteers and take on teir own time". But that's not the point, i'm not agressive towards MWM or people in MWM but i really ask myself how the communication and the game distribution and marketing will be. I believe that MWM are bad communicant and I'm just worry (and probably this event calm me down on CoT subject). Whatever, this is past. I'm still believing in CoT (i'm working on a multilanguage informations portal by the way) and i wait for the next ks update in 2 week with impatience.

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Wolfgang8565 wrote:
Wolfgang8565 wrote:

wait so let me get this straight....

[url=]You put de lime in de coconut... [/url]

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We all want the game. I'm

We all want the game. I'm surprised at myself at how emotional I get about it sometimes. Since there was confusion, MWM probably could have communicated better. I was confused. But I think making too much of it beyond that is mostly a sign of how badly we want the game.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

danngrey's picture
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right? it looks amazing too a

right? it looks amazing too a good content

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I think this is very cool.

I think this is very cool. Imagine a crowd looking up at a hovering hero announcing something or whatever else? Great subtle feature!

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I know some users are

I know some users are frustrated, and I'm sure that is in turn frustrating for our devs to see occurring, but I'd like to add that I consider this an overall positive reaction coming from an increasingly-excited userbase eager to play and support the product. There are worse problems to have than eager fans!

(I assumed this looking-while-running demo wasn't the big update but can see how folks were expecting the next update to be *the* update)

As for the looking-while-running demo itself... its cool! I'm imagining some nifty visuals of a gun-toting character moving in one direction while firing/looking in another. Screenshots (and vids) in the game are gonna be awesome.

Keep up the good work, team. Fingers crossed that we'll be able to trick-or-treat together this year, even if in beta?

DesViper's picture
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"character creator teaser"

"character creator teaser" did i miss something!?

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

"character creator teaser" did i miss something!?

No, you didn't miss it. That is slated for next week.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

avelworldcreator's picture
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Dressing up our characters is

Dressing up our characters is a must but looking good after? That's what this video was about. I've already seen what we've been advertising about the chargen. To say we are very excited and struggling not to spilll any beans too soon is quite the understatement! I can't wait until next week!


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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

I can't wait until next week!

So... don't wait :D We are reading you :p

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The waiting isn't by choice.

The waiting isn't by choice. Necessary for technical and PR reasons. We are trying to be professional about this one.


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Halae's picture
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I for one am glad for that. I

I for one am glad for that. I've looked into some statistics about inconsistent scheduling, and it almost always comes off as sloppy; you do it at the wrong time one week, you lose viewers. Go back to the normal time the next week, you lose [i]more[/i] viewers. It's best to just maintain a strong schedule like you've been doing so far.

Still super excited for it, though.

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

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k cool! I better not miss it

k cool! I better not miss it ;)

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Beeker's picture
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Awesome news!! Well, nigh

Awesome news!! Well, nigh-news.

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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

We are trying to be professional about this one.

It's not like if you had the choice if you want to be like an AAA game :)

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Honestly - I don't think COT

Honestly - I don't think COT should necessarily try to be a "AAA game". I mean - that's [I]supposed[/I] to be the ideal I guess, but Missing Worlds Media are indie devs - and there is nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of critically acclaimed and successful indie games that have come out over the last few years or are even still being worked on; Darkest Dungeon, Path of Exile, Subnautica, Cuphead, Rimworld and of course PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (to name just a few). Of course there is a lot of indie garbage out there, but based on what MWM has shown so far they seem to be focusing on quality and not just rushing something out to cash in.

All I am saying is let's be realistic here and not get our expectations TOO high - that's kind of why I mostly just occasionally lurk around here as of late - I wanted to get out of the hype bubble. It's okay to start relatively small and expand from there - as long as the game is well-made, looks good, has regular updates and gets good word of mouth it should do well.

All that said - I do agree that MWM does need to work on how it disseminates info, either here on the forums or on the Twitch streams. Right now this game is pretty much under the radar of most in the "video game world", it's mostly just us die-hards in the old COH diaspora that have any inkling of it. As we get closer to "launch" there needs a much more professional approach to advertising the game to the non-die-hards - to people who aren't even aware that City of Heroes was a thing, let alone the game MWM is now offering up.

Fire Away
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Honestly - I don't think COT should necessarily try to be a "AAA game". I mean - that's [I]supposed[/I] to be the ideal I guess, but Missing Worlds Media are indie devs - and there is nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of critically acclaimed and successful indie games that have come out over the last few years or are even still being worked on; Darkest Dungeon, Path of Exile, Subnautica, Cuphead, Rimworld and of course PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Of course there is a lot of indie garbage out there, but based on what MWM has shown so far they seem to be focusing on quality and not just rushing something out to cash in.

All I am saying is let's be realistic here and not get our expectations TOO high - that's kind of why I mostly just occasionally lurk around here as of late - I wanted to get out of the hype bubble. It's okay to start relatively small and expand from there - as long as the game is well-made, looks good, has regular updates and gets good word of mouth it should do well.

All that said - I do agree that MWM does need to work on how it disseminates info, either here on the forums or on the Twitch streams. Right now this game is pretty much under the radar of most in the "video game world", it's mostly just us die-hards in the old COH diaspora that have any inkling of it. As we get closer to "launch" there needs a much more professional approach to advertising the game to the non-die-hards - to people who aren't even aware that City of Heroes was a thing, let alone the game MWM is now offering up.

It seems that you and I have reached the same overall conclusions from rather opposite directions which I think is both interesting and meaningful. I am going to be a lot harsher than you below but it with the best possible hopes and wishes for CoT in mind. I get MWM doesn't have a multi million dollar marketing budget. Going AAA under these circumstances is difficult in the best case. It becomes even worse if you insist on "shooting yourself in the foot" when it comes to marketing on a regular basis. If, like me, you buy into the notion that every public comment you make or every dollar or hour you spend doing something the public sees is in effect "marketing" and vitally important, MWM's glaring mistakes from the past become rather apparent. I will not dispute that muti-hour "off the cuff" twitch streams have a greater than zero audience. Nor will I dispute that promoting "brotherhood" between the CoH successors is noble. BUT I will say that if your have limited resources to promote YOUR product and message to as diverse a group of potential customers as possible, IMHO MWM's approach to this point has been naive, amateurish, and, in some cases, counterproductive. That hurts a cause I very much believe in and want to see succeed.

This next announcement is a big deal. It marks the first time that Joe/Jane Average Player will get their hands on something associated with CoT. MWM is certainly doing the right thing for going the "professional" route here... and hopefully from here on out as well. It's time to grow up and branch out.

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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

The waiting isn't by choice. Necessary for technical and PR reasons. We are trying to be professional about this one.

Sounds good to me, possibly a coordinated release with, say, Massively getting an exclusive?

avelworldcreator's picture
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Baalumbral wrote:
Baalumbral wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

The waiting isn't by choice. Necessary for technical and PR reasons. We are trying to be professional about this one.

Sounds good to me, possibly a coordinated release with, say, Massively getting an exclusive?

If Massively Overpowered gives a good argument for an exclusive that's a possibility but for us such would normally be hurtful at this stage when we are trying to increase our overall visibility. Not off the table though.


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avelworldcreator wrote:
avelworldcreator wrote:

To say we are very excited and struggling not to spilll any beans too soon


Pretty sure this crowd will eat beans, wherever they are.

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rookslide's picture
Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
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Geez, I get that this came

Geez, I get that this came out when folks were awaiting a big KS update but man lighten up. This is a great lil teaser of the work getting done! I like it! I hope it get incorporated so when I see a player running by I can see where their focus is pointing. It feels to me like a great touch for other players to see what your character is looking at which is pretty cool! Stand facing one way but turn the head and look another as running! Then watch the body turn towards the head as they change course! That is awesome! Great job guys!

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space." ~ Thomas Carlyle