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Discuss: Living the Story: Paths

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doctor tyche
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So, how about that Superb Owl

So, how about that Superb Owl I heard was round about today?

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

TitansCity's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

This was decades later. I had no trouble believing she didn't have any force use in all that time. Not at the level of Luke for sure, but I could totally go with her doing what she did.

Now, the CGI for the scene sucked :p

I agree ^^ that was weird. ^^

But, keep in mind that she maybe has a few skill with the force. Enougth to help her to use it in space, in where there is less friction/gravity than in the atmosphere ^^ It's easier to use the force (or maybe she farted to guide herself towerds the ship xD)

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When did they say in any of the Star Wars movies that Leia was untrained?

Batman seldom 'saves' Joker in comics or animated versions, just the movies and the games.

Project_Hero's picture
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:

When did they say in any of the Star Wars movies that Leia was untrained?

More to the fact they have never shown or talked about her getting training. Yes, she could have, but as an audience we should have been shown or told this.

That being said the force is mysterious and mystic and there are many ways to gain the abilities without training. I'm sure some people who develop a connection to the force can use certain abilities without any training, like Anakin or Ezra.

To say that you need training to use the force kills the mystery of it. Same as midiclorians killed part of it's mystical nature. The force shouldn't have any hard rules, it's much cooler to be able to say "Whoa I didn't know people could use the force like that!" Than it is to say "These are all the things that can be done. No more. No less."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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I have been trying to get

I have been trying to get back to CoT, but some people just can't stand that somebody could have different opinions than them. LOL Live and let live, people!

Shocking Blu

Mordheim13's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

So, how about that Superb Owl I heard was round about today?

"Superb Owl"? Is this one of the iconic characters for CoT? Sounds cool.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

So, how about that Superb Owl I heard was round about today?

"Superb Owl"? Is this one of the iconic characters for CoT? Sounds cool.

Super bowl with the words arranged different.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Gladatoria's picture
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I like the idea that while

I like the idea that while Paths up to a certain point will have a discernible mission chain, that the choices and contacts available will vary enough depending on player choices to have replay value :)


Mordheim13's picture
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So true. For a victim of

So true. For a victim of severe Altitis such as myself, replay-ability is very important. Although I can handle repeat material fairly well, as I tend to RP things, thus giving it a slightly different feel each time regardless. Still, "mush different" is better than "slightly different."
And no interest in the Superb Owl. The NFL has soiled itself badly this year, and like many Americans, I'm done with them.

Shocking Blu

Mordheim13's picture
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"Much" different, even.

"Much" different, even. Varying sorts of "mush" are generally a waste of effort as they are, in the end, all mush, no matter how much bacon and maple syrup and cheese you put into them.

Shocking Blu

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How branchy will the paths be

How branchy will the paths be, anyway? For the classic villain, maybe WORLD DOMINATION is not entirely what they want. I mean, then you'd have to run it or have someone run it for you, which kind of defeats the point.

Will it be possible to end up in a Doctor Doom to Lex Luthor kind of position where you rule your own little country/megacorp with an iron fist, but keep up appearances because it's just that much easier when you have the option to both ask politely or break out the Ultimate Disintegrator Ray of Doom. I mean, sure, when you need to disintegrate something/someone, you need to disintegrate them, but having a good public image can make people want to do your bidding without threatening to make their molecules disengage from their other molecules.

Oh, and I suppose the heroic types could focus on stopping evil or boosting good. You know, punch bad guys, or help people. Always a good dilemma for a hero type.

(And yes, I used the word "brancy". It's a thing now. Don't make me bring out the Disintegrator to prove that.)

Tannim222's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

So, how about that Superb Owl I heard was round about today?

"Superb Owl"? Is this one of the iconic characters for CoT? Sounds cool.

There was much hooting over the E-gals. They’re a rowdy bunch. Worse than the P.A.T Riots by far.

[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
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Mordheim13's picture
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McNum wrote:
McNum wrote:

How branchy will the paths be, anyway? For the classic villain, maybe WORLD DOMINATION is not entirely what they want. I mean, then you'd have to run it or have someone run it for you, which kind of defeats the point.

Will it be possible to end up in a Doctor Doom to Lex Luthor kind of position where you rule your own little country/megacorp with an iron fist, but keep up appearances because it's just that much easier when you have the option to both ask politely or break out the Ultimate Disintegrator Ray of Doom. I mean, sure, when you need to disintegrate something/someone, you need to disintegrate them, but having a good public image can make people want to do your bidding without threatening to make their molecules disengage from their other molecules.

Oh, and I suppose the heroic types could focus on stopping evil or boosting good. You know, punch bad guys, or help people. Always a good dilemma for a hero type.

(And yes, I used the word "brancy". It's a thing now. Don't make me bring out the Disintegrator to prove that.)

I fully support the use of "branchy." No disintegrator rays pointed at me. Of course not.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
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The trouble with villain

The trouble with villain paths for me is the big deal stuff like world domination. The villain can't win.

Heroes can stop a threat to the world but a villain can't ever rule it or blow it up.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The trouble with villain paths for me is the big deal stuff like world domination. The villain can't win.

Heroes can stop a threat to the world but a villain can't ever rule it or blow it up.

One can hope, since blowing the world up would pretty well end the game. Having them rule it, however... that has continuability. Because every ruler/government has their resistance. The Heroes would then become the Resistance. Never fully understood a Villain who wanted to take over the world (including real world examples like Hitler, Stalin, etc.). Once you take over, you have to manage the place. What a colossal pain in the butt! I'd rather be able to just do what I damn well please with my little section of it.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The trouble with villain paths for me is the big deal stuff like world domination. The villain can't win.

Heroes can stop a threat to the world but a villain can't ever rule it or blow it up.

One can hope, since blowing the world up would pretty well end the game. Having them rule it, however... that has continuability. Because every ruler/government has their resistance. The Heroes would then become the Resistance. Never fully understood a Villain who wanted to take over the world (including real world examples like Hitler, Stalin, etc.). Once you take over, you have to manage the place. What a colossal pain in the butt! I'd rather be able to just do what I damn well please with my little section of it.

So everyone who does a villain path get's to rule the world? That's going to take some serious logistics.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Blowing up the world is kind

Blowing up the world is kind of counterproductive, anyway. I can't recommend it unless you can either breathe in space, or are just really, really, really bored.

But it is a good question. What are the end states for the villain paths? The hero pats seem kind of obvious. You become a celebrity hero, save the world, take down a corrupt megacorp, fight not-Godzilla and save the city or similar. But the status quo remains. Titan City is still there for the next supervillain to threaten, and this time, he has a giant mech that looks like a chicken! All shall fear the Chickenator!

For villains, victory means disrupting the status quo. You change something. But in an MMO, this becomes difficult due to the shared world. I got around that in City of Villains by making characters that explicitly didn't want to change things, hence the mercenary assassin mentioned earlier, or force of nature villains that just broke things because they were there. All of which benefited from not ruling the world more than they would from ruling it.

Because, well, the player should be able to win. But world domination is not something you can share. Well, you can, but that's just not the villain way. Or is this where the magic of phasing the outdoor areas come into play? Someone else might see a peaceful part of town, while the villain sees banners with their likeness hung from every building and tanks rolling down the streets. Because that'd be awesome.

Project_Hero's picture
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Some villains are mad enough

Some villains are mad enough to want to destroy the world, or at least kill everything on it.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

jtpaull's picture
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There are plenty of villains

There are plenty of villains that don't want to rule over anyone, they just want to be their evil selves. Thier ultimate goal could simply be a single mission or achievement; it doesn't have to be domination. For example, the League of Shadows. Unless I don't understand them correctly, they don't want to rule over anyone they just want to take out 'evil' havens like Gotham, but they don't care about the cost to or lives of the innocent, which in my minds makes them the 'bad guys'.

Another example, though not in this genre, would be a villain named Artemis Entreri, arguably the deadliest assassin to ever walk the Forgotten Realms' Sword Coast. He had many opportunities to take over and lead/own guilds but he didn't. He was evil through and through, IMO, but all he wanted to was continue to do his craft and be free of all responsibilities and anything that would tie him down.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Mordheim13's picture
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Who can say for sure that a

Who can say for sure that a Villain hasn't already taken over the world, and YOUR Villain is just the latest one taking them down? LOL Seriously, you have to bow to the reality of the game itself being bigger than you or your character. And the Heroes don't "win" any more than the Villains do. The villains kill and cause mayhem, only to be eventually stopped by the heroes. The heroes stop them-- only to have another villain rise to do it all over again. Probably minutes after the last one. An MMORPG is not like a game like Halo or whatever. It never really ends (until the creators pull the plug, at which point, what you, the player, did matters not at all).

Shocking Blu

Fireheart's picture
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Some people just want to have

Some people just want to have a better view of Venus.

Be Well!

Mordheim13's picture
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"Where is my Earth-shattering

"Where is my Earth-shattering Ka-boom?"

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Who can say for sure that a Villain hasn't already taken over the world, and YOUR Villain is just the latest one taking them down? LOL Seriously, you have to bow to the reality of the game itself being bigger than you or your character. And the Heroes don't "win" any more than the Villains do. The villains kill and cause mayhem, only to be eventually stopped by the heroes. The heroes stop them-- only to have another villain rise to do it all over again. Probably minutes after the last one. An MMORPG is not like a game like Halo or whatever. It never really ends (until the creators pull the plug, at which point, what you, the player, did matters not at all).

I'd be really unhappy with a storyline wherein it turns out that villains are already ruling the world.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Some villains are mad enough to want to destroy the world, or at least kill everything on it.

And that's why they don't get invited to villain teamups anymore. Once was enough. Don't have time to babysit the latest world-destroyer, let the heroes worry about that so the rest of us can work under the radar.

That could actually be a fun story. Why your villain is sponsoring a hero. And not one of those corrupt heroes with strings attached, legitimately a hero free to act along their own heroic instincts. Yet all of their fancy toys are funded by Mad Science Inc. Because someone has to punch Not-Godzilla in the nose and prevent some madman drunk on phenomenal cosmic power from blowing up the world.

And if they end up targeting you? Eh, you can always fund more heroes.

SisterSilicon's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Some villains are mad enough to want to destroy the world, or at least kill everything on it.

Champions has a good twist on that mentality in Dr. Destroyer. Albert Zerstoiten’s motive wasn’t to destroy [i]everything[/i], it was Darwinism taken to a radical, psychopathic extreme. He wanted to literally decimate the human population every so often, on the presumption that the weak would be culled, and the fittest would survive, rebuild, and evolve. According to the lore, he was a member of the Nazi Party until Hitler personally banished him for his radical views. (Although, if you read between the lines, that might have had more to do with Hitler’s bigotry and genocidal tendendies clashing with Zerstoiten’s belief that nature would prove who was ultimately superior.)

If you’d like that philosophy watered down a bit, look at Doomfist from Overwatch. He doesn’t want to destroy the world either, but he thinks the world will advance only if it is in a perpetual state of violent conflict, or at least on the brink of it.

Twitter: @SisterSilicon

Project_Hero's picture
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Mostly when I run villains

Mostly when I run villains they're low on the totem pole kinda villains. More of a masked criminal than a super villain.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

The trouble with villain paths for me is the big deal stuff like world domination. The villain can't win.

Heroes can stop a threat to the world but a villain can't ever rule it or blow it up.

Well we can certainly try!!

not my video just one I lke ===>


notears's picture
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Also a good end goal might

Also a good end goal might not be to take over the world or destroy it, but rather destroy or take over another country.

not my video just one I lke ===>


doctor tyche
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

So, how about that Superb Owl I heard was round about today?

"Superb Owl"? Is this one of the iconic characters for CoT? Sounds cool.

Super bowl with the words arranged different.

This sums up my enjoyment of Football:


Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

More to the fact they have never shown or talked about her getting training. Yes, she could have, but as an audience we should have been shown or told this.

In Star Wars we knew enough about the Force to understand there is an instinctual aspect to it. For me that was enough to accept Leia's space flight, but to think she got no training from Luke or the Force Ghosts in the 30 years between ROTJ and TFA is unfathomable to me.

I personally prefer movies that don't explain everything so we can interpret things ourselves. Those movies allow for these kinds of dissenting discussions.

Fireheart's picture
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I was introduced to football

I was introduced to football as a kid... "Okay, so I run down the field and some guy hurls a hard pointed object at me and, if I catch it, then everybody decides to kill me? No thanks."

Same reason why I'm not a criminal, I have too much imagination and a logical mind, so I can work out the hypotheticals in advance. I'll just not do that and avoid the pain.

Be Well!

notears's picture
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alright so I'm gonna be that

alright so I'm gonna be that guy and just go


not my video just one I lke ===>


SisterSilicon's picture
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Meanwhile, I’m still breaking

Meanwhile, it’s Monday evening, and I’m still breaking out in a grin every time I think of Foles wide open in the front of the end zone, especially after Brady stone-handed the pass on almost the same play call earlier in the quarter. And to pull that out of the playbook on 4th and goal from the 1, inside the 2:00 warning, leading by 3, knowing New England would receive the 2nd half kickoff? Doug Pedersen has balls of solid vibranium.

Twitter: @SisterSilicon

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I'm grinning that Graham got

I'm grinning that Graham got his hand on the ball, and caused Brady to fumble it. I am so thankful hat Eagles broke the Superbowl Curse. :P Now if I can just figure out how o prevent them from gettng another AFC championship ring again..

Lord Nightmare
Lord Nightmare's picture
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Reading up on this, I

Reading up on this, I actually really like the overall framework that seems to be in place. My only concern is how physically involved we might be forced to be which can hurt certain concepts such as the plotting mastermind who stays out of view, sending his minions to do the grunt work until a plan is ready to be executed, or the hero who prefers using a network of contacts to gather intel vs doing good ol' fashioned detective work. If more "unique" ideas are not accommodated for then it's totally fine but I'd like an update to go a bit further in the various paths and mission concepts.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Fireheart's picture
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Most of my characters are

Most of my characters are quite hands-on, but I do have a couple who are essentially connected to a huge network of... minds (in one way or another) and are accustomed to simply 'knowing' quite a lot about things. For both of them, having someone Tell them about it simply confirms whatever nebulous feelings they had.

Still, I'm not one to succumb to cognitive dissonance, just because _I_ don't necessarily know everything my character knows, and vice-versa.

Be Well!

Mordheim13's picture
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One must accept that you're

One must accept that you're going to have to do a certain amount of legwork, else why are you playing such a game? Of course, one may play whatever concept they like, but it is up to the player as an RPer to figure out how to accomodate the world they RP in, not for the creators to try to foresee and adjust for every possible (and impossible-- anyone who has GMed knows RPers will ALWAYS find something impossible to do-- and DO it!) option.

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

One must accept that you're going to have to do a certain amount of legwork, else why are you playing such a game? Of course, one may play whatever concept they like, but it is up to the player as an RPer to figure out how to accomodate the world they RP in, not for the creators to try to foresee and adjust for every possible (and impossible-- anyone who has GMed knows RPers will ALWAYS find something impossible to do-- and DO it!) option.

Yes, this is an action RPG, not a superhero/villain simulator.

That being said, optional mini games where you use contacts or minions to perform tasks would be a welcome addition. I used to play Neverwinter and they had a great little dice minigame that AFAIR could be played on your cell in which your henchmen would take on small quests to gain loot and xp. Or maybe something like Fallout Shelter. I would love to see something similar for this game. Even a simple Tower defense game might be fun.

It would be neat if you could cultivate a network of contacts that were linked to your character with leads/schemes (are they still called that?) costume parts or reputation being the rewards for successful completion. Or your in game base being used as an app game map that you manage employees or henchmen and defend against game foes for additional base items, costumes and reputation.
No power gaming rewards, just simple cosmetic or mission crafting leads schemes.

Lord Nightmare
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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

One must accept that you're going to have to do a certain amount of legwork, else why are you playing such a game? Of course, one may play whatever concept they like, but it is up to the player as an RPer to figure out how to accomodate the world they RP in, not for the creators to try to foresee and adjust for every possible (and impossible-- anyone who has GMed knows RPers will ALWAYS find something impossible to do-- and DO it!) option.

Yes, this is an action RPG, not a superhero/villain simulator.

That being said, optional mini games where you use contacts or minions to perform tasks would be a welcome addition. I used to play Neverwinter and they had a great little dice minigame that AFAIR could be played on your cell in which your henchmen would take on small quests to gain loot and xp. Or maybe something like Fallout Shelter. I would love to see something similar for this game. Even a simple Tower defense game might be fun.

It would be neat if you could cultivate a network of contacts that were linked to your character with leads/schemes (are they still called that?) costume parts or reputation being the rewards for successful completion. Or your in game base being used as an app game map that you manage employees or henchmen and defend against game foes for additional base items, costumes and reputation.
No power gaming rewards, just simple cosmetic or mission crafting leads schemes.

Oh totally, I was just curious since the way the system is talked about sounds like it's trying to include as many concepts as possible so I would know if it's possible to stay IC as much as I could. More than happy to beat on some Longbo- er.. whatever the proxy for those red and white geeks is.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Gladatoria's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

One must accept that you're going to have to do a certain amount of legwork, else why are you playing such a game? Of course, one may play whatever concept they like, but it is up to the player as an RPer to figure out how to accomodate the world they RP in, not for the creators to try to foresee and adjust for every possible (and impossible-- anyone who has GMed knows RPers will ALWAYS find something impossible to do-- and DO it!) option.

Yes, this is an action RPG, not a superhero/villain simulator.

That being said, optional mini games where you use contacts or minions to perform tasks would be a welcome addition. I used to play Neverwinter and they had a great little dice minigame that AFAIR could be played on your cell in which your henchmen would take on small quests to gain loot and xp. Or maybe something like Fallout Shelter. I would love to see something similar for this game. Even a simple Tower defense game might be fun.

It would be neat if you could cultivate a network of contacts that were linked to your character with leads/schemes (are they still called that?) costume parts or reputation being the rewards for successful completion. Or your in game base being used as an app game map that you manage employees or henchmen and defend against game foes for additional base items, costumes and reputation.
No power gaming rewards, just simple cosmetic or mission crafting leads schemes.

Oh totally, I was just curious since the way the system is talked about sounds like it's trying to include as many concepts as possible so I would know if it's possible to stay IC as much as I could. More than happy to beat on some Longbo- er.. whatever the proxy for those red and white geeks is.

You’re probably looking for the organization known as PIT, sir. :)


Lord Nightmare
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PIT, eh?

PIT, eh?

Not nearly as fun to say as Longbow.. And I bet their uniforms aren't as cool.

[B]Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest...[/B]

Roleplayer; Esteemed Villain

Mordheim13's picture
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Lord Nightmare wrote:
Lord Nightmare wrote:

PIT, eh?

Not nearly as fun to say as Longbow.. And I bet their uniforms aren't as cool.

Inorite? And really, "PIT"? it's like they wanted to hand their detractors a name to make fun of on a silver platter. "You know those guys-- they're the PITs!" LOL

Shocking Blu

Lin Chiao Feng
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If she pulled the ship toward

If she pulled the ship toward her, the ship would have undergone acceleration and folks inside would have noticed.

Seriously, why is that more plausible than she moved herself? Didn't you notice Yoda flying through the air all over the place in the prequels? That bridge has been crossed and burned.

There's plenty else to complain about in TLJ. But really...

What does this have to do with anything in CoT?

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Mordheim13's picture
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Leia is far from Yoda, and

Leia is far from Yoda, and Yoda was using the Force to leap around a (admittedly LARGE) room-- not fly through vacuum-filled Outer Space.
But I agree about dropping the subject and returning to CoT (City of Titans, not Circle of Thorns LOL).

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

Leia is far from Yoda, and Yoda was using the Force to leap around a (admittedly LARGE) room-- not fly through vacuum-filled Outer Space.
But I agree about dropping the subject and returning to CoT (City of Titans, not Circle of Thorns LOL).

Ah yes. Because it takes so much more effort to move something in zero gravity when compared to moving a thing somewhere where there is gravity. I forgot that more forces acting upon an object means it requires less energy to move it.

Also how far is Leia from Yoda? Like, do you have numbers for that? Any sort of hard metric we can go off?

Moving an object in a weightless environment would probably be the easiest thing to do with the force. And since size matters not all that does matter is how much resistance the object can give.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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"How far is Leia from Yoda?"

"How far is Leia from Yoda?" I don't know. How far is a Tae Kwon Do student from Jet Li (would have used Bruce Lee, but some chucklehead would point out that he is dead and thus less martial arts capable, currently, than an entirely untrained individual, demonstrating their willful failure to gasp my point.)? And it takes a great DEAL of effort to concentrate on doing much of ANYTHING when you are in bloody space without a bloody SPACE SUIT! You're NOT going to convince me on this, just as I am not going to convince you. Let. It. Go.

Shocking Blu

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Seems like dying in space is

Seems like dying in space is a good place to unlearn what you have learned. Probably get great clarity when you're about to die.

How much concentration do you need to use the force? Obiwan didn't seem to need much in the prequels to throw some droids. But he was fully trai- no wait, he was still a learner. And Rey seemed to move a lightsaber without much training either. Gee. It's almost as if this mystical energy that surrounds and binds us doesn't really have any hard rules. Who'd of thought!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mordheim13's picture
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don't get me started on the

don't get me started on the ridiculousness of Rey. In the morning, laughing, happy fishheads, ignorant of the Force at all except as a myth, in the evening, floating in the soup, beating a Sith Lord. Obi-Wan was a gifted Padawan, which are highly trained before being allowed to leave the Temple, to complete that training in the field with a Master. If you WILL refuse to drop the subject, at least use examples which show some understanding of your subject matter, please. :)

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

don't get me started on the ridiculousness of Rey. In the morning, laughing, happy fishheads, ignorant of the Force at all except as a myth, in the evening, floating in the soup, beating a Sith Lord. Obi-Wan was a gifted Padawan, which are highly trained before being allowed to leave the Temple, to complete that training in the field with a Master. If you WILL refuse to drop the subject, at least use examples which show some understanding of your subject matter, please. :)

Kylo Ren isn't a Sith Lord. He has never been called one. Why do you assume he is one? At least use examples that show you have some understanding of the subject matter, please.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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He was a Sith who was capable

He was a Sith who was capable of stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air and holding it there until he was good and ready for it to move-- something never before shown. Close enough, compared to someone who had mere minutes of experience using the Force. 2 points for use of sarcasm, no more, since the use illustrates a lack of understanding of perspective, whether deliberate or otherwise. Why does my refusal to bow to your opinion bother you so much? Better yet, don't bother to answer, just return to the subject of CoT, before the Devs ban us both.

Shocking Blu

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

He was a Sith who was capable of stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air and holding it there until he was good and ready for it to move-- something never before shown. Close enough, compared to someone who had mere minutes of experience using the Force. 2 points for use of sarcasm, no more, since the use illustrates a lack of understanding of perspective, whether deliberate or otherwise. Why does my refusal to bow to your opinion bother you so much? Better yet, don't bother to answer, just return to the subject of CoT, before the Devs ban us both.

When was it ever stated he was a Sith?

He's a Jedi that uses the dark side of the force. He's no Darth anything. His master isn't a Darth. He's not of the ancient Sith race. He was not a Sith. He's a fallen Jedi.

Fallen Jedi does not equal Sith. Kylo Ren, is a Jedi playing at being a Sith.

And remember, as people tend to forget, Kylo was injured from the weapon that sends armored first order troops flying, was emotionally messed up, had just had a fight, and was playing with their opponent for the majority of the fight. And in the end all Rey managed to do was hold her own at the end against a tired, injured, emotionally troubled young man, who wasn't trying to kill her.

And your "refusal to bow to my opinion" doesn't bother me. At all. I enjoy discussion. And you are literally wrong about certain things. Kylo isn't a Sith. This isn't an opinion. This is a fact. He's never called a Sith, he hasn't had any Sith teachings, he's a fallen Jedi plain and simple. In fact calling him a Jedi is a bit of a stretch. He's a Dark Sider.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Redlynne's picture
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Darth RenKylo Ren, Dark Lord

[s]Darth Ren[/s]
[s]Kylo Ren, Dark Lord of the Sith[/s]

Nope, he's just Kylo Ren. At best he's the Emo Lord of the Side Order of Fries.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

[s]Darth Ren[/s]
[s]Kylo Ren, Dark Lord of the Sith[/s]

Nope, he's just Kylo Ren. At best he's the Emo Lord of the Side Order of Fries.

Eh, let's be real. He's Ben Solo who wants everyone one to call him "Kylo Ren."

These are also the reason Kylo Ren is awesome.

Unlike pretty much every EU badguy who secretly wants to be Darth Vader, Ben wears it on his sleeve, it's his whole character. And that's wonderful.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Is there a way to flag a

Is there a way to flag a thread so it displays new posts only when they are relevant to the original topic?

Spurn all ye kindle.

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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Is there a way to flag a thread so it displays new posts only when they are relevant to the original topic?

If you want an on topic discussion maybe you should make an on topic post that others can respond to?

Mordheim13 wrote:

He was a Sith who was capable of stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air and holding it there until he was good and ready for it to move-- something never before shown. Close enough, compared to someone who had mere minutes of experience using the Force. 2 points for use of sarcasm, no more, since the use illustrates a lack of understanding of perspective, whether deliberate or otherwise. Why does my refusal to bow to your opinion bother you so much? Better yet, don't bother to answer, just return to the subject of CoT, before the Devs ban us both.

If you don't want to continue talking about the new Star Wars movies then simply don't reply something that invites continued argument on the subject. Like right here you talk about the 'never before seen' stopping of a blaster bolt as proof of the power of Darth Solo yet lament the 'never before seen' flying through space by Leia.
Right here (:16-:25 sorry about the quality but it was first I found and all I really cared to look for) Kenobi tells Luke the force flows through you to which Luke asks 'You mean it controls your actions?' and Ben replies 'Partially, but it also obeys your commands'.
Using The force doesn't require training. Training is about being a Jedi. The force just is...and the Skywalkers, even Leia, have it in abundance.
That is one of the cooler things to me about the new movies. The Force doesn't belong to the Jedi's, it's just in everything.

If that isn't enough to get the instinctual aspect of the Force remember Anakin could pilot the podracers with no training at like age 10. (:38-:45)

You don't have to agree or even like what I think but you don't get to make your argument then tell people to 'change the subject now before you get to respond'.

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Brainbot wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Is there a way to flag a thread so it displays new posts only when they are relevant to the original topic?

If you want an on topic discussion maybe you should make and on topic post that others can respond to?

...because people are incapable of discontinuing an unrelated tangent unless something on-topic is posted?!? Guess I'll have to consign this thread to the Tangent Zombie bin.

Spurn all ye kindle.

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Cinnder wrote:
Cinnder wrote:
Brainbot wrote:
Cinnder wrote:

Is there a way to flag a thread so it displays new posts only when they are relevant to the original topic?

If you want an on topic discussion maybe you should make and on topic post that others can respond to?

...because people are incapable of discontinuing an unrelated tangent unless something on-topic is posted?!? Guess I'll have to consign this thread to the Tangent Zombie bin.

Or maybe people have nothing new to discuss about the threads topic. Do you really think if people didn't talk star wars, batman or football that all of a sudden the thread would be alive with thread specific posts? If you want to talk about something different then do so, take some responsibility for your own desires.

Mordheim13's picture
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And... now a new person who

And... now a new person who thinks we should get back on-subject gets to be the target. Sorry, Cinnder. Sometimes you just can't do anything about a howling mob. :D Makes me worry a bit for the game when it comes out, but maybe there will be a Pocket D analogue, and PvP Zones for the worst elements to hang out in, while those of us who just like to play the game can do so.

Shocking Blu

Mordheim13's picture
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I'll agree about one thing,

I'll agree about one thing, though: this thread does seem to be dead as far as CoT discussion goes. Time to chuck it.

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
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As for this thing getting off

As for this thing getting off topic, I did try waaaay earlier to take the Star Wars discussion to PMs, but got no reply.

So there's that.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Wow! for a thread on the game

Wow! for a thread on the game's paths you guys really lost your way. [youtube]-EoBmbAD4MU[/youtube]

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

And... now a new person who thinks we should get back on-subject gets to be the target. Sorry, Cinnder. Sometimes you just can't do anything about a howling mob. :D Makes me worry a bit for the game when it comes out, but maybe there will be a Pocket D analogue, and PvP Zones for the worst elements to hang out in, while those of us who just like to play the game can do so.

The problem with acting all high and mighty in a thread is there is evidence to the contrary with a couple clicks.

Mordheim13 wrote:

My personal hated group was Malta, particularly the Sappers.

(post 49)Not exactly staying on topic is it. And again here...(post 65)

Mordheim13 wrote:

Not true. There will always be criminals, and there is only one Superman. Even he must rest sometimes, and can only be one place at a time. Besides, if he became so pervasive as to be able to avert all crime, he would BECOME the force that heroes must rise against. "A government strong enough to give you all that you desire is strong enough to take away all that you have." Thomas Jefferson

(post 77) Another example of you diverging from the thread topic.

Mordheim13 wrote:

Not really. He can move that fast, but he can't become light. He has to act, and Superman thinks before he acts (moreso than Batman, sometimes). Moreover, he is not all-knowing. Besides, in a Universe that has Starro, Darkseid, and demon hordes, it's not really unfair to have a hero with comparable power. Get over it.

(post 85)More off topic talk about superman

Mordheim13 wrote:

Exactly. The difference between Spidey and Bats is not intelligence. It is that Spider-Man has all the responsibility (in fact, MORE-- he doesn't use it as an excuse to become a little tin god that would rather take down a fellow hero than a villain), without the mental OCD and arrogance that batman has made a part of himself. Spider-Man is well aware of the darkness-- he just doesn't let it consume him. He has his times when depression threatens to overcome him, but he fights back with humor and light. Batman embraces the darkness, and fights back by making sure that the craziest killers get the chance to continue killing.

(post 134)Now it's batman and spiderman. Next is these two back to back posts (140 - 141)

Mordheim13 wrote:

Seems to me the last presidential administration did enough to make cops the bad guys. No need for a game to add to that. As for Batman, he is not a Hero. He is DC's greatest accomplice. After the 5th time you save the Joker's life and he goes out and kills more people-- you have to accept a certain amount of responsibility for his actions. It's not that he doesn't kill the Joker. it's that he has saved the Joker's life so many times. My favorite line (and one that gave me back some respect for Batman) in "Batman Begins" was his response to Ra's Al Ghul taunting him that he couldn't kill him: "But I don't have to save you." In the comics, Batman has so many contingency plans to kill his fellow heroes "if necessary" that DC really doesn't NEED villains, but he would let a crowd of innocent die to save a villain. Sorry, not a hero. Not for some time. Writers' fault, yes, but nevertheless...

Mordheim13 wrote:

BTW, before all the hatemail comes in about how I just want a "hero" who kills the bad guys... yes, I like the Punisher. But I like Captain America and Spider-Man better.

You tried to turn the conversation political with this and your next post (144)

Mordheim13 wrote:

And yet he managed to weigh in on every police situation that hit the news, whether he had bothered to do any research into the situation or not-- always on the opposite side from the police. Under him, every cop was guilty and there was no proving them innocent. And some of them died because of it. Fortunately, we now have an opportunity to come together, rather than be further divided. May we have the wisdom to take advantage of that opportunity.
It sounds like the creators have the situation well in hand. I for one intend to trust to their creativity. Wait and see, in other words. It didn't work so well for Disney taking over the Star Wars universe, but hope springs eternal. :)

That's also where YOU started the star wars talks. You then continued to talk about star wars and batman for a bit and it wasn't until post 162 that you decided it was time to focus on CoT.

All in all, of the 37 (give or take) posts you have made in this thread only 20 have been tangentially been about CoT. Of those 20 only maybe 4 are completely about the threads topic, the rest are either laced with arguments you started and now want to end, trying to act like you are a little choirboy to get the thread back on topic or both. Seems like you didn't care about being on topic until the topic was one you didn't like.

Meanwhile the ones you are trying to act better than are among the first to respond to on topic posts in the thread. Cinnder has at least been consistent in his desires but you don't have a leg to stand on.

Mordheim13's picture
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So, what you're saying is,

So, what you're saying is, you will not allow the topic to revert to CoT unless I never again express an opinion, or make a non-CoT reference. Got it. I was unaware that you controlled this discussion. Now I know. I don't CARE, but at least I know. :)

Shocking Blu

Project_Hero's picture
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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

So, what you're saying is, you will not allow the topic to revert to CoT unless I never again express an opinion, or make a non-CoT reference. Got it. I was unaware that you controlled this discussion. Now I know. I don't CARE, but at least I know. :)

No, what they're saying is you didn't have to continue the discussion. You chose to do so. I tried to take the star wars tangent to PMs you chose to keep it here. Because you wanted the last public word.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Mordheim13 wrote:
Mordheim13 wrote:

So, what you're saying is, you will not allow the topic to revert to CoT unless I never again express an opinion, or make a non-CoT reference. Got it. I was unaware that you controlled this discussion. Now I know. I don't CARE, but at least I know. :)

Hardly, I am pointing out the hypocrisy of you trying to take a moral high ground when you are the originator and by far the most guilty.
Blaming others for your own mess ...sheesh, it's because of people like you that 'Point away from self' warning labels on guns were invented.

Hyperbolt's picture
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(No subject)


I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Mordheim13's picture
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Too late to change the

Too late to change the subject. Once it was established that I would neither change my mind nor just shut up, the inevitable personal attacks ensued. Once that stage is reached, there's nothing for it but to just let them continue until they run out of attention span. LOL

Shocking Blu

Dark Ether
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Sooo....paths. How about

Sooo....paths. How about those paths, eh?

(insert pithy comment here)

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(No subject)


Now, maybe we can return on the first subject >o[

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Looking forward to the Paths.

Looking forward to the Paths. I believe that, within the parameters of the game, nearly any kind of character can be developed. One could even play a villainous mastermind (say a Kingpin type) who bankrolls a Hero, perhaps unknown to that Hero, who is also a character of the same player. Or, a different player, for that matter. Possibilities are, while not endless, certainly plentiful enough to keep us busy for years, especially as new content is added. Excelsior! :)

Shocking Blu

McJigg's picture
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I really like the divide

I really like the divide between the 'high' and 'low' paths. Some of my heroes in CoX were meant to be patrolling Kings Row or still working as a cop by the time they hit max level. Others were made with the idea of fighting all the giant monsters and they could feel held back by how long it took for enemies to scale up to that prospect.

I'll probably spend most of my time in the south, facing the every day threats. But when I want to face (or cause) something bigger, I can always go north side.

It will be interesting to see the writing for villains. Villain side in CoV, while there was some burglary and mayham missions, didn't necessarily feel like you were actually a villain. The big end story was taking down an alternate universe Lord Recluse just to make a point that he shouldn't test you, instead of something along the lines of defeating Statesman. The most 'evil' thing I can recall, is when the TV got you to destroy boxes of school supplies. Then again, 'villain' is such a broad setting, some are professional thieves, some are seeking to burn all of creation and again, I think the North and South divide will help a lot in this aspect.

Huckleberry's picture
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One of the things regarding

One of the things regarding paths that I would like to see is how they address the completionist mentality.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I am sure there are plenty out there who share my desire to [i]do all things[sup][size=8]TM[/size][/sup][/i]. The easiest symptom to identify people like me is that even after we have egregiously outlevelled the zone we are in, we continue to do quests because there are still quests to do.

So when it comes to paths, will the game be designed to make me content that I ran the highside path [u]or[/u] the lowside path? Or will the game be designed such that I will feel obligated to do both? Yes, I realize that the game will be designed to [u]enable[/u] me to do both. That isn't my question. My question is whether the game design will make it seem like my character makes a decision to do one or the other and if I am content at the character level I will be content at the player level to not have to reconsider that option again.

I don't know if I am being clear or if I am just muddying things up. But I would like it if, after running one of the paths, my character feels as if a milestone has been achieved; a milestone that would make running the other path options feel unnecessary or redundant or somehow unattractive for my character at the personal level.

If, on the other hand, the only difference between the paths is the feel of the content, then I am pretty sure I will be motivated to do both/all of the paths in order to [i]do all things[sup][size=8]TM[/size][/sup][/i].

I am withholding qualifying statements such as I feel one design philosophy is better than the other, because I would be happy with either. Its just that if I am going to be running several alts, the [i]or[/i] path design would stay fresher. The compulsive completionist in me can sometimes be my own villain, causing even the most interesting content to become tiresome or burdensome. And no, I don't want this to devolve into a discussion of badges or titles.

I am interested in hearing the MWM philosophy on this.

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

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I think CoX had an elegant

I think CoX had an elegant solution to that with Ouroboros. The game treated time as if it was passing while you leveled, but Ouroboros was a way to validate why a level 50 would be asked to get back on the trail of Trolls in the Hollows AND back tracked your power level to compensate. New players didn't find themselves with a mountain of quests below their skills, while veterans knew where to go to see it all and replay things.

I was a large fan of that system, at the time of the shut down I was playing a Willpower/Street Justice Tanker who was a time traveler and I was just working my way down through the list trying to get all the Ouroboros badges. Even the classic original Positron Taskforce which was the single most time consuming piece of content in the game.

Mordheim13's picture
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I totally feel you with that

I totally feel you with that completionist mentality, but I think the Paths system will address that, by having you decide on a character concept. Batman OR Superman; Daredevil OR Thor; it wouldn't make conceptual sense to have one character do both, and that should help.

Shocking Blu
