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Please read the current update for instructions on downloading the latest update. Players with Mac versions of the game will not be affected, but you will have a slightly longer wait for your version of the new maps. Please make a copy of your character folder before running the new update, just to make sure you don't lose any of your custom work.

It looks like we can give everyone a list of minimum specs for running City of Titans. Please keep in mind that this is 'for now' until we are able to add more graphics and other system refinements. Currently you will need :
Windows 10 or later required; no Intel integrated graphics like UHD, must have AMD or NVIDIA card or discrete chipset with 4Gb or more of VRAM
At least 16GB of main DRAM.
These stats may change as we continue to test.

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Contest: Make a Hero/Villain based on the specified element

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The Hybrid
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Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 11/18/2017 - 04:21
Contest: Make a Hero/Villain based on the specified element

I figured I'd make a creative challenge for this idea. One person posts an element, or "ingredient", and the others make bios based on that. After a certain date is reached, we take a vote on the winner. The winner then makes the next ingredient for others to follow and so on. Think of it as Iron Chef, but with superheroes.

I think it'll be good for getting the creative juices flowing and may even inspire future CoT characters we make.


- No need for stats or a build (though you can have it if you want to), a name and bio will do. But the more detailed the bio, the bigger chance it has to make an impression.
- Try to keep the element open-ended. As in, don't be too specific with it that the character is essentially made for the users.
- Creators can vote, but for obvious reasons they can't vote for themselves.

That's all I have for now. If anything else comes up, I'll add more.

Here's an example of what I'm aiming for:



Snow Devil considers himself the King of Cold. He uses advanced technology he created to dish our frosty punishment to others. As an inventor, Kelvin Caldwell was cheated out of his royalties when the government shut down his designs for being "too dangerous". Deciding he would use his technology for profitable use no matter what it took, he became the Snow Devil and a man who causes blizzards and icestorms whenever he wishes to get money. Snow Devil is identified by also wearing winter clothes with a mask -- necessary because as an unpowered human he needs to dress warm to avoid being a victim of his own gear.

I'll get this started:

[b]Alien/Human hybrid[/b]

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 2 days 33 min ago
Joined: 01/03/2016 - 08:39

Father O'Leary will never tell anyone the truth about Alphaeus. It's all a bit too much to take. After failing to convince a young girl to carry her baby to term, he thought he would follow her to the abortion clinic for one last plea to save the baby's life. Rather than the proper facility in the strip mall, she went to a seedy back-alley facility he could only guess was in a vain hope to be unseen. He didn't make it in time to stop her.

It was about that time when a battle between Vodnik and some aliens was taking place in the wooded lot behind the facility. One of the aliens crawled into the drainage ditch between the facility and the wooded lot in an attempt to gain cover and perform some first aid on itself. Thier nano-gel is a miraculous substance. It has the capacity to repair the body of almost any wound by generating stem cells from the surrounding host tissue and regrowing the affected areas to be as good as new. It opened its nano-gel wound repair kit and a moment later Vodnik scooped up the alien and sped away. That same drainage ditch is where the half-formed baby parts were tossed a minute later. Equipped only with a template for the alien species, the nano-gel only knew that the baby's body was injured. The baby's brainstem, though underdeveloped, was still active and in pain. The gel went to work attempting to repair the unborn baby. It first created a life sustaining oxygen-rich bubble environment around the wounds, which in this case was the entire little body. But because nano-gel had a template for alien physiology, the stem cells it tried to make out of the human baby's tissue weren't entirely human. They weren't entirely alien either. And try as it might, the cells were not viable. But that didn't stop the nano-gel. Working to near depletion, it kept forming stem cells by combining the human tissue into the alien template until, finally, viability was achieved.

Father O'Leary, who had been distracted by Vodnik's fight with the aliens had a good view of the drainage ditch and witnessed the 'doctor' throw the baby into the ditch. He went to his car to get a bag so he could collect the body and give it a proper burial. By the time he made it back to his car, the 'doctor' had closed up his chop shop and moved on. He was the only one there now. And when he returned to the ditch, he was amazed to hear the helpless wailing of a baby. But it wasn't just any baby. In the light of his flashlight, the baby was a brilliant cerulean blue with glowing green eyes but otherwise appeared to be a normal human child with all ten fingers and all ten toes flexing and a fine little willie like any baby boy.

The priest took the baby home and named it Alphaeus, which means [i]trouble[/i] in Hebrew. Of course he would call the boy Alf, or Alfie, because he remembered the television show of the same name from when he was a boy. It seemed fitting. Now the boy is a young man and has taken to call himself Alpha. ...Boys will be boys.

Raised in the church, Alpha sees his life's purpose to reduce the suffering of others. He sees his abilities as a gift from God to help him achieve those ends and would want nothing more than to sacrifice himself for others like the amazing saints he has heard about and admired his whole life. It is this last bit that keeps Father O'Leary up at night.

[b]His powers[/b]? Only the ability to regenerate wounds as fast as he gets them. This has led to a bit of a masochistic streak in him. And his wounds don't just heal. By some synergy of the fusion of alien with human, his body actually lashes out from the wounds themselves as part of the repair process. When he was a child, a bully tried to punch him once. The kid's broken wrist was testimony to the violent reaction of Alphaeus's body. It returns like with like. A blunt force blow will respond hammerlike before settling down to its original structure. A slashing cut will cause a sharp saw of blood and bone to spring forth from the wound. Bullets and other piercing wounds result in a spearlike reaction. You could compare the reaction of his body to the shape of the splash when an object is thrown into water and you woudn't be far off.

He's been throwing himself in front of Bully's punches ever since.

Archetype: Stalwart
[indent]Primary Powerset: Atrophic Aura[/indent]

Specialization: Bulwark
[indent]Secondary Powerset: Tactical Combat[/indent]

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Gorgon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
11th Anniversary Badge
Joined: 05/15/2014 - 11:46
To heck wit da usual, Salt!

To heck wit da usual, Salt!



The very existence of the taunting tank irritates, for it requires idiotic AI that obeys the taunt.