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You could also probably go down the villain south path but do more tip missions. While you may want you're character to be neutral, the city itself isn't going to see you as that, especially if you're a hired killer. Like villains are going to hire you to kill people, and those include police officers and civillians, and once that happens the city doesn't recognize you as a "Guy who's just doing your job", they're going to recognize you as a cold blooded murderer, by the city's standards you would be a villain like deadshot or deathstroke, and since we've come to learn that being considered as a villain and being a villain are two different things, even if you are neutral, the closest you'll probably get to a storyline like that is the villain south path.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Will CoT still have the system mentioned a while ago where a character can assemble a mission from various clues? If so, we're gonna have *so* much choice of content in this game.
Speaking of which, what sort of content choice will we have for our first post-tutorial mission? One of the big complaints about old Redside was that everyone had to start with the same contact (or two contacts after they added Mongoose).
Spurn all ye kindle.
Yes that system is still planned for. It may be post launch but is our way of taking the newspaper / radio missions and ramping them up to give the player more agency in figuring out their own plots.
And it also adds for having something to sell / trade for with others. You may have that clue that you don’t need but someone else could use.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
While I agree the population may well not, you dismiss politicians and corporations that don't really care unless your screwing their operations. If they know they can use you under the radar to get something done they will. I mean I presume that the politicians and corporations aren't all going to be saints because lets be honest that would be a bit weird.
I completely agree that the population might have fears that someones gunned there way through X etc and wouldn't understand the dynamics of people that work through the arranging of contracts. Heck im not even saying that they would work with them openly unless the sky was falling down.
However, sometimes even the "good" need people that don't have certain restraints but at least they can know that they aren't going to put a knife in their back.
As usual, Tannim's response makes me happy. I hadn't thought about that trade aspect before (or missed it if it had already been mentioned). Sweet!
Spurn all ye kindle.
One more question: will contacts be met in a chain as per the old game instead of a character going to a location and having every NPC in that area asking for a favour? I thought that chaining allowed for much more focus on story -- rather than the way most other games work, where I pick up a load of assignments, then go to a wild area and look for any nearby waypoints on my map without really remembering what the significance of each one is, then finally travel back to the village and click all the highlighted contacts to pick up rewards.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Yeah, the chain was a good system, setting up a kind of continuity between the 'episodes' (or 'issues' if you think in comic book terms). Also, the cell phone. Why even TOR forces you to trek back to most quests on foot is beyond me; you only use your holo communicator for certain plot things and for the "heroic" stuff.
Under Construction...
And we're in the [i]Northern[/i] hemisphere, natch.
[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]
This will most likely be the focus of a post-launch path. We have many plans, but we can only make so much happen all at once.
For paths, yes, the contacts will be chained to enhance the story. For other content such as tips, not so much.
We have a number of politicians that were created to fill very specific roles:
Corrupt Politician
Semi-Corrupt Politician
Politician [i]being[/i] blackmailed (whether or not that is a result of something that would categorize them as corrupt or not is TBD)
Honest Politician
They come in all flavors, so we're going to include them where appropriate. No, I'm not going to give you any information about who they are or what gives them their corruption'll have to experience it in-game.
Conundrum of Furballs
[color=#ff0000]Composition Team, Staff Writer[/color]
Im gonna take a wild guess and say they are corrupt because of power and money.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Fair enough, but will we at least be avoiding the 'quest hub' that other MMOs use, with contacts scattered about the city instead, so that there's more focus on story and less 'click any glowie you see on your map'?
Spurn all ye kindle.
I'm curious, with the initial and future paths is there any plan to have the paths lead to some kind of trial of task force?
If not, I may have an idea how to do it (and the outlines of a story line) which I think might be interesting.
I would not expect you to do so, Thank you for the heads up. The realist in my is tingling.
If so, please make it entirely optional, both game-mechanics-wise and story-wise. I remember being really annoyed in SWTOR when a perfectly soloable arc suddenly turned into group-only material and I couldn't finish it without finding a group. Personally, I'd much rather have group content separated from solo content.
Spurn all ye kindle.
Just a few things for you to consider Cinnder.
We already know that the plan is for Task Force equivalence quests in CoT to be solo able. So unless the devs have changed their minds it is unlikely you would run into the same problem as you did in TOR.
It is a fairly common practice for MMO,s to have their storylines culminate in an epic quest like a Task force. Even CoH did this.
I am a very strong proponent of content being open to both group and solo players alike. I also strongly think the difficulty of any content's difficulty either scale to the size of the group or better still have the difficulty be adjustable similar to CoH's notoriety system. That's not to say that I want the ability to make the more epic quests like Task forces a cakewalk, just that we could either take on the challenge at minimum difficulty or ramp it up. I am unlikely to ever suggest content that would be gated behind minimum team sizes.
If none of that alleviates your doubt then rest assured, my idea does not pre-suppose a minimum group size. I just have an idea in mind that would combine various path choices, possible Rogues Gallery foes, leads, reputation and alignment to create a somewhat dynamic Task Force style conclusion to a series of linked (and not linked) path quests. Obviously the larger the group, the more dynamic the Task force would be, but nothing would limit a solo or duo from tackling it.
I also have the framework of a story that the games writers could madlib CoT's villain groups into.
Then again, the devs may already have their own ideas or no interest in hearing mine, which is why I asked first. Even if they do want to hear my idea I doubt they would find use for more than a fraction of it.
If I won't have to suddenly switch from solo play to group play to continue an arc, then I have no problem with this.
Just out of curiosity (not arguing the point) when did the old game have a soloable arc end in a TF?
Spurn all ye kindle.
Well ... you can START one solo, after acknowledging that your choice to solo the content MAY NOT BE WISE.
FINISHING one solo ... um ... that's your problem if you can't [i]after being warned up front to bring friends to help you[/i]. Biting off more than you can chew? That's on YOU.
Totally a "Stop. Don't. Come back." situation.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
I really don't want to be forced into group content just to continue the story... Task Forces should be optional not mandatory... They should give you way more stuff than solo content sure, but they should never be forced on you. I hated it back when D&DO forced you into a task force to get past the tutorial and I hated it in star wars... do not force me to do a task force, make me want it through the rewards I can get from it but don't ever force me to do it no matter what.
not my video just one I lke ===>
And don't do that thing where you put a task force at the end of a storyline and say "hey you don't need a team for this!!" but then don't lower the difficulty so I get easily smooshed up by braniac robots like they do in DCUO. Do not mix group and solo content, they should be separate things, do not mix the streams man, what ever you do don't mix the streams!!!
not my video just one I lke ===>
do not do not do not do not... xD they didn't say they'll do that :D
Kepp calm, wait and see :p
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[color=red]PR - Europe[/color]
I mean you can still do it to please the power gamers, who want to show to the world how good they are at the game and livestream that stuff or whatever, but don't trick me into thinking it's a regular mission by putting it at the end of a story, and say that I can do this without a team but then have me swarmed with a crap ton of killbots. If I want to solo, I should be able to solo, if I'm forced into it, it's going to be way less fun for me if I have to do it rather than if I chose to do it, and yeah I get that big team ups against a giant foe are a thing, but the thing with that is you can simulate that with a regular task force that someone chooses to do. Each season of the Netflix marvel shows, showed how to make a story arch that ended in a big epic boss battle that didn't need a whole bunch of heroes working together, and the defenders showed a task force arc done right. Also? There needs to be a bank heist task force for villains, you just need that, like there's this high tech bank that needs like 6 players to get through.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Alright cool
not my video just one I lke ===>
there still needs to be a bank heist task force for villains....
not my video just one I lke ===>
I think there is a difference between a mission arc that increases in difficulty to the point where you have to make a decision to go off and train some more or ask someone to help you; and a mission arc that starts off designed for solo player compatibility and ends up designed for a team.
The former is perfectly acceptable while the latter is a bait and switch.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
That must be some bank that requires a team of villains to rob it.
I'd like to see a task force reminiscent of the JLU episode Task Force X. A villain raid on a hero base. Possibly with a variety of objectives to accomplish maybe with a time limit before the heroes' big guns arrive.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
It would, of course, be a bank designed to withstand Metahuman Incursions. I agree that the "Raid the Base" idea is a total winner. One of my favorites of the genre is the classic "Raid on Avengers Mansion" by the Masters of Evil, in the '80s. And, of course, it is standard fare for heroes to locate and assault villains' bases (one of the best examples of that being "Secret War" in the 00s, where Nick Fury sent a team into Latveria to bring down Doom's castle-- literally). This is an almost endless goldmine idea.
Shocking Blu
I think making it less a bank and more like Fort Knox would be better. I mean even Captain Boomerang can rob a bank solo.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Yes, obviously. Like I said, a bank designed to withstand Metahuman Incursion, not your local corner Bank of America. Say, one of the Mints (as they would be in a world with metahumans-- including, probably, a Metahuman Agent, or even Security Strike Team).
Shocking Blu
There was a mission I recall in CoH, not hard to solo, but the final goal was to 'Stop the Boss from Getting Away!' When I tried it with my Tanker and the Boss just took off, with no way for me to stop him or get him to stand still long enough for me to take him down? Yeah, I quit out of that one and when I logged back in, I started advertising for some support. Picked up a lonely Controller and we Stomped the guy.
Point being, sometimes you need a different tool for the job. Not a TF, but just a little support. I certainly don't object to that sort of content. I could have done the encounter solo, but I didn't have the right tools to succeed. Sure, I could have let it fail and experienced whatever arc sprang from that, but I like to Succeed. More, I enjoyed the little team-up and we went on to do a couple more instances before we had to quit.
So, I think I agree with notears, in principle, but I feel there remains plenty of room for scope. Go Team Composition, Go!
Be Well!
Yeah never got why people think Captain Boomerang is weak, I mean he's not just a guy with boomerangs, he's an Apex Human with boomerangs, you know the type of guys who can kung fu gods in half? Like you might as well say that batman is weak, or green arrow, or ras al ghul. That dude has serious skills dude. But I see what you mean and I wasn't really thinking corner store banks, like those would have to be ordinary missions or tips. I mean like stuff you would find in a GTA online task force, like the big stuff with supers stuff thrown in.
not my video just one I lke ===>
I don't think Captain Boomerang is anywhere close to Batman levels of almost anything. Maybe with aim, he is stated as being an expert marksman. He's also noted as "a less-than-effective member of the Suicide Squad." So I doubt he could kung-fu anyone in half.
Regardless it seems we're on the same page when it comes to task forces.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Well he's still pretty impressive in his own right, like he's one of the flash's rogues gallery, and he has been known to hit the flash, a target that moves at the speed of light, with a boomerang. That's pretty damn impressive.
not my video just one I lke ===>
No doubt about that. But in the same way that Hercule from DBZ or Dan from street fighter is impressive. They're impressive compared to normal people but are pathetic compared to others in their world.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
all right fair point
not my video just one I lke ===>
I am talking about the quests you got through regular gameplay and that in some cases the conclusion to that story was found in the Task Force. The most obvious examples were in Cimerora, RWZ and Croatoa.
Those TF's were a continuation of the story you experienced during normal gameplay and offered a more epic conclusion.
My idea takes that same concept of regular gameplay leading towards a Task Force and interjects reputation, alignment, path choices, leads and any possible Rogues gallery.
Making fun of Captain Boomerang is like making fun of the guy who graduated at the bottom of his class in Special Forces. Bottom of the class, yes, but still pretty impressive compared to anyone else BUT special forces troops. :)
Shocking Blu
I dunno about that. You can make fun of someone more skilled than yourself. It only ends up being kinda problematic if you're in the same line of work and worse than the person you're making fun of. Like some no name crook in Gotham has pretty much no business making fun of Captain Boomerang.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Well captain boomerang I guess, is the world's weakest apex human... still doesn't change the fact that he is an apex human, and while he is weak to other apex humans, he has shown how capable he is with other types of meta humans, especially with the flash.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Ah if that's the kind of continuation you mean, I have even less objection to the idea (if one can have less than none). While those TFs took place in the same zone as normal content and involved the same backstory, I never felt the regular content left the player hanging, plot-wise. Finishing the normal content and moving on to another zone never felt like I was missing something, yet when I did happen to join a group for the TF, having done the regular content earlier certainly provided context for the TF. I'd certainly be happy with that sort of arrangement.
Spurn all ye kindle.
I'm curious about the path content as it pertains to North and South. I get that Superman = North, and Batman = South. But what about guys like Spider-Man? His setting is pretty light, which seems to fit into North, but he's mostly street level, like South. So could you run a street level hero on the North path? Or can you do less dark/gritty on the South path?
Maybe the difference between someone like Spider-Man and batman is how they act during their paths rather than what that path is. Like a south hero who makes fun of all his villains and never stops to investigate, would be more in touch with the high flying action and light setting of Spider-Man, while a south hero who takes things seriously and takes time to make more of a plan and investigate would be more like batman.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Spiderman investigates, sometimes. He is one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe after all.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Exactly. The difference between Spidey and Bats is not intelligence. It is that Spider-Man has all the responsibility (in fact, MORE-- he doesn't use it as an excuse to become a little tin god that would rather take down a fellow hero than a villain), without the mental OCD and arrogance that batman has made a part of himself. Spider-Man is well aware of the darkness-- he just doesn't let it consume him. He has his times when depression threatens to overcome him, but he fights back with humor and light. Batman embraces the darkness, and fights back by making sure that the craziest killers get the chance to continue killing.
Shocking Blu
Spidey has Mary Jane to keep him sane.
Be Well!
Until he makes a deal with Satan, anyway.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Does this include corrupt cops too? :)
One thing I hated about CoH, was how the lore said all the cops in the city were honest hard working good cops :p
I want my hero to be out there taking down the corruption :) Which may lead to some of them becoming villains and arch-enemies! :)
Batman wouldn't be a hero if he just killed the crazies. He'd be the Punisher. If Batman killed, the populous would consider him a killer and a threat. As a vigilante who doesn't kill, people see him more as a hero. Not to mention, it's not Batman who lets the crazy killers kill again, it's the jury's that say "Yeah. He's crazy." Or the lawyers and judge who allow such a plea. Or the cops who didn't kill him while in custody :p
Of course, even if sentenced to death, I don't believe Joker has ever stayed in prison 15 years (the average time an inmate spends in jail waiting for execution).
That said, I prefer Spider-Man :) Him and Spider-Woman are my heroes! Marvel needs to bring Jessica back!
Look at the history of the Los Angeles Police Department (particularly the early 20th century) and you'll quickly realize that for a long time in that city the cops WERE the robbers! The LAPD was in essence a crime "management" syndicate rather than a law enforcement branch of government, or a collection of peace officers protecting the citizens from criminal elements in the city.
I'd honestly be surprised if there weren't plenty of crooked cops in the TCPD ... even if the Police Commissioner is trying to root them all out and "clean up" the department. Just because someone wears a badge doesn't mean they can't be on the take. Chicago (among other places) has proven that.
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Seems to me the last presidential administration did enough to make cops the bad guys. No need for a game to add to that. As for Batman, he is not a Hero. He is DC's greatest accomplice. After the 5th time you save the Joker's life and he goes out and kills more people-- you have to accept a certain amount of responsibility for his actions. It's not that he doesn't kill the Joker. it's that he has saved the Joker's life so many times. My favorite line (and one that gave me back some respect for Batman) in "Batman Begins" was his response to Ra's Al Ghul taunting him that he couldn't kill him: "But I don't have to save you." In the comics, Batman has so many contingency plans to kill his fellow heroes "if necessary" that DC really doesn't NEED villains, but he would let a crowd of innocent die to save a villain. Sorry, not a hero. Not for some time. Writers' fault, yes, but nevertheless...
Shocking Blu
BTW, before all the hatemail comes in about how I just want a "hero" who kills the bad guys... yes, I like the Punisher. But I like Captain America and Spider-Man better.
Shocking Blu
Uh, you do know that the President of the United States is not a part of the chain of command for a CITY police department ... right?
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Some cities have cops which are looked up to. Some do not. I know I would rather be pulled over by a Tacoma officer than a Seattle, for example. And the two cities are only a half hour apart.
Titan City officers are treated with respect, because they give respect. Rather have to, considering that half of arrests are done with the help of local watch people, aka the heroes. Fully exploiting old New England watchmen traditions here.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
And yet he managed to weigh in on every police situation that hit the news, whether he had bothered to do any research into the situation or not-- always on the opposite side from the police. Under him, every cop was guilty and there was no proving them innocent. And some of them died because of it. Fortunately, we now have an opportunity to come together, rather than be further divided. May we have the wisdom to take advantage of that opportunity.
It sounds like the creators have the situation well in hand. I for one intend to trust to their creativity. Wait and see, in other words. It didn't work so well for Disney taking over the Star Wars universe, but hope springs eternal. :)
Shocking Blu
Ah yes. The prequels are so much better than force awakens, rogue one, and last Jedi.
Star Wars was doing so well in Lucas's hands.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Hey I never said Spider-Man was stupid, I said he was a man of action. If the going gets tough then he will think his way out of it, he's just more the type to go in swinging and annoy his villains rather than attack them from the shadows.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Yeah but south heroes need to deal with atleast some corrupt cops, even if they're the minority. A lot of street heroes deal with that kind of thing.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Could make them be working for the badguys but only because the badguys have a member of the cops family or has threatened their family or something. That way they're not bad just in a crappy situation.
At least for some of them, not for all. Doing this once or twice would be fine, but every corrupt cop? That'd just be silly...
... Or would it?
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Corrupt officers are more the exception than the rule is the idea.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Alright cool, atleast there are some, if every cop was a boy scout that would just be weird, even for a superhero setting.
not my video just one I lke ===>
I hope we also get the "policeman feels useless in a city full of supers" arc where a policeman stops caring because he feels he doesn't make a difference. The villain arc might be about corrupting him, while the hero arc might save his soul.
[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.
Yeah I like that idea... getting a guy on the inside is definatly a great idea for a villain story, and for heroes it would be like those personal moments where superman or Spider-Man would help out the little guy from time to time.
not my video just one I lke ===>
And now you're getting it
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
It may be safe to say that 99% of policemen go into the job thinking they'll be heroes and 90% stay on the job for the occasions when they can be. A majority go to work each day to fulfill their promise to Protect and Serve. But, yes, some do get dragged down and corrupted. One cannot judge the whole profession by the 'failures'.
Be Well!
Rogue One was better than anything after the original trilogy-- maybe even better than the originals (though it suffers from not having Han Solo in it, of course :)). Force Awakens and Last Jedi were worse than the Prequels (with the possible exception of Revenge of the Sith, and the "romance" segments of Attack of the Clones).
An arc involving a corrupt cop (or group thereof-- they generally work in packs) would be fine. Maybe even have a recurring character, a nemesis for a Hero, ally (or tool) for a villain, that is corrupt. But having a large number of the police force be corrupt would be ridiculous in a city of metahuman heroes. Cops who get caught in a bad situation (the aforementioned hostage family, etc.), or even cops who get fed up with the revolving door and go bad, taking the law into their own hands, are additional possibilities that might be worth exploring, sparingly. Personally, I'll wait and see what the Creators have in store for us. I'm betting it'll be epic, regardless. :)
Shocking Blu
Are you trying to say that The Phantom Menace, the completely irrelevant to the story, oh god what a chore to sit through, no main character having, stupid pointless bad guy having, jar jar having, qui gon Jin's stupid plans having, midiclorians having, boring nonsensical plot having, Phantom Menace is better than the Force Awakens or Last Jedi?
Attack of the clones was a boring, bloated, nonsensical mess that gave Yoda a lightsaber.
Revenge of the Sith had a really weak dark side turn, a bunch of pointless scenes, and a climax that went on way -way- too long.
At least the new trilogy has a bad guy with a clear motive.
And it gives the force back to anyone, newsflash until we found out (spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Empire Strikes Back) that Luke was the bad guy's son he was NOBODY.
Sheesh, you can like the prequels but don't pretend they were good. Or even decent stories. The base idea for them has potential but their execution was so dreadful. They should have started the prequels mid attack of the clones or at least have had Obi meet Anakin when Anakin was around Luke's age.
Sorry for continuing the derailment of the thread.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Yes. For all the hatred spewed against the prequels (which did indeed have their faults, mostly involving Hayden Christiansen, and Lucas having no one to tell him "This won't work" and make it stick like he had in the original trilogy), they were better than Force Awakens and Last Jedi. Fortunately for Disney, Rogue One was good enough to make up for them, mostly. I mean, Leia (who has suddenly turned into "Run away! Surrender!"), with NO Jedi training, suddenly uses the Force to fly through space like Silver Surfer, as no Jedi ever has before? That one scene says it all. But you are right about one thing, and one only-- we digress. This thread is about CoT (City of Titans, that is, not Circle of Thorns) not our opinions of Star Wars, or Disney's ham-handed handling of the setting (jettisoning everything but the movies, so they can re-tell the stories their own way and make the money off it). A handling which caught me quite by surprise, considering how well they handled the Marvel U (better than the comics, these days).
Shocking Blu
Comics Batman has him saving everyone. His back up plans for heroes, I believe, were also non lethal.
Still goes back to show, the minute Batman kills Joker, everyone would call Batman a killer. Say he crossed the line.
Batman had a satellite which would change random normal humans into mindless superhuman 'bots (without asking their opinions) to fight the Heroes. Not non-lethal to anyone, as they discovered when other-universe Lex Luthor took over Brother Eye. And Batman IS a killer. An accessory to multiple mass- and serial killings. He's just never faced up to that. It would make for an interesting arc if he ever does.
Shocking Blu
Just remember, Luke destroyed the Death Star the same day he found out what The Force was. So don't give me that "lack of training" nonsense.
Well it's more that it's not really his place to decide who lives and who dies, and that he believes firmly in the law to do it's job as an agent of that law. At this point it's more a case of the state failing rather than him failing when it comes to why the Joker and Bane are still alive, and even then it's not really that dangerous for civillians because for most of the time, Batman succeeds at what he's trying to do, he saves everyone.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Luke fired one torpedo on-target, guided mostly by Obi-Wan's direction, AFTER having gotten at least a modicum of training from Obi-Wan. He did NOT turn into the Silver Surfer for a minute, after having deliberately ignored all training in the Force.
Batman has to accept some responsibility for what he has enabled his supposed enemies to do. Period. And "it's not that dangerous for civillians"? Really? Joker kills a thousand people just as the opening line of his latest joke!
So... about the City of Titans?
Shocking Blu
Luke learned to sense the force and trust in his feelings, the next movie he moved his lightsaber using the force. No one taught him this was even possible using the force. But we just accept it.
Leia has been shown to be able to sense things with the force and she seems to have always trusted her feeling. Then we see her move herself in a weightless environment.
Pretty much the same amount of training Luke had when he moved a thing.
And as for Batman. If a cop arrests someone who then breaks out and does more crimes is that cop responsible? No. Batman catches badguys he flat out refuses to be their judge jury and executioner. Batman is in no way responsible for the criminals the system fails.
Granted a well written Batman would be doing as much as he can to help get the system working, but hey, that makes for less exciting comics.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Just remember kids....
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
I can't fail to notice the title of the person who posted that....
Spurn all ye kindle.
Batman is a very mad science heavy mythos dude, you get a lot of people with doctorates from that.
not my video just one I lke ===>
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Damnit, falling down the rabbit hole. Last one, honest.
Technical Director
Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider
Look. Nothing you can say will convince me that flying yourself through space by the Force is a reasonable thing for someone who never before used the Force consciously to be able to do, any more than someone who refused to learn anything about guns should be able to bullseye a target at 300 yards with a handgun the first time they pick one up. Equally so, nothing you say will convince me that someone who risks their and others' lives to save a villain's life after they have murdered people, and are telling you they will murder more, gets a free pass on those that villain goes on to murder. Period, dot. Sorry my opinions don't conform to yours, but you're just going to have to get over it.
Shocking Blu
star trek > star wars
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
Jeffries Tubes
Be Well!
Yes, in the world of City of Titans, Titan City's education is the best in the country. ^_^
Foradain, Mage of Phoenix Rising.
[url=]Foradain's Character Conclave[/url]
Avatar courtesy of [s]Satellite9[/s] [url=]Irezoomie[/url]
Because a mystical energy that's been known to communicate ideas and such is exactly the same as a gun. Yep.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
She didn't fly through space. She pulled the entire cruiser (and its accompanying debris field) closer to her.
"[s]Sense[/s] Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my [s]sense[/s] size do you? And well you should not! For my ally, is the [s]Plot Hole[/s] Force! And a powerful ally it is! [s]Bad writing[/s] Life creates it. Makes it [s]profitable[/s] grow. Luminous beings are we, not this crude [s]drenn[/s] matter!"
[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]
Well this thread certainly veered off course.
(insert pithy comment here)
I assumed she moved herself towards the cruiser. As far as I know there's nothing in the lore that says a force user can't move themselves with the force. I mean that's essentially what force jump is.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Or she tried to pull the ship toward her, but the mass exceding her own in space resulted in her being pulled to the ship instead.
[hr]I don't use a nerf bat, I have a magic crowbar!
- Combat Mechanic -
[color=#ff0000]Tech Team. [/color]
Exactly. Plot device-- the hobgoblin of little writers.
Shocking Blu
To give her more credit, I think she knew that by trying to pull the ship towards her, the mass exceeding her own would result in her being pulled to the ship instead. If she was trying to move her own body, I don't think she would be reaching out with her hand towards the ship.
[color=#FF0000]Graphic Designer[/color]
This was decades later. I had no trouble believing she didn't have any force use in all that time. Not at the level of Luke for sure, but I could totally go with her doing what she did.
Now, the CGI for the scene sucked :p
If only someone could use the Force to strip out all the tangents from a thread so we could get back to the actual topic!
Spurn all ye kindle.