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What locations would you like to see in the future?

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The Hybrid
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What locations would you like to see in the future?

As we're nearing the release of the game, the question that will come up is what will be next? Believe or not, there was a time when DLC added to the game rather than completed an unfinished one, and it's looking like CoT will be a complete game thankfully. The devs have stated their desire to add new zones post-launch that will fit and expand the lore. CoX gave us Rogue Isles and Praetoria, so where would you like to go after Titan City in the post-launch content?

Some ideas:

[b]West Coast Setting[/b] - Titan City is set in Massachusetts, in the New England area of the East Coast. While brimming with content and sure to be a fun place, maybe down the line we can see a meta city on the opposite end of the country. Perhaps in sunny California, taking influence from both Northern and Southern? Just a thought. They could introduce a whole new batch of characters, lore, missions, and locations with the perspective of the west. Not to mention all the fantastic scenery.

[b]Titans Beyond[/b] - Yes, the title is a reference to Batman Beyond only because I couldn't think of a punchier one. It's Titan City, but set decades in the future where everything is cyberpunk and the soundtrack becomes dirty industrial music. A futuristic setting combined with superheroes could be very different from what we have in the modern setting. This could be like the "2099" version of the game.

[b]Space[/b] - Something like a space opera setting similar to GotG or Green Lantern with planets, space battles, aliens and stuff like that. It fits the superhero genre (then again, what [i]doesn't[/i] fit the superhero genre) and I would like it.

What would you guys like to see?

Nos482's picture
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West Coast Setting - It might

West Coast Setting - It might surprise you, but the world does not only consist of North America and lots of water.
So, how about Middle and South America (Ancient Astronauts come to mind... curse you, von Däniken), Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia or Antarctica (with a passage to Hollow Earth) instead?
Titans Beyond - The setting of Valiance Online.
Space - The setting of Ship of Heroes. A zone on one of our outer planets might be interesting though. Yuggoth maybe...

That aside... the way I understood it, the post launch zones would mostly be parts of Titan City that didn't make the cut as launch zones.

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I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

doctor tyche
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Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

West Coast Setting - It might surprise you, but the world does not only consist of North America and lots of water.
So, how about Middle and South America (Ancient Astronauts come to mind... curse you, von Däniken), Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia or Antarctica (with a passage to Hollow Earth) instead?
Titans Beyond - The setting of Valiance Online.
Space - The setting of Ship of Heroes. A zone on one of our outer planets might be interesting though. Yuggoth maybe...

That aside... the way I understood it, the post launch zones would mostly be parts of Titan City that didn't make the cut as launch zones.

We made concepts for over 40 zones, each with a half-dozen or more districts. It'll be a long time before we can proceed past them.

Technical Director

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The Hybrid
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Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

[b]West Coast Setting - It might surprise you, but the world does not only consist of North America and lots of water.
So, how about Middle and South America (Ancient Astronauts come to mind... curse you, von Däniken), Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia or Antarctica (with a passage to Hollow Earth) instead?[/b]
Titans Beyond - The setting of Valiance Online.
Space - The setting of Ship of Heroes. A zone on one of our outer planets might be interesting though. Yuggoth maybe...

That aside... the way I understood it, the post launch zones would mostly be parts of Titan City that didn't make the cut as launch zones.

What's with the attitude? I just thought it would be neat to have a west coast meta expansion in the future. Also, in comic books the United States is kind of where all the superhero activity happens, so it's not super unreasonable to want a west coast expansion.

Nos482's picture
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My apologies for sounding a

My apologies for sounding a bit rude, but a west coast expansion just feels like more of the same when there's literally a whole world (and more) to explore.
Besides, NYC and fictionalized versions of it (Gotham/Metropolis) are kind of where all the superhero activity happens... the rest of the US are more of an afterthought.
But what about Wakanda, Latveria, Asgard, Kahndaq, Themyscira, Atlantis, etc.? Sure, those aren't main locations but they get their fair share of action nonetheless.

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Wolfgang8565's picture
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I honestly cant think of what

I honestly cant think of what I would like as an expansion until I see what we actually have. Not just concept art or descriptions, but being in the game. As long as it is geared more towards realistic cities and valleys, that sort of thing, I really don't mind them exploring other areas in the future. Like an ouroborous type thing would be fine. I just don't want it to be too fantasy.


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Fireheart's picture
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I suspect that backward

I suspect that backward 'Mericans might be more comfortable in Central/Keystone City, where the Flash is from, or Coast City, where Hal Jordan/Green Lantern hails from, than in the Exotic locations you suggest.

That said, I think an alternate Australia or New Zealand would be a neat location. Only issue is that, except for the folks from down-under, nobody knows what it's like.

Meanwhile, 90% of the basic market for comics knows what to expect in Northeastern America. The other 90% are more familiar with Tokyo.

Be Well!

The Hybrid
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

I suspect that backward 'Mericans might be more comfortable in Central/Keystone City, where the Flash is from, or Coast City, where Hal Jordan/Green Lantern hails from, than in the Exotic locations you suggest.

That said, I think an alternate Australia or New Zealand would be a neat location. Only issue is that, except for the folks from down-under, nobody knows what it's like.

Meanwhile, 90% of the basic market for comics knows what to expect in Northeastern America. The other 90% are more familiar with Tokyo.

Be Well!

Please don't act like Americans wouldn't be willing to see other places. I just thought seeing California in a superhero world would be cool. I'd be all down seeing places like Atlantis or Europe or some fantastical alternate world or whatever else.

BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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If I ever wrote a comic, I'd

If I ever wrote a comic, I'd set it in Johannesburg.

1) Stable and prosperous enough for a cohesive story, but more than dangerous enough for stuff to go down at any moment and not seem strange.
2) Extremely high crime rates in the surrounding areas, so street level heroes could truly make a huge difference.
3) It's a true metropolis, extremely large, with very diverse buildings stemming from a complicated history.
4) Historically the center of gold and diamond trade, which makes it a ripe location for super-villain activity (especially those like Mister Freeze who need precious stones or metals for their tech).
5) Lingering racial tensions from Apartheid could be mirrored with a meta-human vs human analogy, similar to how the X-Men were created to mirror civil rights conflict in the US (Xavier = MLK, Jr., Magneto = Malcolm X).

Fireheart's picture
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:

Please don't act like Americans wouldn't be willing to see other places. I just thought seeing California in a superhero world would be cool. I'd be all down seeing places like Atlantis or Europe or some fantastical alternate world or whatever else.

I'm sorry, I forgot the /irony tag. You're right, all sorts of people and not just Americans enjoy visiting places. Nosferatu was implying that California (my home state) was an inferior place for heroes, when they could be based in Rio de Janiero or New Delhi.

I simply meant to say that people might be more comfortable being heroes in a place they were familiar with. I mentioned popular comics analogs to Chicago and San Francisco as examples and also Tokyo.

Be Well!

Cyclops's picture
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I would like to see a

I would like to see a recreation of a living colonial village where the headless horseman erupts from.
a zoo where animals can be set loose.
A dinosaur museum where a T-Rex (mechanical or real) gets loose.
A Starbucks operating out of the head of one of Dr Tyches robots. and the good Doctor can be seen there from time to time.


Huckleberry's picture
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Since we've already got a New

Since we've already got a New England location, and there are allusions to Lovecraftian mythos, wouldn't it make sense to have an Antarctica zone? In my opinion this would be far more awesome than the ancient Roman Cimerora zone we went to in CoX. And if I'm not mistaken there is no copyright holder, so it is all public domain.

So the missions might start at Miskatonic University [url=](which is located in the fictional city of Arkham, right about where Titan City is located... coincidence? I think not!)[/url], and end up at [url=]the Mountains of Madness[/url].

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

jtpaull's picture
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To me it completely depends

To me it completely depends on the lore of the game and the scope that you are talking about; is it just a new area you can go to at a certain level? Is it a new starting zone, and to what level? or do you mean a whole new game location where you could play completely independent of Titan City from 1-50?
My personal opinion would be a completely unknown place that the devs at MWM create based on their creative imaginations and what they want. To some degree I have this opinion because, as far as lore, it would be weird playing in India or China or Japan where no one speaks English...obviously in-game it would be English but thats not their current native tongue. Anyway, I would say a large island with varying biospheres and advanced or perhaps meta civilizations.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Project_Hero's picture
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Let's get ourselves a

Let's get ourselves a Latveria analogue.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

TitansCity's picture
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Doctor Tyche][quote=Nos482
Doctor Tyche][quote=Nos482 wrote:

We made concepts for over 40 zones, each with a half-dozen or more districts. It'll be a long time before we can proceed past them.

Hearing that makes me feel like in CO instead of CoH.
I was just thinking about CoH as we spoke on the french TC's forum and we remember how it was to go to Terra Volta as we didn't have travel power, avoid the freaks, swim to the bridge, jump on the pipeline and over, find the good way to go to the entrance withtout being kill, lead be a lvl 50 which send you directives (that's an important element ! because that's the essence of the game) and, finally, come in front of this huge door in which, you know that, you will be able to respec after ! But... as a super hero, you know it will be difficult. You checke your inventory, it's ok you gathered enought rez, heal and power supply. Everybody is ready, everybody take a deep breath and ... open the door of Terra Volta.

Or even the particular area of Eastgate. Plumpeedoom, you just run to join your group at the center because you want to do this TaskForce, the first one ever, the one people talks about since days. You are careful, there are some foes on the road. You stress some times but, finally, you approach the hall in which you must fall to join the group. Ok, it's ok, you succeed, you are next to them, just go forwards. You make a step and then POOOWW, you just receive a rock in the corner of your head ! WTF ? what's that ?... That's just a troll dude and, as you run, some other detects you and throw rocks as well. You are like a ball in a flipper and wil never escape ^^

Those kind of areas where really great ! i hope we'll have some like that :) like Perez park and its labyrinth :D Who never lost himself inside ?
There was not 40 zones in CoH, at least half this amount. And they had their own style, monsters, atmosphere... I hope we'll find something like that and revive things like before :)

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DesViper's picture
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Not sure I like the idea of

Not sure I like the idea of moving Titan City out of it's "present-day" Boston.

However, there definitely should be future zones outside the city.

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Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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Having a future zone would be

Having a future zone would be great, I mean present-day heroes' kids from the future have to come from somewhere, right?

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Huckleberry's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 36 min ago
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Having a future zone would be great, I mean present-day heroes' kids from the future have to come from somewhere, right?

They would come from [url=]San Cielo[/url], or even further down the time steam from [url=]the heroship FHS Justice[/url].

[hr]I like to take your ideas and supersize them. This isn't criticism, it is flattery. I come with nothing but good will and a spirit of team-building. If you take what I write any other way, that is probably just because I wasn't very clear.

Nos482's picture
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Nosferatu was implying that California (my home state) was an inferior place for heroes, when they could be based in Rio de Janiero or New Delhi.

Oh no no no Fireheart, I was neither saying nor implying anything of that sort. I said 'more of the same' not 'inferior'. There's a difference.
When we already have a major US city (assuming TC would be one) as the game's main focus... wouldn't then a little diversity be more welcome than just another major US city?
If MWM had unlimited resources to pump out new zones, I'd say go for it... but well, that ain't really the case. So it merely seems like a better choice to use a vastly different location.

Fireheart wrote:

I simply meant to say that people might be more comfortable being heroes in a place they were familiar with.

That settles it then, the first expansion will take place in Germany, or if TitansCity has a say France, or... I take it you get my point and see the problem.

Btw. Intentionally misspelling someone's name is about as rude as putting words in their mouth. I, for one, would really appreciate it if you wouldn't do either in the future.
I'm sure we can be better than this and keep things civil around here.

Project_Hero wrote:

Having a future zone would be great, I mean present-day heroes' kids from the future have to come from somewhere, right?

IMO this would open a whole new can of worms... and a big one at that, since the devs had to take into account everything that happened in present day TC. Which would be launch till shutdown.
Depicting the future is comparatively easy in comics. Timeline changed? Screw it, everything needs to be drawn anew anyway. But in a game, with it's long development time... urgh, poor devs. =P
It's probably better to keep the future vague. Maybe have different possible futures. But even then I'd guess it would make more sense to use mission-maps for those.

Huckleberry wrote:

They would come from [url=]San Cielo[/url], or even further down the time steam from [url=]the heroship FHS Justice[/url].

Not sure if serious.
Afaik both VO and SoH have only one possible power origin, tech. If those are TC's future.... what happened to all the other possible origins? Genocide? Better not go there.
Should there ever be a crossover between the games then it would probably be a better choice to treat those settings as different universes/dimensions/whatever.

[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Project_Hero's picture
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Why would they need to change

Why would they need to change a future zone? The Legion time era doesn't change because of DC comics set in the modern era, as far as I know.

The future zone would be one possible future. It doesn't need to be constantly in flux.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

The Hybrid
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Huckleberry wrote:
Huckleberry wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

Having a future zone would be great, I mean present-day heroes' kids from the future have to come from somewhere, right?

They would come from [url=]San Cielo[/url], or even further down the time steam from [url=]the heroship FHS Justice[/url].

I was thinking something more a long the lines of Batman Beyond, a cyberpunk-esque future. VO and SoH aren't the first futuristic superhero setting. And as explained above, it's much more limited. That's what I suggested with the futuristic zone, to be a darker, cyberpunk version of CoT.

BiotopeZ's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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I'd rather any future setting

I'd rather any future setting be a futuristic alien world or moon city or whatnot, but taking place at the same time. All the same paradigms could be there as what you're talking about, but it wouldn't make the "current" game area fell pointless because it'd be happening at the same time, just in a far-removed setting.

In the future, Scorpion's gone, therefor: "Oh well, it doesn't matter if Scorpion takes over the city, because we know they're not in charge in the future, so we can just ignore them."

Or... in the future, Scorpion is in control, so "Oh, it doesn't matter if we defeat Scorpion, because we know they end up in charge regardless of what we do, so we may as well accept it."

If the future doesn't change based on what you do, then there's no point doing anything. Like I said, it would make current gameplay feel pointless, at least to me.

Fireheart's picture
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Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

Btw. Intentionally misspelling someone's name is about as rude as putting words in their mouth.

I'm sorry Nos482, I didn't mean it that way.

Be Well!

Redlynne's picture
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Nos482 wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

the rest of the US are more of an afterthought.

That's why REAL Heroes call those other parts of the US "flyover country."


[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Project_Hero's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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BiotopeZ wrote:
BiotopeZ wrote:

I'd rather any future setting be a futuristic alien world or moon city or whatnot, but taking place at the same time. All the same paradigms could be there as what you're talking about, but it wouldn't make the "current" game area fell pointless because it'd be happening at the same time, just in a far-removed setting.

In the future, Scorpion's gone, therefor: "Oh well, it doesn't matter if Scorpion takes over the city, because we know they're not in charge in the future, so we can just ignore them."

Or... in the future, Scorpion is in control, so "Oh, it doesn't matter if we defeat Scorpion, because we know they end up in charge regardless of what we do, so we may as well accept it."

If the future doesn't change based on what you do, then there's no point doing anything. Like I said, it would make current gameplay feel pointless, at least to me.

That's why you have the future setting as a possible future. Heck you could even have two versions of it. A good future and a dark future. Though that would essentially be two zones.

A future zone should be a gorilla city! Nothing sells comic books like gorillas!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

DesViper's picture
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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

the rest of the US are more of an afterthought.

That's why REAL Heroes call those other parts of the US "flyover country."


Well my main team will be form Minneapolis, idk about you guys :p

[color=red]PR, Forum Moderator[/color]
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SisterSilicon's picture
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I’d put off anything

I’d put off anything Lovecraftian for a while. The Secret World: Legends is full of HPL influences, and CO’s current endgame revolves around the Qliphothic Realm, which is full of Eldritch Horrors and Old Gods and all that rot.

I’ll throw out a curveball for a cyberpunk setting suggestion: Dubai, or a fictional Persian Gulf city of equivalent wealth and ambition.

Twitter: @SisterSilicon

Fireheart's picture
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One of my (several) 'main'

One of my (several) 'main' characters is a Professor at UCLA who lives in the Santa Monica, CA area.

Be Well!

Brand X
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The Hybrid wrote:
The Hybrid wrote:
Nos482 wrote:

[b]West Coast Setting - It might surprise you, but the world does not only consist of North America and lots of water.
So, how about Middle and South America (Ancient Astronauts come to mind... curse you, von Däniken), Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia or Antarctica (with a passage to Hollow Earth) instead?[/b]
Titans Beyond - The setting of Valiance Online.
Space - The setting of Ship of Heroes. A zone on one of our outer planets might be interesting though. Yuggoth maybe...

That aside... the way I understood it, the post launch zones would mostly be parts of Titan City that didn't make the cut as launch zones.

What's with the attitude? I just thought it would be neat to have a west coast meta expansion in the future. Also, in comic books the United States is kind of where all the superhero activity happens, so it's not super unreasonable to want a west coast expansion.

Likely sell a little better.

New York
San Diego
European City
Space (Secret Moon City, another planet, a huge space ship, whatever)
Past City (time travel to the past)

Are my ideas for what I'd likely do and all real city size, so they feel real. :)

Grimfox's picture
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I think it would be

I think it would be interesting to see some landmarks in some "airport" missions. "Steal famous paintings from the Louvre" "Protect the the Royal family" "Burn down some rainforest to expose Mayan pyramids and their treasures" "Defend Tibetan temple from evil spirirts"

Given the effort to recreate some of these special locations I feel like they should be like single mission TFs, to give the players more time and motivation to explore these locations. Or perhaps these locations show up at the end of task forces as a non-tangible award.

There are ways to take heroes out of the city without creating a whole new zone.

*eats cake*

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Project_Hero's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

I think it would be interesting to see some landmarks in some "airport" missions. "Steal famous paintings from the Louvre" "Protect the the Royal family" "Burn down some rainforest to expose Mayan pyramids and their treasures" "Defend Tibetan temple from evil spirirts"

Given the effort to recreate some of these special locations I feel like they should be like single mission TFs, to give the players more time and motivation to explore these locations. Or perhaps these locations show up at the end of task forces as a non-tangible award.

There are ways to take heroes out of the city without creating a whole new zone.

*eats cake*

That might be cool. Could link some of those exotic locales to a SG base missions computer for global hero/villain teams.

"Trouble alert! Seems Count Nefarious is up to his old tricks again... In the Amazon!"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Redlynne's picture
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Grimfox wrote:
Grimfox wrote:

There are ways to take heroes out of the city without creating a whole new zone.

About a year ago or so, I was wondering what would be a rather dramatic "exit" for an opponent for your PC to have to chase down and catch up to ... and thought of using a [url=]Skyhook[/url] to extract the opponent the PC was after from a very tall building in downtown (this was done in a Batman movie starring Christian Bale) and then have the PC catch up at a General Aviation Airport (basically a county airstrip somewhere) WELL OUTSIDE the city's limits. That way you've got a BIG open flat space (airports tend to get built on big open flat spaces for some reason) with only a few buildings and the transport plane that grabbed the skyhook out on the tarmac along with a few Cessnas and Pipers and other personal aviation place scattered about ... and it's time to play Hide & Go Seek to find your quarry. Real bare bones, not entirely thought through stuff, but I figured it would serve as a way to get the PC outside of the city limits and would provide a setting that wasn't yet another warehouse or office building interior to put a mission into.

The thing is ... once you've built a location asset like that, there's no reason why it can't be used for more mission content than just the one.

[i]Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.[/i][/center]

Interdictor's picture
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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

There was not 40 zones in CoH, at least half this amount.

Well [I]technically[/I], there were 30 hero-only zones, 11 villain-only zones, 4 pvp zones, 6 cooperative zones, and 9 Preatoria zones, so 60 zones in total by the time the game closed (not including "special" zone instances on certain mission maps).

Sleepymoth's picture
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I personally would like to

I personally would like to see more than just city settings or atleast more variances with cities. As mentioned earlier an neon cyberpunk looking city or district would be very cool.