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Discuss: Special Release Vigilante

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Lin Chiao Feng
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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:

Using the same name as another established character should only be a problem if the rest of the character is extremely similar.

Nah, the first rule of Law is anything you do can get you sued. Seriously, though, we're talking trademarks, and the use of a name in conjunction with comics and related media is pretty much all that matters.

There's precedent for this. City of Heroes launched with a hero and task force contact named Bastion... and then they found out there already was a Bastion in comics, so they had to rename him Citadel.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Interdictor's picture
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Lin Chiao Feng wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

There's precedent for this. City of Heroes launched with a hero and task force contact named Bastion... and then they found out there already was a Bastion in comics, so they had to rename him Citadel.

True, but Marvel's "Bastion" was also a humanoid artificial lifeform/android (and possessed similar-ish powers if I recall correctly). It wasn't just the name but the combination of that and other aspects of the character in a superhuman setting. Just to note there is also a "Bastion" character in Overwatch - also artificial but much more robotic/industrial, and has an entirely different history/background/abilities, etc., and we haven't heard of Marvel suing Blizzard (at least yet).

Is there a grey area? Sure, and it's something we should be wary of. All I'm saying is that if you have an awesome name for a character, even if that name is used elsewhere it should be okay to use it if the rest of the character is substantially different from the established one.

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Interdictor wrote:
Interdictor wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

There's precedent for this. City of Heroes launched with a hero and task force contact named Bastion... and then they found out there already was a Bastion in comics, so they had to rename him Citadel.

True, but Marvel's "Bastion" was also a humanoid artificial lifeform/android (and possessed similar-ish powers if I recall correctly). It wasn't just the name but the combination of that and other aspects of the character in a superhuman setting. Just to note there is also a "Bastion" character in Overwatch - also artificial but much more robotic/industrial, and has an entirely different history/background/abilities, etc., and we haven't heard of Marvel suing Blizzard (at least yet).

Is there a grey area? Sure, and it's something we should be wary of. All I'm saying is that if you have an awesome name for a character, even if that name is used elsewhere it should be okay to use it if the rest of the character is substantially different from the established one.

Don't expect logic, or reason or sanity from the law.
Copyright owners are even worse.

It matters a great deal if the character in question is under copyright or trademark or both, to find out what is and is not legal with respect to that character and what is legally required of the owner. Copyrights are easier to obtain and defend, but are also much more limited in scope. It gives the owner exclusive right to make copies and publish a work of art (which he or she can decide to license to a third party in whole or in parts), but there are a lot of exceptions to that right (e.g. parodies, reviews, archiving, scientific studies) and the large gray areas of derivative work. (copyright does not protect against somebody creating something similar as long as a judge rules it is sufficiently different)
Trademarks are much more restricted and require a much more active policing from the rights holder, but offer a much greater protection in detail. As long as the mark (expression or reproduction) is sufficiently similar to create confusion with the product of the primary trademark owner then the copy is illegal and the fines for infringement can be hefty. One can theoretically get away with a company called Coca, as long as it has nothing remotely to do with beverages of any sort (and better interpret that pretty widely. A resttaurant called Coca is likely to get in legal trouble because there is a link between restaurants and coca cola). The company can still expect to be sued by the Coca Cola company because the law requres that the trademark holder sues every infringement (or they will lose their trademark claim).

Assume that all major and most minor comicbook characters are both copyrighted (that much is automatic) and trademarked

Add to this already convoluted mess the intricacies of national and international copyright and trademark law, and international corporate culture, and you have a situation where using a name of an existing superhero will lead to expensive lawsuits file by at least one company. Especially now the publishers have found out that in the hands of a talented team of writers and actors even B and C list characters can bring in a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

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Nadira wrote:
Nadira wrote:
Interdictor wrote:
Lin Chiao Feng wrote:

There's precedent for this. City of Heroes launched with a hero and task force contact named Bastion... and then they found out there already was a Bastion in comics, so they had to rename him Citadel.

True, but Marvel's "Bastion" was also a humanoid artificial lifeform/android (and possessed similar-ish powers if I recall correctly). It wasn't just the name but the combination of that and other aspects of the character in a superhuman setting. Just to note there is also a "Bastion" character in Overwatch - also artificial but much more robotic/industrial, and has an entirely different history/background/abilities, etc., and we haven't heard of Marvel suing Blizzard (at least yet).

Is there a grey area? Sure, and it's something we should be wary of. All I'm saying is that if you have an awesome name for a character, even if that name is used elsewhere it should be okay to use it if the rest of the character is substantially different from the established one.

Don't expect logic, or reason or sanity from the law.
Copyright owners are even worse.

It matters a great deal if the character in question is under copyright or trademark or both, to find out what is and is not legal with respect to that character and what is legally required of the owner. Copyrights are easier to obtain and defend, but are also much more limited in scope. It gives the owner exclusive right to make copies and publish a work of art (which he or she can decide to license to a third party in whole or in parts), but there are a lot of exceptions to that right (e.g. parodies, reviews, archiving, scientific studies) and the large gray areas of derivative work. (copyright does not protect against somebody creating something similar as long as a judge rules it is sufficiently different)
Trademarks are much more restricted and require a much more active policing from the rights holder, but offer a much greater protection in detail. As long as the mark (expression or reproduction) is sufficiently similar to create confusion with the product of the primary trademark owner then the copy is illegal and the fines for infringement can be hefty. One can theoretically get away with a company called Coca, as long as it has nothing remotely to do with beverages of any sort (and better interpret that pretty widely. A resttaurant called Coca is likely to get in legal trouble because there is a link between restaurants and coca cola). The company can still expect to be sued by the Coca Cola company because the law requres that the trademark holder sues every infringement (or they will lose their trademark claim).

Assume that all major and most minor comicbook characters are both copyrighted (that much is automatic) and trademarked

Add to this already convoluted mess the intricacies of national and international copyright and trademark law, and international corporate culture, and you have a situation where using a name of an existing superhero will lead to expensive lawsuits file by at least one company. Especially now the publishers have found out that in the hands of a talented team of writers and actors even B and C list characters can bring in a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Excellent explanation. Wish I had the patience to write it.

TitansCity's picture
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That's pretty similar in

That's pretty similar in France :)

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The Hybrid
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How about Night Fang?

How about Night Fang?

Dark Ether
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Bottom line, why even try to

Bottom line, why even try to tiptoe the line when you don't have to? I'd think everyone would much rather see time and money put into continued development instead of legal fees trying to defend a game character name.

(insert pithy comment here)

Cyclops's picture
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Dark Ether wrote:
Dark Ether wrote:

Bottom line, why even try to tiptoe the line when you don't have to? I'd think everyone would much rather see time and money put into continued development instead of legal fees trying to defend a game character name.

Bingo! That why I stopped being silly and started up with serious names.


Safehouse's picture
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I kind of like the name

I kind of like the name “Pugnacious” for a hero. References dogs in “pugs” while also referencing his “pugilistic” tendencies. I also like Canis Maximus

Name: Safehouse
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I'm quite surprised by the

I'm quite surprised by the types of names that can be copywritten, I mean names of dog breeds...

Maybe something from mythology? Cú Chulainn for example (title given to a certain celtic warrior who took the place of a badass hound).

There's also plenty of name variants for ghostly Black Dogs...

Cyclops's picture
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Thats why I am giving up on

Thats why I am giving up on the dog theme and going for the vigilante theme.


TitansCity's picture
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I hope we'll have the

I hope we'll have the information when the name will be decided by MWM :) with a presentatin of that character, of his history, his story, etc.

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TitansCity wrote:
TitansCity wrote:

I hope we'll have the information when the name will be decided by MWM :) with a presentatin of that character, of his history, his story, etc.

Ditto, Also hope they show him not half shrouded in darkness, or at least a higher resolutio, not the fuzzy gifs we keep getting.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Project_Hero's picture
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What if the gifs aren't fuzzy

What if the gifs aren't fuzzy... What if HE'S fuzzy!? *Dramatic sting*

With that in mind what if a grim vigilante called themselves something really non-threatening.

"Aw man, I hope he doesn't show tonight..."
"You know, him."
"I don't know, who?"
*Sigh* "The... The Fuzzy Poodle."

*From behind in the darkness, with a gravelly voice* "... You called?"

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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On a more serious note. What

On a more serious note. What about something to do with werewolves?

Werehound (which I like cause it sounds like warehouse so you could have werehound's warehouse)

But anyway then he could talk about his costume crime fighting in a way you might see in a story about werewolves

"You can't tell by the light of day but I am cursed. When night falls I change. I become a beast. Out for blood. Hungry for vengeance."

If MWM doesn't use this idea I am totally going to make a werewolf themed vigilante.

Edit: turns out I spelled werewolf wrong the first time. Whoops. My phone's autocorrect is dumb if I have one letter wrong in a word it just doesn't have any idea what it could be. Same if I accidentally switch i's and e's in words @.@

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Mind-Freeze's picture
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I say scrap the whole thing

I say scrap the whole thing and just replace him with Amerikatt!!

Project_Hero's picture
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Dire Wolf

Dire Wolf

It's like a regular wolf... But dire.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

notears's picture
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Project_Hero wrote:
Project_Hero wrote:

What if the gifs aren't fuzzy... What if HE'S fuzzy!? *Dramatic sting*

With that in mind what if a grim vigilante called themselves something really non-threatening.

"Aw man, I hope he doesn't show tonight..."
"You know, him."
"I don't know, who?"
*Sigh* "The... The Fuzzy Poodle."

*From behind in the darkness, with a gravelly voice* "... You called?"


not my video just one I lke ===>


Brand X
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Mind-Freeze wrote:
Mind-Freeze wrote:

I say scrap the whole thing and just replace him with Amerikatt!!

But then no one would take the game seriously :p

Mind-Freeze's picture
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Lol ooooooo burn

Lol ooooooo burn

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I have a few suggestions, no

I have a few suggestions, no idea if they have been said before or are copyrighted though:

- Kujo (with a 'K' not a 'C')
- Black Shuck
- Mongrel
- Pitbull
- Wolven
- Dire Wolf
- Whelp
- Barghest
- Wardog
- Nighthowl

Baalumbral's picture
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Many of us seem to have a

Many of us seem to have a preference for single-word names like Rottweiler but if the CoT team is wanting to be especially careful to avoid any IP problems it seems clear that most single-word names are simply going to be off the table. Marvel and DC have been cranking out thousands of characters over the decades, odds are just about any word has been used as a name even if it was a throwaway character used a single time back in the 1970s. Nevermind all the smaller comic companies which is precisely why we're having the Rottweiler discussion in the first place.

Compound names are less likely to accidentally trip over some IP, especially if part of that compound name includes some CoT-specific references. I see that Hyperbolt mentioned above what I'd consider the optimal solution, "Bradford Boxer", in referencing one of the CoT city zones. Maybe not that specific name but something of the sort. There is the "Five Dragons" crime group, for example, maybe there could be a character named "the Sixth Dragon" or "Dragon Zero" who is looking to defeat (or control) the crime group.

(Would still need to make sure even these names aren't being used, I see that "Dragon Zero" is the name of some indie videogame, so maybe "Dragon Prime" for as a sample replacement)

Brand X
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Bradford Boxer just sounds

Bradford Boxer just sounds terrible. Really, it sounds like someone gave up on their name and made some crappy name they'll complain about later. :p

Grimfox's picture
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It could be an element to his

It could be an element to his character.

I:Why do you call your self the Bradford Boxer?

BB: Well, that's a not so funny story. Originally I was going to call myself "Rottweiler." Then I got a call from some legal goons and they told me I had to change my name or else. I laughed, but only until they took me to court and basically took all my stuff and saddled me with five digits of legal fees. Anyway, the moral of the story is don't screw with lawyers unless you know how to screw with lawyers. I'm much better at beating up crooks than wearing a suit anyway.

I: okay (dies a little inside)

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Hyperbolt's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Bradford Boxer just sounds terrible. Really, it sounds like someone gave up on their name and made some crappy name they'll complain about later. :p

To me it sounds like a name the public or the media would give him, like Daredevil was called "The Devil of Hell's Kitchen" originally. I can easily imagine Fox News saying Bradford Boxer without it sounding weird. Besides I suggested Bradford Boxer as a temporary name. I believe he is supposed to level up with the player, so why not as he progresses he eventually changes his name.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Project_Hero's picture
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A neat nod to the thread

A neat nod to the thread would be to take the names that are good and not copywritten and have the character change their name as they progress.

"I'm not (name) anymore, now I'm (name)."

But that might be a bit sillier than they want to go.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Cyclops's picture
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There is still plenty of time

There is still plenty of time to decide on the name, if something works for now then fine.

It's just the costume is soooooo cool. I hate agonizing over a name. My newest character Talos is just like that. Taols is just a place name for now.
Hmmm, a vigilante needs an intimidating name.


Daredevil watches over Hell's Kitchen. Rotty is a street fighter type.
Guardian is taken...Guardian Angels are a vigilante group...Guardian could be part of a name.
something Knight
McKnight (just a thought. But it's something the criminal scum could say with fear). Doesn't need to be his real name.
Tartarus (a level of hell)


Hyperbolt's picture
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Cyclops wrote:
Cyclops wrote:

Daredevil watches over Hell's Kitchen. Rotty is a street fighter type.
Guardian is taken...Guardian Angels are a vigilante group...Guardian could be part of a name.
something Knight
McKnight (just a thought. But it's something the criminal scum could say with fear). Doesn't need to be his real name.
Tartarus (a level of hell)

1. I like your trail of thought and 2. I like Grimhound for a more permanent name. But as ballumbral said above A comPound name would be safer legally so The Grimhound would work.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Cyclops's picture
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OK that works for me: Devs,

OK that works for me: Devs, Rottweiler...what do you think of "Grimhound" or "The Grimhound" ?


Baalumbral's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:

Bradford Boxer just sounds terrible. Really, it sounds like someone gave up on their name and made some crappy name they'll complain about later. :p

Well, as I said, "Maybe not that specific name but something of the sort." I think its in general the right *method* to use whether or not this specific implementation was appealing.

Having said that, I do happen to like Bradford Boxer specifically as well, for its contextual association and for its alliteration. Guess we just disagree on that one, YMMV.

Hyperbolt's picture
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Baalumbral wrote:
Baalumbral wrote:

Many of us seem to have a preference for single-word names like Rottweiler but if the CoT team is wanting to be especially careful to avoid any IP problems it seems clear that most single-word names are simply going to be off the table. Marvel and DC have been cranking out thousands of characters over the decades, odds are just about any word has been used as a name even if it was a throwaway character used a single time back in the 1970s. Nevermind all the smaller comic companies which is precisely why we're having the Rottweiler discussion in the first place.

Compound names are less likely to accidentally trip over some IP, especially if part of that compound name includes some CoT-specific references. I see that Hyperbolt mentioned above what I'd consider the optimal solution, "Bradford Boxer", in referencing one of the CoT city zones. Maybe not that specific name but something of the sort. There is the "Five Dragons" crime group, for example, maybe there could be a character named "the Sixth Dragon" or "Dragon Zero" who is looking to defeat (or control) the crime group.

(Would still need to make sure even these names aren't being used, I see that "Dragon Zero" is the name of some indie videogame, so maybe "Dragon Prime" for as a sample replacement)

Ironport Mastiff is another suggestion,

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

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The Collar

The Collar

[b][color=red]Reward tactics as well as damage dealing.[/color][/b]

Cobalt Azurean
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SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:

The Collar


Lin Chiao Feng
Lin Chiao Feng's picture
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SavageFist wrote:
SavageFist wrote:

The Collar

That one should be a Catholic priest.

[i]Has anyone seen my mind? It was right here...[/i]

Amerikatt's picture
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Brand X wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Mind-Freeze wrote:

I say scrap the whole thing and just replace him with Amerikatt!!

But then no one would take the game seriously :p


*noms a couple gallons each of wasabi and mint chocolate chip ice cream!*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

Cyclops's picture
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Cyclops hacks up a hairball,

Cyclops hacks up a hairball, snorts some catnip,kneeds a pillow, and dreams of Mrs Boots (because she lonely now that Mr Boots is rumored to be hanging out with a different dream Kitty, that feline home wrecker!).


Amerikatt's picture
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Kitty Softpaws is *NOT* "Mrs.

Kitty Softpaws is *NOT* "Mrs. Boots", Cyclops, so feel free to keep her company. Be warned, however, that she has a bad reputation around the docks.

Just saying!

*snickers and rubs her forepaws together*

[center][color=purple][size=16][b][I][url=]Just a cat from another star![/url][/I][/b][/size][/color][/center]

freewaydog's picture
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Spot? ;P

Spot? ;P

The world shall bow down to me because I am SOOOOOO cute!

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Gnarlfang - A hero I used

Gnarlfang - A hero I used claws with back in the day. May be of some use

To gain access to the future one must learn the mistakes of today

Mind-Freeze's picture
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Night Howl ?

Night Howl ?

TitansCity's picture
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when will we know the futur

when will we know the futur name rottweiler ? :)

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freewaydog wrote:
freewaydog wrote:

Spot? ;P


DesViper's picture
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Atama wrote:
Atama wrote:
freewaydog wrote:

Spot? ;P


Sounds like a bad nightclub :p

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Why not call him Mastweiler?

Why not call him Mastweiler? Some of them look like Rotties on steroids, and since they are a rotty crossed with a mastiff there is a reason they look a bit bigger.

DesViper's picture
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Idk, any other crosses.

Idk, any other crosses. Mastweiler doesn't ring well for me.


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Kk so I tried looking up

Kk so I tried looking up other crosses and the ad-ridden hellholes froze my PC.

Apparently it's Rottsky not Huskweiler...and that just sounds a bit too cute for our daredevil :p

However there's, "Pittweiler", Pitbull and Rottweiler, which are some badass dogs there ;)

Rottland, New Foundland and Rottweiler
Rottbull: English Bull Terrier and Rottweiler....funny looking dog but an okay name.

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TitansCity's picture
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i think this is time to know

i think this is time to know which name MWM has choosen :)

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Dog person

Dog person

not my video just one I lke ===>


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Doc lightly confirmed Caine

Doc lightly confirmed Caine Corso aka "Bradford Boxer"...which is badass but...a bit long.

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Caine Corso, also known as

Caine Corso, also known as the Italian Mastiff. Nice. Although if we are going the mastiff route I'm kind of partial towards the Tibetan Mastiff, even though I have a french mastweiler.


zyric's picture
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Although if you wanted

Although if you wanted something that sounded a little exotic you could go for Dogue de Bordeaux which is a true name of a french mastiff.

Dark Ether
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Could call him Mouse, but

Could call him Mouse, but only people who have read the Dresden Files books would get it.

Of course, those that haven't read them should do so anyway.

(insert pithy comment here)

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When you say Mouse, I think

When you say Mouse, I think The Matrix, for that matter we could skip the animal name and call him Dozer. :)

Kazander's picture
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Dozer? We are going down to

Dozer? We are going down to Fraggle Rock?

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Kazander wrote:
Kazander wrote:

Dozer? We are going down to Fraggle Rock?

Dance your cares away, worries for another day!

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Doc lightly confirmed Caine Corso aka "Bradford Boxer"...which is badass but...a bit long.

Now all we need is a solid confirmation and then we can end this Doggone name game.

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

Redlynne's picture
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Caine Corso would be the

Caine Corso would be the Civilian ID.
Bradford Boxer would be the Hero ID.

Since when are four syllables in a name too long for a Superhero ID? That would eliminate Dou-ble Oh Se-ven for starters, since 007 would be 5 syllables long when said aloud (and the alternative of Ze-ro Ze-ro Se-ven is 6 syllables!).

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Caine Corso would be the Civilian ID.
Bradford Boxer would be the Hero ID.

Since when are four syllables in a name too long for a Superhero ID? That would eliminate Dou-ble Oh Se-ven for starters, since 007 would be 5 syllables long when said aloud (and the alternative of Ze-ro Ze-ro Se-ven is 6 syllables!).

And Cap-tain A-mer-i-ca.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

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Redlynne wrote:
Redlynne wrote:

Caine Corso would be the Civilian ID.
Bradford Boxer would be the Hero ID.

Since when are four syllables in a name too long for a Superhero ID? That would eliminate Dou-ble Oh Se-ven for starters, since 007 would be 5 syllables long when said aloud (and the alternative of Ze-ro Ze-ro Se-ven is 6 syllables!).

Most just call him "Bond"...1 syllable :p

It's the difference between "The Dark Knight" and "Batman".

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The Hu-man Torch - 4

The Hu-man Torch - 4
The In-vis-i-ble Man - 6
Doc-tor Oct-o-pus - 5
Mi-ster Fan-tas-tic - 5

The list goes on.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Fireheart's picture
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Seeing as 'Rottweiler' is one

Seeing as 'Rottweiler' is one of the associated Devs, he should be able to choose his own name, at his own time.

Be Well!

Noyjitat's picture
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I'm confused as to how the

I'm confused as to how the name of a common animal "Rottweiler" can be grounds for copyright infringement. That's like saying if marvel had a character name blue jeans that anyone else deciding to make a character with that name would get sued. Did you by chance check with a lawyer on this before deciding to rename?

Another thing to note would be DC having a character named black panther while city of heroes had a malta gunslinger boss named black panther and in the real world a racist hate group called the black panthers. Animals seem like something you could get away with easily.

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Noyjitat wrote:
Noyjitat wrote:

I'm confused as to how the name of a common animal "Rottweiler" can be grounds for copyright infringement. That's like saying if marvel had a character name blue jeans that anyone else deciding to make a character with that name would get sued. Did you by chance check with a lawyer on this before deciding to rename?

Another thing to note would be DC having a character named black panther while city of heroes had a malta gunslinger boss named black panther and in the real world a racist hate group called the black panthers. Animals seem like something you could get away with easily.

Rottweiler falls under a trademark first. It also may fall under a copyright.

Trademarks are just that. A phrase, symbol. sound or combination that represents a specific product or company that trades goods. The mark has to be distinct but it is not required to be original. The key requirement here is that it is not going to cause confusion with product that is being traded or the company that is doing the trading. That the mark already has a meaning is not relevant. E.g. Amazon is clearly a word that is in use and as a noun refers to a region, a forest, a river and in some ways a concept. That does not prevent Amazon the company to claim it as their trademark (along with its specific logo). Having this trademark does not allow the company to sue the country over the use of the word. The Amazon river, Amazon forest, the Amazon forest, the Amazons, none of these are trademarks and having a trademark does not give the company control over the noun. But if you were to start a company and call it Amazon then you can expect a (not so) nicely worded letter from Amazon's lawyers instructing you to pick a different name yesterday or else ...

Copryrights on the other hand are required to be original expressions. Before they can be granted a 'prior use' test must be passed. You can't claim copyright of something when there is clear evidence of that something already existing before you created it. Of course few, if any, copyright offices do their due dilligence and instead tend to grant claims without any research about the originality or prior use. Instead expecting the original creator to go to court over the new claim. This is a situation that the big companies clearly favour as it allows them to effectively steal original work from others simply because they can afford the lenghty and expensive lawsuits.
However, they can not simply claim the use of a word under copyright. That is too broad for even the laziest copyright lawyer and office. So in this case it is not the word Rottweiler that is claimed, not even the name. But a superhero with that name, wearing a black and brown suit that has a clear dog motive. That is sufficiently original that it can be, and is, claimed. That claim will be upheld by courts as long as there is a clear similiarity between the copyrighted character design and the infringing work.

Corporations don't like uisng copyrights though. They are easy to obtain (just creating the work is enough to have the copyright) and universal, but they are also limited in scope. If I were to write a parody about this superhero then the copyright holder would have a hard time defending against it. If I were to write a strongly unfavourable review of the published stories there is nothing the publisher can do about that with copyright laws. I can use direct quotes (or reproductions) for review purposes, for scientific purposes and to a (small) extent for personal purposes. There is even a reasonable chance that a judge will allow me to create derivative work about this hero though not the hero himself as long as my work is clearly derived of without directly using copyrighted material. This is the niche in which fan fiction can legally exist.

Trademarks on the other hand don't come with a long list of fair uses, so corporatons try to turn everything into a trademark. They are harder and more expensive to obtain, protect only the specific marks and those that are clearly designed to invoke the trademarked expression but within those limitations offer protections that are near absolute.

So, unless the owners of the character Rottweiler put a lot more effort into protecting him, odds are good that you can create a character dressed in a limegreen and dayglow pink suit of a slightly different design called Rottwailer. A decent judge will rule that you are not trying to create confusion between your character and the trademark, and that its use falls under parody as far as copyright laws are concerned. But the trademark owner will still have to sue you for creating that character, even knowing that he is likely to lose the court case. There is a stupulation in trademark laws that seem designed to keep thousands of lawyers occupied(*). Unless you sue all potential violations of your trademark (that you are made aware of or can be reasonably expected to be aware of) you effectively lose your claim to the trademark. The next infringment will simply be able to point to the one that you didn't prosecute and say 'if he can do it then so should I be allowed to'

(* actually, the requirement was probably put in the law to prevent companies that are no longer operational to hang on to millions of trademarks. By forcing them to defend against every potential infringement companies that stop trading will also stop defending the their trademarks, returning them to the public domain).

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Wow, that was informative.

Wow, that was informative.

Hyperbolt's picture
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Noyjitat wrote:
Noyjitat wrote:

That's like saying if marvel had a character name blue jeans that anyone else deciding to make a character with that name would get sued.

I actually know of a blue jeans superhero called Best Jeanist [youtube]zTOnebG6STA[/youtube]

I accidently ate a bowl of radioactive soup....ok I guess that makes me a Soup-er Hero

danngrey's picture
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they way you handle develop

they way you handle development in your game is incredible you guys rock! also loving the vigilante

DesViper's picture
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Yeah, you can trademark

Yeah, you can trademark basically anything that becomes associated with your product. Like how Apple is trademarked, if you tried to do anything tech-related and tried to call it Apple -- even though it's a common fruit -- you'd be sued into the 6th dimension :p

Best example I can think of was a fantasy game called Scrolls, and Bethesda had to send them a note, just in case.

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desviper wrote:
desviper wrote:

Yeah, you can trademark basically anything that becomes associated with your product. Like how Apple is trademarked, if you tried to do anything tech-related and tried to call it Apple -- even though it's a common fruit -- you'd be sued into the 6th dimension :p

Best example I can think of was a fantasy game called Scrolls, and Bethesda had to send them a note, just in case.

Oh and don't forget the mess that was when the makers of Candy Crush Saga tried to trademark "Saga". Then went after games with it in their names like "Banner Saga" even though the games have nothing in common. Except both are games and have color, I guess.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Kid Rad
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That's a very impressive

That's a very impressive forum avatar gif you made there.

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zyric wrote:
zyric wrote:



[url=]Send out your signal, call in your hero
I kidnapped his lady, now his power's are zero.

Dr. Illuminatis
Dr. Illuminatis's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
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What about NachtHund

What about NachtHund (basically German for Night Hound)

DesViper's picture
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Almost sounds a bit evil,

Almost sounds a bit evil, thanks 30s :p

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Bark Knight

Mad Mutt

The Stray


The Hound


Empyrean's picture
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Oh god, not this again.

Oh god, not this again :P.

FIGHT EVIL! (or go cause trouble so the Heroes have something to do.)

Fireheart's picture
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Now, now, We still haven't

Now, now, We still haven't heard from Rotty about what his new name will be.

It might be Cerberus. It might be Baskerville. It might be Bradford Boxer.

Meanwhile, welcome New Player to the 'Name the Puppy' game.

Be Well!

Cinnder's picture
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Empyrean wrote:
Empyrean wrote:

Oh god, not this again :P.

I guess mentioning that character is CoT's own Godwin's Law now.

Spurn all ye kindle.

DesViper's picture
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I think that is more for THAT

I think that is more for THAT thread ;)

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Oh no, not the Thread That

Oh no, not the Thread That Shall Not Be Named!

Spurn all ye kindle.

Tiger's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/02/2013 - 21:43
I have a Tibetan Spaniel, it

I have a Tibetan Spaniel, it's the miniature version, although it thinks it's the same size as the Mastiff.

doctor tyche
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Fireheart wrote:
Fireheart wrote:

Now, now, We still haven't heard from Rotty about what his new name will be.

It might be Cerberus. It might be Baskerville. It might be Bradford Boxer.

Meanwhile, welcome New Player to the 'Name the Puppy' game.

Be Well!

It will never be Cerberus. Already is a comic book character of that name.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

Halae's picture
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... But that reads Cerebus?

... But that reads Cerebus? :P

An infinite number of tries doesn't mean that any one of those tries will succeed. I could flip an infinite number of pennies an infinite number of times and, barring genuine randomness, they will never come up "Waffles".

Brand X
Brand X's picture
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Cerberus is also public

Cerberus is also public domain and would be totally different than Cerebus

doctor tyche
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Halae wrote:
Halae wrote:

... But that reads Cerebus? :P

Damn, remind me not to post when I'm running on only 3 hours of sleep.

Technical Director

Read enough Facebook and you have to make Sanity Checks. I guess FB is the Great Old One of the interent these days... - Beamrider

TitansCity's picture
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Doctor Tyche wrote:
Doctor Tyche wrote:

It will never be Cerberus. Already is a comic book character of that name.

Oh ! i'm following him on Instagram :) He's damn good :) and it's really funny ^^

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Tiger wrote:
Tiger wrote:

I have a Tibetan Spaniel, it's the miniature version, although it thinks it's the same size as the Mastiff.

Our resident tough guy should be called "Tibetan Spaniel". Right there's a reason he had to grow so tough.

[size=14]"The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths." - Pushkin[/size]
[size=14] "One piece of flair is all I need." - Sister Silicon[/size]

McJigg's picture
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More people need to read

More people need to read Cerebus, the first book can be a bit hard to get through, but the second book onwards I couldn't put down. Still searching for volume 7, ordered it from 3 different book stores and it's never arrived. I should really just buy it online but receiving packages is a giant pain when you live in an apartment and work overnights.

Atama's picture
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I was aware of Cerebus from

I was aware of Cerebus from the Albedo/TMNT crossovers back in the day (yes I’m dating myself here). Definitely recommend it.

White Candle
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A Sable is a carnivorous mammal whose coloring, head shape, and proportions are very much like those of "Faux-rottweiler" in the video clip (google it).

Sable Death
Sable Spirit
MIdnight Sable
Iron Sable
Sabletooth ...NOT sabertooth

MeSoSollyWan's picture
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White Candle wrote:
White Candle wrote:

A Sable is a carnivorous mammal whose coloring, head shape, and proportions are very much like those of "Faux-rottweiler" in the video clip (google it).

Sable Death
Sable Spirit
MIdnight Sable
Iron Sable
Sabletooth ...NOT sabertooth

Sables are freaking adorable.
